Chapter 10
Sunday Morning After
The next morning as Rosina slipped out of sleep and into consciousness the first thing she saw was Karen's face filling her vision. The older woman was peering into Rosina's face as she gently shook Rosina by the shoulder. Karen glanced over Rosina's shoulder at Owen and Taryn to ensure they were still sleeping, which they were. Karen smiled when she glanced back at Rosina to find the young woman now awake. Rosina looked at the clock to see it turn from five-thirty to five-thirty-one and smiled at Karen as she pulled the covers back and slipped out of bed. The only item which Rosina grabbed was her collar, which she had placed on her nightstand beside the bed. Not a word was said as Karen and Rosina slipped out of the small bedroom and into the hallway. Once in the hallway they were joined by a sleepy Veronica who was walking down the hallway, rubbing her eyes and trying to wake up.
"Let me get your, bathrobe, dear," Karen said after glancing down to Rosina's nude body in an obvious manner while the woman in question fastened her collar.
"No, I'm not allowed clothes for a week, remember?" Rosina said calmly and confidently has she put her hand on Karen's to stop her from opening the bedroom door. "Come, let's go to the kitchen," Rosina said as she turned and walked into the dining room and on into the kitchen.
Karen and Veronica looked at each other, and shrugged their shoulders for they were wearing their pyjamas and bathrobes. It seemed odd to see a nude woman beginning to brew coffee, but that is what Rosina was doing when Karen and Veronica entered they kitchen. It was Veronica who decided to speak up and voice what to her was the obvious suggestion to a nude woman on a cold morning.
"Look, Cat, put some clothes on, O . . . Master is still asleep and when he does wake up you can dash around the corner and strip. He'll never know the difference," Veronica said as she approached Rosina.
"No," Rosina said firmly and definitely as she turned and looked Veronica in the eye.
"It's chilly down here in the mornings, at least take my bathrobe," Veronica said as she removed her bathrobe and stood in the kitchen wearing only her pyjamas holding her bathrobe out for Rosina to take.
"You don't get it," Rosina said as she pushed the button to start the coffee maker brewing. Rosina stepped closer to Veronica and looked directly into her eyes with all sincerity and conviction as she spoke again. "Master's order was clear; I am not allowed to wear any clothes at any time down here! It doesn't matter if he is there to see or not, his orders still stand. If I only do what he says when he can see me then I am disrespecting him and cheating his authority. I am his Slave full-time, not just a part time Slave, or 'Submissive'. I show him my loyalty, devotion, respect, and love by following his orders and acting in a way that would make him proud of me when he is with me or not. I know that his order was to teach me and remind me that I had disgraced him by what I did to you. That is why he wants this to be a reminder for me for the next week not to do something like this again. Do you understand?" she said as she looked back and forth between Veronica and Karen, looking to see if each woman understood.
"Yeah, I do understand," Veronica said with a serious look in her eye as she nodded her agreement.
"Perfectly," Karen said with a warm smile as she nodded her head.
"Good, now were are your collars?" Rosina said as she glanced at the bare necks of Karen and Veronica.
"Well . . ." both Karen and Veronica stammered for an excuse as they pointed in the direction of their bedrooms.
"It is an honour and privilege to wear Master's collar. When in private, meaning downstairs here, you are expected to wear it at ALL times, though you may take it off when sleeping. Now go put them on before you disgrace yourselves and your Master further!" Rosina said sternly, and at that Karen and Veronica nodded.
Karen and Veronica returned to their rooms while Rosina started to prepare breakfast for the three of them. When Karen returned to the kitchen she was not only wearing her collar she was also wearing another one of the dresses she had bought the previous day, this one a pale yellow dress. Veronica returned wearing her collar, yet still wearing her pyjamas.
"Very good Bella! You remembered Master's order to wear our dresses at all times around the house, even though Master hasn't explained the Ground Rules to you, yet!" Rosina said in a chipper and pleased tone of voice after she had looked Karen over with a very pleased expression.
