Chapter 16
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Rebecca slowly drifted into consciousness that next morning and her first thoughts were of feeling snug and warm. As her mind became more awake she felt the odd sensation of a body pressed up against her, more specifically the sensation of a nude body pressed up against hers. She glanced around the room to get her bearings but found that she was in strange surroundings and for a fleeting second she panicked. The breath on her shoulder, the arm across her belly and the cock nestled into the crack of her ass reminded her of the night before and where she was. A satisfied smile crossed Rebecca's lips as she breathed a sigh of relief snuggling into the embrace of her Sir. She was in his arms and in his bed, so all was right with the world, or was it?
Part of her was happy and satisfied to be drawing closer to him; it was something out of a dream. To be able to start a real relationship with her Sir was something that was just a fanciful thought which taunted her even as briefly as a week ago. Her body had ached to feel his touch and to have him inside her again filled a need that this morning she knew that only he could satisfy. Last night had only scratched the surface of the things he could do to her and even that thought brought wetness to her pussy. Rebecca was powerless to resist him, and she knew it, the closer she got the closer she wanted to get. Nothing would satisfy the primal pull of the urge to be one with him, to be his in a real sense: to be his Slave. Deep in her heart, Rebecca knew that she craved his collar and to be owned by her Sir in a real and practical sense. She knew that she wanted to become the newest member of this odd yet loving family which already had started to feel like family to her.
Yet the religious part of Rebecca could never accept the sinful, deviant and immoral aspects of the lifestyle of Owen and his family. While she wanted Owen to have a part in the life of her child, as any father should, she was not sure how much contact was best for the child itself. While Owen was a good man who treated her and her kids well, he was also an incestuous, polygamist, who might very well teach these practices to his children, that was her deepest fear.
Rebecca kept telling herself that she was staying here because she didn't have any options, that nobody would take her in. This shaky truth is what Rebecca used to placate her religious side to allow herself to stay with Sir just one more day. Rebecca was a woman torn; she wanted both worlds without having to compromise either. One thing was clear that she would either have to reshape her religious beliefs to be with her Sir or suppress her submissive desires and cling religiously to the strict moral code she had always used to guide her.
As good as it felt to be in his arms, the real reason Rebecca was up so early became apparent as her urge to pee tugged on her bladder. With a groan, Rebecca rolled out of bed and with a hard push on the bed struggled to get up and out of the bed. Instinct and modesty won out over convenience and practicality, as Rebecca hastily put on her flannel pyjamas to walk the two feet of corridor to the bathroom.
In her haste Rebecca shut the bathroom door but didn't ensure it was closed and locked. As Rebecca sat on the toilet she noticed the crack in the bathroom door, and the slit of hallway beyond. Her pee was in full stream now so there was little she could do about it. She was up a little earlier than she usually was and felt grimy, as a result of last night's activities, and decided to have a shower.
The prospect of a hot shower drew Rebecca's attention away from the open bathroom door. She had just turned the water on and had begun to adjust the temperature when the door swung open. Rebecca quickly glanced over her shoulder to see Rosina staring at Rebecca in disbelief as she closed the door behind her. Rosina was as nude as the day she was born, with the one exception being her Slave-Collar.
"What are you doing?" Rosina snapped at Rebecca in disbelief as she put her hands on her hips.
"Having a shower?" Rebecca replied in a puzzled tone of voice. "I could ask you the same question," she said as she pulled the handle and the showerhead sprang to life.
"Alone? In your condition! You could slip and fall, and hurt the baby!" Rosina said as she rushed to the shower to turn the water off.
"I'll be fine! I have had showers before," Rebecca said as she stood up and looked at Rosina with a frustrated expression. "I really need a shower!" she added with a sigh as she put her hand on Rosina's shoulder.
"If you insist on doing this, at least do it properly, I will help you," Rosina said in an understanding tone of voice.
"What are you, my mother?" Rebecca asked with a sarcastic tone of voice.
