Update 03
He then breathed a rather shaky sigh of appreciation. Like most men, I think he thought he was being subtle and failed spectacularly, but I wasn't about to point it out. It was so unbelievably erotic having him hover over me, quietly moaning his appreciation of my body, smelling his manly scent. I was so turned on that I was beginning to wonder if he could smell the pheromones that were undoubtedly pouring off me right now.
Eventually, the pretence could go on no longer and he moved away. He stood behind my chair for a few moments as we spoke feebly about the information we had just "looked at", but I couldn't help but wonder why he was hiding behind my chair. Was it because he was blushing or was it something else? I then had a thought that caused another shiver of excitement to run through me. Was he adjusting a hard-on? I hoped he was, the thought was so exciting to me. I wanted to see him grip and adjust it, to wrestle it into a less obvious and slightly more comfortable position but unfortunately, I couldn't see. I would have liked to have helped, gripping it firmly and feeling the heat and hardness through his pants. I doubt it would have helped his comfort much though.
Despite his best efforts to look nonchalant and casual as he made his way back to his office, it was obvious to me that he was keeping his back to me the whole way. He clearly didn't want me to see the reaction I had had on him. I wanted to see though, I wanted to see the bulge in his pants, I wanted to reach out and caress it. I wanted him to touch me too. I wanted to feel his hand between my thighs and stroking over my panties, feeling my heat and the moisture that had begun to leak through.
His office door closed with a click and it seemed to bring me back to reality. I released a huge sigh and realised I had been holding my breath. God, what was coming over me today? I was like a horny teenager again and I was so wet that it was starting to become uncomfortable. I got up from my chair, on legs that felt a little less stable than they should have, and made my way to the toilet. I pulled my underwear down and was surprised to see just how wet my mass of curls had become. I got a wad of toilet paper and began mopping up but I was so sensitive I had to be careful how much pressure I applied. The last thing I wanted to do was trigger a massive orgasm and moan loud enough for Stefan to hear me cum. Well, actually that did sound kind of fun, but I didn't think it would be very professional and those boundaries had already been pushed a long way this morning. I completed the task of cleaning up and at the same time confirmed my thought from this morning that I needed to tame the wilds somewhat. I vowed to make an effort to clean up the untamed jungle that was in my panties tonight.
I went back to work and tried my best to be productive but my imagination kept replaying scenes of the morning over and over. The way the stranger on the train and the way that his eyes were practically burning into my barely covered pussy, how sexy I felt as I walked away from him swinging my ass a little more than I usually would, the fact that I could still feel where Stefan's hand held my breast when he caught me this morning. The way he was staring at my thighs and my willingness to show him more. The possibility, probability in my imagination, that he was giving his cock a squeeze directly behind me. All of it kept sneaking back into my imagination every time my focus drifted from the work at hand, which was often.
I didn't see much of Stefan for the rest of the day. It felt as though he was hiding in his office, no doubt he was embarrassed but it was like he was afraid to see me, afraid of what he might do to me if he did. My imagination went into full fantasy mode at that thought and in my head he had me bent over my desk with the door still open where anyone could see in. He had my skirt up over my ass and my panties pulled down to my knees. He was pounding his cock into my sopping pussy from behind, our bodies making wet slapping sounds as they smacked together. I was so wet again that I was about to go back to the toilet to mop up for the third time today when he finally emerged from his office. He looked at me and I knew I was blushing as I thought about what he had been doing to me in my fantasy. Our eyes held each other for longer than normal but then he looked away. He took a deep breath as though to calm his nerves then walked around the desk to my side.
His excuse this time was that he wanted to go through a couple of e-mails with me before I left for the day, but again this was something that he had never done before. Not that I am complaining, another chance to tease him was exactly what I wanted. I was just wishing I could do more than show a little thigh. Well, okay, I had slid forward a bit when I saw him coming around the desk so I was showing more than just a little thigh. My skirt was two, maybe three, fingers width off showing the crotch of my panties. To say it was failing the freckle test at this point was a laughable understatement.
