Chapter 02.2

The car pulled up to a runway, Kahili recognized the airplane, and it was suddenly clear, it should have been all along. Who else loved her this much? Her father had stood by her through all her moods, phases, and addictions, had always offered her a helping hand, which she'd always slapped away. She watched him, followed by Mr. Quigley, descend the plane's short stair case.

Kahili turned to her companions. "Ohmigosh, its Daddy, he's my principal?"

The smile on the women's faces answered her question.

"I should have known. Who else, I mean who else? After all the horrible things I did to him, said to him, did to myself knowing it would hurt him. Who else would care for me as much as he does? Now I have the chance to make it up to him. This is wonderful!"

The limousine stopped thirty feet from the plane and Misaki said, "Remember, your father is not looking for a fuck-bunny, but a woman, a full companion for life."

Quigley walked over and opened the door and Kahili stepped out, kissed his cheek, thanked him, turned to her father. Remembering Misaki's advice, her first two steps were calm, but her commitment to dignity could not stand before her excitement and she skipped into her father's arms.

"Oh Daddy thank you. It's so good to see you, to come home. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm going to be the best sex-toy that ever was, I'll make you so proud!"

She hugged him, covered his face with kisses, until he held her at arm's length, said, "Welcome home honey, welcome home," and slipped his hand into hers. They walked back to the limousine, where Misaki and Lopita were standing. He extended his hand. "I need to thank you and Dr. Wong for all you've done."

The women took his hand and said, "You're welcome, Kahili's been a real pleasure. We think you will be pleased."

Jamison said, "I know I will. Now Kahili, it's time to say good-bye."

Kahili stepped forward, hugged the women, told them, eyes teary, that she loved them, kissed them good-bye, then turned with her father to board the airplane.

As they were driven back to the compound Misaki said, "She was special, but I don't think we'll see her again."

"No," Lopita said, "he's not interested in sharing, he'll never let her go."

The two women turned their attention to their tablets, reviewing the preliminary data on their next subject, a Hispanic pop star who'd just dumped her boyfriend. He wanted her back. The cover story would be that she was in rehab for depression.
* * * *​

Quigley took his place behind the controls, pulling the cabin door shut behind him. Kahili sat with her father, excitedly describing her life with Dr. Wong, Misaki, and Lopita until the plane reached cruising altitude, when she undid her seat belt, kissed her father on his cheek, and held his hands in hers, brought them to her face, inhaled, appreciated her father's strong masculine scent, then titled her head and looked into his face. He was so handsome.

"Daddy, for all you've done for me, I'll spend the rest of my life saying thank you. I've learned so much, how to use my body to please myself and my lover. I hope you want me that way Daddy. I want to use my body to make you happy."

Henry Jamison said, "Of course Kahili, you will be my lover, my only lover, as was your mother," and took hold of her hands, brought them to his mouth, kissed them. When he let go she ran the palm of her hand on his penis. He was hard, thick, and long. She took a deep breath, knelt before him, undid his seat belt, his belt buckle, and pulled his pants and boxers to his knees.

It was free. Longer and thicker than even Mr. Watanabee's impressive tool, the shaft was light brown in color, the head a bit darker, the pubic hair darker still, the smell deep and rich.

In a single declarative sentence whose meaning was unmistakable, Kahili said, "I want it," reached for it, stopped, looked to her father, seeking permission. Henry took her hand, placed it on his penis, and Kahili wrapped her fingers around it - this explained her mother's happy squeals at night - squeezed, and churning the spittle in her mouth, leaned forward, took a deep breath, drank in his smell and, so excited she feared she'd hyperventilate, parted her pink lips and let the saliva ooze onto his dick, watching it flow down the sides of the shaft. She extended her tongue, flicked it on the cock-head, loved the musky taste.

Swirling her tongue on the crown, she took the head in her mouth, slid half-way down, returned to the top, focused on the knob, twisted her hand on the shaft.

Her father groaned, his body vibrating under her ministrations, and Kahili, knowing she was pleasing him, felt a sharp stab of desire between her legs. Nothing Dr. Wong exposed her to matched this moment and distracted by the throbbing need of her own sex Kahili closed her eyes, concentrated, returning her focus to sucking her father's cock.

Henry Jamison stroked her hair. "Oh my child, your mouth, your hands, they're perfect."

Lifting her head, Kahili said, "I'm so happy Daddy to be here with you," closed her lips around him, moaned into his flesh, thought of the little girl she used to be, the girl inexplicably repulsed by sex. Grateful that girl was no longer, she relished the massive cock filling her mouth. She was a sex-toy, she was his sex-toy.

