Chapter 09.2

"Karen, Leave them!" Owen said in a commanding tone of voice and instantly Karen placed Taryn's plate back in front of Taryn.

"Cat, do the dishes. Red and Karen follow me to the living room," Owen said in an unambiguous tone of voice as he rose from the table.

"Yes, Master," Taryn and Rosina said together.

"Yes, Sir," Karen added, her voice lost in amongst Taryn and Rosina's voices.

Owen did not stop and left the dining room. It was only then that the three women got up; Rosina started to gather up the dishes while Taryn and Karen walked out of the dining room and into the living room. Owen walked over to and sat in the large chair. As Taryn approached with Karen in tow, Owen looked at Taryn and pointed at the couch. As Taryn walked over to the couch, Owen looked at Karen and pointed to the floor in front of him. Karen took the cue, nodded to Owen and kneeled down submissively in front of him.

"What is the meaning of this evening, Karen?" Owen asked Karen in a firm and confident tone of voice.

"I just wanted to thank you for all you have done for me, Sir," Karen replied in a subdued tone of voice, still looking down.

"No, cooking dinner is thanking me for being nice to you. You are acting very submissively tonight . . . you are acting like my Slave. I ask you again, what is going on?" Owen asked again in a calm yet firm tone of voice.

"I . . . I wanted to see what it was like to serve you," Karen said in a wavering and nervous voice as she continued to look down at the floor before her.

"If you wanted to initiate some sort of 'Playtime' with me, you should have talked to me, asked me first," Owen asked Karen with a puzzled look on his face that Karen never saw because she was still looking down.

"I also wanted to let you know . . . to show you . . . that . . . that I was . . . r . . . ready," Karen replied with a quiet and stammering tone of voice.

Ready? Ready for what?" Owen asked incredulously "Just this morning you were telling me that you didn't think you could be involved with me knowing that it would mean eventually becoming my Slave and here you are now, kneeling at my feet telling me that you're ready. How can you be 'ready' when you can't even say the words?" he added with a chuckle.

"But I am ready, Sir . . . I'm ready to serve you," Karen added with shaky confidence as she swallowed hard.

"Serve me? Serve me how? Say it! Tell me exactly what you want or don't waste my time! I will give you one last time or I will dismiss you from my sight!" Owen said in an aggravated tone of voice.

Karen paused for a moment and took a deep breath before she looked up and into Owen's eyes and smiled a loving smile at him. Finally it seemed that she had found her confidence as she looked at Owen with a proud expression on her face. Taking a deep breath she prepared to speak a speech that was clearly rehearsed.

"I Karen Basilone, kneel before you Owen Thompson of my own free will and humbly ask you to take ownership of me. I beg you to claim me and make me your Slave. I swear I will serve you faithfully and without question until death claims me or you release me," Karen said in a strong and confident manner while looking deep into Owen's eyes.

"You're serious, aren't you?" Owen asked with a pale expression of shock.

"I have never been more serious, Sir," Karen replied with an equally confident tone of voice.

Owen fell silent and didn't know what to say, or what he should say. This was new territory, while Karen had made it clear that she was not technically Veronica's Slave, Owen knew that Veronica had other ideas. Veronica had come to him begging him to help her make Karen her Slave, not for him to take Karen on as his own Slave. Yet it seemed that Karen had made up her own mind and genuinely wanted to become his Slave. If it wasn't for Veronica, this would be an easy choice; he would take Karen on in a heartbeat as she fit into his family so very well. However, there was Veronica to consider and she was also family. It seemed that either way he went on this someone he cared about would be hurt. Either he would reject Karen and spare Veronica or he would Collar Karen and hurt Veronica. As Owen pondered all this over in his mind trying to find some compromise, someone else voiced a very good question.

"What changed? What happened today to make you change your mind?" Taryn asked curiously as she leaned forward slightly.

"I was walking down the street and I saw this dress in the window. I was drawn to it and so I tried it on. As I saw myself I the mirror I knew that Sir would be pleased to see me in it, and I realized at that moment how deeply I wanted to please him . . . how much I wanted to serve him. I wrestled with my feelings and pondered what that meant and what I should do but eventually it just came to me," Karen said in a peaceful manner as she spoke directly to Taryn.

"What came to you?" Taryn asked with an intrigued manner.

