Page 02

She sat back upright and pulled her tube top back over her tits, then tried to rewrap her dress to cover as much of her cleavage as possible, which didn't end up being very much.

Avery called up front. "Hey Marv, we need to make a rest stop."

"Already? We've only been on the road for a couple of hours."

"Yeah, well it looks like Mom spilled some cream soda on her dress. I think she wants to get it out before it stains."

Marvin grunted, annoyed, but after a few miles they came to a rest stop and he pulled off the highway. After he parked, he got out of the car and headed for the rest rooms without bothering to ask either of his passengers how they were coping with the tight space in back. Monica and Avery were both just as glad he didn't. They just stood at the back of the minivan with the doors open. Avery was grinning at his mother and she couldn't keep from returning his smile no matter how much she tried.

"If there weren't all these people around I'd be kissing you right now, Mom. That was so good."

Monica blushed. "Then it's a good thing they're here," she tried to sound serious but couldn't keep the smirk off her lips. "It was...exciting, sweetheart, but also extremely naughty and nothing that's ever going to happen again."

"Oh right, of course." But the playful leer on her boy's handsome face said otherwise. Monica knew her baby boy well enough to know that look meant he didn't mean a word of what he just said.

"Ugh! And I thought I raised a good boy," she snickered. "You just get those dirty thoughts out of your mind while your mother freshens up."

Monica grabbed her shoulder bag and headed for the ladies' room while Avery went to the men's. There were other women coming and going as she grabbed a wad of paper hand towels and attempted to soak up the cum stains on her dress. Despite the fact that none of them were paying any attention to her, she felt self-conscious, to say the least, as if there were a big sign over her head with 'incest whore' plastered across it in huge, red letters.

The blonde grabbed another wad of towels, wet them in the sink and retreated to one of the stalls. About all she managed to do with the towels was just make bigger wet spots on her dress. Hopefully when they dried there would be a minimum of crusty residue from her son's cum.

Oh my god, my son's cum! she thought. How could such a thing even happen? Should she have said something to him back at the breakfast table when she first caught him ogling her tits? She imagined an alternate scenario in which she scolded her horny college boy for giving his own mother inappropriate looks at the table. Then as she imagined Marvin's reaction she almost started laughing out loud. The other women in the restroom would've thought there was a lunatic in her stall. Then again, maybe there was.

After working on the spots on her dress, Monica untied the sash that held it together in front and began dabbing at the sticky areas on her upper thighs. It struck her as weird that she actually felt a little sad about wiping those remnants of Avery's cum off her skin. He was on his way off to another year, and she thought about how terribly she had missed him the year before. And now that he had his own apartment he might even stay on the coast over the summer. He could easily end up living there permanently. The thought of him leaving her for good threatened to break her heart. He was the only truly loving male in her life, her steadfast affection and comfort when husbands were good for nothing but coming and going from her life.

Obviously, what she and Avery had done in the car was so very wrong, but as she dabbed the little crusty spots off her skin a bittersweet feeling of sadness came over her. She was most certainly going batshit crazy, but why did that make her smile? Why did her heart race when she thought of the way her baby had stroked that beautiful cock while he was sucking her tits like a baby ravenous for Mommy's warm milk? Thinking this way was only making her pussy flush with a fresh rush of dew. That wasn't the condition she needed to be in when she got back to the car.

This new round of tingling in Monica's pussy only reminded her of how wet her panties were from her insanely careless act of masturbation, but she didn't have a fresh pair to change into. She shoved the panties down her legs and then balled them up to stash in her bag. While she was at it, she slipped her arms out from the sleeves of her dress and took off the lacy tube top underneath. She stashed that in her bag next to her panties and proceeded to rearrange her dress. She wrapped it more tightly around her body now, cinching it all together with the sash. With nothing underneath it was more important than ever to make sure she was decently covered, even though her dress couldn't hide the amplified movement of her chubby tits.

