Update 08
"Get your shit together, Sam."
I told myself, not for the first time this week.
"Stop hiding in the damn bathroom and go out there and get on with your job. Besides, you can play all the way home with the guy from the train."
Great, now I'm talking out loud to myself. Was I losing my mind? I shook my head again, as though shocked at my own declining mental state. Then I started thinking about teasing the guy from the train and the fact that I had no underwear on. I couldn't tease him so much without any underwear on, could I? I wanted to but I wasn't sure I was game enough to do that yet. That was when I decided to get a pair of my new underwear out of my bag that I bought this morning, but which ones? I chose the lacy panties. Probably the least comfortable of all of them but they were great at showing pretty much all of me while hiding just enough to keep him wanting to see more. I thought about the teddy but that was a bit less practical to wear under my work clothes and even though I hadn't admitted as much to myself yet, I wanted to save that for Stefan.
I returned to my desk and rummaged through my bag. I pulled the panties out of my bag and sat them on my desk. I found the scissors in my desk drawer and snipped the tag off. I found myself pausing and taking my time and realised that I was hoping that Stefan would walk out of his office and see my panties on the desk, or even better, see me pulling them on. I could have stayed seated and wiggled my way into them modestly but that's not what I wanted to do.
I stood up and stepped back from the desk. I pulled my skirt up and around my waist. Here I was standing in my workplace completely naked from the waist down. My freshly trimmed and quite wet pussy was on full display along with my ass. I could feel the breeze from the air conditioner on my exposed skin and it sent a tingle through me. My nipples were rock hard and I wished they were on display as much as my pussy was. I would have loved to have played with my pussy right now but I was already pushing the limits of what I was capable of dealing with. I bent over and stepped through the first leg of my panties, feeling the cool air brush against my exposed pussy and ass. God, it was so exciting to feel that, knowing how exposed I was. I wanted Stefan to walk out of his office, see me and simply fuck me right now in the position I was in. I felt myself clench as my pussy had a mild spasm at the thought of being stuffed full. If I didn't stop this I was going to cum just from the thought. I put my other foot in and slid them up my legs slowly. I slid them into place and took my time adjusting them so that they looked just right. Eventually, I had to admit that I was waiting for Stefan to walk out and see me like this but sadly it didn't happen. I pulled my skirt back down into place and sat back down at my desk.
As I sat down I felt just how wet I had become and wondered what state my new panties would be in by the time I got to the train this afternoon. I smiled as I imagined the look on the train guy's face as he saw me in this state.
The majority of the afternoon was spent trying to focus on work. It was no small task to drag my mind into the present and make it focus but I did eventually manage to get a lot done, which was a relief because all week I had managed to achieve very little and the last thing I wanted to do was to let down Stefan. I was proud of the fact that I was valued as an employee, it meant a lot to me and I didn't want to ruin that.
As, had become a habit over the last couple of days, Stefan came out of the office with only about five minutes to go. I was in the middle of packing up when I heard the door open. My back was to him at the time as I was washing our coffee cups and the machine. I didn't turn around and acknowledge him because I had just been having another wild fantasy about him and I knew I was blushing. I expected to hear him moving around the office or perhaps say something but there was just silence. I could feel his gaze on me though and as much as it was building a certain tension in the room, I was also enjoying him feasting his eyes on me. I wanted to show him more but couldn't think how without being even more inappropriate than I already had been.
Eventually, the building tension became too much and I turned to face him. He was leaning against his office door jamb and I could tell by his sudden movement that he had been staring at my ass. I couldn't help but smile as he blushed again. At least I wasn't the only one feeling a little awkward.
"Ahh, Sam... I was hoping we could have a chat before we go home."
Oh, shit. I hate it when people start a conversation like this. It rarely ends well. I tried to keep the fear off my face but I don't know how successful I was.
"Oh. Okay."
"Um, I just wanted to say that I am sorry for how I behaved at lunchtime."
Well, that wasn't the conversation I thought we were going to have. It took me a moment to backtrack and figure out what he was talking about. I had my suspicions but I needed confirmation.
