Chapter 07.2

"Sure, mom," Veronica replied warmly from behind the door.

Karen opened the door and walked into Veronica's room to find her daughter sitting up in bed, reading. Veronica was in her tattered old night-shirt that she always wore, Karen had seen it countless times. As she approached the bed, for some unknown reason her eyes were drawn to the curves of Veronica's large breasts. What frustrated Karen was that she saw how old and worn out the shirt was and in places you could almost see through it. A rip near Veronica's right nipple showed a part of her areola and that spot drew Karen's focus. Try as she might, Karen could not tear her gaze away from the small part of her daughter's nipple that was exposed. Karen was troubled and conflicted, angered and ashamed at herself for being excited by her own child's body. When Karen sat down on the bed she was able make herself look up into Veronica's eyes.

"I have given your request some serious consideration these past two weeks and it has not been an easy decision to make. I want you to know that I have taken this quite seriously and looked at it from all angles before coming to the decision that I cannot do it, I just can't get involved with you. As I said before, it was a one-time-thing, which can never be repeated, I'm sorry, honey," Karen said in as calm and confident a voice as she could.

"Why not? Why can't we? Didn't you enjoy it?" Veronica asked with a pained-filled voice.

"I already told you that I enjoyed it, that's not the issue," Karen replied with slightly shaken confidence and an embarrassed flush to her face.

"Do you regret it? Do you hate me because of it? Did it mean nothing to you?" Veronica asked, her voice cracking with the sound of her heart breaking.

"I wouldn't say that I regretted it, it was an enlightening experience. Before it, I never knew that I was a submissive," Karen reluctantly admitted as she looked at Veronica with a compassionate expression.

"If you enjoyed it, and you don't regret it, and it was as enlightening as you say then WHY, tell me WHY we can't do it again?" Veronica asked urgently and grasped her mother's hand, tugging on it as she pleaded with her mother while she sobbed a few tears.

"Because you are my daughter, nothing will change that! Perhaps, if you were someone else than maybe," Karen said as she stroked Veronica's hand while looking into Veronica's eyes with a regrettable expression.

"So you're saying that you're interested? That if I wasn't your daughter, you could give us a try? Is the only thing holding you back is the fact that we're related?" Veronica asked eagerly and insistently.

"Well, I guess so," Karen stammered, stunned at the unexpected question.

"COME WITH ME!" Veronica squealed eagerly as she jumped out of bed.

Veronica tugged on an unsuspecting Karen's arm and before she knew it, she was being dragged out of the room and down the hall by her overeager daughter. The living room light came on in an explosion of light as Veronica flipped on the light as she dragged Karen into the living room. Squinting and groaning as they woke up Owen, Taryn and Rosina woke up while still snuggled up together on the folded out hid-a-bed. Veronica rushed to the nearest edge of the bed, Taryn's side, and sat down, pulling Karen to sit down beside her.

"What is it?" Owen groaned as he sat up in bed, revealing his nude chest.

"We need your help, Moe," Veronica said in an eager and pleading manner.

"No we don't! I told you what my decision is and it is final!" Karen said as she tugged her hand away from Veronica's grasp and started to get up.

"PLEASE! Just talk to them! They can help us find a compromise!" Veronica pleaded desperately as she grasped Karen's hand again.

"There is no compromise to this!" Karen retorted indignantly.

"Please . . . for me?" Veronica asked with big, hopeful eyes.

"Fine," Karen said with a grumble as she sat down beside Veronica.

"Look, Mom said that she doesn't want to get involved with me, but that she enjoyed what we did, didn't regret it, and that if I was someone else she might be willing to give us a try! It is clear to me that she needs to get involved with me but can't accept the fact that I am her daughter. Can you help us? How can we make this work? What can we do?" Veronica explained in a very fast and desperate tone as she looked hopefully at Owen.

"I told you, there's nothing that can be done! There is no solution to this! I have told you my decision, and it is final!" Karen said with conviction, ending with a huff of frustration.

"Is that true? You told her that you might consider it, if she were not your daughter?" Owen asked curiously.

"Well, yes," Karen replied in an embarrassed tone of voice.

"So your biggest objection is that she is your daughter?" Owen asked with an interested tone of voice.

"You told me that you had a problem with giving up control to your daughter permanently. Could you do it now and again, just once in a while?" Taryn asked Karen with an eager and pressing tone of voice.

