Chapter 31

We all filed into the living room where the drum kit and my keyboard were still set up. I hurried over to break it down, but Momo stopped me, looking up with her round dark eyes with a look of pleading.

“I’m too scared to play alone… would you mind playing with me for just a few moments?”

“Of course I will, dear,” I said, resting a hand on her slender shoulder.

I didn’t feel nearly as confident as I sounded. When Dillon came striding in, slinging his guitar over his shoulder and saw me sitting down behind the keyboard, he beamed a smile at me that was filled with so much happiness that the anxiety and nerves receded to a distant murmur.

Something felt right about how we were arranged. I stood on stage right, and Momo sat on stage left, counting off beats in her head, eyes tense with nervousness. Dillon stood before us and plucked at his guitar, giving it a minor adjustment and then grinned at us.

“This feels good,” Dillon said to me, and when I nodded, he turned to Momo, “do you feel it too?”

“It’s like a buzz in my head and heart… I can almost feel the music we’re about to make.”

“Good,” Dillon said, nodding, “let's see if it sounds as good as it feels.”

He threw me a wink and then launched into the same song Momo and I have first started playing earlier. The moment he started playing, the old magic worked its way into me, and I felt a wild thrill. Only this time, it was different in that it dashed away my nerves, and I found my fingers tapping out nearly the same notes I’d played earlier.

This time everything came together, and within the first few seconds, the three of us were grinning at one another with the same wild excitement. The music flowed out of our souls and wove together into an even more powerful sound than what Dillon was able to play on his own.

His voice lifted up, and on the edge of my awareness, I heard someone gasp in shock, and saw Nancy, Heather, and Jen sitting pressed against one another on the couch, looks of disbelief warring with wonder and awe on their faces.

It was an odd thing to watch my daughter fall in love right before my eyes. I can’t say how deeply it affected Jen, but it seemed to be powerful. Heather, though, is my girl, and I could read her expression like a book. By the end of the song, they were all singing along, but Heather’s nipples had grown so hard that I feared they might cut their way through her thin top. Her pupils were dilated, and she couldn’t seem to tear her gaze away from Dillon.

The hairs on the back of my neck and arms were standing up by the time we concluded the song. Dillon, Momo, and I looked at one another with shocked, almost disbelieving expressions, at what we’d just done.

“Fuck…” Nancy said, her breath coming heavy and hard, “That was brilliant… fucking brilliant!”

“Dude,” Jen said, “you guys rock! Can you do that again? Because you looked so good playing and sound too amazing, it’s hard to believe this was the first time. Heather, don’t you think this would be a great first post?”

“Yea,” Heather said faintly, unable to take her eyes off Dillon, “it would be.”

“I’d like to play it again,” Dillon said, “Momo, your tempo was perfect, a little faster than I usually play it, but it sounded better. And Amanda, that was beautiful what you did with the high notes. They really make the hook sink in, and the whole thing flow.”

“Let me set up the lights,” Heather said, sounding and looking a touch distracted as she and Jen set things up.

I was less nervous the second time, having faith that I wouldn’t make a fool of myself now. I would have been terrified at being filmed, except I knew Dillon was the focus of everything, and Momo and I would only pop up here and there in the background.

In his tight white t-shirt and blue jeans, Dillon looked good, but when he stood in that confident stance of his, holding his guitar low, my body quaked to hold him again. Being a part of his music didn’t shield me from the power of it but thank the heavens I wasn’t as discombobulated as Heather and Jen were.

Heather especially didn’t seem much like her usual confident self as she directed Dillon and us into the optimal positions for lighting and sound quality. She kept licking her lips and glancing at Dillon with a distressed look, and every time she did, I saw him stand a little straighter and gain another measure of confidence.

The second song went even better than the first, and between the two of them, Jen and Heather got just about every good angle they could. I was breathless by the time we finished and eager to play another song. I could see Momo was the same, but Dillon was distracted, and I knew what the young man needed.

“Nancy,” I asked, with a questioning frown at Momo, “What do you think of costumes for us? For Momo and me, at least?”

“That could be really cool, but I guess it would depend on the costumes,” she said with a frown.

“What if we wore different costumes to every show?” Momo asked in excitement.

“That would be cool,” Dillon said, nodding.

“I have a few French maid costumes from a dinner party I threw a couple years ago,” Nancy said with a thoughtful frown at Momo and me, “I think I have a pair that might fit you two if you want to try them on.”

“What do you girls think?” I asked Heather and Jen, “We would have to go try them on. We would have to leave you kids here alone, are you ok with that?”

“Yes,” Heather said, so quickly that I had to suppress a grin and another when she studiously avoided looking at Dillon, “We will be fine. How long will you be gone?”

“Maybe an hour,” I said with a frown at Nancy who nodded back, her eyes dancing with suppressed mirth as well, and I knew she’d seen through my subterfuge.

“Perfect,” Jen said with a hungry grin at Dillon, “It gives us a chance to learn more about one another… If we’re going to be working so closely together, it would only be fair if we’re all… comfortable together.”

“Are you sure?” Dillon asked me, ignoring the other women. I could see by his look that he wasn’t asking what the others assumed he was, and I smiled back and stepped close.

Drawing him into a warm hug, I whispered in his ear, “Enjoy yourself. Charm them like you did Nancy and me… Do that, and I’ll bring Momo to play with tonight.”

“It’s you I want,” he whispered back, and I could feel his body responding to mine.

“Don’t lie,” I said, pulling back and smiling up into his eyes, “I’ve seen the way you look at her.”

Dillon blushed and glanced to the side as I stepped away from him. Heather and Jen were giving me questioning frowns that I ignored as I grabbed my purse and joined Nancy and Momo at the door.

“You kids have fun!” I said before we hurried out and to the car.

Momo was looking between the two of us with a questioning frown as we hustled her into the car and pulled out.

“You ladies are up to something,” she said as we drove down the street, “You know what will happen if you leave those two alone with Dillon.”

“What will happen?” I asked, turning to look back at the small girl with a questioning glance. I grinned when she ducked her head, blushing and muttered.

“You know already, you’re just trying to get me to say it.”

“You’re in the band now, girl,” Nancy said, glancing back in the mirror as she drove around the block, “you can’t be jealous, are you?”

“Jealous of Heather?” Momo said, then laughed and shook her head, “Every woman is jealous of her.”

“Those two have somethings to work out between them,” I said with a small smile, “and Jen just happened to be collateral damage. It can only help to have them both tied to Dillon so closely, though. How are you feeling, Momo?”

“Like I want to crawl up a wall and hump my pillow until I'm so sore I can’t walk,” she blushed furiously but kept her head up, which I was happy to see. “I’ve never heard anything like it… and to make that music… to play with him… It felt like my soul was soaring in heaven.”

“I know what you mean,” I said, nodding, “and that’s why you’re not as bad as Heather and Jen were. Because we were playing, I think that mitigates the effects of his music.”

“I don’t know about that,” Momo said, looking out the window and pressing her knees together.

I reached back and took the girl's tiny hand in mine and gripped it tightly. She smiled back at me, and I felt a deep connection to this adorable little girl that I’d just met. We sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts as Nancy hurried to her house. When we got there, she told us to wait as she ran in and grabbed the costumes. She was back out in less than a minute, having run to get them, and then we were back on the road, racing across town.​
Next page: Chapter 32
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