Update 04

It was a far more aggressive trim than I had ever had. I wasn't one to go in for Brazilians, not that I have a problem with them, they actually look quite attractive but I had just never really had the desire to do that myself. It seemed like it would be a lot of upkeep and with no one around to impress, I just hadn't bothered. This was the closest I had ever been to that.

I finished my shower and dried myself off. The steam had fogged the mirror up so I didn't look at myself. I would normally get dressed in the bathroom, at least into my underwear, anyway. Today though, I hadn't brought any clothes in with me. I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom intending to get dressed there but as I walked around my room naked, I realised that I enjoyed the feeling so much that I didn't want to cover up. I liked the free feeling but I was also enjoying the slight risk. Could the neighbours see me? Could someone walking past on the street see me? I walked right up to the window with the blinds wide open and stood there looking around the neighbourhood for as long as I dared.

I could see cars moving around and a man walking his dog across the road. No one seemed to be looking in my direction and I felt a curious mixture of relief and disappointment. I moved away from the window and then down the stairs to see if the washing was finished. It wasn't yet but it only had about ten minutes to go. I got some food out of the fridge to begin preparing dinner for tonight and the whole time I was wondering if I would be brave enough to take the washing out to the washing line naked.

The washing machine stopped its cycle and I pulled the clothes out and into a laundry basket. I picked up the basket and walked to the back door. I stood there for what felt like an eternity, wanting to do it but feeling genuine fear. I just couldn't do it. I had no window in the back door so I couldn't see if any of the neighbours were out or not. I know that showing myself off was what the thrill was all about but the reality is that I still have to live here with these people. The last thing I wanted was for the police to show up at the door with a complaint from the neighbours. In the end, feeling a little disappointed, I dropped the basket at the door and made my way back upstairs to put some clothes on.

When I walked back up there, I noticed that the mirror in the bathroom had cleared again so I went to have a closer look to see if I had done a good job of trimming. What I saw surprised me. I had gotten very carried away with the trim. There was a hell of a lot less hair there than there had been earlier. I was shocked but I liked it; I liked it a lot. I liked the fact that I could easily see what I looked like down there. It was the most I had seen of myself in a lot of years. I ran my fingers over the smooth naked skin and felt a thrill go through me. I looked from as many angles as I could, even separating my lips with my fingers to see the pink inner flesh.

I liked the look of what I was seeing. It seemed so pretty and exotic, it looked... well tasty is how it looked. I touched myself and realised that I was becoming quite wet again. I wet my fingertip with my juices and swirled it around my distended clit. The moan that escaped me was deep and almost didn't sound like me. I continued to repeat the process, using my finger to swirl around my entrance, collecting moisture and then bringing it up to swirl around my clit. The whole time my eyes were glued to my pussy as though seeing one for the first time.

I had a small but satisfying orgasm as I was thinking about how tasty it looked and what it would be like to touch or even taste another woman. To run my tongue over her slippery folds. That thought had me raising my fingers to my mouth so I could taste the cum on my fingers, something I hadn't really been curious about since the first time a man went down on me. When that happened, I was a little put off by the thought of kissing him with my cum on his lips. Now I wish I hadn't been so shy about it.

My cum felt slippery on my lips as my finger entered my mouth. I could smell my arousal on my fingers but it was a nice smell, exciting. The tip of my tongue flickered over my finger and I was surprised that there wasn't a lot of taste to it. A tiny bit salty but overall, it was mostly the texture that I liked. That slippery feeling it gave to everything was quite exciting. I imagined what it would be like to slide my tongue over the very wet folds of another woman's pussy and a surge of erotic excitement shivered through my body from head to toe. Something that would previously have been a "Hell no!" thought was rapidly becoming a "Yes please."

That evening, after hanging out the washing and eating my dinner, I sat down to watch some television but I couldn't concentrate on anything, it was all just white noise. The erotic movie that was playing in my mind was a lot better than anything that was on the television. In my head was a mixture of memories and fantasies from today and it felt far more real and exciting than anything the TV had to offer.

I was absolutely exhausted but in a satisfied kind of way. It was still a good two hours before I would normally go to bed but I was running on empty. I climbed the stairs again and crawled under the blankets and within minutes I was sound asleep.​
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