Page 02
James began to fuck his mother with mad abandon and I held on to him for dear life, trying to thrust back even as I slipped into yet another orgasm and then my son howled like wolf and thrust deep one last time and I screamed in passionate delight as I felt his cockhead swell and then he was flooding me with hot, thick cream and I was insane with pleasure as my son filled my womb with his semen, searing my insides with more of a man's seed that I would have thought possible. Heavy jet after jet of sperm burst forth from his cock -- so much I wondered if it would ever end...not that I minded. It was hot and beautiful and in the haze of my incestuous orgasm, I wept with the beauty of the moment and of the unbelievable sensations.
The world went away for a bit, leaving only sweet and incredible pleasure that was my entire world and then I was back and in my son's arms and his lovely cock still inside me as he kissed my face tenderly, whispering over and over again, "You, Mom, you are all I ever wanted or will ever need...just you, Mom. I love you."
I kissed him back, somehow finding the strength to raise my hand to stroke his cheek. "I love you, James, my dear sweet boy. Your mother will never let you go -- it's you and me, now and forever!"
We fell asleep then in each other's arms and for the first time in longer than I could remember, I had a good night's sleep, feeling safe in my son's arms. My last conscious thoughts were of how good and warm he felt, the light hair on his chest tickling my nose as I pressed my face to his body, smelling his earthy, sweaty scent while his arms held me close in a strong embrace.
In the light of a reddish colored dawn, we both seemed to awake together, James's cock still in me and growing long and hard again. We both looked at each other, the hope and joy that it all wasn't just a wonderful dream evident in both our faces. We were cuddled on our sides and my son rolled us so that he was more or less on his back and we had a long, slow fuck with his hands cupping my ass and moving me back and forth on his stiff dick -- neither of us in a hurry, both of us just enjoying the moment.
It was lovemaking as I'd never known before. With Jimmy it had been straight up, lets get going sex -- good in a basic way, but this was more...this was what it meant to have someone make love to you who truly believed you to be the end all and be all of their world. As my son fed me his sweet, fine cock we whispered our desires to each other, bared our souls to each other and with each long, drawn out thrust I fell more and more in love with my beloved James, my heart swelling and breaking as he gently told me of his secret longing for me for several years and how it grew with each passing day. James told me how he had longed desired to see me treated like the wonderful woman he knew I was deserved to be treated.
It eased my guilt for his lost youth with James telling me of how it had made him so happy to be my man in so many ways and I wept with joy as he confessed his dreams for us -- a world free of his father and this sad, decrepit place, someday making a home for us where we could live happily ever after. This last part he told me in a strained voice amidst my escalating cries of pleasure as he brought us both to an exquisite orgasm that seemed to go on and on...carrying me to heaven's door as his cum filled my pussy amidst his soft whispers of, "We will live happily ever after, Mom. I swear it!"
It seemed like we lay there basking in the golden glow of the newly discovered depths of our love for an eternity, but all good things seem destined to end and so did that wonderful moment as I heard Jimmy's demanding noises from the living room...noises that indicated that he needed to be cleaned and fed.
With great regret, I left my son's bed and dressing quickly, I began another day's chores -- cleaning Jimmy up and seeing to his breakfast. Cleaning him was always the biggest chore, but as I rolled him over on his side to wash him, I felt a hand on my shoulder and there was James, a smile on his face as he moved to help me -- a smile unlike any I'd seen in years -- a happy, hopeful smile and one that prodded a similar one from me. As my husband glared at me and his son, we finished him quickly and I sat about fixing our breakfast.
In our financial state, all we really could afford was plain oatmeal which while nourishing, was as bland as cardboard. Because I felt so happy that morning, I splurged and added a bit of my hoarded coffee to our meal...Jimmy loved coffee and was spiteful when he didn't get it. This morning he was spiteful despite getting his favorite treat.
His eyes seemed to convey a deeper level of hate this morning and it dawned on me that he might have heard us in the night or this morning making love. In any case, while James washed up in the bathroom, I tried to feed Jimmy, but he was angrily spitting food at me after the first few swallows. "You need to settle yourself down and act right, Jimmy," I begged, wiping spit and oatmeal off my gown. "What's wrong with you this morning, anyway?"
By way of answer, my husband turned his eyes towards the bathroom door and then spit at me again. "Damn your soul you hateful bastard!" I cried as I looked at my now filthy gown. Jimmy's eyes were full of fire and hatred and he mewled something almost indecipherable...but it sounded like he called me a whore.
He knew then. There was no doubt about it -- Jimmy knew that our son and I had fucked each other like mad lovers in the night. Jimmy trembled with effort and he managed to mumble, "Cunt...Whore," and spit at me again. And for the second time within a few hours, I had that perfect moment of clarity and all the years of abuse and neglect came to the forefront of my consciousness and my anger welled up as I stood up and said, "That's enough, you son of a bitch." I raised my fist back to strike him, but I caught myself as I suddenly realized that there was a better way to get my, my retribution for all the years of hell my husband had put me and my son through.
"James," I called out loudly. "Come here!"
There was a momentary pause and then my son emerged from the tiny bathroom -- a threadbare towel around his waist. "Mom, are you alright?" he said.
There was a fine razor edged quality to my voice as I replied, "I am absolutely fine, darling. Please bring Momma a chair from the kitchen." I pointed to one of the plain, wooden straight back chairs that we used at the tiny round table. "Set it here directly in front of your father."
James obeyed me quickly, a confused look on his face. I centered it, facing towards Jimmy at a distance of five feet -- making sure to be outside my husband's spitting range. "Mom?" James said softly. "What's going on?"