"Well, perha . . ." Karen said in a muddled and confused manner.

"I think that's it, Red!" Owen said as he nodded his agreement. "Why don't you guys just do it now and again, when the mood strikes you?" he added confidently, with a smile on his face.

"WHAT?" Karen shouted in stunned shock.

"What do you mean?' Veronica asked in a hopeful manner.

"Well, a good deal of dominant/submissive relationships are twenty-four seven, like what you want with Karen, but some are a part time thing, once in a while. When the mood strikes one or the other partner, they approach the other and ask if they want to initiate 'Playtime.' When the couple are participating in 'Playtime,' they take on their respective roles as Master, or Mistress and Slave, but when 'Playtime' is over they go back to how things usually are," Owen calmly explained and looked at Karen and Veronica to see if they understand.

"I'm not sure I get it," Karen asked quietly, with a worried expression.

"What it means is that most of the time you would be Veronica's mother, just like you are now, but every now and again you can give yourself to her and be her Slave, just for a little while. After the sex is finished, you resume being her mother again," Taryn explained and Karen's worried expression intensified as she pondered this unexpected option.

"But how often would the sex take place?" Veronica asked plainly.

"That depends on the mood of the couple, it can happen as often or as sporadically as they want, but remember it is a mutually consensual thing, one cannot force the other into 'playtime' just because they are in the mood," Owen said in clarification to Veronica as he watched Karen out of the corner of his eye.

"I could live with that arrangement," Veronica said confidently as she turned to Karen. "What do you think, mom?" she asked hopefully.

"I suppose that does make sense," Karen admitted regrettably, with a deep sigh, "I still don't think I could ever actually get involved with my own child!" she sternly added as she glared at Veronica for a moment.

"But mom!" Veronica whined.

"I tell you what, IF, and I mean IF I feel the desire to repeat what happened . . . I will come to you. If I do, that will mean we can try this . . . arrangement," Karen said as tactfully as she could while her face was red with embarrassment.

"GREAT!" Veronica shouted with glee as she threw her arms around Karen in an energetic hug.

"But I have to tell you that I seriously doubt that I will ever come to you!" Karen said as calmly as she could.

"I understand, Mom, but I will take the chance that you might, even a slim chance is better than no chance at all," Veronica said as she spoke while resting her head on Karen's shoulder.
* * *​

It was a quiet spot in between customers a few days later that the next interesting discussion was had. Taryn and Karen were leaning up against the counter, sipping some tea and since Karen seemed calm and untroubled, Taryn decided to speak up. Owen, Taryn and Rosina had talked in private and it was decided that Taryn would talk to Karen about a problem they were having with the living arrangements.

"Karen, can I talk to you about something?" Taryn asked with a calm yet slightly nervous tone.

"Uh-oh, look I've gone as far as I can with regards to Veronica!" Karen groaned out as she shook her head.

"No no! It's not about that, what you guys do or don't do is between you two," Taryn replied defensively.

"Okay, what is it?" Karen asked in a relieved and slightly curious tone of voice.

"Owen, Rosie and I were talking and we decided that I was best to talk to you about a delicate matter," Taryn started out in a nervous manner.

"Okay," Karen said in a slightly worried tone.

"Since you know about us, we were wondering if we could be ourselves around the house," Taryn said in a calm yet slightly nervous manner.

"Be yourselves? Aren't you already yourselves?" Karen asked in a confused tone of voice.

"You have to understand, for the last four years we have been living as Master and Slaves twenty-four seven. When we are in public or when people who don't know about us are around we behave as a 'normal' family, as we have done around you. When we are in private or around those who know about us, we can relax and behave as we really are, as Master and Slaves," Taryn explained in a calm and controlled manner.

"I see. I'm not sure if I want to see you guys having sex or anything like that!" Karen replied with a wrinkled up nose of an uncomfortable manner.

"It's not like that all the time! We have always kept the sex private, even in your house. All that we want to do is simply be allowed to live our lives as we choose. There are many aspects to serving a Master that has little or nothing to do with sex. If we promise to keep the sex behind closed doors, can we be ourselves around you?" Taryn explained in a manner that made it clear that she wanted to be understood and accepted.

"Okay," Karen replied in an understanding tone of voice as she smiled warmly at Taryn.

"Thank you, that brings up another point, can we have the spare room?" Taryn asked with a bright smile.

