Update 13
"Are you planning on wearing a bra with this dress?"
Her face was saying, for the love of god don't wear that bra with this dress. I laughed at her response.
"I have something in mind for this, believe me, I won't be wearing this one."
She looked relieved, then excited for me as I explained what I was going to be wearing.
"Ooh, that sounds gorgeous. You simply have to wear these with it though."
She walked a few paces away and came back with a pair of hold-up stockings. The type commonly seen with suspenders but these would stay up by themselves. She seemed almost as excited by the outfit as I felt and it left me feeling as giggly as a schoolgirl.
She looked expectantly at me and when I didn't move she shooed me off towards the changeroom.
"Well, go on, try them on, I want to see what it all looks like together."
I laughed at how eager she was and went to comply. She ended up following me anyway and stood there watching as I slid them up my legs. She even got down on her knees and straightened the seem of them for me as I held the dress aside so she had access to my upper thighs. It was strangely intimate and I was quite enjoying myself. It was then that I wondered if she could smell the fact that Stefan and I had had sex earlier. That sent a shiver through me that made me shake. She looked up at me and asked if she had tickled me.
"A little... but it was nice."
She blushed but smiled at the same time. She then stood back up and looked at her handy work.
"Yeah, that's definitely what was needed. You have such lovely long legs, it seems silly not to show them off."
I smiled at her compliment and after looking in the mirror, moving my new dress around to see best how to show off my legs as well, I knew she was right. I took the dress off and rolled up the stockings, telling her that I would take them all. I made a point of not getting dressed before handing her the items. I stood there in my panties and bra and let her look me over for a moment before she headed off to the counter. I put my work clothes back on and checked myself in the mirror again. I was happy with how I looked but it all felt a little bit drab after the glamorous dress.
I thanked the girl serving me for her help and paid almost a week's rent for the dress. It was the single most expensive item of clothing I had ever bought and I hoped I would get an opportunity to wear it again but if tonight went well, then it would all be worth it anyway. I wanted to impress Stefan.
I left the shop and found a café where I could sit and enjoy a nice coffee while I waited for the train that I usually catch. Sitting there gave me time to think about something that had been playing on my mind.
I wanted Stefan, there was no question about that, I wanted him physically but there was more to it. I liked his personality and since I had begun working with him so closely I had developed a strong respect for him. I knew I wanted more than just casual sex with him and the excitement I felt when I thought about him made me think that I might even be falling in love with him. Yes, I am physically attracted to him, and yes I am feeling lustful towards him, there is no doubt about that, but there was something far more complex going on too.
On the other hand, I was loving this newfound freedom I had discovered and I wasn't prepared to just give that up. I did not want to get into a relationship with anyone, regardless of how much I wanted them, if that meant I had to stop flirting and playing the way I had been. I was feeling confused and frustrated and I didn't know what to do about it. What I needed was a girlfriend to discuss it all with but I didn't have any close friends that I could call that would understand the way I was feeling. I wish there was someone I could call, anyone really who wouldn't judge me for feeling this way.
It was a little bit sad to realise that I didn't have any real close friends but I was feeling too upbeat and excited about tonight to be too down about it. I paid for my coffee and began to wander in the direction of the train station.
I stopped and looked at stores along the way and at some point realised that I was procrastinating and going to miss my normal train. I would have to catch the last train again. On some level, I knew I was being deliberately tardy because I didn't want to catch my usual train. I didn't want to bump into my "fellow traveller" and his wife but I did want to see Bec again.
Just the thought of how exciting it had been to watch her cum as she ground her pussy against my foot sent a shiver of excitement through me. I wondered what it was that made her cum so hard. Was it, like me, the risk of being caught, the thrill of being watched? The excitement of doing the taboo so publicly? Was it the fact that I was some random stranger, or was she actually attracted to me? I was certainly attracted to her, I mean who wouldn't be, she was gorgeous. Was it the whole foot fetish thing? Did she really get off on feet? It was a fetish I never really understood but I certainly understood the other aspects of it. They did it for me big time.
