Update 07
Saint to Slut in Just Seven Days Ch. 03
Day 3, Wednesday:
I awoke to the sound of the alarm blaring and discovered I was ferociously hungry. I had had many dreams last night, most of which I couldn't remember beyond the general feeling of them but the one I was having when the alarm went off was still resonating in my mind. In that dream, it was like my brain was subconsciously telling me to get organised. It was a dream about buying some new sexy underwear and it fired my imagination. If I hurried, I could catch the early train into town and get to the lingerie store before going to work.
I ran around getting ready as quickly as I could and realised that I had forgotten to get my work clothes ready the night before. It wasn't a big deal but it felt weird that my whole routine had been thrown out because lately I was so irredeemably horny all the time. I had a brief moment of shame at my behaviour but standing there in my bedroom, completely naked and loving the feeling of the fresh morning air on my skin made me realise that shame was an unnecessary feeling when it came to our sexuality and a terrible thing that was forced on us by our parents and society. I made a decision that I would not be beholden to it anymore. I had hidden from the world for far too long and I made a promise to myself that I would live my life the way I saw fit from now on. If that meant I was a slut then so be it. I would be a happy little slut for the rest of my days rather than being a bored, sad, lonely, good girl.
I picked out a skirt that was not as short as the one I had purchased on Sunday but still looked nice on me. I slipped it up my legs and smiled at the still unusual feeling of the silky lining of my skirt sliding over the bare flesh of my butt. I decided to challenge myself and see how long I could go without wearing any underwear and as such, decided not to put any on until I bought some. I guess you could say it was a test run to see if I was game enough to go without underwear for any length of time. Just the thought of doing this felt so naughty and so damn good. I ran downstairs and after looking at the clock I realised I really had to scoot if I was going to catch the early train. I once again grabbed a breakfast bar as I ran out the door and made my way to the train station.
I all but ran down the stairs and fervently hoped that I wouldn't trip and fall. Wearing a skirt with no panties would give everyone a hell of a show if I did. As fun as it would be to flash an entire train station, that isn't the way I would choose to do it. I nearly skidded to a halt as I entered the platform, I had forgotten just how busy the first train was and I was suddenly reminded of why I didn't catch this train. The place was packed with people.
The train came out of the tunnel and stopped in front of us and everybody began to move forward. I moved towards my usual place on the train but even down the back, it was still at least three-quarters full. I sat down and was immediately surrounded by people who sat all around me. I hated the feeling, it seemed to sap the confidence right out of me. I missed my usual morning commute with people that I knew. Well, I didn't know them obviously but they were the familiar faces I was used to. This train seemed to be full to the brim and everyone seemed to be more stressed than those I usually travelled with. It's incredible the difference one hour of the day makes.
Stop after stop came and went and with each one more stressed-looking people squeezed on. There was no way I would be able to play on this train the way I had on the usual one. I focused on nibbling my breakfast bar and trying not to pay too much attention to the other commuters and by the time we got to the city, I was feeling claustrophobic and I couldn't wait to get off the train. I stepped out of the carriage and took a deep breath. Who would have thought I would miss my normal commute? I even missed teasing the man that I had been travelling with. I wondered if he would be sad to have missed me or if he was wondering where I was. I looked at my watch and thought he would be standing at the station right now. I wondered if he was looking around the platform trying to spot me.
I walked out of the train station but instead of turning right, I walked across the road. Two blocks up the hill was the lingerie store and they were just opening for the day when I got there. The girl working in the store was lovely and was happy to point me in the direction of what I was after but also talked me into getting some other things as well. By the time I left, I had spent way more than I intended to and I had to admit I was impressed with her skills as a saleswoman. I bought a pack of cotton G-strings, the items I was after, as well as a pair of lacy panties that seemed to serve little more purpose than gift wrapping. The fact that that's what I wanted to be using them for anyway seemed completely appropriate. I also got a very sexy teddy and a see-through nightie. I had no idea who I was likely to get to wear them for but I sure wanted to and I knew exactly who I wanted to see me in them.
