Chapter 12
He smiled when he saw her approaching, Owen couldn't help it; it was purely natural reaction whenever she came to pick him up. She was the bright spot at the end of another dreary, frustrating day in Research, yet this was not just any day, it was the Friday at the end of his first week. He now had two days to relax and be surrounded by the ones he loved before starting the drudgery again.
"Hello, Master, how was your day?" Veronica asked warmly, with a look of love as Owen wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight.
"Better, now that you're here," Owen said, at that he and Veronica shared a laugh before their 'hello kiss' in the middle of the law firm's reception area.
As Veronica drove them away from the law firm, Owen had to pause to consider the changes that this week had brought. It was one week today that the fateful Friday night out where everyone in the family got drunk to celebrate Veronica's and his end of schooling. The following night was when Veronica and her mother, Karen had submitted to him and became his Slaves. At the time, Owen wasn't sure how long it would last, and was positive that within a week they would both ask to be released. Sure, Karen was sincere in her assertion to become his Slave, but if her daughter, Veronica walked away, wouldn't Karen do so too? Owen was convinced Veronica would walk away from him any day now, yet here they were, Friday evening of the first workweek and a few things were evident, even to the doubtful Owen.
For one, Veronica had chosen the job that was closer to Owen's law firm, even though it was with the smaller company and paid a little less. Veronica said it was because she liked the work environment and wanted the experience of running a small company. Owen knew that part of the reason was so that they could carpool. This was not like the Veronica he knew; the Veronica he knew would have chosen what was best for her, period!
Another thing was that since becoming his Slave on Saturday night, Veronica had not put up nearly as much of a fuss or resisted his authority as Owen had expected. In fact Owen had only needed to spank her once, and even then she acquitted herself beautifully! Veronica had balked at Taryn's order to do the dishes, even though Veronica herself had cooked dinner. Everyone else was busy doing some other chore so that is why Veronica was chosen to do the dinner dishes and clean up the kitchen. Yet when Owen stepped in and told Veronica that her attitude and behaviour was unacceptable, she genuinely listened to him and sincerely apologized to Taryn and him. When Veronica was told that she was to be spanked for her outburst, she was sad, yet agreeable. At the right time she laid herself across Owen's lap in the proper manner and even counted out each spank, not complaining once. When the spanking was over she was tearful but they were genuine tears of shame and regret that she had been disobedient and let her Master down. Owen could see in her eyes that her emotions were genuine, not fake, put on, or show. It was clear that she Veronica was genuinely trying to be a good and obedient Slave! This concept was hard for Owen to accept and was why he didn't trust her long-term commitment.
If Veronica was going to run from being his Slave, Owen wanted her to do it sooner, rather than later. As they traveled home together, chatting about their days there was a genuine spark of attraction between them. Owen liked her, genuinely liked her, and knew that she genuinely liked him, and this was a problem. Owen didn't want to get his heart hurt by another uncommitted Slave, like he had with Rebecca. Even though he didn't Collar her, everyone at Heather's knew that Rebecca was his 'Mouse' and treated her like his Slave. Rebecca had turned on him after they had to part ways, and that was what hurt.
On Sunday morning, the family had their first "Family Meeting" since before the house burned down and it was a first for Karen and Veronica. It was explained that everyone in the house had a job and was responsible for that area yet everyone helped each other out where needed. As well it was explained that every week the family held this meeting so each person could explain what was going on in their area of responsibility. Problems were discussed and solved and any larger issues were to be debated by everyone before Owen made his final decision. As everyone expected, it was stated that Owen was "The Master of The Family" and was in essence the "Father and Husband" of the family. This meant that he had final say on all matters pertaining to the family, yet Owen preferred to have everyone's input. Because matters were to be discussed freely, this is why that during the family meetings everyone may talk freely. Owen didn't have a problem with discussion during family meetings as long as everyone respected each other and his authority.
The first thing Owen did was to assign duties to everyone and they went as follows: Owen: Maintenance (handyman), Taryn: Meals, Rosina: Laundry, Karen: Household Budget, Veronica: Household Cleaning. In essence Owen kept everything the same, Karen pays the bills with her own money as she always had been doing, Taryn worked upstairs to earn the room-and-board for Owen, Rosina and herself. The Thompson family kept their finances separate, even though he has taken on the responsibility of Karen and Veronica.
