Chapter 54

Dillon stepped up to the microphone, and the crowd quieted. Their murmur interrupted by excited screams and cries, but for the most part, they all stared up with open, excited expressions.

“Thank you,” he said, blue eyes sparkling as he took them all in, “I can’t tell you all how amazing this has been. This was our first live performance, and we couldn’t have asked for a better crowd,” shouts of shock and surprise erupted from the crowd, and I saw musicians all around us react with similar surprise, “Amanda and Momo wanted me to leave you all with one final song, from my heart. I hope you all enjoy.”

Their cheers died down quickly, and an almost eerie silence fell over the entire venue. At least sixty thousand pairs of eyes were on Dillon as he popped his neck side to side and flexed the fingers of his right hand. He glanced to the side, and his eyes met mine, and I felt my heart swell at the love I saw there and even more so when he looked at Nancy, Momo, Heather and the others with a similar passion.

Then he began to play. At first, it was a single rising note, pure and clear, vibrating, as his finger wiggled on the frets. Then he did something I couldn’t quite see with his pinky and ring fingers on the right hand, adding in a bass beat to the high note. Then his hands were flying across the guitar so quickly it was hard to see what exactly he did.

After a second, I stopped trying to pay attention to his fingers and was carried away by the sounds. Here was a distillation of talent and skill the world had rarely seen. Dillon told a story only with his guitar. The music he created transported everyone who heard it live and brought them along for the ride.

His music spoke of loss and loneliness, of heartache and sadness, but hope as well. A slender thread of hope that he kept returning, the musical refrain was haunting and inspiring at the same time. The loss and loneliness disappeared, and his play changed, evolving and exploding into frenetic pace, filled with sharp notes. The refrain of hope grew, somehow he wove it throughout the evolving song until it built and built into a crescendo of cascading notes that had the audience and all of us backstage in a dancing frenzy. It was impossible not to move and feel alive as those sweet guitar licks rolled through us. Dillon concluded the solo performance with an acid rock-like guitar screed and a knee slide, the audience roaring and nearly buckling the security fence as they rushed forward.

Dillon ran off stage and was met by a crowd of other performers, all congratulating him and trying to get a piece of the young genius. I looked around and was surprised to see Mom and Heather were gone. I looked around with a frown but couldn’t spot them, but there were other worries on my mind just then.

Adeline and Nancy were trying to push forward to Dillon, but the crowd was quickly sweeping him away backstage. I spotted a gorgeous pair of women linking their arms in his, their faces shining with desire and devotion like I’d seen in so many. One of the women was pulling a small plastic bag of white powder out of her bra and winked up at Dillon.

Then they were gone from my sight as Momo and I were pushed further and further back in the crowd. I began to feel my anxiety once more, as strangers surrounded us, then Adeline and Nancy were there.

“That asshole of a stage manager is trying to get Dillon to go to their parties,” Nancy said with a frown, “he has a couple of whores ready to sweep him off his feet.”

“Did we lose him already?” Adeline said with a sour frown, “You ladies were supposed to look out for him. Keep him out of trouble like that.”

“It all just happened so fast,” Morgan said, “where are Heather and Bess? We should find them and get out of here. I’m starting to get nervous.”

I was past nervous and starting to go into freak out mode. Dillon was nowhere to be seen, and the crowd was all pushing back into one of the large backstage areas where there were kegs and clouds of smoke. I was just trying to work up the nerve to march in there and drag Dillon out when a familiar-looking figure came striding through the press of people.

The crowd parted for him, people offering their congratulations, which he ignored, his pale blue eyes searching hungrily until they locked on mine, and I saw the anxiety fade and a grin form there. Laughing in joy, I ran forward into Dillon’s arms and didn’t give a damn about who witnessed me kissing him thoroughly.

“I thought I’d lost you,” Dillon whispered in my ear as he held me close, “Everywhere I looked were strangers and they just kept pushing me forward. I finally had to knock that annoying little guy down to get back out here.”

“Well, I’m glad you did,” I said, releasing him and smoothing down my skirt and blushing at the stares we were getting.

“Dillon,” Momo said, “You have to play that song for us again. It was unbelievable!”

“Yes,” Adeline said with a sultry smile, “and we have to get it up for sale and download immediately. Morgan, you need to get a copy of their performance. I know the promoters were recording everything.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Morgan said and marched off her face set.

“Nancy, you and I need to talk licensing fees because we’re going to have every morning show and late-night show in the country asking for footage of this concert today. Where is Jen? Ahh there you are, I need to speak with you about a social campaign built around today. We got work to do people!” She turned her beautiful face on Momo, me and Dillon, and grinned, reaching out to cup Dillon’s cheeks in her hands, “Not you though! You three did brilliantly! You head into the green room and relax. Just trust Adeline and Global, we’ll take care of you.”

“That’s a good idea,” Momo said with a suspicious smile, “why don’t you head into the green room and… relax?”

“Ok,” I said with a frown, wondering what the ladies were up to.

Dillon took my arm and led me back to our small green room area, and I could feel the energy still coursing through him. I felt it too—a wild thrill from the crowd and the energy they fed to us. I just imagined what wickedness Dillon and I could get up to in the green room alone when I pushed open the door and froze in shock at the sight before me.

“Welcome to the after-party,” Heather said, stepping forward and drawing a shocked Dillon deeper into the room, “where all your dreams will be made reality and where we all get to show you just how much we appreciate your genius and talent.”

“Jesus,” Dillon said, looking around himself and back at me with wide eyes.

I met his shocked stare with an enthusiastic grin, pulling Momo, Nancy, and Adeline in behind me and shutting the door firmly in place. Morgan was off running an errand, but every other woman we’d grown close to and become intimate with over the past two weeks was here.

Dr. Lansing sat sipping a red solo cup of beer beside her friend Dr. Hurley, both staring around the room with wicked grins as they anticipated the wild times about to begin. Jen sat with my mom on a low couch, the two of them had their arms wrapped around one another, and I was shocked to see my mother’s lipstick smeared, and the younger woman’s cheeks flushed with desire, her slender hips rocking against my mom’s fingers.

Standing near one corner of the room, was Pastor Elizabeth Watkins with the two young farmhands beside her. The conservative woman looked out of place in her long high-necked dress, but from the burning desire in her eyes as she stared at Dillon, I knew she was eager for the fun to begin. The two young sisters beside her looked around at the gorgeous and confident women surrounding them with trepidation. When their eyes fell on Dillon, I saw lust overwhelm their insecurities and inhibitions.

“Today is the first day of the rest of our lives,” I said softly, drawing all eyes to me, “and I’ve never been prouder to be a part of anything as I am to have you ladies on our side in this adventure.”

“Your music has touched us all,” Heather said, her grin fierce as she pulled Dillon into her arms, and wrapped them around his neck, drawing his face into hers, “It has healed hurts we didn’t even know were there… now let us show you how much we love you… let us put into action the mantra that fills our hearts every day.”

“All for Dillon…” I murmured and was surprised to realize all the women whispered it at the same time.​
Next page: Chapter 55
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