Chapter 18

Troubled Waters

Rosina sat on the examination bed and looked around the room; it felt funny to be on this side of the nurse/patient relationship as the nurse walked in. It was someone she knew, professionally and instantly Rosina cursed herself for using her regular doctor's office for this examination.

"Hey, Rosie, how you doing?" the older nurse smiled as she entered the room. "The doctor will be with you shortly," she said with a smile and in response all Rosina could do was smile nervously.

The nurse smiled a comforting smile at Rosina and left the room. It wasn't long before a middle-aged doctor walked into the room, and smiled at Rosina, looking Rosina's chart over as he did so. He closed the door behind him while still glancing at the chart. He was wearing a shirt and tie, covered by a lab coat, the stethoscope which hung around his neck completed the look of the typical doctor.

"Hello, Rosie, how you been?" John, the doctor said as he approached the exam table.

"Good, do you have the results?" Rosina asked with baited breath, praying that the home pregnancy test was not wrong.

"Yes and congratulations are in order, you're going to be a mother," John said with a smile as he sat down on the stool, near the examination table. "How did the father take the news?" he asked calmly with a warm smile on his face.

"Oh, um, he doesn't know yet," Rosina replied with a nervous grin, her eyes darting away from John.

"Excuse me for being so blunt but, do you know who the father is?" John asked with a concerned tone of voice as he put his hand on Rosina's knee.

"Yes," Rosina replied still uneasy with herself as she looked up into the eyes of her long-time family doctor.

"Is there something wrong?" John asked as he looked at Rosina with a concerned look.

Rosina wanted what was best for this child and knew that there were added complications that having her brother's child presented. Yet she was afraid of sharing her secret, her family's secret even to the man who needed to know. Rosina looked into John's eyes and wondered if she could trust him? Just how far did "Doctor-Patient Confidentiality" go? If she told her doctor, was he required to call the police and initiate the mountain of trouble that would cause for not just her but the whole family? Rosina couldn't take that risk, and knew she had to keep quiet.

"No," Rosina smiled nervously at John and with her eyes, begged him to stop this line of questioning.

"Well, I shall want to see the both of you in my office in two weeks to discuss your care, there's a lot we need to discuss," John said as he got up and walked towards the door. "Take care, Rosie, and once again, Congratulations," he added before he left the room.

"Thank you, we'll be here," Rosina replied with a smile as the door closed behind the departing John.

Rosina sat there for a moment and was increasingly worried about what to do. Since it had been confirmed that she was pregnant with her Master's child she, was elated. This was a dream of hers for years and she had finally done it. Yet the fact that her Master was her brother complicated things and brought real risks to this child and the pregnancy. Rosina didn't care. She wanted this child; she needed this child, and would let nobody take it away from her . . . not even Master. She needed to keep it quiet as long as possible, then perhaps once she was far enough along she could convince Master that it was too great a risk to abort. As Rosina got up she swore that she would run away and have her child alone, if she had to. She would return to Master once she bore the child, she needed to serve him but she needed this child, almost as much. Watching Bella, Dee-Dee, and Rebecca bear him children wasn't enough for Rosina, she wanted to bear him a child of her own . . . this child.
* * *​

Angela Yates was typing away at her computer, in her neatly organized and quiet office Wednesday afternoon when the intercom crackled to life.

"Mr. Smith is here to see you, Ms Yates," Janet the receptionist said through the phone.

"Show him in," Ms. Yates said as she continued typing out the contract she was working on.

In a moment a larger, balding man in his late fifties dressed in an old, wrinkled suit appeared outside her office door. As was her custom, Ms. Yates continued typing for a half a minute, just to keep him waiting. She always made everyone wait, just to let them know she could, that she was in charge. When she was ready to see him, Ms Yates motioned for him to come in and turned her attention away from the computer and towards the man who entered her office.

"I have what you have looking for," Mr. Smith said as he held up a sealed manila envelope as he closed the door behind him.

"It took you long enough, I hope it was worth it," Ms. Yates said in a condescending manner as she looked sternly at Mr. Smith.

"That depends on what you were hoping to find," Mr Smith replied with a look that was a cross between a worried look and a smirk as he handed Ms Yates the manila envelope.

"Did you get it? Did you find what I needed?" Ms Yates said with uncharacteristic eagerness as she opened up the manila envelope and began to look through its contents.

