Chapter 25
Pulling open the back door, I climbed across the seat, a pair of hands pushing on my ass, and then Nancy and Morgan climbed in behind me. The three of us pressed together in the backseat and giggling as Dillon pulled out of the parking lot.
“I’ve wanted to tell you all night,” Morgan said as she turned towards me in the middle seat, “That you have the most amazing breasts I’ve ever seen… They look flawless.”
“They are,” Nancy said with a grin, reaching behind my back and flicking the clasp on the top of my dress.
“Hey!” I said with an embarrassed grin as I clutched the fabric to keep it from falling down.
“Please?” Morgan asked, and it was with such sincere vulnerability that I couldn’t help but relent.
With a shy smile, I lowered my hands. The windows were darkly tinted, but I still felt on display for all the world, as my massive tits came into view. Morgan grinned in delight, and before I could object or stop her, had reached out and palmed one breast, her fingers sinking into the firm flesh as she hefted and massaged it.
“Hmmm,” I moaned, unable to help myself, and Morgan took that as permission to bend low, her green eyes locked on mine as she at first, gently kissed and then suckled and teased the nipple.
A shiver of pleasure went down my spine, and then Nancy was there. Her lips found mine as she pressed me back into the corner of the back seat. Soft hands slipped up my dress, and before I knew it, my tiny panties were stripped off my thighs and flung to the side.
“Oh, god, yes!” I hissed, unable to control myself when I felt Morgan’s tongue trail across my sensitive pussy lips, leaving a trail of fire in her wake. I took a fist full of the gorgeous younger woman’s hair, unable to help myself as I ground my pussy onto her tongue.
Nancy gathered my breasts and was kissing, licking, and massaging them. Sending small aftershocks of pleasure throughout me. Those were nothing compared to the pleasure Morgan was giving me.
If my body was an instrument, then the slender woman was a master musician playing it. Her every touch only served to send me higher and higher into the realm of pleasure. Her tongue was continually moving in concert with her teasing fingers and kissing lips. My clit gets overly sensitive when I near the point of orgasm, and Morgan gave it the barest touches of her tongue as I drew closer and closer.
It was a glance up into the rearview mirror that sent me over the edge. Dillon’s brilliant blue eyes were filled with awe and lust as he stared back at us. I was practically naked now, the plaything for two beautiful women. Holding his gaze, I felt powerful waves of pleasure roll through me, and my thighs clamped down on Morgan’s head, ass pressing into the seat as I hissed in pleasure.
Climbing out of the hazy sea of bliss I found Nancy and Morgan pressed against my side, my best friend had stripped Morgan’s panties off and had a hand between the woman’s thin thighs, her fingers wetly working away as the two made out. Grinning, I joined in, each of us giggling as we figured out how to do three-way kisses in the shifting car.
“We’re here,” Dillon said, the car pulling to a stop.
“Close,” Morgan breathed, “Oh god Nancy… I’m cumming,” Shaking in her orgasm, the recording company exec fell forward into Nancy’s and my arms.
We held her gently as she caught her breath. Picking her head up, she looked at us, and Dillon then grinned mischievously. Leaning forward, she whispered in my ear.
“Someone got a little excited watching us back here,” turning to Nancy, she said, “perhaps we should head up to my room and help him with that problem?”
Nancy and I looked at Morgan, both grinning the same eager smile and nodded. Dillon looked back curiously when all three of us situated our dresses in place and started climbing out of the car. It was parked outside the front door, and I saw a young man who must have been the night bellhop standing just inside, looking bored.
The young man’s boredom disappeared when the three of us piled out of the backseat, and he stood up straight, eyes wide as he stared at us. The young man couldn’t have been much older than Dillon, and by all reasonable measures was handsome, but I felt nothing when I looked at him. In fact, just the opposite, most other men now repelled me slightly as they just couldn’t even begin to measure up to Dillon.
That thought was playing through my head as the three of us drunkenly pulled open his door and started hauling him out of the Tesla.
“Hey, what are you doing?” He said, laughing, “I thought I was driving you home? Shouldn’t I park or something?”
“Take too long,” Morgan said with a crooked grin, “Need you now, Mmmmhh.”
“Valet!” Nancy called as she pulled the keys from Dillon’s hand.
The young man gave a start and looked around before pointing at himself stupidly.
“Park my car,” she glanced at me with a raised eyebrow, “We’ll be out to get it in… two? Three hours?”
“Maybe more,” I said with a deep blush as I linked my arm in Dillon’s and pressed myself to his side.
The young man’s eyes were disbelieving as he looked between the three of us, and then he seemed to notice Dillon for the first time, and a look of recognition stole over his face.
“Dillon?” The guy asked as he walked out slowly, “Is that you? Dude…”
“Yea,” Dillon said with a tilt of his head as if he was trying to place the guy, “Sorry I can’t quite place you…”
“Jonny Simms,” the guy said as if it was obvious, “I graduated the year before you. Captain of the football team. I dated Brandy Hill… the hottest girl in school… I mean, she’s no Heather Kowalski, but she was hot as fuck.”
My cheeks heated at his words, and I felt like it should be evident that I was her mother, but he didn’t seem to notice the resemblance.
“I remember you, Jonny,” Dillon said with a slow nod, and I felt him grow tense, and a sour twist come to his lips, “You were one of those guys who rode around with a paddleboard beating up freshman and throwing sophomores in trashcans all year.”
“Yeah, man, that shit was hilarious,” the boy laughed at himself, oblivious of the disgust on mine and the other ladies’ faces. Then with a quick glance around at the three of us, he blushed and said quietly and quickly to Dillon, “Dude, we should catch up sometime…”
“Sure,” Dillon said offhandedly as Morgan slipped under his other arm, and we began steering him into the hotel, only one thing on our minds, “Be good, man.”
“Yea,” Jonny said, his voice faint and face disbelieving as Nancy handed him the keys with a wink and then sauntered off after the three of us, her small round ass swaying hypnotically. “What the fuck, man?”
I heard the last as a faint whisper as we four entered the lobby.
The young woman standing behind the counter staring at her phone, on the point of falling asleep, sat up straight when we walked by, her eyes going just as wide as Jonny’s when she saw the three of us ladies hanging all over young Dillon. We hardly paid her any mind, but Dillon was blushing a furious shade of red by the time Morgan slipped her keycard into the door. But then we were piling in, hands and lips eagerly seeking bare skin as we stumbled to the bed.