Just as Monica was ready to leave the stall and go back to the car her phone beeped with an incoming text. She pulled it out of her bag to discover a message from Avery. Opening the message, she was presented with a picture of her son's hugely aroused cock. He'd obviously just taken it in a stall over in the men's room. She had heard her friends talk and laugh about getting dick pictures from their husbands or boyfriends, and here she was staring at one from her son. The image made her smile like a smitten schoolgirl. God, if Avery didn't have the most delicious looking male organ then she didn't know who did. It was so long, so thick, so strong and sturdy looking.

She had to catch herself before giggling out loud as she thought of how she'd just finished wiping up the cum her boy had spurted on her out of that very same cock. She couldn't help admiring that astonishing specimen of man flesh. That was her baby boy, showing his loving Mommy what a man he was now. But when did he ever become so bold and confident? For that matter, when did he ever become so perverse as to brazenly show his lust for his own mother? Then a text followed the picture: "Love traveling with you, Mom. Love YOU. Can't wait for the rest of the ride."

Without thinking about what she was doing, she quickly texted him back: "How does that thing ever fit in the shorts you have on? Love you more than life."

As the smiling blonde exited her stall, she realized she must be going crazy and wished she hadn't sent that text. She didn't regret telling Avery she loved him. She could never say that enough. But the quip about his cock would only encourage his unacceptable behavior. Yet the smile on Monica's face was even bigger as she left the ladies' room.

From a distance, she spotted Marvin already back at the car. The driver's door was open but he was standing outside doing stretching exercises, obviously gearing himself up for the next leg of the ride. Monica couldn't help thinking he looked ridiculous running in place and then leaning over in an attempt to touch his toes. She'd never seen him exercise and it looked unnatural. He didn't look happy about waiting around for his wife and her son who seemed to be taking their sweet time. She wasn't looking forward to having to ride back alone with him, but she didn't want to think about that now.

When she joined her husband back at the car, she asked him if he was feeling up for more driving.

"Yup. Doing just fine," he said. "I just want to get back on the road and keep to the schedule. We need to make sure we drop off Avery on time."

Monica eyed her husband skeptically, realizing he couldn't wait to get rid of her son. She felt a sudden reaction that took her by surprise. It was a mixture of resentment and regret. How could she have married someone so pompous as to think he could stand in the way of her relationship with her son? It wasn't as if she hadn't always known Marvin could be an asshat when he wanted, but he'd seemed like a safe, secure choice. After two divorces before him, that seemed more important than love or passion, but she was wrong about that. Love and passion were all that mattered. She could see that now, and the sudden realization of her mistake was making her head spin.

"Have you heard a word I just said?" Marvin snapped her out of her daze. She hadn't realized he was still talking to her.

"I'm sorry, dear. What were you saying?"

"I was saying that boy doesn't have a thought in his head for anyone else. Where the hell is he? Didn't you potty train him well enough that he's got to take all day in the can?

Monica's jaw dropped and she glared at her husband. Marvin just shrugged, too clueless to apologize. Then Monica got a cold smile of satisfaction on her face as she thought about Avery squirting cum all over this idiot's wife while he was up front driving. He looked confused when she simply turned her back on him and walked toward the back of the van. She opened the door to wait for her son.

Within a couple of minutes, Avery came strolling calmly back to minivan with a smile on his face. Marvin scowled at him as he walked by and got in back with his mother, pulling the doors closed after them.

Back on the highway, Marvin drove with the radio on again and Avery didn't take long to notice that the tube top that had been peeking through the top of his mother's dress was now missing. Monica caught him looking and then looked away coyly, giving him a sly smirk.

For a while, they rode along without incident. Avery spent some time texting and emailing on his phone, although his eyes were drifting toward his mother's tits on regular intervals. The wet spots on Monica's dress started to dry and she actually felt a little sad to see the evidence of Avery's climax disappear. She couldn't remember being that excited. It was completely insane, and she knew she couldn't let it happen again no matter how much the idea made her heart beat faster. But it wouldn't be so bad to take out her phone and take another look at the picture Avery sent her back at the rest stop.

She tried to make it look like she was innocently checking her email, but she caught the smile on his face when she swiped to that picture of his hard cock. He glanced over, first looking at her tits as they wobbled inside her dress to the vibration of the car, and then at her face. She felt herself blush.