"Spare room?" Karen asked curiously, with a slightly perplexed look.

"The room next to the dining room, the one you use for storage now. We are sleeping in the living room and have no privacy. We like it here, but if we are to stay here for any length of time, we need to have some privacy, don't you agree?" Taryn asked with a calm tone.

"Of course, you're right, I agree that you need some privacy," Karen replied in an agreeable tone of voice.

"You're the best!" Taryn said happily as she hugged Karen gleefully.

Over the next few days the spare room was turned into Owen, Taryn and Rosina's room. The boxes were moved out and stored in another spot in the building. A queen sized bed and two wardrobes were bought to modestly furnish the bedroom. Finally, the Thompson's had their own room for the first time since the fire that destroyed their house.

While this was the first change that took place around the house at that time, it was not the only change. Karen might have had a bit of trouble accepting Owen, Taryn and Rosina sharing a bedroom, but she never voiced it. That was not the only thing which made Karen uncomfortable at that time; other aspects of the newfound openness of the Thompson family relationship also bothered her. For one, the new names that they called each other took some getting used to, especially hearing Owen being called "Master." As well the way Taryn and Rosina chose to dress around the house made Karen take a double-take when she saw it for the first time. The form-fitting dresses, with the mid-thigh hem and abundant cleavage was shocking enough, but the Slave Collars, bearing the proclamation that they were "property of Owen Thompson," was almost too much. Add to this the shock of noting that Taryn and Rosina never seemed to wear bras or panties under their dresses.

Once Karen got past these oddities of behaviour, she saw that indeed they did love and took care of each other. Taryn and Rosina took care of Owen in a more direct way, as one would expect of Slaves serving their Master. However, Karen also saw how Owen looked out for and took care of Taryn and Rosina, when they were not feeling well. When they were reluctant to do something that was for their own good, Owen would see that they would do it. Finally she saw that constantly Owen was looking out for and ensuring that both Taryn and Rosina were happy and felt loved. If they had any problems, they would go to him and he would solve them. As time wore on, Karen understood and was slightly jealous of what the three of them shared, but she kept this locked away in her heart.

It was a few weeks after the conversation with Taryn that the inevitable happened. It was very late, indeed some time after the house had settled into bed when Karen woke up with the urge to pee. She got up and hurried into the bathroom and relieved her full bladder. Upon exiting the bathroom she heard a sound coming from down the hall. More curious than concerned, Karen crept down the hall, listening to what the sound was and where it was coming from. As she neared the living room the strange sounds got louder until it was at its loudest when she was standing outside Owen, Taryn and Rosina's room. Karen drew a quick breath in shock as she realized that she was hearing the sounds of sex coming from within that room!

Karen was stunned yet curious to hear the squeaking sounds of bedsprings getting a workout coming from a room that a family shared! Sure, Karen knew that they were intimately involved but to actually hear it was something else. Karen knew that she should turn around and walk away, leaving them to have their intimate moment in private. What kept Karen from leaving was the curiosity of knowing just who Owen was fucking. From the sounds of grunting, moaning, the squeaking bed and the sounds of bodies slapping against one another it was obvious was going on in that room. Even a woman who hadn't been with a man since her husband divorced her, knew that a man was fucking a woman, and from the sounds of it quite hard and fast, too.

"You like that don't you, Slave? You like your Master fucking the hell out of you from behind?" Owen said in a laboured voice as the sounds of the hard fuck continued, unabated.

"GOD, Yes Master! I love it when you tie me up and take me from behind!" Taryn moaned out in a sexual groan, her voice trailed off into a low steady moan.

Karen then got an image larger than life of what was going on behind that closed door. Taryn, at that very moment was fucking her own son! She was tied up, and being savagely taken from behind by a powerful man. Karen groaned as the images in her mind's eye fuelled her own need to be taken and even for a brief moment imagined what it would be like to take Taryn's place.

"Do you like your treat? Do you like eating Cat's pussy that is filled with your Master's cum?" Owen said in a husky and laboured tone of voice.

"Yes, Master! You know how much I love to eat my daughter's pussy that is filled with her brother's cum!" Taryn groaned out while the slapping of bodies intensified.