I was walking slowly in the general direction of the train station but my mind was elsewhere, it was already on the train with Bec. I wasn't paying attention, kind of walking on autopilot while my mind was off doing other things. I was walking past a section of storefront businesses and I was distantly aware that people were packing up for the day. A café owner was bringing in the chairs and tables from the footpath in front of their store. Another person was sweeping the floor of the shop she was in and another was folding up a bi-fold sign that had been standing out the front door. There was something vaguely familiar that tugged at my brain and I took a second, more focused, look at her. No wonder this pretty blond girl looked familiar, she was the very person I had been fantasising about for the last twenty minutes or so.
She turned and looked at me then her face lit up as it split into a huge smile.
"Hi, Sam. How lovely to see you again."
I smiled back and wondered if anyone could not be happy being greeted with such a beautiful smile.
"This is too weird, I was just heading to the train and I was thinking about you."
Bec's smile changed slightly and she wriggled her eyebrows comically. She looked around, almost deliberately suspicious to see if anyone else was listening.
"Dirty thoughts I hope."
I laughed but at the same time felt myself blush a little.
"Well, I must admit, my only memories of you are pretty erotically charged, so... Yeah, they were definitely a little smutty."
"Mmm, good to know. Did you want to wait a minute while I pack up? We can walk together if you like."
I felt that genuine warmth of friendship and wondered if these encounters would eventually lead to a real friendship.
"That would be lovely. Want a hand with anything?"
"No, I'm just about done. I just need to lock this door, change out of these clothes into street clothes and we'll go out the back door."
I looked at what she was wearing and realised that she had on a uniform that closely resembled a nurse's scrubs. I followed her in and she locked the door behind me. She started to make her way around behind the counter and she asked me to follow her through. We went past several small rooms with massage tables in them until we entered what appeared to be a small staff room. It had a table and chairs, A fridge, a microwave oven, and some small lockers at one end. There was a large laundry basket that had a collection of towels and other lots of scrubs in it. I was a little taken a back when she started stripping off her scrubs right in front of me as though it was the most natural thing in the world to do. She stripped right down to her underwear. A very pretty matching bra and panties of satin and lace. I admired her curvaceous ass as she wiggled in front of me getting her bag and clothes out of the locker. She turned and I admired her curves, her firm breasts, her nipples pushing against the material of her bra, her stomach that wasn't quite flat but not far off it, the way the curve of her ass complimented her figure so nicely, her smooth legs that were shorter than mine but looked so inviting.
I noticed after a moment or two that she wasn't moving and I looked up into her eyes. She had a kind of smirk as though she found it funny to have caught me so obviously staring at her body but her eyes had a smouldering intensity to them. Neither of us said anything but she continued to get dressed. She put on a flowing summer-style skirt and a simple t-shirt that she somehow managed to make look pretty and elegant with seemingly no effort at all.
She smiled at me and led the way to the back door. She set the alarm, closed the door and we headed to the train station. It was only a few blocks but in that short walk, we talked.
"So, Sam. What are your plans for the weekend?"
"Well, I actually have a date tonight for the first time in what feels like years and I'm pretty excited about it."
"Ooh, you go girl. So are you gonna get lucky?"
It was such a forthright question to ask but I kind of liked the fact that she was straight up like that. It made me chuckle and smile.
"I certainly hope so."
"Good for you. Guy or a girl?"
It's funny that that was a question that I never thought I would be asked because I always considered myself to be heterosexual, yet here stood the very reason that made me question that. Don't get me wrong, I could never be a full-time lesbian, I would just miss men too much but I was certainly curious to experiment now that my curiosity had been piqued.
"A guy, my boss actually."
"Ooh, now that's saucy. You're not scared that it will all go wrong and you will lose your job?"
"A little... More now that you have mentioned it."
We both laughed at that.
"Sorry. Just something I would worry about."
"I think it's going to be okay actually but there is one thing I am worrying about."
"What's that?"
"Well, this is a little awkward but..."
"Hey, there's no subject too awkward for me. Trust me, I look at and touch semi-naked people all day and my husband and I... Well, let's just say we are pretty open-minded."
She gave me a look full of meaning. I smiled and nodded, pretty sure I knew exactly why she emphasised the word "open".
"Well, see, I have just discovered a couple of things about myself lately and I am rather enjoying exploring those things. My biggest worry is that if we end up in a relationship he will perhaps expect me to not explore this side of myself."
She nodded and thought for a moment.
"Are any of the things you have discovered and want to explore things that have led you to the possibility of this relationship?"
"I guess so. Maybe it would have happened anyway but the fact that I have flashed him a couple of times this week has certainly expedited it."