Veronica looked at her mother and her expression turned from one of appreciation to one of frustration and borderline jealousy. She scowled for a moment before her face lit up and she dashed into her room and began rummaging around, with the door still open. Karen and Rosina glanced at what Veronica was doing, curious about they young woman's activities when Veronica held up a navy blue scrap of material in victory. Karen and Rosina looked at each other and made an understanding and agreeable noise as they returned to making breakfast and understood what Veronica was up to. Veronica had not given Rosina back her dress, the one she borrowed for the Friday-night-out celebration. By the time breakfast was cooking, Veronica returned wearing the navy-blue dress, looking pleased with herself.
"Very good, Dee-Dee; you look great! You might as well keep that one," Rosina said in an approving and encouraging manner.
"Thanks, but what 'tradition' are we to see to this morning? What are we doing up at five-thirty?" Veronica asked in an exasperated tone of voice as she gave Rosina a queer look.
"You two will make Master breakfast in bed, it's tradition," Rosina said proudly as she stirred the hashbrowns.
"On a Sunday? We have to do this every Sunday?" Veronica asked with a perplexed and slightly horrified expression.
"No! This is the first morning after you have been Collared! You two will cook and serve Master breakfast in bed at exactly six-thirty, to show him your appreciation for taking you on as his Slave," Rosina said with a confident tone of voice as she glanced at Karen and Veronica to gauge their reaction to this news.
"Oh," Veronica said, not sure what to say.
"I see. How lovely!" Karen said with a pleased smile on her face.
"If Mom and I are to make him breakfast, what are you doing cooking?" Veronica asked in a slightly challenging tone, with a queer expression as she pointed at the pan of breakfast that Rosina was cooking.
"First, you are never to refer to each other in any other way than your 'Slave-Names,' you are Fellow-Slaves now and must not think of each other as anything but Slaves of the same Master. Second, this is our breakfast. We eat first so we aren't tempted to eat from Master's plate. As well, it gives us a chance to talk about how you feel about everything that has happened," Rosina said as she continued to tend to breakfast.
"So even in public she's 'Bella' and I'm Dee-Dee'?" Veronica asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No, around Outsiders we behave like a 'normal' family. Occasionally Master or Mistress Red will use our Slave-Names in public to signify that they are giving us an order, and in public we may never refer to them as 'Master' or 'Mistress Red,' it is always 'Moe' for Master and 'Red' for Mistress Red. Typically we use our real names though, but trust me when I say that after a while that feels weird. It always creeps me and Mistress Red out to hear Master call Mistress Red 'Mom.' It's just plain WRONG!" Rosina explained in a sage manner, yet the last sentence she said in a horrified manner.
"I get it," Karen said, nodding her head as to what seemed sensible to her.
"Breakfast is almost ready, Dee-Dee, set the table," Rosina said over her shoulder to Veronica.
Veronica then fetched three place settings and set them out as she normally would. Rosina looked out at the table and grunted in frustration as she walked out to correct Veronica. With a calm expression and demeanour Rosina explained where everyone's new places to sit were. Owen sat at the head of the table, Taryn on his right and Karen on her right. Rosina sat on Owen's left and Veronica sat on her left. Once the place settings were corrected Breakfast was served and they all sat down to have breakfast, this time ensuring that the pocket doors to both the kitchen and hallway were closed, so that they could talk and not wake up Owen and Taryn.
"So tell me, you two, how do you feel about becoming Slaves to Master this morning?" Rosina asked with a curious and concerned manner as she looked back and forth between Karen and Rosina.
"To be honest I am a whole mix of emotions. I feel: happy, content, confused, and apprehensive. I'm not sure if I have done the right thing but I don't want to walk away from all this, I'm just a little scared," Karen replied with a worried look on her face as she sighed a heavy sigh.
