Page 01
* Couldn't resist taking a shot at the old road trip with Mom theme, just because I always enjoy reading them. *
Monica's face went hot when she caught Avery staring at her tits. When he saw that he'd been busted he looked down at his half-eaten plate of food. Monica was used to catching men staring at her tits. They were huge and still shapely and so appealing, and at forty years old they were the biggest they'd ever been thanks to the extra weight she'd put on the last few years. However, Avery was her nineteen year old son, and his latest stepfather was also sitting at the table taking his time over his own plate of breakfast.
As always, Marvin, Monica's third husband, was barely aware of his wife and stepson as he calmly ate his scrambled eggs and bacon. The last thing Monica thought to do was admonish her son in front of Marvin. Certainly not for something as hard to explain as checking out his mother's tits. But when she didn't say anything, she caught him doing it again, only this time his eyes lingered and then made contact with his mother's after she caught him. She glared at him, still not saying anything, and he just blushed, smiled and looked down at his food again.
Monica started to question her choice of attire for the long day ahead. They were driving Avery to the coast for his second year of college. It was a two day trip, and the minivan was filled with everything Avery needed for his new apartment off campus. He'd lived on campus his first year, but this year he had a place of his own and he was taking almost everything he owned. Monica wasn't looking forward to being crammed into the vehicle for two full days with two other people and all of Avery's things, so she decided to dress for comfort.
The voluptuous mom had picked out a summer weight, wrap around dress that cinched around the front just under her barely manageable, D cup melons. The dress left an impressive amount of her cleavage exposed, along with the upper edge of the lacy tube top she wore underneath in lieu of a bra. She thought about changing into something else before they left on their trip, but then she caught her son gazing at her tits for yet a third time. This time she just heaved a sigh of resignation and laughed inwardly. By not saying anything -- mainly because Marvin was sitting right there, oblivious to the fact that a much younger man was staring at his wife's tits -- Monica was doing nothing to discourage her son.
If anything, her deep sigh only pushed her glorious mounds forward, making them bulge against the confines of her dress and tube top. Avery's eyes went as wide as they could, and his mother could see him silently mouth "fuck". She found it impossible to keep from smiling while she avoided making eye contact with him again. He was gazing at his pretty mother's luscious jugs like he had the right to, and Monica couldn't help feeling flattered. She very nearly blushed when she thought her body could still be that appealing to a college age boy despite the extra weight she'd been trying to shed. If her son's attention was anything to go by, then maybe that extra weight had settled in all the right places.
Monica's nipples were tingling by the time Marvin finished his breakfast and got up to take his plate to the sink. Then he clapped his hands once and announced it was time to get on the road.
"But Avery and I are still eating," Monica pointed out.
Marvin sighed with exasperation. "We have a schedule to keep, remember? We need to get Avery to school in two days so you and I can take the scenic way home the way we planned."
"A few extra minutes to finish our breakfast isn't going to ruin your schedule," Monica said.
"We talked about this," Marvin frowned disapprovingly. "It's not "my" schedule. It's "our" schedule, remember?"
"Marvin, will you please just give my mother a break?" Avery cut in. "Seriously, we're just talking about five minutes."
"Someday you'll learn the value of sticking to a schedule."
Marvin then lumbered out of the room with the scowl still on his face. As soon as he was gone, Avery rolled his eyes dramatically and his mother almost laughed out loud. He could always make her feel better in an awkward situation. He'd had this ability ever since he was little, and he just seemed to get better at it the older he grew. She'd almost forgotten catching him looking at her tits just a few minutes, until she caught his eyes dropping down to boob level again.
"Avery!" she protested in a dramatic whisper, still not wanting Marvin to know what her son was doing. "You shouldn't be looking at...well, you know."
"You're right. I really shouldn't," her son whispered back. "But it's not my fault you look amazing in that dress. This is gonna be a great trip. Except for Mr. Schedule-keeper."
Monica finally giggled out loud. It was no secret how her son had never liked her latest husband, and the feeling was apparently mutual. They had gotten married eight months ago, while Avery was still in his first year of college. Monica sold the house she and her son had lived in during his high school years and then moved in to Marvin's house.
