Chapter 40
Heather lay on her back, knees bent and spread, one hand cupping a massive firm breast and pulling at the nipple, head arched back, and beautiful face contorted in pleasure as she panted softly. Between her legs, Morgan’s tongue lapped. The willowy model was naked as well, her ass up in the air, knees on the edge of the bed as she ate Heather out.
Jen was naked too, and the girl had perky firm little breasts and the most adorable little pussy I’d ever seen. There was cum smeared across her chin, evidence that she’d been feasting on Morgan’s slender pussy, but now she held her phone. Moving around the bed, the girl filmed the pair.
My daughter was more than comfortable with her friend filming and actively cheated to the camera. Not playing anything up, but making sure Jen got the best shots of her massive breasts and beautiful face, the smaller co-ed moved up onto the bed, shooting down my daughter's body and zooming in on Morgan as she ate the younger woman out.
Heather reached over and pulled Jen’s ass over her face, tongue reaching out to make contact with the tiny blonde’s bald pussy. Moaning quietly, she turned the phone to film Heather eating her out and reached down to play with the girl's big breasts.
Nancy slipped a hand up and cupped my own breast. I whimpered, clamping my lips together to silence myself before alerting the women in coitus. Gripping her hand, I pulled my best friend down the hall and dragged her into my room. There we fell onto the bed, our grins of wicked delight only broken by passionate kisses and shuddering moans of pleasure.
No words were shared nor needed as we made love to one another. Taking our time, we stripped each other of our clothes. I loved removing the woman’s designer fabrics, sliding them down her smooth skin, and revealing it to my eager lips and searching fingers. We’d been together several times now but had never taken the time to truly learn what pleased the other. I found that Nancy liked it a little rough, enjoyed having her throat gripped as she was pushed over the edge. I came with a gush when she slid two fingers across my g-spot and suckled on my clit.
It was two hours later when Morgan came to say she’d ordered a car to take her back to the hotel. Nancy and I wouldn’t hear of it and pulled her into bed with us. We ate ice cream straight out of the tub in bed and talked and made love late into the night.
I passed Heather in the hallway, only wearing my robe and hadn’t bothered to belt it. She blushed, and her eyes widened when she saw my nakedness, but I was beyond caring by that point and felt beautiful and free. Late in the night, when I went to get a glass of water, I passed her room, and the door was open. She lay on the bed in the nude, something she’d never done before, and I smiled to see she was beginning to relax a little.
Feeling like a wicked mother, I ran down the hall and grabbed my phone and snapped a photo of Heather’s perfect pale ass and the twin dimples above it. I sent the photo to Dillon with the caption: Heather…
Pleased with the surprise I’d left my handsome rock star, I slipped back into bed and drifted off to peaceful sleep. The next morning, I was up with the dawn and on the road for a short jog. When I got back, Heather and Jen were heading out to their workout, the girls offering me blushing ‘good morning’s’ as they edged around me in the doorway. Heather and I caught one another's eyes, and I saw the trepidation fade, as she read my expression.
The two were laughing about something as they started down the road, their ponytails bouncing with each step. Mr. Daws, the neighbor on the corner, nearly fell on his face when he noticed the girls. The poor man was unable to tear his gaze away from their slender bodies clad in tight yoga pants and sports bra.
After a quick shower, I threw on my favorite concert shirt and a pair of shorts and met Momo downstairs. The girl was all dolled up like always, in a short white dress. The garment was tight around the middle and flared above the knees with a touch of lace on the shoulders and hem. She looked like an innocent little doll with her hair parted down the middle and her adorable features.
“Ready to rehearse?” She asked, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“I hope so!” I said, and with a final goodbye to Nancy and Morgan, who lounged in the kitchen drinking coffee, we headed out.
The two would meet us at the studio later, along with Jen and Heather. As much as I wanted to sit with Nancy and learn everything I could about Morgan’s evening, nothing would keep me from Dillon, and the chance to play with him again. I was distracted as I drove across town, but thankfully the streets were empty on an early Monday morning.
Dillon was already up and outside, finishing up his chores when we pulled up. When he stood and offered us one of his bright, boyish smiles, I felt my heart flutter. It was on light feet that I ran over and threw my arms around his neck, kissing him soundly. Momo was a step behind me, and the young man staggered when she hit us like a tiny linebacker and wormed her way in between. Her head pushing up between my massive breasts, and her lips finding Dillon’s.
We were laughing and staggering as we headed into the barn.
“I have a new song I want to try out,” Dillon said, hurrying over to sling his guitar over his shoulder, “Let me play if for you both, then we can try it.”
Momo and I glanced at one another with eager grins as we sat behind our instruments. Dillon stretched his neck real quick, popping it side to side and settled in to play. Before he could even play a note, it was all I could do not to crawl over and rip his jeans off him. Something about seeing the young guitar player standing there with that cocky swagger always drove me crazy.