He hovered again the way he had earlier as we discussed the e-mails. His breath in my ear and on my neck was driving me crazy as I longed to feel his lips on my skin. My nipples were hard as rocks and I wondered if he could see them pushing out the material of my blouse. I wanted him to see, hell I wanted to open my blouse and pull my bra down so he could see them for real. I wanted him to reach out and cup my breasts in his warm hands and run his fingertips around those hard rubbery bumps.
Christ, have I ever been this horny before? I was astounded by just how aroused I was. The slightest thing would have tipped me over at this point. I wanted to reach out to Stefan, touch him, guide his hands over my body, kiss him, taste his mouth, taste his body, and encourage him to taste mine. Oh, God, Samantha, stop this before you cum in front of your boss. I could feel my pussy begin to clench with pre-orgasm spasms as though it was trying to squeeze a cock that sadly wasn't in there. I was so close that the slightest thing would have sent me over the edge. I tried with all my might to focus on the screen and exclude all other thoughts. I took three deep breaths and mustered every ounce of self-control I had left.
Stefan picked up on my tension, if not the cause.
"Are you okay, Sam?"
He placed his warm hand on my shoulder and an excited shiver ran through my body. I had edged myself before, although not often. Never, though, had I hovered on the edge of an orgasm like this for so long before. I could feel my insides fluttering as an orgasm hovered there, just waiting to be gently nudged. I managed to speak calmly, although, how it came out as anything other than a scream or a shuddering moan, I do not know.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry, I'm just a bit frazzled today."
He gave a small snorted laugh. His voice suddenly seemed warmer, deeper, as though I could hear his arousal in it.
"I get that. I'm feeling a bit the same myself. Why don't you pack it up for the day? We'll start again tomorrow where we left off."
He gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze and then moved his hand. I don't know if it was intentional or just a coincidence, but his fingertip touched my neck and then my ear lobe as he moved his hand away. That was all it took to tip the balance I had been so carefully hanging onto and it hit me hard. I had to hold my breath as my body could hold back my orgasm no longer. That wave of pleasure washed down over me, but as I was holding everything back so much, I couldn't just let it go, it was almost a little bit disappointing. I bowed my head so there was no chance of him seeing my face as I released a silent, breathless scream. My pussy was clenching and I couldn't believe I was sitting here, in my workplace, in front of my boss and filling my already damp panties with my cum.
It was nice and somewhat intense but it had the potential to be mind-blowing. I felt my body shudder and the excess cum began leaking from my panties. I could feel my seat becoming noticeably wetter. I had my face down as I panted for breath after holding it for so long. I was panting with my mouth wide open to try and avoid making any sounds but there was no denying my body's movements. Thankfully, Stefan didn't say anything. He could have pushed the issue but he tactfully turned away to allow me my private moment. Is that what he was doing or was it just a coincidence? What he was thinking I had no idea. Did he know what was going on? Had he realised I had just cum in my office chair, right under his nose? Speaking of which, I could now smell the unmistakable scent of my cum. Fuck, I have to get out of here.
I pushed my chair back from my desk and stood up. I looked quickly at the seat and noticed a small damp spot before shoving it back under the desk so Stefan couldn't see it. I grabbed my bag and I was on my feet and mumbling something about having to catch my train. Not that I had ever had to rush out the door like that before. I was almost at the door when Stefan called my name.
I stopped in my tracks and took a moment to try and calm my face at least before I turned back, although from the heat I still felt in it I am sure it was still glowing red.
"I'll shut everything down,"
"Oh... Oh, okay. Thank you. I'm sorry."
I was feeling ridiculous now. I turned again to walk out but he wasn't finished.
"And I think your new skirt looks really good on you too."
I couldn't tell if he was paying a sincere compliment, flirting or just letting me know he noticed the change. Perhaps all of the above. I stopped in my tracks still blushing, but for a whole new reason now, I turned back to him and smiled. This time the swagger returned to my walk as I strutted out the door, giving him the best view I could, short of actually flashing him.