Bec laughed.
"Yeah, in my experience that tends to get their attention."
"Something you have much experience with?"
Bec laughed again but this time there was a knowing edge to it.
"Oh, yeah. Quite a bit."
I felt a shiver run through me at the thought of her doing the same things I had been doing this week. I had so many questions.
"You simply must tell me all about it one day."
Bec stopped and eyed me critically.
"I'll tell you anything you want to know. It turns me on to talk about it, to be honest. To watch someone else get turned on by my escapades. Leon, that's my husband, loves to hear about the things I get up to."
She leaned in closer as a group of people went walking past us and she spoke quietly, almost intimately to me.
"He fucked me so hard the other night when I told him how you had made me cum on the train twice. It was like he had been saving an extra load for me. He had me bent over and ploughed me and when he came, the first squirt went deep into my pussy but then he pulled out and came all over my ass. He said to me that he wanted to see you clean my pussy and ass with your tongue. Just the thought and the feeling of his cum splashing on me as he said that sent another violent orgasm through me."
I couldn't believe she was standing here telling me this so matter of fact in the middle of the street. She was talking quieter but anyone walking by wouldn't have to try too hard to hear what was being said. I was soaked and wanted nothing more than to finger my pussy in front of her so she could see how turned on she had made me. My face was flushed but it wasn't due to embarrassment, it was an intense desire to be completely naked with this woman right now. In my mind, I could see her practically naked as she had been when she changed out of her scrubs and I wanted to do what she had just said. I wanted to taste her, I wanted to taste him on her but more than anything, I wanted to make her cum.
I practically growled with desire as I spoke through gritted teeth.
"God, I want that! I want you!"
"Good, because from the moment I saw you, I intended to have you no matter what."
We stared intensely into each other's eyes for a few moments before reality seemed to sink back in. There were a couple of people staring at us strangely but I didn't care, let them see me be aroused by this sexy woman. Hell, they could watch me fuck her if they wanted to.
She reached out and took my hand.
"Come on, we have to get going if we are going to catch this train."
We walked off at a brisk pace towards the train station. I could feel how wet I was as I walked and I wondered if Bec was too.
We were given a few odd glances as we entered the train station hand in hand but nothing particularly negative and there were no comments made, at least within our hearing. We went through the turnstiles and down to the platform. My heart was pounding in my chest but I couldn't tell you if that was because I was excited or just because of the brisk walking pace we had maintained all the way here. Bec laughed wheezily as she doubled over with her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. I laughed as well.
"I'm glad it's not just me who is struggling."
I reached across and placed my hand on her back. I could feel her breathing deeply and I could also feel her heart hammering away. She looked up at me and smiled ruefully.
"That was a hell of a pace you set there with those gorgeous long legs."
As she said it the train rumbled around the bend and into the station. I smiled, relieved that we hadn't missed it.
"And it seems my timing was good too."
Bec nodded and straightened up.
"You okay, Bec?"
"I'll be fine once I can sit down for a minute."
I led her to the last carriage and we had no trouble finding a seat opposite each other, with me travelling forwards and Bec going backwards. A couple of people got on this carriage as well but sat a fair way away from us. As always, the front of the train would fill first and then filter to the back. Hopefully, it wasn't a busy day and we could have a little bit of privacy, but maybe not too much.
For the first leg of the trip, we both sat there fairly quietly as we caught our breath and relaxed into the ride. After the first stop, we began chatting again. Bec asked what I had in the shopping bag and I told her about the dress. I took the box out of the bag and showed her the material but I didn't want to get it dirty before I had even worn it so it stayed in the box. She oohed and ahhed over the colour and material though.
"Wow, that's gorgeous, I would love to see it on you."
I winked salaciously at her like a dirty old man.
"Play your cards right sweety and maybe you will."
We both giggled at my silly impersonation but there was a truth to what I was saying.
"If I play my cards right, I'll be seeing you out of it."
She said, returning my wink.
It was fun to have silly conversations with a girlfriend and I realised how much I had missed this type of thing.
"When I put it on after my shower tonight, I will send you a picture."
"Oh? You would do that?"
"Of course."
"Have you still got my card? It's got my mobile number on it."
"I do, but I am going to put it in my phone right now."
I pulled out my phone and began entering her details, reading them out loud as I typed them.
"Bec the sexy goddess."
