Chapter 01.2

Kahili spent the next several hours sitting on her bed, trying to fight off despair, when one of the wall panels started to glow. As the magnets re-ignited, Kahili watched a woman swimming in the ocean, standing when she reached the shore. She was sleek and well-muscled, water dripped from her blonde hair and ran down her naked body. The camera panned back to show a man, older, dignified, and attractive. She approached him, looked to his crotch, knelt, peeled off his swim suit, took him in her mouth.

The video's quality was outstanding, but it was porn. Kahili had seen porn; the snickering kids in her high school were constantly recommending porn sites to each other. She hated it, hated watching it, hated it as an idea; it reduced people to animals. But, magnets buzzing, she couldn't look away. The woman on the screen pushed her face down the man's penis, over and over, until suddenly yanking her mouth free as he ejaculated, spraying cum onto her lovely features.

Kahili knew she should be disgusted, but she was excited. Searching for an explanation, she settled on her circumstance. She'd been encased in windowless white walls with nothing to do, any stimulation must now be welcome. New images appeared. One woman gave another a massage, aroused her, crawled onto the massage table for some girl-on-girl love. A couple returned home to find their half-naked babysitter making out with her boyfriend. He fled and she, deeply aroused, joined the couple in their bed.

Kahili knew the action was staged and the plots hackneyed, but the quality was better than anything she'd seen in high school. Undeniably aroused, she ran a finger down her slit. While it felt wonderful, she abruptly pulled her hand away. Whoever had jailed her must want her to do this, she'd show them.

The power of the magnets increased, shattered more buckyballs, bathing her neurons with nutrients. They grew thicker, longer, and healthier, intertwined with their neighbors.

On screen was an older man and a young woman on a large bed. She was licking his erection, taking her time, in no hurry. They were happy, smiling, playful, enjoying each other's company. The woman, young, fit, and strong, straddled her lover, took him inside herself, her face a mask of pleasure. Helpless before her own burning need, Kahili ran a hand across her stomach, covered her clit with the pad of an index finger, rocked it back and forth, pushed two fingers inside herself, increased the pressure on her clit. Her orgasm, of an intensity and power to be of another kind than any she'd known before, arrived with the subtlety of a freight train.
* * * *​

The days mimicked each other. Food appeared, the kind of healthy food she'd always rejected, but which, as the magnets did their work, she now found delicious. Then there was pornography. Kahili, her hands between her legs, gave up any pretense of hating it.

While she slept the magnets gave birth to the new neurons that would reinforce and strengthen Kahili's memories of the day's events.
* * * *​

After reviewing the brain scans Dr. Wong said, "It's what the model predicted. She's extremely susceptible to the process. Not unexpected with an addictive personality. Its time to move on to Phase II. After all, we want a sex-toy, not a porn addict."
* * * *​

Kahili's sleep was disturbed by Lopita and Misaki. They were wearing work-out clothes.

"Kahili, come with us."

Arms across her chest, Kahili sat up and said, "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on."

Lopita, a sympathetic look on her face, said, "Kahili, please, we've told you what's going on. We're turning you into a sex-toy so you can serve your principal. Now please, we can force you, but its easier when you obey."

At the words "sex-toy"and "obey" the magnets, as they always did, spiked and Kahili felt the fight drain out of her. They were right, they could force her, it would be easier to obey. Following the two woman through antiseptic hallways and doors which automatically opened as they approached, Kahili wondered, if all the doors did that, could she make a break for it? But no, it couldn't be that easy. And, even if she did, she had no idea where to run.

Stopping at the side of a hallway, Lopita stared into a retinal scanner and a door opened. The room, larger than the one Kahili had occupied, featured a full bath and functional wood furniture. On a table sat three trays of healthy food. Kahili, enjoying the aroma, said, "What is all this?"

Lopita said, "These are your new quarters. After eating, we will exercise."

Among Kahili's shortcomings as a ballerina was her casual attitude towards physical training. She was never in top shape, maintaining her rail thin figure by minimal eating and vomiting much of what she ate.

"I don't exercise."

Misaki said, "It will grow on you. Now let's eat."

Kahili sat with a deliberate show of reluctance, but as the magnets started glowing she was soon openly relishing her meal and wondering, had her tastes changed or had this stuff always been good and she just too pig-headed to admit it?

After the meal Lopita, handing Kahili red skin-tight leotards, said it was time for the gym. At the sight of the clothes Kahili's spine stiffened and, gathering her thoughts, she laid the leotards on the table and said, "I will not wear these."