I walked back down the hill towards the train station and then turned left towards work. I was loving walking around town with no panties on. It was like having the juiciest secret, pun fully intended, and knowing that no one around me knew it. Unless, of course, I shared it with them. Which, I wanted to do but I still have an aversion to being arrested.
I got to work a few minutes ahead of when I normally would, thanks to the early train and quick service in the lingerie store. I turned from the elevator and was a little surprised to see the door not open yet. I dug in my bag for the keys and opened everything up. I went through my usual morning routine of turning everything on and made myself a cup of Stefan's delicious new coffee. I sat at my desk and opened the e-mails. I would normally go through them from oldest to newest unless there was one I specifically needed to get to first. Today, however, at the top of the list was one from Stefan, so I opened it first.
It was an apology that he would be late, which was odd as it was something that he had never done before, and a list of things that he needed me to do ASAP. Something major had occurred overnight with one of our biggest clients and it needed dealing with straight away. This wasn't unheard of in our business but wasn't a frequent occurrence. I took a sip of my coffee as I responded, letting him know that I was at work and working on the situation already.
It meant that my morning was particularly busy and I was kept on my toes as e-mails kept coming in for sudden changes to orders and paperwork. I didn't have time to think about anything else but the task at hand this morning. It all came to a halt at around eleven o'clock when the deadline for the contract had been met. I sighed a deep sigh of relief and realised two things at once. My cup of coffee was still half full albeit stone cold, and I was busting for a pee.
I took my cup to the sink and rinsed it out. I would have put more coffee on to brew but the running water in the sink reinforced just how badly I needed to pee. I all but ran to the bathroom. I lifted my skirt and had a moment of confusion when I went to pull down my panties and there were none there. I chuckled as I sat down then sighed in relief. The relief was short-lived however as my phone began ringing. Normally I would have ignored it but it was Stefan and he had been sounding very agitated on the e-mails and I didn't want to add to the pressure.
I answered and tried to keep the sounds muffled as much as I could but there was no way I could stop now after holding on so long. At first, I thought I had gotten away with it but that only lasted about two seconds.
"Hi, Stefan."
"Hi, Sam... Uh it's a very echoey line, where are y... Oh. Oh sorry."
Was there going to be a day any time soon when I didn't blush?
"It's okay, sorry to answer here but I thought it was important."
"No, sorry. It's okay, I'll be back soon and I'll talk to you then."
He hung up without waiting for a reply and I sat there feeling like a complete lunatic.
"Who answers the phone on the loo? Sam, you idiot."
Great, now I'm talking to myself again. I tidied up and returned to the office. I put some water in the coffee machine and got it going again. I got my lunch organised and sat down to eat while trying to turn my embarrassment down from eleven to a manageable level. I felt so silly and when Stefan walked back into the office I felt myself blushing yet again. I noticed he was blushing too. I had to break the ice because I couldn't bear the thought of feeling so silly all day.
"Hi Stefan, I put some fresh coffee on for us. I'm... I'm so sorry about that awkward phone call."
Unsurprisingly he blushed even deeper.
"Thanks for doing that and I appreciate what you have done this morning, I know it's been a crazy morning. As for the phone call, I'm sorry you haven't had enough time to yourself today. I shouldn't have called when I did."
I smiled at his graciousness and then chuckled.
"It's okay. Besides, if the worst thing between us is that you have heard me pee then I think we're still doing okay."
He chuckled too and was still blushing but it had done the trick and we both seemed to relax a little.
"Why don't you bring your lunch into the office and I'll make us a coffee, maybe I'll get to eat something today after all."
There was a moment where I was thinking, Ooh yes please, but then he held up his sandwich. I picked up my salad bowl and followed him into the office. He had a particularly nice suit on today and it highlighted his fabulously firm ass. I wanted to just reach out and cup it in my hand but I managed to resist the temptation. Stefan pulled the chair out for me and then placed his sandwich on his desk. He was being a little less subtle today I noticed as he had placed the chair quite deliberately in the same spot it was in yesterday. Just far enough back from the desk to allow him a view over the desk of my thighs as I sat there. I smiled as I sat down and watched as he went back out to get the coffee.