She burst out laughing.
"You did not put that in your phone."
I turned it around and showed her the proof which only made her laugh even harder. She pulled her own phone out as well.
"Send me something so I can add you to my contacts."
I picked up my phone and holding it so that she couldn't easily see my face, I took a selfie, one of the very few I have ever taken, of me sexily licking my lips. I added it to a message and typed a message before sending it. Her phone pinged and buzzed and she opened it up. I could see the colour rising in her cheeks as she read it and looked at the picture.
"This tongue will one day soon be inside your body. You look so delicious I want to taste you."
"Wow! I hope you mean that because you can't make a promise like that and not deliver."
I just nodded and smiled as my pussy went into convulsions thinking about actually doing that.
"Just so you know though, Bec. I have never done that before, so I am very much an amateur."
"Really? Never? Not even experimenting with high school friends?"
"Well, no. My school friends were all very shy nerdy types and I never really knew I was interested until I met you. This week has been a big week for me."
"I feel so honoured, you sure you want me to be your first?"
"Wow. Thank you."
Bec leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially.
"This is turning me on so much."
"Me too, perhaps we could both use a foot rub."
I winked again. Bec's smile turned impish.
"I couldn't agree more."
We both kicked our shoes off and leaned back. I raised my right foot into her lap and she did the same, raising her foot onto my lap. We both began giving each other a genuine foot rub. Bec, for obvious reasons, is so much better at it than I am but I improvised and copied everything she did. By extension of that, I let her lead the way in what to do. My foot, slowly began to slip between her thighs, pushing the fabric of her long skirt down between her legs at the same time. I allowed Bec's foot to slip down between my thighs as well but I had on a much shorter skirt. My skin had become hyper-sensitive again as my arousal grew and the feeling of her bare skin sliding against my inner thighs felt so tantalisingly good.
Between the exquisite foot rub I was receiving and the rising tension of Bec's foot slipping further and further up my legs I was in a state of euphoria. I was so blissful that when her foot touched my pussy a small spasm occurred that shook my whole body. I let out a soft moan that seemed to be beyond my control. Remembering where I was I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Bec had a cheeky grin that suggested she knew exactly what had happened. She wriggled her toes against my pantie-clad pussy and made me squirm. I half laughed as I looked her dead in the eye. Two can play that game, I thought as I moved a little. Having longer legs meant I had more flexibility than she did with her legs stretched out. I lifted my knee slightly, angling my toes inward and found the heat of her pussy with my toes. She gasped as I hit the jackpot and then looked at me as though what I was doing was exactly what she wanted me to do.
Bec looked around the train as I had before she released my foot. She used both hands to gather up her skirt then flipped it up and over my leg. Suddenly my leg was in contact with the bare skin of her thigh. She felt so smooth and soft and sexy and the heat coming from her pussy seemed to intensify. She slipped her hand down into the waistband of her skirt and was touching my foot. She moved her hand around and then pushed down on my foot. I realised she had pulled her panties aside and I could feel the juices from her pussy start to smear over the sole of my foot and my toes as she gently rocked back and forth. I applied a little more pressure with my foot and as I felt her soft wet lips part against the pressure a deep moan escaped her other lips.
I have never been into feet and this hasn't changed that but the fact that it was turning Bec on so much was turning me on. Her foot was pressed into my pussy and as she instinctively began to gyrate gently against my foot it caused her foot to do the same against me and it felt damn good. I could feel her orgasm building in the tension of her body and my own body was responding. It was responding to her pleasure as much as my pride in bringing that pleasure out in her as well as the situation in general. Making a woman cum in a public place like this is extraordinarily arousing to me and it was adding fuel to the fire that was my own body and mind.
Bec was taking these hiccoughing little breaths as her body began to spasm. She grabbed my calf with both hands and pulled my foot in harder against her pussy. I could feel her hot cum leaking out of her, making my toes and the sole of my foot even wetter. Then she let out a deep and long groan that told me she was no longer in control of the noises her body made and that she no longer cared whether there were people around who could hear or see either. She was just completely in the moment and the sheer eroticism of that abandonment, the sounds she was making, as well as the pressure being applied to my clit sent me over the edge as well. Like her, I held her foot in tight to my crotch as I humped against it and flooded my panties with cum yet again. Anyone walking past or sitting nearby would have been given a hell of a show as these two crazy-looking women came all over each other's feet.