"No, I'm your nurse," Rosina said seriously as she left the bathroom for just a brief moment. "And future Fellow-Slave," she said as she returned, holding a step-stool. "You might say we're sorta engaged," she added with a giggle as she put the stool down in the bathtub.
"What?" Rebecca asked with genuine shock in her eyes that she tried to hide.
"Well, I heard you and Master last night. What I mean to say is that you seem to be fitting into the family so well that it only seems to be a matter of time before Master will Collar you too!" Rosina said as she adjusted the water to the right temperature, bending over as she did so.
Rebecca's head was swimming from the developments of the last few minutes. The thought of her kneeling down before Sir, having him claim her and place his collar around her neck made Rebecca's heart flutter. The delightful curves of the nude Rebecca, bent over before her brought her back to reality, only to drink in her flowing, feminine curves with a hungry eye. Rebecca chastised herself for looking at the young woman in such a light, yet the truth was that there was only nine years difference in their ages.
"Isn't that wonderful?" Rosina asked as she looked over her shoulder with a sparkle in her eye.
"Yes, wonderful," Rebecca said while openly staring at Rosina's shapely ass.
"Then you'll finally be a real part of the family!" she said as she turned around and stood before Rebecca. "C'mon, time to lose this thing. I'm surprised that Karen still had it! I swear she doesn't get rid of anything!" Rosina said as she tugged on Rebecca's flannel pyjamas.
"I . . ." Rebecca replied with a most worried and self-conscious look on her face as she clutched her garment tightly.
"I am a nurse and it's just us girls," Rosina said in a reassuring tone of voice. "Besides, I'm nude too," she said with a chipper tone as she bounced once to draw attention to herself.
With a frustrated sigh Rebecca grasped the garment and lifted it over her head and placed it on the bathroom counter. The uncomfortable look Rebecca gave Rosina let her know that she wasn't at all comfortable with the situation. The reassuring smile on Rosina's face tried to convey that Rebecca had nothing to be self-conscious about. As Rosina put Rebecca's arm around her shoulder and helped her to the bathtub Rebecca felt breast press up against breast. The soft feel of womanly flesh pressed up against her own excited her in ways that she wished didn't. When Rebecca was fully seated on the stool, she reached for the soap, to begin washing herself. Rebecca blushed and turned away as Rosina stood up and retrieved the movable showerhead from its position up high.
Rosina sat down, straddling the edge of the tub, flipped a switch and the water shot out of the movable showerhead she held in her hand. Rosina moved the gentle spray of water slowly over Rebecca's body, making sure not to get her face or hair wet. Once she was fully wet, Rebecca started to lather herself up, she was uneasy by the attention Rosina was giving her. Rebecca noticed the intense gaze that Rosina was giving her pregnant gut, finally she had to speak up in order to break the tension.
"Haven't you seen a pregnant woman nude before?" Rebecca asked with a curious tone of voice as she reached up and started to lather her far arm, in an attempt to slyly cover her breasts up.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to stare . . . it's just that . . . well, you're not just any pregnant woman, you are carrying Master's child!" Rosina said with a tone of wonder as she looked intently into Rebecca's eyes.
"Sometimes I wish I wasn't," Rebecca grumbled under her breath.
"And I wish I could," Rosina said with a growl of envy as she looked down.
"What?" Rebecca asked in curious shock, it wasn't until she reached out and touched Rosina's hand that the younger woman looked up. "You do? You want your brother's child?" she asked with astonished wonder as the two women looked intently into each other's eyes.
"I have been a Slave of Master's for four, almost five years now! I stopped thinking of him as my brother a very long time ago! He is my husband and my Master, so why wouldn't I want to bear him a child?" Rosina replied in a curt and slightly hurt tone of voice.
"Well, I . . ." Rebecca stammered for some sort of appropriate reply.
"What did you think, that we were all just kidding about? Having fun? Playing about until eventually we would get serious and find a man of our own?" Rosina said in a confident and stern tone of voice as she looked deep into Rebecca's eyes, silently demanding an answer.