I glared down at Jimmy and then as I turned towards my son, I quickly pulled my gown over my head and again tossed it aside. "Retribution, son!" I hissed and then I flung my arms around his neck and kissed him hard as I pressed my naked flesh against his hard body. James stiffened in surprise as I pressed my tongue into his mouth, but as our tongues danced together, I felt him relax and he didn't resist as I reached down and tugged his towel free and tossed it away to land next to my soiled and discarded gown.
I moaned appreciatively as my son's hands began to roam over my back and hips, slowly stroking me one moment and kneading handfuls of flesh the next. I heard an indignant snarl of sorts from across the room, but ignored it, losing myself in the embrace of my loving son. I could feel James's cock growing against my belly, its inevitable rising up evoking a delicious sensation as it moved against my skin.
The kiss ended with us both practically breathless and I turned to Jimmy, savoring the anger in his eyes now and I ground myself against James as I said, "Doesn't our son have a fine body, Jimmy. He's got the body of a real man..." I slipped my hand downward and wrapped it around his erection and continued, "And our son has the cock of a real man...a fine, big cock, much bigger than yours ever was, don't you agree?" I slowly stroked it, feeling it pulse in my hand. "And Jimmy, it feels so good inside me -- so much better than ever your puny little thing did!"
I felt James's cock swell at his mother's words and while facing towards Jimmy, I rubbed my cheek against our son's chest. "And Jimmy, he makes me so wet just thinking of him inside of me, fucking me, Jimmy -- cumming in me and making me cum harder and better than you ever did."
I slipped in front of James, shivering as I felt his erect cock nestle itself in the crack of my ass. My son pleased me by instinctively joining in on the torture I wanted to inflict on my sorry spouse. James's hands slipped up and cupped my heavy breasts, kneading and bouncing my plentiful tit flesh and pinching and tugging on my swollen nipples till I was ready to scream.
"Isn't Mom beautiful, Dad?" James chimed in. "She is absolutely fucking gorgeous!" I sighed happily as my son ducked his head and kissed me softly on my shoulder. He looked down at his father and continued, "You were a fucking idiot not treating Mom like a queen, Dad." Then, even without seeing his face, I knew my son was displaying a wolfish smile as he said, "But don't worry, Dad. I'm taking care of Mom now...and I'll fuck her like she deserves whenever she wants it!"
I giggled and as I wiggled my ass against my son's erection, I said, "Mmmmm. I want you to fuck me right now, James. Will you fuck your Mom good...right now, son?"
James's fingers intertwined in my hair, both between my legs and on my head. He leaned my head back and kissed me while running his fingers through my thick, red bush to find my slippery wet labia and split them, revealing my sodden, pink flesh.
As the kiss ended, he eased himself down onto the wooden chair, pulling me towards his lap, but I had a sudden new inspiration. I knelt at his side, glancing at Jimmy whose face was almost as red as my hair and I gave him a sweet smile as I again took our son's cock in my hand and slowly stroked it up and down.
"Isn't it lovely, Jimmy -- hard and long and thick!" I moved my head towards James's lap, planting little kisses on his thigh. "I've been dying to taste it, but I've been enjoying our boy's cock in my pussy so much." I paused with my mouth hovering over James's cock, feeling the warmth coming from the swollen head and smelling his scent -- his musk mixed with the smell of semen.
I reached out and flicked James's cockhead with my tongue and said, "You always said I wasn't much of a cocksucker, Jimmy. I wonder if your son will agree?" I ran my tongue up and down James's shaft and licked his large balls and added, "I'm out of practice of course, but I'm going to be getting lots of practice with our son from now on!" I rolled my tongue up the length of James's penis and then took him in my mouth -- never taking my eyes off my husband as he glared at us. I sucked my son deep, taking as much of his length as I could before letting him slip almost completely free, my lips holding him while my tongue busily explored and washed his crown.
James groaned and sighed as his mother went down on him, murmuring to his father about how good I was. I would occasionally take my eyes off Jimmy and look to our son and we would share a moment of perfect bliss flavored by the sheer perversity of the moment. I suppose we should have been ashamed at torturing Jimmy like that, but to this day, I've never felt any guilt -- remembering only the sheer lewd excitement of not only making love to my son, but rubbing my bastard husband's face in our incestuous passion.
Finally, I could take waiting no more and I let James slip from between my lips and with his help rose to my feet. "Now's the moment you've been waiting for, Jimmy," I hissed as I moved to straddle our son's lap facing my husband. I felt completely liberated as I felt James's wet and hard cock press against my cunt flesh as Jimmy stared deadly daggers at us. "Your son is going to fuck your wife, Jimmy. Your son is going to fuck me better than you ever dreamed of doing and your son is going to make his mother -- your lawfully wedded wife cum her brains out!" I began to lower myself onto my son's thick penis and as it disappeared inside me, I moaned, "And you can't stop me, you limp dicked bastard!"
I'm sure we looked incredibly erotic and lewd with my legs draped over James's thighs, my feet barely touching the ground, levering myself up and down on my son's cock by my toes, while he groped my bouncing tits and nuzzled my neck and ear, both of us grinning and moaning while staring at Jimmy -- humiliatingly cuckolding him while he helplessly watched.
"Oh God, Mom," James groaned as he pinched my nipples and planted kisses on my shoulder and neck, his lips making me quiver almost as much as that thick penis buried in my cunt did! "Your pussy is soooo fine, Mom! I love it! I love you, Mom!"
