Chapter 18

Hopping up, he ran down the hall, the beer having passed right through him I wagered. Nancy moved over beside me on the couch and touched my shoulder, her gaze concerned.

“You know what will happen when Heather and her friends hear Dillon,” she said softly, a quick glance down the hall to make sure we weren’t overheard, “are you going to be ok with that?”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” I said, feeling embarrassed but happy to finally be able to admit it to someone, “but I’m actually looking forward to it. Is that sick?”

“If it is, then we suffer from the same issue,” Nancy said, cutting off when Dillon hurried back in, grabbing up his guitar and settling down on the cushion. He looked around at us and tilted his head, a curious grin tugging at his lips.

“What?” he asked, looking between us.

“Nothing,” I said quickly, “We’re eager to hear the song.”

“Very eager,” Nancy said with a knowing smile that caused Dillon to frown again, “You don’t mind if I get comfortable, do you? It’s been such a long day, it feels good to kick off the heels.”

“Not at all,” Dillon said, swallowing hard and staring at her slender legs as she bent low to unlace her black heels and set them aside. I caught her flashing the boy her panties as she parted her thighs, grinning wickedly at him when she did.

I settled myself on the couch, drawing my ankles up under my thighs and adjusting the neckline of my dress, smiling inwardly when Dillon’s gaze was drawn to me, and I noticed the bulge in his pants shift. I flashed him a quick grin, biting my bottom lip in eager pleasure when I saw his blush deepen.

Shifting on the stool, he adjusted his grip on the guitar and took a moment to compose himself. Nancy and I threw each other a wink, interlacing fingers behind the couch. Her thumb traced small circles on the palm of my hand, an innocent gesture, but with the tension filling the room, it felt seductive.

Dillon began to sing in a voice so clear and pure my whole body quivered, and I was stolen away. His eyes closed, he sang of a girl who was innocent and shy, venturing out into a world that was dangerous and wild. The guitar joined in with his vocals so smoothly I didn’t register it at first, and when I did, I lost the train of his lyrics for a few moments as I watched his fingers in awe.

The young genius was playing with a fingering style, almost like bluegrass, but at a slower tempo. Accompanying the haunting notes were deep bass rhythms that he beat out on the head of the guitar with his thumb. Then his voice lifted in a soaring note, and my attention was dashed as the music carried me away.

I found that Nancy and I had drawn close to one another, swaying in time with the song as Dillon serenaded us. As the song drew to an end, our breaths were coming hot and heavy, and my body was so keyed up and primed that the slightest touch would have set me off. Nancy wiggled in her seat and ground her firm tits into my arm in a way that said she was as eager as me.

Dillon was oblivious to the effect his magical music was having on us, and with a little frown and a tweek of a tuning nob, he launched into another song. This one was up-tempo and harder rock, but with a beat that moved us and before he was halfway through, the three of us were all on our feet dancing around the living room, unable to stay still as the pulsing music pulled us into its beat.

“Whew!” I shouted when he ended the song with a flourish, “Now that’s a catchy tune!”

“That’s a single for sure,” Nancy said, “but I loved the coed song even more… it was so soulful and your voice… Dillon, I’m more amazed every time I hear you play.”

“So do I,” I said with a laugh, one arm around Nancy’s back as I pushed the loose locks out of my face, “You’re even better than you were the other day!”

“I’ve been practicing,” he said with a shy smile.

His smile might have been shy, but the heat in his eyes as he took in Nancy and I was anything but. Grinning, I pulled Nancy in close, whispering in her ear as I stared at Dillon. He got a curious grin that grew when he saw Nancy’s hungry smile alight on her face.

“I can think of something else we can practice,” Nancy said, slipping up to Dillon’s side.

Moving away from the pair smoothly, I walked around the living room, closing curtains and blinds and dimming the lights. Turning back, I found Dillon pressed into a comfortable chair, his guitar set aside, and my sexy friend slowly unbuttoning his shirt and pants as she made out with him.

Dillon’s eyes fell on me, and I saw lust flare-up in them, and pride and pleasure washed through me. Standing tall, I slowly unbuttoned the front of my dress and shrugging it off my shoulders, let it fall down, pooling at my feet. The widening of his brilliant blue eyes and the flare of desire I saw on his face nearly made me cum right there.

I was soaking wet with need; the juices having dampened my panties and coated my thighs as I listened to him play. All I could think of was pleasuring the young genius who’d gifted me with such powerful music. The thought of being consumed by his lusts was almost too much to handle.

Sharing a smile with Nancy, I saw the same unquenchable desire mirrored within her eyes and licking our lips, we slipped between his spread legs, drawing off his shoes and pants just as we had the first night we’d spent together.