"Yeah, it's all in there. But I gotta tell ya, you're not gonna like it. Not after what I found out about one of your own," Mr. Smith said with a troubled look on his face.

"He's not one of our own! At least not for long," Ms. Yates said with a satisfied smile. "Proceed to the next part of the plan," she added as she pulled out an envelope out of her desk and tossed it at Mr. Smith.

"Sure thing," Mr. Smith said as he caught the envelope. "Pleasure doing business with you," he added as he counted the cash it contained.
* * *​

Rebecca stood alone in front of the coffee station of the trendy staff room and glanced around her to see if she was alone. In front of her was a fancy coffee maker which brewed an assortment of specialty coffees. On the counter Rebecca had a mug of coffee already poured. Picking up two sugar packets Rebecca ripped them open she poured their contents into the mug of coffee. She repeated the process once more before she glanced nervously around to ensure she was alone.

Nervously Rebecca pulled the top of her dress down, exposing her left bra-covered breast. With another glance around her she opened the front panel on her nursing bra to expose her left nipple. Grasping her left breast she aimed her nipple at the hot cup of coffee and squeezed, emitting a short stream of breast milk. After emitting a few blasts of breast milk into the coffee, Rebecca picked up the stir-stick and stirred the coffee. Not being satisfied as to the colour of the cup of coffee, Rebecca added another blast of breast milk and stirred up the coffee. Rebecca straightened up her clothes, picked up the cup of coffee and left the staff room.

Hurrying as fast as she dared, Rebecca made her way to her Mistress's office that Thursday afternoon. As soon as she entered the small office she looked first at the clock and then at her Mistress, hoping for leniency. She knew that she was a minute late but she was not at all comfortable with the embarrassing act she had been ordered to perform.

"You're late," Veronica said coolly as she glared at Rebecca while the terrified woman placed the cup of coffee down in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Rebecca replied, terrified that she was to be punished.

Veronica looked at the cup of coffee, lifted it up to her lips and took a sip, savouring the taste before she looked at Rebecca with a discerning look. Rebecca watched Veronica's face with great intensity as she hoped to see some sign of satisfaction and of being pleased.

"You prepared it well, but you were still late," Veronica said as she sipped on the best tasting cup of coffee she had ever tasted.

"I'm very sorry, Mistress, but someone was in the staff room and I had to wait till they left until I prepared your coffee as you had instructed," Rebecca said before she glanced over to see her son asleep in his bassinette in a corner of the office.

"Fine, you can make it up to me by worshiping me while I work," Veronica said as she backed away from the desk.

"Yes, Mistress," Rebecca said and fought to keep a smile from her face yet on the inside she was deliriously happy to obey this order.

Rebecca dropped to her knees and crawled underneath the large old desk that until this week Veronica had always complained about. Veronica hiked her skirt up around her waist, spread her legs as wide as the chair would allow, scooted her rump to the edge of the chair and arranged her chair back so all looked well. Veronica sighed and stifled a guttural moan of satisfaction as Rebecca leaned forward and began the unbelievable act of eating her Mistress's pussy under her desk at work!

The desk was a massive wooden thing which was almost as old as the building itself. It was so large that it went down to the floor completely and the space for Veronica's legs was cavernous and completely hidden away. Many a time Veronica had cursed the desk for the fact that it was not designed to handle a computer and since the keyboard was on the top of the old desk, it was not comfortable for typing. Now that her Slave was under that desk munching her rug, Veronica loved the desk.

Veronica smiled and waved at her co-workers passing her office while her new and fiercely loyal Slave had her tongue shoved up her pussy. The added heat of having a Slave at work was heightened by the fact that nobody knew what was really going on. Veronica would admit that her personal productivity had gone down a bit since Rebecca had started working there Tuesday morning but her job satisfaction skyrocketed! These past three days had been the best days of work yet, and Veronica always had a smile on her face.

Veronica had told her boss that she needed an assistant, and that a friend of hers needed a job and quick. Even the sob story of the single mother with a newborn baby wasn't enough to convince him, but the sweetie-pie act and the ample display of cleavage did the trick. The older man who owed the company had a soft spot for Veronica and could be easily hypnotized by her twin orbs of womanly power. Then again, the same could be said for most of the men around the office and even a few of the women.

Rebecca told her employer at the day-care centre that she had a chance at a great job but they needed her to start right away. Not wanting to stand in Rebecca's way, and not really needing her, they agreed to let her go without notice. The funny thing was that Rebecca was nervous and scared to work at the same job as her Mistress but she found this to be the most exciting and fulfilling job she had ever had.