"Kahili, we could force you, but you don't want that, it's so much easier to obey," and Kahili, as the magnets spiked at the word "obey," felt her determination melt away. They could force her. She'd pick a more opportune time to rebel.

Trying to maintain a shred of dignity, she turned her back to her companions as she changed.
* * * *​

Following Misaki and Lopita through identical hallways and doors, Kahili was surprised when they entered an attractive, fully modern, gym. Waiting there was a blonde who flashed an engaging smile and introduced herself in a warm enthusiastic voice as Jamie. Several inches shorter than Kahili's five feet five inches, Jamie was ripped. Her large "C" breasts, emphasized by her 35-25-33 figure and scant 110 pounds, hung in the air, seemingly immune to gravity. Her wide shoulders, slim waist, and narrow hips displayed her athletic build to powerful effect. Kahili, under the influence of the magnets, found she liked this woman and wondered, was she was part of the conspiracy holding her there? She decided to take a chance.

"Jamie, my name is Kahili, I was brought here against my will, I am a captive. Please help me."

Jamie said, "I know dear, they're turning you into a sex-toy, just like they did with me. My principal saw me teaching a pilates class at my very ritzy gym and asked me out. I wasn't interested. At the time I liked them big and young and hard and muscular and he was short and bald and a bit pudgy. But he's not the kind to take no for an answer. He had me brought here, had Dr. Wong turn me into a sex-toy. Now, well, I've never been happier. I adore my principal, I was so silly to put him to all that trouble. And he's a gentleman, he lends me to Dr. Wong when a new sex-toy needs training. Now let's begin building a better you."

Flabbergasted, Kahili said, "You're like the rest of them, nuts. I'm already me, there will not be a new one."

Unoffended, Jamie said, "I understand your anger dear, after all I felt the same way at first, but" - the power of Kahili's magnets jumped a level - "obedience is so much more pleasurable than resistance and while you're here you might as well take the opportunity to get in shape. I'm sure you'll like it."

Kahili studied Jamie's body, understood physical resistance was out of the question, decided to go through the motions, not openly defy Jamie, but make only a cursory effort to comply.

They started with stretches, moved to weights, then core work, finishing with aerobic activity. Under the influence of the magnets Kahili would get lost in the physical activity, push herself hard, slowing down only when she recalled her resentment.
* * * *​

A week into her work-outs Kahili was alone in the shower, shampooing her hair, struggling with her feelings. What was happening to her? She'd never liked exercising, now she looked forward to it. And what had they done to Jamie? She was bright and beautiful and sweet and engaging; she could do, be anything, but she said she was a sex-toy and clearly loved it.

Kahili ran her hands through her hair, forcing the last bit of soap out. She had never liked her hair, a nondescript brown, dry and stringy, she'd kept it cut short, but now it was growing out and was full, almost satiny. She reached for her sex, she'd lost most of the hair down there. In fact, except for her head she was shedding hair all over her body.

Her reverie was interrupted by a sharp groan. She heard it again. Kahili turned off the shower, wrapped herself in a towel and, holding her breath, followed the sound down a hallway, where she stopped and peered around the corner into the dressing area. Jamie, wearing only socks and pink sneakers, stood, hands on hips. Lopita, kneeling, was feeding on Jamie's cunt, changing angles and speeds with effortless expertise.

"That's right baby, stick your tongue in, oh yes, like that, oh yes, deeper, yessss."

Fascinated and aroused, Kahili moved two fingers inside her pussy, squeezed her muscles, felt the pressure on her fingers. The towel slipped from her body and fell to the floor.

"That's it honey, that's it, I'm getting close, my clittie, my clittie."

Lopita moved her mouth to Jamie's clit and Kahili, enthralled by these two lovely women, covered her clit with her index finger, rolled it against her body, and watched Jamie shut her eyes, issue a short sharp roar, and, her powerful body shaking, come, drenching Lopita's face in a prodigious flow of cunt cream.

After slurping down every drop Lopita stood, the women exchanged a kiss, and Lopita said, "Jamie, its always a joy when you come back home," before putting on a robe and leaving the locker room. As the door swung shut Jamie looked to Kahili - had she known Kahili had been there all along - beckoning her with a crooked finger. When Kahili reached for the towel, Jamie shook her head no and Kahili stood and strode across the floor, her eyes glued to Jamie's sex. The thick brown hair - Jamie's blonde tresses came from a bottle - was matted in place, the light pink interior lips swollen and open to view. Jamie's odor, like Jamie herself, was fresh, strong, and powerful.