"This is where I belong. This is where I would be happiest . . . serving you . . . as your Slave, Sir," Karen replied as she looked back to Owen.

"Holy Shit!" Rosina said under her breath, in shock as she stood beside the entrance to the dining room, her mouth agape.

"Cat, be quiet!" Taryn hissed at Rosina as she pointed beside her on the couch.

"What about Veronica? You know that she loves you and wants to be your Mistress. What about her? Have you given that any thought?" Owen continued as Rosina slinked over to sit on the couch where she had been directed to.

"She helped me to discover my Submissive side and I am ever grateful to her for that. But I know that I could never submit to a woman . . . any woman full-time. I know we were all drunk last night and if we hadn't been none of it would have happened, including you and me having sex . . . but it did happen, and it awakened within me my need for a man. After that it all just clicked. I am a submissive who needs to submit to a man and you are such an amazing man and Master. After seeing the way you take care of and treat Mistress Red and Cat that nobody but you would do. If you refuse me, I don't know what I would do!" Karen spoke in an urging and needful tone of voice as she looked up at Owen with a desperate look in her eye.

"I can't Collar you without first consulting Ronnie. She is family and we have to consider her feelings," Owen said firmly as he looked down the hall before he mused aloud the question, "Where is Ronnie, by the way, is she still sleeping?"

"Oh shit! If you wish, Master, I could go get her," Rosina asked in an uncomfortable and slightly nervous manner.

"Yes Cat, wake her up, we need to talk to her about this," Owen said in a firm tone of voice to Rosina.

Rosina walked down the hall swiftly and after a moment she could be heard and then seen walking slowly down the hallway. As Rosina drew closer it became evident that she was being followed by someone who could not walk that fast. When Rosina walked into the living room holding a leash Owen's eyebrow raised until he saw behind Rosina to what the other end of the leash was attached to: Veronica!

Veronica was totally nude and from her tear-stained cheeks and mortified expression it was clear that she had been crying for some time. Around her neck was a collar with spikes on and the leash that Rosina was holding was clipped onto that collar. Veronica could not speak due to the ball-gag that was firmly attached around her head. She could not struggle or release herself from her bonds because her forearms were tied together behind her back so that her back and her hands touched the opposite elbow. Her legs ankles were tied together spacing them only one foot apart, thus she couldn't walk right, she could only shuffle along. To add further insult to Veronica, she was being bound up by her own bondage devices. The collar, leash and ball-gag she had bought to use on her mother and never imagined that they would be used on her!

"What is the meaning of this, Cat?" Owen shouted angrily as he pointed at Veronica.

"She deserved it!" Rosina replied with a pout.

"Did you do this to her?" Owen asked with an expectant tone of voice.

"Yes, but you don't understand, she . . ." Rosina started to reply defensively but she was cut off.

"Did she consent to this?" Owen asked angrily.

"No," Rosina said as she shook her head.

"Release her at once! Then I'll deal with you!" Owen commanded as he shook his head in disgust.

"Yes, Master, but please let me explain why I did what I did!" Rosina implored passionately with pleading eyes.

"Fine," Owen replied with a heavy sigh.

"Thank you, Master," Rosina replied as she tugged on the leash and once again Veronica continued to follow Rosina.

Rosina led Veronica until she was standing in front of Owen and beside Karen. With a tug of the leash Veronica started to kneel down. Rosina assisted Veronica until the bound woman was kneeling beside her mother, in front of Owen, still completely bound up, with Rosina holding the leash.

"I know what I did was wrong but she made me so angry! It wasn't so much what she did to me, it was the insult she committed against you that pushed me over the edge. I will accept any punishment you deem appropriate for my actions, Master, but I want you to understand everything that took place, first," Rosina said as she stood submissively, still holding Veronica's leash.

"What happened?" Owen asked with a forced-calm tone of voice.

"After cleaning up the house I went to check on Veronica. I went to her to comfort a family member who was hurting. Instead of simply taking my comfort for what it was she chose to insult you!" Rosina said with an angry tone of voice, shooting Veronica a harsh glare when she was finished.

"What insult?" Owen asked curiously.

"I think SHE should tell you. It would do her good to confess her sins!" Rosina snarled as she tugged on Veronica's chain, jerking the woman's head down.