The duo varied from sexual activities and legitimate work, activities and Veronica found that Rebecca was a good assistant and did help her get more done. It was the extra-curricular activities which caused the productivity to suffer, but when they were working they got a lot done.

The more time they spent together, the tighter their bond became. Veronica had intended to have fun at Rebecca's expense, to make her pay for the pain she had caused Master. A strange thing happened during this process . . . the more demanding and unusual the tasks that Veronica had Rebecca do, the more earnestly Rebecca complied. Each time Rebecca would not only obey a command, but do it with eagerness and distinction, Veronica would be impressed and touched by this. Even thought on Wednesday Rebecca worked with a vibrator buzzing away in her pussy all day, she still completed her job. Not once did Rebecca complain or delay in completing any tasks that Veronica had her do.

A fear was growing in the back of Veronica's mind that if they were this tightly bound together in less than a week, would they be able to part ways and become merely Fellow-Slaves? The original play had intended Veronica to simply train Rebecca and present her on Reformation Day to Master, for him to Collar. Could Veronica ever go back to not having a Slave to serve her? Veronica loved her family life and loved serving Master, but she also loved having Rebecca serve her. Perhaps, in time she would be able to convince Master to letting her have another Slave to serve her and not one who was already so dear to Master.

Veronica laid her head back in her chair, closed her eyes and concentrated as hard as she could not to scream or shake as she shook and orgasmed, filling Rebecca's eager mouth with her sweet pussy-juice.
* * *​

At the basement of the Spa that night, all was well when everybody tucked themselves into bed. Taryn and Karen were spending the night together in what promised to be a wild night of lesbian lovemaking. Taryn and Karen had grown closer as a result of the nights they spent together since Karen's collaring, yet they had not always been so close.

Taryn had known Karen for years, almost as long as Richard had been with the law firm, yet neither woman had been particularly fond of the other. They had been more like acquaintances rather than friends, while both of their husbands worked at the same law firm. The extent of their interaction back then was to chat while they attended the same fancy banquet functions to celebrate the conclusion of a big case. Even after the first sexual encounter, when Taryn came to the Spa that fateful day almost five years ago, they had not repeated that encounter. After Karen had been collared by Owen, Taryn and Karen had shared many nights together. Each time it drew them that much closer together, yet neither woman wavered in their devotion or desire to serve the same Master.

"I treasure the times we spend together, Mistress Red," Karen said as she tenderly kissed Taryn's forehead while they lay side by side and held each other, in the intimate embrace of lovers.

"As do I, Bella," Taryn said with a loving smile as she brushed the hair out of Karen's face. "Master named you well . . . you are beautiful," she said as she kissed Karen on the lips with an extended, sensual kiss.

"Master also named you well, 'Big Red,' I do love your red hair and your great bit breasts," Karen giggled as she grasped and lifted both of Taryn's large breasts and in response both women giggled.

"I'm glad that you're the only one who seems to remember the 'Big' part of my Slave-name," Taryn said as the laughter died down and both women still held each other and stroked each other's bodies.

"I can't believe how much my life has changed in the past year," Karen said as she started to lightly let her fingers wander over her lover's body.

"For the better?" Taryn asked as she also started to caress the body of the woman who shared her bed with her.

"Absolutely, why when you three came to the Spa after the fire I wasn't sure where we would put you, and for the first few days everything seemed so cramped," Karen said and paused to laugh as her right hand tweaked one of Taryn's nipples.

"And now?" Taryn asked as her hand stroked up the inside of Karen's thighs.

"We still need more space, but now it is for our growing family," Karen said as she spread her thighs and shuddered as Taryn's hand reached Karen's pussy. Taryn gave Karen a puzzled look and so Karen added, "Children."

"Children? You've thought of children?" Taryn asked as she momentarily paused her stroking and caressing of Karen's wet pussy.

"Yes," Karen said and looked down, momentarily embarrassed, "Not just me having Master's children but all of us. Those of us how can, I mean . . . wouldn't you like to see lots of children in our family?" Karen asked as she reached out and started to stroke Taryn's pussy.

"Yeah, it does seem to be the next natural step. I wish that Rebecca hadn't left, I was looking forward to the family's first child and watching it grow," Taryn said as she thrust two fingers into Karen's fingers pussy.