The image in Karen's mind changed and she could picture Rosina laying before Taryn with her legs spread wide as Taryn ate her own daughter's pussy. Karen found the sight of a mother eating her daughter's pussy as her son fucked the hell out of her, incredibly erotic. Karen's pussy got very wet as she stood there and listened to the sounds of sex coming from that room. After a few moments, Karen could pick out what sounds were coming from whom.

Karen was so turned on that she was tempted to open to door to watch, or even perhaps join them. When Karen put her hand on the doorknob her guilt got the better of her and she knew that she had no business disturbing them. At that moment, as her disappointment of the loss of the opportunity for sex hit her that her mind thought of another option. The open invitation that she had from Veronica floated into her mind as well as the memories of the last time Veronica and her had sex. On her way back to her room, Karen kept telling her that she would never do that again, instead telling herself that she would masturbate with her trusty vibrator.

Karen looked at the closed door in front of her and snapped herself back to reality as she looked around and noticed that she was standing in front of the door to Veronica's room! Karen was confused, was scared and excited for being there, knowing what it meant. Karen was torn as her mind knew that the right thing to do was to go back to her room, but her feet wouldn't move. The part of Karen that was so very turned on was screaming out for sex, real sex, sex where she was dominated! Her pussy throbbed and ached for release and Karen fought for a few tortuous minutes before with a shaky hand she knocked on the door. The better part of Karen hoped desperately that no answer would come back.

"Come in," Veronica's sleepy voice came quietly through the door.

Karen opened up the door, walked through it and closed the door, never looking away from the floor in front of her. Karen's heart pounded in her throat as her embarrassment and excitement swirled around inside her. Karen tried to voice why she was there but the words would not pass her lips.

"What is it, mother?" Veronica said as she sat up in bed and looked at Karen curiously.

"I was wondering if you would like to have a bit of 'Playtime'?" Karen said in a soft and meek voice while her whole being exuded embarrassment, as she looked at the floor.

"Are you sure? Is that what you really want to do?" Veronica asked in a husky tone of voice while she looked at her mother who was still looking at the floor.

"Yes," Karen said quietly as she nodded, still staring at the floor.

"Then get over here and kneel before your Mistress!" Veronica said in a commanding tone of voice as she moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Yes, Mistress!" Karen replied with a wavering voice, full of fear and excitement.

Karen rushed towards the bed and knelt down before Veronica, beginning to feel the power of the woman sitting on the bed. Veronica looked down at her mother, kneeling before her and could hardly believe her luck. Her mother had actually come to her! This was going to happen, she was going to dominate and have sex with her mother! Her dream was finally going to become a reality! Her mother was there of her own free will, asking her to take control of her. Veronica paused only briefly to bask in the success of the moment before she reached up and grasped a clump of Karen's hair. With a swift downward pull the mother was forced to look up into the face of her daughter.

"Is this how you present yourself to your Mistress? Wearing clothes? How disgraceful! Go back to your room, put your clothes away and come back here to properly present yourself! You are never to wear any clothes in my presence again, unless I order you to!" Veronica said and threw Karen to the floor by her hair.

Karen screamed in pain and looked up at Veronica with hurt in her eyes, but once she saw the determined look that lived there in Veronica's eyes she knew better than to protest. Quickly Karen got up and left Veronica's room and returned to her own room. With shaky hands she removed her pyjamas and hung them up on the hook where they usually rested only during the day. Opening her door up just a crack she looked around to see if anyone was around. Satisfied that nobody was in the halls, Karen rushed from her room back to Veronica's room. Without stopping she rushed towards Veronica and dropped to her knees in front of her Mistress.

"I should spank you for disgracing yourself by hiding your body from your Mistress! You should proudly display your body for your Mistress to look at and enjoy whenever she wishes!" Veronica snapped in an angry tone of voice.

"I'm sorry, Mistress, I didn't know that is what you wished. I know now and I will display myself properly from now on," Karen said in a sorrowful and fearful tone of voice as she tried to convince her Mistress that she would eagerly comply with this order.

"If I see you wearing a stitch of clothing in my presence again, you will be severely punished!" Veronica said as she lifted Karen's face up until their eyes met.

"Of course, Mistress," Karen replied as a shudder of fear shot through her.

"I say it's about time we put that tongue of yours to good use," Veronica said as she laid back and spread her legs wide. "Worship your Mistress!" she added as she pulled her nightshirt up to her waist, revealing her pussy to her mother's hungry gaze.