We were both temporarily lost in our own worlds as we each tried to catch our breaths as our bodies began to relax between the occasional shudders of post orgasm tremors. It felt like so much blood had gone rushing to my pussy that my brain had ceased to function properly.
As the post orgasmic brain fog began to lift I started to become aware of the noises of the train again, people talking quietly, the bumping and squealing as the train went around a bend. I also noticed the light outside the train changing signalling we were about to arrive at a station. Just as I had that realisation the train lurched as it began to slow. I began to remove my foot from Bec's crotch and that seemed to startle her into a kind of awareness. She looked around and, blushing wildly, removed her foot as well. She looked directly at my crotch which was feeling particularly cool now and smiled. She pointed briefly.
"You might want to cover up a bit sweetie, You're looking very wet there."
I instinctively looked down and realised that my skirt was pushed up so far that I could see my panties without moving my skirt at all. I could also see that they were very wet indeed. I could smell my cum and mingled in with that was also the smell of Stefan's cum and also a bit of sweat. It was a heady smell that immediately made me think of a long session of sweaty sex. It was a delicious smell and I wondered if anyone else could smell it. I reluctantly pulled my very rumpled-looking skirt back down to a respectable length once again. It still wasn't going to pass the freckle test but it was at least not going to get me arrested for indecent exposure.
Bec was squirming a bit uncomfortably as she moved around, trying to get into a position that was a bit more comfortable. I looked at her inquisitively.
"Are you okay?"
Bec smiled ruefully but didn't say anything until the people getting on the train had walked past and sat down. The carriage had a lot more people on it now so she leaned forward and half whispered.
"You made me cum so hard that the seat is wet. I'm going to leave a huge wet spot on the seat and my skirt."
"Ooh, sorry about that."
Bec laughed.
"It might be a little awkward when I get off the train and momentarily uncomfortable but I wouldn't change a thing. I haven't cum that hard in public for ages, it was so good."
I felt myself blush at the praise. I know the praise wasn't directed at me specifically but I was taking it anyway. It was one thing to make a guy cum. It was fun and I enjoyed it immensely but, to be honest, it's not particularly difficult to do. We women, however, tend to be a bit fickle and for some it's not so easy to get us there; for others, it's damn near impossible. So, when a woman tells me it was good then I am absolutely going to wear that badge of honour.
The train moved off again and we sat in companionable silence for a while, smiling as we mentally re-lived some of the particularly delicious moments. Another station came and went and I realised that we were getting close to the station where Bec would be getting off the train. I leaned forward and waited for Bec's eyes to meet mine. I spoke in the same hushed tones that she had used earlier.
"I want more of this, Bec. I want to make love to you one day. I want you to be the first woman I ever make love to."
Bec smiled a huge smile and nodded.
"I would love that. I would be honoured to be your first."
I couldn't hold back the smile that spread slowly across my face. It was going to happen; I knew that now. I had suspected and even been hopeful with our conversation earlier but now I knew and it excited me. We sat there smiling at each other and just as the train began to slow for the next station, Bec suddenly stood up and leaned forward over me. She bent down and kissed me rather passionately. Her lips were so soft and yet they were unrelenting, her mouth felt so good on mine. She separated from me but stayed leaning over me for a moment. She took a deep breath through her nose and smiled.
"You smell so god damn sexy right now."
I giggled like a schoolgirl then immediately felt silly for it. She smiled at my reaction.
"I will be seeing you soon, Sam, and with any luck we will be completely naked and in bed together."
"Mmm, God, yes please."
The train was pulling into the station now and had almost come to a complete stop. Bec straightened up and then pointed to my dress in the box.
"Send me a photo, I really want to see that."
"I will."
She turned and walked out the door as it slid open. I watched her walking away and noticed the wet spot she had mentioned and was surprised by just how large it was. I watched her until she disappeared into the crowd and then I turned back to look at the seat she had just vacated. There was an unmistakable wet patch that seemed to cover almost half the seat. Holy crap, she had cum a lot. My panties were a wet sticky mess as well, but this was something else, it was something quite exciting.