"Soon, we'll have many children running around our home, but for now, just fuck me!" Karen said as she eagerly thrust two fingers in and out of Taryn's pussy at a quickening pace.

The swift assault on her pussy caused Taryn to arch her back and moan as the pleasure rocked her body. Taryn grasped Karen's hand and held it to her pussy while her friend, lover and Fellow-Slave continued to hurriedly finger-fuck her. Taryn's body started to gyrate and twist as she surrendered more and more of her body to the pleasures that overwhelmed her.

"No, fuck me!" Taryn moaned as she thrashed her head from side to side.

"That sounds like fun, where is 'Fred' anyways?" Karen asked as she rolled up and partially leaned over Taryn and began to kiss Taryn's neck.

"Oooh, that does sound like fun . . . and different. He's in the bottom drawer," Taryn said as she cooed her approval and laid there while Karen softly made love to her body.

Karen got up, climbed out of the bed, crossed the small room and made her way to the dresser Taryn had pointed at. Opening up the lowest drawer, Karen retrieved the strap-on dildo which had brought her so much pleasure of the past few months. As Karen pulled it out, she did so with the added excitement that she would wear it and use it on Taryn! Karen slipped it on and tightened the last strap before she turned back to face Taryn.

"You look good, honey," Taryn said as she looked at Karen wearing the strap-on dildo. "And hot," she added as she looked at the plastic phallus securely fastened to Karen's groin.

Karen walked towards the bed and Taryn started to turn over, to get on her hands and knees but Karen put a hand on Taryn's arm to stop her.

"I want you just like you are! I want to look into your eyes as I sink Fred into you," Karen said with a wicked smile as she crawled up onto the bed, looking Taryn deep into the eyes all the while.

Taryn laid back and spread her legs while Karen scooted up and got into position. Supporting her weight with one hand, Karen used her other hand to guide her strap-on towards Taryn's pussy. Once the plastic cockhead had split Taryn's pussy lips and was poised at the entrance of her womanhood Karen looked into Taryn's eyes. Their eyes locked while Karen sank her plastic cock onto Taryn's pussy and Taryn moaned while her body quaked in anticipation.

When the strap-on was fully imbedded in Taryn's pussy, instinct took over and she locked her legs around Karen's waist. At that moment Karen's instinct took over and she began her rhythmic thrusting of Taryn's pussy, while her lover urged her to pick up the pace by digging her heels into her sculptured ass. Karen responded to her lovers hunger by increasing the pace and power of her thrusting. Taryn responded by moaning and thrashing her head from side to side as she thrust her pelvis to meet each of Karen's thrusts.

"Oh baby, we should have done this a looooong time ago!" Taryn said as she smiled lovingly into Karen's eyes while the beautiful Italian woman drew deep breaths while she continued to savagely fuck her lover.

"I agree, Mistress Red!" Karen replied, out of breath from her continued mad thrusting.

Taryn leaned up and kissed Karen passionately on the lips with a lingering and loving kiss. When the kiss was broke, Taryn looked deeply into Karen's eyes and stroked the cheek of he woman who was stroking the insides of her pussy.

"Tonight is not about 'Mistress Red' and 'Bella.' It is just about two lovers named Taryn and Karen," Taryn said before she reached up kissed Karen once more.

"I love you," Karen said as she smiled her genuine sincerity and looked into Taryn's eyes while slowing the pace of their fucking.

"I love you too," Taryn replied with equal sincerity and desire. "And I love fucking like this because not only do I get a nice cock but also I get to suck on your beautiful tits!" Taryn added with a giggle before she leaned up and latched onto one of Karen's nipples and began sucking.

"Oh God, don't stop!" Karen moaned out while her body shuddered with pleasure.

"Yes, Mistress Bella," Taryn giggled and Karen joined Taryn in laughter as for that one night they both knew that they were equals.

"Oh god honey, that feels incredible, you've gotta try this!" Karen replied, her voice thick with delirious delight.

"I will, baby, but just let me cum first!" Taryn said with a wicked smile on her face.

Elsewhere in the Spa that night Veronica was sleeping off the day of excitement and sex she had experienced with her Slave Rebecca. Veronica had especially enjoyed being bound and spanked by Owen in the living room for an offence she had committed on purpose. After a day of being a Mistress and in charge, she needed an evening where she was not in charge. It seemed that Veronica needed a balance in her life, and a healthy mix of Mistress and Slave.