"I'm sorry, Stefan, but I have got no idea what you mean."
He had a strange look as though he couldn't believe what I had said. It was like he had built it up into something so much bigger than it was and he couldn't comprehend that I wasn't furious with him.
"Oh. Um. Well, I guess what I mean is that I shouldn't have tried to hold your hand or touch you the way I did. It was unprofessional and I am sorry."
I smiled and even let out a small chuckle.
"Stefan, you are seriously overthinking it. I held your hand as much as you held mine. And for what it's worth, it was nice. I don't have a problem with that or that you touched me."
Christ if only you would touch me the way I want you to. He seemed to be deflating in front of my very eyes as he sighed a heavy breath that he had been holding.
"You're not upset with me?"
"There is absolutely nothing you have done that has upset me. I thought maybe I had upset you yesterday by being... Well, by being a bit too flirtatious."
I blushed as I said this but it was nothing compared to the dark red that he went as he thought about how much I had shown him yesterday. He smiled to himself.
"To be honest, Sam, I didn't mind. I am pretty open-minded, I was just not really expecting it."
He glanced at his watch and looked surprised.
"But, we can continue this tomorrow, if you want to that is. You should get going if you want to catch your train."
He turned and went back into his office, closing the door behind him. I stood there in muted surprise for a few moments but the thought of getting to the train station in time got my feet moving. I picked up my bag, turned my computer off and headed for the door.
All the way down to the lobby in the elevator his words repeated in my ears.
"To be honest, Sam, I didn't mind."
He didn't mind. He didn't mind? I knew from a purely sexual, animal, kind of way he liked what he was seeing, but to say that he was open-minded and didn't mind me teasing him was a whole other thing. It opened the doors a little more. I was curious to know how far this was going to go. How open-minded was he? Everyone has different limits and his limits were going to be different to mine but just how different? What was he into? What were his kinks? I wanted to know and I wanted to explore them with him.
My feet seemed to be on auto-pilot as I made my way to the train station. My mind, not focused on the here and now, was back in the office where both Stefan and I were completely naked. He was fucking me from behind, his body pressed against mine as I was sandwiched between him and the large window we were looking through earlier today. It was such a vivid fantasy that I could almost feel the pressure of his body against mine.
I was so wet as I walked that I could feel my cum making the inside of my thighs wet. Although I had underwear on now, the lace was doing absolutely nothing to stop the flow of cum from my pussy. I was so horny that I was prepared to fuck just about anyone I saw right now. Looks didn't matter, they just had to want me. Young, old, whatever. I just wanted, no, needed someone. I knew I was letting my imagination run away with me. There was no way I was going to do that but I wanted to. I wanted to have the confidence and bravery to do that but it just wasn't something that I think I would or could do if it came to the crunch.
I descended into the subway once more and stood at my usual spot, waiting for the train. I glanced around at the familiar faces of people I didn't know but in a strange way were my kin. The people I travelled with every working day. There were the usual rows of faces that all looked tired and bored. The professional working mums, the business suit-wearing men who all seemed to be in their forties. I guess the younger ones still had the hunger and energy to work back late and the older ones were smart enough to get out or had retired. Or died, my mind added morbidly. This train was too late for the school kids going from school to home and too early for the ones who lingered in town. Just one of the many reasons I liked catching this one. Then from within the throng emerged a familiar face with a smile, not just of recognition but also of excitement. I couldn't help but smile back. I felt the familiar excitement begin to rise in me and a certain tingling as my desire to be exposed roared to life.
I watched as he made his way through the groups of people so he could stand near me. He appeared to want to say something, some kind of greeting or acknowledgement but I didn't want that. This man was a stranger and I needed him to remain that. I looked away, avoiding his gaze but I watched out of the corner of my eye. He faltered for a moment and looked slightly crestfallen but seemed to understand the situation fairly quickly, and thankfully didn't push it. He stood back casually looking me over and I gave him the faintest smile and nod. He appeared to relax a little as comprehension came over him.