The whole way to the train station I was practically floating. I was so excited at having turned someone on the way I had, let alone two people on the same day. I was also incredibly turned on about having had an orgasm in a semi-public place for the first time ever, and in front of my hot-looking boss no less. The only issues I was having now were that my panties had become uncomfortably wet and what kind of reception I would receive tomorrow at work.
I got to the platform with time to spare so I took a quick diversion into the ladies. I did my best to tidy up and try and dry my panties as much as possible with toilet paper. It was far from perfect but it was the best I could do.
I went back onto the platform and waited for the train. While I was standing there, I had the feeling that I was being watched. I glanced to my left and there he was. The same man from this morning and he was looking quite pleased to see me there as well.
His eyes took a long slow tour of my body then settled on my legs. I was standing side-on to him and watching out of the corner of my eye. I made a slightly exaggerated move as I scratched my leg, pulling the hem of my skirt just a little higher in the process. Just then I heard the rumble of the train coming towards the platform. I turned my head towards the tunnel and watched as it entered the station. It slowed to a stop and a couple of people got off but it was mostly people getting on to go home at this time of day.
I stepped onto the last carriage, which has always been my favourite. It's usually the last to fill up for some reason and I rarely have a problem getting a seat. It tends to be quieter down this end of the train too. I always found it strange that people tried to get a seat near the front, as though they were winning some kind of race by getting there first. They all ignored the fact that nobody got off the train until the doors opened and they all opened at the same time. This is just one of the many ways in which I find people strange.
I found a seat and sat down then smiled to myself as the man from this morning came along and sat down opposite me. There were still seats everywhere and he was standing a lot closer to the middle of the train while he was standing on the platform. He was looking hot and flushed as though he had been rushing and I realised he had hurried down the length of the train looking for me. I guess some people would consider it weird, or even a little creepy, as though he was stalking me. I was enjoying the game, though, and so long as he behaved in a manner that I was comfortable with and the way I wanted him to, then, for the moment, I was fine with it. I didn't like being the manipulative type of person and I was aware that my behaviour was at odds with what most women say that they want, but I wasn't really thinking about it that way at the moment, I was just having fun.
Just before the train took off a young mother and her daughter sat down on the seat next to the man opposite me. The daughter looked to be about six years old and typical for her age she was fidgety. They talked quietly to each other as the train moved along. I looked over at the man and he smiled at me. I smiled back and he tilted his head slightly at the woman next to him then gave a slightly disappointed look. I chuckled to myself. All that effort and your plans are foiled by a six-year-old.
I picked up my book from the bag and began to read it but the whole time I was very conscious of the way I was sitting. I kept my legs firmly together and sat still and upright. Two stops later the woman spoke quietly to her daughter then they both got up. The door slid open and they both exited. The man sitting across from me and I both sat there holding our breath, hoping that no one else got on. There was tension in the air as the doors slid closed again. I doubt anyone else would have picked up on it but it was very noticeable to me. The train lurched and I relaxed. Slowly my thighs gently separated in a long-drawn-out tease. The tension in my back eased as I slowly leaned back against the rest. The process caused me to slide just a tiny bit forward in the seat.
By the time I was halfway home my legs were relaxed, open and my panties were on full display as they were stretched tight over my aching pussy. He was pretty much in the same position as he had been that morning. Slack-jawed, staring and trying to prevent his erection from showing. The poor guy was practically drooling. I have to admit that I was pretty much drooling too, just not in the same way.
By the time I got off the train at my home station, I was ready to be bent over and fucked hard by anyone who wanted me. I was so turned on that it felt like every single nerve ending in my body was buzzing.
I walked home in a daze with all kinds of erotic scenarios coming to mind and morphing into new ones over and over. I was so lost in my fantasies that I'm surprised that I didn't get lost physically. I stumbled through my front door and the moment the latch clicked into place; my hand was in my panties. I used my other hand to roughly pull my shirt out of my skirt. I roughly pulled my bra down, releasing my breasts. My hand began squeezing my breasts and pinching my achingly hard nipples as I stuffed two fingers deep inside my pussy. I fucked myself hard and fast as my mind whirled through the fantasies of the day. The sounds coming from my pussy were almost disturbing. I was so sloppy and wet and desperate to be filled that I wasn't being gentle or taking my time. My orgasm, which seemed to have been stifled and held back all day, roared up on me like the water from a dam that had collapsed, wiping away rational thoughts like bark huts before the deluge.