Rosina then reached up and unfastened the buckles of the ball-gag and removed the device, tossing it lightly behind Owen's chair. Then she reached into Veronica's mouth and grasped what looked like a piece of white fluff and pulled. To Owen and Taryn's amazement the white fluff kept coming out until in the end it was clear that the fluff was a pair of panties, Veronica's own panties to be exact. Veronica opened and closed her mouth a few times to work the kinks out of it.

"What happened, Ronnie? Why did Cat tie you up?" Owen asked Veronica in a commanding tone of voice.

Veronica's eyes got wet once more and she hung her head and sobbed a few sobs. Her red and puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks were indeed a pitiful sight. In the back of Owen's mind was that Rosina had NEVER done anything like this before. Rosina had a very long fuse and would not have done what she did without serious provocation. Rosina tugged on Veronica's chain and that jerked the woman back to reality. Veronica looked up at Owen, cleared her throat and prepared to speak.

"I tried to force myself on her," Veronica said in a remorseful tone of voice. I was upset because mom had told me this morning that she would never be mine . . . not really . . . not like Red . . ." Veronica started to explain but a swat with the end of the leash across her right breast caused Veronica to stutter. "MISTRESS Red, sorry. I asked her to mess around with me for a little bit. I thought that since you didn't make an issue of it last night, you would be okay with it," Veronica said and looked up at Owen with an expression that begged pity.

"And when I explained to you that you would need Master's permission in order to have sex with me, what did you do?" Rosina prompted with an angry growl.

"I assaulted you from behind and tried to force you to have sex with me. If you hadn't overpowered me, I would have tied you up and had my way with you . . . I'm so very sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," Veronica admitted as she hung her head in shame.

"I don't know what to say. I'm shocked and disgusted with both of you!" Owen said with an amazed expression on his face as he glanced at both Veronica and Rosina. "Cat I know that you meant well but, no matter what anyone does to you, you don't have the right to use Bondage in this way! If it happens again, refuse their advances and come tell me. . . I will deal with them, is that understood?" Owen said to Rosina in a firm and controlled angry tone of voice. "For the next week you have lost the privilege of clothes. As long as you are downstairs here, you are not to have a stitch of clothes on, the only thing you are permitted to wear is your Collar, is that clear?" Owen commanded sternly.

"Yes, Master," Rosina said in a deeply respectful tone of voice as she bowed a shallow bow before she started to remove her dress.

"Ronnie, I am shocked and outraged! You should have known better! No matter how frustrated you are, just because you are a Dominant, that does not give you the right to force yourself on someone else! ESPECIALLY A COLLARED SLAVE!!" Owen said as he shouted right into Veronica's face and at the end of it Veronica burst into tears, once again.

"I'm so sorry, Sir! I don't know what came over me!" Veronica sobbed as she started to double over.

Out of instinct Karen wrapped her arms around Veronica and pulled her daughter to her and comforted her. Veronica leaned into the embrace and put her head on Karen's shoulder.

"I'M NOT FINISHED!" Owen roared and instantly Veronica stopped crying and Karen positioned her daughter upright and released her. "You came to me and asked me to help you, to train you to become a proper Mistress, is that right?" Owen asked Veronica with a stern and commanding tone of voice.

"Yes, Sir," Veronica replied in a shocked and subdued tone of voice.

"Your actions of late, even before this, have demonstrated that you are not yet ready to Dominate anyone!" Owen said with a firm growl as he scowled at Veronica and paused for a moment. "You disappoint me, Ronnie, I had higher hopes for you," Owen said with a sad tone of voice as he shook his head and looked away from Veronica.

"I wish to learn, Sir. I want to get better. I want to make you proud of me! Help me! Teach me!" Veronica begged Owen in a needy tone of voice as she shuffled towards him on her knees.

"Do you really wish to learn how to be a good and proper Mistress?" Owen asked the nude Veronica who was now kneeling so close that her knees touched Owen's shins.

"Yes, Sir! More than anything!" Veronica begged with hopeful eyes.

"I will teach you, I will help you get better, but it is clear that before you can lead you must learn what it is to follow, is that something you are ready to do?" Owen asked with a stern tone of voice.

"Sir?" Veronica asked with a confused tone of voice and a screwed up face.

"You are so wild and spoiled that the only way to turn you into a DECENT Dominant is to take you on as my Slave and reshape you," Owen replied with a serious tone of voice as he leaned in and spoke directly into Veronica's face.