I looked around and had to admire the view from his office window. It truly was a stunning view and probably worth a pretty penny or two. I was looking down at the neighbouring buildings and the clear view of the city out to the bay. It would be a crying shame if anyone built a high-rise in front of it. Stefan walked back in with the coffees and noticed where I was looking.
"I still get caught up in that view myself from time to time. There's been times when I have considered going to a different location to cut costs a bit but I know I would probably end up paying just as much for some grungy hole that's not even in the city."
"It sure is amazing. I think your Dad was an incredibly smart man when he got that fixed lease when this building was first built. I bet the owners are annoyed when you consider what they could get for it now."
"One of the benefits of being one of the investors in the building project in the first place and it didn't hurt that the man who built and owns this was his best mate from before they even came out to Australia."
I laughed because this was something I had been trying to wrap my head around for years. Mario was never one to share information and it was pretty clear that my role here didn't include questions about such things. Not that I had an issue one way or another, I just assumed he felt that sort of thing was none of my business, which it wasn't, I was just curious. Stefan looked at me quizzically when I laughed. I waved my hand as though to say it was not important.
"It was just something I was curious about but your Dad wasn't one to share that sort of thing."
He smiled and nodded and I knew he was remembering Mario.
"He sure kept things close to his chest, although he shared more with Mum and me. It was no big secret and there's nothing dodgy or illegal about it. I had it checked out by a solicitor after he died because I didn't want any nasty surprises. The solicitor went over the contract and was quite impressed at the lengths they had gone to to make sure this contract was watertight. Even if Uncle Stefano passes away and his family decide to sell the building, the new owners would have to honour the contract. The only way out of it is for us to leave voluntarily or if the building is being demolished. Neither is likely anytime soon."
"The owner is your uncle?"
"No, I just always called him uncle because he is family to us and vice versa. At Dad's funeral, he came up to me and said that he hoped I was going to keep this business going. I promised him I wasn't going anywhere by choice. So, I guess I have no choice but to make this thing work, not that it's particularly hard now. I have the clientele, I just have to do the work well and they keep coming back."
He looked at me quite seriously then.
"I have you to thank for a lot of that. I know how much work you do and I'm aware of what it means to the business. I know you've been here for a lot of years now and I hope you don't plan on going anywhere. You are great for this place and... well, I like having you here."
He blushed hard and I knew he was saying more than he intended and it made me feel quite emotional. It's nice to be appreciated but this was something more. I reached out and took his hand. I felt a jolt of electricity as our fingers touched and then suddenly his hand was in mine. I knew I was blushing just as much as he was.
"Thank you, Stefan. I really like it here too and I especially like working with you."
Like Stefan, I was trying to convey something more than just those simple words. I hoped like crazy I wasn't pushing things too far but I didn't think I was.
We both turned and looked out the window at the view for a while, hand in hand until it started to become just a little awkward. Stefan gave a nervous cough and turned to the desk.
"Oh, our coffee is getting cold."
I felt my hand reluctantly slip from his and I returned to my side of the desk and picked up my coffee. I began eating my lunch but I wasn't much of a conversationalist today. My mind kept slipping back to the moment we had just shared. What was happening? Were we slipping past the flirtation stage already? Was I ready for something more? I was enjoying this newfound confidence and it was important for me to explore this side of myself further. I couldn't see a way in which a relationship would work with this mindset. There was so much at play and so much at risk at the same time.
I was feeling so conflicted, I should be ridiculously happy because Stefan was everything I could want in a partner. Yet here I was thinking of ways of putting him off, after teasing him for the last few days, because I was scared of giving up my newfound freedom.