"I love you, James, my sweet motherfucker!" I crooned back to my son as I rode him -- savoring every moment of his thick meat slipping deep in. "You're a fine lover, son -- much better than your daddy ever was!" I twisted and writhed in my son's lap, taking his hands and helping them squeeze my tits, urging him to pinch and pull on my nipples ever more roughly.
Our bodies were soon covered in sweat and the room quickly reeked of our scent - fuck sweat and hot pussy. I could feel the pleasure roiling inside me, becoming more intense with each passing moment, threatening to explode into orgasmic fire and I was bucking and bouncing on James's cock as I screamed, "He's wonderful, Jimmy -- a real man fucking me -- making me cum like a man should. Your son's a better man than you, a better lover...a better fucker than you ever were!" Then I was screaming with the overwhelming joy of orgasm as James pulled me down hard on his cock and with his fine penis buried deep in my womb he began to pump his hot seed inside me!
Jimmy in his bed seemed almost to vibrate with impotent fury and in the midst of my son induced orgasm, I found myself laughing -- the first full bodied happy laugh I let out in longer than I could remember. After all these miserable years of suffering and abuse, I was happy again!
As I felt James's cock begin to shrink in the aftermath of our lovemaking, I stood and turned around and began to shower his face with kisses -- his father now the farthest thing from my mind. "Take me to bed, darling," I gasped between kisses. "Make love to me again!"
"My pleasure, Mom," James replied as he stood up, bearing my weight easily and carried me into his small bedroom where for the next few hours, I forgot all about the bad part of our lives while my son made me remember all that is glorious about being a woman in love. I marveled at James's endurance and ability to recover. Perhaps it was simply his youth, but I think that there was a lot of wished for loving that inspired my son to continue to perform and please his mother.
Later in the day as we took care of Jimmy's physical needs, I felt enveloped in a cocoon of love unlike anything I'd ever experienced -- one that shielded me from my husband's ever present hate. Now he was something more or less to be pitied. Filled with my son's love (not to mention his hot semen), I could face any thing.
I also discovered that while I savored every moment James and I shared in the bedroom, I also was enjoying every moment that we could rub Jimmy's face in the fact that our son and I were now unashamedly lovers. That Saturday night as we watched television on the little black and white set we'd found in a second hand store, James and I were sitting on the couch holding hands as a Red Sox game unfolded. It was a hot night with no wind and the box fan on the fritz so my son was wearing only his boxer shorts and I was in a ragged slip. Jimmy was oblivious to the game, instead looking angrily at us.
Perhaps I am a terrible person, but I couldn't help myself. "You hoping for a little more of a peek, Jimmy?" I asked in a sweet voice. "It'll be my pleasure!" Winking at James, I slid to the floor and moved between my son's knees. I sighed with pleasure as I reached out and palmed his crotch, my heart beating faster as I felt James's cock pulse and grow.
"Ah, Jimmy -- you should be proud of James. He's already cummed in my pussy at least four times today and our fine man of a son can still get hard for his mother!" I said in a happy, laughing voice that I scarcely recognized as my own. I looked up into James's eyes and felt the heat again grow in my now well fucked pussy and said, "Would you like Mommy to suck your cock, sweetheart?"
James sighed happily, his face smooth and clear of many of the premature lines that the recent years had marked him with and he replied, "I would love that, Mom!"
It was with great relish that I fished his cock from his shorts, once again marveling at is girth and length and I leaned in and kissed the head tenderly before taking him in my mouth and letting my tongue roll slowly over his swollen glans, savoring the taste of the precum already building in his slit. I glanced over at Jimmy and saw his face, red and infuriated as he stared at me orally pleasing our son.
It thrilled me to humiliate him so -- not as a sadistic thrill but as retribution for all the pain and anguish he'd inflicted upon us. Satisfied, I turned my gaze again to James and held his gaze as he watched me suck his cock. All my energies turned to pleasing him and I tried to note which movements of my lips and tongue seemed to make him happiest. It took a little doing and I thought I would choke once or twice, but I managed to take all of him in my mouth -- doing that deep throat thing and reveled as I watched my son throw his head back in sheer ecstasy as I sucked him and sucked him and sucked him some more.
The day's events left him with considerable staying power and with nothing better or more enjoyable to do, I tried to give him the blowjob of a lifetime. When he would approach climax, I would back off, letting his blood swollen penis slip from between my lips to cool off a bit. I would fill these moments with pointed comments at Jimmy, asking him if I was sucking our son's cock correctly and informing him of how superior James's cock was to that of his father. "Don't you wish, Jimmy, that it was your wee little cock I was sucking?" I said tauntingly. "All your cruel words to me now, I bet you're wishing you could take back."
I licked the head of James's dick and smacked my lips as I grinned up at my husband, his anger almost turning him purple and then I added, "But from now on, the only cock these lips will taste is that of our son!"
Again and again, I took James deep in my mouth and throat, my tongue licking and exploring every ridge and vein of my son's wonderful cock until I was almost shivering from exhaustion. Finally, I could wait no more -- I began vigorously sucking James's cockhead, urging him with my eyes to cum for his mother and after a few minutes of exquisite torture, James moaned, "Mom, I'm -- I've got to cum!"
I sucked all the harder and was immediately rewarded with a tremendous blast of delicious, hot semen. I almost choked from the quickness and amount of sperm as my son shot streamer after streamer of thick and hot salty semen into my hungry mouth. I held off swallowing so I could let my son slip from my mouth, long and messy strands of spunk extending from his cock to my lips and show my husband how much seed our son could produce.
