Chapter 23
“How quiet are you in those heels?” Nancy asked me.
“Quiet?” I asked her.
Grinning, she put the car in park and turned it off, reaching into the backseat and pulling out two pairs of running shoes. Handing me one and starting to kick off her own heels.
“You really think I want to go to that creep’s store if I don’t have to?” She shook her head and went on, “There’s no way I’m missing that,” she nodded towards the house just out of sight behind the curving driveway.
“You’re brilliant,” I said, laughing as I kicked off my own heels.
“I know but stay quiet. The Tesla might be silent, but we aren’t.”
Feeling like a mischievous schoolgirl, I slipped out of the car and followed Nancy in a crouch as she led the way around the farm's fence and around Dillon’s house. The shoes were an old pair of Nancy’s and a bit snug on my feet, but thankfully we weren’t going far or moving quickly.
There was a low window in the corner of the living room that was shaded. We slipped into the dark corner and were able to peer into the house without being observed. Dillon and Morgan were sitting in their chairs chatting with one another, the woman bobbing her slender ankle, eyes sparkling flirtatiously.
We couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, so we shuffled close but still weren’t able to hear. Nancy reached out and lifted the window ever so slowly. I was sure she’d get caught, but both were so engrossed in the other that they didn’t notice.
“That might be true,” Morgan was saying, “but you have to look at these things with clear eyes. You might think they’re enough, but you haven’t seen all that this wonderful world has to offer.”
“I’m more worried about all the hassle that comes with it,” Dillon said, “Creating a whole tour, setting everything up in city after city… I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”
“That’s the beauty of it,” Morgan said, “We handle all of that. We’ve been doing this for decades Dillon, you’ll learn that I bring with me more skills and perks than you could ever dream of.”
“Prove it,” Dillon said, and I almost gasped at the steel in his voice and the look of burning intensity that suddenly lit within his blue eyes.
Morgan bit her bottom lip and flashed a grin, glancing at the door and back, but moving without hesitation. The tall and slender woman slipped out of her seat and onto her knees, leaning forward she began to crawl across the rug on hands and knees.
We could only see them at an angle, but I could tell their eyes were locked on one another’s. There were no words spoken as the gorgeous young executive slid between his legs, parting them with her shoulders and flipping free the buckle of his belt.
For the first time, the woman showed hesitation, pausing just as she was about to part the fly of his pants and looked up at him. I couldn’t see her expression, but I could make out Dillon’s clearly, and it went from domineering lust to gentle concern as he reached out and rested a hand on hers.
“Sorry,” he said, “I didn’t mean to force you… Look, I’m going to sign with you, you seem really cool, and Nancy and Amanda seem to trust you. I think you’re gorgeous and when I played I thought I felt… but that doesn’t matter. This was a mistake I don’t want to put you in a position where you feel obligated or something… God, I’m such an ass!”
“No!” Morgan said, grabbing his hands in hers and gripping them, still kneeling between his legs, “You’re not an ass at all, just the opposite, in fact. It’s just been a… I fear I’ll disappoint you. After you played such magnificent music… All I want is to give back to you all that you gave me, but I’m just going to ruin everything.”
The woman was starting to get emotional, and I wanted to walk in there and slap her, but I also knew how she must be feeling. Dillon’s music was powerful and his charisma and charm even more so. The first time you hear it live, it sank its teeth into you, tilting the axis of people’s worlds, leaving them disoriented.
“You could never,” Dillon said, he moved off the chair and sank to his knees with Morgan, holding her close and drawing her down into a sitting position on the floor with him, “We just met, but I see a gorgeous woman, with a good job, great friend, who’s smart and charming. You’d have to try pretty hard to ruin anything.”
“You’d be surprised,” Morgan said, blinking away her tears and smiling up at Dillon, “You’re very sweet.”
“I’m really not,” Dillon said with a shake of his head and a small frown, “Empathetic maybe, but I’m rarely ever called sweet.”
“Well, I’m calling you that,” Morgan said, her perfectly sculpted lips quirking in an adorable smile, “Also a genius on that guitar, and an amazing vocalist… You’re also pretty cute.”
“I never tire of hearing that,” Dillon said.
