Chapter 10
I’d never watched anything so beautiful and magical in my life. They were both so gorgeous, so passionate and intense. Not only could I feast on the sight of them, but I could also remember how glorious Dillon’s hard cock felt inside, and I matched my flickering fingers to his powerful thrusts. My orgasm rolling through me at the same time Nancy shuddered and cried out, her nails digging into Dillon’s arm as she clutched him.
He never stopped pounding into her, his thrusts long and powerful, and the older woman’s head lolled to the side, a slack-jawed smile on her lips as her dreamy eyes met mine and she mouthed something I couldn’t make out. She was like a rag-doll in the young man's arms as he hammered into her, and then his hips were faltering, and he pulled his big dick out of Nancy, the wet sounds of their sex cutting off as she gave a moan of disappointment.
Reaching down, an intense look of pleasure on his face, Dillon grabbed his cock, about to stroke it off, I guessed. He didn’t even have a chance to wrap his fingers around it before Nancy spun around, pushing him back as she latched her lips over his cum covered cock. Sucking her own juices off him, and moaning as she did, I saw her throat working as she swallowed down his massive load, a small bead of pearlescent cum leaking out the corner of her lips and dripping off her chin.
“Holy…” Dillon seemed at a loss for words as he fell back onto the couch, drawing in deep breaths.
Nancy sat back, wiping the small drip of cum with one finger and pushing it into her lips where she sucked it off. Unable to keep away from that sweet-tasting fluid, I joined her on the couch, kneeling against her and smiling as she passed two fingers covered in his cum over and teased my lips, letting me lick them and suck them clean.
“That’s fucking hot,” Dillon said, watching us and grinning.
“Don’t you think Amanda’s tits are perfect?” Nancy said to Dillon, hefting one large breast and planting a soft kiss on the big pink nipple, causing me to shiver and grin. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”
Looking up at me, she sucked the nipple into her mouth, tongue teasing the nubbin until it was firm. Clutching the back of her head, I sighed in pleasure, feeling warmth spreading throughout my being as she nursed. Reaching down, I let my fingers trail over her almost perfect breasts, grazing the hard-little nipples.
Reaching down, it turned out we both had the same thought. Our fingers touched each other's sexes at the same time, and we smiled at one another. It would have been enough to make love to this woman whom I cared so much about, but with Dillon right there, it added another layer of heightened pleasure to the experience that pushed it beyond what I’d imagined.
In moments, we were laying down on the couch, bodies pressed to one another’s hands lightly touched each other's soft skin, each with fingers teasing the other. A heavy body pressed against my back, and I grinned into my kiss with Nancy. She broke it off, and she shifted, then I felt her kissing Dillon over my shoulder as his steely hard cock pushed between my butt cheeks.
There was a moment of panic where I wondered what I would do if he tried to invade my tightest hole. I’d never even dreamed I’d be capable of such a thing, but for this brilliant young man, I found myself willing, almost eager to see how far he could push me. I still breathed a sigh of relief when he adjusted himself, and his cock slipped between my thighs and into my weeping sex.
Nancy’s fingers slid to either side of that mighty tool as it worked its way into me, and then I felt her lips on my nipples and Dillon’s hands on my hips as he pulled me back against him. We were a precarious group on the narrow couch, but after a second, Dillon found a steady rhythm as he pounded me down into the cushions.
I held onto my friend, my attention wavering away from my teasing fingers as Dillon’s thrusting dick sent me to new heights of pleasure. Doggy style has always been my favorite position, and though this wasn’t precisely that, he was still hitting most of my special spots. More, even with his thickness and length, than I’d felt before, and I was soon screaming into the cushion as my orgasm rocked me.
Rolling slightly, I pulled Nancy under me and shifted my hips forward, trapping her legs in front of mine. Grinning down at her, I winked before looking back over my shoulder.
“Fuck her,” I said, feeling wild as I said the dirty words, “fuck her tiny little pussy… and this time, let her feel you shoot that tasty cum inside her.”
“Yes!” Nancy said, “Please, baby… I need it… I need to feel you in me again.”
The look on Dillon’s face was like a kid on Christmas morning, as he stared at our two pussies and asses bent and waiting for him. Pulling out of me, I felt Nancy rock beneath me as he thrust into her. As my friend and I kissed and held one another, Dillon alternated between us, driving us all to the heights of pleasure as one. When he came within Nancy, she shuddered beneath me, arms hugging me tight as her own massive orgasm was triggered.
We collapsed on the couch, sweaty, tired, and more than a little disbelieving in what we’d done. No words were spoken, but shy smiles and gentle touches were shared between all three of us. As we began to cool down, things got slightly awkward, but then Nancy wiped it all away when she stood and stretched, then turned to grin down at Dillon and me.
