Chapter 20
Any thoughts I had of coquettish flirtation was out the window in an instant. Lust was a raging inferno within me, and I sensed it in the young musician as well. Fumbling hands pulled up my robe and bent me over the sink, and I hissed out in pleasure as he drove into me in one mighty thrust. Quick and hard, he took me right there, bacon crisping in the skillet as the world faded, and my awareness once more focused on the big dick hammering into my pussy.
The orgasm hit me hard, and I clutched Dillon’s arm as he gripped the edge of the sink to keep from sinking to my knees. Arching my back, I felt the boy’s hips falter, and a wash of pride and pleasure swept through me as I felt his cock throbbing and gushing forth its warmth deep within me.
Standing on shaky legs, I turned in his arms and felt my heart nearly burst as he pulled me into a fast embrace, his lips finding mine. Then the smell of bacon hit my nostrils, and I pushed him away with trembling hands.
“Sit… I’ll get the food,” flashing him a quick grin, I said, “You’ve certainly worked up an appetite.”
“I could eat a horse,” he said with a crooked grin.
“Pig’s going to have to do,” I said, turning off the burner and placing the bacon on a paper towel and then onto the plates.
We sat shoulder to shoulder, eating in silence, and casting one another grins. We ate quickly, and I dressed and got ready for work while Dillon cleaned up in the kitchen. I found him wiping down the counters and looked around, more than a little surprised at how good of a job he did. Then I was reminded of how neat and tidy he kept his place, and it made sense.
We climbed into my car, and I drove to his farm, both of us rocking out to the radio the whole drive. Other drivers on the road must have thought we were crazy people because we were both singing at the top of our lungs by the time I pulled into his narrow driveway.
“I just wanted to say thank you,” Dillon said when I put the car in park, “For everything. Honestly, no one has ever treated me so well my whole life. I’ll never be able to repay you.”
“You don’t have to repay me anything,” I said, gripping his hand in mine, “This past week has been the happiest of my life, truly, it was my pleasure.”
“Things might start to get a little crazy after today, and I just wanted you to know…” his cheeks grew red, and he looked down, “I just wanted you to know how much I care about you and that no matter what I’d never want to do anything that would hurt you.”
“I care about you a lot too Dillon,” I said, my heart full, nearly to bursting, at recognizing the depths of his feelings, “More than you know.” After a pause, I continued on, sensing that there was more going on here than I’d first assumed, “Is this about Heather?”
“What?!” He said, face flaming a deep red and answering my question better than he could, “No, I’m not trying to… I didn’t mean that…”
“Dillon,” I said, “Nothing you do could ever upset me,” resting my hand on his thigh, I gave it a firm grip and nodded at him, “Truly.”
“You say that now,” he said with a crooked smile, “I wouldn’t want to hurt you, and I really wouldn’t want to hurt your relationship with Heather.”
“That’s sweet of you,” I said, giving him a gentle kiss, before pinching his cheek in two firm fingers, “But I’m an adult who can make her own choices, so don’t you forget it.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said with a grin as he hopped out of the car.
“Nancy and I will be by at one with Morgan. Make sure you’re ready.”
“I will be!” He called back, his brilliant blue eyes flashing with excitement as he ran inside.
I drove to work more than a little distracted and probably wasn’t the safest person on the road. My head was filled with wild and wicked images and plans. Overall, it was the excitement about our meeting that afternoon.
“There you are,” Dr. Lansing said when I got out of my car. Running up to my car, she waved a printed-out piece of paper in her hands. “You have to take a look at these results!”
“What’s this?” I asked, but I saw right away that it was an EEG readout.
I looked over the results and was not quite sure what I was supposed to be looking for. Looking up with a questioning frown, Kelly explained with almost breathless excitement.
“My roommate works at the hospital and has been trained to run and analyze an EEG machine. I’ve been thinking ever since the other day about how powerfully Dillon’s music affected me, so I decided to do an experiment.”
I was intrigued and steered the doctor over to an outside table so she could sit and explain everything to me.
“Charlotte, that’s my roommate; she hadn’t heard his music yet, so it worked out perfectly. We went to the hospital late last night, and I played one of his songs for her while she was in the machine. Just look at these results,” she pointed to the colorful squiggly lines. They went along a relatively flat line before suddenly jumping way up and setting in another location into a smoother set of tracks.
“What does this mean?” I asked, pointing to the jump.
“That’s when she first heard his guitar riff, and this right here where it jumps the second time is his voice… After that, her brain waves fall into a different pattern. It would be disturbing if this second set of lines wasn’t smoother and ‘healthier’ than the previous set. Charlotte was adamant about that fact.”
“So, he’s literally changing the way we think?” I asked, feeling a touch uneasy at the thought of losing agency.
“Maybe,” Kelly said with a slight shake of her head, “Something’s definitely happening, but it’s hard to say for certain what exactly it is. The brain is a complicated organ, and we know so little about it. We want to do more research and testing on it, but Nancy said I should check with you and make sure it’s ok to borrow Dillon for a few hours.”
“Why would she have you ask me?”
“Aren’t you his manager now?” She asked, “And besides, it’s plain to see that he worships and trusts you completely. I think this is valuable research, and we could learn a lot, or else I wouldn’t be asking like this.”
“I think you should,” I said with a nod, “I’m not sure what influence I have, but I’ll speak with Dillon. Maybe sometime next week, we can carve out some time.”
“Thank you, Amanda,” Kelly said with a relieved sigh, “Now tell me all about this wild evening you and Nancy had.”
I rolled my eyes at the young woman and laughed. I told her about our night but kept most of the salacious details to myself, much to her disappointment. The day seemed to drag on from here, each minute seeming to take forever to slip past. Fridays are always busy, and that usually helps the time to fly by, but nothing seemed to help that day.
When noon finally rolled around, Nancy and I were both packed and ready. Saying goodbye to the office ladies and assistants, I clocked out and felt like a million dollars as I stepped out into the sunshine. The feeling of getting off work is always great and even better on Fridays.
Driving home, I ran upstairs and threw off my work clothes and dressed in a long flowing white skirt and a button-up top that looked both elegant and professional while still showing a hint of cleavage and conforming to my hourglass shape. Putting on a narrow pearl necklace, with Nancy’s words from days before floating through my head, I paused before the mirror to make sure I looked presentable.
Something about the past few days had put new life in me. My hair had more body, and it even looked shinier. The faint bags that had been under my eyes for what felt like forever were gone, and the whites were clear and bright. My shoulders were more relaxed, and I stood straighter. For the first time in years, I truly felt beautiful when I looked at myself. I no longer focused on the small imperfections, and instead took in the whole and found that I like myself. In fact, I was coming to more than like myself, slowly but surely, the more time I spent with Dillon and listening to his magical music, the more I loved myself and was happy with who I was.
I was just filling a purse that matched my outfit when Nancy pulled up. I climbed in the passenger seat and flashed my friend a bright smile when I saw her outfit. Once again, she was dressed in a stunning outfit that matched her dark hair and figure to perfection.
“Ready?” She asked me with a nervous smile.
“As I’ll ever be,” I said, smiling back.