“Can I ask you a favor?” Morgan asked quietly, resting against Dillon’s side and looking up into his eyes, her lips mere inches away from his. Nancy reached back and gripped my hand. I felt it too, the tension growing around us.
“Anything,” Dillon breathed, his blue eyes locked onto hers.
“Forget everything I said over the last two minutes. Can we go back to before?” Her lashes fluttered, and I felt a real tinge of jealousy at how good the woman was. She’d twisted her slender body against his side slowly, one leg laid out along his and her hand resting on his firm stomach, her gentle sighs drawing him closer and closer. When she spoke again, it was in a throaty growl that set the vein in his neck pulsing.
“I’ve never wanted anyone so- oh!”
Dillon scooped Morgan up in his arms and rolled her beneath him. His lips cutting off her speech, and the words changing to low moans as she wrapped her arms around his back. They turned on the floor, and Nancy and I were forced to get even closer to the window to see them at that angle. She and I pressed against one another; one arm wrapped around the other's waist as we clasped hands.
The two were making out on the floor, their hands groping and caressing. Dillon’s raised the woman’s shirt up, kissing his way up her tight stomach and pushing it up over her head and revealing her small perky breasts capped in light pink nipples.
Staring down at her with a hungry smile, one hand behind her back, he drew up breasts up to his lips, sucking first one and then the second nipple into his mouth. Morgan reached down and slipped her hand within his pants, and her eyes widened in surprise at what she found, a grin curling the corners of her lips.
Dillon was not to be denied, as he kissed and licked her body, stripping her naked and revealing a body slender and lithe like a model. Pressing her back, he kissed his way between her thighs and feasted on her pussy. I couldn’t help but feel an echo of her pleasure as I watched her back arch, firm little breasts standing out proud on her sexy body, nipples hardening as she gasped in pleasure.
Her fingers laced in Dillon’s hair, and with a growl of pleasure, she ground her hips into his face, gasping and biting her lip before she began to shudder in orgasm. Collapsing to the floor, she dragged him up, gasping for breath and kissing him with a fierce passion. Rolling over, she licked her lips and yanked down his pants.
“You’re a rock star indeed,” Morgan breathed when she beheld his massive cock.
Licking her lips in anticipation, she bent low, small hands running up and down his shaft delicately. Dillon sighed out in pleasure, rolling his head back as she planted gentle kisses along the shaft before sliding her lips over the fat head.
She could barely fit a quarter of his cock in her mouth and throat no matter how hard she tried, but her hands worked him to steely hardness with growing rhythm. Unable to help herself, she crawled up his body and threw one leg over his hips. Pressing his cock into her soaking pussy, she threw her head back, a hiss of ecstasy escaping her mouth.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Dillon said, his hands wrapped around her slender waist as he beheld her slowly, working his cock within her.
“I’ve never… oh, shit, baby… your cock is so big… so hard,” she leaned forward, grinning, and I heard them kissing, his hands sliding down to grip her ass as she began to rise and fall with more speed.
“You’re going to be a star,” Morgan said just loud enough for us to hear, her look intense as she held his gaze, “Every woman who sees you on that stage is going to want you… Every man will want to be you… Oh FUCK… Hmmm… Anything you want… I will give you everything… You gorgeous genius… FUCK! ME!”
Dillon was pounding into the woman now, and I could see the tension in his motions as the orgasm built within him. His massive cock was covered in her white cream as she came with a powerful shaking orgasm atop him, and then he was flooding her depths, and Nancy gripped my hand tight and I, hers.
Without even noticing, my other hand had left her side and slipped within my skirt, and I was rubbing my pussy, the waves of pleasure suddenly intensified as I watched Dillon claim the beautiful young woman. Looking over, I saw Nancy wiping sweat from her upper lip with a trembling hand, her own skirt in disarray. Glancing at me guiltily, she noticed where my hand was and grinned, then motioned back the way we’d come.
As quietly as we could, we headed back to the car and got back in. Without saying a word, she started it up and rolled out the driveway and down the street, pulling into a small coffee shop. When she turned off the car, we sat there for several moments in silence before she spoke, finally breaking the tension.