Chapter 30
The girl was so gorgeous, even when she was frowning, that it was hard not to feel a touch of envy. My daughter has the type of effortless beauty that is an annoyance to plastic surgeons. She looks a bit like Blake Lively but with better hair, massive breasts, and a coolly confident look that intimidated even her professors.
We chatted for a few more minutes before I got a text from Nancy that they were heading over. When I told the girls, they all hopped up and scurried to get ready. Heather insisted I wear the shirt, so I went back to my room to change. When I pulled the tight garment on and looked in the mirror, I felt positively scandalous.
The thin silky material clung to me like a second skin, molding itself to my breasts and outlining my nipples in exquisite detail. The shirt left my midriff bare, something I’d never do unless I was in a bikini and was so low cut that I felt like I would tumble free of it, if I leaned too far forward.
“How does it look?” Heather asked, popping her head in, “Oh shit… you look, incredible Mom!”
“Really?” I asked with a frown, “You don’t think it’s too much?”
Glancing down the hall quickly, Heather slipped into my room and closed the door. She was wearing the same top as me only in red, and it was strange to be so fully aware of my daughters’ incredible body. Her nipples were puffy and pressing against the top almost obscenely. I looked at her curiously as she approached, but she didn’t say anything; just walked over and folded me in a warm hug.
We held each other for a long moment, and I felt knots in my shoulders relax that I hadn’t known were there. My girl was home, and more than that, it felt like she’d been returned to me. Leaning back, Heather looked at me with a knowing smile that grew as I felt a heat enter my cheeks.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen with all of this,” she said, “but I won’t let anything come between us.”
“Oh honey,” I said, blushing and smiling at her, “I wouldn’t either, I love you.”
“I love you too mom,” hugging me close she whispered in my ear, “If you want him all to yourself… I’ll understand.”
I gave a jerk of surprise, feeling my cheek heat and opened my mouth to object, but nothing came out. Heather flashed me that knowing smirk as she slipped out of my room. Still unsure what to do or say, I walked out just as Nancy was pulling in front of the house in her Tesla.
Jen and Momo were nervously arranging chairs in the living room as I went to let them in. Momo’s eyes widened and a crooked grin stole onto her face when she saw me in the blue top, and I tried and failed to ignore the look and how naked and on display I felt.
Opening the door, the nervousness about how I looked disappeared in a heartbeat when Dillon saw me, and his face lit up in genuine pleasure. Grinning like a flirty schoolgirl, I twisted my hips and welcomed them in.
“The girls are getting things set up in the living room, let me introduce you,” Dillon refrained from hugging me, but just barely and I felt my body tingle when his hands brushed mine, strong fingers gripping mine tightly for a brief second before he was in the house as if nothing had happened.
I introduced Dillon to Momo and Jen, and then went to grab drinks for everyone, Nancy coming to help me carry them out.
“Amanda, that top is outrageous, I love it!” She rubbed the material through her fingers and nodded at its quality, “Did you get this at Miyamo downtown?”
“Heather got it today,” I said with a nervous smile, “You should see how she looks in it.”
“Oh Jesus,” Nancy said with a laugh, “I can imagine… Poor Dillon doesn’t stand a chance. You’re still in agreement?”
“Of course,” I said, with an eager nod, “You know it has to be. That it will happen one way or another.”
“What about this other friend of your daughters?” Nancy asked, peeking out of the kitchen to observe Momo and Jen flirting with varying degrees of skill with Dillon.
“Momo is an angel,” I said, and when Nancy gave me a questioning frown, I told her about my afternoon with the girl, smoking pot and jamming out.
“Sounds like you’ve had quite the day,” Nancy said with a smirk, “and next time you plan to get high, invite me.”
“I don’t plan on making a habit of it.”
She helped me carry the six glasses of iced tea out to the living room, and we were just in time to see Heather come in with her laptop that she’d gone to grab when Dillon showed up. When the gorgeous blonde flounced in, Dillon’s head snapped up, and his jaw literally dropped when he beheld her in the tiny top and pair of tiny jean shorts.