James's hands were intertwined in my hair and he was gasping, "That was incredible, Mom. I love you so much," while trying to catch his breath.
"I love your cum, James," I replied, licking a glop of his sperm from my lips. I turned and grinned at Jimmy who looked near enough to having another stroke. "And we're going to do this a lot from now on, I promise!"
As I got off my knees, James reached out and took my hand. "You know, Mom -- turn about is only fair play."
I raised an eyebrow and cocking my head to one side, said, "Now, whatever do you mean by that, son?"
In reply, James placed his hands under my slip and between my legs, palming my tender cunt. "I haven't gotten to taste your pussy yet, Mom!" He said with a leering grin and licking his lips.
My hands flew to my mouth in shock and in a breathless voice, I answered, "You'll be wanting to lick my pussy, James? No one -- your father never did that!"
James stood and waltzed me around and sat me down on the couch. As he knelt, he looked over at his father and said, "Dad, you're such a fucking idiot. How could you not want to eat Mom's pussy?" He flipped my slip upwards, revealing my red bush and my now well fucked cunt, almost as red as my pubic hair, my labia thick and swollen, glistening with my juices. James ran his hands along my inner thighs and then rubbed both palms over my sensitive puss -- almost making me cum just from his light touch.
"Oh son, have you ever done this before?" I whispered in wonder. I had never been licked before! Jimmy had thought it a foul and dirty thing to do all those years ago and now my son was eager and drooling to put his mouth on me where not but a few hours before he'd pumped load after load of sperm inside!
The bravado in his voice faded as James said softly back, "No, I haven't, Mom, but I've dreamed of eating your pussy and I promise you, I will become good at it!"
I spread my legs wide as James plunged his face into my tender flesh, crying out in delight as his tongue, thick and warm washed across my pussy lips and delved into my cunt. It was wonderful and in just a few seconds I was on fire like never before and my head was swimming as my son's tongue just seemed to devour me.
I cried and squirmed as James's tongue seemed to be everywhere...probing deep into my cunt or licking up and down my labia or probing for my clitoris, urging it to emerge from its little hood. His breath tickled as it blew warm air through my thick mat of red hair. As my son sucked and chewed and licked my pussy, I felt myself cumming over and over again, my body jerking about and stiffening up as orgasms swept me up...I was even aware of a sudden and strange, but intensely pleasurable sensation of ejaculating pussy juices into James's face as the incestuous pleasure took me time and time again.
Through it all, Jimmy stared and fumed, his mouth working impotently to form incoherent curses as he watched his only son kneel between his wife's legs and devour her pussy, pleasuring his mother while his father could only helplessly stare.
The pleasure was so incredible, so intense that I think I blacked out at least once. I know I suddenly realized that I was naked and that while lapping my pussy, James was also mauling my tits, pinching them hard as his tongue brought me off again, intensifying my pleasure in ways I would never have dreamed possible!
I was in a daze as our first full day as lovers ended and James and I dutifully made Jimmy ready for the night. Having prepared Jimmy for bed, I turned to my son and wrapped my arms around him. James's hands found my asscheeks and he lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist, his hardening cock trapped between our bodies and we both wished Jimmy sweet dreams before my son carried me to his bedroom to make love to me one more time before we fell headlong into dreams of what might be yet to come.
And just that quickly the world seemed to change. Life was no longer a continuous drudge of hopeless labor and poverty. Taking care of Jimmy was a breeze knowing that my James would be transporting me to another world of delicious, incestuous pleasure, both in the near privacy of that tiny bedroom and with our blatant and lewd exhibitions in front of Jimmy. His anger now was muted by his wife and son's lust and love for each other.
Economically, things gradually improved as well. When James graduated in May from high school, he began applying for better jobs and found one. We were still poor, but now James had a better paying daytime job and supplemented that with some part time work that allowed us to spend more time together. We all were eating better and James took great delight bringing me the occasional little gift -- a new negligee and my first decent dress in years and perfume!
The doctor at the free clinic noted that even Jimmy seemed better health wise. "Although his spirits seem in decline -- I'm not seeing that old fire of his anymore," remarked the doctor. I had no answer for him, but I smiled with the secret knowledge that my retribution against Jimmy was visibly taking its toll. His anger at being openly cuckolded by his wife and son was extinguished fraction by fraction with each act of fucking or sucking that James and I performed in front of him. You can call me a spiteful and callous bitch if you want, but never once did I ever feel any guilt or remorse over making my husband watch me being pleasured by our son or making him witness my sluttish devotion to James. Indeed, it made the sex special and delicious in its own way.
Life went on this way for the next two years until the morning I arose from bed, my thighs sticky with my son's semen from a night of passionate lovemaking, and found Jimmy dead. The doctor's opinion was that a final stroke had killed him and I imagine that it indeed was the physical cause -- but in my heart, I proudly know that with every son induced moan of pleasure and with every combined cry of incestuous orgasm that Jimmy endured, we killed a bit of his black soul. I feel no shame. It wasn't revenge we'd earned, but a just retribution for the long years of pain that man gave his wife and son.
It might be melodramatic to end our story with a revelation that after Jimmy's burial in the city's pauper's graveyard that we found Jimmy's hidden stash of ill gotten cash and that James and I lived happily ever after, but of course that's not quite the way it happened.
Freed of the obligation of caring for Jimmy, I found work for myself and at my insistence James enrolled in the local college and went back to work part-time. The next few years were a struggle financially although we were wealthy beyond measure in terms of love as my son and I truly became one. Finally, James graduated with a degree in business and today we live in the Midwest, with James rising rapidly within the banking industry.
