Chapter 32
“You told Heather we would be over an hour,” Momo said with a frown, “but it’s only been about ten minutes.”
“Well, look at that,” I said with a conspiratorial grin at Nancy, “I guess we’ll get back a bit faster than I said.”
“Maybe we can catch another show, eh?”
“Another show?” Momo asked.
As she drove, Nancy described our last week in scandalous detail to the wide-eyed girl. I let go of her hand in embarrassment at one point, but she gripped it tightly and flashed me an excited smile, before imploring Nancy to go on.
“Now, you know what you’re really getting into.” I said with a touch of anxiety in my breast, “I’ll completely understand if this isn’t for you or if you think we’re crazy.”
“Are you kidding?” Momo asked with an excited laugh, “I don’t think there's anything you could say that would make me want to stop playing with Dillon, but that only makes this adventure even more interesting.”
“Good,” Nancy said, “Because you and Amanda will be living with Dillon from now on.”
“What?” I asked her in shock, this being news to me.
“I was talking with Morgan, and she said that it’s necessary if he’s in a band. The best way to forge real bonds between you three and make sure you can practice and play whenever the mood strikes you. After a few years, you can all get your own places, but in the beginning, it's best to create a coherent sound.”
“I’m not sure how he will feel about that,” I said.
“Are you kidding? A chance to be with the hottest woman he’s ever known anytime he wants? Not to mention the cutest little cosplayer on the internet? I think he’s going to jump at the chance.”
“I hope he thinks I’m cute,” Momo said with a worried frown.
“Oh, he does,” I said with a grin at the girl, “I saw him checking you out earlier.”
“Really?” she asked, and I felt an echo of her excitement.
“I’ll prove it to you tonight,” I said with a wink.
“What’s tonight?” She asked.
“You and I are going to Dillon’s house, and we’re going to practice all night long, just like I’ve always dreamed of jamming out.”
“I imagine that’s not all you’ll be doing,” Nancy said with a wink in the mirror that made Momo blush even harder. “Here we are.”
She pulled to a stop at a dead-end half a block away from my house. Momo glanced around with a curious frown.
“Follow us,” I said with a conspiratorial grin, as Nancy hopped out of the car, “Stay low and stay quiet.”
I climbed out and found the small trail that led through the woods behind our houses. Nancy had been running on it countless times, and it had only taken a glance for us to know precisely what we both wanted to do and, more importantly, to see.
“We’re back near your house?” Momo asked quietly, as she slipped up behind me.
I nodded and motioned her to silence before hurrying to my yards back gate. My backyard is a hodgepodge of old trees and my failed gardening experiments over the years. It offered us perfect cover as we snuck up to the back window.
Perhaps I should feel guilty for what we were doing, but I just had to know how they were getting along. Peeking in, I saw movement and nearly ducked down, scared of being seen, but then I saw bare skin and froze, unable to look away.
I didn’t find what I imagined I would. Instead of finding the three in a compromising situation, I found them laying on the ground and stretching. Jen appeared to be guiding Dillon through a yoga routine as Heather stretched beside him.
The girls had changed into tiny yoga shorts and sports bras, but Dillon didn’t seem distracted by the display of sexy young bodies. Instead, he seemed focused on Jen’s instructions as he breathed in and out slowly and stretched his hips.
“What in the hell…” Nancy said with a frown of disapproval, but then I saw the game he was playing and gripped her hand and pointed at Heather.
“Have you ever seen Heather so out of sorts and lost?” I asked in shock.
As we watched, Heather flounced and bounced, desperate to get Dillon’s attention as she thrust her massive breasts up in the air. The young man refused to be tempted through, showing great self-control as he calmly followed Jen’s instructions.
With a wink for Nancy, we slipped back out of the backyard and headed to the car.
“What was that all about?” Momo asked curiously.
“I had to see how they were getting along,” I said, “I thought Dillon would… never mind.”
“You thought we’d find them all naked, didn’t you?” Momo asked with a wicked grin, “Why is it important that they do?”
“Should we tell her?” Nancy asked with a raised eyebrow as we got back in the car.
“Tell me what?” Momo asked.
“She should know before she decides if she really wants to be in the band or not,” I said, taking the little Asian girls measure, “I think she can handle it through.”
“Amanda and I have a plan,” Nancy began, “One that might seem unconventional to most, but we’re positive it’s necessary to truly harness his incredible genius and make sure he can sustain a long career.”
“You’re surrounding him with lovers,” Momo said with an enthusiastic nod, “Like they do with big-name actors in Japan and China.”
“Exactly,” Nancy said.
“They do?” I asked in surprise, “I never knew that.”
“It’s how they keep their talent happy and working,” Momo said, adjusting her short skirt and flashing me an eager smile, “They never have to look hard to find willing… staff to support the most gifted… I think it’s a brilliant idea.”
“I don’t think Heather and Jen understand,” Nancy said, “We expected a different outcome back there.”
“Not from Heather or Jen,” Momo said with a shake of her head, “They are both the biggest, how do you put this… cock-teases in the school? I can’t tell you the number of guys, and no small amount of girls and teachers, who are obsessed with them. Heather especially. But neither of them ever date. I think they’ve both become experts at putting people into the friend-zone, and don’t know how to seal the deal anymore.”
“That’s my biggest worry,” I said with a frown, “Heather destroyed Dillon’s confidence once before without meaning to, and I fear she might do it again.”
“Let me talk to her,” Momo said, “She can be quite stubborn, but I saw both of them get trapped by the music… I could feel it working on them just like it did on me… it’s the strangest thing.”
“I know,” I admitted, “I did too.”
“Can you explain it?” Nancy asked as she pulled into the small coffee shops parking lot, “Is there a difference when you play with him versus when you just hear him play?”
“Definitely,” I said, “It’s hard to put into words.”
“Let me call Dr. Lansing,” Nancy said, pulling out her phone, “She has to hear this. She’s been bugging me every day to get another invite to hear Dillon play. Mostly for her research but also for… other reasons.”
“You two sure have been busy,” Momo murmured from the backseat, “is this the doctor from your offices?”
“Yes, she’s already been testing a recording she has with a fellow doctor, and what they’ve found so far is fascinating.”
Nancy called up Kelly, and Momo and I described as best we could, the experience of playing with Dillon. The music had transported us, just as it always did, but we could feel a pulse, a rhythm that felt apart from the music we were creating.
We explained it the best we could to her, and she thanked us for the information. Nancy promised her that when Dillon and the band went into the studio, she would call her in to do some EEG testing.
“We can’t quantify anything yet, but the preliminary results are fascinating,” Kelly said, “You ladies have a good night!”