Heather froze as well. The girl's eyes widening, and her jaw slowly falling open in a twin expression to Dillon’s. I felt my insides warm as the kids stared in open awe and fascination at one another, a tension growing in the room that was so palpable I felt like a person should be able to swim through it.
“Should we get started?” Jen said loudly, raising an eyebrow at Heather, who gave a start of surprise and glanced at her friend gratefully.
“Uh, yes,” she said with just a touch of hesitation, the first I ever remember hearing from her, “Sorry, just let me set up the PowerPoint. Hello Dillon, it’s nice to see you again.”
“You too,” the boy said faintly, and then he too gave a start of surprise and glanced around and frowned at Nancy.
The pretty older brunette offered him a mild, all too innocent expression, and Dillon finally grinned as he rubbed his backside. When he turned back, Nancy flashed me a wink and then went back to observing the kid's interactions as she sipped her iced tea.
“First off,” Heather said after taking a deep breath and flipping open her laptop, “We just want to say we think your music is amazing. Each song we’ve heard so far has been some of the catchiest and addictive we’ve ever heard.”
“Our idea was to position you as exactly what you are,” Jen said, joining Heather near the fireplace. The smaller blonde was wearing a white button-up blouse that fit her snuggly and was unbuttoned to show deep shadows between her firm round cleavage, and she wore a black miniskirt that showed off her athletic legs. “Keep you authentic and real.”
“The idea is we would handle all of your posts, Mom said you didn’t want to deal with it if you don’t have to,” Dillon nodded gratefully, and Heather went on, “You will have full access to every account and should approve everything that gets posted in your name. I wouldn’t want anything to go up that you’re uncomfortable with or don’t like.”
“Instagram and YouTube will be where we position you first,” Jen said, shifting in her seat to pull up the presentation and clicking over to a slide where she had a calendar laid out with hot pink notes on specific dates. “I’ve laid out a reasonable posting schedule, and a list of hashtags and SEO tags that will push you up in searched and peoples’ feeds.”
“Wow,” Dillon said, reading over the schedule and next slide with its tags, “You’ve really thought a lot about this. I’m impressed.”
“It’s a good plan,” Nancy said, “but if we want to control the message we have to get it started before you sign with the label. If there is a preexisting contract, I can get them to honor it, but without one, they’ll insist you follow their people's strategies; either that, or you’ll be fighting with them every step of the way, and that’s a terrible start to a business relationship.”
“What do you suggest?” I asked her.
“I think it would be a good idea to get something posted tonight, maybe a full song or even just a clip, what do you think Heather?”
“I wanted to talk about that,” Heather said, and I was shocked to see her show a touch of nervousness when she turned to address Dillon, something that was entirely unlike her. “Jen, Momo, and I have been talking, and we can’t see how a solo guitarist, even one who is a great singer can make it without a band or at least a DJ to back them up.”
“I’d love to play with a band,” Dillon said with a shrug, “I have a few songs in my head that only really work with at least two other musicians.”
“Would you be willing to give Momo a tryout?” Jen asked, the tiny Japanese girl hunched in on herself under his gaze, but I saw Dillon’s interest sparked by her adorable features. “She’s the best drummer in our school, and she’s never played in a band before, so we thought that might be easier.”
“I don’t care about that,” Dillon said with a shrug, then a grin, “I’d love to. I brought my guitar, want to go now?”
“I think that sounds perfect,” Nancy said, “Heather, do you have a ring light we can use? Maybe get a few pictures and clips if things sound good?”
“That’s a great idea,” Heather said, hopping to her feet, “I have three actually, let me get them.”
Dillon couldn’t look away from my sexy daughter, as she hurried out of the room, his eyes widening to saucers as her massive breasts swayed in the tiny top, and her firm ass bounced back and forth in the tiny jean shorts.