We rarely speak of the old days preferring to savor the present and dream of the future...a future in each other's arms, free of reckless and futile hatred and filled with the love of a mother and son. I'm still an optimist -- I've been wronged, but I had my retribution and life is once again wonderful.
The world went away for a bit, leaving only sweet and incredible pleasure that was my entire world and then I was back and in my son's arms and his lovely cock still inside me as he kissed my face tenderly, whispering over and over again, "You, Mom, you are all I ever wanted or will ever need...just you, Mom. I love you."
I kissed him back, somehow finding the strength to raise my hand to stroke his cheek. "I love you, James, my dear sweet boy. Your mother will never let you go -- it's you and me, now and forever!"
We fell asleep then in each other's arms and for the first time in longer than I could remember, I had a good night's sleep, feeling safe in my son's arms. My last conscious thoughts were of how good and warm he felt, the light hair on his chest tickling my nose as I pressed my face to his body, smelling his earthy, sweaty scent while his arms held me close in a strong embrace.
In the light of a reddish colored dawn, we both seemed to awake together, James's cock still in me and growing long and hard again. We both looked at each other, the hope and joy that it all wasn't just a wonderful dream evident in both our faces. We were cuddled on our sides and my son rolled us so that he was more or less on his back and we had a long, slow fuck with his hands cupping my ass and moving me back and forth on his stiff dick -- neither of us in a hurry, both of us just enjoying the moment.
It was lovemaking as I'd never known before. With Jimmy it had been straight up, lets get going sex -- good in a basic way, but this was more...this was what it meant to have someone make love to you who truly believed you to be the end all and be all of their world. As my son fed me his sweet, fine cock we whispered our desires to each other, bared our souls to each other and with each long, drawn out thrust I fell more and more in love with my beloved James, my heart swelling and breaking as he gently told me of his secret longing for me for several years and how it grew with each passing day. James told me how he had longed desired to see me treated like the wonderful woman he knew I was deserved to be treated.
It eased my guilt for his lost youth with James telling me of how it had made him so happy to be my man in so many ways and I wept with joy as he confessed his dreams for us -- a world free of his father and this sad, decrepit place, someday making a home for us where we could live happily ever after. This last part he told me in a strained voice amidst my escalating cries of pleasure as he brought us both to an exquisite orgasm that seemed to go on and on...carrying me to heaven's door as his cum filled my pussy amidst his soft whispers of, "We will live happily ever after, Mom. I swear it!"
It seemed like we lay there basking in the golden glow of the newly discovered depths of our love for an eternity, but all good things seem destined to end and so did that wonderful moment as I heard Jimmy's demanding noises from the living room...noises that indicated that he needed to be cleaned and fed.
With great regret, I left my son's bed and dressing quickly, I began another day's chores -- cleaning Jimmy up and seeing to his breakfast. Cleaning him was always the biggest chore, but as I rolled him over on his side to wash him, I felt a hand on my shoulder and there was James, a smile on his face as he moved to help me -- a smile unlike any I'd seen in years -- a happy, hopeful smile and one that prodded a similar one from me. As my husband glared at me and his son, we finished him quickly and I sat about fixing our breakfast.
In our financial state, all we really could afford was plain oatmeal which while nourishing, was as bland as cardboard. Because I felt so happy that morning, I splurged and added a bit of my hoarded coffee to our meal...Jimmy loved coffee and was spiteful when he didn't get it. This morning he was spiteful despite getting his favorite treat.
His eyes seemed to convey a deeper level of hate this morning and it dawned on me that he might have heard us in the night or this morning making love. In any case, while James washed up in the bathroom, I tried to feed Jimmy, but he was angrily spitting food at me after the first few swallows. "You need to settle yourself down and act right, Jimmy," I begged, wiping spit and oatmeal off my gown. "What's wrong with you this morning, anyway?"
By way of answer, my husband turned his eyes towards the bathroom door and then spit at me again. "Damn your soul you hateful bastard!" I cried as I looked at my now filthy gown. Jimmy's eyes were full of fire and hatred and he mewled something almost indecipherable...but it sounded like he called me a whore.
He knew then. There was no doubt about it -- Jimmy knew that our son and I had fucked each other like mad lovers in the night. Jimmy trembled with effort and he managed to mumble, "Cunt...Whore," and spit at me again. And for the second time within a few hours, I had that perfect moment of clarity and all the years of abuse and neglect came to the forefront of my consciousness and my anger welled up as I stood up and said, "That's enough, you son of a bitch." I raised my fist back to strike him, but I caught myself as I suddenly realized that there was a better way to get my, my retribution for all the years of hell my husband had put me and my son through.
"James," I called out loudly. "Come here!"
There was a momentary pause and then my son emerged from the tiny bathroom -- a threadbare towel around his waist. "Mom, are you alright?" he said.
There was a fine razor edged quality to my voice as I replied, "I am absolutely fine, darling. Please bring Momma a chair from the kitchen." I pointed to one of the plain, wooden straight back chairs that we used at the tiny round table. "Set it here directly in front of your father."
James obeyed me quickly, a confused look on his face. I centered it, facing towards Jimmy at a distance of five feet -- making sure to be outside my husband's spitting range. "Mom?" James said softly. "What's going on?"
I glared down at Jimmy and then as I turned towards my son, I quickly pulled my gown over my head and again tossed it aside. "Retribution, son!" I hissed and then I flung my arms around his neck and kissed him hard as I pressed my naked flesh against his hard body. James stiffened in surprise as I pressed my tongue into his mouth, but as our tongues danced together, I felt him relax and he didn't resist as I reached down and tugged his towel free and tossed it away to land next to my soiled and discarded gown.