The train began to move again and although I was now alone the feeling of excitement hadn't left me. I was excited about what had just happened as well as for what lay ahead. Tonight was going to be very interesting. I hoped it would all go well and I hoped that Stefan would understand my desires and my need to explore this side of myself. I wanted this to work out with him, I know it's very early days but I had never felt this way going into a possible relationship before. I don't think I had ever wanted someone in quite the same way that I wanted him. There was something underlying that I felt I needed. Something more than just lust, something more than pure physical desire. Not that those things weren't important but I could sense something else there that was bigger than anything that I had experienced before. It was so difficult to not just throw myself all in and forget about my newfound desires but I felt this was something worth pursuing also. Even if these new things were just temporary, I still felt it was important that I explore them as deeply as I desired.
I was also excited about the possibility, more like probability, that something was going to happen between Bec and I. We each wanted to explore that too and that was incredibly thrilling. With Bec, though, it felt like a completely different situation. I wasn't falling in love with Bec. I wanted her physically and it seemed like a genuine friendship was going to come from this too, which I wanted far more than I realised. She was incredibly sexy and I wanted to explore the more feminine side of my sexuality as well. I never would have believed I could be so turned on by a woman, and yet, here I am sitting on a train with very wet panties because a beautiful woman had just made me cum.
The train moved on again and I gathered up my bag. I slipped my shoes back on and realised that my foot was still a bit wet. As much as it had been incredibly hot to do, the result was going to make it a bit uncomfortable to walk home. I slipped my foot out of the shoe and found some tissues in my bag. I used a couple to wipe the inside of the shoe and then my foot, making it at least a little more comfortable.
The train slowed to a stop and I stood up. I was surprised by how tired my legs felt as I walked off the train and onto the platform with my bag as well as the box with my new dress folded neatly inside it. I walked the couple of blocks home and when I walked through the front door the first thing I did was look up the stairs and wonder if my legs could haul my ass all the way up there. I sighed in resignation and began tromping up the stairs. I got to my room and dumped everything on the bed. I then did something I hadn't done in a very long time. I ran a bath.
I stripped off and eased into the hot steamy water and immediately felt the heat go to work on my tired muscles and bones. I was feeling a curious mixture of excitement about what the night held and a mild annoyance that I had to go out again. The annoyance was purely because I was so tired. Physically, I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for a week, but emotionally, I was so excited and nervous that I felt like a schoolgirl the night of prom. The heat did its work and I found myself dozing while feeling like I was floating.
After a while, the water began to cool and I realised that I needed to get moving. I plucked my razor off the sink and went over everything that had been shaved just the other day to make sure there was no stubble at all. I made sure I was completely clean and rinsed off under the shower as the bath drained. I then moisturised every square inch of my body until I felt absolutely luxurious. I went into the bedroom and laid out the clothes I was going to wear. My new teddy, the matching underwear, the stockings and the dress. Even just lying on the bed they looked fantastic together. I began by pulling on the underwear then I wriggled into the Teddy. It was no easy task to do up all the loops in the back but I managed to get there. I went and looked in the mirror and was impressed with just how sexy I looked.
"Good start, Sam."
I picked up my phone and took a photo in the mirror. I then returned to the bedroom and put on the stockings. I took another photo and returned once more to put on the dress. Once I was happy with how it looked, I went and put on makeup and a spritz of my favourite perfume. I brushed my hair until it was a long black shiny sheet flowing down my back instead of my usual ponytail. I then took one last photo. I was really happy with the total result. I looked good and I felt sexy. Who could ask for more?
I sent the photo of myself all done up to Bec.
"I'm pretty happy with how it looks on me. What do you think?"
"Oh, my god. You look amazing. If you don't get lucky tonight, I would question his sexuality."
"Thanks. Short of there being some kind of calamity, I am going to be getting some. Considering how much this dress cost, I bloody better. lol."
"I do hope you have got some sexy underwear on under that."
I chuckled to myself. Oh, yes I do. I attached the earlier photo and sent it with a short message.
"I guess it's kind of sexy. Do you think this will hold his attention?"
"Fuck! If he isn't all over you like a rash then there is something seriously wrong. Bloody hell, Sam. You look so amazingly sexy in that. I can assure you that I will be spending a LOT of time looking at that picture. I seriously hope you wear that for me one day."
I smiled to myself as I thought about what that would entail. My mind wandered into a small fantasy of Bec spending some quality time removing it from my body. A shiver ran through me as I thought about her lips on my naked flesh. I could easily have gotten caught up in the fantasy but I had to get moving.