The thought was gone from my mind the moment he started playing the song. I almost fell backward as the first frenetic cords rang out. This was nothing like the music he’d played before. Closer to heavy metal or maybe a techno dance beat; it moved, and in seconds both Momo and I were bobbing out heads, the girl tapping out a beat in sync with him. Her genius was on display as she joined in perfectly, adding just the right touches, like the trained jazz musician she was.
The fabric of the song was alive in my head as Dillon played, and I saw where he’d made room for my keyboard. I didn’t have Momo’s confidence or skill and didn’t dare to jump in on the first play through, besides I was too spellbound by his deep voice once it rang out through the rafters.
“The weekend’s here, we’ll have some fun;
Saturday comes, and we’re on the run;
Through darkened Dreeeams!
Your touch drives Meeeee!
Over the moon and under the sun…”
His other songs had been of young love or the rolling hills of Oklahoma and nature. This was a song of passion and desire. He sang of a wild weekend of love, meeting, and parting but never regret. It was such a powerful song and delivered with such driving, forceful tempo that I was left pulse-pounding and breathless by the time he finished.
Leaping to my feet with Momo, we crashed into Dillon all congratulations and exuberance. Neither of us able to put into words, even though we tried over and over again as we plucked the boy's clothes off him, how powerful and moving the song had been. Unable to wait a moment more, I took Dillon within me, shorts tossed aside, and his hands under my soft concert shirt.
With fast and powerful thrusts, he drove up into me, my cries joining his fading lyrics in the rafters as the orgasm crashed through me. My mind filled with wonder that the creator of such powerful and moving music was within me, his face filled with pleasure that I’d given him as my pussy clamped down around him.
Momo was not to be denied, and once my lust had been sated, she wiggled her tiny ass to the dazed young man, and with a whimper of sadness as I felt him exit me, I sat up and nodded to him. Dillon grinned as I knelt behind Momo.
He reached up to remove his guitar, which had been lying beside him when I’d pressed him down so quickly, but I stopped him. Biting my bottom lip, I moved up behind the handsome young man and, reaching down, slid my hand along the slick hardness of his cock and lifted it into Momo’s tiny pussy.
“Oh Dillon,” The girl moaned, back arching like a cat, and her firm little cheeks bouncing as he drove into her.
“Play for us,” I whispered in his ear, guiding his hands to the guitar as I knelt behind him.
My hips guided his slowly as I reached around him, pressing my body against his back and gripping Momo’s slender waist as if I was him. Gripping the girl's hip’s, I guided her into Dillon.
“Fuck that’s hot,” Dillon said with a grin, turning to give me a quick kiss and gasping when Momo’s tiny ass pushed back into him hard, “You’re soo… mhmm.”
I gripped his head, kissing him soundly as Momo took her pleasure from his steely hard cock. All the while, Dillon strummed his guitar, not playing anything in particular but letting the music find its own voice through the distraction of his pleasure.
Momo’s cute cries of pleasure caused Dillon and I to take note, grinning at one another when he found some trick or sound that he’d never played before. Long minutes this went on, the small girl orgasming several times until she was a slobbering mess, and Dillon forced to take over and flood her depths with his first orgasm of the day.
Once the edge of our lust had been slacked, we were much more relaxed and comfortable for the rest of the rehearsal. Dillon managed to employ several of the new sounds and notes he’d discovered into a couple new songs.
We felt great about our progress as we packed up the back of my car around noon. We had seven solid songs, and two that we felt were exceptional and possible hits. As we packed, I told Dillon about what I was thinking about for the farm, but he wasn’t so sure about it.
“I’ll need to work with them for at least a few days to make sure they can handle things,” he said after I’d reassured him as much as I could. “If they can, I have no problem with them selling anything they plant and grow themselves. So long as the property and animals are maintained.”
“I’m glad you’re at least open to the idea,” I said, “and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll figure something else.”
“Amanda,” Dillon said, looking around quickly to make sure we were alone, “about that picture you sent-.”
“Did it make you uncomfortable?” I asked, worried. “I’m sorry, I just… it was stupid of me, Heather would probably kill me if she found out.”
“That’s just it,” he said, and I saw he was genuinely upset, “Heather doesn’t like me at all. You see how she glares at me. I mean, she’s only really taken an interest in me once the record label got involved.”
“Oh, honey!” I said, drawing him into a hug, “That’s not true at all. I know she can be a little difficult at times, but I can tell she has feelings for you. You just have some patience, she might be a bit awkward, but she’ll come around.”
“I don’t know about that,” Dillon said, and I could tell my words had done little to assuage his worries.