I watched him out of the corner of my eye and noticed that he too seemed to be staring into space. He was back to looking out the window at the amazing view as he ate his lunch yet I doubted he was seeing anything out there or tasting his lunch. I wondered what he was thinking about, although I suspect he was having a very similar train of thought as me. I didn't know for sure, of course, and it would be arrogant of me to assume that he had begun to fall for me. I did know that he was physically attracted to me, I had all but made sure of that, but there is a world of difference between physical attraction and wanting a relationship. The difference between love and lust, some would say, but it was way too early to even think about love.
I was driving myself crazy and not in the fun way I had been all week. I couldn't finish my lunch and I was just making myself uncomfortable sitting here stressing. I needed to concentrate on something else and I needed to be doing it where I wasn't gawking at Stefan because my body seemed to be betraying me. While I was in a mental turmoil, my body had no such qualms. Stefan had begun pacing back and forth in front of the window and I was taking in the way he moved like a prowling cat. Watching his tight firm ass in those tailored pants. The cut of his shirt fit him so well. I could feel the tingles beginning as I licked my lips.
For God's sake, Sam, get your shit together. I thought as my head and body fought an internal battle. I forced my eyes away and then held my head in my hands as I fought the overwhelming sensations running through me. My movement must have drawn Stefan's attention and before I knew what was happening I felt his hand gently on my shoulder. His touch was warm, and caring and it sent a shiver through me for all the right reasons and some very wrong reasons. I could smell his scent and feel the warmth of his body so close to mine. My body was responding to his touch big time. I wanted to lean into him, to feel his body against mine, to feel him touch my body. I wanted to touch him, run my fingers over his body, his chest, his back, his ass and especially his cock and feel it harden in my hands through his pants. I wanted to slide his fly down and slip my hand inside. I wanted to feel his hard, hot flesh in my hands. I wanted to slip his cock out of his pants and kiss it. I wanted to feel him in my mouth as I slipped my tongue around the head of his cock and taste his pre-cum as I teased him with my mouth.
I was practically salivating and quivering as I fought for control of myself. I realised Stefan had said something and I had to rewind a bit so I could respond.
"I'm sorry if I upset you, Sam. You seem very unhappy right now, I hope it's not my fault."
"Oh, God. No. You haven't. I'm just a bit overwhelmed right now. I'm okay. Sorry. I should just get back to work."
I stood up and his hand slid down my back in the process. It was purely because I stood up faster than he was expecting and it was three-quarters of the way down my back before he moved it away, but oh how I wished he touched my ass. I wanted him to grope me, squeeze my ass, grab me and kiss me. Take me forcefully, claim me, own my body. I wanted him to lift me onto his desk and slide his cock deep inside me. I had to move, whether that was to move towards or away from Stefan I hadn't yet decided but I had to move. It was ridiculously hard, way harder than it should have been, but I did manage to walk away.
I walked out of his office and didn't dare look back. My legs were wobbly, my pussy was soaked and my heart was pounding. I closed the door behind me and I felt like the spell that had fallen over me collapsed with the click of the latch.
I let out a shaky breath and realised I had been holding it. I let out a nervous giggle as I realised how close I had just come to molesting my boss. I took my cup to the sink and rinsed it out then threw my mostly uneaten lunch in the rubbish. I went to the toilet again, this time though, I needed to clean myself up. I also needed to sit somewhere quiet and think. Somewhere where I knew I wouldn't be interrupted.
I was feeling confused and frustrated. I knew the moment was coming when I would have to have a serious conversation with Stefan about our future. The more I thought about it the more concrete my thoughts became about what I wanted. The problem is, that what I wanted was not something that most people would be okay with. I wanted my cake and to eat it too. I simply didn't know if I would be able to accept less than that though.
I wanted a strong relationship and I wanted it with Stefan. But, and it was a big but, I also wanted to experiment with my sexuality and this newfound desire to broaden my sexual horizons. I shook my head. What the hell was I thinking? I was getting so damn far ahead of myself here. Why was I questioning a relationship with someone when all he had done was hold my hand for a moment? Well, okay, so there may have been more to it than that, but ultimately that was what had happened. I laughed at my silliness and it came out sounding a touch more bitter than I had intended.
