Chapter 43
I’d been planning on going into work and giving my notice that morning. Instead, I had three voicemail messages from my boss telling me not to bother coming in, Nancy had spoken with her already. The human resource manager is a tough old woman, but Nancy has a way about her, and I was grateful she’d handled it for me.
Momo and Jen were just getting up around eight when Nancy stopped by to pick me up. The woman was dressed in tight workout pants and a sports bra with a tiny loose shirt above it. When I told her about the video going viral, she wasn’t surprised but hadn’t realized it had gotten as big as it had.
“Several friends from the club shared it with me, asking if the hot woman in the back was you,” Nancy laughed, “every damn one of them was jealous of you, and then me when I said I was the kid's agent.”
“Did they like the music? Or just the sexy young man playing it?”
“Oh, they loved the music,” she said with an excited grin, “wouldn’t let me go until I promised each one a copy of the recording we made yesterday.”
“You’ll never believe the messages I got from my mom,” I said with a laugh pulling up my phone, “She had just about the same reaction as your friends.”
“Really? I remembered your mom from Christmas last year. She’s an… impressive woman.”
“She can be a right bitch sometimes,” I said with a laugh, “but she’s the finest woman I know. Heather takes more after her in that way than I do.”
“Now that you mention it, they do look alike,” Nancy said musingly, “almost like mother and daughter wince she’s still so young. And you said she was taken with our Dillon too?”
“Nancy,” I said warningly, seeing where the woman’s perverted mind was going, “I’d get that thought out of your head. Mom hasn’t been on a date or even looked twice at a man since my Pa died.”
“And if she was interested?” She smiled at me slyly, and I felt a wave of anxiety when I sensed she wasn’t joking.
“Nancy!” I said, feeling my cheeks heat.
“You and I are good enough for our rock star, but your mother isn’t?”
“You know that’s not what I mean,” I said, not even sure myself what I meant. The idea was in my head now and I couldn’t seem to make it go away, and as wicked and wild as it is, it worried me how little I was turned off by it. “Besides, my mom’s always called Rock & Roll the devil's music. I can’t see her being…”
I trailed off as I looked down at my phone flash with a message from my mom at that moment.
Mom: Amanda, I need to meet that young man. I had the strangest dreams…
“Jesus Christ,” I said with a laugh and read the message out loud to Nancy.
“I’ve had this idea kicking around in my head for a few days now, but I had no idea how I might make it come true for Dillon. You and your gorgeous mom just might be the answer to my prayers.”
“You can’t mean,” I said, shaking my head, “Nancy!”
She was pulling into Dillon’s driveway, and once she’d put it in park, turned a raised eyebrow on me. It was all she had to do, and I felt my face heat to a bright red, and I sat back in the seat. Dillon came out of the house, and Nancy opened her door.
“I’m going to ride in the back with our stud, while you think about the nature of hypocrisy and maybe other wicked things,” flashing me a wink and a grin she hopped out of the car. Her cute little ass wiggling as she ran around to throw her arms around Dillon’s neck, kissing him soundly.
The pair climbed in the back. Dillon, and Nancy chatting about their evenings and mornings, while I shifted into the driver's seat and pulled out of his driveway. I must say driving Nancy’s fancy car was a treat but having such wicked thoughts dancing around in my head while I drove north, was quite distracting.
Once I was on the freeway, I was treated to an even greater distraction in the rearview mirror. Nancy sat pressed up against Dillon’s side as they talked, her hand running up and down his thigh while the other played with a lock of his hair. It only took a few minutes for the young man to fall under the spell of her charms.
Her tiny sexy body, on display and pressed along his side, was soon laying across the backseat as she dragged his massive cock free of his blue jeans. Grinning like a kid with a Popsicle, she licked her lips and ran her tongue up the side and down the bottom, staring up at the handsome young man with wicked eyes.
I kept my eyes on the road most of the time but caught Dillon’s eyes several times in the mirror, his expression, one of pleasure and awe. It was beautiful to see, but I still felt a touch of envy that Nancy had the boy’s glorious cock all to herself. She took her time, edging him along as I drove to Kelly’s place. By the time I pulled off the freeway, she was on her knees on the seat, bent over his massive cock, both hands working the shaft as she sucked his soul out of him.
Dillon guided the woman’s head, fingers laced through her silky dark hair as he unloaded into her mouth. The look of absolute bliss on his face added to the wickedness of Nancy doing the deed in public where anyone might peer through the tinted windows, nearly made me cum.
It was a sweaty and breathless three who pulling into the parking lot outside of a small office park. Nancy took a few moments to straighten her clothes and hair, while Dillon gathered up his guitar. It was all I could do not to leap upon the young man in the backseat and take him there.
It took a few moments to find the office, but once Dillon spotted the tall sign pointing to various doctors’ offices, we tracked it down on the second floor. As we approached, the door swung inwards, and the bubbly Dr. Kelly Lansing ran out to throw her arms around first me, then Nancy and then Dillon. Her curly red hair bouncing and her breathless voice chattering a mile a minute.
“We saw you drive up, and we’re so excited! Was the drive, ok? I know it is a long one, but the rent is just so cheap out here, and the other offices are so helpful. Did you want some coffee or water? No? Charlotte, I mean Dr. Hurley, has everything set up in here. She’s going to be the control subject as she hasn’t heard Dillon play live before. We did warn the neighboring office they might hear some music, but I think everything should be ok, they’re a podiatrist’s office anyway, not like they’re performing open-heart surgery or anything.”
The woman kept right on talking, a sign of her nervousness as we entered the small but neatly appointed lab and office. The space had several bulky systems set on tables and a large hood for storing chemicals. The office space had two desks, one was a mess and clearly Kelly’s, while the other was very neatly arranged.
It took a few seconds to notice the other woman, for she was such a slender creature and stood with hunched shoulders, shy and withdrawn. When Kelly introduced her to Dillon and us, she held out a dainty hand to Dillon and shook his with a weak wristed grip. She was lovely, with pale skin, deep red, bee-stung lips, and an adorable button nose. Not to mention her large green eyes that seemed to have flecks of gold in them, giving her an almost otherworldly feel with her wild mane of black hair.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Dillon,” she said, ducking her head and unable to meet his eyes.
“Thank you,” Dillon said, “where should I set up?”
The woman was much more relaxed once she started to direct Dillon on where he was to sit. Moving microphones and sensors around him, she set up her station, as Nancy and I visited with Kelly. We caught her up on the highlights of the past couple of days and told her about the concert coming up on Friday.
“That’s so exciting!” She said, “You have to get Char and me tickets. I know she’s uncomfortable around crowds, but I think after today, she won’t want to miss it.”
“Do you have a hypothesis you’re testing today?” Nancy asked.
“Yes,” Kelly said with an excited grin, “it’s Charlotte's theory, and she isn’t comfortable sharing it until we have some solid data to back it up. That’s what we’re trying to gather today. It might be some time before we can properly analyze it, I just want to warn you. But if my suspicions are correct, we’ll see the evidence of its effect today.”
“What effect?” I asked, feeling a touch of worry.
“Here, Charlotte is setting herself up on the EEG system now. We can watch the readouts.”
“Ok, Dr. Lansing,” Charlotte said, “I think we should begin. Best to start before any more interactions corrupt the data set.”
“Excellent,” Kelly said, striding over to a monitor bank and moving down them, ensuring that things were recording, and settings were all input properly. “Things look good to begin. Dillon, if you would be so kind as to play that first song of yours for us and try to focus your attention on Dr. Hurley.”