"Mistress?" Karen asked, with a bit of confusion in her voice as she glanced up at Veronica.

"Eat my pussy!" Veronica snapped and Karen shifted forward and began to tongue her Mistress's pussy. "When you eat my pussy, remember that this is a selfless act on your part. This is your way to show your love, devotion and appreciation to me for taking control of you. That is why it is called 'worshiping' me, because for you, it is an act of worship of your Mistress," Veronica said dreamily as Karen eagerly began to eat out Veronica's pussy with fervour.

"Yes, Mistress!" Karen replied with a slur in her loving tone of voice as she continued to eat Veronica's pussy while she spoke.

Karen was fixated and obsessed with eating that pussy that only half an hour ago she was determined not to go anywhere near. Yet here she was not only kneeling nude before her daughter eating her pussy, she was desperate to prove her love and devotion to her Mistress, through how she ate her pussy. Karen poured her heart and soul into eating the pussy of the woman she truly saw as her owner. Karen licked, and sucked on Veronica's pussy as Veronica thrashed about, unable to remain still because of the intense pussy-licking her mother was giving her. Eventually, Karen did induce the orgasm from her Mistress's pussy, which she eagerly desired. Veronica wrapped her legs tightly around Karen's head as her pussy exploded with pleasure. Karen did her best to lick up the pussy-juice that flooded into her captive mouth. Karen did not stop licking Veronica's pussy as Veronica violently came. Veronica did not know how many times she came, but she was sure it was more than three. Eventually her pussy was too tender and sore to be eaten anymore. With a shove of her foot on Karen's shoulder, Karen tumbled back, her tongue licking air as she fell onto her back.

"What did I do wrong, Mistress?" Karen asked in a distressed manner, genuinely upset at the thought of displeasing her Mistress.

"Nothing, I was done having you eat my pussy," Veronica said with heaving breaths as she recovered from the intense series of climaxes.

"How may I serve you, Mistress?" Karen asked as she kneeled in front of Veronica.

"You may serve me by pleasing the 'Massively Beautiful' breasts you love so much," Veronica removed her nightshirt and tossed it on the floor.

"You are too kind, Mistress," Karen replied in a dreamy tone of voice, sounding a lot like a child who had just been given a present beyond imagination.

Karen got up and laid across the bed, and settled next to the breasts that defied gravity, even when Veronica was laying down. Karen had a tear in her eye as she gazed upon the most beautiful sight in the world, her Mistress's breasts. Karen didn't know exactly why she loved these breasts so much, all she knew was that she was still amazed by them. Tenderly Karen reached out with her tongue and licked a long lick up the side of one of the breasts, softly. With gentle and tender actions, Karen did not just suck on or mess around with Veronica's breasts, she made love to them. Neither woman knew how long Karen made love to Veronica's breasts, all Veronica knew that eventually her nipples got sore.

"Lay down there!" Veronica said as she pushed Karen away from her breasts and pointed towards the centre of the bed.

"Yes, Mistress," Karen said with a sad whimper as she looked mournfully at Veronica's breasts while lying down on the bed.

Veronica got up and walked over to her dresser and rummaged around in the drawers until finding what she had been looking for. With a wicked smile Veronica sauntered back towards the bed with her hands behind her back. Karen looked at Veronica with a look of fear, as Veronica sat down on the edge of the bed. Swiftly Veronica took one of the five scarves that she had brought with her and fastened it over Karen's eyes like a blindfold. One by one Veronica used each scarf to tie each of Karen's limbs to each of the bedposts of the old bed. In the end Karen was nude and tied spread eagle on Veronica's bed.

"I think it is time that I explored my Slave's body, don't you?" Veronica said as she leaned over and kissed Karen, hard on the lips.

"Yes Mistress," Karen moaned in a needy whine as Veronica started to kiss her way down towards Karen's breasts.

Veronica took her time licking her way around Karen's breasts, ecstatic to finally be able to do this. As Veronica wrapped her lips around Karen's nipple for the first time since she was an infant, a tear came to Veronica's eyes. Karen moaned and strained against her bonds, trying to reach out and touch Veronica. Veronica caressed and suckled on her mother's breasts in a slow, sensual manner that quickly drove Karen out of her mind. The young woman may not have had much experience in dominating anyone, but she certainly had experience pleasing a woman. She used every trick she knew to bring the captive Karen pleasure, making her mother squirm with delight and frustration.