The train pulled in and our usual dance commenced. I went to the last carriage and sat down near the end of the train. He entered the carriage as well and took up his usual seat opposite me. We both sat there silently waiting for the doors to close and the train to move. I was feeling particularly precocious today and kept looking him in the eye. When I caught his attention, I very deliberately held it as I used one hand to slide my skirt up higher and parted my thighs. His eyes trailed down to my thighs and widened as he saw just how much thigh I was showing him. There was no one else at all on this carriage so far and I wanted this guy just about bursting out of his pants. All the frustration I had felt all day was coming to the fore right now and I wanted him feeling the same level of frustration.
It took him a moment to remember that there was a head attached to the body he had been ogling and he looked back up. I just smiled at his shocked look. I don't know where all this confidence was coming from but it was turning me on like nothing else. I pulled my skirt even further up and parted my thighs even more. I began running my fingers up and down my barely-covered pussy. I could feel the slippery juices that had leaked through the lace and I knew he could see my cum and most of my pussy. Fuck, I was so horny I could have happily had an orgasm right now but it was going to take more than some light touching through my panties. I needed something inside me, a finger, a tongue, a cock, a dildo, something. I was giving very serious thought to pulling them aside and just slipping a finger or two into myself when the train began to slow for the next station. I straightened up a little and as much for his benefit as mine, I licked and sucked my finger that was coated with my cum.
I fully expected several people to get on at this station as that was fairly normal, what I wasn't expecting however was an entire tour group of elderly citizens that had had a day at the zoo to get on. Almost instantly people were milling about and trying to get seats. It was obvious it was going to be a tight squeeze. Once it became obvious there wasn't enough room, I stood up to allow an old lady to sit down. My fellow traveller had a slightly panicked look on his face and I realised that he was in a position where it would seem rude not to stand up for someone elderly but if he stood up it would become quite apparent the state that he was in. I chuckled to myself but I did have sympathy for him. I moved across and stood near enough to him so he wouldn't display his hard-on to the entire carriage as he stood up. We then managed to shuffle closer to the door while giving the illusion we were just making room for the last person to sit down.
He backed into the corner and held the bar then I backed into him and held the same bar. No one on this carriage knew that we were strangers and would assume we were on here together so it didn't matter how close we stood. As the train began to move, the noise level of all the elderly people seemed to increase as they chatted among themselves. Once I was sure no one was paying attention to us I backed back until I felt his cock bump into my ass. God it felt so hard and good. I began pushing back more and then grinding my ass on his cock.
When we got to the next station everyone could see this carriage was full and moved to the others so we didn't have to move. When the train took off again, I took the opportunity to lift the back of my skirt so that only my lace-covered ass was grinding against him. He felt so hard through his pants that it was sending shivers through me. I wanted more. I would have let him fuck me right there I was so turned on.
He was grinding harder and he let his right hand slip down and grip my hip. He was using his grip on my hip to pull me back into him as he pushed his back against the wall and ground his cock into my ass. It grew more and more intense and his thrusts were becoming less subtle and more powerful until I was sure we were about to be caught. Suddenly he pulled me in so tight against him that his fingers felt like they would bruise my hip. I could feel his cock swell and pulse between my ass cheeks and I knew he was cumming. I wanted to feel it squirt all hot and wet against my skin but that couldn't happen. I couldn't believe a stranger was blasting a load of his cum in his pants while humping my ass. It was so intensely erotic that I began to tremble as I slipped into my own orgasm. My lace panties did absolutely nothing to contain the cum that was now oozing out of my pussy and beginning to run down my thighs. I couldn't believe I had just allowed a perfect stranger to dry hump my ass until we both came right in front of a trainload of people.
Had no one noticed? Surely someone had seen or heard something. Hell, I could smell cum, both his and mine, and I was sure that at least one of them must have seen something.
I looked around the carriage, sure that my face was glowing red and expecting everyone to be staring at us in shock, but they weren't. Almost all of them were far too busy chattering with each other to pay any attention to the couple standing next to the door. I turned and looked down in the other direction along the carriage and my suspicions were confirmed. There was a man and a woman, both sitting there quietly and not talking to the others. They both had shy smiles on their faces and were looking at us. As our eyes met their smiles grew a little. The woman did a quick eyebrow raise and nodded slightly. The man was smiling broadly now and winked at me. All I could do was smile back and give a slight shrug of the shoulders as if to say. "What can you do? When you need it, you need it."