"Yeah, me too! I only did this to become a better Mistress but I am all mixed up. A part of me likes the serving and submission. I even liked it when I was tied up and lead around by the leash! I know that as a Dominant I should hate all this . . . but I don't! On one hand I want to get this all over with so I can get on with being a Mistress, as I know that is what I should be, but part of me wants to serve him. It is so very confusing and scary to want to be a Mistress AND a Slave at the same time. It all seems so WRONG, like I'm being pulled to two ends of the same spectrum at the same time! How can that take place in the same person without tearing me apart?" Veronica said in a worried and scared tone and became increasingly upset, the more she spoke.
By the end of her speech she had tears in her eyes and a terrified look on her face. Rosina put her arm around Veronica and pulled the woman to her in a comforting embrace. Veronica sobbed lightly on Rosina's shoulder as she tried to get a hold of herself. Karen rushed around the table and embraced both Rosina and Veronica at the same time. The three women held each other and basked in the warmth of companionship and togetherness that they felt at that moment. It didn't take long for Veronica to feel comforted and happy once more.
"It's strange . . . I feel closer to both of you this morning," Veronica said as she had one arm around Rosina and one arm around Karen, as she clutched both women for support.
"You are. We are now Fellow-Slaves, that means that not only are we bound to the same Master but bound to each other as well. Through our service and Slavery to him we all are bound tighter together. It is as if we are all married, as one large family. Sure, you may have already equated that being a Slave to Master is the same as being married to him in the 'Vanilla' world, but we are also 'Married' to each other. For how can we be bound to Master and serve him without being bound to and be responsible to take care of each other?" Rosina explained in a calm and loving manner as she looked at Karen and Veronica.
"I don't know why, but everything you've said so far this morning has made sense. It fills me with a strange sense of 'normalcy,' which is at the same time comforting and disconcerting!" Karen said with an uncomfortable expression.
"What you are both going through is normal. We all go though it as we leave behind the preconceived notions of what society expects of us as we begin our service to Master. In time you will leave behind the trappings of your previous life as you learn to trust in Master and serve him without question. It is through our service to him that we gain satisfaction, contentment, the sense of belonging and familial bond that we now share," Rosina said as she squeezed Karen and Veronica.
"So it gets easier? It will all make sense somehow, sometime soon?" Veronica asked with a scared and hopeful expression.
"Absolutely! In case you haven't guessed it, my addition to the 'tradition' is to have this chat with new Slaves to see how they are doing and to let them know that I am here for them; to answer questions as well as for emotional support," Rosina said with a positive and proud tone of voice.
"How many others have there been?" Veronica asked with a raised eyebrow and queer tone of voice.
"Well, there has only ever been 'Dad' after me. But Mistress Red and I had the same moment that you and I are having. We had breakfast together and talked about my becoming a Slave to Master and what it all meant. It was a special time that we shared so I wanted to carry it on," Rosina said with a pleased and reminiscent manner before her whole demeanour turned cold before she continued. "With Dad he forgot to remember that our service and Slavery to Master is voluntary. He became unhappy with everything and kept that to himself. It ate away at him until it drove him mad. That is something you must both remember! You must be honest with all of us about what you are feeling and going through. There are no secrets amongst any of us! If you are ever truly unhappy and want out, Master will release you! You are not trapped! We continue to serve and be Slaves to Master because we CHOOSE to, not because we are FORCED to. Do you understand?" Rosina asked as she once again looked back and forth between Karen and Veronica.
"That is comforting," Karen said with a relieved tone of voice and a satisfied smile.
"That does make me feel better," Veronica said calmly, with a comforted expression.
"We'd better finish eating, or we'll run out of time!" Karen said as she glanced at the clock on the wall.
There was a flurry of activity as Rosina dictated to Karen and Veronica exactly what the special breakfast was to consist of. Every last detail of the now traditional breakfast was recreated, down to the flower and morning paper. Veronica even ran out to the street to fetch the paper from a nearby newspaper dispenser. It wasn't until she was back inside the Spa that she realized that she had dashed out in her dress and Slave-Collar! Veronica was shocked at not only going out in public with the collar on but how accustomed to it she had already had become.