"On your knees, sex-toy."

Kahili bent her knees, then stopped, straightened herself. She would not do this.


Jamie, in a voice gentle and hypnotic, said, "You know you want to, why fight it? You're hungry for it, you crave it. After all the videos you've watched, you must wonder, what does pussy taste like? And, to be immodest, I'm delicious. Only the purest food goes into this body. You've been enjoying my smell, thinking about it, I bet you can almost taste me now."

Parts of Kahili, the old parts, wanted to say no, but there were new parts. Hundred of millions of neurons had fused together while she'd watched sex in its endless variations, including woman like Jamie, beautiful strong women, making love to women. Tens of millions more had intertwined as, watching those videos, she'd brought herself to orgasm after orgasm. Millions more neurons had been born, cementing and reinforcing these thoughts and desires.

"Being a sex-toy is wonderful. Your ability to feel pleasure swells, you'll know joy the old you couldn't imagine. And you need never wonder about your purpose again, your purpose is plain, serve your principal. I understand, I resisted at first, but look at me. As powerful and strong as I am, I couldn't. Trust me, you'll welcome the change."

Kahili, staring at Jamie's sex, felt her tongue drag across her lips, then pulled it back in her mouth. She was not a sex-toy, she was not a lesbian.

The magnets bumped up a notch and Kahili thought about the videos she'd watched of women eating women.

"You're going to eat my cunt sex-toy, its inevitable."

The power of the magnets increased.

Jamie's pussy glistened with juice, the pink lips pulsated; her odor was intoxicating: strong, powerful, and oh so feminine.

"You know you want to, it's what sex-toys are for."

Jamie's pussy was perfect, beautiful, desirable.

"Go ahead sex-toy."

The magnets turned up again, Kahili fell to her knees, placed a hand on the floor for balance, plunged her tongue into Jamie's slit.

Kahili, the hours of videos she'd watched shuffling through her mind, moved to the clit, sucked it into her mouth, drove two fingers into Jamie's cunt. Kahili had never tasted anything this sweet, smelled anything this good. She circled Jamie's clit with her tongue, moved down, curled her tongue, pushed it inside Jamie's pussy.

"Play with yourself sex-toy."

Kahili tried telling herself no, but spreading her legs, she covered her clit with a finger, rubbing the ultra-sensitive bud, and dug a finger into her cunt. Juice dripped down her thighs, flowed into the crack of her ass.

"Finger you asshole sex-toy."

Kahili had always refused anal play, that part of a person was dirty, filthy, and gross, but the sensual delight burning in her brain swatted away morality as easily a tidal wave would a pirogue. While a distant part of herself screamed in protest, Kahili stroked her anus with a finger, pushed it inside, up to the first joint. The fire in her cunt burned brighter.

Jamie, in a sensual purr, said, "Your tongue feels so good on my pussy sex-toy, you'll make your principal so happy," and began rotating her hips. Her clit and cunt became moving targets, but Kahili, having fully digested the hours of pornography, kept her mouth pinned to Jamie's sex.

Impressed, Jamie turned around. "Sex-toy, my ass."

Kahili closed her eyes; her revulsion at anal play resurfaced, but the magnets' power spiked...

"Sex-toy, don't make me wait."

... and Kahili kissed each ass cheek, spread them, ran her tongue up and down Jamie's ass-crack, bathed it with hot spit.

"My asshole sex-toy."

Kahili licked the brown bud, it jumped open, she shoved the tip of her tongue inside, tried to wiggle it, but Jamie's supremely-developed ass muscles effortlessly drove the invader out.

Kahili was about to try again when Jamie turned back around and Kahili, completely beholden to the lust riveting her body, buried her face in the woman's sex, drilling her pink tongue into Jamie, who moaned a guttural, "Unnghhhh," and humped her hips on Kahili's face.

Kahili, her fingers twirling inside her body, was close, so close.

"I'm going to come on your face sex-toy."

Imagining Jamie exploding in her mouth, Kahili nuzzled, licked, wallowed in the cunt flesh pressed to her face, loved its smell, its taste, its moist warmth. And then, using her powerful arms, Jamie pinned Kahili's face to her sex, shouted, "Oh fucking yes," and let loose a flood that filled Kahili's mouth, surged into her nose, covered her face, dripped down her cheeks and chin onto her breasts.

