Page 01
Mark Adams heard his parents before he saw them as he arrived home from a long day at school. As had become the norm, they were fighting. He paused for a moment as he listened to them from outside the front door then jangled his keys and loudly played with the lock to signal his arrival.
Mark sighed as the fighting stopped once he entered, his parents in the front foyer sporting fake smiles as he walked in, "hey mom, dad, what's up?"
Tom Adams was not in a chatting mood and simply picked up a bag that lay at his feet, "nothing buddy, I just stopped by to pick up a few things I need for a business trip," he said as he walked over to his son.
Tom looked back at his wife, "I'll email you," he said simply before turning to his son, "take care of your mother."
Mark didn't bother saying goodbye to his father; he was out the door with the door closed before he even had a chance to say the words. Instead he walked over to his mother and gave her a kiss hello on the cheek, "you ok mom?"
Melody smiled and put on a brave face for her son, "of course I am sweetie, and how was your day?"
Mark ignored his mother's question as they walked inside, "you don't seem ok mom, come on, what's up? What did dad say?"
Melody sighed as the weight of a bad day came crashing down, tears formed in her eyes as she stepped closer to her one and only child and hugged him tight, "your father is officially filing for divorce," she said as tears ran down her cheeks.
Mark hugged his mother tightly and held her as the words sunk in. He wasn't surprised his parents were getting divorced, they had been separated for months and their marriage had been slowly deteriorating for years before that.
Mark rubbed his mother's back softly and wiped away her tears as she looked at him, "I'm sorry mom; I know you really tried to make it work."
Melody smiled at her son, she was so lucky to have him in her life. While her relationship with her soon to be ex-husband was in poor shape, her relationship with her son couldn't have been better.
Melody broke the hug and wiped her tears away, "you know where he's going don't you? He's going away with HER - business trip my ass."
Mark led his mother into the living room so they could sit down. Before getting separated Tom had admitted to his wife and son he was having an affair with a colleague at work and that they were in love.
"They can have each other mom, you're too good for him anyway," he said.
Melody snorted with laughter, "yeah right, look at me, I'm a mess."
Mark smiled as he looked at his mother, "you're beautiful on the inside and out and the best mother a son could have," he said.
Melody shook her head, "my little prince," she said as she kissed him then wiped a smudge of her lipstick from his face, "where would I be without you?"
"We're a team mom, to hell with dad," he said.
"Now that's a sentiment I can agree with," Melody smiled. "I'm going to finish making dinner; you go change and get ready."
Mark kissed his mother on the cheek again and went upstairs to his room. He was halfway up the stairs when Melody called out to him, "oh and sweetie?... "
"Yes mom?" he asked as he turned around.
"My laptop is acting up, the sound won't work, could you take a look at it?" she asked.
"Anything for you mom," Mark said as he reached the top of the stairs and went into his room.
Mark and his mother had always been close. When he was younger his father often worked late hours so Mark and Melody spent a lot of time together. Mark didn't mind being called a "momma's boy" and happily spent time with his mother.
Melody married young and had Mark when she was only 19. She and Tom met in school and were high school sweethearts. Tom was two years older and truly loved her when they were younger but the pressure of providing for a family at such a young age wore on him before long.
When they were young, Tom and Melody enjoyed a vigorous sex life, they even belonged to a swingers club in their early 20's but left that life behind them in their 30's when a job offer came and they moved cities.
Tom adjusted to the move well but Melody didn't. She broke her ankle soon after the move and became ill with an extended virus right after that, making for a terrible introduction to their new home. Melody struggled to meet new people and make new friends. It didn't help that the gossiping wives of Tom's new work colleagues spread rumors first about her beauty then reveled in her struggle to adjust when the stress and bullying caused her to lose her figure and her confidence.
Melody was used to the whispers but had hoped they would die off with age. She was short, standing only 5'3 with dyed blonde hair and green eyes, fair skin, toned legs and large firm round breasts that were 100% real. She had been a cheerleader in her high school days and had grown accustomed to attracting stares from the opposite sex; she liked the power it gave her.