Husband number three had merely tolerated Avery coming to stay for the summer, especially when it quickly became clear that the younger man in her life was less than impressed by his mother's latest choice. The two males settled into a chilly routine of mutual acceptance for Monica's sake. Avery wanted his mother to be happy, but he knew Marvin wasn't the man for that task. At the same time, Marvin didn't appreciate the college boy's smug attitude. He was the oldest of Monica's husbands by a good fifteen years, and he resented Avery's unspoken attitude that this one wasn't going to last any longer than the others.
Monica was just glad her husband and son kept away from each other for the most part. Marvin would complain to her a few times in private, but she reminded him that she only had her son for the summer, and she wasn't going to let their marriage get in the way of her relationship with her very own flesh and blood. As it was, this trip was originally supposed to be just Monica and Avery, but Marvin had inserted himself, convincing his wife they could treat the trip home like the honeymoon they never took in the first place.
Mother and son finished breakfast, and Avery volunteered to wash the dishes so they wouldn't have to come back to them in another week. Marvin was already outside, trying to rearrange what Avery had in the minivan. Whatever he was doing just seemed to make it worse. The middle seat was full of boxes and an upended office chair. The far rear seat that faced out the back of the vehicle was also full.
Avery rolled his eyes at Marvin's futile attempts while Monica looked over the interior of the car and wondered aloud where everyone was going to sit. There were only the driver's and passenger's seat available.
"There's a spot for Avery in the far back," Marvin explained, as if it was simple.
But the mother and son both looked and there was no way anyone could spend two days riding in the tiny spot that Marvin had provided. Monica and Avery both recognized that they could move one of the boxes to the front seat to make it possible for someone to ride without being crunched.
"Then where is your mother going to sit?" Marvin said.
"We can move another box up front and then two can ride in back while the other drives," Monica said. That would leave the two of them sharing half the seat with a couple of boxes piled on the side.
Marvin scowled.
"This is really putting us off schedule," Avery said with snarky grin.
Marvin's face turned red but he finally relented. Avery moved the boxes to the front and got in back with his mother. Marvin got in front to drive and they finally got going.
As it was, the space in back was barely enough room for two people. Monica and her son were squeezed in tightly together. The front of her wrap around dress refused to stay closed in a sitting position and her thick, shapely legs were more exposed than she liked. She could tell Avery liked the view and caught him looking at her thighs almost as much as he'd been looking at her tits in the kitchen during breakfast.
He was wearing a T shirt and gym shorts. It was mid-August and the AC didn't cool down the far back as much as it did the front. Since her dress wasn't doing much to keep her legs covered, Monica just pulled the lower part open as far as she could without exposing her panties. It helped make for a cooler ride, and she had to admit she didn't mind the way her and Avery's bare legs kept rubbing together in their close quarters.
Of course the far back was the bounciest part of the vehicle, and before Marvin got onto the highway Monica was painfully aware of the way her heaving tits kept bouncing to the motion of the car. She caught Avery watching her generous jugs nearly jump out of her dress with an expectant look on his face, like he was just waiting for them burst out in the open. She just sighed dramatically while he grinned and then looked innocently out the back window.
Marvin finally reached the highway and the vehicle started riding more smoothly. Monica realized she was starting to miss the way her son had been watching her large orbs bounce and sway. He looked at her the way no other man ever had, including her current husband. She found it thrilling but more than a little unsettling, too. This was her son, not some young man passing by in the mall taking a sidelong glance at her big, full MILF tits. Maybe it was alright to tease him a little the first day out, but another day of this would be over the top. She decided to wear something less revealing the following day no matter what the weather was like.
Monica was losing track of how long they'd been driving when she caught her son just staring at her face. He wasn't even looking at her boobs this time. It was almost disappointing except there was such an adoring look in his eyes. She tilted her head and looking back at him questioningly.
Avery shot a look toward the front, checking on Marvin, and then spoke to his mother in a low voice. "I'm gonna miss you all year," he said. "So I'm just trying to make up for it now."