"Suck them! Do it baby! Suck on mommy's tits! Devour them like I know you want to!" Karen moaned out with her eyes closed as intense pleasure rocked her forty-three year old body.

"I am mommy! I am! Your little girl is sucking on your tits! You like it don't you?" Veronica said as she sucked hard on one nipple while pinching the other one.

"YEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!" Karen hissed out as an orgasm rocked her body.

Karen was stunned as for the first time in her life, she had an orgasm from someone playing with her breasts. It was a good thing that Karen was tied down for she might have rolled off of the bed, her thrashing about was so intense. Eventually Karen slumped down and breathed heavy as she tried to recover from the pleasure and shock of the orgasm.

"Wow, Mistress, that was incredible!" Karen breathed out breathlessly.

"You ain't seen nothing yet, Slave!" Veronica said with an evil chuckle before she licked up Karen's slit.

"OH FUCK!" Karen shouted as the first bolt of pleasure shot through her.

Veronica settled in and ate her mother's pussy with all the desire and passion she had for her mother. As Veronica licked, sucked and prodded Karen's pussy, Karen looked down at her darling daughter, her baby-girl eagerly eating her pussy. At that very moment Karen watched, as the woman who twenty-two years ago entered the world from the very spot she was licking. What scared Karen was that, in the heat and passion of the moment, nothing about this seemed wrong. She was spread out and on display for her Mistress to use and enjoy anyway her Mistress pleased. Her Mistress was gracious enough to be eating her pussy, and doing an exquisite job at it too. The fact that her Mistress was her daughter did not bother Karen, though when this session was over, she knew that her guilt would return. For the moment, however, Karen surrendered to her daughter and basked in the deliriously-good pussy-licking that she was receiving.

When Veronica sucked hard on Karen's clitoris as she thrust one finger madly in and out of her mother's pussy, while another finger invaded the older woman's ass, Karen came. With a scream and violent shaking, Karen came and flooded her daughter's waiting mouth with all the delicious mother-cum she could handle. Karen strained and pulled at her bonds as she shook and rode out the waves upon waves of sheer bliss that rocked her body. Eventually Karen slumped lifelessly back onto the bed, her body spent from the intense orgasm.

As Veronica looked up into her mother's face and the two shared a weary and loving smile, all Veronica wanted to do was hold her mother as a lover. Karen did not move as Veronica slowly untied each scarf while not taking her eyes off of Karen's eyes. The two continued to look at each other with all the love they felt for each other at that moment, the love they felt was not that shared between a mother and daughter, but between new-found lovers. When the last of the bonds were untied, Veronica laid down beside Karen and pulled her mother towards her. Without a word or order exchanged the two women settled into the bed, cuddling up as the lovers they were, satisfied for the moment while weary bodies craved sleep.

"Did you like our 'Playtime?" Veronica asked as she stroked Karen's body.

"Yes, honey, it was just what I needed?" Karen said as she looked up into Veronica's eyes with love and gratitude.

"I'm glad I also loved every moment of it, do you think we can do it again sometime soon?" Veronica asked with a loving and eager manner that was common amongst the young.

"Something tells me that we will, we may regret it, but I don't think I can stay away from you, not after what we shared tonight," Karen said with a slightly regrettable tone of voice and a slightly ashamed look in her eye.

"Does it still bother you? The fact that we're mother and daughter, I mean," Veronica asked as she stopped caressing Karen and looked intently into her mother's eyes.

"Well, when we're in the middle of things, no, it doesn't bother me at all. Now that it's over, it still does, but I will admit that it bothers me less than it did before," Karen said as she replied to Veronica with a worried look on her face.

"Perhaps over time, it won't bother you at all, then," Veronica said in a hopeful tone of voice.

"Perhaps, but I don't know if that is a good thing or not," Karen said with a heavy sigh, as she looked at Veronica with a worried expression.

"Let's just enjoy each moment we share and let the future worry about itself," Veronica said as she leaned in and kissed Karen on the lips with an extended, lover's kiss.

"Yes, Mistress," Karen giggled as she smiled warmly into Veronica's eyes with a look of pure love.

"Let's get some sleep, my Precious Slave," Veronica replied as she kissed Karen on the forehead before the two women cuddled tighter together and fell asleep in each other's arms.​
Next page: Chapter 08.1
Previous page: Chapter 07.1