I found myself on my knees in front of my front door, panting like I had run a mile and no recollection of having fallen to my knees. I had one hand on the wall next to me to stop me from falling face-first onto the floor as my body still twitched and spasmed. My other hand was still in my panties but no longer inside me. My fingers were soaked, my panties were soaked, and cum was slowly running down the inside of my quivering thighs where it had leaked around the legs of my underwear. I could hear my heart pounding like a drum in my ears alongside the ringing sound that was there now too.
After a long time, my heart had slowed to a steady gallop and I had regained some balance. I removed my hand from my panties and was shocked at the quantity of sticky fluid covering it. I held it up before me so that I didn't get my cum all over my clothes as I leaned against the wall with my other hand. I tried a few times to get my feet under me so I could stand up but at first, my legs just wouldn't behave. Eventually, I managed to convince them to work and forced myself to my feet.
My legs were so wobbly that I struggled to get up the stairs and I clung to the handrail for fear of toppling down them. The absurdity of the situation washed over me and I ended up in a fit of the giggles which did very little to help my balance either. I stopped halfway up the stairs until I had composed myself again, then made my way to the bathroom. I washed my hands and looked at myself in the full-length mirror.
I looked pretty much how I felt. My hair was a mess, and my face was flushed right down to my chest. My blouse was un-tucked and rumpled and my chest looked weirdly misshapen and lumpy because my bra had slipped back up over one breast but not the other. My thighs were wet and sticky with cum but my skirt was somehow relatively unscathed. Probably due to it being so short, I had managed to keep it out of the way and it had fallen back into place as I had stood up.
I looked like a slut that had been fucked hard for hours. Part of me was embarrassed to see myself in such a state, but the rest of me was kind of impressed and pleased with the wild, unabashed, wanton, slut staring back at me from my bathroom mirror. This girl was new to my life. She was a bit scary but very exciting but I liked her, I liked her a lot.
I folded my skirt and dropped it on the bed then walked back down to the laundry where I stripped off the rest of my clothes, throwing everything I had been wearing into the washing machine. I walked naked through the house and up the stairs to my bedroom where I laid my skirt out on the chair that I used to organise my next day's clothes. It had been a beautiful summer day and it was still quite warm so it was comfortable to walk around naked, not to mention that it felt both naughty and nice at the same time. I think I would have happily spent the rest of the evening doing exactly that if I wasn't in such dire need of a shower. I smelled of sweat and cum, and as exciting as that was for me, I recognised the need to get cleaned up.
I walked back into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror again. My hair was still a mess but the colour of my face had mostly gone back to normal. I tried to look at myself as though I was a stranger looking at this naked woman. I am no model and like any person, there was plenty I saw that I wasn't mad about but overall, I was reasonably happy with what I could see. I liked my long, strong legs and my firm, pert breasts. Even my stomach, which did not have a single visible ab, looked smooth. I had nice skin and even my butt was looking fairly pert today. I seriously had to do something about the tangled mess of pubes, though. A sheer lack of action and attention lately had meant that things had gotten a little out of hand. I was in serious need of some heavy-duty grooming.
I turned, grabbed my razor and a pair of hairdresser's scissors from the cabinet above the sink then turned on the shower. While the water warmed up, I had a quick trim and was shocked at the amount of hair now scattered on the bathroom floor. Things had, apparently, gotten a little more untamed than I had realised. I stepped into the shower and let the hot water seep into my body and I soon began to feel like I was melting. I washed myself from head to toe then began the task of tidying with the razor. I did my legs and my armpits, which were still fairly good but I decided to freshen the job up anyway, and then I began on my bikini line. I worked away at it and kept saying to myself, just a little more, just a little more until eventually I was left with a narrow landing strip and nothing else.