At exactly six-twenty-eight Karen and Veronica picked up a tray of breakfast each. Karen carried the larger tray with paper and flower on it for Owen, and Veronica carried the smaller tray with simply breakfast on it for Taryn. Rosina had explained that it was the proper way to show respect to both Owen and Taryn for their appropriate stations. Rosina opened the door to Owen, Taryn, and Rosina's bedroom and let Karen and Rosina enter the room first. Karen and Veronica stood at the foot of the bed, with Karen standing closer to Rosina's now vacant side and Veronica standing closer to Taryn's side.
Owen was sleeping on his back and situated in the middle of the bed. Taryn was sleeping on Owen's right side and she was on her left side and cuddled up to Owen. She was sleeping with her body draped over half of his sleeping form and her head resting on the pillow next to him. They looked like any other pair of lovers or married couple, if you didn't count their age difference or the fact that they were indeed mother and son.
Rosina walked over to Taryn's sleeping form and leaned over and began to kiss the woman on the neck while she ran her fingers up and down the side of her mother's torso. Almost immediately this got a reaction out of the sleeping woman as Taryn began to squirm and moan her approval in her sleep. By the time Rosina began to lightly nibble on her mother's ear Taryn was awake and had turned on her back and smiled up at her daughter. Taryn wrapped her arms around Rosina's neck and pulled the young woman down for an early morning kiss. This kiss was indeed the soft and romantic kiss of intimate lovers, not the platonic kiss of mother and daughter. The flowing kiss of dancing tongues lasted for only a minute, if that, but to Karen and Veronica was a beautifully erotic thing to see.
"Good morning, Cat. What was that for?" Taryn asked with a satisfied smile on her face as she gazed lovingly into the eyes of her lover, Fellow-Slave, and daughter.
"The tradition," Rosina said as she glanced at Karen and Veronica in an obvious manner.
"Very good! You remembered! I was curious if you would," Taryn said as she looked at Karen, Veronica, and then at the clock. "Very good, indeed," Taryn said with an approving smile on her face as she looked at Karen and Veronica and nodded.
Taryn then leaned over to Owen, who was still asleep at this time, and kissed Owen's shoulder. Pulling the covers back as she went, Taryn kissed her way leisurely down Owen's chest, pausing at his nipples and belly-button on her way to his groin. Once at her Master's groin she took his cock into her mouth and moaned in satisfaction as she deep-throated his cock once again.
Taryn herself would be the first to admit that she is obsessed with Owen and his cock in particular. Her favourite way to wake him up in the morning was with a "Good morning blowjob". Owen himself would be hard-pressed to find a better way to wake up than having his cock sucked from one of his Slaves. All four women in the room understood Taryn's obsession for they knew the pleasures that cock could bring a woman, for they had each had been pleasured by it. Nor did it seem strange, creepy or disgusting for a mother to fuck, suck or be a Slave to her son, for in this household, incest and Submission were completely normal.
Owen started to stir and shift in bed as the pleasures of the experienced cock-sucker drew him out of sleep and into the land of the living. With a satisfied smirk on his sleepy face, Owen looked around the room for the first time and smiled at each woman around him. With a pat on Taryn's head he signalled his mother to stop sucking his cock and reluctantly she did so.
"Good morning, everyone," Owen said as he and Taryn sat up in the bed, pulling the covers up with them.
"Good morning, Master," all four woman said in unison with loving smiles on their faces.
"What's this?" Owen said with a hint of a knowing tone to his voice.
"We wanted to thank you for Collaring us, Master," Karen said with a loving smile on her face as she looked Owen in the eyes.
"Breakfast in bed, I could get used to this!" Owen said with a pleased tone of voice and a charming smile as he motioned for Karen and Veronica to come closer.
"It could be arranged, Master," Taryn said as Karen and Veronica sat down on either side of the bed.
Karen sat down on Owen's side and Veronica sat down on Taryn's side, resting the tray across the lap of the one they were going to serve.
"No, I prefer to have the whole family eat together," Owen said as Karen scooped up a forkful of breakfast for Owen.