When the issue of sleeping arrangements was brought up and the need to change things around so that Owen had his own room, Owen dismissed this. Once again, Owen expected Karen and Veronica to walk away from him, not believing in their long-term commitment to him so he did not want to change things around only to have to change them back a few days later. There was some discussion, and a few of the ladies try to argue that it isn't right for him The Master of The Family, to share a room with anyone. Owen argued that the family isn't ready yet, and that he doesn't see how it will work, everyone will be cramped no matter how they rearrange things. When anyone tried to offer a solution, Owen shut them down, and after the third attempt the discussion was closed.
The same pattern followed over the two weeks: Owen and Veronica carpooled to work, Owen had a dreary day, yet Veronica had a great day at work. When they got home, Veronica would try hard to prove that she was a good and faithful Slave and Owen would view this with scepticism. On the surface, everything was fine, the family was happy, yet there was an unspoken tension which everyone knew about, yet didn't mention.
There was the "Inner Family" of Owen, Taryn and Rosina, and there was the "Outer Family" of Karen and Veronica. Two things, other than Owen's attitude reinforced this: one was the sleeping arrangements, and the other was the finances. While Owen made sure to spend a night with each woman, in turn, Taryn and Rosina's things were in the same room as Owen's, therefore they still shared a room together. Owen, Taryn and Rosina shared a single bank account yet Karen and Veronica still had their separate ones. In a family which was supposedly founded on "All for one, one for all" it was an insult for Karen and Veronica to be treated this way. They felt the insult and hurt, yet did not voice their concerns, for fear of insulting Owen and being rejected and turned away from the family they desperately wanted to be a REAL part of.
At the following Family Meeting, the issue of sleeping arrangements was brought up by Karen, even offering Owen her room. Karen suggested that she move in with Taryn and that Rosina could share a room with Veronica. All four ladies embraced this plan, yet still Owen rejected it out of hand. The following week the tension grew and at the third family meeting, Veronica decided to bring things to a head, she had to be heard.
"I just received my first paycheque, Master," Veronica said respectfully as she placed her paycheque on the table. "I give this to you so you may use it to bless out family, Master," Veronica said as she slid her paycheque towards Owen.
"That won't be necessary, put it in your account, you earned it," Owen said dismissively as he shoved the paycheque back towards Veronica.
"Yes, I earned it, and I want to give it to The Family, I want to do my part!" Veronica said firmly as she pushed the paycheque back towards Owen.
"You do, do your part by helping out around the home," Owen said in an equally stern manner as he shoved the paycheque back towards Veronica.
"Where does your paycheque go? Where does Rosina's paycheque go?" Veronica said in a daring manner as she briskly shoved the paycheque back towards Owen.
"In the bank!" Owen said with a growl as he harshly pushed the paycheque back at Veronica.
"What account? Separate ones or a joint account . . . for YOUR family!" Veronica retorted with a growl as she pushed the paycheque back at Owen with the hardest shove yet.
"What's your problem? I am your Master and I have told you to put your paycheque in your account!" Owen said angrily as he flung the paycheque back at Veronica.
"My problem is that you are playing favourites! You don't respect Bella or me! You make us feel like outsiders in our own house!" Veronica said in a forceful and hurt tone of voice as she leaned in and glared at Owen, her eyes reduced to slits.
"FAVOURITES!" Owen shouted in disgust as he stood up.
"YES, FAVOURITES! You share a room with Mistress Red and Cat, and you only share a bank account with Mistress Red and Cat even though Bella and I have repeatedly asked you to treat us as equals!" Veronica ranted as she stood up to square off against Owen.
"EQUALS? You're SLAVES!" Owen snorted in disgust, Veronica was about to respond when someone else spoke up on her behalf, an unlikely ally.
"She's right," Taryn said calmly before she glanced at Owen and Veronica and added, "Sit down, both of you."
"What?" Owen replied in a puzzled manner as both he and Veronica sat down, quietly.
"She's right about all of it. You refuse to change anything around here. Other than you taking Bella and Dee-Dee on as Slaves, nothing else has changed around here. On one hand you keep saying that we are one large family and must look after each other yet on the other hand you behave as if we are still two families. We are still in the same rooms as before, even though it no longer makes any sense. You refuse to let Bella and Dee-Dee contribute to the family finances. Are we one family or two?" Taryn calmly stated in a respectful manner.