"I never gave it much thought, it is all so new to me, and I must admit a bit unsettling," Rebecca replied in an unsure tone of voice as she wore an uncomfortable expression.
"This is it for me . . . for all of us! I can't think of living any other way, I love my husband and my wives! More than anything I want children!" Rosina added with a passionate tone of voice before she bowed her head and sighed. "Since I can't have Master's children myself, I will have to be satisfied with the ones others bear him," Rosina said in a sad tone of voice, looking down while she talked.
There was a tense moment as Rebecca wondered what she could say to ease Rosina's pain. It astounded Rebecca how deeply Rosina loved Sir, and how badly she wanted to have his children herself. While they may have changed the way the look at and perceive each other, biologically they were still brother and sister. Anyone could see that it was too risky for Owen and Rosina to attempt to have children. A part of Rebecca understood how important it could be to a woman to have children of her own and felt for what Rosina was going through.
"Touch this one then," Rebecca said as she placed the bar of soap in Rosina's hand.
Rosina looked up with a puzzled expression on her face before she looked down at the soap and over to Rebecca's gut. With a grateful smile she brought the showerhead up again and wet Rebecca's whole torso before lowering it once again. Without taking her eyes off Rebecca's gut she brought the soap up and gently touched the pregnant woman's skin with both her bare hand and the hand holding the soap. The soap hand led the trail and the bare hand just traveled slickly over the skin with the gentlest of touches. Rosina leaned in and focussed all her attention on the task at hand, and it wasn't merely washing Rebecca. With slow and deliberate movements Rosina moved her hands around Rebecca's body, seemingly captivated by the swollen pregnant gut.
Rebecca was amazed at how excited and heated the soft touch of another woman could bring her. By the time Rosina's hands wandered up to Rebecca's breasts it was obvious to both women that this was more than a mere wash. As the soapy hands swirled and moved around the large breasts of the pregnant woman, a moan escaped Rebecca's lips, betraying her calm facade. Rosina had leaned in so much that her face was a foot a way from Rebecca's bosom when her eyes darted up to Rebecca's face and noted the embarrassed expression which lived there.
"They're lovely and positively huge! Have they always been so big?" Rosina asked as she lightly cupped both breasts and lifted them.
"I usually am a D cup but lately the seem to keep growing, I'm sure I'll be an E cup by the time baby gets here," Rebecca chuckled as she tried not to look overly concerned or excited about the woman who was now quite obviously playing with her breasts.
"You're lucky, I was always small. Finally Master allowed me to get my breasts boosted up to the C cup they are now," Rosina said as she thrust out her chest to display them for Rebecca.
"They're lovely," Rebecca said and as strange as it seemed to her at the time, both women compared breasts, as they said nothing for a moment.
"I wanted them bigger, a D cup at least but Master said that it would look silly on my little frame," Rosina said as she looked at her own breasts.
"I think perhaps he's right. I think they're lovely," Rebecca said with a hunger in her voice as she stared openly at Rosina's breasts.
Much to her shock, Rosina's breasts rose up and got larger, filling her vision. Rebecca gaze didn't waver as she Rosina's breasts were brought right up to her face, now inches from her lips. Instinct took over as Rebecca licked her lips and stared intently at the left nipple, which moved closer, seemingly able read her thoughts and deepest desires.
"Do you think so?" Rosina asked in the husky voice of a horny woman.
"Yes, I . . ." was all that Rebecca was able to say before that nipple was shoved unceremoniously into her open mouth.
Rebecca knew this shouldn't be happening and even more so that she shouldn't want it to happen. Both things were true and Rebecca moaned her approval as she sucked on the nipple and try as she might she could not deny that she wanted to! With desire and passion that she never knew was there, Rebecca opened her mouth and started to tongue around the nipple, exploring the greater breast area. Drawing on the skill and expertise from the countless times she had sucked on breasts before, Rebecca kissed and made love to Rosina's breasts. For the first time in as long as she could remember she was orally pleasing a woman and she wanted to, it was her choice, and she chose to do it!