I awoke to the sound of the alarm blaring and discovered I was ferociously hungry. I had had many dreams last night, most of which I couldn't remember beyond the general feeling of them but the one I was having when the alarm went off was still resonating in my mind. In that dream, it was like my brain was subconsciously telling me to get organised. It was a dream about buying some new sexy underwear and it fired my imagination. If I hurried, I could catch the early train into town and get to the lingerie store before going to work.
I ran around getting ready as quickly as I could and realised that I had forgotten to get my work clothes ready the night before. It wasn't a big deal but it felt weird that my whole routine had been thrown out because lately I was so irredeemably horny all the time. I had a brief moment of shame at my behaviour but standing there in my bedroom, completely naked and loving the feeling of the fresh morning air on my skin made me realise that shame was an unnecessary feeling when it came to our sexuality and a terrible thing that was forced on us by our parents and society. I made a decision that I would not be beholden to it anymore. I had hidden from the world for far too long and I made a promise to myself that I would live my life the way I saw fit from now on. If that meant I was a slut then so be it. I would be a happy little slut for the rest of my days rather than being a bored, sad, lonely, good girl.
I picked out a skirt that was not as short as the one I had purchased on Sunday but still looked nice on me. I slipped it up my legs and smiled at the still unusual feeling of the silky lining of my skirt sliding over the bare flesh of my butt. I decided to challenge myself and see how long I could go without wearing any underwear and as such, decided not to put any on until I bought some. I guess you could say it was a test run to see if I was game enough to go without underwear for any length of time. Just the thought of doing this felt so naughty and so damn good. I ran downstairs and after looking at the clock I realised I really had to scoot if I was going to catch the early train. I once again grabbed a breakfast bar as I ran out the door and made my way to the train station.
I all but ran down the stairs and fervently hoped that I wouldn't trip and fall. Wearing a skirt with no panties would give everyone a hell of a show if I did. As fun as it would be to flash an entire train station, that isn't the way I would choose to do it. I nearly skidded to a halt as I entered the platform, I had forgotten just how busy the first train was and I was suddenly reminded of why I didn't catch this train. The place was packed with people.
The train came out of the tunnel and stopped in front of us and everybody began to move forward. I moved towards my usual place on the train but even down the back, it was still at least three-quarters full. I sat down and was immediately surrounded by people who sat all around me. I hated the feeling, it seemed to sap the confidence right out of me. I missed my usual morning commute with people that I knew. Well, I didn't know them obviously but they were the familiar faces I was used to. This train seemed to be full to the brim and everyone seemed to be more stressed than those I usually travelled with. It's incredible the difference one hour of the day makes.
Stop after stop came and went and with each one more stressed-looking people squeezed on. There was no way I would be able to play on this train the way I had on the usual one. I focused on nibbling my breakfast bar and trying not to pay too much attention to the other commuters and by the time we got to the city, I was feeling claustrophobic and I couldn't wait to get off the train. I stepped out of the carriage and took a deep breath. Who would have thought I would miss my normal commute? I even missed teasing the man that I had been travelling with. I wondered if he would be sad to have missed me or if he was wondering where I was. I looked at my watch and thought he would be standing at the station right now. I wondered if he was looking around the platform trying to spot me.
I walked out of the train station but instead of turning right, I walked across the road. Two blocks up the hill was the lingerie store and they were just opening for the day when I got there. The girl working in the store was lovely and was happy to point me in the direction of what I was after but also talked me into getting some other things as well. By the time I left, I had spent way more than I intended to and I had to admit I was impressed with her skills as a saleswoman. I bought a pack of cotton G-strings, the items I was after, as well as a pair of lacy panties that seemed to serve little more purpose than gift wrapping. The fact that that's what I wanted to be using them for anyway seemed completely appropriate. I also got a very sexy teddy and a see-through nightie. I had no idea who I was likely to get to wear them for but I sure wanted to and I knew exactly who I wanted to see me in them.