"I guess you like the message I sent," Avery said in a quiet tone.

"I was shocked," she admitted just as quietly. "What kind of boy sends something like this to his own mother?"

"I do, apparently," he smirked. "I can't help it that my mother is so hot."

Monica felt herself blush again at her son's sordid compliment. As much as she had always loved him, there was a different kind of bond rapidly forming between them now. Between the events of earlier in the morning and that brief yet revealing spat with Marvin, she was feeling a closeness with her son that spread a delightful warmth throughout her entire body. Marvin had certainly never said she was hot. Pretty, yes, but never hot. And it was barely weeks after their wedding that he started dropping subtle hints about her trying harder to lose some weight. What in the world had she been thinking when she agreed to marry him? Probably it was a reaction to the prospect of being all alone while Avery was in college.

"Darling, that's very sweet of you to say, but young men don't go around sending pictures of, aroused penis to their mother."

"I notice you didn't delete it."

"Hmm, and what if I don't?"

"Then you'll have something to remind you how much I miss you all year at school."

"I do miss you, too, baby. If you only knew how much." She looked back at the obscene picture on her phone, and her curiosity became more than she could resist. She had to ask or she would never stop wondering: "Darling, did you, errr after you took this...did you finish?" It was crazy to be asking her son if he made himself cum in a highway rest stop bathroom stall, but her heart beat even faster as she waited for the reply.

Avery shook his head negatively.

Monica looked at him in surprise. His cock looked so hard in the picture she didn't know how a guy his age could keep from giving himself the relief he obviously needed.

"Why?" she couldn't resist asking.

A devious grin crossed her son's face. "I wanted to save my cum for you, Mom."

Monica stopped breathing for a moment. "Wicked, wicked boy," she whispered, then giggled softly. She knew she was only encouraging him, but that only excited her even more. She reached into her bag on the floor and fished out the still moist, wadded up panties she'd been wearing before their stop. She furtively slipped them into her son's hand. "Here, maybe these will help you, um, do what you need to do."

Avery's eyes lit up when he realized what he was now holding in his hand. He brought them to his face and deeply inhaled the scent of his mother's aroused pussy, obviously savoring her essence. It was such a simple yet lurid gesture, and it made the lips of Monica's pussy quiver with excitement. He took several deep inhalations and reached between his legs to squeeze the growing bulge in his shorts.

Monica's nipples swelled with arousal as she watched her son fill his head with the aroma few son's should ever know. But the way he fought to inhale her smell as deeply as he could made her feel wanted in a way she'd never known before. Seeing him boldly squeeze his cock without a shred of shame made warm juice trickle down her slit. Avery's cock was very soon just as hard as it was in the picture he'd sent his mother, and at least half of his long, fat shaft was sticking out the leg of his shorts.

"You are so fucking hot," he whispered again. "I never had a girlfriend make me this hard this often."

Monica's face felt like it was burning. "Hmm," she retorted, attempting to downplay his excitement, "maybe you just need to find a higher quality kind of girl."

"I already have," he said, giving her a meaningful look.

The blonde mother couldn't help but smile. She was dying to tell him how he made her feel like no other man before him ever could, including his own father. But she couldn't bring the words out of her mouth. As hot and exciting as everything they were doing made her feel, it was still against society's ultimate rule. It was sinful and hedonistic, and it was making her pussy hotter and wetter by the second.

Avery cast a quick look toward the front, confirming that Marvin was concentrating on driving. He then looked at his mother just before lifting his ass off the seat and pulling his shorts down. He wasn't wearing anything underneath and his big cock snapped upright as he pushed his shorts all the way off. He sat back, trying to angle a little more to face his mother while he took hold of his rock solid cock and started stroking it.