I moaned appreciatively as my son's hands began to roam over my back and hips, slowly stroking me one moment and kneading handfuls of flesh the next. I heard an indignant snarl of sorts from across the room, but ignored it, losing myself in the embrace of my loving son. I could feel James's cock growing against my belly, its inevitable rising up evoking a delicious sensation as it moved against my skin.
The kiss ended with us both practically breathless and I turned to Jimmy, savoring the anger in his eyes now and I ground myself against James as I said, "Doesn't our son have a fine body, Jimmy. He's got the body of a real man..." I slipped my hand downward and wrapped it around his erection and continued, "And our son has the cock of a real man...a fine, big cock, much bigger than yours ever was, don't you agree?" I slowly stroked it, feeling it pulse in my hand. "And Jimmy, it feels so good inside me -- so much better than ever your puny little thing did!"
I felt James's cock swell at his mother's words and while facing towards Jimmy, I rubbed my cheek against our son's chest. "And Jimmy, he makes me so wet just thinking of him inside of me, fucking me, Jimmy -- cumming in me and making me cum harder and better than you ever did."
I slipped in front of James, shivering as I felt his erect cock nestle itself in the crack of my ass. My son pleased me by instinctively joining in on the torture I wanted to inflict on my sorry spouse. James's hands slipped up and cupped my heavy breasts, kneading and bouncing my plentiful tit flesh and pinching and tugging on my swollen nipples till I was ready to scream.
"Isn't Mom beautiful, Dad?" James chimed in. "She is absolutely fucking gorgeous!" I sighed happily as my son ducked his head and kissed me softly on my shoulder. He looked down at his father and continued, "You were a fucking idiot not treating Mom like a queen, Dad." Then, even without seeing his face, I knew my son was displaying a wolfish smile as he said, "But don't worry, Dad. I'm taking care of Mom now...and I'll fuck her like she deserves whenever she wants it!"
I giggled and as I wiggled my ass against my son's erection, I said, "Mmmmm. I want you to fuck me right now, James. Will you fuck your Mom good...right now, son?"
James's fingers intertwined in my hair, both between my legs and on my head. He leaned my head back and kissed me while running his fingers through my thick, red bush to find my slippery wet labia and split them, revealing my sodden, pink flesh.
As the kiss ended, he eased himself down onto the wooden chair, pulling me towards his lap, but I had a sudden new inspiration. I knelt at his side, glancing at Jimmy whose face was almost as red as my hair and I gave him a sweet smile as I again took our son's cock in my hand and slowly stroked it up and down.
"Isn't it lovely, Jimmy -- hard and long and thick!" I moved my head towards James's lap, planting little kisses on his thigh. "I've been dying to taste it, but I've been enjoying our boy's cock in my pussy so much." I paused with my mouth hovering over James's cock, feeling the warmth coming from the swollen head and smelling his scent -- his musk mixed with the smell of semen.
I reached out and flicked James's cockhead with my tongue and said, "You always said I wasn't much of a cocksucker, Jimmy. I wonder if your son will agree?" I ran my tongue up and down James's shaft and licked his large balls and added, "I'm out of practice of course, but I'm going to be getting lots of practice with our son from now on!" I rolled my tongue up the length of James's penis and then took him in my mouth -- never taking my eyes off my husband as he glared at us. I sucked my son deep, taking as much of his length as I could before letting him slip almost completely free, my lips holding him while my tongue busily explored and washed his crown.
James groaned and sighed as his mother went down on him, murmuring to his father about how good I was. I would occasionally take my eyes off Jimmy and look to our son and we would share a moment of perfect bliss flavored by the sheer perversity of the moment. I suppose we should have been ashamed at torturing Jimmy like that, but to this day, I've never felt any guilt -- remembering only the sheer lewd excitement of not only making love to my son, but rubbing my bastard husband's face in our incestuous passion.
Finally, I could take waiting no more and I let James slip from between my lips and with his help rose to my feet. "Now's the moment you've been waiting for, Jimmy," I hissed as I moved to straddle our son's lap facing my husband. I felt completely liberated as I felt James's wet and hard cock press against my cunt flesh as Jimmy stared deadly daggers at us. "Your son is going to fuck your wife, Jimmy. Your son is going to fuck me better than you ever dreamed of doing and your son is going to make his mother -- your lawfully wedded wife cum her brains out!" I began to lower myself onto my son's thick penis and as it disappeared inside me, I moaned, "And you can't stop me, you limp dicked bastard!"
I'm sure we looked incredibly erotic and lewd with my legs draped over James's thighs, my feet barely touching the ground, levering myself up and down on my son's cock by my toes, while he groped my bouncing tits and nuzzled my neck and ear, both of us grinning and moaning while staring at Jimmy -- humiliatingly cuckolding him while he helplessly watched.
"Oh God, Mom," James groaned as he pinched my nipples and planted kisses on my shoulder and neck, his lips making me quiver almost as much as that thick penis buried in my cunt did! "Your pussy is soooo fine, Mom! I love it! I love you, Mom!"
"I love you, James, my sweet motherfucker!" I crooned back to my son as I rode him -- savoring every moment of his thick meat slipping deep in. "You're a fine lover, son -- much better than your daddy ever was!" I twisted and writhed in my son's lap, taking his hands and helping them squeeze my tits, urging him to pinch and pull on my nipples ever more roughly.