He then breathed a rather shaky sigh of appreciation. Like most men, I think he thought he was being subtle and failed spectacularly, but I wasn't about to point it out. It was so unbelievably erotic having him hover over me, quietly moaning his appreciation of my body, smelling his manly scent. I was so turned on that I was beginning to wonder if he could smell the pheromones that were undoubtedly pouring off me right now.
Eventually, the pretence could go on no longer and he moved away. He stood behind my chair for a few moments as we spoke feebly about the information we had just "looked at", but I couldn't help but wonder why he was hiding behind my chair. Was it because he was blushing or was it something else? I then had a thought that caused another shiver of excitement to run through me. Was he adjusting a hard-on? I hoped he was, the thought was so exciting to me. I wanted to see him grip and adjust it, to wrestle it into a less obvious and slightly more comfortable position but unfortunately, I couldn't see. I would have liked to have helped, gripping it firmly and feeling the heat and hardness through his pants. I doubt it would have helped his comfort much though.
Despite his best efforts to look nonchalant and casual as he made his way back to his office, it was obvious to me that he was keeping his back to me the whole way. He clearly didn't want me to see the reaction I had had on him. I wanted to see though, I wanted to see the bulge in his pants, I wanted to reach out and caress it. I wanted him to touch me too. I wanted to feel his hand between my thighs and stroking over my panties, feeling my heat and the moisture that had begun to leak through.
His office door closed with a click and it seemed to bring me back to reality. I released a huge sigh and realised I had been holding my breath. God, what was coming over me today? I was like a horny teenager again and I was so wet that it was starting to become uncomfortable. I got up from my chair, on legs that felt a little less stable than they should have, and made my way to the toilet. I pulled my underwear down and was surprised to see just how wet my mass of curls had become. I got a wad of toilet paper and began mopping up but I was so sensitive I had to be careful how much pressure I applied. The last thing I wanted to do was trigger a massive orgasm and moan loud enough for Stefan to hear me cum. Well, actually that did sound kind of fun, but I didn't think it would be very professional and those boundaries had already been pushed a long way this morning. I completed the task of cleaning up and at the same time confirmed my thought from this morning that I needed to tame the wilds somewhat. I vowed to make an effort to clean up the untamed jungle that was in my panties tonight.
I went back to work and tried my best to be productive but my imagination kept replaying scenes of the morning over and over. The way the stranger on the train and the way that his eyes were practically burning into my barely covered pussy, how sexy I felt as I walked away from him swinging my ass a little more than I usually would, the fact that I could still feel where Stefan's hand held my breast when he caught me this morning. The way he was staring at my thighs and my willingness to show him more. The possibility, probability in my imagination, that he was giving his cock a squeeze directly behind me. All of it kept sneaking back into my imagination every time my focus drifted from the work at hand, which was often.
I didn't see much of Stefan for the rest of the day. It felt as though he was hiding in his office, no doubt he was embarrassed but it was like he was afraid to see me, afraid of what he might do to me if he did. My imagination went into full fantasy mode at that thought and in my head he had me bent over my desk with the door still open where anyone could see in. He had my skirt up over my ass and my panties pulled down to my knees. He was pounding his cock into my sopping pussy from behind, our bodies making wet slapping sounds as they smacked together. I was so wet again that I was about to go back to the toilet to mop up for the third time today when he finally emerged from his office. He looked at me and I knew I was blushing as I thought about what he had been doing to me in my fantasy. Our eyes held each other for longer than normal but then he looked away. He took a deep breath as though to calm his nerves then walked around the desk to my side.
His excuse this time was that he wanted to go through a couple of e-mails with me before I left for the day, but again this was something that he had never done before. Not that I am complaining, another chance to tease him was exactly what I wanted. I was just wishing I could do more than show a little thigh. Well, okay, I had slid forward a bit when I saw him coming around the desk so I was showing more than just a little thigh. My skirt was two, maybe three, fingers width off showing the crotch of my panties. To say it was failing the freckle test at this point was a laughable understatement.