The only balance that Rosina needed was that of her work life and her family life, never wanting to be in charge. Rosina was happily crawling into bed with Master for the first time since confirming that she was indeed pregnant with his child. Just knowing that caused her to feel closer to him, her heart glowed and she wanted to share this joyous news with him, but she was still scared.

Rosina crawled up and without asking or being told, positioned herself between Owen's legs and began licking up the shaft of Owen's cock. Rosina was drawn to his cock like a moth to a flame, like a bee to honey, she couldn't help herself; she needed his cock almost as badly as Taryn did. One side-effect of knowing she was carrying Master's child was that she found herself perpetually horny when she was around him. The wickedness of the act fuelled her passion to heights that she had rarely known.

"Particularly horny tonight, are we?" Owen chuckled as he looked down at Rosina who by now had her lips wrapped around his cock and was beginning to deep throat him. "I should punish you for being so bold as to initiate anything without being told to," Owen said with a raised eyebrow and watched as Rosina lifted her mouth off of his cock, her eyes still closed.

"Sorry, Master, I can't seem to help myself around you. I needed to taste you. I beg your forgiveness," Rosina said as she let go of Owen's cock and lowered her face down to the bed and awaited his response.

"Well you might as well have finished what you started," Owen said with a chuckle as he looked at the genuinely cowering Slave between his legs.

"Yes, Master! Thank you, Master!" Rosina said with genuine glee and the last word had just exited her mouth when Owen's cockhead entered it.

Rosina closed her eyes and sank her lips onto her Master's cock and all was right with the world as long as she had him. At no time did the term "worshiping his cock" applied more then at that moment. For Rosina did not just suck his cock, or go through the motions of the act of giving head, she made love to her Master through her mouth. She played his cock like a skilled musician plays an instrument to make beautiful music. In short order, Rosina was rewarded for her efforts with a mouth full of cum which she swished around in her mouth to savour the taste before swallowing it.

"You outdid yourself tonight!" Owen said breathlessly as Rosina licked his shaft, cleaning it, trying to find every last drop of cum she could.

The look in her eyes drew his attention and made Rosina look ever so submissive and alluring. The lust and love in her expression drew him and steeled his cock, quickly making him ready for another round of passion. With a look of determination in his eye, Owen reached up and grasped Rosina by the D-ring of her collar and pulled her forward to the middle of the bed.

Rosina knew what her Master wanted and got on her hands and knees and waited while Owen moved in behind her. Owen lined his cock up and sank it into her not unlike he had done the first time he had fucked her, moments after breaking her will and claiming her as his Slave. Since that day, Rosina nearly went out of her mind every time the fleshy monster split her nether-lips. As Owen savagely fucked Rosina he quickly drove both of them towards their respective orgasms. As Rosina's orgasm neared her excitement caused unexpected words to slip out of her mouth.

"Fuck me, Master! Fill me up with your cum! Give me your seed! Give me your child!" Rosina squeaked out in amongst her catlike sounds as her orgasm quickly approached.

"Fuck that's hot! Here it comes!" Owen cried out as he shoved his cock deep within his sister and deposited his load of cum in amongst her innermost depths.

It wasn't the sensation of her Master cuming inside her which pushed her over the edge, it was the admission that he found knocking her up hot. Rosina laid her head down and surrendered to the intense waves of pleasure that rocked her body as both she and Owen collapsed on the bed. When Owen pulled out of Rosina and rolled over onto his back to further rest and recover form the intense fuck. Rosina rolled over onto her side and curled up to him, not wanting to break her contact with her: Master, brother, and father of her child. Feeling secure in the bliss that followed the intense coupling, Rosina was encouraged to try to tell him about her joyous news.

"Did you really like that?" Rosina asked as she rested her head on Owen's shoulder and stared blankly down his body, not able to look him in the eye.

"That was hot! It always is when we go at it!" Owen said with a reverent tone of voice as he stroked Rosina's hair.

"I mean the talk about you getting me pregnant. Would you like that?" Rosina asked as she still looked anywhere but into his face.

"It would be hot yeah but you know we can't have children; it's too risky," Owen said in a sensible tone of voice as he stroked Rosina's back.

"What if it just happened? What if we never planned it, but it happened? What then?" Rosina asked as she tried to fight the nervousness which dominated her voice.