"Oh, baby, that's the sweetest thing you could say," his mother replied, briefly touching his face.
"You're really beautiful, Mom," he added. "I hope the schedule master tells you that a lot."
Monica sighed. She couldn't remember the last time Marvin had told her she was beautiful, or if he ever had at all. She finally shrugged. "He's...reliable," she said, trying to think of his best quality.
Avery laughed, and his mother couldn't help joining in. Monica was getting more and more comfortable being squeezed into that tight space next to her son. She knew how much she was going to miss him all year, so the feeling of being so close felt good and she was determined to enjoy it as much as she could between today and tomorrow. But between Avery's leg rubbing against hers and the way his eyes kept taking in longer and longer looks at her tits and legs, her nipples started to swell and poke through both layers of thin, summery covering.
"Looks like you're enjoying the ride," Avery teased her, too quietly for Marvin to hear now that he had the radio on. The college boy looked at his mother's obviously erect nipples and waggled his eyebrows playfully.
Monica laughed and playfully swatted his hand. "You're a very naughty boy," she quipped playfully. "Not to mention perverted."
"Hey, I'm just a normal guy here," her son pleaded. "How can a guy not look? They're fucking amazing, Mom."
"Oh my god, watch that naughty mouth, mister," she winked.
"I need to see more," he said, smiling but obviously serious.
Monica was shocked but didn't say anything to refuse him.
"Everything okay back there?" Marvin called from the front.
"Oh yeah, we're good, Marv," Avery called back. Marvin hated it when the boy called him Marv. "It's really good you decided to set us up this way. It's really comfortable."
While Avery was talking to his mother's husband, he reached for the top of his mother's dress with one hand and pulled the sides open until the swells of her melons were exposed within the semi-sheer tube top underneath. Monica looked at him in shock over his audacious actions, but she did nothing to stop him. He seemed to take his mother's lack of a negative response to then hook his finger into the upper edge of her tube top and pull it down to fully expose her prominent mounds.
"What do you think you're doing, young man?" she glared at him.
"Getting a better look at the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
Avery was gazing at his mother's fully naked tits for the first time, at least as far as Monica knew, and it looked like he was afraid to blink. There was a glimmer of lust in his eyes, but then something else that made her pulse race. It was love. Her son adored her in ways that broke all the rules in the world, but at that very moment, all the blonde could do was relish that special look in her baby boy's burning eyes. If it made him so happy to look at his mother's tits, then why not let him? She'd never say so out loud, but it was making her happy too.
With a quick glance over the top of their seat, checking on Marvin at the wheel, Avery reached over with one hand and started exploring the heft and feel of his mother's gorgeous boobs. Monica was shocked by his touch, but a warm fire began spreading through her body. She was ashamed to feel the hot rush of moisture trickle against her pussy, but it was a feeling she couldn't compare to anything else in her life.
"Avery!" she hissed under her breath. "You can't touch your mother's boobs!"
"Just for a minute, Mom. That's a dumb rule anyway. They're just amazing. And they feel so good."
Avery fondled and squeezed his mother's sumptuous lobes until the gusset of her panties was soaking wet. He seemed to know just the right amount of pressure for tweaking her nipples to make her body burn for his touch.
With their backs to the front, there was no way Marvin would know Avery was feeling up his mother's bare jugs even from looking in the mirror. He took full advantage of this, and of the fact that his mother was hot and excited no matter what she said to the contrary.
Monica glanced at her son's lap and gasped over yet another shock to her erotically charged system. Avery's cock was hard as granite and jutting down the leg of his shorts so half the length of his shaft was exposed. And, he was thick and enormous. He wasn't freakishly huge, but so big as to look strong and able to fill a lady's hole to the brim and then some. There was even precum leaking from the tip and smearing his thigh. Monica was stunned to see how aroused he was by his own mother.