He hovered again the way he had earlier as we discussed the e-mails. His breath in my ear and on my neck was driving me crazy as I longed to feel his lips on my skin. My nipples were hard as rocks and I wondered if he could see them pushing out the material of my blouse. I wanted him to see, hell I wanted to open my blouse and pull my bra down so he could see them for real. I wanted him to reach out and cup my breasts in his warm hands and run his fingertips around those hard rubbery bumps.
Christ, have I ever been this horny before? I was astounded by just how aroused I was. The slightest thing would have tipped me over at this point. I wanted to reach out to Stefan, touch him, guide his hands over my body, kiss him, taste his mouth, taste his body, and encourage him to taste mine. Oh, God, Samantha, stop this before you cum in front of your boss. I could feel my pussy begin to clench with pre-orgasm spasms as though it was trying to squeeze a cock that sadly wasn't in there. I was so close that the slightest thing would have sent me over the edge. I tried with all my might to focus on the screen and exclude all other thoughts. I took three deep breaths and mustered every ounce of self-control I had left.
Stefan picked up on my tension, if not the cause.
"Are you okay, Sam?"
He placed his warm hand on my shoulder and an excited shiver ran through my body. I had edged myself before, although not often. Never, though, had I hovered on the edge of an orgasm like this for so long before. I could feel my insides fluttering as an orgasm hovered there, just waiting to be gently nudged. I managed to speak calmly, although, how it came out as anything other than a scream or a shuddering moan, I do not know.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry, I'm just a bit frazzled today."
He gave a small snorted laugh. His voice suddenly seemed warmer, deeper, as though I could hear his arousal in it.
"I get that. I'm feeling a bit the same myself. Why don't you pack it up for the day? We'll start again tomorrow where we left off."
He gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze and then moved his hand. I don't know if it was intentional or just a coincidence, but his fingertip touched my neck and then my ear lobe as he moved his hand away. That was all it took to tip the balance I had been so carefully hanging onto and it hit me hard. I had to hold my breath as my body could hold back my orgasm no longer. That wave of pleasure washed down over me, but as I was holding everything back so much, I couldn't just let it go, it was almost a little bit disappointing. I bowed my head so there was no chance of him seeing my face as I released a silent, breathless scream. My pussy was clenching and I couldn't believe I was sitting here, in my workplace, in front of my boss and filling my already damp panties with my cum.
It was nice and somewhat intense but it had the potential to be mind-blowing. I felt my body shudder and the excess cum began leaking from my panties. I could feel my seat becoming noticeably wetter. I had my face down as I panted for breath after holding it for so long. I was panting with my mouth wide open to try and avoid making any sounds but there was no denying my body's movements. Thankfully, Stefan didn't say anything. He could have pushed the issue but he tactfully turned away to allow me my private moment. Is that what he was doing or was it just a coincidence? What he was thinking I had no idea. Did he know what was going on? Had he realised I had just cum in my office chair, right under his nose? Speaking of which, I could now smell the unmistakable scent of my cum. Fuck, I have to get out of here.
I pushed my chair back from my desk and stood up. I looked quickly at the seat and noticed a small damp spot before shoving it back under the desk so Stefan couldn't see it. I grabbed my bag and I was on my feet and mumbling something about having to catch my train. Not that I had ever had to rush out the door like that before. I was almost at the door when Stefan called my name.
I stopped in my tracks and took a moment to try and calm my face at least before I turned back, although from the heat I still felt in it I am sure it was still glowing red.
"I'll shut everything down,"
"Oh... Oh, okay. Thank you. I'm sorry."
I was feeling ridiculous now. I turned again to walk out but he wasn't finished.
"And I think your new skirt looks really good on you too."
I couldn't tell if he was paying a sincere compliment, flirting or just letting me know he noticed the change. Perhaps all of the above. I stopped in my tracks still blushing, but for a whole new reason now, I turned back to him and smiled. This time the swagger returned to my walk as I strutted out the door, giving him the best view I could, short of actually flashing him.