I stepped forward a half step and felt his hand move as he brushed down my skirt. At least he had the courtesy to do that. I turned around to face him and looked him up and down. There was a large wet stain on the front of his pants. His cum had begun to leak through his pants and now that we had separated I could feel a certain coolness on my ass where the air was hitting the dampness he had left behind. It was nothing compared to the trail of cum that I now had running down the inside of my thighs though. In my mind, I fantasised that it was our combined cum oozing out of my pussy and the thought sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.
I looked up into his half-glazed eyes and smiled then mouthed the words.
"Thank you."
He blushed and then took off his suit jacket and folded it over his arm. He then crossed his arms in front of himself to cover his large cum stain. I smiled and chuckled then leaned towards him and whispered.
"I can still smell it though, and I bet everyone else in here can too."
He didn't say anything, just blushed even harder.
The next station came up and this time more people squeezed onto the carriage. I deliberately let several people push in between us and I ended up on the other side of the train. I allowed my thoughts to wander over the last few days and the excitement I had felt. Part of me was in shock at the things I had done but I was also proud of myself for pushing my boundaries and bloody excited by the things I had done too.
One station from home and the train all but emptied. Most of the new people got off followed by the group of elderly people. As they were queueing the couple who had smiled at us sidled up next to me. The lady leaned in closer and whispered to me.
"Hubby and I used to play games like that too. Thanks for the memories."
She smiled up at me and then stepped off the train. I smiled and waved to them through the doors as they closed and then the train was moving again. I looked around at the mostly vacated carriage but didn't bother sitting down. I had cum down to my knees now and I would only make a bigger mess of things if I sat down. I looked at my co-conspirator and noticed he was looking elsewhere in the carriage but also remaining standing. I imagined he was feeling a bit uncomfortable now and just smiled to myself. He seemed to be understanding the rules of the game, such as they were. He was to remain a stranger.
Finally, the train slowed down as it came into the light of the final platform. The door opened and I looked back at him. He was looking directly at me this time and I smiled at him. He returned a somewhat nervous smile. I didn't want him to think I was angry at him, it can be awkward enough having an encounter like this without someone regretting it and making it difficult.
"Thanks for that, I had fun."
I spoke just loud enough for him to hear, and then I turned and strutted off the train. As I walked across the platform I could feel my thighs slipping together, lubricated by my cum.
By the time I got home, it was becoming quite uncomfortable. I had developed the fantasy in my mind a little more though. Now, in my mind, it was Stefan's cum running out of my well fucked pussy. I had left work with a huge load of cum dumped deep inside my pussy. I had left him my panties as a souvenir so I walked to the train with his cum leaking from me. All the way home it continued to leak from me until it was on the floor of the train, in my shoes and my legs were glistening with it. Everyone on the train could see it running down my legs but I didn't care.
I was exhausted both mentally and physically by the time I walked in my front door. I wanted nothing more than to just sit down and relax but that wasn't going to happen. Instead, I walked through to the laundry and stripped naked. The skirt I was wearing looked and smelled like I had done a full shift in a brothel. I stood there for a moment completely naked, enjoying the feeling of being naked. I ran my hands up and down my body, over my breasts and teasing my nipples. I ran them down over my stomach and teased my pussy gently. The skin around my pussy and thighs was sticky with my cum and it excited me. I closed my eyes and imagined I was standing before the window in Stefan's office. Stefan was sitting back in his chair watching me tease my naked body for him and whoever could see me through the window. He was slowly stroking his cock in front of me and I could see his pre-cum glistening on the end of his cock then dribbling down. His fingers smeared it around the head of his cock. He held his hand out to me and I moved over to him. I took his hand and raised his fingers to my lips. I sucked my cum off my fingers as I imagined sucking Stefan's off his fingers and I felt my orgasm begin to grow in me.