"Are you serious, Sir?" Veronica replied with a horrified expression as her face went white.

"It is the only way to truly get through to you, Ronnie," Owen said with a certain and convinced tone of voice.

"How can I submit to you if I'm a Dominant? Even if I do submit to you, won't I lose that Dominant part of me?" Veronica asked with a confused and fearful tone of voice.

"It is evident tonight that you are what is known as a 'Switch,' that is to say that you are both a Dominant and a Submissive. For the most part you are a Dominant but you can and will submit to the right person. If you explore your Submissive side it will not diminish your Dominant side," Owen said with a tone of certainty.

"Impossible! I'm a Dominant, Period!" Veronica snorted with an indignant snort.

"Ronnie, you were brought out here in bonds, made to kneel at my feet and you have done everything you have been told to. You have not strained against your bonds once, nor have you demanded to be released. You have accepted your bondage and have, by your actions submitted to Rosina and to me," Owen said with a pressing and knowing tone of voice with a demanding expression that bored into Veronica.

"I suppose so," Veronica sighed with a defeated tone of voice as she sat down and relaxed her body.

"The only thing left to ask yourself is how badly you wish to learn to be a proper Mistress. The only way to do that is to become my Slave, but I promise you, once you are ready I will begin to train you to become a proper Mistress and even help you acquire and train your first Slave," Owen said in a convincing manner and the room went quiet as Veronica pondered what Owen had said.

"This isn't a trick? You promise you will train me to be a Mistress?" Veronica asked with a fearful demeanour about her.

"I promise," Owen said with a look of conviction as he looked down into Veronica's eyes.

"Okay," Veronica said with a defeated tone of voice as she hung her head.

"Good, but before we continue, there is something you should know. There is something I need your permission on, but it has no bearing on whether or not I will take you on as my Slave," Owen said as he smiled warmly at Veronica.

"What's that, Sir?" Veronica looked up at Owen puzzled at what he would want her permission on.

"Karen, why don't you tell Ronnie, why you're here," Owen said to Karen who looked up at Owen with a momentarily fearful look before she looked over at her daughter kneeling beside her.

"Ronnie, do you remember this morning when I said that if I submitted to anyone full-time, it would have to be to a man?" Karen asked Veronica with an apprehensive manner.

"You're doing it, aren't you? You really are going to become his Slave, for real? You can submit to him but not to me?" Veronica said with a hurt and shocked manner before she turned to Owen and snapped. "That's what this is all about, isn't it? All this was just to get me to agree to you stealing my Slave! You set me up!" Veronica shouted at Owen as her eyes welled up with tears.

"NO! Nobody knew what I was going to do until moments before you walked into the room! I decided today that I would be happiest as Sir's Slave! I did, nobody else made that choice for me. It was Sir who insisted that I get your permission before he would Collar me! We had no idea what Rosina did to you. She just told us that you were not feeling well and wanted to skip dinner," Karen said firmly as she grasped Veronica's head and turned it so that she was speaking right into her daughter's face.

"It's true," Rosina said with a sheepish smile.

"So, this is what will make you happy?" Veronica asked Karen with a tearful expression.

"Yes. What about you? Don't you want to be a proper Mistress? I was always happy serving you and I know that you can be great, you just need some training. Sir can give that to you, but I think he's right when he says you have to submit and be remoulded before you can be fit to led and Dominate," Karen said to Veronica with a serious and imploring manner to her daughter who knelt by her side before the man they both were contemplating submitting to.

"Okay, Mom," Veronica said with a sincere and calm tone of voice, a tear lingering in the corner of her eye.

"Thanks honey! You won't regret it!" Karen said as she threw her arms around Veronica and hugged her tight.

"I hope not," Veronica said with slight fear in her voice as Karen released her and kneeled respectfully before Owen.

"Cat, get the box, you know the one," Owen said to Rosina with a knowing look.

"Yes, Master," Rosina said respectfully as she handed Owen, Veronica's leash.

Rosina then dashed to their bedroom and retrieved the wooden box that Heather had given Owen when he left her place. Owen opened up the box and looked at the two collars inside it and chuckled to himself as he remembered wondering why Heather had snuck a second collar into the box before he had left. Did she somehow know this would happen or was she just confident that some other women would submit to him? Either way made little difference now as Owen closed the box and turned his attention to the women kneeling before him.