"EXACTLY!" Karen emphatically agreed, her eyes wet with pain and releasing tension.
"Well tha . . . that's just . . ." Owen started to stammer out a reply, his face flush with confusion, anger and pain.
"C'mon! C'mon I gotta hear this! Why? Tell me why you don't treat us right?" Veronica said in a daring, challenging and provocative manner.
"BECAUSE YOU'LL LEAVE SOON!" Owen blurted out and then fell silent.
"That's it? Even after all we've done these past three weeks, you still doubt our commitment?" Karen asked Owen with a hurt and pained tone of voice.
"I admit when this all started that I was scared and confused about becoming your Slave. Sure, I only did it to learn to be a better Mistress, but I never knew that I would be learning to become a better person. I am happier than I ever have been, I feel at peace and I am more loved now than I ever have been. I don't want to go anywhere!" Veronica said in a confident and sincere manner as she looked at Owen.
"I don't want Bella and Dee-Dee to go anywhere either! I love them like the family they are! The only one resisting this is you, Master," Rosina said in a sincere tone to Owen who still had his head bowed.
"What must we do to prove our loyalty to you and our desire to remain a part of this family?" Veronica said with a genuine tone of voice.
"Yes, tell us and we will do it, Master!" Karen asserted in an urging tone of voice.
"Yes, Master . . . ANYTHING!" Veronica added in an urging tone of voice.
"Anything?" Owen said in a curious tone of voice as he lifted his head quickly. "Okay, you all want a little 'family bonding experience?' Okay. You want a challenge, some sort of 'right of passage?' Okay, let's go," he said as he stood up and started walking towards the dining room exit.
"Now?" Taryn asked curiously as Owen dashed into his bedroom and retrieved a small duffle-bag.
"Now!" Owen said in a commanding tone of voice as he poked his head back into the dining room.
Without a word of protest the ladies got up and started going towards their respective bedrooms to change for the mystery outing. They were all surprised when Owen told them that they were fine they way they were. All four ladies were shocked as they looked at each other in their 'around the house' dresses and Slave-Collars. Yet without a word of protest they all piled into the old Oldsmobile and looked out the windows, as Owen drove them away from the Spa to some mystery location. If anyone knew or suspected where they were going they never said it, as the sped towards the industrial side of town. Taryn and Rosina just looked at each other with wide eyes and a knowing look as the car turned down the back alley, behind Heather's.
Owen rolled down the window and swiped the pass-card, which Heather had given him when he left, through the card reader mounted to the side of the wall. The large overhead door sprang to life and started to open up. It wasn't until they were parked in the indoor parking lot, with the overhead door closed before anyone spoke up.
"Where are we?" Karen asked Taryn in a whisper as they all started to get out of the car.
"Heather's" Taryn replied with a hushed tone of voice as the car doors closed.
"Do you mean that place where he . . ." Veronica interjected in a hurried whisper as Owen continued towards the metal door, not pausing one bit.
"Yep," Rosina said.
"Oh shit," Veronica replied in a drained tone of regret.
The four women had to hurry to catch up to Owen and just as he just swiped his card though the inner card reader they did so. As the buzzed sounded and Owen opened the door up, the women were gathered behind him, all looking a little worried as to what was going to happen. The same large black man was standing there at the door in his usual tight, black-leather pants, black shoes and spiked leather collar. Owen walked past him, giving him a quick nod on his way halfway down the hallway. It wasn't until Owen was standing in front of the storage closet that he stopped and turned to face the four women, the stern look still on his face.
"Here we are at Heather's and you will all get a taste of what it really feels like to be a Slave! You are all free to leave at any time, but remember, for today, if you leave and walk away from me on The Floor, you are walking away from me in real life. If you leave the floor then you are leaving my service and will no longer be my Slave. Is that clear?" Owen said with a commanding and demanding tone of voice as he looked each woman in the eye.
"Yes, Master," Taryn, Karen, Rosina and Veronica replied in unison.
"Good. Red, get them changed, I will meet you out on The Floor. Do you remember what to do, from when Mouse brought you here," Owen said to Taryn in the same commanding tone of voice.
"Yes, Master, it was only once and is has been a while, but I remember what is required," Taryn replied respectfully as she nodded slightly.
"Good, get it done," Owen said sternly before he turned and disappeared into the men's change room.
"So what is required of us?" Karen asked in a timid and fearful tone of voice as Taryn opened up the storage closet.
