Chapter 08

My heart was hammering in my chest as I climbed the porch, and I felt the first beads of nervous sweat pop out on my brow as I lifted my hand to knock. Nancy gave a little hop, and grinning, slipped to the side, hiding around the corner of the door. Holding up a finger before her lips, she winked at me.

I knocked again, louder this time, and heard Dillon call out from the back of the house. Smoothing my dress down, I drew myself up to my full height as the door swung inwards. The words I’d been prepared to say drying on my tongue and flittering away from my brain as I stared into those gorgeous blue eyes.

“Mrs. Kowalski,” Dillon said, and I heard the tension in his voice, matching my own. “Did you forget something… or…?”

There were no words that could convey my need and desire as fulsomely as an action could. Surprisingly, my nervousness and anxiety faded in those final few seconds. All was peace inside, I knew what I needed, and prayed we wouldn’t be turned aside.

Biting my bottom lip, I stepped up close, pressing myself against his lean strength. Dillon stiffened, eyes widening in disbelief as I leaned in, body trembling. For one terrible moment, all was frozen as I held back, unwilling to make the final move, needing him to show that he desired me even half as much as I needed him.

All of this, I tried to convey in my eyes, but whether he saw it or not, his hands slipped around my waist, strong with need, and his lips pressed against mine, sending me soaring into the heavens. I felt the tip of his tongue brush my lips, leaving a trail of fire behind where it touched, and I forced myself to break the kiss, drawing in a ragged breath as I looked up into his shell-shocked eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but I placed a finger across his lips quickly.

“If you call me Mrs. Kowalski one more time, so help me God,” the threat in my tone caused him to swallow hard and nod, which caused me to grin, “Good.”

“Amanda,” he said, a little smile coming to his lips as he tried out the name. Warmth blossomed within me at hearing it come from that rich voice, and I ground myself on his hip subconsciously, causing Dillon to shift his hips away from me, “Jesus… this is like a dream come true.”

“Is it?” I asked, reaching down, sliding my hand down his firm stomach slowly, “Are you sure you didn’t dream of other things? I know I did.”

“Amanda!” He said in shock, nearly jumping out of my arms as he backed up into the doorframe, “Oh God… don’t tease me like this. Why now?”

“Your music reached into my soul and lit a fire,” I said, the truth spilling out of me, “It’s made me feel things I can’t remember feeling… powerful emotions… powerful desires… you must think me a silly old lady,” I bit my bottom lip, the fear of rejection like battery acid in the back of my throat, “but I’ve never wanted a man like I want you…”

“I don’t think you’re silly,” he said, “I think you’re gorgeous… and the fact that you’re a MILF is only more of a turn on… but I’ve never,” he glanced down shyly, and I felt a wicked pleasure shoot down to my soaking sex.

“Neither have I,” I said, grinning at the confusion on his face, “but I promise we will make it as pleasurable and life changing for you, as your songs have been for us.”

“We? Us?” Dillon asked as I turned him slightly into me.

“Did you forget about me already?” Nancy asked as she pressed herself against Dillon’s back.

The young man nearly jumped out of his pants, which would have been fine by me, I was dripping like a leaky hose at that point. He turned his head and looked down at the little brunette with shocked eyes, jaw gawping like a fish as he struggled to speak.

“But if you don’t find me attractive,” the older woman said, doing something with her shoulders that made her breasts seem even larger as she batted her eyelashes up at Dillon coquettishly, “I can go wait in the car while Amanda has all the fun.”

“Why?” He asked, his arm around each of us, feet stumbling slightly as Nancy and I, grinning at one another, steered him into the house, “This is insane.”

“Are you complaining?” Nancy asked with a little snap in her voice that seemed to shake Dillon out of his shock.

“No!” He said with a laugh and a shake of his head, “I would never… Seriously you are both fucking gorgeous and amazing, and I honestly was going to fantasize about a… with both of you… I don’t get it.”

“Consider us your first groupies,” Nancy said with a grin, sliding around to his front where I joined her.

I was going to say something to try and alleviate Dillon’s anxiety, but the moment my eyes locked with his, it was like being trapped in a tractor beam. Our lips found one another's, and a moan of pleasure was ripped from me as he gripped me tight. I’d never felt so wanton and wild, and I loved it.

The sound of leather sliding through steel was so visceral that I nearly came, and when my hand slid down Dillon’s firm abs, I found Nancy’s hands busy working the buttons free of his fly. Breaking off our kiss, he followed my gaze, his own still wide with disbelief.

“Is this really happening?” He asked softly.

“It’s happening,” Nancy said with a fierce grin, “We’re going to make sure no matter how big and famous you get, you’ll never forget us.”

“Jesus,” Dillon breathed.