I walked back down the hill towards the train station and then turned left towards work. I was loving walking around town with no panties on. It was like having the juiciest secret, pun fully intended, and knowing that no one around me knew it. Unless, of course, I shared it with them. Which, I wanted to do but I still have an aversion to being arrested.
I got to work a few minutes ahead of when I normally would, thanks to the early train and quick service in the lingerie store. I turned from the elevator and was a little surprised to see the door not open yet. I dug in my bag for the keys and opened everything up. I went through my usual morning routine of turning everything on and made myself a cup of Stefan's delicious new coffee. I sat at my desk and opened the e-mails. I would normally go through them from oldest to newest unless there was one I specifically needed to get to first. Today, however, at the top of the list was one from Stefan, so I opened it first.
It was an apology that he would be late, which was odd as it was something that he had never done before, and a list of things that he needed me to do ASAP. Something major had occurred overnight with one of our biggest clients and it needed dealing with straight away. This wasn't unheard of in our business but wasn't a frequent occurrence. I took a sip of my coffee as I responded, letting him know that I was at work and working on the situation already.
It meant that my morning was particularly busy and I was kept on my toes as e-mails kept coming in for sudden changes to orders and paperwork. I didn't have time to think about anything else but the task at hand this morning. It all came to a halt at around eleven o'clock when the deadline for the contract had been met. I sighed a deep sigh of relief and realised two things at once. My cup of coffee was still half full albeit stone cold, and I was busting for a pee.
I took my cup to the sink and rinsed it out. I would have put more coffee on to brew but the running water in the sink reinforced just how badly I needed to pee. I all but ran to the bathroom. I lifted my skirt and had a moment of confusion when I went to pull down my panties and there were none there. I chuckled as I sat down then sighed in relief. The relief was short-lived however as my phone began ringing. Normally I would have ignored it but it was Stefan and he had been sounding very agitated on the e-mails and I didn't want to add to the pressure.
I answered and tried to keep the sounds muffled as much as I could but there was no way I could stop now after holding on so long. At first, I thought I had gotten away with it but that only lasted about two seconds.
"Hi, Stefan."
"Hi, Sam... Uh it's a very echoey line, where are y... Oh. Oh sorry."
Was there going to be a day any time soon when I didn't blush?
"It's okay, sorry to answer here but I thought it was important."
"No, sorry. It's okay, I'll be back soon and I'll talk to you then."
He hung up without waiting for a reply and I sat there feeling like a complete lunatic.
"Who answers the phone on the loo? Sam, you idiot."
Great, now I'm talking to myself again. I tidied up and returned to the office. I put some water in the coffee machine and got it going again. I got my lunch organised and sat down to eat while trying to turn my embarrassment down from eleven to a manageable level. I felt so silly and when Stefan walked back into the office I felt myself blushing yet again. I noticed he was blushing too. I had to break the ice because I couldn't bear the thought of feeling so silly all day.
"Hi Stefan, I put some fresh coffee on for us. I'm... I'm so sorry about that awkward phone call."
Unsurprisingly he blushed even deeper.
"Thanks for doing that and I appreciate what you have done this morning, I know it's been a crazy morning. As for the phone call, I'm sorry you haven't had enough time to yourself today. I shouldn't have called when I did."
I smiled at his graciousness and then chuckled.
"It's okay. Besides, if the worst thing between us is that you have heard me pee then I think we're still doing okay."
He chuckled too and was still blushing but it had done the trick and we both seemed to relax a little.
"Why don't you bring your lunch into the office and I'll make us a coffee, maybe I'll get to eat something today after all."
There was a moment where I was thinking, Ooh yes please, but then he held up his sandwich. I picked up my salad bowl and followed him into the office. He had a particularly nice suit on today and it highlighted his fabulously firm ass. I wanted to just reach out and cup it in my hand but I managed to resist the temptation. Stefan pulled the chair out for me and then placed his sandwich on his desk. He was being a little less subtle today I noticed as he had placed the chair quite deliberately in the same spot it was in yesterday. Just far enough back from the desk to allow him a view over the desk of my thighs as I sat there. I smiled as I sat down and watched as he went back out to get the coffee.