Monica's expression was somewhere between shock and amazed delight. There was no denying her son had the biggest, most beautiful cock she'd ever seen. If he were anyone else but her son she'd gladly push his hand out of the way and start stroking it herself -- and then, it wouldn't be long before she took it in her mouth. But this was her own son, and despite the fact that he'd already spattered her with cum once today, there was no way she could ever touch that luscious cock. Merely watching him stroke it wasn't even in the same category. That was the kind of thing she could easily see just by accident by walking into the bathroom at the wrong time.

But Monica was watching Avery proudly stroke his audaciously exposed cock willingly, eagerly. And her pussy was broiling with excitement. She was so intent on watching his strong hand slide up and down that thick, beefy shaft that she barely realized he was saying something.

"Mom...c'mon. Show me those gorgeous tits again. I wanna look at them while I jerk it."

Monica checked the front, even though she and Avery were both hidden from the tops of their shoulders down. Turning back, she gave her son a coy smile and pulled the top of her dress open, letting her large orbs burst into view.

"Fuck, those are beautiful, Mom," Avery muttered under his breath.

Monica loved the way her son was gazing at her jugs and stroking his rod at the same time. She took the heavy globes in her hands and fondled them, hefting and squeezing, and taking time to fluff her aroused nipples. Playing with her nipples only made the wet heat in her pussy grow worse, which made her think of trying something deliciously taboo.

"Wanna see more, baby?" she asked her son quietly.

Avery looked at her face in surprise, as if he already knew what she was offering. His mother gave him another coy smile as she checked on Marvin and then untied the sash on her dress. She pulled the sides open so she was fully exposed except for her shoulders.

"Ohhh fuck," Avery said, barely above a breath.

"You like it, baby?" his mother whispered.

"Ohhh fuck," he repeated, his eyes roaming over her body and settling on her perfectly smooth, bald pussy.

Monica opened her legs wide enough to show the boy her glistening slit. She was dripping by now and her clit was throbbing with need. The more Avery looked at her pussy, the more she wanted him to. No one had ever looked at it with so much devoted love and hunger, not to mention pure lust. Monica reached between her thick, shapely thighs and spread her slit open with her fingers, letting her horny boy see the hole she knew he'd love to be shoving that huge cock into right about now. Then she started rubbing her pussy, massaging the slippery lips and rubbing her clit while Avery stared and jacked.

Precum was dripping out of the boy's round knob in a steady flow. His mother was dying to taste it while wishing such a thing wasn't so impossible. But she could never do that. She could think about it, though. She could dream about it and imagine the tangy flavor of that warm, oozing cream. She could imagine the way that luscious pole would pulse and spurt in her mouth as she sucked his fertile, young spunk out of those big, heavy looking balls.

Avery kept himself shaven all around his cock and balls. Monica had seen plenty of shaven cocks in pictures and videos, but none of her husbands had even been so considerate enough to barber their pubes. As she rubbed her dripping pussy and studied her son's cock all she could think about was how good she could make him feel running her tongue all over that smooth skin.

"You're awful quiet back there," Marvin called suddenly. "Everything okay? I suppose one of you will want to stop again soon."

"No, dear," Monica called back. "No stopping for a while."

"Yeah," Avery added. "We're just hanging out and enjoying the view."

Marvin grunted skeptically and drove on. Meanwhile, his wife winked at her son as she slid a finger into her slick lady hole. Avery moaned softly, keeping his voice low. He was now smearing his precum up and down his shaft, using it for stroke lube and making his girthy shaft glisten in the process. The sight of that big, shining rod made his mother's mouth water.

Monica and Avery were both trying to keep their breathing under control as they watched each other masturbate. She could tell her son was carefully controlling his strokes to hold off his inevitable load. But Monica could barely contain the forbidden pleasure coursing through her body. It was immensely heightened by the way Avery made her feel loved and desired beyond measure. Grinding her pumping fingers into her G spot, she leaned her head back against the seat and showed her boy a hard, breathless climax. It seemed to go on for miles before her shudders finally began to subside. When she looked at her son he was pumping his enormous hard on furiously, only easing up when she opened her eyes to look at him.

"You're amazing," he whispered. "You're even more beautiful when you cum."

"Oh, baby, I love you so much."​
Next page: Page 03
Previous page: Page 01