"As do I," Taryn replied with a smile as Veronica served Taryn her first forkful of breakfast.
What followed was a simple and pure act of servitude, Karen and Veronica served Owen and Taryn breakfast. Veronica was mildly troubled at how much she liked taking care of another's needs and serving them. Karen found it calming, to put her needs and desires aside and simply focus on the needs of her Master and tend to his simplest of needs. After a watching the breakfast for a brief moment, Rosina left the room and busied herself with cleaning up the kitchen and washing up the breakfast dishes. Karen and Veronica finished feeding Owen and Taryn breakfast and enjoyed the intimate moment of servitude, unhindered by an audience.
"Put those over there," Owen said to Karen with a naughty smile on his face as he nodded in the direction of a nearby dresser.
"You too," Taryn said to Veronica as she pointed at another nearby dresser.
"Get over here, Bella, and make sure you're out of that dress when you do!" Owen said to Karen in a commanding tone with a warm smile on his face.
"Yes, Master!" Karen replied in a husky growl as she hurriedly shoved the breakfast dishes on the dresser in question.
In record time, Karen had her dress off and was standing beside Owen completely nude and very horny. Owen smiled a cocky smile and beckoned Karen to him with a wordless nod of the head. When Karen was near enough, Owen reached up and grasped Karen's head, roughly pulled her to him and kissed her hard on the lips. Karen leaned over and squatted down to bring her head in the desired position to kiss Owen. Owen reached down with his left hand and put his hand on Karen's outside hip. With a gentle, yet firm push Karen was kneeling overtop of Owen, still kissing him passionately.
Taryn took a more direct approach as she reached up and grasped Veronica's collar by the D-ring attached to it and pulled the woman towards her into a kiss. Taryn kissed Veronica for a brief moment and both women energetically got into the kiss. Without warning Taryn broke the kiss by pulling down on Veronica's collar.
"You may prove your loyalty by eating my pussy!" Taryn said as she continued to pull Veronica's collar in the direction of her pussy.
"Mistress Red, you don't know how long I've wanted to do just that!" Veronica replied with a husky growl as she sped up the pace of her decent between Taryn's legs.
Owen grasped Karen by the breasts and pulled them up to his lips, once again she did not fight but positioned herself as her Master wished. Owen wrapped his lips around one of Karen's nipples and sucked hard, causing his Slave to shudder in pleasure. While Owen let that nipple slip out of his mouth as he kissed his way down and to the outside of Karen's breast, deciding to take an unhurried oral tour of Karen's bosom.
Taryn was in heaven and her pussy got very wet and couldn't believe she was finally going to get her lips on Taryn's pussy. She had wanted to have some fun with Rosina sure, but Taryn was the one who had really stirred up her lust. Veronica shuddered in pleasure and pure lust as Taryn's pussy filled her vision. Veronica knew that she knew how to eat pussy, and intended to make Taryn cum so often and so hard that not only would she go blind but she would be addicted to Veronica's tongue. The shudder and moan from Taryn as Veronica thrust her tongue right into Taryn's pussy let the young woman know she was off to a good start.
As Owen suckled on Karen's breast, Karen had shimmied right up against Owen so her torso was in constant contact with Owen's body. In a teasing manner, and subtle hint that she wanted to fuck, Karen rotated her hips so her pussy-slit grazed over and slicked up the head of Owen's cock. On one pass she even let his cock pause in the entrance of her pussy, as she thought about descending on his cock. Owen thought about grasping Karen by the shoulders and pushing down, thus impaling her on his thick cock. Owen knew better, he knew that Karen needed to be taught a lesson. Karen needed to be disciplined (gently) about trying to manipulate him into doing what she wanted instead of remaining focussed on his needs. Owen released his lip-lock on Karen's right nipple and leaned over to the nightstand, opened the drawer and pulled out a leash. In quick order Owen clipped the leash onto Karen's collar and pulled it hard, jerking her head towards him until her face was an inch from his. Karen stared into his eyes with a look of fear which bordered on terror in her eyes.