Only now, instead of being entirely out of his depths, Dillon was much more relaxed, settling down in the chair and caressing our hair and faces as we kissed our way up his thighs. Wrapping one hand around the base, Nancy drew his massive cock down and pointed it at my lips. Guiding my head forward, she grinned wickedly as I felt it slip within my hot mouth. The soft, yet firm flesh was heavenly, but I nearly came when I heard Dillon moan out in pleasure.

I gave myself over to Nancy’s guiding hand, the submissive side coming out in me as she guided my mouth up and down Dillon's massive cock. I sucked hard and wrapped my tongue around the underside, teasing the sensitive spot. Every few seconds, I would get a hint of precum, that sweet seed coaxing me on to suck harder.

“Holy fuck, Amanda,” Dillon moaned, “God, you look gorgeous… and that feels… Jesus!”

Nancy slipped down my body, kissing and caressing as she went. I moaned around Dillon’s cock as she massaged my breasts, pinching and twisting the nipples slightly and causing my pussy to leak even more. Then her hands were on my panties, drawing them down. For one moment, I felt the cold air on my wet lips then I gasped in surprise when she buried her face in my pussy.

“Oh god,” I moaned, sitting up and glancing back at the beautiful brunette.

Her eyes crinkled in a smile at the same time as her tongue slipped within my wetness, causing me to shiver in pleasure. My hand worked Dillon slowly and smiled up at him as he grinned down at me. The look on his face sent another shiver of pleasure through me, and I dove back down on his dick, unable to give it my full attention as Nancy licked and teased my sex.

My first small orgasm hit me moments later, and I fell forward onto Dillon, his cock pressing between my breasts as I shuddered in pleasure. Then Nancy was pressing herself to my back and wrapping her arms around me as she kissed my neck. Hot lips met mine, and I almost swooned as Dillon’s tongue slipped into my mouth.

Nancy cradled my massive tits in her hands and pressed them together, surrounding Dillon’s turgid cock. Pushing Dillon back, the sexy brunette began to fuck Dillon’s cock with my tits. The feeling of steely hardness sliding between my soft breasts was incredible, and I might have come again just from that feeling and Nancy playing with my tits and nipples. However, all of our focus was on Dillon.

Nancy licked and sucked the tip of his cock, and in moments his hips were bucking. The boy’s legs flexed, and his toes curled as he thrust his hips up, cock spearing into Nancy’s mouth.

With a coughing moan, the older woman swallowed the first few blasts of his cum, then she fell to the side, and I wrapped my lips around the spitting dick. Moaning in pleasure as I swallowed that sweet, sweet cum.

I fell back onto the couch when Nancy pushed me down, her lips finding mine, tongue seeking my own as we tasted our lover's cum on each other’s mouths. Kisses turned to touches and touches to teasing quickly. The hint of pleasure we could find in one another’s arms was made apparent in moments, and all my inhibitions were thrown out the window.

I slipped a finger into Nancy’s hairless pussy and felt a wicked thrill shoot through me when I felt my best friend respond. Then it was my turn to do the same as she began to tease my clit with one gentle finger. I was just finding a good rhythm in the awkward position when powerful hands grabbed my hips and rolled me up onto my knees, Nancy pressed beneath me.

We clung to one another, kissing and caressing, faces pressed together as Dillon took us both. He drove into me first with a powerful thrust and fucked me several times with long slow strokes. I could hear him grunting in pleasure as I whimpered beneath him. Then he pulled out of me, leaving me feeling empty and lost. Only for a moment, though. Soon Nancy shook beneath me, her whimper of pleasure mirroring my own from a moment before.

Dillon took his time, running his hands up and down my body, caressing and massaging my massive tits, while he alternated between Nancy and I’s pussies. It could have been ten minutes or an hour, I couldn’t be sure. Once the first orgasm hit me, I was lost to all sense of time, because Dillon wouldn’t relent, nor did either of us want him to.

Nancy and I were in a magical world, staring at one another, kissing and caressing as we whimpered in pleasure. The world a hazy dream of one powerful orgasm after another. When Dillon finally came, I was barely aware of it, so lost in my own pleasure.

When he collapsed onto the couch beside us, we three lie in dreamy bliss for long minutes before staggering to our feet and making our way down the hall to my bedroom. We couldn’t stand the thought of being parted from one another and kept in contact the whole time. Crawling beneath the covers, I made room for Dillon to slip into the middle and Nancy to crawl in on his other side.

“This is nice,” I said with a warm smile as I snuggled up to his warm body.

“It is,” Nancy said dreamily.

“I could get used to this,” Dillon said, “maybe.”

“You better get used to it,” I whispered in his neck, kissing him gently.

He turned to me, grinning and kissed me, his fingers tracing patterns on the sensitive skin of my back. I’d never felt so warm, safe, and loved. In my arm was a genius of unparalleled skill and talent, who’d made me a happy slave to his love. I felt his lips on my forehead, causing me to shiver in pleasure even as sleep stole me under.​
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