Jamie released Kahili and she crumpled to the floor where, desperate for an orgasm, feeling a whirling ball of sexual energy unraveling inside her body, she frantically worked her sex. The universe, her cunt and the pleasure cascading from it, Kahili took hold of a breast, twisted the nipple. Her eyes glazed over and rolled back into her head, a strangled cry lept from her throat, all her senses shut down save for the itchy ache that exploded in her sex, kept exploding, threatening to set fire to her body and leave her a cinder on the floor.
* * * *​

Kahili's mind slowly crept back to the world. At first she was aware only of her breathing and the sweet tingle permeating her flesh. Too weak to do much more, she rolled her head to the side, opened her eyes, saw Misaki and Lopita.

"Where's Jamie?"

"She had to leave, but she'll be back. She said you did well."

Kahili smiled, taking pride in the compliment. Misaki and Lopita helped her up, led her back to her bed.

When the lights turned off Kahili started crying: what was happening to her? She was scared. She'd performed cunnilingus on a women and loved it. She'd played with herself while doing so and loved that too. She'd engaged in anal play. She was losing her body hair, she was gaining weight, her breasts were larger, her flesh had never been this sensitive. She'd never had orgasms like the one's she was having now. This was not her. Or, wiping the tears from her eyes, was it? They had imprisoned her, but had not tortured her, brainwashed her, beaten her. They'd just exposed her to new things. Was this the Stockholm syndrome or was she discovering a Kahili she hadn't known existed?
* * * *​

Kahili woke and, the taste of Jamie still in her mouth, brushed her teeth, noting that a set of kettle bells, an exercise bicycle, and a treadmill had been moved into her room while she slept. When done she lay on the bed and stared at ceiling. She hadn't seen the sun since they'd brought her here; she had no idea how long she'd been there, how long she'd be there. There was no way to escape, She didn't even know what country she was in. She looked at the exercise bicycle, decided it was better than laying there aimless, frightened, and bored, and climbed aboard. The computer screen on the bicycle connected to a virtual instructor clearly based on Jamie, the magnets glowed, and Kahili was soon immersed in her work-out.

As the magnets created new neurons and re-routed the existing ones, Kahili grew to love exercise. Her daily trips to the gym were happy moments in her otherwise tedious life. Curious about subjects - her body, fitness, diet - she'd always abhorred, Kahili found Jamie always ready to answer questions and soon Jamie was providing Kahili with material which Kahili read each night before turning to her equipment for a supplemental work-out. When done she'd run her hands down her body, feeling the muscles. She was strong and powerful and her skin so sensitive; she could orgasm by playing with her nipples.

She wondered, is this what she would have looked like if she hadn't, in her quest to be a ballerina, so starved herself that she'd delayed puberty?
* * * *​

Kahili had given up trying to understand, she just knew she loved it. After her daily work-outs she'd make her way to the locker room to find Jamie wanting.

"Hello sex-toy, have you've come to lick my cunt?"

Sex spasming, Kahili knelt, took a deep whiff, and said, "Yes."

Yes, what?"

Jamie had introduced taunting to their game. Kahili's lust soaked mind found it irresistible.

"Yes, the sex-toy has come to lick your cunt."

"Go ahead."

Kahili covered Jamie's mound with her mouth and her tongue, educated by hours of sex-tapes and the daily visits with Jamie, lapped up the juice, darted back and forth, dived through the slit, licked the clit.

When Kahili reached between Jamie's legs to massage her asshole Jamie. moaning her delight, turned around. Kahili spread Jamie's ass-cheeks, licked her asshole, plunged her tongue inside, wondered why she'd ever found the anus repulsive. For all its horrors, this place had introduced her to wonderful experiences, including pushing her tongue past a tight sphincter in search of the earthy taste and smells hidden within.

"My pussy sex-toy, my pussy."

Kahili scrambled around, saw the juice covering Jamie's thighs, felt a stab of pride. She'd done this, she'd made Jamie feel this good. She gobbled down the cream, gave Jamie's pussy an open-mouth kiss, turned to Jamie's vulva, drove her tongue against the hot wet skin and, moving up, leaving a trail of licks and nips behind, dragged the flat of her tongue over Jamie's clit.

Jamie said, "Touch yourself sex-toy."

Kahili, who had eagerly awaited this command, drove a finger inside herself, thumbed her clit, pushed her face deeper into the slit between Jamie's legs, kissed and licked and nibbled the pungent cunt-flesh, flicked her tongue on the clit, sucked it into her mouth, rolled it between her lips, soaked it with her spit, sucked the spit off, lashed it, nibbled it, worshiped it.