"Do you, Veronica Basilone, release your claim upon Karen Basilone and consent to my Collaring her?" Owen asked Veronica with a confident and commanding tone of voice.

"Yes, Sir," Veronica replied and at that Karen removed her leather choker from around her neck.

Owen leaned forward and grasped Karen by the hair and pulled down. Karen's eyes went wide as her head snapped back so that she was looking directly up into the face of Owen. Owen's face filled her vision and their noses almost touched.

"I Owen Thompson, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Karen Basilone and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Owen said in a stern and commanding tone of voice as he glared at Karen.

"Yes, Sir," Karen gushed as her whole being was filled with love and adoration, like that she had never felt before in her life. Owen released her hair and retrieved one of the Slave Collars from the wooden box and fastened it around Karen's neck. "Thank you, Sir," Karen replied with tear-filled eyes and a cracking voice as she ran her fingers along her new collar.

"You are my Slave so now you have earned the right to call me 'Master.' I hereby christen you with the Slave-Name of 'Bella,' because it means beautiful in Italian and you are a beautiful Italian woman.

"Thank you, Master, I love it," Karen replied with a blissful and satisfied smile.

"You're welcome, Bella," Owen said to Karen before he turned his attention to a now trembling Veronica.

Veronica's mind worked overtime as this moment slowed down to a crawl. Her terrified mind screamed at her to tell him no, that she wouldn't submit to him, that she was a Dominant pure and simple. Yet Veronica remained kneeling respectfully and submissively as Owen shifted his weight in the chair. Veronica knew that Owen was turning his attention to her and that within moments he would Collar her as well if she didn't act quickly. Yet Veronica just sat there patiently and waited for it to happen. This confusing evening had stirred up so many conflicting thoughts and feelings within her. While Veronica kept telling herself that the only reason she was doing this was to learn to become a better Mistress, a part of Veronica simply desired the Submission. She hated herself for sinking to this level, to actually submit to someone was humiliating enough but to submit to a MAN, Owen even? This was all too much but she felt the heat of Owen's arm as he reached alongside of her. Veronica knew he was reaching for her hair to begin the Collaring ceremony but still Veronica was powerless to move. When she felt his hand close around her hair her tension spiked to his most intense peek. When Owen pulled down on her hair and Veronica found herself staring straight up into Owen's face, all tension and apprehension left her and her stomach dropped.

"I Owen Thompson, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Veronica Basilone and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Owen said in a stern and commanding tone of voice as he glared down at Veronica.

"Oh FUCK yes!" Veronica growled in a husky growl that even surprised her, yet her lust and heat had been stirred up within her for this one man. Owen released her hair and retrieved one of the Slave Collars from the wooden box and fastened it around Veronica's neck.

"You are my Slave so now you have earned the right to call me 'Master.' I hereby christen you with the Slave-Name of 'Dee-Dee,' because of your great big double-D tits!" Owen said with all seriousness yet he ended with a chuckle that all the women in the room shared.

"Thank you, Master," Veronica said and at that instant her pussy began to seep and get wet as the realization hit her that she had a Master . . . she was owned and she loved it!

Owen stood up and seemed to tower over the mother and daughter, his newest Slaves as both women looked up at him, waiting for him to say something. Owen smiled a cocky smile down at Karen and Veronica and paused to drink in the view before he winked at them.

"Bella, Dee-Dee, both of you will suck my cock at the same time, the one who pleases me the best will earn the right to be the first Slave fucked tonight," Owen said with his hands on his hips and glanced between Karen and Veronica.

Both Karen and Veronica rose to their knees and leaned forward, eager to get their mouth on their new Master's cock, eager to please him. Veronica struggled at her bonds as she tried to bring her hands forward but grunted in frustration as she was not able to move her hands at all. Karen had already reached up and had begun to unfasten Owen's fly. Soon enough Owen's fat cock was brought into view as Karen pushed Owen's pants and underwear down to his ankles. Taryn signalled to Rosina to help her move the coffee table out of the way and the pair did just that swiftly and quietly.

Veronica used this time to wrap her lips around the head of Owen's cock and for the first time in years she started to give a man a blowjob. Veronica had no trouble getting Owen's cock in her mouth until it hit the back of her throat, then she gagged and had to pull off.