“Relax, Dillon,” I said, suppressing my own nervous excitement as I pressed him down into the sagging couch. Nancy took my hand and pulled me down to join her, and we both got to work on Dillon’s shoes, tossing them aside and whipping off his jeans, giddy with joy. The scent of manly musk hit my nostrils, and my whole body quivered in anticipation.

For one second Nancy paused and held my gaze in hers, I could see the question there, wondering if we were making a terrible mistake that might ruin our friendship or budding relationship with the genius musician. I’d never done anything like this before and felt nervous as a day-old kitten. But there could be no doubt, I wanted this as much as I’d wanted anything in my life. Not only the chance to consume and be consumed by the genius who’d moved me so much, but also to share in the experience and intimacy with a woman I’d come to love as more than a sister.

Our matching grins grew slowly, and we moved eagerly to drag the young man’s boxers down his legs. Slipping my fingers in the waistband alongside Nancy’s, I saw Dillon draw in a deep nervous breath, hands reaching to stop us out of shyness or anxiety, but we wouldn’t be halted.

“My, my,” Nancy breathed as his long thick cock slapped back against his stomach, causing me to give a start in surprise, my breath frozen in shock as I stared at the beautiful organ. “You’re a big boy… a very big boy.”

Dillon’s lips curled up at the corners in a pleased grin, and I saw him relax slightly, but then stiffen once more when I shifted forward, pressing my massive breasts into his legs as I spread them further. The dark curling hairs that covered his balls were trimmed short, and I don’t know what came over me as I buried my nose in them, inhaling his manly aroma and dragging my lips and cheeks up the side of his throbbing manhood to plant a soft kiss under the thick head.

“Oh God,” Dillon said, “This is too much… I don’t know how long-.”

“Let it out,” Nancy said softly from behind me as I wrapped one hand around the base of his large cock, angling it up towards me, my mouth filled with saliva in anticipation.

There wasn’t the time nor desire to recognize the drastic change that Dillon’s music had worked in me. I’d given a bare handful of blowjobs to my ex. I’d never like the act, not the submission it represented, nor the feeling of being helpless as something thrust into my mouth. That had always caused me to fill with panic, tuning me off completely. It had been a significant stressor in our marriage, and I’d always felt like a failure of a woman for it.

Licking my lips as I stared at Dillon’s massive penis, I felt the complete and total opposite reaction. My entire being wished to bow down in submission to his genius. It sounds terrible to my inner feminist, and a small part of me was scared by the power of it, but I was helpless, before the need to worship this rock god.

I felt Nancy’s fingers on the back of my dress, the skin of my back feeling the cool air as she peeled it down slowly. I let her drag it down my arms, my massive breasts swinging free in their bra for a moment before I went back down. Dillon’s groan of intense pleasure when he stared at my body only making me more eager to feel him slip between my lips.

Planting gentle kisses around the underside and head, cradling his cock in two hands, I sucked the head into my mouth. The skin was velvety soft, but beneath was steel, as I closed my eyes, tongue teasing the glands and sucking hard. The wicked thrill of having the young man’s penis in my mouth while my sexy friend undressed me made me a little wild with lust, and in moments I was thrusting my head up and down, eager to feel his manhood fucking me anyway I could.

Dillon flinched, and I realized one of my teeth must have scraped the sensitive skin, and I slowed down, kissing and licking down the shaft as Nancy pulled my dress completely off, leaving me in just my white panties and bra. I shivered and not just from the chill, as I felt Dillon’s hot gaze on me.

His cock was throbbing, and I felt his balls tightening up. Shifting to the side, I reached back and pulled Nancy forward.

“Mmmh!” She said with a happy little purr, and I felt her squeeze her body tightly against mine, one of her hands reaching back to grip my ass, sending a thrill of pleasure through me.

Nancy’s thick lips joined mine on the opposite side of Dillon’s cock, and I held her close as we slid up and down, kissing, licking, and sucking his steely hardness. Feeling altogether sinful whenever our lips or tongues touched one another. We’d only just begun to figure out how to work the shaft in tandem when Dillon’s hips began to shimmy.

“I’m going to cum…. Holy fuck, this is sooo hot!”

“Give it to us, baby,” Nancy moaned, “cum for us, you beautiful boy!”

My fingers were wrapped around the base of his cock still, and I felt him throb, and then a torrent of cum was gushing forth from his young cock. Nancy, and I greedily sucked and swallowed it down, trading the tip back and forth between our wet lips and licking tongues.

My small fear of retching on his seed disappeared the moment I tasted the surprisingly sweet stuff. Like everything about Dillon, his cum was addictive, leading to Nancy and me kissing one another, tongues dancing as we savored the final bits of it.

“That was…” Dillon said, face a mask of hazy bliss, “I don’t even have words…”​
Next page: Chapter 09
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