Chapter 22

For one moment, I grinned at her, and then I too was stolen away on streams of music. The song was familiar and yet wholly new. It was the same song he’d first played for me, and however, it was different. This wasn’t what we’d agreed on him playing, not that I was complaining. What had once been a brilliant piece of novice music, had been elevated to art.

“Life… a dull and yellow dream;”

“Until the light showed up for me when she came to hear me sing;”

“Heavens knows I’m lost at sea;”

“Hunting for love in my new… gold’n dream.”

His voice was even more magical than his guitar playing, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the young executive's jaw drop and her face twist in disbelief at what she was hearing. Morgan was slender as a waif, and her breasts were small, but her nipples stood out firm and hard against the elegant top, and she seemed unaware that she’d pressed both hands to her lower abdomen, fingers splayed and digging into her thighs.

Nancy and I were clinging to one another by the time the song ended. Our lips mouthing the lyrics along with Dillon, but without sound, unwilling to spoil the perfection of his voice. When his song came to an end, we sat there for several long moments, the silence only was broken by the sounds of our heavy breathing.

“That was…” Morgan began, licking her lips and swallowing hard before going on, unable to take her eyes of Dillon, “Did you write that yourself?”

“I did,” Dillon said, nodding, “I have others if you’d like to hear them.”

“Yes,” she said in a fierce voice before smoothing down her skirt and composing herself somewhat. “That is, let me speak with my colleague for a moment… I’ll be right back.”

Standing and nodding an apology, she slipped out of the house, pulling out her cell phone as she did. Nancy and I shared confident smiles, and when I looked up at Dillon, I saw a gleam of confidence in him, I’d seen a few times now.

Nancy and I held each other's hand in a deathlike grip, and I wasn’t sure about her, but for me, it was the only way I could keep my hands off the handsome guitarist. Something about hearing his music and watching him stand there and play always drove me so wild I had to struggle to control myself.

“I think it went well,” Dillon said with a frown as he looked outside, “I felt it drawing her in.”

“She’s yours now, Dillon,” Nancy said with an edge of excitement that matched my own, “I think she’s trying to convince her bosses to listen in now… If you can impress them, they might make an offer here and now. Remember, you have to make it clear that I’m your representative.”

“Got it,” Dillon said with a nod, and the young man drew himself up to his full height when Morgan slipped back inside, her phone in hand. She raised her eyebrows and flashed an excited smile.

“Dillon, I have Adeline Atkinson on the line,” Morgan indicated the phone on speaker, “I wanted her to hear that last song. Do you think you could play it again, just as you did before?”

“Sure,” he said with a small shrug, “want it louder?”

“If you’re able to project without a microphone,” came an older female’s voice from the phone’s speaker, “then I would like to hear it. Carry on, young man.”

I glanced at Nancy with a curious frown, and she flashed back a grin wide with excitement and leaned over, whispering in my ear.

“Adeline Atkinson is CEO of Global Music Group.”

I felt intimidated, and I wasn’t even the one about to play for her. Dillon didn’t know who she was or seem to care as he rolled his head around, popping his neck and then settled the guitar on his shoulders and struck the first notes of the song.

The power and strength didn’t fade from our first hearing, and before he was done, I’d slipped an arm over Nancy’s shoulder, and she’d cuddled down into my chest, one of her hands on my thighs and my body screaming out for it to slide between them.

Morgan was spellbound once again as she held up the phone. This time I noticed a tiny trail of drool sliding down the corner of her mouth unnoticed as she stared at Dillon. Her slender body leaned forward, eager to be closer to such genius.

It's an incredible feeling, that rush of desire and need that fills a woman after hearing one of his songs. It's almost like seeing an adorable animal. You want to squeeze it because there’s nothing else that can relieve the intense emotions such cuteness causes in you. Only there’s no outlet for the wild need Dillon fills a woman with, and the more he plays the harder and harder it becomes to remember why we can’t throw ourselves at his feet to slake our lusts and savor his genius.

When the first lyrics rang out, Dillon’s deep voice projecting it to the back of the house, my whole body quaked with need, and I heard a cry of surprise from the phone speaker, and Nancy and I shared broad smiles. Morgan, the poor young thing, her slender legs shaking, pressed a hand to her stomach, fingers lacing in the expensive material, and gripping in a white-knuckled grip that distorted the fabric.

The song ended each note exactly the same as the first time he’d played it. It was evident Dillon had practiced this song on his own, and I shared a smile with him, mine beaming with pride.

“Now that…” came Adeline’s breathless voice from the other side of the phone’s speaker, “Is a hit song if I ever heard one! … Jesus Christ Morgan, you gorgeous little minx, you earned your nut today.

“Kid,” the CEO said, her voice deadly serious, “you’re going to love it at Global Records. You’re going to be treated like a god damn king, anything you want, and I mean anything! You just ask old Adeline, and I’ll see you’re taken care of. You. Will. Want. For. Nothing. Just make your art under our label is all I ask.”

