Life changed quickly after the Festival. When we returned home there was a big article written up in the local paper with Dillon, mine and Momo’s pictures on the front page. That was exciting but not nearly as exciting as when a major glossy magazine reached out to Jen through social media to say they loved the music and wanted to write an article.
Adeline, Heather, Jen, and Morgan had worked out an album release schedule and a small tour that would see us in most of the American major cities. The songs were already charting number one overseas, but the girls said we would do a major world tour in a year, once they could be certain we’d sell out arenas.
The doctors continued their research, bringing in a few grad students as test subjects to refine their theories before publishing. Their work was interesting to me, but I knew it could never fully explain the power of Dillon’s music. Time and again I saw the impact he could have, the joy and peace he brought others.
When we eventually flew to LA, a week after the concert, it would mark the beginning of our new lives. Adeline’s assistant, a certified flight attendant, welcomed us aboard their corporate private jet. I’d never experienced anything so luxurious as the plane’s creamy leather seats and wide-open spaces. No sooner were we in the air before Adeline was toasting her number one talent.
“To our young genius!” She said raising her champagne flute, “To love! Laughter! And Inspiration!”
We all cheered, tipping our glasses and grinning, then the slender, elegant woman dropped to her knees and took Dillon’s cock from his pants. The assistant joined her, the girl absolute perfection wrapped in ebony skin, as the pair ensured the young man understood just how much his label was willing to do for him. After that, things got wild, the champagne flowed and Adeline ordered the pilot, a lovely older woman with massive breasts, to fly circles over the Pacific Ocean for a couple of hours. At one-point Mother, Heather and I stole our love away, eager to give him the rarest gift of all, and being knit all the closer together for it.
So began the next chapter in my Rock God and his Harem’s life.