Chapter 42

I woke in a different world than the one I’d fallen asleep in. It took an hour or so for me to realize it, doing twenty minutes of yoga, then hopping in the shower as Momo woke slowly. It wasn’t until I unplugged my phone from the charger that I saw the screen full of messages and notifications.

Scrolling through, I saw messages from friends I hadn’t spoken to in years. At first, I didn’t know what was going on, and then I began to read them, and everything started to become apparent. All of the messages were about the video on YouTube and Instagram. Most were congratulatory, but several were quite direct and adamant that they meet up so I could tell them more about the handsome young singer and guitar player.

The clearest example of that was my mother, the queen of polite society who’d only recently learned what text messaging was and had refused to use it. After three missed calls after midnight, she had started sending me messages.

00:17 Mom: Linda at the club told me about the video Heather posted of you and two kids playing music. Call me!

00:34 Mom: Who is the young man? He reminds me of a young Paul Newman! Hot!

00:57 Mom: Call me. I listened to the song… Oh, Amanda… I had no idea you were so talented! I must meet that young man! CALL ME

01:04 Mom: CALL ME. AMANDA?!

02:11 Mom: I can’t stop listening to it… it’s a miracle. I love you.

Shaking Momo’s foot, I woke the girl and couldn’t help but grin at her wild mane of jet black hair and the glower she directed at me for waking her so early.

“You might want to get up,” I motioned down at my phone, “Everyone seems to know about the video Heather and Jen posted.”

“Meh,” the tiny Japanese girl said as she rolled into the comforter and burrowed deeper in, “It always happens that way. Boom, you’re viral. Just don’t make any new friends or let any old ones back into your life….” She yawned loudly, and twisted in the blankets, stretching, “... and you’ll be fine. Better check on Dillon though,” she yawned again and rolled over, “He’s probably going to freak out when every girl he went to school with slides into his DM’s asking to bone.”

“Oh dear,” I said with a frown of worry, “Do you think that would happen?” The moment the words were out of my mouth, I knew they were madness, “Of course it will. What am I thinking?! I need to talk to Nancy.”

“Hnmg hmmm nghhmmmm,” Momo mumbled something, but soon snores drowned out the words if they ever had been, and I threw on some yoga pants and a shirt and ran downstairs.

Heather and Jen were still asleep, but I found Morgan in the living room reading the news on her iPad. She glanced over when I ran down, frantic and came over to see what had me in such a tizzy. When I told her, she reassured me there was less to worry about than I feared.

“All of that is going to happen, but Dillon’s a good kid, he’ll see the charlatans and the grifters, and when he doesn’t, he’ll have you and Nancy to warn him. As for the little minxes that want to crawl into his bed… that’s what our other plan is for. We just have to make sure our star has everything he could ever want, and why would he ever need to stray with some wild chicken-head?”

“I hope you’re right,” I said, “I worry about him. He’s such a sweet and gentle boy, the last thing I would want is for anything to ruin that.”

There was a creak on the stairs, and I looked over my shoulder in time to see a lock of golden hair swing down the hall. I knew my daughter well enough to know the place she used to always sneak off to when she would stay up past her bedtime and eavesdrop on the adults talking.

“In the beginning, I worried about the sin and excess of it,” I said, “But the more I’ve come to know him and each of you, the more beautiful it feels.”

“I agree,” Morgan said. “When I got into this business, it was because I loved musicians, bands, and live shows more than anything. But it’s a dark business sometimes, and there were things I was never willing to do…” her dark expression broke into a grin, and she blushed when glancing up at me, “Well, that is before I met you and Dillon. Now… all the things the girls who taught me this business said are starting to make sense… You ever hear of Duzilla and her Girls?”

“No,” I said with a frown, “were they a band?”

“You could say that,” Morgan said with a little chuckle, “they were a band alright but not of musicians. They were… groupies? You could call them that I guess, but it wasn’t the musicians they were obsessed with, but the music itself. You see, Duzilla is a legend in the industry, but also a secret. She and her girls gave birth to a golden age of music. They inspired some of the best art of two generations and might have carried on had they not retired to the south of France.”

“How?” I asked, absorbed in her story.

“Men are simple creatures,” she said with a wave of one hand, “Once they have a full belly, all of their thoughts are focused on their cocks. If you can tap into the heart of a man’s very being, there you would find his most secret desires. Once you hold those, you can fuel the fires of both their passion, but also their creative drive.”