The problems with Tom started after the move and never really stopped. It was Mark that pulled her out of her funk; he was an athletic kid growing up so Melody threw herself into doting on her son. Mark called her beautiful even when she didn't feel like she was and convinced her to take up jogging with him as he trained for the high school baseball team.
Slowly Melody caught the exercise bug and her figure and confidence returned. It became yet another activity for the two to bond over. Melody went to all Mark's games and enjoyed the attention she got from his teammates and their fathers but it was the attention she got from her son she enjoyed most of all.
Melody had caught her son staring at her from time to time while they jogged and around the house but didn't mind his stolen glances. She knew her son adored her and often got in fights defending her honor. Melody didn't like her son fighting but she did like that she did have one man in her life that defended her.
Truth be told, Mark wasn't the only one who did some ogling. Melody noticed as her son blossomed from a boy into a man. Now 19 and in college he stood 6'3 with blonde hair, blue eyes, a well toned physique and an ass that attracted stares from women young and old. He was good but not great at baseball and his dream of playing professionally died before it even started.
Mark had decided to live at home rather than move into one of the dorms on campus. With his parents splitting up he didn't like the idea of his mother living home alone. Despite the stolen glances the mother-son duo never did anything sexual, their relationship wasn't like that, but they did have an extremely tight bond.
A bond that was about to grow even stronger.
Mark showered and changed then walked into his mother's room to check on her laptop. It booted up without any issues and the sound problem was easy enough to solve.
He decided to check his college online web portal to see if his final marks were posted and was about to shut the computer down when a link saved in the favorites caught his eye. Mark knew he should leave it alone but proceeded anyway.
He clicked on the link and a hook-up site popped up. It was a sex meet up site, a combo of eHarmony and Ashley Madison. His mother's profile was saved and Mark decided to check it out even though he knew he shouldn't.
Mark found himself getting jealous as he read his mother's profile even though logically he wanted his mother to meet someone and move on from his father, even if it was for casual sex.
Melody advertised herself as a soon-to-be divorced mother of one who was looking for a man who knew how to pleasure a woman. She indicated she was looking for a younger man, "like one of her son's friends" who had a 'big cock' and 'knew how to use it.'
Mark got a lump in his throat as he read his mother's profile describing her sexual likes and dislikes. His cock started to throb as she described in depth how she wanted to ride a 'hot young bronco' and shove it in her ex-husband's face. His cock got even harder she he spotted some pictures she posted. They weren't nude, but they were pretty close.
"I can't believe it," he said to himself.
Just then Melody called from downstairs, "dinner is ready sweetie!"
Mark closed the website and the laptop, "be there in a moment mom!" he called as he adjusted his pants and went downstairs.
Mark visited his mother's online profile a lot over the next two weeks. She had recently joined so he didn't think she had met anyone yet but for some reason he just couldn't let it go.
He wasn't mad with his mother, he could never be mad at her for wanting to meet new people, regardless of the reason. He just couldn't shake the surprising jealousy he felt towards unknown men trying to score with his mother.
Melody was an attractive woman. She was toned but not skinny, curvy but not overly so, with soft smooth skin and large plump breasts. Mark loved the smell of her shampoo, the way she dressed, moved and laughed. So why wouldn't other men?
Melody didn't dress to tease her son around the house but she didn't dress overly conservative either. She wasn't nearly as tall as her son and from time to time wore his old jerseys or shirts around the house with little else on. She had done that the other night when they watched a movie together. Mark found himself stealing glances at his mother as she cuddled beside him, he watched her as much as he did the movie.
He'd always dated but never for long. Potential girlfriends didn't last long if they didn't meet his mother's approval.
One late night while Mark was surfing the internet he invariably made his way back to his mother's profile. He'd been forced to get one of his own after he used up his free visits. He filled it out honestly save for the picture he used. As he logged on he noticed his mother was logged in as well.
Mark's heart started to beat fast as he stared at her profile picture and the green dot indicating she was online. He decided to take a chance.