"You know there won't need to be much convincing from you to get me to do that. For now, though you will have to wait until later because I have a date to get to. Wish me luck."
"Honey, you aren't going to need any luck at all. I hope he knows how lucky he is. Have a great time, Sweetie."
I packed a small overnight bag with some spare clothes that were more suited to a relaxing, comfortable day. I had no idea what tomorrow would bring but I was pretty sure I didn't want to spend the entire day in this dress. I also packed some basic toiletries and wandered back downstairs. I got my keys and headed out to the garage where I kept my little car. I hoped it would start first go. It had been a while since I had driven it and the battery could be dead or the fuel stale.
I had that moment of frustration as the starter motor turned the engine very slowly but then it caught and spat into life. I smiled and patted the steering wheel proudly.
"I knew you wouldn't let me down."
I reversed out of the garage and pressed the button on the remote to close the door. I was grinning like a loon as I drove off down the road.
I arrived at the apartment complex where Stefan lived and it wasn't until I got there that I realised that I had no idea how to get to him from the street. I found a parking spot out the front and called his mobile.
"Hello, Stefan?"
I could hear the smile in his voice and it helped calm the nerves I was feeling.
"Well, hello there, Sam. I hope you aren't calling to back out of tonight."
"Considering I'm calling from out the front of your apartment I think it's a safe bet to say that I'm not backing out."
I heard him stand up and move.
"Can you see the garage entrance from there? The door should be rolling up right now."
I looked across and saw a double-width, security mesh roller door slowly winding up.
"I can see it. Where do I park?"
"Go up to the second level and you can park anywhere, I'll meet you there."
I smiled as I hung up the phone and drove into the car park. I looked in the mirror and as soon as my car was inside the door began to roll back down. I drove slowly around the first level then onto the ramp that went up to the second level. There were quite a few empty spaces and none were marked as reserved so I picked one and parked my car. I made sure I had my phone, my handbag and my small overnight bag then got out of the car. I locked it behind me then looked around, unsure of where exactly Stefan would be meeting me.
Her face was saying, for the love of god don't wear that bra with this dress. I laughed at her response.
"I have something in mind for this, believe me, I won't be wearing this one."
She looked relieved, then excited for me as I explained what I was going to be wearing.
"Ooh, that sounds gorgeous. You simply have to wear these with it though."
She walked a few paces away and came back with a pair of hold-up stockings. The type commonly seen with suspenders but these would stay up by themselves. She seemed almost as excited by the outfit as I felt and it left me feeling as giggly as a schoolgirl.
She looked expectantly at me and when I didn't move she shooed me off towards the changeroom.
"Well, go on, try them on, I want to see what it all looks like together."
I laughed at how eager she was and went to comply. She ended up following me anyway and stood there watching as I slid them up my legs. She even got down on her knees and straightened the seem of them for me as I held the dress aside so she had access to my upper thighs. It was strangely intimate and I was quite enjoying myself. It was then that I wondered if she could smell the fact that Stefan and I had had sex earlier. That sent a shiver through me that made me shake. She looked up at me and asked if she had tickled me.
"A little... but it was nice."
She blushed but smiled at the same time. She then stood back up and looked at her handy work.
"Yeah, that's definitely what was needed. You have such lovely long legs, it seems silly not to show them off."
I smiled at her compliment and after looking in the mirror, moving my new dress around to see best how to show off my legs as well, I knew she was right. I took the dress off and rolled up the stockings, telling her that I would take them all. I made a point of not getting dressed before handing her the items. I stood there in my panties and bra and let her look me over for a moment before she headed off to the counter. I put my work clothes back on and checked myself in the mirror again. I was happy with how I looked but it all felt a little bit drab after the glamorous dress.
I thanked the girl serving me for her help and paid almost a week's rent for the dress. It was the single most expensive item of clothing I had ever bought and I hoped I would get an opportunity to wear it again but if tonight went well, then it would all be worth it anyway. I wanted to impress Stefan.
I left the shop and found a café where I could sit and enjoy a nice coffee while I waited for the train that I usually catch. Sitting there gave me time to think about something that had been playing on my mind.