The whole way to the train station I was practically floating. I was so excited at having turned someone on the way I had, let alone two people on the same day. I was also incredibly turned on about having had an orgasm in a semi-public place for the first time ever, and in front of my hot-looking boss no less. The only issues I was having now were that my panties had become uncomfortably wet and what kind of reception I would receive tomorrow at work.
I got to the platform with time to spare so I took a quick diversion into the ladies. I did my best to tidy up and try and dry my panties as much as possible with toilet paper. It was far from perfect but it was the best I could do.
I went back onto the platform and waited for the train. While I was standing there, I had the feeling that I was being watched. I glanced to my left and there he was. The same man from this morning and he was looking quite pleased to see me there as well.
His eyes took a long slow tour of my body then settled on my legs. I was standing side-on to him and watching out of the corner of my eye. I made a slightly exaggerated move as I scratched my leg, pulling the hem of my skirt just a little higher in the process. Just then I heard the rumble of the train coming towards the platform. I turned my head towards the tunnel and watched as it entered the station. It slowed to a stop and a couple of people got off but it was mostly people getting on to go home at this time of day.
I stepped onto the last carriage, which has always been my favourite. It's usually the last to fill up for some reason and I rarely have a problem getting a seat. It tends to be quieter down this end of the train too. I always found it strange that people tried to get a seat near the front, as though they were winning some kind of race by getting there first. They all ignored the fact that nobody got off the train until the doors opened and they all opened at the same time. This is just one of the many ways in which I find people strange.
I found a seat and sat down then smiled to myself as the man from this morning came along and sat down opposite me. There were still seats everywhere and he was standing a lot closer to the middle of the train while he was standing on the platform. He was looking hot and flushed as though he had been rushing and I realised he had hurried down the length of the train looking for me. I guess some people would consider it weird, or even a little creepy, as though he was stalking me. I was enjoying the game, though, and so long as he behaved in a manner that I was comfortable with and the way I wanted him to, then, for the moment, I was fine with it. I didn't like being the manipulative type of person and I was aware that my behaviour was at odds with what most women say that they want, but I wasn't really thinking about it that way at the moment, I was just having fun.
Just before the train took off a young mother and her daughter sat down on the seat next to the man opposite me. The daughter looked to be about six years old and typical for her age she was fidgety. They talked quietly to each other as the train moved along. I looked over at the man and he smiled at me. I smiled back and he tilted his head slightly at the woman next to him then gave a slightly disappointed look. I chuckled to myself. All that effort and your plans are foiled by a six-year-old.
I picked up my book from the bag and began to read it but the whole time I was very conscious of the way I was sitting. I kept my legs firmly together and sat still and upright. Two stops later the woman spoke quietly to her daughter then they both got up. The door slid open and they both exited. The man sitting across from me and I both sat there holding our breath, hoping that no one else got on. There was tension in the air as the doors slid closed again. I doubt anyone else would have picked up on it but it was very noticeable to me. The train lurched and I relaxed. Slowly my thighs gently separated in a long-drawn-out tease. The tension in my back eased as I slowly leaned back against the rest. The process caused me to slide just a tiny bit forward in the seat.
By the time I was halfway home my legs were relaxed, open and my panties were on full display as they were stretched tight over my aching pussy. He was pretty much in the same position as he had been that morning. Slack-jawed, staring and trying to prevent his erection from showing. The poor guy was practically drooling. I have to admit that I was pretty much drooling too, just not in the same way.
By the time I got off the train at my home station, I was ready to be bent over and fucked hard by anyone who wanted me. I was so turned on that it felt like every single nerve ending in my body was buzzing.
I walked home in a daze with all kinds of erotic scenarios coming to mind and morphing into new ones over and over. I was so lost in my fantasies that I'm surprised that I didn't get lost physically. I stumbled through my front door and the moment the latch clicked into place; my hand was in my panties. I used my other hand to roughly pull my shirt out of my skirt. I roughly pulled my bra down, releasing my breasts. My hand began squeezing my breasts and pinching my achingly hard nipples as I stuffed two fingers deep inside my pussy. I fucked myself hard and fast as my mind whirled through the fantasies of the day. The sounds coming from my pussy were almost disturbing. I was so sloppy and wet and desperate to be filled that I wasn't being gentle or taking my time. My orgasm, which seemed to have been stifled and held back all day, roared up on me like the water from a dam that had collapsed, wiping away rational thoughts like bark huts before the deluge.