Mark, otherwise known as "blondenblue62" sent his mother, whose username was "sexygal69" an invite for a live chat. 30 seconds later she agreed.
"Hello" he typed.
"Hi," his mother responded, "Thanks for the invite."
"Couldn't resist," he started. "Can't sleep?"
"Horny and alone," Melody replied.
Mark swallowed deeply as he chatted online with his mother. He knew he should stop but couldn't bring himself to do so. "I find that hard to believe," he typed.
"Lol why?" she asked.
"You're beautiful," he replied.
"You're sweet," Melody replied, "but the only man who notices me these days is my son."
Mark stopped dead in his tracks. She knew? Was she upset?
"I find THAT hard to believe," he wrote.
"It's true," she said, "he's the only one and to be honest, I don't mind."
Mark's heart started to beat even faster, "naughty girl," he wrote.
Melody smiled as she chatted online. She had been considering cancelling her membership and hadn't expected to share any secret desires but here she was - and she was horny. She started to rub herself as she typed.
"Truth be told? He's not the only one who peeks," she wrote.
Mark's cock immediately started to throb; his mother had checked him out?
"Ever done anything?" he asked, knowing the answer.
Melody rubbed herself even harder as she typed, "no, I'm too much of a chicken."
"What about his friends?" Mark asked.
Melody chuckled as she typed, "They're cute but I'd never do that to my son."
Mark breathed a sigh of relief; his head would have exploded if one of his friends was fooling around with his mother.
"You think he'd want to do something?" he asked.
"Probably not," Melody responded. "I'm not some freak, just a lonely woman."
"I read somewhere a lot of sons think of their mother sexually at some point," Mark wrote.
"Why did I type that?" he asked himself.
Melody started to finger herself as she typed, "have you thought about your mom?"
Mark paused and then responded, "I've started to, hard to not notice her."
"You naughty boy," Melody wrote. "Do you want to fuck her?"
Mark didn't know what to say. He hadn't really thought about it but he had been visiting her profile and thinking about her nonstop recently.
"Hello?" she asked.
"Sorry," Mark wrote, "I was just thinking about her."
"Mmmmmmm" Melody responded, "that a yes?"
Mark paused again before responding, "Well, my cock is rock hard," he replied honestly without actually responding.
"My pussy is wet," Melody replied. "How big are you?"
Mark knew he should stop but was long past the point of no return, "big enough, maybe I'll show you sometime" he typed.
"How old are you?" Melody asked.
Mark was tempted to lie but didn't, "I'm 19," he typed.
"Mmmmm you could be my son," Melody responded, not knowing how right she was.
"I'd like that," Mark replied.
Melody fingered her pussy faster, "I bet you would..."
Both mother and son played with themselves as they chatted, Mark pulling his cock out of his boxers giving it the relief it needed.
"It's late, I should go to bed, talk again?" Melody asked.
"Absolutely," Mark replied.
"Goodnight sweetie," Melody wrote before logging off.
"Night mom," Mark said softly as he stood up and moved over to his bed. Both mother and son played with themselves that night, thinking of one another before they drifted off to sleep.
Neither Melody nor Mark had intended for that chat to happen. In fact, neither had admitted to themselves they had those desires but it was clear now they both did.
Over the course of the next week they chatted almost every night about their shared fantasy, not really sure where it was leading.
Mark noticed his mother was suddenly in a better mood while Melody couldn't help but notice her son checking her out even more than usual.
Mark had learned through their online chats his mother hadn't met anyone through the site and wasn't too pleased with it overall until she started talking to him. Melody meanwhile found herself looking forward to her late night rendezvous with her anonymous young stud. She had started to fantasize about her and Mark together but left it at that, just a fantasy.
One night after watching a movie together they met online after saying their goodnights in the hall.
"God I'm so horny," Melody wrote when Mark popped online.
"Why is that?" he asked.
"We just watched a movie together and I did what I told you I was going to do. I wore a skimpy little nightie and he was so hard. I saw him. I felt him," she said.
"That IS hot," Mark wrote back.