The noise of the airplane retreated before the loud wet sounds of her mouth.

As she sucked Kahili longed for the moment when her father filled her mouth with his seed, the seed from which she'd emerged. And, while that same thought tempted her father, on this, their first time together, Henry Jamison wanted more. He tilted her head back and said, "Kahili, that's enough," repeating his command as she continued feeding on his dick.

She let him slip from her mouth, licked the head. "I'm sorry Daddy, am I doing something wrong?"

"No my darling. You have an amazing mouth. But please, stand up."

They both did and he kissed her, his tongue entered her mouth. It was, like him, warm and soft and powerful and supple and sexy. Kahili could feel it in her toes. She grabbed his shoulders, kissed him back, the kisses not of a child/daughter, but of a woman/lover/sex-toy. His dick was pressed against her, she longed for the moment they joined their bodies together.

As they kissed Henry caressed her, explored her body, then her clothes, trying to undress her, but Henry was out of practice and her outfit not susceptible to quick or easy removal. Kahili, realizing what he wanted, moved her mouth to his ear and purred, "Would you like some help..." then stepped away. She was confused.

"What do I call you? Father? Henry? Daddy? Sir? Principal? Master?"

"All at certain time I suspect, but I think Daddy right now, and most of the time."

Kahili smiled, said, "I like that," and considered stripping, dancing, putting on a show. It would be fun, but it was not for now. She'd do it in the future, but this, there first time together, should be dignified, courtly even.

"Daddy can we go to the bedroom? I'd like to undress for you."

Henry followed his daughter to the plane's small bedroom, where she removed her jacket, placed it on a hanger, hung it in the closet, and her back still to him, her pulse pounding, said, "Daddy, would you unbutton me?"

Although normally cool and unflappable, it took Henry Jamison's trembling hands several attempts to undo the buttons running up the back of her blouse. When he finished she turned, cocked her head, her long blonde hair swaying with the motion, said, "Thank you," and kissed him. Their lips folded against each other for a long moment and when they were done she said, "I like that," and took off her blouse, hung it up, unwrapped her skirt from her body. As she hung it up she raised her butt, all but naked in a minute thong, displaying herself to him.

Nervous (would he approve?), wearing only her boots and lingerie, she turned.

"What do you think Daddy?"

"Kahili you're magnificent. You've put on weight, you're so strong. You were so thin. I worried all the time."

"I'm sorry I worried you Daddy. When I look in the mirror, I still expect to see the emaciated body of the little girl. Instead, thanks to you, I see this, the body of a woman. And it can do so many amazing wonderful things; I'll show them all to you."

She sat on the edge of the bed, leaned forward, displaying the full expanse of her breasts, and said, "Would you help me with my boots?" Her father knelt, pulled the boots from her feet, she thanked him, stood, turned around. Henry undid her bra and Kahili gasped and her sex spasmed when the cool air hit her chest. She'd been so focused on her father that she'd not fully appreciated how aroused she was. Now, as her father's hands slid down her back and unhooked her garters, she felt a bubbling mass of hot lava between her legs on its way to cataclysmic eruption. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself, turned to face him, hooked her fingers in her garter belt, rolled her panties and stockings down her legs, felt the room's cool air on her damp pussy. Slipping out of her lingerie she undid her father's tie, removed his jacket and shirt, knelt, untied his shoes, carried it all to the closet, hung it up. As she did her father approached her from behind, kissed the back of her head, and slid his hands down her body to her rump, squeezing the cheeks.

"I remember when you barely had a butt. Now it's round and hard, perfect. You're beautiful Kahili, even more so than your mother."

She turned, touched her father's jaw, admired his strong masculine features, brought her lips to his, kissed his wonderful mouth, and said, "Thank you Daddy. I miss Mom. I hope you can love me like you loved her, that I can be not only your daughter, but a true wife, a lover and companion for life, someone you can always count on."

She lowered her hands, worked his pants and boxers, over his hips, let them fall to the floor, brushed her hand on his erection. It seemed familiar, then she recognized it. It was the model for the dildos Dr. Wong had provided, the ones on which she'd trained her body. Kahili felt a stab of joy, she knew exactly how to care for this particular penis.