I told myself, not for the first time this week.
"Stop hiding in the damn bathroom and go out there and get on with your job. Besides, you can play all the way home with the guy from the train."
Great, now I'm talking out loud to myself. Was I losing my mind? I shook my head again, as though shocked at my own declining mental state. Then I started thinking about teasing the guy from the train and the fact that I had no underwear on. I couldn't tease him so much without any underwear on, could I? I wanted to but I wasn't sure I was game enough to do that yet. That was when I decided to get a pair of my new underwear out of my bag that I bought this morning, but which ones? I chose the lacy panties. Probably the least comfortable of all of them but they were great at showing pretty much all of me while hiding just enough to keep him wanting to see more. I thought about the teddy but that was a bit less practical to wear under my work clothes and even though I hadn't admitted as much to myself yet, I wanted to save that for Stefan.
I returned to my desk and rummaged through my bag. I pulled the panties out of my bag and sat them on my desk. I found the scissors in my desk drawer and snipped the tag off. I found myself pausing and taking my time and realised that I was hoping that Stefan would walk out of his office and see my panties on the desk, or even better, see me pulling them on. I could have stayed seated and wiggled my way into them modestly but that's not what I wanted to do.
I stood up and stepped back from the desk. I pulled my skirt up and around my waist. Here I was standing in my workplace completely naked from the waist down. My freshly trimmed and quite wet pussy was on full display along with my ass. I could feel the breeze from the air conditioner on my exposed skin and it sent a tingle through me. My nipples were rock hard and I wished they were on display as much as my pussy was. I would have loved to have played with my pussy right now but I was already pushing the limits of what I was capable of dealing with. I bent over and stepped through the first leg of my panties, feeling the cool air brush against my exposed pussy and ass. God, it was so exciting to feel that, knowing how exposed I was. I wanted Stefan to walk out of his office, see me and simply fuck me right now in the position I was in. I felt myself clench as my pussy had a mild spasm at the thought of being stuffed full. If I didn't stop this I was going to cum just from the thought. I put my other foot in and slid them up my legs slowly. I slid them into place and took my time adjusting them so that they looked just right. Eventually, I had to admit that I was waiting for Stefan to walk out and see me like this but sadly it didn't happen. I pulled my skirt back down into place and sat back down at my desk.
As I sat down I felt just how wet I had become and wondered what state my new panties would be in by the time I got to the train this afternoon. I smiled as I imagined the look on the train guy's face as he saw me in this state.
The majority of the afternoon was spent trying to focus on work. It was no small task to drag my mind into the present and make it focus but I did eventually manage to get a lot done, which was a relief because all week I had managed to achieve very little and the last thing I wanted to do was to let down Stefan. I was proud of the fact that I was valued as an employee, it meant a lot to me and I didn't want to ruin that.
As, had become a habit over the last couple of days, Stefan came out of the office with only about five minutes to go. I was in the middle of packing up when I heard the door open. My back was to him at the time as I was washing our coffee cups and the machine. I didn't turn around and acknowledge him because I had just been having another wild fantasy about him and I knew I was blushing. I expected to hear him moving around the office or perhaps say something but there was just silence. I could feel his gaze on me though and as much as it was building a certain tension in the room, I was also enjoying him feasting his eyes on me. I wanted to show him more but couldn't think how without being even more inappropriate than I already had been.
Eventually, the building tension became too much and I turned to face him. He was leaning against his office door jamb and I could tell by his sudden movement that he had been staring at my ass. I couldn't help but smile as he blushed again. At least I wasn't the only one feeling a little awkward.
"Ahh, Sam... I was hoping we could have a chat before we go home."
Oh, shit. I hate it when people start a conversation like this. It rarely ends well. I tried to keep the fear off my face but I don't know how successful I was.
"Oh. Okay."
"Um, I just wanted to say that I am sorry for how I behaved at lunchtime."
Well, that wasn't the conversation I thought we were going to have. It took me a moment to backtrack and figure out what he was talking about. I had my suspicions but I needed confirmation.
