Chapter 47

Word must have gotten out about the group of sexy women who’d just shown up in K-Pop Corner, because our small little stage soon had dozens of roadies and workers wandering through asking if they could be of help, or just lounging around nearby and ogling. I felt a good half dozen pairs of eyes staring at me, and it made my skin crawl. The lascivious looks from rough men were nothing new, but with my anxiety over going up on stage, they grated on my nerves.

Thankfully, Morgan, Nancy, and Momo drew plenty of stares as well, and when the K-Pop groups arrived, everywhere the man looked was pale young flesh. Interestingly, Dillon was a hit with the Korean girls right away. Something about his pale blue eyes, tall slenderness, and quiet confidence seemed to work for them.

When Heather and Jen returned, Dillon was chatting with a gorgeous lead singer from the group who would be performing before us. The girl was getting dagger glances from her groupmates who were all jealous she’d stolen the young guitarist's attention, but none would have cut a fraction as deep as my daughter stare.

“Looks like we have everything we need here,” Heather said, a touch too loudly when she strode up, drawing all attention to her.

When she halted, her massive breasts swayed hypnotically, making the tall, slender Korean singer swallow hard and shoot a glance at Dillon, and frowning when she saw him staring a Heather slightly agape.

“There anything else you need to do?” Heather asked Dillon with a raised eyebrow, and the young man shook his head, “Let's get back and get some rest then. You’ve got a big day tomorrow, and you need all the beauty sleep you can get.”

Dillon chuckled and offered a farewell to the Asian singer. The girl blushed prettily when he shook her hand, but her eyes never strayed from Heather. The golden-haired girl seemed to have a special power over not only the girl who’d taken an interest in Dillon but also the rest of them. They stared at her and Jen’s bright blonde hair, like many of the other women in Texas, but to Heather, in particular, they held a certain amount of awe.

My daughter offered the Korean singer a wink as she left, the tall girl blushing prettily and smiling back before turning and joining her friends. Heather and Dillon were thick as thieves on the drive back, sitting beside one another and going over the festival map and list of bands, making a list of acts they wanted to check out.

Momo and Jen watched the pair with growing smiles, and I felt my own heart warmed to see them getting along so well. The warm feeling and good cheer fled me the moment we stepped into the lobby of the hotel, and I saw an impressive figure standing as if she owned the place, with several of the management speaking quickly to reassure her.

From the obsequious way the three men bowed and scraped before the woman, it could only be one person, and once I saw her striking profile and perfectly quaffed golden and grey hair, I knew Mother had arrived. Groaning inwardly, I heard Heather shout in joy and run forward to throw her arms around her grandmother.

“Granddaughter, it’s so good to see you, and where is my wayward child?” Her piercing blue eyes found me and then alighted on Dillon, and I saw those hard eyes soften in a way I’d never imagined they could, “And this must be the talented young man who’s stolen away my family, eh?”

“Ma’am,” Dillon said, stepping up and holding out his hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’d just like to say, you raised the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met. If it wasn’t for Amanda… well, I’d still be starving and scraping to get by.”

“Please, everyone just calls me Bess and the pleasure's all mine,” Mom said, her pale cheeks a faint shade of red as she shook the young man’s hand, “and you are right, she’s a treasure. Let me take you kids out to dinner this evening. I have a friend who’s a chef here in Austin. He’s saved us a table.”

“Sounds perfect!” Heather said, “We’ll go get ready.”

“Sir,” my mother said to the manager, still standing patiently nearby, “you can have by things brought up to their rooms. I will be staying with my daughter.”

“Of course, Ma’am,” the man said, “but we only allow so many per room. We may need to-.”

“I trust you, good man,” Mom said, patting the man’s cheek and turning, ignoring him thereafter completely.

It wasn’t just the manager who watched my mother in awe. Few women or men had the sense of self that she does, add to that, a beauty that only seems to ripen with age, and she was a powerhouse. Mom and Heather have similar frames, with my mom just a touch heavier from age and a few inches shorter.

The weight seems to have all collected in her breasts, hips, and behind which she clad in white silks and satins from head to toe. A dark fur throw tossed over one shoulder, and a black handbag that cost more than most mid-sized sedans completed the look.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” I asked when we were walking to the elevator bank.

“Heather told me what was going on.” She said with a slight frown at me, “I had to find out from my granddaughter that my little girl was going to be performing live? You think I would miss this?”