"I was so tempted to do something but I couldn't. I shouldn't be doing this to myself or to him. He's the only good relationship I have in my life," she said.
"Sounds to me like he doesn't mind," he wrote.
"I don't know..." she replied.
"I bet you he's thinking about you right now," he typed.
"You think so?" she asked.
"I know so..." he said.
"I wish you were him," Melody replied.
Mark's cock throbbed at that last comment, "go check if he's still awake, I'll be here..." he said.
Without thinking Mark got up and slipped out his room, going downstairs to the kitchen. Melody heard him in the kitchen and walked down to join him in her skimpy nightie.
"Mark?" she asked as she entered the kitchen, "is that you?"
"It's me mom, I'm just making some hot milk, want some?"
Mark looked at his mother as she softly stepped into the kitchen, her nightie was light purple, very short and see-thru everywhere but at her chest. His eyes traveled up and down her body, her nightie barely covered her panties and perfectly showcased her body.
"I couldn't sleep, you?" he asked.
Melody smiled at her son, "same."
Melody watched as her son reached up to get a second mug, he was wearing boxers and a t-shirt that was moulded to his toned physique. Whereas her husband had let himself go in recent years, her son was a verified hunk. Like her, he wouldn't have any problem finding a mate if he wanted, but like her he was more comfortable at home.
Melody stepped closer to her son as the milk started to heat up, "aren't we a pair?" she chuckled, "heating up warm milk on a Saturday night."
Mark smiled as he pulled his mother close to him, his hands sliding down her back as her arms went around his neck.
"I don't mind mom, I've always preferred being with you. I like our special bond," he said.
Melody smiled back at her son, "me too. I'm lucky to have a son who talks to his mother more than once a month."
Mark smirked, "you mean that's an option?" he teased.
Melody gasped in mock horror, "just for that I'm going to embarrass you the next time your friends are over. I'm going to treat you like a little boy and just shower you with kisses..."
Melody leaned up as she started to give Mark sloppy wet kisses on his cheeks and forehead just like she did when he was young.
"I'll kiss you like this and this and this and this and this and this..." she teased.
Mark laughed as his mother gave him sloppy wet kisses, her body pressed against him as she did, and as she pressed against him it was impossible for her not to feel his hard-on.
"Ok ok ok!" he laughed, "I give in!"
Melody smiled as she stopped kissing her son but stayed pressed against him. Their eyes locked for a moment as Mark held his mother in his arms. He pulled her slightly against him and she didn't fight it.
Finally after an extended silence Mark said, "I love you mom."
Melody bit her bottom lip and smiled, "I love you too sweetie. You're the love of your mother's life and you always will be."
"I'd do anything for you mom," her son replied.
"I know you would baby," she started as the milk started to boil over, "but right now I think you should pour us some milk," she giggled as the warm milk spilled on the floor.
Mark swore softly as he pulled the pot off the burner and wiped up the spilled milk, "if that isn't a metaphor I don't know what is," he thought to himself.
Mark poured a glass for himself and his mother, "here you go," he said.
"Thanks sweetie," she said as she kissed him on the cheek, "goodnight, don't stay up too late," she said as she walked back upstairs.
Mark watched her leave and adjusted his hard cock once she was out of sight. He quickly cleaned up and returned to his room. Messages from his mother were waiting for him as he sat down.
"I'm here," he typed.
"Thought I lost you," she wrote.
"How'd it go?" he asked.
Mark groaned as his mother shared the story that he just participated in, "sounds hot," he said.
"You have no idea," she said, "my pussy is on fire."
Mark was thinking about his mother's pussy when she asked him her most daring question yet, "would you send me a pic of your dick? I'm sopping wet."
Mark's cock lurched with lust at his mother's request, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours," he said.
"Deal," she said. "You first."
Mark gulped as his mother responded quickly; he hadn't expected her to take him up on his offer.
He turned on his webcam and focused on his hard cock, making sure only his cock was on screen and nothing that would give away where he was. He took a pic and sent it through the chat.
"Enjoy," he wrote.