Rosina ran her hands over Rebecca's hair, smoothing it down, gently stroking the woman, wanting to let her appreciation be known. Rosina was cooing and moaning her approval as the older woman sucked on breasts with surprising skill. Rebecca lifted her hands up and caressed Rosina here again, her hands knew just where and how to touch Rosina to elicit pleasure. There was only so much Rosina could take before she had to reciprocate.
Without warning, Rosina grasped Rebecca's head and planted a passionate kiss which heated both women up. The kiss quickly involved tongues and both women pawed and caressed each other openly while their tongues danced with each other. The excuse of a playful kiss or innocent exploring quickly vanished as the passion increased. Rosina broke the kiss as she started to kiss her way down Rebecca's body.
The showerhead was brought into play as the younger woman wet down, and caressed the slick breasts of her new lover. With one hand she would guide the water-spray and with the other she would run her hand over the recently wetted skin. The soft and smooth movements silently attested to Rosina's equally skilled hand at pleasing a woman. When the soap lather was removed from Rebecca's belly, Rosina put she showerhead down and brought her lips to Rebecca's breasts.
Rebecca stared in disbelief, her mind drunk with desire and passion as the younger Rosina wrapped her lips around Rebecca's large nipple. It felt heavenly and terrifying at the same time and Rebecca could not stop watching Rosina who took her time exploring Rebecca's large breasts. With closed eyes Rosina kissed and traced aimless patterns around the large breasts, caressing with her hand, the breast her mouth was not in contact with at the time.
Rosina had just begun to lick and explore Rosina's pregnant belly with her hands and lips when there was a loud banging at the door. The noise quickly brought both women back to reality, and at the time Rosina continued to lick Rebecca's "outie" bellybutton.
"Don't use all the hot water!" Veronica shouted as she pounded on the door.
"Sorry, I'll be out in a bit!" Rebecca replied in an embarrassed tone of voice.
"We'd better finish up," Rosina said as she stood up and wet Rebecca's hair.
In less than a minute, both women were wrapped up in towels and exiting the bathroom. The raised eyebrow of Veronica elicited an explanation from either of the soggy women.
"She was going to shower by herself, so I decided to help bathe her properly and safely," Rosina said in a calm and unembarrassed tone of voice.
"Sure," Veronica said, while looking at the embarrassed expression on Rebecca's face while she walked into the bathroom.
The sizzling sound of breakfast cooking made it obvious that breakfast was well underway. Rebecca started to walk towards the living room, in order to get some clothes and get ready for the day when Rosina stopped her.
"Aren't you going to wake up, Master?" Rosina asked Rebecca as she lightly grasped her arm.
"Okay, Rebecca replied and was about to knock loudly on the door when Rosina stopped her.
"NO! . . . properly," Rosina said with a naughty smile on her face.
"What do you mean?" Rebecca asked Rosina with a curious tone of voice.
"You saw what I was doing last Sunday," Rosina replied with a wink and a giggle.
"Every morning?" Rebecca replied with a look of shock and wonder.
"It's sort of a tradition around this place that whoever's night it was the night before gets to wake him up with a blowjob," Rosina replied with a hint of an excited tone of voice, raising her eyebrows a few times. "Want some help?" Rosina asked in a naughty tone of voice.
Rebecca wasn't sure if it was the charming way Rosina spoke or the fact that the two of them had just had sex, or her smouldering hormones or the fact that the sex had been interrupted. Whatever the reason, Rebecca nodded, openly inviting another woman into the bed of her man, her Sir in the intent of sharing him sexually. Her moral side was shocked into silence at the moment, but Rebecca was sure that it would make its feelings known later. For now she thought nothing more of the moral implications as the door closed behind the two women.
Owen was still, asleep on the bed and now he was sleeping on his back, almost as if his subconscious was expecting the morning fellatio. Rosina and Rebecca looked at each other and giggled as they dropped their towels, almost at the same time. Rosina pulled the covers back, revealing not only the whole of Owen's nude form but the bed as well. Rebecca moved towards the bed and kneeled down on it on her side, with her shoulders twisted so she could reach her Sir's cock without too much trouble. Rosina laid down on the bed on the other side of Rebecca and the two women looked at it for a moment before Rosina reached for it.