I looked around and had to admire the view from his office window. It truly was a stunning view and probably worth a pretty penny or two. I was looking down at the neighbouring buildings and the clear view of the city out to the bay. It would be a crying shame if anyone built a high-rise in front of it. Stefan walked back in with the coffees and noticed where I was looking.
"I still get caught up in that view myself from time to time. There's been times when I have considered going to a different location to cut costs a bit but I know I would probably end up paying just as much for some grungy hole that's not even in the city."
"It sure is amazing. I think your Dad was an incredibly smart man when he got that fixed lease when this building was first built. I bet the owners are annoyed when you consider what they could get for it now."
"One of the benefits of being one of the investors in the building project in the first place and it didn't hurt that the man who built and owns this was his best mate from before they even came out to Australia."
I laughed because this was something I had been trying to wrap my head around for years. Mario was never one to share information and it was pretty clear that my role here didn't include questions about such things. Not that I had an issue one way or another, I just assumed he felt that sort of thing was none of my business, which it wasn't, I was just curious. Stefan looked at me quizzically when I laughed. I waved my hand as though to say it was not important.
"It was just something I was curious about but your Dad wasn't one to share that sort of thing."
He smiled and nodded and I knew he was remembering Mario.
"He sure kept things close to his chest, although he shared more with Mum and me. It was no big secret and there's nothing dodgy or illegal about it. I had it checked out by a solicitor after he died because I didn't want any nasty surprises. The solicitor went over the contract and was quite impressed at the lengths they had gone to to make sure this contract was watertight. Even if Uncle Stefano passes away and his family decide to sell the building, the new owners would have to honour the contract. The only way out of it is for us to leave voluntarily or if the building is being demolished. Neither is likely anytime soon."
"The owner is your uncle?"
"No, I just always called him uncle because he is family to us and vice versa. At Dad's funeral, he came up to me and said that he hoped I was going to keep this business going. I promised him I wasn't going anywhere by choice. So, I guess I have no choice but to make this thing work, not that it's particularly hard now. I have the clientele, I just have to do the work well and they keep coming back."
He looked at me quite seriously then.
"I have you to thank for a lot of that. I know how much work you do and I'm aware of what it means to the business. I know you've been here for a lot of years now and I hope you don't plan on going anywhere. You are great for this place and... well, I like having you here."
He blushed hard and I knew he was saying more than he intended and it made me feel quite emotional. It's nice to be appreciated but this was something more. I reached out and took his hand. I felt a jolt of electricity as our fingers touched and then suddenly his hand was in mine. I knew I was blushing just as much as he was.
"Thank you, Stefan. I really like it here too and I especially like working with you."
Like Stefan, I was trying to convey something more than just those simple words. I hoped like crazy I wasn't pushing things too far but I didn't think I was.
We both turned and looked out the window at the view for a while, hand in hand until it started to become just a little awkward. Stefan gave a nervous cough and turned to the desk.
"Oh, our coffee is getting cold."
I felt my hand reluctantly slip from his and I returned to my side of the desk and picked up my coffee. I began eating my lunch but I wasn't much of a conversationalist today. My mind kept slipping back to the moment we had just shared. What was happening? Were we slipping past the flirtation stage already? Was I ready for something more? I was enjoying this newfound confidence and it was important for me to explore this side of myself further. I couldn't see a way in which a relationship would work with this mindset. There was so much at play and so much at risk at the same time.
I was feeling so conflicted, I should be ridiculously happy because Stefan was everything I could want in a partner. Yet here I was thinking of ways of putting him off, after teasing him for the last few days, because I was scared of giving up my newfound freedom.