As Veronica pulled back to cough, Karen slipped Owen's cock into her mouth and proceeded to suck his cock, making sure not to take enough of him to gag herself. Karen bobbed her head up and down on the first cock she had sucked since her divorce and that cock was her Master's! Karen poured her heart out into this blowjob; she did her best to bring her Master pleasure, which was her whole focus right now.

Veronica didn't want to be left out and so she brought her mouth to Owen's balls and proceeded to lick and suck on them. Veronica also darted her tongue along the portion of the shaft that Karen could not get into her mouth. This process continued for a few minutes before Karen relinquished the cock and began kissing the side of the head of Owen's cock. Veronica took this as a hint and brought her lips to the other side of the head of Owen's cock and both women started to lick their way down Owen's shaft until they were at the base and then took a ball in each of their mouths and sucked. They then proceeded to flick their tongues along the shaft as they made their way to the head of their Master's cock. When the ladies lips were at the head of it, their playful side came out and they proceeded to tongue wrestle with each other over the head of that cock. This caused a momentary break in the blowjob as mother and daughter engaged in a stolen French-kiss.

Veronica broke the kiss and without warning took Owen's cock into her mouth and thrust her mouth onto it as deeply as it would go. Once his cock hit the back of her throat she pulled back before her gag reflex kicked in. On her mouth's second bob she sucked hard while she descended her lips on her Master's cock; this caused a groan to come from Owen. She kept this fast paced cock-sucking up for a minute or two, and it was the frustrated, begging look in her mother's eye which made Veronica relinquish the cock she was sucking.

When Karen had her Master's cock in her mouth once more, she was filled with more than a mouthful of cock, she was filled with contentment. Karen slowly made love to Owen's cock with her mouth and endeavoured to show her Master how deeply she had grown to love him in so short a time. Karen closed her eyes as she licked down the shaft of his cock, opening her eyes to look up into the face of the man who owned her and found him smiling a loving smile down at her. Karen continued to suck Owen's cock at a lovingly, leisurely pace with her eyes closed, until she felt a hand on her head. She looked up at Owen with a puzzled look on her face, yet he only smiled lovingly at her.

"That's enough, Bella, I have made my choice," Owen said in a loving tone of voice, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Karen and Veronica sat back and both women looked up at Owen, hopeful he would say her name, recognizing her effort and desire to please him.

"I love and appreciate how you both worked together to please me and remembered to share. I am very pleased, especially with you, Dee-Dee. I know that it was not natural for you to share, yet you did so. I just wanted to tell you that I noticed that," Owen said glancing first at Karen and then at Veronica as he spoke. "I have decided that Bella will go first, I could tell that she desired to please me the most. But don't worry, you will get your turn, Dee-Dee," Owen said with a wink to Veronica who sat there, feeling put off and slightly dejected, she didn't like to lose or be second-best at anything.

"Thank you, Master!" Karen said with a squeal of delight and spun on the spot and instinctively got on her hands and knees and waited for her Master to mount her and take her.

Somehow in the swift motion Karen had managed to hike up her skirt to her waist. Owen positioned himself behind Karen and shifted his cock near Karen's pussy and out of eagerness and instinct, Karen reached between her legs and grasped Owen's cock and positioned it at the entrance of her most womanly of places. Karen groaned out of sheer excitement and lust as she felt his fat cock-head kiss her nether-lips.

"Don't worry, Bella, I won't make you beg. I know how long you've waited and how badly you need me," Owen said as he started to slowly thrust into Karen.

"Bless you, Master!" Karen said in a low groan as her Master's cock began to sheath itself inside his new, eager Slave for the first time.

Both Master and Slave savoured the delicious delights of 'first joining' and paused drink in the momentous moment. Karen looked over at Taryn and at that very moment, without saying a word they both knew what the other was thinking and feeling. Taryn remembered what it was like to have Owen slide into her for the first time, and Karen knew why Taryn so fervently served this man who now owned them both.

Karen gasped when Owen withdrew swiftly until just the head of his cock parted her pussy lips. It wasn't the hard slam back inside her that made Karen squeal out of shock, but rather the fact that Owen used her own hair for leverage as he hammered away at her long-neglected pussy. After the shock dissipated Karen found that the savage pace to the fuck, along with the tugging of her hair brought out the submissive in her even more. Karen felt ever so feminine at that moment as it was clear to her any and all those in the room just who and what she was, she was a Slave of the man who fucked her like he owned her . . . because he did!