"You know we couldn't keep it! You are taking your birth control pills, right?" Owen asked as he squeezed Rosina's shoulder, causing her to look up into his face.

"Yes, Master, I have taken them," Rosina said with a sweet expression as she looked into his eye as she said her carefully worded reply.

"Then don't worry about it, Cat," Owen said as he smiled warmly at Rosina.

While Rosina had been taking her birth control pills for years, it was after her experience with Rebecca that Rosina decided that she wanted a child of her own and had stopped taking them. Each morning she would wash a pill down the sink, instead of taking it. That way if anyone checked they could see the steady decrease in her supply of birth control pills and all would look like normal. This child was not an accident, and it was by a conscious choice that Rosina had gotten pregnant with her brother's child.

Rosina didn't lie outright even though she knew that she had deceived her Master and was withholding a monumental piece of information from him. It was unfamiliar territory and not a situation that Rosina liked to be in, but she was afraid she didn't have any choice. Rosina knew that she had to be loyal to one and protect the other of these two equally important people in her life: her Master and her unborn child. Hoping that everything would work out right, Rosina snuggled down to rest and gather herself together in this brief respite in the lovemaking of that night.
* * *​

It was late Friday afternoon and Owen was working in the basement of the law firm, pulling books from the shelves along with his co-worker Frank. They had developed a system which worked for them so they did not talk much as they worked. Neither one of them wanted to be in Research and didn't feel particularly fond of each other. Frank and Owen didn't hate or dislike each other, per-say; they just didn't feel the need to bond as work-buddies.

The opening of the door and the sharp clicking sound of heels brought forth a groan from both Frank and Owen. Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention and Owen glanced to see who was coming. Both Frank and Owen were relieved that the approaching woman was Janet and not Angela Yates, the bitchy, lawyer who was their supervisor. Whenever she came down, it was to bitch them out for one thing or another; in Research, the sound of approaching heels was a bad sound.

However, the hypnotic rhythm of the bouncing, blouse-encased, massive breasts of Janet the receptionist as she walked down the aisle was a pleasant sight. She was carrying a stack of files and memos in hand and as she approached she placed them on the table in the centre of the room. Instead of turning on her and leaving without saying a word, as she usually did, she looked right at Owen.

"Ms. Yates wants to see you," Janet said as she looked Owen dead in the eye.

"Well, don't want to keep 'her bitchness' waiting," Frank said without turning his attention away from the books he was pulling down off the shelf.

Janet looked over in Frank's direction and scowled her disapproval of him in general and his remark in particular, before she looked at Owen. Owen sighed and rolled his eyes before walking to approach Janet. Owen's eyes darted from her eyes to her considerable cleavage repeatedly as he walked. Janet looked at Owen approaching and this time, for the first time, fear and distain lived in her eyes as she looked at him. Janet quickly turned and walked away from Owen and sped up to keep some distance between the two of them.

As they walked up to the second floor Owen wondered what was wrong, she usually was a little more flirtatious and friendly with him. When they emerged into the open area, in the centre of the main floor of the law firm, Owen knew something was up because all eyes were on him. Some of the women looked at him with pity and others with distain; a few of the men gave him the thumbs up while others shook their heads and looked away. Owen paused outside Ms. Yates's office and glanced around the office one last time making sure to look strong and confident, making sure not to show any fear.

"Enter," Ms. Yates said in her usual curt and commanding tone of voice.

Owen opened the door and walked into the unusually clean, tidy and organized office and stopped as he looked at the cold and dispassionate woman. She picked up a file on her desk, turned to face Owen and glared at him with an icy stare which never wavered from looking deep into his eyes.

"Close the door," Ms. Yates said, in the same curt and commanding tone of voice.

Anytime Owen was near her his ire rose and he had to concentrate on keeping his cool, lest he lash out and do something to put her in her place. Owen closed the door and turned to face her, part of his mind dreaming of an opportunity to pull her over his lap and spank her. Owen hated the superior and bitchy attitude that she always turned up in intensity on whenever they were together. It was almost as if she could sense that he was a Dominant and she had to rub it in that she was in charge and he wasn't.

"Is this your signature?" Ms. Yates said as she placed a piece of paper on the desk, in front of Owen.

Owen picked up the paper, read it and recognized it as a "Conditions of Employment Agreement," similar to the one which he signed when he started working at the firm. Glancing down at the bottom of the document confirmed that it was indeed his signature and this was the agreement he had signed when he started working at the firm.