Holding it up straight she wrapped her lips around her Master's cock and swallowed the whole, flaccid member. After a few bobs on Owen's stiffening cock she let it out of her mouth and pointed it towards Rebecca. Rebecca took the cue and began to slowly swallow her Sir's cock under the watchful eye of anther woman, with whom she had just had sex with. That thought alone was hot but when Rosina's tongue joined hers in licking the length of Owen's shaft, Rebecca was even more excited than before. Rebecca and Rosina closed their eyes as they French-kissed each other and the head of Owen's cock at the same time.
"Ride it!" Rosina said with a sparkle of excitement and lust in her eye.
"What?" Rebecca replied with an equal spark of excitement living in her own eye.
"I would love to watch you ride him!" Rosina replied with an urging tone of voice.
With a last bob on his cock each, Rosina helped Rebecca position herself and her bulk correctly over Owen's cock. With Rosina positioning Owen's cock just right, Rebecca lowered herself onto Owen and pure bliss enveloped her as she once again had her Sir's cock embedded deep within her. The excitement of being watched and helped by another woman turned up her heat and lust and she looked deeply into Rosina's eyes as she began to lift and lower herself on Owen's cock. After a watching a few of Rebecca's self-fucking strokes and the wild bouncing motion of the massive breasts, Rosina growled her lust. Latching onto one of the bouncing nipples and sucking hard Rosina sucked on Rebecca's breasts as the pregnant woman fucked herself on the very cock that got her that way. The passion and excitement of the moment was too much for her and Rebecca came and came hard, slamming down on Owen's cock one last time.
"Wanna know why they call me Cat?" Rosina asked with a seductive smile as Rebecca leaned on Rosina and recovered from her orgasm.
"Sure," Rebecca replied, looking lovingly into Rosina's eyes.
"Let me ride Master's cock and I'll show you," Rosina said with a seductive tone of voice.
Rebecca's eyes went wide as she thought of that very thing, of actually watching them have sex. A shudder went down her spine as Rebecca climbed off of Owen's cock and sat down to the side, the thought of seeing a brother and sister have sex was too wicked to miss.
Rosina swiftly moved into position over Owen's cock and she faced away from Owen. in the same position that Rebecca had been in. Rebecca's eyes were glued to Owen's cock as Rosina watched Rebecca's face while she lowered her pussy onto her Master's cock. When sister was fully impaled on her brother's cock Rosina let out a satisfied sigh, not unlike the sound a drug-addict makes when they get their next fix. Rosina had long known and accepted that she was an addict for her Master's cock.
Rebecca watched in wonder as Rosina lifted herself up and then back down on Owen's cock, again and again. It wasn't long before the Rebecca had an answer to why Rosina was called Cat, because soon she started to moan and make her trademark catlike sounds. Rosina had her eyes closed and was lost in her own world of pleasure as she bounced as hard and as fast as she could.
Rebecca strained to keep her composure and not get involved, not do anything to Rosina in front of Master. The enticing sight of the rhythmic bouncing of Rosina's breasts were too much of a draw and Rebecca moaned out her frustration as she moved up and latched onto Rosina's left breast and started to suck on it while her lover fucked the man they both loved. Rosina moaned out in passion as she grasped a handful of Rebecca's hair and held the woman's mouth to her breast.
Owen had of course been awake for some time by now and had enjoyed the bonus of the "good morning fuck" from not one but two women. Now, he was close to cuming, he wanted to finish things up, properly, and take Cat with him. Owen grasped Rosina's hair, (something he knew drove her wild) and started to thrust up into her at a fast pace. Rosina was constantly squealing her excitement as she clutched Rebecca's mouth hard to her own breast, almost suffocating the woman. When Owen moaned and slammed up into his Sister's pussy one last time, emptying his load into her eager pussy, it was all over for Rosina. The heat of the moment and knowing that she had brought her Master pleasure, drove her over the edge and she came, and came hard.
