Chapter 27

The four of us cuddled and kissed for another thirty minutes, calming down and enjoying one another, before exhaustion began to do its work on us. We pulled on our clothes as Morgan snuggled under the covers. Each of us pausing to give her a kiss goodbye, Dillon’s and mine lasting by far the longest. I was surprised at the ache I felt as we slipped out of the room, and I couldn’t wait until we met up with the beautiful executive again.

As we walked through the lobby, the bellhop stared at the three of us with awe, and I realized it was obvious what we’d been up to. Nancy and I’s dresses were wrinkled from being on the floor and our hair in disarray from being so thoroughly fucked.

“Later, Jonny,” Dillon said, and I caught him throwing a wink at the young man whose face was white as a ghost.

Feeling scandalous, I slipped my arm around Dillon’s waist and planted a kiss on his neck as I pressed my massive breasts into his arm, Nancy moving in to do the same on his other side as we walked outside. Jonny shook himself out of his shock and ran to collect the car.

Nancy slipped a twenty in the kid's hand, as the two of us climbed into the backseat, Dillon taking the keys to drive us home. The last thing the poor guy saw was Nancy slipping into my arms, one hand cupping one of my breasts as her lips found mine, then the door closed, and Dillon was driving away.

I was still tipsy as I walked up to my driveway, pussy pleasantly sore from Nancy’s frigging fingers, and I turned to wave goodbye as Dillon drove off. I could see Nancy bending low in the front seat and felt a small shiver of envy as I imagined sucking on that gorgeous cock as he drove. The thrill of being caught exciting me.

I noticed Heather's little Honda Civic parked outside and another car I didn’t recognize parked in our driveway. The back of the vehicle had a college sticker from Heather’s school, so I figured it must be her friends. Unlocking the door, I was hit by the scent of alcohol and stale beer.

Frowning in annoyance and expecting to find an enormous mess, I walked through the living room and kitchen. Heather hadn’t been as irresponsible as I first assumed, but she and her friends had obviously had a fun night. The recycling was full of empty beer bottles and an empty fifth of tequila. The sink had three cocktail glasses and plates in it, and it looked like they’d made nachos at some point, from the still open microwave and the bag of shredded cheese left out on the counter.

Heather had made an effort to clean up, so I couldn’t be too mad at her, but I couldn’t sleep until I’d put the cheese away and filled the cups and plates with water to soak overnight. Finally, I climbed the stairs, heels in one hand, and purse in the other. Memories of my day flashing through my head, causing my lips to twitch in a grin of delight.

I passed Heather's room and heard the sounds of gentle snores from within as well as a familiar melody. Opening the door quietly, I peeked in to see my beautiful daughter and two of her friends cuddled together on her bed. I recognized her friend and roommate, Jen, but the other girl was new to me. Her face was turned into one of Heather’s massive breasts, so I couldn’t make out her features, but she had long, straight black hair that shone in the moonlight. Her body was as slender as a schoolgirl, with a tiny pert ass that looked delightful in her little white panties. The girl’s skin was the palest white, and I thought she was Asian but couldn’t be sure.

In Heather’s hand, her phone still played the first video of Dillon playing that I’d sent her. Feeling nostalgic for years ago when she’d been my little girl, I went in and pulled the phone from her hand gently and turned off the video.

Heather groaned and shifted in bed, the covers falling down. I saw that she and Jen were both without panties, and from the scent of their sexes, the girls had fooled around. With one final glance at Jen, and grinning as I took in her busty little body, I slipped out of Heather’s room and hurried into bed.

Jen was a beautiful girl, blonde and bubbly, she was an outgoing and inquisitive girl who flirted with everyone as easily as another person breathes. Her charm and beauty would have seen her be the most desirable and beautiful girl in her college or maybe the whole state, if not for Heather.

It shouldn’t have been my first thought as I slipped a hand down between my legs to touch my aching pussy, but images of Dillon dominating the perky blonde filled my head as I rubbed myself off. Even more indecent images flitted through my mind, and at first, I pushed them away, but finally, needing the massive release that hovered just on the edge of my awareness, I let the taboo thoughts invade my fantasies. When I finally came, it was so powerful that I passed out into blissful sleep right after.

I woke to the sounds of banging pots and pans and the giggling cries of girls making a mess. Climbing out of bed, I hopped in the shower, happy to wash clean under the hot steamy waters. As I scrubbed, memories of the night before, as well as the past couple days, rolled through my mind, and I struggled to feel the least bit shameful or bad about it.

Just the opposite, in fact. I felt more alive, and happy, more beautiful, and desirable than I ever had before in my life. Not only that I was working with women and a man I loved, to do something, to help him make something grand and beautiful. Even if I was a small cog in the machine of Dillon’s success, it would still be one of the greatest experiences of my life.

Saturday mornings are usually for chores, and Dillon wouldn’t be coming by until later in the afternoon. Pulling on a pair of yoga pants, a loose shirt, and putting my hair up in a ponytail, I went downstairs to see what the girls were up to.

Their loud voices greeted me first before I stepped around the corner and into the kitchen. Heather was in front of the stovetop, flipping pancakes while her friends sat at the counter, sipping orange juice.

“Hey Mom,” Heather said, flashing me a dazzling smile when she noticed me, “You know Jen, and this is Momo, she’s was in our musical theory class sophomore year, and we’ve been friends ever since.”

“Hi Mrs. Kowalski,” Jen said, flashing me a bright smile.

I glanced at Momo and saw the girl was Asian, Japanese, if I didn’t miss my guess, and she was an adorable little waif. With a cute button nose and the most breathtaking pale blue eyes that looked even more extraordinary on her exotic features. The girl blushed prettily and ducked her head, unable to meet my gaze for long and staring with wide eyes at my massive breasts before looking away quickly and blushing an even darker shade of red.

“Hello dear,” I said, pouring myself a cup of coffee and opening the fridge for the cream.

“Momo is a music major,” Heather said with breathless excitement as she wiped up a little pancake batter that had spilled, “and she’s a genius on the drums. I wanted to introduce her to Dillon. I think she can really help his sound.”

“That’s a thought,” I said, feeling unsure about the arrangement, when I offered a smile to Momo she blushed a shade I didn’t think was possible and looked down at her orange juice, “You can certainly run it by him, he and Nancy will be coming by later in the afternoon. I was hoping to speak with you before then about the social media strategy.”

“We have so many ideas,” Heather said excitedly pulling out her phone and calling up the notes app, “Jen made a PowerPoint that we will go over with you before Dillon gets here to make sure it’s what you’re looking for. Mom, we’ve been kinda going crazy this past week, barely sleeping and spending all of our free time working on this.”

“That’s great,” I said with genuine joy, “we met with the recording executive yesterday, it went really well.”

“Holy shit,” Jen said, “so this is legit then… a real label is interested in him?”

“Global Music Group,” I said and smiled when Jen and Heather whistled in surprise. Momo glanced around with a questioning frown, and I explained who they were.​
Next page: Chapter 28
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