“Mom…” I said in a warning tone, “You’ve never wanted to go to a concert or festival before. You hate large crowds and dry, dusty air. You know what the bathroom situation is going to be like, right?”

“I hadn’t really thought,” she said in a faint tone, one hand going to the thousand-dollar silk shirt she wore, “Will it be Jonny-on-the-Spots?” She swallowed hard when I nodded and then stood a little straighter, throwing her head, “Well, I can rough it for a day.”

“Atta girl,” I said with a grin, “you’re going to love it.”

“Speaking of,” she said softly, gripping my elbow and holding me back as the elevator door began to close, “We’ll take the next one.” She said to the others, and once the doors had closed turned to me with a frown of disapproval. “Now, what’s going on between you and that young man?”

I felt like a kid who’d been caught out doing something wrong as she turned that hard stare on me, her lips forming a firm line. I wasn’t a kid, though, and it was silly to feel so and found myself laughing and throwing my arms around her slender shoulders and hugging her hard. The shocked look on her face only made me laugh all the harder.

“Oh, momma, I am glad you’re here. I haven’t thought about going on stage tomorrow since I saw you,” the laughter cut off, and I grimaced at the reminder, and Mom frowned in worry.

“You still have the fright when going up?” She asked.

“Let’s get a drink,” I said, steering her towards the bar, “we don’t need to change, and I could use one.”

We found a small booth in the corner of the hotel bar and ordered martinis from the young server. I planned on only telling her about the music, but when I sat down and began describing that first Sunday, nearly two weeks before, I found myself confessing everything. I listened to myself speak as the vodka loosened my tongue further and was shocked at the things coming out of my mouth.

All of it was true, but everything sounded so wild and insane when I spoke it plain. Mom listened and through all of it said nothing, nor gave anything away by her expression. When I finished speaking, she sat for a long moment in silence then lifted a finger signaling the waitress for another round. Not until the woman had cleared out the empty martini glasses and brought fresh ones did she speak.

“I’m still trying to understand,” my heart froze at her words, and I readied myself for a scolding like I used to get as a girl, “If it was the pot that relaxed you, or if it was making love with young Dillon?”

“What?” I asked, nearly tipping over the martini when I reached for it in my shock.

“You’ve been able to perform before audiences over the past week, both at church and before Heather and her friend. I’m just wondering what it was that helped you overcome the fear. There’s nothing like a powerful orgasm to clear the mind of needless thoughts. Then again, I can see a drug that dulls the mind as helping manage the anxiety. What do you think?”

I sat stunned for a long moment, just staring at the woman. She lifted a single eyebrow, and sipped her drink, waiting for my answer as if she’d just asked if whether I use fabric softener or not.

“I think,” I began, then shivered and shook my head, “I can’t talk about this with you Mom, it’s too weird!”

“Really?” She asked, setting down her martini glass and crossing her arms, “You’re going to get squeamish now? Tell me, have you managed to trip your daughter and your young lover into bed together yet?”

It was my turn to regard her with a raised eyebrow. Taking a long sip of my martini, I felt the fumes tickling my nostrils and decided to throw all caution to the wind. I’d already decided to live this truth, and there was no sense hiding when it made me and all that I loved happy.

“Not yet,” I said with a shake of my head.

“Don’t worry,” Mom said with a wink and a smile out of one side of her mouth, “I’ve made… arrangements.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, but the sound of familiar voices caused me to turn and look.

“Don’t worry,” Nancy was saying, “we’ll work it out with the hotel staff. They can’t force you kids to share a room like that.”

“It’s ok,” Jen said, suppressing a grin, “I know Heather’s grandma is old and needs her space. It’s just one night.”

“Yea, no big deal,” Heather said with exaggerated casualness.

“What’s the problem now?” I asked, finishing off my martini and standing to go.

“When they put Bess’s things up in the rooms,” Dillon said, “they rearranged the other luggage too. Now Jen and Heather are in my room, and Momo is in with you.”

“It’s just one night,” Mom said, standing and throwing her shawl over one shoulder and slipping her arm in Dillon’s and smoothly steering him towards the door, “and will give you kids a chance to get to know one another. Speaking of which, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself, Dillon, while you help an old woman out to the car.”

“Of course, ma’am,” Dillon said, his eyes wide as saucers as Mother pressed her massively endowed body against him.​
Next page: Chapter 48
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