"Yep," Owen said as he dropped the contract carelessly on Ms. Yates desk. "What's this about?" Owen demanded as he glared sternly at Ms. Yates.

"When you signed this agreement, you agreed to be bound by the 'Policies and Procedures' of this law firm. You were given a copy of those 'Policies and Procedures,' were you not?" Ms. Yates said with a satisfied smirk on her otherwise dispassionate, expressionless face.

"So?" Owen snorted as he stood up straight.

"I'll take that as a yes. Amongst other things you agreed to help protect the good and wholesome image of this law firm by living a lifestyle which would reflect that image," Ms. Yates continued with a slightly more gleeful expression on her face.

"What's your point?" Owen snorted as he glared at Ms. Yates, having an idea what was about to happen.

"We've received repeated calls and complaints this week about your 'deviant lifestyle' and are therefore forced to let you go. We can't have someone of 'your kind' working here, it tarnishes the image and reputation of this firm, and I won't allow it!" Ms. Yates said with a smile on her face as she removed an envelope from the file she was holding and tossed it on the desk in front of Owen. "Your services are no longer required," she said in a gleeful and gloating manner and waited for Owen's reaction.

"I have done my job, and done a damn good one. What I do outside of work hours or the nature of my family is none of your goddamn business!" Owen snapped angrily as he put his hands on the desk and leaned in and glared in an intimidating manner at Ms. Yates.

"You made it our business by garnering complaints! If you had kept things quiet, we may never have learned the extent of your sick and twisted perversion! You were quite good at hiding it, I'll give you that!" Ms. Yates shouted as she stood up and leaned over the desk, to match Owen's challenge to her authority.

"I don't owe you anything, and I certainly don't need your approval on how to live my life so I'll do you a favour and forget this nonsense. I'm going to go downstairs now, and get back to work," Owen said in a commanding tone of voice as he pointed at the door.

"Oh no you won't! I've just fired you!" Ms. Yates snapped as she moved around the desk and stood beside Owen.

"Don't push me!" Owen warned as he glared into Ms. Yates's eyes.

"Or what? You'll do deviant things to me too? I'd like to see you try!" Ms. Yates scoffed and laughed in a mocking manner.

"Is that an invitation?" Owen asked with an evil smile gracing his lips.

"Do you need an invitation to Ra*e me?" Ms. Yates taunted with a disgusted expression on her face.

"If you consent, then it isn't Ra*e. But don't get your hopes up, I won't touch you," Owen said in a calm and controlled manner, the evil smile still on is face.

"Why? Afraid you'll lose and I'll take control of you?" Ms. Yates laughed in a victorious manner.

"Hardly! No, I won't touch you, because I am as committed to my Slaves, as they are committed to me. I cannot dominate you, without breaking their trust," Owen said as he picked up the envelope on Ms. Yates's desk. "Consider yourself lucky . . . because I'd love to put you in your place," he added with a taunting smile of his own as he stared intently into her eyes.

"I'd love to see you try!" Ms. Yates replied in equally as taunting a manner.

"Say that again and I might consider that an invitation," Owen said with a charming tone and a teasing smirk.

"Fuck you!" Ms. Yates snapped back, quickly, with hatred.

"You'd like that, I'm sure," Owen chuckled as he winked at Ms. Yates. "Now, we both know you don't have any proof to any of this so why don't you save the firm a pile of money and a wrongful dismissal lawsuit, and let me get back to work," Owen said in a superior manner as he held the envelope out to Ms. Yates.

"Get out before I throw you out myself!" Ms Yates, ordered as she pointed at the door to her office and glared at Owen as he chuckled at walked out of her office.

Nothing made any sense and Owen wanted to get some answers as to what was really going on. Where did the complaints come from? Where did all this mess start from? How could he end up fired over his family, and why now? Owen had walked away from Ms. Yates's office and there was only one place in the law firm where he could get answers: Tony. With a brisk and confident stride Owen walked towards the stairs, leading to the second floor.

Tony's office was on the second floor, overlooking the open area of the first floor. Owen glanced up at Tony's office and saw the old family friend looking down on him, his face wearing a grim expression. Owen continued his trek up the stairs and into Tony's office, wanting to hear from him, that he was indeed fired. Owen burst open the door swung the door hard enough for it to close behind him as he stared intently and angrily into Tony's eyes. Owen held up the envelope that Ms. Yates had given him and tossed it on Tony's desk. Tony sighed a deep sigh and the life seemed to drain out of him with his breath.