"Mmmmmm that's bigger than my ex," Melody said, unknowingly telling her son he had a bigger cock than his father.
"Seriously, that's a great cock" she continued. "Your mother doesn't know what she's missing."
Two minutes later she sent him a pic in return, it was a pic of his mother from her breasts down to her wetness, her fingers inside her pussy, "your son is the one who doesn't know what he's missing," he typed.
"Think of me when you jack off tonight," his mother wrote. "I'll be thinking of your cock and pretending you're my son."
Mark and Melody both got off that night, touching themselves as they thought of one another, their orgasms arriving at almost the same time, albeit in different rooms.
For the next week they traded more pics as they chatted with the temperature slowly rising to a crescendo the next weekend.
Mark arrived home from his part-time job Saturday afternoon hot and tired and in need of a swim. He saw his mother outside so he quickly changed into his trunks and went outside.
Melody looked up as Mark walked outside, "how was work?"
Mark shrugged, "same old same old, glad to be done and in the pool," he said as he dived into the pool and did a few laps.
Melody watched as her son did his laps and hid behind her sunglasses as he pulled himself out of the water.
"Better?" she asked.
"Much better," he said as he sat down beside her, "have you been in today or is this another one of your 'dry' bathing suits?"
Melody stood up and spun around for her son, happy to show off her body, "does this look like a swim suit you get wet?" she asked.
Mark smirked as he stood up, "it does to me!" he said as he picked his mother up and put her over his shoulder.
Melody shrieked loudly as her son picked her up, "Mark! Put me down this instant!"
Mark chuckled as he carried his mother to the edge of the pool; she kicked her legs playfully as she squirmed on his shoulder, "what's that? Can't hear you. I've got this woman screaming on my shoulder."
Melody squirmed and kicked and lightly smacked her son as he held her, "don't you dare throw me in the water!"
Mark walked to the edge of the water then set his mother down, "you don't think I'd actually throw my own mother in the water did you?" he asked with a wry grin.
Melody breathed a deep sigh of relief and then smiled at her son, "you should have," she grinned as she pushed him into the water.
Mark bellowed as he tumbled in the water and surfaced quickly, a big grin on his face. Melody shrieked again as Mark popped out of the pool and started to chase after her.
She ran around the backyard before Mark scooped her up into his arms and carried her over to the pool.
Melody gave her son the puppy dog look as she squirmed in his arms, "you wouldn't throw your dear old mother in the pool would you?"
Mark grinned, "My dear old mother? No. My hot young mother... yes."
And with that Mark jumped into the pool while still holding Melody, letting her go as they hit the water.
Mark laughed as he came up for air, Melody surfaced a moment later. She wiped her hair from her face and giggled as she splashed her son.
Mother and son splashed and played in the pool before they wound up in the shallow end. Mark sat on the steps as he pulled his mother on top of him. Melody straddled her son in the water as they caught their breath.
"So you think I'm hot do you?" she smiled.
Mark's hands slipped over her body and Melody didn't stop him, "I do. Not exactly breaking news."
Melody grinded against her son as she leaned into him, "well there aren't exactly a lot of men breaking down my door," she breathed.
"You have to take the padlock off the front door first mom," Mark replied.
"Are you telling me you want me to do that?" Melody asked.
Mark didn't break eye contact with his mother as she stayed on his lap, "hell no."
Melody grinned widely, "I didn't think so."
Mark held his mother close and then leaned in to kiss her, finally tasting her lips.
Melody moaned as she kissed her son, he held her tightly and kissed her with heat and passion. Her arms went around his neck as she grinded against his growing hard-on, their lips locked in a hot taboo embrace.
Mark and Melody kissed like teenagers as they pressed against each other in the pool, Mark's tongue slipping inside his mother as he succumbed to his lust.
"Mmmmmm mom," he moaned as he broke their kiss.
"Oh my god," Melody moaned, "That was so hot. I've wanted that for so long."
Mark's cock throbbed she he heard his mother's words and she felt it, "me too," he said.
They started to kiss again only to stop just as quickly, "what's wrong?" Mark asked.