"Well . . . here is what you are to wear," Taryn said as she handed Karen two wrist cuffs and two ankle cuffs.
"Where's the rest?" Karen replied in a shocked tone of voice as she looked up to Taryn with a look of horror on her face.
"Along with your Collar, that's it," Taryn said as she handed Veronica a similar sets of wrist and ankle cuffs.
"And you thought the dress was too daring," Veronica said to Karen in an attempted moment of levity.
All four women were equally apprehensive about what was going to happen. Nothing was said as they changed in the women's locker room yet they all gave each other glances of support as they put their clothes away and put on their Slave uniforms required for entrance onto The Floor of Heather's. When all four women were wearing only their Slave-Collars, wrist and ankle cuffs they walked towards the door leading to The Floor.
"I'm sorry I got us into this," Veronica said in an ashamed and embarrassed manner as she hung her head.
"No, this is not your problem . . . this is Master's," Taryn said as she put her hand on Veronica's shoulder in a gesture of support.
"What?" Veronica asked in shock as she looked up into Taryn's face.
"You were correct in everything you said and did; even challenging Master on it. You waited until the Family Meeting and brought the problem that we all knew was there and demanded that something be done about it. I suppose I should have talked to him privately, much earlier. That was my failing, but I thought he would get over it when he saw how earnestly you have been striving to be a good Slave. I am sorry, it was my job to see these problems and quietly correct them before they get this bad. I am sorry," Taryn said as in a sincere and regretful manner.
"Well, if it is HIS problem, what do WE do about it?" Veronica asked in a worried expression on her face.
"We do what he asks. If we do whatever he asks of us today, sooner or later he will clue in that we all want to serve him. If he takes it too far, then I will step in and challenge him on it," Taryn said in a confident and comforting tone of voice.
"Let's just hope that today will be the end of it. I just want to be treated like a real part of this family, I want to be made to feel like an equal!" Karen said earnestly, with the furrowed brow of a frustrated expression.
"We will," Taryn said as she put her arms around Veronica and Karen in a show of support.
That quickly grew into a group hug before all four women filed out and entered The Floor. Karen and Veronica looked around the room and were in shock to see various sets of BDSM equipment lining the walls. If that wasn't enough to shock them, seeing men and women not only in various states of undress but engaging in a variety of sexual and BDSM acts certainly did.
As could be expected Heather herself was in her red outfit, standing in the centre of The Floor yet she was not observing everything as one might expect. Instead, Heather was talking to Owen and thank goodness the ladies couldn't hear her because Heather was giving Owen hell for not visiting sooner. Truth be told, Heather almost kicked Owen out, took his pass card away and banned him from her place. However, Owen was able to pass his absence off with the excuse of being too busy at school. Owen and Heather walked towards the four women who had been waiting by the entrance to the women's change room.
"Well, isn't this a quaint picture of family unity?" Heather said with a smirk on her face as she and Owen approached Taryn, Karen, Rosina and Veronica. "I had a feeling about you and the other two," Heather said with a glance to Owen as she stopped in front of the four women.
"Is that why you sent me home with two Slave-Collars instead of just one?" Owen asked Heather in a knowing tone of voice, with a raised eyebrow.
"Exactly, I knew you and I didn't think these poor things stood a chance to resist you, and here they are," Heather said with a knowing chuckle in her voice as she ran her finger along the D-Ring of each Slave-Collar. "What are you hear for?" Heather asked in a serious tone as she turned her attention back to Owen.
"A bit of 'togetherness training', and 'family bonding,' if you will," Owen said with a chuckle that Heather quickly joined in on.
"I know just the thing," Heather said as she approached Owen, and whispered a few things in his ear.
With a wicked smile on his face, Owen left for a moment but quickly returned with four sets of nipple-clamps and three hair ties. Walking up to Taryn first he smiled a wicked smile at her as he brought the first nipple-clamp up to her left nipple and clamped it on. Taryn cursed in pain and her knees buckled. As Owen brought the second nipple-clamp up, Taryn straightened up and she watched as he clamped the second nipple-clamp on her right nipple. Taryn whimpered as she watched the chain swinging between the nipple-clamps clamped to both of her nipples. Owen didn't stop to appreciate his handiwork, he moved on to Karen. First Owen attached a hair tie to the Tarn's hair and positioned it the same height as Karen's nipples. Taking the second set of nipple-clamps he ran the first one through the hair tie and then brought the nipple-clamps up towards Karen's nipples. Karen shook in fear as she knew what was going to happen next. Karen never moved yet squealed in pain, though she tried to suppress her pain as Owen clamped both nipple-clamps onto her nipples. Repeating the process until he had each woman's nipples clamped and attached to the hair of the woman in front of her he had made a chain of his Slaves.