"My hands are tied, I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do," Tony said with a regrettable expression on his face.

"What the fuck is going on? First you promise me a lawyer's job with the firm, then stuff me in Research and leave me to rot down there, and now just because some crank call up with some wild stories, I get fired?" Owen ranted in an outraged tone of voice as he stepped closer to Tony's desk.

"YOU GOT SOME NERVE COMING INTO MY OFFICE, AFTER THE SHIT I LEARNED ABOUT YOU!" Tony roared as he stood up and leaned in towards Owen, his eyes afire with anger.

"When did my private life become the concern of my employer?" Owen sternly asked as he leaned in towards Tony, not backing down in stance at all.

"When you started fucking around with MY FAMILY! I can hardly believe that you would actually touch your own mother and sister! Richard's death must have really fucked you up!" Tony sneered with hatred as he moved his bulk a step towards Owen in an intimidating manner.

"What I do in my own home, consensually, with others is nobody's business! You know that, you may not like what I do or the make up of my family but you can't fire me over it!" Owen said angrily and confidently as he continued to stare at Tony. "We both know that it's hard to make those Conditional Employment Agreements stick," he added with a sneer on his face as he stared at Tony.

"Maybe, maybe not. If you want to waste your time go ahead and sue us, we can delay and draw it out so long that you'll be collecting social security before you see a dime . . . even if you do win!" Tony glared back at Owen and laughed a victorious laugh of his own.

The smile drained from Owen's face as he realized that Tony was right. The wheels of justice can turn slow, even slower still if you know what to do, know the tricks. Without saying another word, Owen picked up the envelope and walked out of Tony's office. To add insult to injury Ms. Yates made sure she was standing there to watch Owen come out of Tony's office. She smiled an evil smile at him as Owen quietly made his way towards the door leading to the basement.

Owen walked downstairs, frustrated, outraged and worried about his family's future, all at the same time. Once he entered the research basement, he started to gather up his things, throwing them into his bag. Frank noticed the unusual movement and walked out from behind the bookshelf, giving Owen a curious look as he approached.

"What happened, you finally get paroled?" Frank asked with a chuckle as he watched Owen continue to stuff his things in his bag.

"Something like that," Owen said with a growl as he continued to gather up his personal things.

"She didn't fire you, did she?" Frank asked with the first, genuinely concerned look on his face in quite some time.

"Yep, looks like you're on your own," Owen said as he thrust the last of his items into the bag and closed it up.

"Wow, the rumours were true for once!" Frank said with a shocked expression on his face.

"Thanks for the warning," Owen scoffed as he started to walk away.

"I never put any stock in anything I hear in this place," Frank replied in a mildly defensive tone of voice. "What did she fire you for? Anything . . . remotely work related?" Frank asked with a curious tone of voice as he took a step to follow after Owen.

"Hardly, let's just say she didn't approve of my lifestyle and said it violated the 'Conditions of Employment Agreement,' and fired me on the spot," Owen said as he turned only long enough to speak to Frank before continuing on his journey towards the door.

"They can't enforce those," Frank said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but they can drag things out for years . . . and besides, I don't want to work here anymore, anyways!" Owen said in a frustrated tone of voice, pausing momentarily, yet again.

"What you need is some leverage . . . some dirt!" Frank gleefully said as Owen put his hand on the doorknob of the door out of the basement.

"Do you have some?" Owen asked, turning to glance at Frank while keeping his hand on the doorknob.

"Oh yeah. Not everything they do around here is above the board," Frank said with a chuckle as he walked towards one of the older filing cabinets. "I planned to squeeze a nice 'severance package' out of them when I finally do get out of here" he said as he pulled out a key and unlocked the filing cabinet.

"So why are you giving this to me?" Owen asked as he watched Frank open the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet and reach into the back and pulled out an old leather bag.

"Because, there's more than enough dirt for the two of us," Frank said as he pulled out a stash of files and handed half of the files to Owen. "Besides, I'm gonna love watching them squirm," he chuckled an evil chuckle as he held tight onto the stack of files. "You are gonna make them squirm . . . right?" Frank asked with a shrewd expression on his face.

"Absolutely," Owen replied confidently, before he smiled and then breaking into laughter, laughter which Frank joined him in on.
Next page: Chapter 19
Previous page: Chapter 17