Karen growled and groaned at that thought as she almost went blind with lust and began to thrust madly back against Owen's thrusts. Owen knew that it would not take long for Karen to cum and he wanted to cum with her so he increased the pace of his fucking even more. Owen growled and Karen moaned as the first of Owen's cum hit the insides of Karen's pussy. Karen's eyes shot wide open as her orgasm hit her and she quaked and shook with the knowledge that she had successfully been a vessel for her Master's pleasure. Owen held his cock wedged deep within Karen as his cum poured out of his cock and into deeply inside Karen's pussy.

When their respective orgasms were finished they lay together with Owen still imbedded within Karen as the pair breathed deeply to recover from the intense fuck. Much too soon for Karen's tastes did Owen climb off of her and slide his softening cock from her pussy. Karen whimpered as she looked back at Owen with a mournful look as he sat back in the chair, still breathing heavy.

"Cat, untie Dee-Dee. Bella, turn over. Red, get me hard again," Owen said after a brief moment of respite.

"Yes, Master," Taryn, Karen and Rosina said in unison and the moment almost brought a tear to Karen's eye, as the sense of belonging and family struck her at that moment.

It didn't take long for all three women to do what they were told and all three waited for Owen's next command, Veronica especially. Everyone knew or suspected what was going to happen next and even Veronica couldn't deny that she was looking forward to her first fuck from a man in years. Taryn however kept on sucking on Owen's cock as he spoke.

"Dee-Dee, kneel between Bella's legs," Owen said with a confident tone of voice.

"Yes, Master!" Veronica said with a squeal of delight and in a second she was on her knees with her face less than a foot from her mother's wet and leaking pussy.

"Dee-Dee, what do you see?" Owen asked calmly.

"Pussy, Master" Veronica responded quickly.

"Who's pussy?" Owen asked calmly.

"M . . . Bella's pussy, Master," Veronica corrected herself quickly.

"What is Bella? Or rather who does Bella belong to?" Owen asked curiously.

"She is a Slave, Master. She is your Slave, Master," Veronica said, her eyes never wavering from staring at the pussy she had desired for so long and ate out on a number of occasions in the past few months.

"As long as we have that straight, you may eat your Master's cum out of MY Slave, Bella, as I fuck you!" Owen said with a cocky grin on his face,

Veronica lunged forward and stuck her tongue deep into her mother's pussy and began to give it the most eager tongue-lashing she had ever done. Owen shifted forward in his chair and Taryn regretfully let his cock slip from her mouth and she took her place on the couch. In a flash he was kneeling behind Veronica who was oblivious to where he was until he placed his hand on the small of her back.

"Beg me!" Owen said in a commanding tone of voice as he waited with his cock hanging between Veronica's legs.

"Please fuck me, Master! I need your cock in me!" Veronica said in a needy whine as she shifted and lunged back at Owen.

"What are you?" Owen asked in a cocky manner.

"I am a Slave, Master. I am your Slave, Master. Now please fuck me! Show me your power! Demonstrate why you are my Master and CLAIM ME!" Veronica begged as she glanced over her shoulder at Owen.

Way wrong answer! Owen slammed into Veronica with such intensity that he shoved her face into Karen's pussy. Owen reached underneath Veronica and grasped a handful of breast in each hand and proceeded to hammer away at his newest and most reluctant Slave with animal intensity. For her part, Veronica was on fire for the man who savagely fucked her and at that very moment she had no doubts who her Master was. Surprisingly she was not troubled by that fact. Veronica fought to keep her senses enough to continue to eat her mother's pussy, like she had been ordered to, but with the sensations of pleasure rocketing through her body at that moment it was tough! Veronica lost control of her body as her orgasm ripped through her body. Veronica quaked, moaned, squealed, shook and flooded Owen's cock with her juices as her powerful orgasm ripped through her. Veronica had to pause eating Karen's pussy as she surrendered to the sweet bliss that her Master had given her.