“I feel better than I have in years…” shaking her head, I caught a hint of emotion in her voice, “Honestly, this is better than all the therapy I’ve been doing.”
“Is everything ok?” Dillon asked, his genuine concern obviously touched Nancy, for she turned away from us, hurriedly beginning to dress and tried to mask the movements as she wiped her eyes dry.
“Everything’s fine!” she said with false brightness, “How could I complain after the greatest night of my life? Life’s just perfect.”
Standing, I rested a hand on my friends back, causing her to stop her frantic movements. When she turned to look at me, her face crumpled into sadness, and I folded her into my arms, where she sobbed heavily. Looking over, I saw a poleaxed look on Dillon’s face and a growing fear there.
“Forgive me,” Nancy said, stepping back and wiping her eyes clean, “I must seem like a crazy woman.”
“Not at all,” I said, throwing a pointed look at Dillon over her shoulder.
“Not at all!” He said quickly at my prompting.
“Let's get you home,” I said, as I started pulling on my own clothes, feeling a touch awkward as I did.
“I can’t thank you both enough,” Dillon said once he’d pulled on his pants, rubbing the back of his head, “this was… honestly, I don’t know what this was… other than a dream come true.”
“I agree,” Nancy said, sniffling, “God, I’m such a mess.”
“You’re gorgeous,” Dillon said, and the open honesty in his voice made the compliment hit all the harder.
Nancy smiled warmly, extricating herself from my arms and drew Dillon into a warm hug, kissing him soundly on the lips before releasing him. Slipping in behind her, I gave him a quick hug and tried for just a peck on the lips. There was still a roaring fire of desire within me, barely slackened by our wild evening, and it took all of my willpower to break free of those firm lips and muscular arms.
Hurrying to the car, we waved goodbye as we drove away. It was late evening as I drove across town to the country club to drop Nancy off. The two of us were silent the entire drive, lost in our own thoughts and a slight awkwardness forming between us.
Parking out front of her house, I shut off my car and turned in my seat. Nancy was staring, in her lap, at her fingers as they twisted her keys back and forth. I let a long minute pass before speaking, and Nancy reached out and took my hand in hers, offering me a gentle smile.
“What is it?” I asked, when I saw the tension around her eyes, “I just want you to know… I loved tonight… far more than I thought I would. And I meant my promise, nothing will come between us.”
“It’s not that,” Nancy said with a light laugh, “Jesus, Manda, it was all so incredible… and that young man.” The woman gave a shudder of pleasure that drew a frown of curiosity to my lips.
“What is it then?” I asked.
“I realized,” she said with a sad shake of her head, “that I can no longer stay married to that man. Not for another week. Not for another day.”
“It’s about time,” I said with a grin, “I’ve been waiting for you to divorce him for years.”
“I know,” she said with a small laugh, “but the idea of being alone again… it’s terrifying to me. Paralyzing.”
“And now?”
“Now I can’t see the point in wasting another minute in a loveless marriage… He’s going to be world-famous,” Nancy said, and I knew exactly who she meant. “Once it’s out there, there will be no taking it back and if he isn’t ready for it, if we haven’t prepared him… it might destroy his entire life.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“You’re turning him into a rock star, Mandy,” Nancy said, “What happens when he actually becomes one? What happens when he goes on tour, and every woman and girl in the world throws themselves at his feet? What happens when a roadie introduces him to hard drugs to replace the thrill he can’t find when he’s off-stage?”
“I haven’t really thought about it,” I said, feeling more than a little disturbed.
I’d grown up loving rock and following bands closely. The number of stories of musicians that had been ruined by sex, drugs, and partying was countless. I could easily see how Dillon could be led astray, especially in this day and age of designer drugs and insta-sluts.
“I have,” Nancy said, shifting in her seat and gripping my hand harder, “and I’ve done some research into it too. Before tonight I wouldn’t have thought us capable of it… but now… maybe.”
“What is it?” I asked, feeling excited and nervous at the same time.
“I think you already know,” Nancy said with a knowing smile, “and I think you’re even more eager than me.”
“I’m not,” I said defensively and then blushed, glancing down and nodding finally, “God help us, Nance, what we’re contemplating… assuming Dillon is ok with it… it's so sinful.”
“He might need a little easing into the idea,” Nancy said with a grin, pulling out her phone, she set the new song she’d just recorded that night to play, and I felt goosebumps pop out all over my skin. “Imagine him on stage before thousands of screaming fans… He’s going to be the next Elvis… He’s going to change the world.”
“And we’ll be there to help,” I said, grinning, “guiding him on the path. Witness to his glory.”
I drove off, feeling more hopeful about the future than I had in years. I would message Dillon when I got home and let him know that Nancy was ok, just overcome with positive emotions. Precisely what the future would hold for me, I didn’t know, but one thing was sure, all I wanted was to hear more of that magical music and be near the incredible young genius who made it.