"I'm sorry, Stefan, but I have got no idea what you mean."
He had a strange look as though he couldn't believe what I had said. It was like he had built it up into something so much bigger than it was and he couldn't comprehend that I wasn't furious with him.
"Oh. Um. Well, I guess what I mean is that I shouldn't have tried to hold your hand or touch you the way I did. It was unprofessional and I am sorry."
I smiled and even let out a small chuckle.
"Stefan, you are seriously overthinking it. I held your hand as much as you held mine. And for what it's worth, it was nice. I don't have a problem with that or that you touched me."
Christ if only you would touch me the way I want you to. He seemed to be deflating in front of my very eyes as he sighed a heavy breath that he had been holding.
"You're not upset with me?"
"There is absolutely nothing you have done that has upset me. I thought maybe I had upset you yesterday by being... Well, by being a bit too flirtatious."
I blushed as I said this but it was nothing compared to the dark red that he went as he thought about how much I had shown him yesterday. He smiled to himself.
"To be honest, Sam, I didn't mind. I am pretty open-minded, I was just not really expecting it."
He glanced at his watch and looked surprised.
"But, we can continue this tomorrow, if you want to that is. You should get going if you want to catch your train."
He turned and went back into his office, closing the door behind him. I stood there in muted surprise for a few moments but the thought of getting to the train station in time got my feet moving. I picked up my bag, turned my computer off and headed for the door.
All the way down to the lobby in the elevator his words repeated in my ears.
"To be honest, Sam, I didn't mind."
He didn't mind. He didn't mind? I knew from a purely sexual, animal, kind of way he liked what he was seeing, but to say that he was open-minded and didn't mind me teasing him was a whole other thing. It opened the doors a little more. I was curious to know how far this was going to go. How open-minded was he? Everyone has different limits and his limits were going to be different to mine but just how different? What was he into? What were his kinks? I wanted to know and I wanted to explore them with him.
My feet seemed to be on auto-pilot as I made my way to the train station. My mind, not focused on the here and now, was back in the office where both Stefan and I were completely naked. He was fucking me from behind, his body pressed against mine as I was sandwiched between him and the large window we were looking through earlier today. It was such a vivid fantasy that I could almost feel the pressure of his body against mine.
I was so wet as I walked that I could feel my cum making the inside of my thighs wet. Although I had underwear on now, the lace was doing absolutely nothing to stop the flow of cum from my pussy. I was so horny that I was prepared to fuck just about anyone I saw right now. Looks didn't matter, they just had to want me. Young, old, whatever. I just wanted, no, needed someone. I knew I was letting my imagination run away with me. There was no way I was going to do that but I wanted to. I wanted to have the confidence and bravery to do that but it just wasn't something that I think I would or could do if it came to the crunch.
I descended into the subway once more and stood at my usual spot, waiting for the train. I glanced around at the familiar faces of people I didn't know but in a strange way were my kin. The people I travelled with every working day. There were the usual rows of faces that all looked tired and bored. The professional working mums, the business suit-wearing men who all seemed to be in their forties. I guess the younger ones still had the hunger and energy to work back late and the older ones were smart enough to get out or had retired. Or died, my mind added morbidly. This train was too late for the school kids going from school to home and too early for the ones who lingered in town. Just one of the many reasons I liked catching this one. Then from within the throng emerged a familiar face with a smile, not just of recognition but also of excitement. I couldn't help but smile back. I felt the familiar excitement begin to rise in me and a certain tingling as my desire to be exposed roared to life.
I watched as he made his way through the groups of people so he could stand near me. He appeared to want to say something, some kind of greeting or acknowledgement but I didn't want that. This man was a stranger and I needed him to remain that. I looked away, avoiding his gaze but I watched out of the corner of my eye. He faltered for a moment and looked slightly crestfallen but seemed to understand the situation fairly quickly, and thankfully didn't push it. He stood back casually looking me over and I gave him the faintest smile and nod. He appeared to relax a little as comprehension came over him.