When it was all over, Rosina clutched Rebecca for support as she recovered from her orgasm. Both women smiled at each other the happy, satisfied and conspiratorial smile that both women knew intimately the pleasures of the cock Rosina was impaled on. Owen nudged Rosina and she started to get off of Owen. When Rosina was seated on one side of Owen and Rebecca was seated on the other side of Owen, both women looked at Owen's slick cock and winked at each other. They had just started to move towards Owen's cock with the obvious intent to lick it clean, when a voice spoke up from behind.
"Oh no you don't!" Taryn said and instantly both Rebecca and Rosina glanced at the door to see Taryn leaning against the doorframe. "We don't have time! You two go rinse yourselves off quickly, breakfast is on the table," Taryn commanded as she nodded in the direction of the bathroom. "I'll take care of that," she added with a smirk.
"Yes, Mistress Red," Rosina and Rebecca replied submissively, in unison.
Rosina and Rebecca got off the bed; Rosina picked up both of their towels and carried them with her into the bathroom. When Rebecca had exited the bedroom, she noticed Karen standing not too far off, wearing a cheeky grin on her face.
"So much for the 'Flannel Pyjama' defence, eh Mouse?" Karen said in a light-hearted tone of voice with a giggle.
"One night with Master and she seems to be a brand new woman," Veronica teased in a similarly playful tone of voice as she looked at Rosina who had started the shower going.
The moan from Owen drew Rebecca's attention and the sight was exactly what she had expected she would see, but it was no less shocking. There, lying across the bed was Taryn, her body was straight as an arrow with her mouth at Owen's groin and her feet dangling off the end of the bed. Rebecca watched as a mother repeatedly bobbed her head up and down on her son's cock and again. Yet even the moral side of Rebecca could see the love and devotion they had for the other. Taryn was looking right into Owen's eyes as she gave him his second blowjob of the morning. Yet, anytime Taryn wrapped her lips around her Master's cock it was not a blowjob but rather worship her Master. Both of them were there by choice, and Rebecca could see love in the midst of this otherwise disturbing scene.
"C'mon, let's save water and I'll make sure you don't fall," Rosina said in a chipper voice to Rebecca.
At that Rebecca went beet read as she looked at Rosina holding the shower curtain back as she beckoned Rebecca with a crocked finger. While she wanted to walk away and not go to Rosina in front of the Karen and Veronica, she still wanted to feel Rosina's wet skin against hers. Without looking back Rebecca walked into the bathroom, stepped into the shower, and into the loving embrace of Rosina. Rosina already had the soap in hand and began to quickly run wash Rebecca, before Rebecca got the chance to wash Rosina.
Over breakfast no teasing or taunting of Rebecca took place. In fact there was no bragging or drawn out tales of the activities of the previous night or this morning at all. Rebecca was quickly learning that the family had adopted an "accept and move on" policy when it came to sex. As long as it was sex that was within the family, an not barred behaviour, the family didn't talk about it. With the only exception being when something happened that the family did need to talk about. Otherwise, the activities during sex was not brought up, and never rubbed in anyone's faces what they had done the night before. Sexual expression and experimentation were seen as healthy things and teasing would only curtail future experimentation.
Once the family was dressed in church clothes and on their way to church, Rebecca was well into "Church Mode." As she expected her moral side had roared back with a vengeance, and to say Rebecca was troubled over the events of the previous night and this morning would be an understatement. Rebecca felt guilty for having sex with Owen. The truth was that she did not want to give herself to him sexually since she was unsure she could truly let herself be with him. Add to this the fact that she not only did have sex with another woman but enjoyed it, and you had a very confused and scared Rebecca. All the way there and all through the church service Rebecca chastised herself for what she had done, and by the end of it she was quite ashamed of herself and mortified. Rebecca's moral side was trying to convince her submissive side that she was becoming as twisted and perverted as Owen's family, and was well on its way to winning the argument.
