Chapter 45

We had band practice to get to and made our goodbyes. Dillon was forced to spend several minutes making out with both doctors, Charlotte, in particular, taking special delight in her lack of anxiety at the P.D.A. Once the boy was out of their sight, the two part-time scientists started digging into the data, lost to the rest of the world as they sought answers to abstract questions.

When I stepped into the hall, a half dozen plump women were hovering nearby. One look at me, and I saw their faces sour, one look at Nancy and her fierce glower, and they scattered without a word needing to be said. Dillon smiled in gratitude and popped into the bathroom for a minute before we were back on the road. This time it was my turn to join my handsome musician in the backseat. The thrill of being on the road and moving while I lavished love upon that glorious cock and his fingers probing my depths, had me over the moon twice before we pulled into his driveway. I took a moment to compose myself and sigh in pleasure as Dillon dragged me into a warm embrace.

“That was fucking amazing,” he whispered in my ear, “you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” his kisses on my neck were making me eager for a third orgasm, even as I saw Jen and Momo step out of the barn and wave to Nancy in the driver seat. “God I want you so bad… every time I see you, Amanda. I love you.”

I gasped and kissed him, grinning and whispered back, “I love you too, now let’s go make some beautiful music together.”

“Ok,” he grinned and drew a yelp of surprise out of me when he gave me a stinging slap on the ass.

The slap did nothing to calm my desire, and I could feel the flush on my cheeks and seemed unable to control my heavy breathing as we entered the barn. Heather was inside setting up cameras around the space. Several were in artful positions getting shots through hanging tack or the slats of stalls.

“I thought we could”, Heather began when we came in, the words dying on her tongue when she looked at Dillon; the boy flushed and looked away, his lips compressing in a sour line, and I saw Heather's face fall, but she went on quickly almost as if she’d never paused, “get some footage for a music video. Nothing too fancy, but most bands have one video comprised of rehearsal footage. It doesn’t hurt to start gathering stuff now.”

“I think it’s a great idea,” Nancy said, “Dill?”

“It’s a good idea,” he said, nodding after a moment, “I’m just so uncomfortable when someone is filming me.”

“It showed in the last one,” Jen said. “It worked out for us. You came off as having to do a chore, which kind of fit. Even when you’re uncomfortable, you still have a certain chemistry with the lens… it isn’t something that can be taught.”

“She’s right,” Heather said, “it really is a gift. I saw it straight off when my mom sent me that first video. You have a natural talent, but you haven’t learned how to harness it yet. If you let me and Jen work with you on it, you’ll be more comfortable in front of the camera, and you’ll start to find the key to your special talent and learn to turn it on or off when you need it.”

“You’re serious?” Dillon asked, and I held my breath, knowing this was a critical moment. Nancy shifted, and I feared she might speak, but she was staring just as intently as me at the two kids.

“Dude,” Heather said, “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t. You think I need to ride the coattails of someone because they have a record deal?” She put a hand on one hip and shifted her shoulders ever so slightly, standing in a pose that made her flawless figure unavoidable, “Jen and I are here, taking time away from school because we see how talented and amazing you are just like my mom and Nancy.”

There was a touch of heat in her voice, and I saw Dillon’s pupils dilate quickly as he reassessed her and finally nodded, offering a shy smile.

“Thanks,” he said, “Ok, if you think it will help, I’ll do whatever you and Jen say.”

“Excellent,” Heather said, and I caught the faintest hint of a blush in her cheeks when she and Jen caught each other’s eyes, the smaller girl grinning wide, “Mom and Momo, let’s have you get in position and then we can start from there.”

After the initial setup, the girls were unobtrusive, hanging in the back and moving around to get tracking shots or panning around the room. Mostly they were spellbound and listening. If I weren’t playing, I would have been doing the same thing. The minutes flew past, and so did the hours. Before we knew it, it was past midnight, and sleep called to us all.

I drove the girls home and left Nancy with Dillon. Heather and Jen both threw pensive looks back at the farmhouse as I drove down the driveway. Momo and I were filled with excitement and energy after the session, and though our eyelids dragged, we stayed up for an hour talking about the session. The girl had a couple of ideas for songs, and I was pressuring her to play them for Dillon when Heather stepped out of the hall, her eyes red-rimmed and lips trembling.