"I think you need a morning pick-me-up," Owen said as he pulled down on Karen's leash directing her down till she was eye-level with his cock.
"Yes, Master," Karen said with a slightly fearful look in her eye as she looked from Owen's eyes to the head of his cock.
Karen reached out with her tongue and licked the slick head of Owen's cock. She closed her eyes as she closed her lips around that same cock-head. With a slow and steady motion she descended her lips down the shaft as far as she could go before lifting her lips up until she was kissing the fat head of the man she loved and feared at that very moment. Grasping the base of the shaft to stabilize and control the movement of the cock, she started to intensify her bobbing action on her Master's cock.
Taryn slammed her fists into the mattress of the bed as she thrust her pelvis up, grinding her pussy against Veronica's face while she made a guttural cry that sounded akin to Cat's famous fucking noises. Taryn was beside herself with tormented pleasure as the young woman and new Slave ate her pussy with a talent unlike Taryn had ever known or experienced. Veronica knew that she was having an effect on the older woman and flicked her tongue across Taryn's clitoris. With one last hard suck on the clitoris itself Taryn arched her back and screamed as her orgasm hit her with such intensity that she thrashed about like she was having a seizure. At the end of it Taryn's sweat-soaked body slumped unconscious onto the bed and Veronica lapped up the fruits of her labour between the legs of the woman she had desired for months now.
Owen and Karen paused to watch the intense orgasmic thrashings of Taryn, once it was over Karen redoubled her efforts to bring her Master as much pleasure. Karen was successful in stirring up intense feelings within Owen as it wasn't long before he grasped Karen's head and directed the pace of her blowjob that had now turned into a skull-fuck. Owen lodged his cock into the back of Karen's mouth as he came with feral intensity. Karen did the only thing she could do and swallowed repeatedly the cum that was shot down her throat, without her consent. With a satisfied sigh, Owen slumped back, letting go of Karen's head as he relaxed completely satisfied.
"Bella, Dee-Dee, breakfast was delicious, clean yourselves up and tend to the dishes," Owen said without moving from his place on the bed.
Karen was not sure what to make of this morning, she was happy to serve Owen breakfast and take care of his needs, yet she was left with a throbbing pussy. Veronica also felt unsatisfied as the mother and daughter left the room, having brought an orgasm to someone else yet denied the same release themselves. Karen and Veronica picked up their dresses in one hand and the tray of dishes that they had brought in and proceeded to exit the bedroom.
"Do not play with yourselves, you are not to cum unless I give you permission, understood?" Owen called out before the women had crossed the threshold.
"Yes, Master," Karen and Veronica replied respectfully before they exited the room and proceeded into the kitchen to do as they had been instructed.
A little more than half an hour later, the whole family was sitting around the dining room table enjoying a morning coffee. Everyone was seated in their respective seats and other than Rosina, everyone was fully clothed. Karen and Veronica looked a little ill-at-ease, but covered it, well enough.
"We are now going to explain to you, what is expected of you . . . lay out the 'Ground Rules' as it were," Owen said before taking a sip of his coffee. "So for the next while we will be talking somewhat normally about how things WILL change around here," Owen continued after taking his sip of coffee.
"It is important that you understand not only what is expected of you, but why," Taryn said as she leaned in to interject.
"This will be a two-way discussion and we will be talking normally . . . at this point, I WANT you to ask questions," Owen said as he looked at both Karen and Veronica.
"Of any of us," Rosina asked as she glanced at both of the new Slaves.
What followed was a frank discussion about a subject which had become second-nature to both Taryn and Rosina: serving Owen. Owen, Taryn and Rosina explained the various protocols and what was expected and when. Karen and Veronica had a number of questions about what to do and details of this or that or even why things were done in the way they were. The discussion took the morning and in the afternoon there were some practical demonstrations and teaching sessions on how to carry out various procedures: how to kneel, what they were to do when given a certain order.
