Chapter 16

I waved as we drove back to the office, feeling an emptiness growing in the center of my body the further we got. We were already late getting back and hadn’t had time to drop Kelly off at her car.

When we got to the office, there was an awkward moment in the car where we each situated our clothes and straightened our hair. Before we climbed out, Nancy turned around in the driver seat and grabbed both Kelly and my hands.

“We’re sisters now,” she said with a fierceness I’d never seen from her before, “for better or worse, we’re tied to that young man and he to us. Dr. Lansing, I don’t know what your situation is… all of this has been so sudden.”

“You can use the title inside,” Kelly said with a smile, “but call me Kelly when we’re outside the office. And anytime you want to do something like that again…” her grin was almost feral as she looked from Nancy to me, “You better invite me.”

“Deal,” I said with a grin.

“Friday,” Nancy said, “we’re taking Dillon to meet with a record exec… afterwards I was thinking of throwing a special party to congratulate him. If they don’t want to sign him, I’ll be surprised.”

“They will,” I said, feeling confident, “Once they hear him play, they’ll be salivating to sign him.”

“Hmmm, that’s true… perhaps you should come early then, Kelly,” Nancy said with a nod, “Morgan always was a randy bitch… I can’t guarantee she doesn’t jump Dillon the moment she hears him.”

“Jesus Christ,” Kelly said, staring between Nancy and me, “you were both serious back there… Ok, sign me up.”

“This isn’t a joke,” Nancy said, “things are going to get serious quickly.”

“Listen I know you both don’t know me well, and I might come off as a crazy party girl or something, but the truth is, my life has been really boring…” her cheeks reddened, and she went on in a rush, “I’ve never done anything like earlier before… and never even dreamed of doing anything with a woman. Not that you both aren’t beautiful, that’s not what I meant to say. Oh god, I’m making a fool of myself. Look, I’ve had a couple boyfriends, but they were all boring and nice, and I went to rave once, but the acid wasn’t any good… The truth is I’m a major nerd, and I kept asking both of you if you wanted to hang out outside of work because you seemed so cool, and your lives are so interesting.”

“I’m a single mother,” I said with a small laugh, “nothing that glamorous.”

“You’re the most beautiful woman in town and could have any man you wanted,” Kelly said with a straight face, causing me to blush deeply, “And Nancy, you’re the richest woman in town. You live in a mansion and used to work in Hollywood!”

“When she puts it like that, we do sound rather glamorous, don’t we?” Nancy said to me with a lopsided smile.

“I still sound like a housewife,” I said, laughing, “although now I guess I’m also a manager.”

“So?” Kelly asked.

“Darling, of course, you’re going to be a part of all this,” Nancy said with a grin, “You heard what Dillon said, he felt his music call to you. Besides, it’s going to be wonderful having someone with a prescription pad on speed dial.”

“I can’t do anything unethical,” Kelly said, completely oblivious to the hypocrisy of saying that in light of our overall conversation.

“By whose definition?” Nancy asked with a sly smile as she climbed out of the car, heading into the office.

All three of us spent the rest of the day with only half our attention on our work, which can be quite harmful in our line of work, but thankfully there were no issues besides a few poorly taken x-rays. The slow afternoon gave me time to think and plan.

I got home that afternoon and got to work. There were two major tasks I wanted to get done that night. First was building a few mixtapes with a range of music on it that I thought Dillon should hear and would be a good influence. I’d started building the playlists in my head, and when I got home and could reference my massive record collection, I was able to finish them off.

I’d pulled down dozens of records and had them all spread out around me as I made notes on my growing list when my phone rang. Happy to see Heather was calling I picked it up and answered.

“Hey Mom,” Heather said, “I just sent you a link, did you get it?”

Putting her on speakerphone, I checked and saw a link to a YouTube video. Clicking the link, it took me to a personal page where a video began playing. I was surprised to see the inside of the mall as the shaky footage drew closer to the music store, and then I was shocked to see myself, Nancy and Kelly, along with a half dozen other people all standing spellbound while Dillon played.

Someone had taken a video of his earlier performance and uploaded it online. I felt a moment of anxiety that disappeared when I saw the view and like count. Both were over a hundred thousand, and what most shocked me was that they were the same number. Everyone who’d watched the video had liked it, and there were thousands of comments asking where this was and who the singer was.

“Are you watching it?” Heather asked, “When was this? Jen found it online.”

“This was taken earlier today,” I said, feeling exposed seeing myself on the internet, “I wanted to show Dillon that it wasn’t just Nancy and me who loved his music… I guess it worked.”

“You could say that,” Heather said with a laugh, the small store filled up quickly with people, all wearing spellbound expressions on their faces. It was hard not to get wrapped up in the music again and let it carry me away, but the embarrassment of seeing my reaction on the video was enough to keep me present.

“Mom… you look like you’re about to melt,” there was a touch of envy in her voice when she went on, “and he keeps staring at you and Nancy when he sings… Fuck… he’s so amazing on that guitar… it’s fucking hot.”

“I know,” I said, my cheeks heating as I remember just how wild his music had made us all, “This video couldn’t have been posted more a couple of hours ago and look how many views it's gotten already. That’s amazing.”

“I know,” Heather said excitedly, “It actually plays in perfectly with the social media strategy I’ve been planning. I need to sit down with Dillon soon and go over a few ideas I’ve had.”

“Wonderful!” I said, “You can meet with him this weekend. Friday will be pretty busy, but maybe sometime on Saturday or Sunday. I’ll speak with him.”

“Jen is going to come over for the weekend too,” Heather said, and I heard a touch of awkwardness in her voice, and my antennae went up, “She wanted to see Dillon play if we get a chance.”

“I doubt that’s all she wants,” I said with an amused smile.

“Mom!” Heather said in amusement, “You know Jen’s a Mormon, it’s nothing like that.”

Heather is many things, but a good liar she’s never been, at least to her mother. I asked how her classes were going and about her friends. We chatted for another couple minutes, but it was obvious both of us were dancing around the one thing on both of our minds. After an awkward pause, we both hastily said our goodbyes, and I hung up.

My girl and I’d once been best friends, but then she hit high school and was suddenly too cool for her mom. She hadn’t liked that the boys gave her mom more attention than she or her friends and so I removed myself from her life little by little. I’d worried for years about it, not about my relationship with her, I knew that would get better when she got older, but that she might grow up to be a royal bitch.

Heather was one of the most popular girls in her school, pretty and blonde, she had most things handed to her on a silver platter. Those had been tough years but thank the heaven’s she’d matured while away at school. The friends she’d made were all as beautiful as she, each a big fish in their own ponds. It had been good for her to have a different perspective.

I got back to working on the playlists and was happy to see Dillon message me a little bit later. He’d gotten the phone up and running and found the Voice Memo app was perfect for recording songs.

Each time the notification popped up, I felt like a schoolgirl whose crush just smiled at them, my stomach filled with butterflies. I begged him to send me one of the new songs he was working on, but Dillon wouldn’t, saying he wanted me to hear it in person first.

I made him promise to play them for me tomorrow after agreeing to come over to my place. Nancy agreed to come over as well so we could plan, and I fell into bed wondering how I was going to fall asleep because I was so excited for the next day. In the end, I masturbated three times with Dillon’s music playing the background, and my body aching for his touch.​
Next page: Chapter 17
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