The train pulled in and our usual dance commenced. I went to the last carriage and sat down near the end of the train. He entered the carriage as well and took up his usual seat opposite me. We both sat there silently waiting for the doors to close and the train to move. I was feeling particularly precocious today and kept looking him in the eye. When I caught his attention, I very deliberately held it as I used one hand to slide my skirt up higher and parted my thighs. His eyes trailed down to my thighs and widened as he saw just how much thigh I was showing him. There was no one else at all on this carriage so far and I wanted this guy just about bursting out of his pants. All the frustration I had felt all day was coming to the fore right now and I wanted him feeling the same level of frustration.
It took him a moment to remember that there was a head attached to the body he had been ogling and he looked back up. I just smiled at his shocked look. I don't know where all this confidence was coming from but it was turning me on like nothing else. I pulled my skirt even further up and parted my thighs even more. I began running my fingers up and down my barely-covered pussy. I could feel the slippery juices that had leaked through the lace and I knew he could see my cum and most of my pussy. Fuck, I was so horny I could have happily had an orgasm right now but it was going to take more than some light touching through my panties. I needed something inside me, a finger, a tongue, a cock, a dildo, something. I was giving very serious thought to pulling them aside and just slipping a finger or two into myself when the train began to slow for the next station. I straightened up a little and as much for his benefit as mine, I licked and sucked my finger that was coated with my cum.
I fully expected several people to get on at this station as that was fairly normal, what I wasn't expecting however was an entire tour group of elderly citizens that had had a day at the zoo to get on. Almost instantly people were milling about and trying to get seats. It was obvious it was going to be a tight squeeze. Once it became obvious there wasn't enough room, I stood up to allow an old lady to sit down. My fellow traveller had a slightly panicked look on his face and I realised that he was in a position where it would seem rude not to stand up for someone elderly but if he stood up it would become quite apparent the state that he was in. I chuckled to myself but I did have sympathy for him. I moved across and stood near enough to him so he wouldn't display his hard-on to the entire carriage as he stood up. We then managed to shuffle closer to the door while giving the illusion we were just making room for the last person to sit down.
He backed into the corner and held the bar then I backed into him and held the same bar. No one on this carriage knew that we were strangers and would assume we were on here together so it didn't matter how close we stood. As the train began to move, the noise level of all the elderly people seemed to increase as they chatted among themselves. Once I was sure no one was paying attention to us I backed back until I felt his cock bump into my ass. God it felt so hard and good. I began pushing back more and then grinding my ass on his cock.
When we got to the next station everyone could see this carriage was full and moved to the others so we didn't have to move. When the train took off again, I took the opportunity to lift the back of my skirt so that only my lace-covered ass was grinding against him. He felt so hard through his pants that it was sending shivers through me. I wanted more. I would have let him fuck me right there I was so turned on.
He was grinding harder and he let his right hand slip down and grip my hip. He was using his grip on my hip to pull me back into him as he pushed his back against the wall and ground his cock into my ass. It grew more and more intense and his thrusts were becoming less subtle and more powerful until I was sure we were about to be caught. Suddenly he pulled me in so tight against him that his fingers felt like they would bruise my hip. I could feel his cock swell and pulse between my ass cheeks and I knew he was cumming. I wanted to feel it squirt all hot and wet against my skin but that couldn't happen. I couldn't believe a stranger was blasting a load of his cum in his pants while humping my ass. It was so intensely erotic that I began to tremble as I slipped into my own orgasm. My lace panties did absolutely nothing to contain the cum that was now oozing out of my pussy and beginning to run down my thighs. I couldn't believe I had just allowed a perfect stranger to dry hump my ass until we both came right in front of a trainload of people.
Had no one noticed? Surely someone had seen or heard something. Hell, I could smell cum, both his and mine, and I was sure that at least one of them must have seen something.
I looked around the carriage, sure that my face was glowing red and expecting everyone to be staring at us in shock, but they weren't. Almost all of them were far too busy chattering with each other to pay any attention to the couple standing next to the door. I turned and looked down in the other direction along the carriage and my suspicions were confirmed. There was a man and a woman, both sitting there quietly and not talking to the others. They both had shy smiles on their faces and were looking at us. As our eyes met their smiles grew a little. The woman did a quick eyebrow raise and nodded slightly. The man was smiling broadly now and winked at me. All I could do was smile back and give a slight shrug of the shoulders as if to say. "What can you do? When you need it, you need it."