As well, everyone went upstairs to the "trimming room" of the Spa for the pubic hair trimming. Taryn and Rosina had been trimming their pubic hair in the shape of an "O" for the past four years so they had become quite good at it. Karen shuddered and quaked as her pussy was trimmed, she was hoping that Taryn would "finish her off" as it were and do something to push her over the edge so she could finally cum. Alas, all Taryn did was trim up Karen's pubic hair into the appropriate "O" shape and ushered her off the table. Veronica's pubic hair was also trimmed up into the appropriate shape by Taryn, and the older woman paid special attention to trimming the young woman's pussy. Taryn was tempted to taste Veronica for the first time, but simply enjoyed the sent of a heated pussy, spread before her.
What was also discussed that day was sleeping arrangements and Owen decided to leave things the way they were for now and talk about it in a week or two. Owen would visit each woman in their room on the night he was to spend with them. Owen said it was to allow the family to adjust to the new way of things a bit at a time. He assured Karen and Veronica that he would go easy on them for the next while if they made a mistake or forgot something. The truth was that Owen wanted to see if Karen and Veronica truly wanted to be his Slaves and it wasn't just a phase or experiment on their part. Veronica was the one whom Owen wasn't convinced about, and was sure that within a week she wouldn't want to be his Slave anymore. He didn't want to re-arrange things and then have to change it all back to accommodate her.
That night, Owen decided to spend the evening with Karen and she was most relieved, as she had been on edge most of the day and needed release. As had been previously discussed, Owen came to Karen's room at bedtime and she was ecstatic to have a man in HER bed for the first time since her divorce! Owen walked into the room and with a bright smile on her face Karen wrapped her arms around her Master and kissed him on the lips. Owen put the small bag he was carrying down beside the now closed bedroom door once the kiss was over.
"I'm happy to have you here, Master!" Karen said with her face all aglow as she held Owen tenderly in the afterglow of a romantic and loving kiss.
"And, I'm happy to spend the night with you, Bella," Owen said with a warm smile as he gently pushed Karen back until the back of her legs touched the bed. "Kneel on the bed," he said confidently as he pointed to the center of the large bed.
"Yes, Master," Karen said as she began to climb onto the bed.
"Nude," Owen added as soon as Karen's last foot left the ground.
"Yes, Master," Karen added with a naughty giggle as she started to peel off her dress while moving towards the center of the bed, as she had been ordered. It wasn't until she was kneeling down in the appropriate position that Owen spoke again.
"Yesterday, you saw an example of how Bondage could be misused, courtesy of Cat. Tonight I thought I would show you how erotic Bondage could be," Owen said with a cocky grin on his face as he picked up the bag that he had brought with him and placed it on the corner of the bed.
"Erotic Bondage, Master?" Karen asked with a slightly confused look on her face as she saw Owen removed a length of smooth rope from the bag.
"Yes, with your ability to react to what I do to you taken away, it can heighten the anticipation and eventual pleasure for you. . . . Do you trust me?" Owen said as he started to walk around the side of the bed.
"I do, Master," Karen replied confidently, with the hint of offence at being thought of that she didn't trust her Master.
"Good, put your arms behind your back and grasp your forearms," Owen said as he kneeled on the bed behind Karen.
Karen did just that and Owen tied her arms together swiftly and efficiently, making sure to balance the tightness. Too lose and Karen could slip out of it and too tight that it would cut off circulation. Next Owen took a second length of rope and tied her ankles together securely but did it in a way that spaced her ankles about six inches apart. With a final length of rope he tied her arms and ankles together, ensuring that she could squirm but could only remain kneeling straight up. As Owen moved out from behind Karen he told her to try to get out of her bonds, yet squirm as she might, she was unable to do so.
"Now remember, if it gets too intense just say 'Yellow' to slow things down and 'Red' to end this and I will untie you immediately. Is that understood?" Owen explained to Karen as he looked at the incredibly erotic sight of a tied-up who was at his mercy.
"Yes, Master, I understand," Karen replied respectfully as she stopped straining against her bonds.