I watched him out of the corner of my eye and noticed that he too seemed to be staring into space. He was back to looking out the window at the amazing view as he ate his lunch yet I doubted he was seeing anything out there or tasting his lunch. I wondered what he was thinking about, although I suspect he was having a very similar train of thought as me. I didn't know for sure, of course, and it would be arrogant of me to assume that he had begun to fall for me. I did know that he was physically attracted to me, I had all but made sure of that, but there is a world of difference between physical attraction and wanting a relationship. The difference between love and lust, some would say, but it was way too early to even think about love.
I was driving myself crazy and not in the fun way I had been all week. I couldn't finish my lunch and I was just making myself uncomfortable sitting here stressing. I needed to concentrate on something else and I needed to be doing it where I wasn't gawking at Stefan because my body seemed to be betraying me. While I was in a mental turmoil, my body had no such qualms. Stefan had begun pacing back and forth in front of the window and I was taking in the way he moved like a prowling cat. Watching his tight firm ass in those tailored pants. The cut of his shirt fit him so well. I could feel the tingles beginning as I licked my lips.
For God's sake, Sam, get your shit together. I thought as my head and body fought an internal battle. I forced my eyes away and then held my head in my hands as I fought the overwhelming sensations running through me. My movement must have drawn Stefan's attention and before I knew what was happening I felt his hand gently on my shoulder. His touch was warm, and caring and it sent a shiver through me for all the right reasons and some very wrong reasons. I could smell his scent and feel the warmth of his body so close to mine. My body was responding to his touch big time. I wanted to lean into him, to feel his body against mine, to feel him touch my body. I wanted to touch him, run my fingers over his body, his chest, his back, his ass and especially his cock and feel it harden in my hands through his pants. I wanted to slide his fly down and slip my hand inside. I wanted to feel his hard, hot flesh in my hands. I wanted to slip his cock out of his pants and kiss it. I wanted to feel him in my mouth as I slipped my tongue around the head of his cock and taste his pre-cum as I teased him with my mouth.
I was practically salivating and quivering as I fought for control of myself. I realised Stefan had said something and I had to rewind a bit so I could respond.
"I'm sorry if I upset you, Sam. You seem very unhappy right now, I hope it's not my fault."
"Oh, God. No. You haven't. I'm just a bit overwhelmed right now. I'm okay. Sorry. I should just get back to work."
I stood up and his hand slid down my back in the process. It was purely because I stood up faster than he was expecting and it was three-quarters of the way down my back before he moved it away, but oh how I wished he touched my ass. I wanted him to grope me, squeeze my ass, grab me and kiss me. Take me forcefully, claim me, own my body. I wanted him to lift me onto his desk and slide his cock deep inside me. I had to move, whether that was to move towards or away from Stefan I hadn't yet decided but I had to move. It was ridiculously hard, way harder than it should have been, but I did manage to walk away.
I walked out of his office and didn't dare look back. My legs were wobbly, my pussy was soaked and my heart was pounding. I closed the door behind me and I felt like the spell that had fallen over me collapsed with the click of the latch.
I let out a shaky breath and realised I had been holding it. I let out a nervous giggle as I realised how close I had just come to molesting my boss. I took my cup to the sink and rinsed it out then threw my mostly uneaten lunch in the rubbish. I went to the toilet again, this time though, I needed to clean myself up. I also needed to sit somewhere quiet and think. Somewhere where I knew I wouldn't be interrupted.
I was feeling confused and frustrated. I knew the moment was coming when I would have to have a serious conversation with Stefan about our future. The more I thought about it the more concrete my thoughts became about what I wanted. The problem is, that what I wanted was not something that most people would be okay with. I wanted my cake and to eat it too. I simply didn't know if I would be able to accept less than that though.
I wanted a strong relationship and I wanted it with Stefan. But, and it was a big but, I also wanted to experiment with my sexuality and this newfound desire to broaden my sexual horizons. I shook my head. What the hell was I thinking? I was getting so damn far ahead of myself here. Why was I questioning a relationship with someone when all he had done was hold my hand for a moment? Well, okay, so there may have been more to it than that, but ultimately that was what had happened. I laughed at my silliness and it came out sounding a touch more bitter than I had intended.