Our bodies were soon covered in sweat and the room quickly reeked of our scent - fuck sweat and hot pussy. I could feel the pleasure roiling inside me, becoming more intense with each passing moment, threatening to explode into orgasmic fire and I was bucking and bouncing on James's cock as I screamed, "He's wonderful, Jimmy -- a real man fucking me -- making me cum like a man should. Your son's a better man than you, a better lover...a better fucker than you ever were!" Then I was screaming with the overwhelming joy of orgasm as James pulled me down hard on his cock and with his fine penis buried deep in my womb he began to pump his hot seed inside me!
Jimmy in his bed seemed almost to vibrate with impotent fury and in the midst of my son induced orgasm, I found myself laughing -- the first full bodied happy laugh I let out in longer than I could remember. After all these miserable years of suffering and abuse, I was happy again!
As I felt James's cock begin to shrink in the aftermath of our lovemaking, I stood and turned around and began to shower his face with kisses -- his father now the farthest thing from my mind. "Take me to bed, darling," I gasped between kisses. "Make love to me again!"
"My pleasure, Mom," James replied as he stood up, bearing my weight easily and carried me into his small bedroom where for the next few hours, I forgot all about the bad part of our lives while my son made me remember all that is glorious about being a woman in love. I marveled at James's endurance and ability to recover. Perhaps it was simply his youth, but I think that there was a lot of wished for loving that inspired my son to continue to perform and please his mother.
Later in the day as we took care of Jimmy's physical needs, I felt enveloped in a cocoon of love unlike anything I'd ever experienced -- one that shielded me from my husband's ever present hate. Now he was something more or less to be pitied. Filled with my son's love (not to mention his hot semen), I could face any thing.
I also discovered that while I savored every moment James and I shared in the bedroom, I also was enjoying every moment that we could rub Jimmy's face in the fact that our son and I were now unashamedly lovers. That Saturday night as we watched television on the little black and white set we'd found in a second hand store, James and I were sitting on the couch holding hands as a Red Sox game unfolded. It was a hot night with no wind and the box fan on the fritz so my son was wearing only his boxer shorts and I was in a ragged slip. Jimmy was oblivious to the game, instead looking angrily at us.
Perhaps I am a terrible person, but I couldn't help myself. "You hoping for a little more of a peek, Jimmy?" I asked in a sweet voice. "It'll be my pleasure!" Winking at James, I slid to the floor and moved between my son's knees. I sighed with pleasure as I reached out and palmed his crotch, my heart beating faster as I felt James's cock pulse and grow.
"Ah, Jimmy -- you should be proud of James. He's already cummed in my pussy at least four times today and our fine man of a son can still get hard for his mother!" I said in a happy, laughing voice that I scarcely recognized as my own. I looked up into James's eyes and felt the heat again grow in my now well fucked pussy and said, "Would you like Mommy to suck your cock, sweetheart?"
James sighed happily, his face smooth and clear of many of the premature lines that the recent years had marked him with and he replied, "I would love that, Mom!"
It was with great relish that I fished his cock from his shorts, once again marveling at is girth and length and I leaned in and kissed the head tenderly before taking him in my mouth and letting my tongue roll slowly over his swollen glans, savoring the taste of the precum already building in his slit. I glanced over at Jimmy and saw his face, red and infuriated as he stared at me orally pleasing our son.
It thrilled me to humiliate him so -- not as a sadistic thrill but as retribution for all the pain and anguish he'd inflicted upon us. Satisfied, I turned my gaze again to James and held his gaze as he watched me suck his cock. All my energies turned to pleasing him and I tried to note which movements of my lips and tongue seemed to make him happiest. It took a little doing and I thought I would choke once or twice, but I managed to take all of him in my mouth -- doing that deep throat thing and reveled as I watched my son throw his head back in sheer ecstasy as I sucked him and sucked him and sucked him some more.
The day's events left him with considerable staying power and with nothing better or more enjoyable to do, I tried to give him the blowjob of a lifetime. When he would approach climax, I would back off, letting his blood swollen penis slip from between my lips to cool off a bit. I would fill these moments with pointed comments at Jimmy, asking him if I was sucking our son's cock correctly and informing him of how superior James's cock was to that of his father. "Don't you wish, Jimmy, that it was your wee little cock I was sucking?" I said tauntingly. "All your cruel words to me now, I bet you're wishing you could take back."
I licked the head of James's dick and smacked my lips as I grinned up at my husband, his anger almost turning him purple and then I added, "But from now on, the only cock these lips will taste is that of our son!"
Again and again, I took James deep in my mouth and throat, my tongue licking and exploring every ridge and vein of my son's wonderful cock until I was almost shivering from exhaustion. Finally, I could wait no more -- I began vigorously sucking James's cockhead, urging him with my eyes to cum for his mother and after a few minutes of exquisite torture, James moaned, "Mom, I'm -- I've got to cum!"
I sucked all the harder and was immediately rewarded with a tremendous blast of delicious, hot semen. I almost choked from the quickness and amount of sperm as my son shot streamer after streamer of thick and hot salty semen into my hungry mouth. I held off swallowing so I could let my son slip from my mouth, long and messy strands of spunk extending from his cock to my lips and show my husband how much seed our son could produce.
James's hands were intertwined in my hair and he was gasping, "That was incredible, Mom. I love you so much," while trying to catch his breath.
"I love your cum, James," I replied, licking a glop of his sperm from my lips. I turned and grinned at Jimmy who looked near enough to having another stroke. "And we're going to do this a lot from now on, I promise!"