"Keep your hands at your sides," Owen said as he picked up a leash hanging on a nearby wall.
Owen clipped this leash to the dangling chain between Taryn's nipple-clamps. Turning on the spot Owen started walking, forcing the wincing, squealing chain of women to follow him. Life on The Floor paused as people stopped what they were doing to watch the parade of Slaves. Owen led the women once around the perimeter of The Floor. During the parade, surprisingly only one nipple-clamp came loose, it was Veronica's right nipple-clamp.
"Stop!" Owen said as he abruptly stopped and the whole procession came to a halt.
Handing the leash to Taryn, Owen walked to the back of the line of Slaves and looked at the dangling nipple-clamp and the free nipple. Owen then glanced up into Veronica's eyes with a disapproving look.
"Put it back on," Owen said in a commanding tone of voice.
Veronica looked up at Owen with a shocked expression and Owen just continued to stare at her, expectantly. With shaky hands Veronica picked up the dangling nipple-clamp and reattached it to her own right nipple. She whimpered in pain and looked at Owen, silently begging for mercy, yet Owen turned and walked away. Taking the leash from Taryn he led the ladies to one of the more spacious corner areas of The Floor.
Upon arriving there the ladies could see what looked to be four workout benches, set waist high, arranged in a "+" configuration. In the centre were four very short elbow pipes with a nylon strap with a clip at the end coming out each one. Each elbow pipe was aimed towards each of the benches in question. As the ladies saw the various paddles, whips and riding crops hanging on the walls of this area they all started to get a little worried.
Owen unclipped the leash from Taryn's nipple-clamps and hung it up on a nearby hook. Walking to the back he unclipped Veronica and despite the spike of pain, once blood started to flow back into her tortured nipples, she was relieved to have the devices removed. Grasping Veronica by the hair he roughly positioned her so that she was bent over one end of one of the benches with her arms stretched out in front of her almost reaching the elbow pipes. One by one Owen unclipped his Slaves and arranged them on the benches until each woman was bent over a bench. One final thing he did was to affix a blindfold onto each woman, once he had them all in place.
"You may have noticed that I have not bound you in place. This is because you are here by choice and may leave at any time, yet you are not to move and keep quiet! You are blindfolded so you will not know what is coming, pleasure or pain, whether you will receive it or someone else." Owen said with a chuckle as he picked up a riding crop and chuckled.
Owen walked over to Taryn, who was the nearest and kissed her shoulder-blade before kissing his way down her back. At the same time he reached over to Rosina at the next bench and ran his finger down her side, causing her to shudder. Unexpectedly, Owen brought the crop down sharply on Taryn's ass, causing the woman to squeal in shock and pain. Again and again Owen varied between pleasure and pain from woman to woman, never letting them detect any pattern to what he was doing.
The tension rose amongst the women yet they all did their best not to shout out or move. The tension got a little too much for one of the women and she was trying her best not to cry. The stifled whimpering of Veronica touched the heart of Taryn and without thinking of it she reached out and touched Veronica's arm. Quickly Veronica searched until she found Taryn's hand and held it, once they were holding hands she didn't feel alone, rather she felt at peace. Reaching out with her other hand Veronica touched her mother's arm and quickly she too knew what her daughter wanted. So it went until all four women were holding the hands of the woman on either side of her.
Owen stared in disbelief as he saw the silent and unplanned show of unity and mutual support. The joy of the moment was only equalled by the anticipated pain of Veronica's eventual departure. He didn't want to go through that pain again so he intensified his efforts to test the commitment of each of his Slaves. He was happy with his family and loved them too much to lose them, yet he could not believe or trust in Veronica's desire to be his Slave. Surly this was just a show or short time thing and if she was going to leave he was going to drive her away sooner rather than later. Yet he didn't want her to go, he didn't want her to leave, she had proven over the past three weeks how well she fit into the family, yet it was almost too surreal to believe that the same woman who earlier had begged him to help her dominate her own mother would now happily be his Slave.