"I want this so bad, but I can't. It's wrong. I'm your mother," she said.
"It's ok mom, I want this. I want you," Mark replied.
Melody extricated herself from her son, "it is wrong. We can't do this," she said as she pulled away from Mark and ran inside.
Mark watched his mother run inside and went after her. He went upstairs and heard her crying in her room, "mom?" he called as he knocked on the door.
"Not now Mark. It's wrong, we can't do this, I'm your mother," she cried.
Mark turned the knob and went inside, "we need to talk."
Melody looked at her son, "Mark! Please! I'm embarrassed enough!"
Mark walked over to the en suite bathroom to grab a towel and some tissues. He came back into the bedroom and wrapped the towel around his mother and handed her a tissue.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about mom," he said as he sat down beside her.
Melody sighed deeply as she leaned against her son, "I'm such a fool."
Mark rubbed his mother's arms through the towel, "don't be silly mom, you're perfect."
Melody looked at her son and started to talk when he stopped her, "let me speak," he said.
"A few weeks ago when I was fixing your laptop I found your online profile," he started as Melody's eyes bulged in surprise.
"It was wrong but I checked it out and I've checked your profile every day since. I checked it so often I had to get my own ... and then I couldn't help myself and started chatting with you online. I'm the one you've been talking to mom. So if there's something wrong with you there's something wrong with me and we can be wrong together," he said.
Melody was shocked as her son revealed all, "you mean..." she started.
"Yup," he said. "We've been sharing our secrets, swapping pictures... nurturing our mutual desire."
"You planned this?" Melody asked.
Mark shook his head, "No. It just... happened. Every step of the way I knew I should stop but I couldn't. It was you. Deep down I guess I've always had a mommy thing," he said.
Melody smiled for the first time, "a mommy thing? So, you really want to..."
Mark nodded, "I want to do whatever you want mom. But if you're asking me what I really want, I want to fuck my mother."
Melody's nipples instantly responded to her son's words, "You want to fuck me?"
Mark nodded.
"Say it again," she said.
"I want to fuck you mom," he repeated.
"Again," she said.
"I want to fuck my mommy," Mark smiled.
Melody grinned a lusty grin as she stood up and faced her son, she tossed her towel aside. She reached behind her back and undid her top, letting it fall to the floor as her gorgeous breasts spilled free, her lust and desire now fuelling her actions.
Mark stared at his mother's chest in wonderment, not believing this was actually happening.
Melody smiled as her son gawked at her, "mmmmmm mommy wants to fuck her big boy..." she moaned.
Mark pulled his mother back onto his lap and kissed her again, her naked breasts pressing against his chest as they kissed for a third time.
Mark and Melody kissed on the bed. Melody straddled her son and felt his growing cock against her and it turned her on even more. Mark fell back on the bed, Melody stayed on top of him as they kissed hungrily.
Melody broke the kiss and looked down at her son, "did you really mean all the things you wrote?" she asked.
Mark nodded, "every single thing."
"And that was really your cock you sent me?"
Mark nodded again, "of course, you think I have lots of dick pics sitting around?"
Melody giggled, "no, but it looked too good to be true," she said as she kissed softly down his body until she reached his swim trunks. Melody looked up at her son as she slowly undid his swim suit and tugged it down his legs, letting his hard young cock to spring free.
"Mmmmmm you weren't lying," she said as she licked her lips.
Melody's lust grew as she grabbed her son's cock and started to stroke him slowly. Her smile grew even larger when he groaned softly as she stroked his shaft.
"I bet the girls love this cock..." she hissed.
Mark smiled as he looked at his mother, "they do, but what I really want to know is if my mother likes it."
Melody had a mischievous glint in her eye as she stroked her son slowly once more before her lips approached his shaft and sucked him into her warm wet mouth.
Mark groaned loudly as his mother started to suck his cock, "ooohhhhh fuck yes mom."
He watched as his mother's head bobbed up and down his cock as she expertly swallowed his cock, her lips gliding up and down his shaft.