I found myself on my knees in front of my front door, panting like I had run a mile and no recollection of having fallen to my knees. I had one hand on the wall next to me to stop me from falling face-first onto the floor as my body still twitched and spasmed. My other hand was still in my panties but no longer inside me. My fingers were soaked, my panties were soaked, and cum was slowly running down the inside of my quivering thighs where it had leaked around the legs of my underwear. I could hear my heart pounding like a drum in my ears alongside the ringing sound that was there now too.
After a long time, my heart had slowed to a steady gallop and I had regained some balance. I removed my hand from my panties and was shocked at the quantity of sticky fluid covering it. I held it up before me so that I didn't get my cum all over my clothes as I leaned against the wall with my other hand. I tried a few times to get my feet under me so I could stand up but at first, my legs just wouldn't behave. Eventually, I managed to convince them to work and forced myself to my feet.
My legs were so wobbly that I struggled to get up the stairs and I clung to the handrail for fear of toppling down them. The absurdity of the situation washed over me and I ended up in a fit of the giggles which did very little to help my balance either. I stopped halfway up the stairs until I had composed myself again, then made my way to the bathroom. I washed my hands and looked at myself in the full-length mirror.
I looked pretty much how I felt. My hair was a mess, and my face was flushed right down to my chest. My blouse was un-tucked and rumpled and my chest looked weirdly misshapen and lumpy because my bra had slipped back up over one breast but not the other. My thighs were wet and sticky with cum but my skirt was somehow relatively unscathed. Probably due to it being so short, I had managed to keep it out of the way and it had fallen back into place as I had stood up.
I looked like a slut that had been fucked hard for hours. Part of me was embarrassed to see myself in such a state, but the rest of me was kind of impressed and pleased with the wild, unabashed, wanton, slut staring back at me from my bathroom mirror. This girl was new to my life. She was a bit scary but very exciting but I liked her, I liked her a lot.
I folded my skirt and dropped it on the bed then walked back down to the laundry where I stripped off the rest of my clothes, throwing everything I had been wearing into the washing machine. I walked naked through the house and up the stairs to my bedroom where I laid my skirt out on the chair that I used to organise my next day's clothes. It had been a beautiful summer day and it was still quite warm so it was comfortable to walk around naked, not to mention that it felt both naughty and nice at the same time. I think I would have happily spent the rest of the evening doing exactly that if I wasn't in such dire need of a shower. I smelled of sweat and cum, and as exciting as that was for me, I recognised the need to get cleaned up.
I walked back into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror again. My hair was still a mess but the colour of my face had mostly gone back to normal. I tried to look at myself as though I was a stranger looking at this naked woman. I am no model and like any person, there was plenty I saw that I wasn't mad about but overall, I was reasonably happy with what I could see. I liked my long, strong legs and my firm, pert breasts. Even my stomach, which did not have a single visible ab, looked smooth. I had nice skin and even my butt was looking fairly pert today. I seriously had to do something about the tangled mess of pubes, though. A sheer lack of action and attention lately had meant that things had gotten a little out of hand. I was in serious need of some heavy-duty grooming.
I turned, grabbed my razor and a pair of hairdresser's scissors from the cabinet above the sink then turned on the shower. While the water warmed up, I had a quick trim and was shocked at the amount of hair now scattered on the bathroom floor. Things had, apparently, gotten a little more untamed than I had realised. I stepped into the shower and let the hot water seep into my body and I soon began to feel like I was melting. I washed myself from head to toe then began the task of tidying with the razor. I did my legs and my armpits, which were still fairly good but I decided to freshen the job up anyway, and then I began on my bikini line. I worked away at it and kept saying to myself, just a little more, just a little more until eventually I was left with a narrow landing strip and nothing else.