As if all this wasn't bad enough, Betty, one of the church busybodies and a horrible gossip cornered Rebecca on one of her frequent trips to the bathroom. Betty was a woman well into her seventies and literally had nothing better to do than keep up to date on what everyone around her was doing. She saw herself as the self-appointed "morality police," convinced that she had the right and responsibility to keep everyone on the "Straight and Narrow path." As Rebecca walked out of the bathroom stall, she saw Betty taking her time washing her hands, watching her in the mirror.
"How've you been, dear?" Betty asked with a perceptive look, watching Rebecca's eyes for a reaction.
"I've been fine, how are you?" Rebecca asked as she stared to wash her hands.
"It's good to see you back, sorry to hear about you and Harold," Betty said in a compassionate tone of voice which rang hollow, as she put her hand on Rebecca's arm.
"That's the way it goes sometimes?" Rebecca replied as she reached for a nearby towel.
"Where are you staying, dear?" Betty asked with poorly hidden eagerness.
"With some friends of mine," Rebecca replied as she tried to dry her hands quickly, to get away from Betty's inquisition.
"Those people you came with?" Betty asked with a hint of a disapproving tone to her voice.
"Yes," Rebecca replied in a moderately uncomfortable tone of voice.
"Really? What are you doing with THEM?" Betty asked with a distasteful tone of voice.
"What do you mean by that?" Rebecca asked indignantly.
"Those Thompsons used to live next to me . . . I saw things . . . I heard things . . . most disgusting things," Betty said with a stern and most disapproving tone of voice. "The whole neighbourhood talked about it,"
"I don't know what you're talking about! They're good people!" Rebecca replied in a flustered tone of voice and not the indignant tone that she had been going for.
"Mark my words, they're DEVIANTS! They do strange things! I know they did things to each other, even then! One look at them makes it obvious they're still doing it! The way they carry on is completely DISGUSTING! And now it looks as if they have dragged that mother and daughter down with them!" Betty said in an angry manner with eyes red of indignation.
"I . . . I . . . I've never seen anything," Rebecca said in a timid tone of voice with a pale expression.
"How can you possibly be involved with them! Or is it too late? I've heard disturbing things about you, but I didn't want to believe them. I can see now that they are true. You're an ADULTERER! That despicable man Owen is the father isn't he!" Betty said with eyes of slits as she grasped Rebecca's arm tightly and pulled the woman closer to her.
"NO! You're wrong! I'm not with them! I have nothing to do with them! I am just staying on the couch! I would never get involved with those kind of people!" Rebecca said as she broke into tears and turned away from Betty, yet the old woman just stared at Rebecca's back without compassion.
"You're on the road to Hell my dear. Repent and come back to God. Get yourself out of that den of debauchery or you will soon become just like them!" Betty said with a stern tone of voice before she briskly walked out of the bathroom.
Rosina stood there in disbelief as the old woman walked out of the bathroom and past her, both women exchanging cold glares at each other as the older woman walked away. Rosina had gone to the bathroom to check on Rebecca, and had overheard most of the conversation. To be described in such scathing detail by an outsider hurt, but not nearly as much as Rebecca's stern denial and embarrassment of her family.
Rosina walked into the bathroom with red eyes of anger and tears on her own cheeks as she stopped a short distance away from Rebecca and glared. As soon as the door opened up, Rebecca snapped to see who was entering the room, fearful of Betty coming back for a second round. The expression on Rosina's face was much worse and in a flash, both women understood volumes and no words were needed, denials would be fruitless.
"THOSE kind of people?" Rosina said with a wavering voice, cracking with the sound of her hurt and pain.
"Cat, I . . ." Rebecca tried to explain but she was abruptly cut off by an incensed Rosina.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Rosina roared as she stepped closer to Rebecca. "Only FAMILY calls me that! Clearly you're too good, too 'high and mighty,' for me and my family!" Rebecca said her voice still angry but pain dripping from every syllable as she continued to speak.
"I didn't mean it!" Rebecca cried out as she stepped closer to Rosina.