Owen had an idea that he felt for sure would make Veronica crack. Rushing to the wall, Owen grasped the leash from where he had hung it. Returning to Veronica Owen clipped the leash onto her collar and tugged on it, forcing the blindfolded woman to get up. Still not removing her blindfold or pausing to let her get her footing, Owen continued to lead the stumbling woman by her collar to the center of The Floor.
"Kneel!" Owen commanded as he reached the center of The Floor.
"Yes, Master," Veronica replied as she knelt, as ordered.
"What are you? Shout it out with pride!" Owen said with a stern tone of voice, a sneer on his face as he pulled the blindfold off of Veronica's face.
"I AM YOUR SLAVE, MASTER!" Veronica shouted out, without hesitation, as loud as she could.
It took a moment for Owen to find his voice as he couldn't believe that Veronica would do such a thing, knowing she was in a pseudo-public place.
"Worship me!" Owen said in a cocky and daring tone of voice, knowing that would get a rise out of her pride.
"Yes, Master!" Veronica replied respectfully, with a nod of her head.
Shifting forward Veronica positioned herself right at Owen's feet and reached up to unfasten his pants as if it was the most natural thing in the world. She looked up at Owen and smiled as she unzipped his fly and folded back the flaps of his black pants. Pulling out his thick cock she licked her lips before wrapping them around her Master's cock. As she knelt before Owen she swallowed his cock and was finally able to get his thick cockhead to enter her throat, a skill she had only just mastered. With hard suction she pulled her mouth back until she had just kissed the head of Owen's cock before she descended on it again. Owen groaned as he let his head flop back while Veronica swallowed his other head . . . literally! After a few minutes of hard and fast cocksucking, Owen was ready to blow, yet blowing down her throat was not what he had in mind.
"Get on all fours and beg your Master to fuck you! Shout it out!" Owen said with a cocky attitude as he looked down at the woman who was still pistoning her mouth on his cock.
Without missing a beat, or pausing at all Veronica lifted her mouth off of Owen's cock and spun around, dropping to her hands and knees as soon as it were possible.
"FUCK ME MASTER! FUCK YOUR SLAVE WITH YOUR BIG, FAT COCK! SPLIT THIS HUMBLE SLAVE IN TWO, MY MASTER!" Veronica shouted out as she waited for Owen to mount her.
Veronica didn't have to wait long for her Master's cock to slide into her and even though she was on her hands and knees in the middle of The Floor at Heather's, she didn't care. Veronica was being fucked by her Master and bringing him pleasure. As well this was just another way to prove her loyalty to him, her desire to be his personal property. Owen didn't wait or be gentle at all with this fuck, he grasped Veronica by the hair and hammered away at her pussy with all he was worth. Veronica just growled a guttural growl as she was helpless under the powerful assault on her pussy by her Master.
Owen was sure that this would make Veronica get upset and walk away form him, yet she just sat there and let him fuck her in the most public place that he had ever had sex. He had made her humiliate herself and yet she didn't bat an eye and just accepted it, doing whatever he told her, as soon as he told her! Before he could think anything else the heat of the moment overtook Owen and he blew his load into Veronica's pussy.
When his orgasm was over he pulled out of Veronica and recomposed himself, pulling up his pants. With a tug of her leash, Owen led Veronica back to the other resting women none of them had moved, all were still holding hands. Pointing at the vacant bench, Owen unclipped Veronica as she repositioned herself and grasped Taryn and Karen's hands.
Owen was frustrated that he had not made Veronica crack, as he had thought the public display would. Owen was angered that he was not able to prove to the women that he was right, that not all were completely committed to him. Owen gripped the riding crop tighter and began to randomly letting his frustration out on the four women before him. Each woman would shout out in pain yet not ask for mercy. While they all knew about safe words, none of them used them. Owen switched to a cat-and-nine-tails whip and continued his whipping of his Slaves, yet none of them complained.
This whipping continued for some time yet, and then the chanting started. Taryn was the first to start it, but soon after each woman joined in and by the fourth time through, they all were speaking in union. The chant they repeated over and over was:
"We are a family. You are our Master. We are your Slaves. We serve out of love. We stay by choice."