She moved forward, pressed her sex, wet and bald, to his dick. As Henry ran a hand down her back Kahili wrapped her fingers around it, swung it between her legs, brushed it in her steamy throbbing crotch, ran the head along her slick slit and, to her father's happy moan, shook her butt, moving the cock-head against her pussy lips. She was wet, she was always wet now. Her juice flowed onto him.

She'd imagined her first time with her principal, thought she'd take it nice and slow, demonstrate all her skills, but her imagination had been limited, she'd never envisioned the principal would be her father. More important than all her sexual tricks, for she had a lifetime for those, this was the moment when her father would complete her, join his body to hers, her most intimate part would yield and mold itself to him, to what had created her, the very symbol, the emblem of his authority over her.

She needed her father inside her. She placed the cock-head at the entrance of her sex and said, "Daddy, take me."

He moved into her, she pushed into him. His warm thick throbbing dick spread her pussy lips, which clung to the head, then slid down his length. She moaned in delight, his living cock so much better than the dildos, rocked her hips, forced more of him into her, dug her fingers into his shoulders. A veneer of sweat appeared on her, face, chest, stomach, thighs, and ass; her breasts, full and firm, nipples hard as diamonds, pressed to his chest.

Henry, who'd imagined it would take time to adjust to his daughter as lover, was already under her spell. Dr. Wong had earned every penny he'd been paid. Kahili was still Kahili, but she was also fully the person he knew she could be. She would take her mother's place at his side, be his perfect mate.

Kahili, on the other hand, had discarded her contemplative mood: she was overwhelmed by, immersed in her passion, her hunger for this man. She needed to satisfy it, satisfy her sex and her soul. She pushed her body onto her father's cock; her juice flowed down his length, infused his pubic hair, dripped off his balls.

And when he was finally inside her, Kahili employed the muscles of her new body, ground herself into him. Her g-spot pulsated on his dick, her hyper-sensitive clit rolled against his pubic bone. An orgasm, born, maturing, and blossoming in a single instant, exploded, she whimpered in pleasure, the sensation of perfect joy overwhelming her. Her skin flushed bright red, juice poured from her sex, sweat dripped down her face.

"I love you Daddy."

Henry said, "I love you Kahili, welcome home," cupped her ass cheeks, lifted her, pivoted, laid her on the bed as he moved atop her and began to slide his thick hard member in and out of his daughter. He held her shoulders, fucked her deep and hard. Kahili rolled her pussy walls on him, pushed her crotch into him, felt his pounding heart on her chest, his gasps of breath, his balls slapping against her ass. When his muscles tensed she knew he was ready, brought her mouth to his ear, whispered, "Oh daddy fill me up, come inside me, give me your seed, make me your wife." When he exploded within her she came again, imagining load after load of his seed cascading down the walls of her sex, into her womb, and came again.

She went limp, molding her powerful form to his, an arm draped across his back, moaning as the last bit of seed drizzled from his tool into her body. He pulled out of her with a wet slurping sound she, rolled to the side, looked at her through half-open eyes. Her body shone with sweat, the picture of health and radiant sexuality. He smiled.

She reached for his dick, dripping with her juice, thought about all the hours she'd spend with it, snuggled up to him, and said, "I love you Daddy. Dr. Wong, Lopita, Misaki, they changed me, but also left me the same, didn't they?"

"Yes they did Kahili. Do you approve?"

"Oh yes Daddy, so very much, yes."
* * * *​

Still majority owner and chairman of the board of directors, Henry Jamison turned the day-to-day operations of the company over to Bill Quigley who, Henry had to admit, did every bit as good a job as he would have. Henry's primary job was now, as Camille's had been, supporting the family's full-time employee, Kahili Jamison, Deputy Vice-President of Finance.

Thus, a few weeks ago he'd joined Kahili and Rhonda Johnson, Vice-President of Finance, for a meeting in Quigley's office.

"Thanks for coming Henry. Through several board members we've been approached about purchasing a 20% interest in Onren at a 25% discount from the listed stock price. These board members are pushing the deal hard, say it's to good to pass up, which it is. It's way too good, which makes me uncomfortable. The issue will come to a head at the next board meeting, which is three weeks away. Rhonda, I want to put Kahili on this full-time; Kahili I want you to tear this deal apart, look into every crack and cranny. I want to know more about it then Onren does."

Rhonda shifted uncomfortably, she would not say no, but she depended on Kahili, who was bright, hard-working, and preternaturally focused, to get her department's work done.

Quigley had anticipated her concern.

"Henry, I'd like to ask a favor. Can we get you out of retirement to take over Kahili's day-to-day activities while she works on this project."