Because he had already cum this evening, Owen was able to restrain himself from cuming with Veronica. When Owen pulled out of her still twitching pussy, Veronica thought that her first fuck from her Master was over, but she was wrong. Veronica expected for Owen to sit back and not grasp her butt-cheeks and pull them apart like he did. Veronica had just managed to look back at Owen as he started to sink his cock into her ass. Her own orgasm had slicked up his cock well enough that it slid in with little difficulty but still it hurt like hell.

"Do you know why I am fucking your ass, Dee-Dee?" Owen asked in a snarling tone of voice as he hovered over Veronica with his cock fully embedded in her ass.

"OW! OW! OW! No, Master!" Veronica cried in pain as her asshole stretched to accommodate the massive invader.

"Because I can! I am your Master, so every part of you belongs to me, is that clear?" Owen said with a commanding voice which was tainted with a touch of evil.

"Yes, Master, I understand! I am yours, all of me to do with as you please. Ow! Ow! Ow! But you're hurting my ass, Master! Please pull out!" Veronica replied in a whimper as her eyes conveyed the hurt and pain that her ass was in.

"As your Master I could choose to continue to fuck your ass and ignore the pain you're in. Instead, as a good Master, I will respect your limits and pull out of your ass," Owen said as he pulled out of Veronica's ass and her ass sighed a blissful sigh of relief and started to close up, now that the invader had left.

"Thank you, Master," Veronica cried and whimpered in a mixture of pain and relief as Owen scooped Veronica up in his arms and held her tenderly.

"The first rule of being a Proper Master or Mistress is that everything is 'Safe, Sane, and Consensual.' While I am your Master and I can do anything I wish to you, I must still respect your limits. While it is my job to push your limits I must still respect the fact that there are some things that you simply can't stand. Do you understand? I have power and authority over you, but I must use that power wisely, do you understand?" Owen explained in a calm and controlled manner as he hugged Veronica as she whimpered and calmed down while listening to his explanation.

"Yes, Master," Veronica replied as she looked up at him with wet eyes of appreciation.

"Now, clean my cock so I can fuck, Cat!" Owen said and at that Veronica's eyes went wide in shock and fear for she knew that his cock had just been up her ass.

"Relax, get a washcloth. But you will suck me hard, once it is clean." Owen said and Veronica breathed a sigh of relief as she scurried off to retrieve the washcloth. "Red, sixty-nine, Bella! Cat, I wanna try to fuck you, standing up, so get ready!" Owen said with a self-assured grin on his face.

"YES, MASTER!" The three woman squealed in delight in unison.

Taryn leapt from the couch and in a flash was in position over Karen's body and had a mouthful of her long-time friend and recent Fellow-Slave's pussy. Karen groaned in satisfaction before she reached up and started tonguing Taryn's pussy. It seemed appropriate that Karen was sharing her celebration of Collaring with Taryn. For it was her experience with Taryn, those four years ago that started the chain of events which ended up with her being bound to the same man as the woman she was eating out now. Nowhere in either woman's mind did it seem strange anything that was happening in the room or amongst their family.

Veronica dropped to her knees and quickly wiped Owen's cock clean before she wrapped her lips around his cock and started to suck it. Veronica was amazed the difference a few hours could make, she had gone from frustrated Dominant to Slave or rather 'Switch' and she didn't care. She loved her Master, Owen and wished to show him how much she appreciated him in how she sucked his cock. Owen looked down at Veronica and smiled his approval of her blowjob and she was happy to be given his approval, she needed to know that she pleased him.
* * *​

After the sex was over that evening the five people walked the weary, yet satisfied walk of well-fucked people towards their bedrooms. Rosina stopped Karen and Veronica before they entered their bedrooms, making sure to have a quiet word with them. She waited until after Owen and Taryn had entered their bedroom before she spoke up.

"Bella, Dee-Dee," Rosina said as she neared the back of the basement suite.

"Yes, Cat," Karen said as she and Veronica turned and gave their attention to Rosina.

"Set your alarm for five-thirty and come wake me, there is a tradition to see to," Rosina said with confidence.

"Five-thirty? Why?" Veronica balked.

"What tradition?" Karen asked curiously.

"I will explain everything tomorrow morning, just come wake me and make sure you don't wake Master or Mistress Red when you do," Rosina explained and looked back and forth between Karen and Veronica as she did.

"Okay," Karen agreed.

"Sure," Veronica grumbled but nodded her head agreeably.​
Next page: Chapter 10
Previous page: Chapter 09.1