As I got off my knees, James reached out and took my hand. "You know, Mom -- turn about is only fair play."
I raised an eyebrow and cocking my head to one side, said, "Now, whatever do you mean by that, son?"
In reply, James placed his hands under my slip and between my legs, palming my tender cunt. "I haven't gotten to taste your pussy yet, Mom!" He said with a leering grin and licking his lips.
My hands flew to my mouth in shock and in a breathless voice, I answered, "You'll be wanting to lick my pussy, James? No one -- your father never did that!"
James stood and waltzed me around and sat me down on the couch. As he knelt, he looked over at his father and said, "Dad, you're such a fucking idiot. How could you not want to eat Mom's pussy?" He flipped my slip upwards, revealing my red bush and my now well fucked cunt, almost as red as my pubic hair, my labia thick and swollen, glistening with my juices. James ran his hands along my inner thighs and then rubbed both palms over my sensitive puss -- almost making me cum just from his light touch.
"Oh son, have you ever done this before?" I whispered in wonder. I had never been licked before! Jimmy had thought it a foul and dirty thing to do all those years ago and now my son was eager and drooling to put his mouth on me where not but a few hours before he'd pumped load after load of sperm inside!
The bravado in his voice faded as James said softly back, "No, I haven't, Mom, but I've dreamed of eating your pussy and I promise you, I will become good at it!"
I spread my legs wide as James plunged his face into my tender flesh, crying out in delight as his tongue, thick and warm washed across my pussy lips and delved into my cunt. It was wonderful and in just a few seconds I was on fire like never before and my head was swimming as my son's tongue just seemed to devour me.
I cried and squirmed as James's tongue seemed to be everywhere...probing deep into my cunt or licking up and down my labia or probing for my clitoris, urging it to emerge from its little hood. His breath tickled as it blew warm air through my thick mat of red hair. As my son sucked and chewed and licked my pussy, I felt myself cumming over and over again, my body jerking about and stiffening up as orgasms swept me up...I was even aware of a sudden and strange, but intensely pleasurable sensation of ejaculating pussy juices into James's face as the incestuous pleasure took me time and time again.
Through it all, Jimmy stared and fumed, his mouth working impotently to form incoherent curses as he watched his only son kneel between his wife's legs and devour her pussy, pleasuring his mother while his father could only helplessly stare.
The pleasure was so incredible, so intense that I think I blacked out at least once. I know I suddenly realized that I was naked and that while lapping my pussy, James was also mauling my tits, pinching them hard as his tongue brought me off again, intensifying my pleasure in ways I would never have dreamed possible!
I was in a daze as our first full day as lovers ended and James and I dutifully made Jimmy ready for the night. Having prepared Jimmy for bed, I turned to my son and wrapped my arms around him. James's hands found my asscheeks and he lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist, his hardening cock trapped between our bodies and we both wished Jimmy sweet dreams before my son carried me to his bedroom to make love to me one more time before we fell headlong into dreams of what might be yet to come.
And just that quickly the world seemed to change. Life was no longer a continuous drudge of hopeless labor and poverty. Taking care of Jimmy was a breeze knowing that my James would be transporting me to another world of delicious, incestuous pleasure, both in the near privacy of that tiny bedroom and with our blatant and lewd exhibitions in front of Jimmy. His anger now was muted by his wife and son's lust and love for each other.
Economically, things gradually improved as well. When James graduated in May from high school, he began applying for better jobs and found one. We were still poor, but now James had a better paying daytime job and supplemented that with some part time work that allowed us to spend more time together. We all were eating better and James took great delight bringing me the occasional little gift -- a new negligee and my first decent dress in years and perfume!
The doctor at the free clinic noted that even Jimmy seemed better health wise. "Although his spirits seem in decline -- I'm not seeing that old fire of his anymore," remarked the doctor. I had no answer for him, but I smiled with the secret knowledge that my retribution against Jimmy was visibly taking its toll. His anger at being openly cuckolded by his wife and son was extinguished fraction by fraction with each act of fucking or sucking that James and I performed in front of him. You can call me a spiteful and callous bitch if you want, but never once did I ever feel any guilt or remorse over making my husband watch me being pleasured by our son or making him witness my sluttish devotion to James. Indeed, it made the sex special and delicious in its own way.
Life went on this way for the next two years until the morning I arose from bed, my thighs sticky with my son's semen from a night of passionate lovemaking, and found Jimmy dead. The doctor's opinion was that a final stroke had killed him and I imagine that it indeed was the physical cause -- but in my heart, I proudly know that with every son induced moan of pleasure and with every combined cry of incestuous orgasm that Jimmy endured, we killed a bit of his black soul. I feel no shame. It wasn't revenge we'd earned, but a just retribution for the long years of pain that man gave his wife and son.
It might be melodramatic to end our story with a revelation that after Jimmy's burial in the city's pauper's graveyard that we found Jimmy's hidden stash of ill gotten cash and that James and I lived happily ever after, but of course that's not quite the way it happened.
Freed of the obligation of caring for Jimmy, I found work for myself and at my insistence James enrolled in the local college and went back to work part-time. The next few years were a struggle financially although we were wealthy beyond measure in terms of love as my son and I truly became one. Finally, James graduated with a degree in business and today we live in the Midwest, with James rising rapidly within the banking industry.
We rarely speak of the old days preferring to savor the present and dream of the future...a future in each other's arms, free of reckless and futile hatred and filled with the love of a mother and son. I'm still an optimist -- I've been wronged, but I had my retribution and life is once again wonderful.
The End