I stepped forward a half step and felt his hand move as he brushed down my skirt. At least he had the courtesy to do that. I turned around to face him and looked him up and down. There was a large wet stain on the front of his pants. His cum had begun to leak through his pants and now that we had separated I could feel a certain coolness on my ass where the air was hitting the dampness he had left behind. It was nothing compared to the trail of cum that I now had running down the inside of my thighs though. In my mind, I fantasised that it was our combined cum oozing out of my pussy and the thought sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.
I looked up into his half-glazed eyes and smiled then mouthed the words.
"Thank you."
He blushed and then took off his suit jacket and folded it over his arm. He then crossed his arms in front of himself to cover his large cum stain. I smiled and chuckled then leaned towards him and whispered.
"I can still smell it though, and I bet everyone else in here can too."
He didn't say anything, just blushed even harder.
The next station came up and this time more people squeezed onto the carriage. I deliberately let several people push in between us and I ended up on the other side of the train. I allowed my thoughts to wander over the last few days and the excitement I had felt. Part of me was in shock at the things I had done but I was also proud of myself for pushing my boundaries and bloody excited by the things I had done too.
One station from home and the train all but emptied. Most of the new people got off followed by the group of elderly people. As they were queueing the couple who had smiled at us sidled up next to me. The lady leaned in closer and whispered to me.
"Hubby and I used to play games like that too. Thanks for the memories."
She smiled up at me and then stepped off the train. I smiled and waved to them through the doors as they closed and then the train was moving again. I looked around at the mostly vacated carriage but didn't bother sitting down. I had cum down to my knees now and I would only make a bigger mess of things if I sat down. I looked at my co-conspirator and noticed he was looking elsewhere in the carriage but also remaining standing. I imagined he was feeling a bit uncomfortable now and just smiled to myself. He seemed to be understanding the rules of the game, such as they were. He was to remain a stranger.
Finally, the train slowed down as it came into the light of the final platform. The door opened and I looked back at him. He was looking directly at me this time and I smiled at him. He returned a somewhat nervous smile. I didn't want him to think I was angry at him, it can be awkward enough having an encounter like this without someone regretting it and making it difficult.
"Thanks for that, I had fun."
I spoke just loud enough for him to hear, and then I turned and strutted off the train. As I walked across the platform I could feel my thighs slipping together, lubricated by my cum.
By the time I got home, it was becoming quite uncomfortable. I had developed the fantasy in my mind a little more though. Now, in my mind, it was Stefan's cum running out of my well fucked pussy. I had left work with a huge load of cum dumped deep inside my pussy. I had left him my panties as a souvenir so I walked to the train with his cum leaking from me. All the way home it continued to leak from me until it was on the floor of the train, in my shoes and my legs were glistening with it. Everyone on the train could see it running down my legs but I didn't care.
I was exhausted both mentally and physically by the time I walked in my front door. I wanted nothing more than to just sit down and relax but that wasn't going to happen. Instead, I walked through to the laundry and stripped naked. The skirt I was wearing looked and smelled like I had done a full shift in a brothel. I stood there for a moment completely naked, enjoying the feeling of being naked. I ran my hands up and down my body, over my breasts and teasing my nipples. I ran them down over my stomach and teased my pussy gently. The skin around my pussy and thighs was sticky with my cum and it excited me. I closed my eyes and imagined I was standing before the window in Stefan's office. Stefan was sitting back in his chair watching me tease my naked body for him and whoever could see me through the window. He was slowly stroking his cock in front of me and I could see his pre-cum glistening on the end of his cock then dribbling down. His fingers smeared it around the head of his cock. He held his hand out to me and I moved over to him. I took his hand and raised his fingers to my lips. I sucked my cum off my fingers as I imagined sucking Stefan's off his fingers and I felt my orgasm begin to grow in me.