“I need to know more,” I said, reaching out and gripping her hands, “So long as there’s no hurt to Dillon, and it helps him and his career… I’m willing to do anything.”

“Are you sure?” Morgan asked with a raised eyebrow, “many men can have quite… taboo fetishes.”

“I’m willing to do anything.” Morgan nodded slowly back at me with a slowly growing smile. I saw her eyes flicker over my shoulder and forced myself to stillness, nearly looking over and giving away the game.

“So,” I said, sitting up with a casualness I didn’t feel at all, “How was your evening?”

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at the former model, but to her credit, she just reclined in her chair and smiled in fond remembrance. Whether she was testing me or not, I couldn’t tell, but I surprised myself at my genuine eagerness to hear about it.

“Did you know your daughter was bi-sexual?” She asked instead of answering my question.

“No,” I said frankly. “I know she dated in high school, but I haven’t seen her with a boy since prom. I kind of thought she might be a lesbian.” This time I couldn’t help but turn and look when I heard a sound down the hall, but Heather was better than that, and I saw nothing, “Especially with how close she and Jen are. Not that it would bother me either way.”

“I can tell you she and Jen are very close and also quite skilled,” I frowned at her, and she cackled in laughter. “You said anything, remember,” she winked at me, causing a faint blush to suffuse my cheeks, “She’s very much interested in men though. That Dillon especially. She and Jen pestered me all night for details about you and his… relationship.”

“Dillon doesn’t think she’s interested in him at all,” I said with a chuckle, “If she is, she has a bad way of showing it.”

“Give the girl a break,” Morgan said, pulling up her email on the iPad, “She’s never had to flirt with a boy before, and her heads all twisted up from his music. You know how it is, poor girls, going on day six without even a kiss… tragic.”

“I wanted to bring up a concern I had,” I could practically feel the person on the other side of the walls frustration as I changed subjects. “Won’t Dillon playing in a church give people the wrong impression of what his music is? It’s a bit more hard rock than anything you might hear in a church.”

“That’s the best part,” Morgan, said grinning and scrolling through her emails before she pulled one up. “Our people crunched the numbers, and it doesn’t brand him in any way, other than giving up some of his time. Most of the YouTube comments are either about how insanely good he is, or how he must have been forced into the gig by a family member or friend.”

“Oh,” I said, ducking my head. I seemed to remember it was me who had gotten him to play in the church. “Well, that’s good then.”

“Speaking of Heather, she and Jen are going to be busy this week. I already have requests coming in for radio spots and morning shows. They’re playing it like you guys went viral. Well, Dillon, really. Although you and Momo both seem to be getting strong followings online. I’m not sure how this is going to go over with the girl’s cosplay fanbase, but Heather says to leave it to her to deal with and I have to agree. One question I wanted to ask you, can you go over these costume ideas, the team in LA came up with? We’re sticking with the cosplay, sexy MILF and cutesy girl theme, it seems to be doing well.”

“Hmm,” I took her iPad and scrolled through a series of mock-up outfits pointing out what I liked and what I thought Dillon would, “You should double-check with Momo, I think she has a better sense for this stuff than I would. But I do know he hates these booty shorts and halter-top looks. He said they look too slutty to be sexy or desirable.” There was a thump on the side of the wall, and this time the groan of pain was unmistakable, but I went right on speaking as if I heard nothing, “he likes dresses or anything with a skirt. It makes no sense to me, but a skirt short enough to sneak a peek at a woman panties seems just as slutty as a pair of shorts that do the same, but there you go.”

“Excellent,” Morgan said, making a note after I handed her back the iPad, “You and Nancy are busy today? Something with a doctor? But then you three will have band practice tonight, right?”

“Yea, we should be back by then. Dr. Lansing’s tests shouldn’t take that long.”

“You’re going to do that today? I’m curious about the results.”

“Did you still want Nancy, Dillon, Momo, and me to come to LA next week to meet with Adeline?”

“Yes, and I think it would be a good idea if Jen and Heather came as well. It will give the whole team a chance to see the operation we have supporting Dillon and how much we believe in him and you guys. I wanted to talk about the set list for Friday’s show.”

After that, the two of us got to work piecing through the songs we’d recorded the day before and trying to put together a list for the concert. Of my eavesdropper, I heard nothing else, but ten minutes later, the upstairs shower turned on, and I heard Heather’s voice singing one of Dillon’s songs under the hot steamy waters.​
Next page: Chapter 43
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