Mark's cock slipped from his mother's mouth and she started to stroke him again, "does that answer your question?" Melody asked.
"Mmmmmm fuck mom..." Mark groaned as his mother's salvia glistened on his prick.
Melody smiled as she kissed and stroked her son's hard cock, "mmmm that will happen soon enough," she teased.
Mark groaned again as his mother slowly dragged her tongue along his shaft and took his cock back in her mouth.
The sound of Melody blowing her son while he moaned filled the room and turned them both on. "God I love how you suck my cock..." Mark groaned.
Melody smiled and continued to suck her son's cock, it was so big and hard, she loved the way it felt in her mouth and she loved the taboo of sucking off her own son.
Mark ran his hands through his mother's hair as she sucked and slurped on his dick, he wanted to watch every second as his mother's mouth pleasured his cock.
"I want you so bad mom, even more than I did in the pool when you were sitting on my cock. I want to fuck you. I want to suck you. I want to taste you," he said.
Melody started to stroke her son's cock as she sucked on his balls, her hand moving up and down his wet cock.
"Tell mommy what you'd do to her..." she moaned.
Mark smiled as he moved his hips, thrusting slowly against his mother's hand.
"I'd fuck my mommy good and hard. I'd fuck her balls deep. I'd fuck mommy until my cock was worn out," Mark started.
Melody's pussy was on fire as she toyed with her son's balls and stroked his shaft.
"I'm going to fuck you in every room of this house. I'm going to fuck you in my bed; I'm going to fuck you in this bed and fuck you better than dad ever did. I'm going to fuck you while we eat breakfast, I'm going to bend you over the couch and fuck you in the family room. I'm going to fuck you in the shower, in the grass out back, on the washing machine and everywhere in between," he continued.
Melody moaned loudly as her son went on and on all the places he would fuck her, she took his cock back in her mouth as his shaft throbbed. She sucked his shaft with increased intensity now as her entire body felt like it was on fire.
"Cum for mommy," she breathed, "Mommy wants to taste her baby boy."
Mark's cock throbbed as he listened to his mother; her mouth was driving him insane as he thrust his shaft deeper in her hotness.
Her hard nipples rubbed against his skin as she sucked his cock and slurped loudly on his hot rod. Melody hadn't been this hot since she and Tom went to their last swingers party years ago and none of the cock's she'd sucked over the years made her as hot as her son's.
Mark grunted and groaned loudly as his mother continued her taboo assault on his shaft until he couldn't help himself anymore.
"Here it comes," he grunted through gritted teeth.
Melody moaned as she sucked her son, her eyes bulging when he finally released and came hard down her throat.
"Aaaaahhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkk mom!" he yelled.
Melody sucked harder on her son's sprouting prick as his sperm coated her tongue and throat.
"Mmmmm fuck yes mom, god you're so hot. So so so so so hotttt..." he grunted.
Melody moaned as she swallowed her son's load, she hadn't always swallowed with Tom and other men but just had to taste her son.
She licked her lips as she lifted from his shaft, a long line of spit connected his cock to her lips and she eagerly kissed his cock head to clean it up.
Melody moaned as her son's cock stayed hard, she started to stroke him again, "you taste so good baby."
Mark smiled as he looked up at his mother, "no one ever sucked my cock like that mom. No one ever made me cum that hard."
Melody smiled as she climbed up her son's nude body, licking his skin along the way, "mmmm well mommy knows how to take care of her baby boy..."
Mark pulled his mother up to him and kissed her again, they kissed hungrily on the bed as Mark rolled his mother onto her back.
She felt his hand snake down to her soaked bikini bottoms and slip under them. Mark smiled when he felt how wet his mother was and Melody moaned when her son started to feel her up.
Melody looked at her son, "mommy is so horny baby."
Mark slowly undid her bikini bottoms and tossed them away, "well we'll have to do something about that won't we?" he smirked.
Melody watched as her son moved between her legs and spread them wide, she had expected him to just fuck her like Tom would have after she sucked his cock but instead he started to lick her wet pussy.