"What are we to you . . . just a bit of fun? A chance to explore your wicked side now and again? Something to play with?" Rosina asked with a disgusted tone of voice as she stared at Rebecca, demanding an answer.
"No, of course not," Rebecca pleaded as she moved towards Rosina, wanting to touch her, yet Rosina backed away.
"WE'RE NOT HEATHER'S! We're not something you can play at! You are either with us or you're not! You need to make up your mind. You know that Master loves you, we all love you. We want you to be with us but you have to commit to us. What do you want?" Rosina said in an indignant and pained manner as she stared Rebecca down, who burst into tears once more.
"I DON'T KNOW! Part of me wants to be with you all but part of me can't accept your . . . the way you are," Rebecca said in amongst the tears.
"You don't deserve him! You know what I think? I think you need to make up your mind before you set foot in MY home once again!" Rosina said in a stern and challenging tone of voice.
As Rosina stared at the crying Rebecca, the door to the bathroom opened up and in walked Monica. She took one look at Rosina and Rebecca and huffed in frustration as she made her way towards her old friend, Rebecca.
"I could hear you two in the foyer!" Monica said as she wrapped her arms around Rebecca and let her cry on her shoulder.
"She . . ." Rosina started to snap but was cut off by Monica.
"What part of 'I could hear you two in the foyer' did you not understand?" Monica snapped at Rosina.
"You don't understand, this is a private matter," Rosina replied in an angry retort.
"It's not very private with you two yelling at each other in the middle of the church, is it? And I understand more than you think I do about your family and this situation," Monica said in a calming tone of voice and at that Rosina fell silent and wore a confused look on her face. "For now, I think it's best for Rebecca to stay with us, for the time being," she added and paused to gather Rebecca's attention, who for the moment stopped crying. "Would you like that?" she asked and waited for Rebecca's response.
"Yes," Rebecca replied in a timid tone of voice.
"Okay, let them in!" Monica called out to the door.
Instantly the bathroom door opened up and in walked: Peter, Owen, Taryn, Karen and Veronica, all looking concerned and all eyes were on Rebecca.
"What's going on here!" Owen barked and his angry gaze snapped back and forth between Rosina and Rebecca.
"Calm down, we've just had a bit of a tiff, that's all!" Monica said to Owen in a soothing tone of voice.
"SHE DENIED US!" Rosina blurted out angrily, and at that Rebecca started to cry.
"She's just a little confused right now, and needs some time and space to sort it all out," Monica said to Owen, firmly ensconced in "Peacemaker Mode."
"Is that true, Mouse?" Owen asked Rebecca in a hurt tone of voice.
"I'm so confused. I love you and part of me wants to be with you, but the other part of me just can't accept some of the things you do," Rebecca said and broke down into tears, before quickly gathering herself together. "Ca . . . Rosina's right when she says I need to make up my mind once and for all. It isn't fair to you . . . to any of you," Rebecca said and hung her head in shame, crying on Monica's shoulder.
"Okay," was all that Owen could say to Rebecca before turning his attention to Peter, who was standing beside him. "Take care of my Mouse for me, and if she needs anything . . ." Owen said but Peter cut him off.
"I know. You want to take care of her and the baby whether she is with you or not. Don't worry, we'll take good care of her," Peter said in an understanding tone of voice.
"Exactly, Thank you," Owen replied before passing a cold glance at Rosina before walking to the bathroom door.
"Master, I . . ." Rosina urged in a defensive tone of voice before Owen snapped his gaze at Rosina and at once she fell silent.
"Later," Owen snarled before he walked out of the room and at that Rosina started to cry.
"It'll be okay," Karen said as she wrapped her arms around Rosina and guided the woman out of the bathroom, following after the rest of the family.
Rebecca looked at the closed door and then to Peter and Monica, the only two other people in the room and at once she felt lost. How did they know about her? How would she begin to explain any of this? Worst of all, what would she do now? Where would she turn if she angered Peter and Monica? With two weeks to go before her due date, this was not a laughing matter and she was worried and the pressures of it all started to get to her and Rebecca cried, yet again.