Henry looked to Rhonda, saw the smile of approval on her face, and said, "When do I start boss?"
* * * *​

Holding a cup of coffee, Jamison stepped onto the back deck. Kahili was reaching back to squeeze the water from her hair, after completing a two mile ocean swim. Barely panting, she was topless and wearing white bikini bottoms. When she saw her father she waved, walked up the stairs to the deck, looked at the coffee, and said, "Now Daddy, I've warned you about that stuff. It's not good for you."

"Well honey, give me some credit. I'm down to one cup a day, first thing in the morning."

Kahili, thinking about how her father had changed his diet, lost weight, and was in his best shape in years, cut him a break. "Okay Daddy, just one."

"Thanks darling. Are you ready for the presentation?"

"Yes, although I'm a little nervous. I got up in the middle of the night, went over it again."

"I heard you. You'll do fine."
* * * *​

Kahili stood before the Board of Directors wearing a red power suit. It struck a perfect balance, hiding, but not wholly obscuring, her ample charms. She knew the power a beautiful woman, especially a powerful inaccessible woman, had over a group of men (there was only one woman on the board of directors, Kahili had plans to do something about that). She was beautiful, was the owner's daughter, and had learned how to be imperious. She knew her stuff; She was on, she'd soon have these men eating out of the palm of her hand.

"As you know, we've been offered a 20% interest in Onren at a 25% discount from the stock price. It seems to good a deal to pass up. Mr. Quigley asked me to look into it."

On the screen behind her appeared Onren's annual return on investment for the past decade. The figures were both high and remarkably consistent, all within a single percentage point of each other.

"Onren claims, through proprietary computer modeling, that it has been able to tame what has always been a volatile market sector and these figures support its assertion. Same high rate of return every year. I dug deeper, found something even more remarkable. Onren says its advanced accounting techniques allow it to track division-by-division returns on a quarterly basis, and when we look at those numbers..."

They appeared on the screen behind her.

"... we find the same unerring consistency over hundreds of departments each and every year."

"Gentlemen and," nodding to the woman on the board, "lady, this is a statistical impossibility. Nobody is always right; nobody is always right to the same exact degree. Random chance, chaos theory, whatever you call it, the world doesn't work this way. The only way this happens is by shuffling figures and assigning returns to departments based not on what the department produces, but on how it will appear on the financial report."

One of the directors said, "Doesn't Onren achieve this with its advanced accounting techniques?"

"Yes, that's what Onren says, advanced accounting techniques run on its proprietary computer model, none of which the public has ever seen."

"Why would it reveal this information?"

Kahili smiled. "Well possibly because it doesn't exist, but I take your point, if it did exist, why would Onren tell anyone about it. Which is another thing that bothers me. No one has begun to replicate any portion of this technology. Intellectual property doesn't stay secret this long anymore, nothing is so advanced it can't be copied, or stolen, or reverse-engineered.

"But I grant you, these are just my suspicions, there is no smoking gun, which is why," Kahili gestured to boxes on the side of the room stuffed with government reports, "Our Washington lawyers forward me and I read Onren's Securities and Exchange Commission filings for the last fifteen years."

There was a rustling in the room as the board members imagined the long hours Kahili spent plowing though this mountain of tedious information.

"Starting twelve years ago each annual report contained a footnote, usually numbered between 234 and 268. The most recent," it appeared on the screen behind her," is numbered 274. It, as do the others, state that Onren is a limited liability partner in several overseas power plant projects which are not included in the financial statement. This is the only reference to these investments, there is no mention of them anywhere else. The footnote doesn't tell us what these investments are, where they are, how many there are. Onren's practice is to drown you in data, not withhold it, so this struck me as odd. I tracked the projects down."

Here Kahili said a silent thank you to Quigley's network of contacts and operatives, without whom she'd never have been able to identify the mystery projects.

A series of articles from the Brazilian press appeared on the screen behind her.

"This information is gathered at tag 46 of your materials. There is one for each of the twenty-four projects we located; we cannot guarantee we found them all. The projects are in Brazil, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, India, all over the globe. Each one, I repeat, each one, is over-budget, years behind in construction, and poses a loss that would devastate Onren, cumulatively no company could survive them. Normally, we would not be concerned, Onren is a limited partner, it has no liability for the losses, but we located the ownership and financing records, mostly in local courthouses, for two-thirds of the projects. In each case, again I repeat, in each case, Onren was originally the sole owner and the project appeared on Onren's balance sheet. Onren became a limited partner, with limited liability, only when the deal soured. The project would then come off the company's financial statement, reappearing in this footnote. I kept thinking, why would the lenders let Onren off the hook and, it turned out, they didn't. In each case Onren guaranteed the full partners' liability. In other words Onren is still on the line for all these projects. The company is effectively insolvent, it's just hiding it."