"There is no disgrace or anything wrong in using a 'Safe-word' if you really can't handle it and need out. I won't punish you for wanting out, understood?" Owen said while gauging Karen's reaction.
"Yes, Master," Karen replied with a loving smile as she felt genuinely cared for by her Master.
"Since you are now restrained, you can't do a thing to stop me, or direct me to do what you want. You are at my mercy for me to do what I want," Owen said with a naughty tone of voice as he leaned in and kissed Karen's neck.
Karen shuddered as pleasure rocketed through her from the extended kiss to one of her erogenous zones. Karen's natural reaction was to grasp Owen's head to press his lips harder into her neck and ensure he wasn't going anywhere. The tug of her bonds and the inability to move her arms anywhere both frustrated and excited her. This was Karen's first taste of the erotic side of bondage and she shuddered and forced herself to relax as Owen began to kiss his way away from her shoulder and towards her left breast. A moan and shudder escaped Karen as Owen crossed the line and his lips contacted her breast for the first time.
Slowly, Owen meandered as he kissed and licked here and there, making sure to keep Karen guessing what and where he was going to kiss. When he slipped a hand down and began playing with Karen's pussy, Karen's moans and groans increased intensely as Owen licked at her breast as he began thrusting a finger into her pussy. The combination of Owen's oral assault on her breasts, his thrusting finger into her pussy and her need for release and her inability to do anything about it quickly pushed her over the edge. Karen shook and shuddered while her long awaited orgasm finally hit her and she thrashed about and futilely strained against her bonds.
When her orgasm subsided, she thought she would have a moment to rest and recover, but that was not to be. As she sat there, breathing heavy and catching her breath, Owen moved behind her and with a shove, pushed Karen onto her stomach. Lifting her hips up she found that she was now still tied up but in a wedge position. Her weight was resting on her knees and her upper body and face while her ass and ankles were in the air in a most uncomfortable position. With a quick untie Karen's ankles dropped down to the bed and she was at least able to steady herself. Karen's arms were still bound and her ankles were likewise still bound yet these bonds were not tied to each other.
Before she could thank Owen for the slightly more comfortable position, she found herself with a pussy-full of thick cock. Owen grasped onto the rope that was still hanging loosely from her wrist bonds and used that for leverage as he started a quick and hurried fuck of his bound Slave. Karen was on fire for Owen and couldn't believe how incredibly intense the bondage made the experience for her. She wanted to reach back, touch him, caress him, hold him, yet all she could do was lie there and be fucked. She was completely at her Master's mercy and at that moment she wouldn't have it any other way.
The savage fuck continued for a while yet and Owen didn't let up his mad thrusting until he emptied his load into Karen's wet pussy. Karen shot her eyes wide open as she felt the first of Owen's cum hit her cervix. It was with a shudder that she succumbed to the second assault of orgasmic bliss that evening, happy to cum with her Master.
Owen collapsed on top of Karen and they both breathed heavy as they came down from their respective highs. After he had caught his breath, Owen untied Karen and held her in a soft and intimate manner as she clutched him tight. She was more in love with him than she had ever thought possible, and the experience was far too intense to put into words, yet she would try.
"That was incredible! I've never been that turned on, Master," Karen said as she looked up into Owen's eyes with a look of wonder and adoration.
"I'm glad you liked it," Owen replied with a chuckle as he squeezed Karen and smiled at her with a look of love.
"May I please taste you? Could I please clean your cock for you? Please let me worship you!" Karen said to Owen in a needy and almost desperate tone of voice.
Owen just looked back at Karen and smiled a naughty smile as he nodded in agreement. Karen's face lit up with delight as she knew she had his permission to suck his cock. Seemingly out of nowhere and before she was too far down his body, Owen clipped a leash onto Karen and in response she growled a guttural growl of delight. As Owen held onto Karen's leash she licked her way down his body, her whole focus drawn towards the fat cock, slick with their combined juices that awaited her loving tongue. Both Owen and Karen knew it would be a long, tiring and rewarding night.