“Uhh, thanks?” Dillon said with a puzzled smile.


“Yes, Ma’am!” The pretty young woman said, standing up straight and tearing her eyes away from Dillon with a faint blush.

“You’re going to get this done—the Platinum Package. You make sure he gets the works. You hear me?! I want to see you both in LA before the month is over. We’re going to do big things here! I can feel it! Can’t you feel it? I can FEEL IT!”

The woman kept speaking, but it was clear she wasn’t talking to us as her voice faded into the background.

“Carmen get me Art, New Media, Legal and Sales in the conference room, I have something to play for them. You should stay too. Make sure it’s all recorded and sent to Morgan Fairbanks; she’s going to be lead A&R on new talent. Jesus Christ Carm, I haven’t even seen the kid, and he already made me more desperate to see him play live than Jimmy Page did.”

The voice got so faint we couldn’t make it out anymore, and with a glance between us, Morgan clicked off her phone, drawing in a deep breath as she turned to face Dillon. She opened her mouth to speak but paused, nothing coming out, and when the young man raised an eyebrow at her, she shivered and licked her lips, opening her mouth to speak again.

“We are prepared to offer you a very generous deal,” she said and licked her lips again, and I was struck by how unsure of herself and vulnerable she seemed before Dillon.

Only fifteen minutes before, she’d been confident and poised. The type of woman who was both beautiful and intelligent, and knew it, sure of herself in every situation. Now she was a trembling doe before a wolf, and I could see she wasn’t sure if she wanted him to consume her, or to flee as fast as she could. I remembered that feeling all too well.

“Is this where I’m supposed to say you’re my agent?” Dillon asked Nancy.

“Good boy,” she said with a warm smile, “It is indeed. All business should go through me as his agent, and Amanda here as his manager.”

Morgan frowned at that, regaining some of her composure as she frowned between Nancy and me. I could see suspicion clouding her features.

“There’s something I should warn you about right now,” she said to Dillon, still frowning at us, me especially, “This life is a lonely one, and you’ll come to rely on those around you. I’ve seen and heard too many stories of young artists betrayed by those closest to them. I’m just offering a warning.”

“I’ve seen VH1’s Behind the Music,” Dillon said with a lopsided grin that faded as he grew serious, unslinging his guitar and setting it carefully against the wall as he spoke, “If it wasn’t for Amanda, I wouldn’t have this guitar… I’d still be scratching at dirt, alone and depressed. I wouldn’t be able to make music that makes my soul sing. If not for Nancy, you wouldn’t be here, and this opportunity would have never come. I’m blessed by having them in my life, not by any talent of gift. I trust them both 100%, and no amount of money would change that.”

My heart exploded in my chest, or at least that’s what if felt like. I wanted to run and throw my arms around his neck and kiss him to death, but Nancy held me back, or I held her back, it was hard to tell as we gripped one another’s hands.

“Very well then,” Morgan said, the frown gone as she offered a nod of respect to Nancy and me, “I suppose we can begin our discussion now.”

“I have a better idea,” Nancy said, “why don’t you two take an hour or two and get to know one another a bit first. I know if Dillon signs the deal, then we’ll all be spending a lot of time together.”

“Good idea,” I said, catching Nancy’s silent que, “we can go out to dinner later. There is a great Italian place downtown.”

“Sounds perfect!” Nancy said, “that gives me time to stop by the studio and make sure everything’s set up for next week. Want to come, Amanda?”

I nodded and turned to Dillon and Morgan, grinning on the inside when the slender young woman’s eyes fell on the young musician, and I saw her nostrils flare in desire.

“Are you both going to be ok here alone?” I asked feigning concern, “We’ll only be an hour, two max.”

“Go,” Morgan said, offering me a glance of apology at the sharpness of her tone, her fingers twisting together, the struggle within her manifesting externally, “I mean, yes, we’ll be fine. It will give Dillon and me a chance to see if we click… The relationship between a recording label’s A&R and the artist is a sacred one. We shouldn’t rush into anything.”

The corners of my lips curled up to hear the inflection she put into that last sentence and winking at Nancy, we grabbed up our purses and walked to the door. Dillon walked us out a suspicious look on his face when I leaned in to give him a hug goodbye.

“You were amazing, I’m so proud of you,” I whispered in his ear, the feel of his body pressed to mine for the extended moment making me shiver with need, “Now claim that gorgeous young woman and make her a slave to your cock like Nancy and I are.”

I nipped his earlobe, causing Dillon to jump in surprise and grin down at me. I climbed into the Tesla feeling a thrill for what I knew was about to happen and aching sadness that I wouldn’t be able to witness it. Nancy threw me a wink as she backed down the narrow driveway.​
Next page: Chapter 23
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