Reaching out, I patted Momo’s knee and offered the girl a warm smile.

“I’m sorry, dear, but my daughter and I need to speak.”

The girl didn’t hesitate, smiling in understanding, she pulled me into a warm hug and got up and did the same for Heather, whispering something into the taller girl’s ear that made her lips quirk into a weak smile, then she was gone, up to my daughter's room to join Jen. I patted the cushion beside me on the couch, and Heather sat down, hands held together between her knees before she turned baleful eyes on me.

“Why am I not good enough for him Mom?” The words broke, and tears streamed down her cheeks

“Oh, honey,” I said reaching out and drawing her into a hug, she resisted at first, then crumpled into me, sobbing into my chest, “Of course you’re good enough for him. Don’t be silly. You two are just… well you’re both on different wavelengths it seems.” Gripping her head, I pulled it out of my chest and up so I could look into her eyes, “He cares about you. He thinks you’re beautiful. But before today, he thought you hated him,” she opened her mouth to speak, but I overrode her, “Eh, I know, I know. But we all have our truth. You did well today. I’m so proud of you.”

“Oh Mom,” her face crumpled again, “but what if he hates me when he gets to know me? No one ever loves me… they lust after me… envy me, but never get to know me.”

“Honey,” I said, shaking my head, “You can’t expect that to happen in a day or even a week. That’s the work of months or years. Getting to know someone is hard and has all manner of challenges, but you should know, this will be even harder.”

“What because he loves my mom and fucks her every day?”

The raw words made me sit up straight and hit like a slap in the face, but they were the bald truth. I held her gaze and didn’t back down from it, and Heather’s grin went from wry, self-hate to genuine amusement.

“It’s true… I mean, I knew… but I didn’t really know, you know? Jesus… Mom, he’s half your age!”

“He could be twice my age,” I said with a shrug, “It wouldn’t matter. I’ve found my place and won’t make apologies for it, even to you.”

Heather sat back and wiped the tears from her cheeks and took me in for a long moment then smiled.

“You’re more like a grandma than you think,” she chuckled.

“Oh god… Mom,” I said with a heavy shake of my head, “I forgot to call her. Someone shared the video with her.”

“I know,” Heather said, a dark blush in her cheeks, “it was me. She called me today, and we talked about it. She wants to meet Dillon, and I said I’d introduce them once I…”

I looked at my daughter for a long moment as her words trailed off and slowly raised my eyebrow. The deep blush spread down her neck, but she sat up straight and proud, refusing to bow before my gaze, and finally, I nodded.

“So be it. Your grandmother had always said no man is ever good enough. What do you think she’ll say after she hears Dillon play guitar and sing?”

“Fuck, me?” Heather said, causing both of us to burst out laughing before we quieted ourselves, not wanting to wake the girls upstairs.

“Dear heavens, what’s going to become of us,” I said after wiping away the tears of laughter.

“I think we’re going to be just fine,” Heather said, hugging me close with one arm, “No matter what Mom, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You started all of this, and you really are amazing on stage with Dillon and Momo. You guys are the jam.”

“That’s it!” I said, leaping to my feet.

Her words had sparked off the thought in my mind, like wildfire, it took hold and wouldn’t let go. Dragging Heather up to her feet, I started pulling her upstairs.

“That’s what?” Heather squawked in annoyance as I dragged her, “What are you doing, let go of me.”

“Momo!” I called, ignoring Heather as I pulled her into her own room and woke the two girls cuddled together in the frilly comforter, “The Jams.”

That’s all I said to the sleepy little girl, and her face brightened immediately, and she nodded, hopping out of bed and gripping my hand.

“The Jams! That’s a good name!”

“Heather came up with it,” I said, grinning. “We have to tell Dillon first thing tomorrow morning. If he likes it, then I think it is perfect.”

“It’s brilliant, Heather!” Momo said, throwing her thin arms around the taller girl.

I left the three to talk excitedly and crawled into bed, heavy lids falling closed almost immediately. Not before I offered a prayer up in thanks for all the grace I’d been given over the last week, the beautiful friendships I’d made, and the closeness with my girl I was only just beginning to experience. My dreams were wicked but also colored with soft pinks, the color of love.​
Next page: Chapter 46
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