Owen paused momentarily as he listened to the chanting of his Slaves. His eyes started to water and his tension rose as their words were starting to get to him. Intent on forcing one of them to break and prove that they would leave him sooner or later Owen whipped them harder. Yet the harder he whipped, the louder the chanting, this continued for only a minute or two more before the breakthrough happened and the situation came to a head . . . one of them cracked.
Finally it dawned on Owen that the words his Slaves were chanting were true and they were each of them sincere. Even thought Karen and Veronica had only been bound to him for three short weeks, there had been the beginnings of friendship, family and love before then. Owen was forced to face that they were truly committed and the emotions of the moment overwhelmed him.
The tears came slowly and stilted at first as Owen tried to hold them in, yet they would not be denied or hemmed in. Not exactly sure why he was crying, yet crying anyways Owen sank to his knees and dropped the whip. At that exact moment Owen was humbled by the love and devotion of the four women he had just whipped and awed at their strength and determination to demonstrate their love for him by taking it.
What the four women did next was purely instinct for Slaves . . . they came to the aid and comfort of their Master. Removing their blindfolds they all sank to their knees and surrounded Owen with a group hug, holding him in their collective arms and letting him release his emotions and soon enough he had composed himself enough to talk.
"None of you left," Owen said with wide eyes of amazement as he glanced around at his four Slaves. "No matter what I did to you, you all stayed," he added with a look of wonder and humility.
"We love you, we love serving you, Master," Veronica said in a manner of pure love.
"Really? Even you?" Owen asked in amazement.
"Even me," Veronica said with loving sincerity as she brushed her hand across Owen's cheek.
"What about being a Mistress?" Owen asked curiously.
"I still want that . . . a child may leave their parent's home but never their parent's family. We can work the details out later, but know that I will always be your Slave and I will always love you, Master," Veronica said as she hugged Owen tighter.
"We all will, Master," Taryn, Karen, and Rosina asserted as they squeezed Owen tighter.
"I believe you," Owen said with a sincere and touched tone of voice as he smiled at each woman surrounding him, in turn.
"Took you long enough!" Taryn said with a lovingly sarcastic manner and at that everyone shared a laugh, even Owen.
* * *
The lush evergreen trees outside gave a tranquil feel to the otherwise strict and utilitarian institution complex. Rebecca stood at the window and traced the lines of the old stone and concrete structure and watched it contrast with the lush and abundant beauty of the nature that surrounded the old facility. Rebecca smiled as she took in the picturesque beauty that filled her vision, momentarily forgetting where she was.
"You need help," Harold said in an urging tone of voice from behind her snapping Rebecca out of her thoughts.
"But I've put all that behind me! I don't do those things anymore!" Rebecca urged as she turned to face Harold.
Harold was seated in a chair in front of a large desk in a spacious office. Seated behind the desk was an old nun who looked Rebecca over with a constant condescending gaze. The office they were in was paneled in rich wood and was as old as the institution itself, which was getting close to being one hundred years old. It had been an institution for the mentally deranged that had been run by the church when it was originally built. Over the years it had changed focus but had always been run by the church. Now it was a home for all manner of people who needed intensive counselling and emotional support provided by the Nuns in a safe and serene environment.
"But they're still a part of you!" Harold urged strenuously as his face echoed the pain in his heart.
"Not anymore!" Rebecca stressed as she took a step towards her husband.
"Those demons are still inside of you! I can't imagine the woman I married doing such despicable things!" Harold said in a shocked manner. "I can't look at you," Harold added with a pained expression as he turned in his chair.
"DON'T GIVE UP ON ME!" Rebecca cried out as she rushed to kneel before her husband and put her hand on his knee.
"If you don't accept their help . . . the help you need . . . then I will give up on you," Harold said with a cold and dispassionate tone of voice as he stood up and briskly walked a few paces away from Rebecca.
Rebecca hung her head and cried as the emotions of losing her husband and children overwhelmed her. It took a moment of tears before she realized that Harold was serious and if she wasn't careful, her marriage might end before her eyes. Knowing that he was right, that she needed their help to rid herself of the deep-seeded desires that still plagued her, Rebecca resolved to do something about them. Pulling herself up into the chair that Harold had vacated, Rebecca then leaned over the desk and pulled the commitment papers towards her. Desperate to rid herself of her submissive desires and her longing for her Sir, as well as wanting to prove her love and commitment to her husband, Rebecca picked up the pen. As a few final tears burst forth from within her, Rebecca signed the papers and committed herself to the church and this old institution.