It was shameful how much lady goo was now seeping into Monica's panties. She could feel her sauces soaking past them and making her upper thighs feel slick and slippery. She wished Avery was anyone but her son right now or she would have that gorgeous cock filling her aching pussy with meat and cream. It seemed scandalous enough just to have him eagerly fondling her exposed tits, but his hand felt so good and that look of sheer adulation in his eyes was irresistible.
Still taking cautious glances toward the front, Avery shifted to push his shorts down to knees, bringing that big, horny cock fully into the open. He wrapped one hand around his shaft and started stroking himself while he kept feeling his mother's tits with the other. He lowered his head and started licking and sucking on his mother's thick, swollen nipples. She gasped at his total audacity, but she was powerless against the waves of excited pleasure rushing through her body.
"This so wrong, Avery!" she tried to protest in a husky whisper. "So very wrong!"
All her son could do was suck his mother's nipple, then move to the other boob to suckle the other. Meanwhile, his fist was pumping wildly up and down that rock hard shaft. Monica stared at his cock and hand in awe. It had been years since she'd seen a man stroke himself. Marvin wouldn't dream of touching his own member in front of her, but Avery was pumping it furiously while he buried his handsome, young face in his mother's buxom chest. Her nipples were both heavily coated in her son's saliva, and the suction of his thirsty lips was sending jolts of delicious sensation straight to her oozing pussy.
The blonde wanted to be the one touching her boy's luscious cock, but she didn't dare. A mother doesn't jack off her own son no matter how horny he managed to make her feel. But if she had ever found a man with a cock like Avery's she probably wouldn't have ended up married three times.
"Oh, ohhh Mommmmm," Avery groaned quietly, pressing his face to the lush flesh of her matronly tits. "Mom, I'm gonna...oh fuck!"
Avery's cock suddenly began spurting cum. His mother's clit was throbbing with need as she gazed in disbelief at the squirting gobs of his young man cream. It seemed like his cock went on spewing that gooey seed for miles. When he was finished, there were plentiful glops of his young man spunk all over his shaft and hand, and even more that spattered across his mother's mostly exposed thighs. Monica very nearly climaxed without even touching herself at the unthinkable feeling of her own son's baby seed making a mess of her skin.
Avery gave each of his mother's nipples a final suck and then sat back up. He pulled his shorts back over his cock without bothering to wipe up any cum. Monica then realized there was almost as much cum on her dress as her legs. She felt dirty, her very own son treating her like she was his sordid wench, which only made the throbbing in her clit even worse. And now Avery had a dreamy smile on his face, and he wasn't complaining that his mother had yet to cover up her tits.
"Next time I'm going to cum on these beauties," he said, cupping her heavy melons in both hands and giving them a meaningful squeeze.
"You certainly will not," she retorted weakly. What kind of mother would she be if she let him think he could ever get away with something like this again? And yet she needed to cum or she was going to explode. "Now turn your head and look the other way."
She didn't believe he would, and of course he didn't, but Monica was beside herself. She scrunched down on her seat and spread her legs as far as she could in the confined space they had. Parting the lower half of her dress, she pushed her hand into her panties and started rubbing her sodden pussy slit.
"Make sure he's not looking," she whispered.
Avery smiled and nodded. He kept checking on Marvin but kept his eyes on the furious movement of his mother's hand under her panties. Monica soon had two of her fingers deeply stroking in and out of her hole while Avery reached over and played with her nipples.
"Do it, Mom," he whispered. "Cum for me. God, you're so fucking hot."
After being teased for so long and feeling her son's cum still wet and sticky on her skin, Monica was close to exploding. But when he started cheering her on to cum with such dirty yet loving words she felt herself flying over the edge before she knew what was happening. She pumped her fingers furiously into her sloshing fuckhole, with the pressure of Avery's fingers on her nipples driving every sensation deeper into her body. She had to force herself to keep from crying out in ecstasy while her hips rocked and shuddered with the explosive climax ripping through her core.
Monica couldn't believe how hard the orgasm hit or how dazed it left her in its wake. Avery was staring at her in awe.
"Fuck, Mom, you're amazing," he whispered.
"And you're a very bad boy," she said, finally getting her voice back. In contrast to her words, she looked at her son with a dreamy smile.