The Board peppered her with questions, but Kahili, thoroughly immersed in the data, and with a memory enhanced by Dr. Wong, handled them all. The Board rejected the deal.
* * * *​

Holding herself up on her arms, Kahili was sliding up and down her father's dick, rippling her cunt muscles on its length, rolling her g-spot roll on the warm, soft, rock hard surface of her Daddy's perfect instrument.

"Oh Daddy I love fucking you."

Henry Jamison looked down her body, watched his daughter's bald pussy devour his penis, felt his daughter's sex undulate on its length, looked to her flat stomach, watched her flex the muscles that delivered this sublime joy. His eyes traveled further up, her round firm breasts swayed with her motion, then looked to her face, framed by her thick blonde hair, her bright happy blue eyes focused on him. His wife had been a beautiful woman and a skilled lover, but no woman could match Kahili.

"I love you Kahili."

"I love you Daddy, fuck me forever."

"I will, Kahili, I will."

She lowered her body, their sweaty frames slid against each other, her firm breasts plowed across his chest, her hard nipples left furrows in his skin. Moving in practiced unison, they kept going, each stroke crushing her clit between their pubic bones. Kahili clamped her sex on her father's dick.

Joy topped joy, their level of excitement grew ever higher, approached the violent, and Kahili, in her own sexual nirvana, repeated as if a mantra: "Fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, fuck me daddy, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

With a single grunt that shook the bed Henry Jamison exploded, filling his daughter. As his seed surged through her, cresting against her womb, Kahili joined him in an earth shattering orgasm that left both of them unable to do anything but hold each other, until Kahili slid off her father, nestled to his side, rested her head on his shoulder, loved the feel of his warm sweaty body, loved his intense masculine smell.

"You were brilliant today Kahili, I was so proud."

"Thank you Daddy. I hope I always make you proud. Daddy, thank you for rescuing me, changing me, helping me reach my potential, showing me my purpose."

"And thank you Kahili."

"What do you mean Daddy?"

"You've rescued me too, from a sad lonely life."

"You're welcome Daddy. Sometimes I think about Mr. Quigley like that, he doesn't have anyone in his life."

"No he doesn't Kahili, he's given his life to the company just as I did. He's also been a good friend to me, and you. He kept track of you during your years in the wilderness."

"I know Daddy, I owe him a lot."

"We owe him a lot. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Do you remember his niece Marisa?"

Kahili recalled the girl. Light brown hair, pretty, positive, optimistic, and smart as a whip. She was studying at Stanford. There had been talk about her joining the company. Mr. Quigley adored her and she glowed when in the company of her favorite uncle.

"Yes Daddy, I really liked her."

"During her senior year at Stanford she had an affair with one of her professors and decided to stay out there to be with him. She received several offers from top notch Silicon Valley firms and then received an announcement - on Twitter - that he'd married one other classmates. He'd been seeing both of them, and a third. She went into tailspin, she'd been a virgin, saving herself, he'd been her first, and turned down all her jobs. She is being treated, with little success, for depression.

"I've arranged to have her brought to Dr. Wong. He'll help her, convert her into a sex-toy for Bill, as he did with you. It's my way of thanking him."

Kahili smiled, her happiness exceeding her father's, for unlike him, she not only understood the wonderful gift he was providing Mr. Quigley, she understood the even greater gift he was bestowing on Marisa.

"Oh Daddy, that's perfect and it would be like I had a sister."
* * * *​

At dinner celebrating his daughter's triumph before the Board of Directors, Henry Jamison ordered a bottle of champagne.

"No champagne Daddy."

Noting the serious tone of his daughter's voice, he said, "Why Kahili? What's wrong?"

Kahili's smile lit up the room. "Oh Daddy, nothing's wrong. Its just that, I found out yesterday, but wanted to wait until after the meeting to tell you. I'm pregnant."
* * * *​

Six months later Onren collapsed. Jamison Enterprises, which had sold Onren stock short, made a bundle. But that wasn't the best news. The best news was Kahili's belly, round and full and oh so beautiful.
Previous page: Chapter 02.1