Knowing her own orgasm was approaching, Kahili focused on her lover, dragging her lower lip back and forth over Jamie's throbbing clit. When Jamie's sex spasmed, Kahili moved down, pushed her tongue inside, slurped up the heavy flow of cream.

Jamie reached down, entwined her fingers in Kahili's hair, tilted her head back.

"You dirty little whore. Tell me what you are."

When Kahili said, "I am a sex-toy," it felt like someone jump-charged her sex. Plunging her face back into the marshy trough between Jamie's legs Kahili drove her tongue into Jamie's cunt and, as she tongue-fucked Jamie, Kahili fingered her g-spot; something that, a few months ago she didn't think existed, now seemed the size of a cantaloupe.

Wanting to make Jamie come, Kahili moved back up, sucked Jamie's clitoris into her mouth, freed it of its hood, made war on it with lips and tongue, a relentless bombardment coming from every angle, at every speed. Jamie whipped her head back and forth and bayed like a bitch in heat. Her sex ignited, her vagina contracted, trapping Kahili finger, and knees buckling, Jamie came, spraying girl-juice onto Kahili's face. Kahili's pulse raced, blood pressure spiked, skin flushed, uterus contracted, sphincter closed, and a spine-rattling climax sent the tension in her pelvis rumbling through her body, into her arms and legs, fingers and toes.

And somehow, through it all Kahili kept working Jamie's cunt, stepping down the intensity of her assault, guiding Jamie through a second, third, and fourth orgasm; the orgasms, that had started mind-bending and body-shaking, ended gentle and flowing.

Jamie looked down. Kahili's face dripped with cunt juice. She'd trained scores of women for Dr. Wong, but there'd been none hotter.

"Come to mama baby."

Kahili stood, brought her mouth to Jamie's, pushed her tongue inside.
* * * *​

That night Kahili lay happily prostrate on her bed; she'd used her fingers and the memory of that afternoon to give birth to the orgasm that still vibrated through her body. How had she gone through life without realizing the pleasure sex could bring her or, thinking about Jamie, could bring others?

Had they done this to her? She couldn't see how. They'd simply introduced her to new things she'd grown to love - healthy food, sex, physical training. Was she a new Kahili or was the true Kahili coming out?

She thought about her life before she came here. Her mother's death, rejecting her father, the anger and resentment, dropping out of high school, the doomed last-minute effort to be a ballerina, years of food deprivation, the final hospitalization for bulimia, checking herself out, moving to Las Vegas, failing there. She'd been so unhappy.

The screen started to glow. The sex videos came less frequently now. This one, like the others she'd watched lately, featured a beautiful young woman, strong and exuberant, and an older man. The magnets in her choker lept to life and Kahili's sex rumbled. The woman asked the man to be her daddy, he said he would be. She caressed his genitalia though his pants.

A hand on a breast, a hand between her legs, Kahili took it slow, reaching her climax as the lovers on the screen did.
* * * *​

Lopita, Misaki, and Jamie's principal entered the dining room. Jamie seeing her beloved, squealed in delight, skipping over to him for a kiss. The principal said, "Dr. Wong, I hope my sex-toy pleased you." Wong said, "She's magnificent, a better lover than ever," then, gesturing to Misaki and Lopita, said, "And how were my sex-toys?"

Misaki and Lopita beamed with pride when Jamie's principal said, "As always, wonderful lovers."

While the dinner conversation ranged over a number of topics, it eventually turned to Kahili. "She's made remarkable progress. We have a full brain scan scheduled this evening. If it confirms our assessment, we'll start Phase III."

The principal saw the sadness flash in Jamie's eyes and said, "You're going to miss this one, more than most, aren't you my pet."

Jamie said, "Yes, there is something special about her."

Dr. Wong said, "Well, unless we see something totally unexpected I think we can allow Jamie a final session with Kahili, but just one. She's helped teach Kaili to love sex, but too much more of Jamie would leave Kahili, or any woman, an unredeemable lesbian."
* * * *​

The drugs left Kahili comatose; she did not stir when loaded onto a gurney and subjected to brain scans with the facility's most powerful equipment. Dr. Wong's assessment was correct, Kahili was ready for Phase III, but a final coupling with Jamie would do no harm.
Next page: Chapter 02.1
Previous page: Chapter 01.1