I wanted Stefan, there was no question about that, I wanted him physically but there was more to it. I liked his personality and since I had begun working with him so closely I had developed a strong respect for him. I knew I wanted more than just casual sex with him and the excitement I felt when I thought about him made me think that I might even be falling in love with him. Yes, I am physically attracted to him, and yes I am feeling lustful towards him, there is no doubt about that, but there was something far more complex going on too.
On the other hand, I was loving this newfound freedom I had discovered and I wasn't prepared to just give that up. I did not want to get into a relationship with anyone, regardless of how much I wanted them, if that meant I had to stop flirting and playing the way I had been. I was feeling confused and frustrated and I didn't know what to do about it. What I needed was a girlfriend to discuss it all with but I didn't have any close friends that I could call that would understand the way I was feeling. I wish there was someone I could call, anyone really who wouldn't judge me for feeling this way.
It was a little bit sad to realise that I didn't have any real close friends but I was feeling too upbeat and excited about tonight to be too down about it. I paid for my coffee and began to wander in the direction of the train station.
I stopped and looked at stores along the way and at some point realised that I was procrastinating and going to miss my normal train. I would have to catch the last train again. On some level, I knew I was being deliberately tardy because I didn't want to catch my usual train. I didn't want to bump into my "fellow traveller" and his wife but I did want to see Bec again.
Just the thought of how exciting it had been to watch her cum as she ground her pussy against my foot sent a shiver of excitement through me. I wondered what it was that made her cum so hard. Was it, like me, the risk of being caught, the thrill of being watched? The excitement of doing the taboo so publicly? Was it the fact that I was some random stranger, or was she actually attracted to me? I was certainly attracted to her, I mean who wouldn't be, she was gorgeous. Was it the whole foot fetish thing? Did she really get off on feet? It was a fetish I never really understood but I certainly understood the other aspects of it. They did it for me big time.
I was walking slowly in the general direction of the train station but my mind was elsewhere, it was already on the train with Bec. I wasn't paying attention, kind of walking on autopilot while my mind was off doing other things. I was walking past a section of storefront businesses and I was distantly aware that people were packing up for the day. A café owner was bringing in the chairs and tables from the footpath in front of their store. Another person was sweeping the floor of the shop she was in and another was folding up a bi-fold sign that had been standing out the front door. There was something vaguely familiar that tugged at my brain and I took a second, more focused, look at her. No wonder this pretty blond girl looked familiar, she was the very person I had been fantasising about for the last twenty minutes or so.
She turned and looked at me then her face lit up as it split into a huge smile.
"Hi, Sam. How lovely to see you again."
I smiled back and wondered if anyone could not be happy being greeted with such a beautiful smile.
"This is too weird, I was just heading to the train and I was thinking about you."
Bec's smile changed slightly and she wriggled her eyebrows comically. She looked around, almost deliberately suspicious to see if anyone else was listening.
"Dirty thoughts I hope."
I laughed but at the same time felt myself blush a little.
"Well, I must admit, my only memories of you are pretty erotically charged, so... Yeah, they were definitely a little smutty."
"Mmm, good to know. Did you want to wait a minute while I pack up? We can walk together if you like."
I felt that genuine warmth of friendship and wondered if these encounters would eventually lead to a real friendship.
"That would be lovely. Want a hand with anything?"
"No, I'm just about done. I just need to lock this door, change out of these clothes into street clothes and we'll go out the back door."
I looked at what she was wearing and realised that she had on a uniform that closely resembled a nurse's scrubs. I followed her in and she locked the door behind me. She started to make her way around behind the counter and she asked me to follow her through. We went past several small rooms with massage tables in them until we entered what appeared to be a small staff room. It had a table and chairs, A fridge, a microwave oven, and some small lockers at one end. There was a large laundry basket that had a collection of towels and other lots of scrubs in it. I was a little taken a back when she started stripping off her scrubs right in front of me as though it was the most natural thing in the world to do. She stripped right down to her underwear. A very pretty matching bra and panties of satin and lace. I admired her curvaceous ass as she wiggled in front of me getting her bag and clothes out of the locker. She turned and I admired her curves, her firm breasts, her nipples pushing against the material of her bra, her stomach that wasn't quite flat but not far off it, the way the curve of her ass complimented her figure so nicely, her smooth legs that were shorter than mine but looked so inviting.
I noticed after a moment or two that she wasn't moving and I looked up into her eyes. She had a kind of smirk as though she found it funny to have caught me so obviously staring at her body but her eyes had a smouldering intensity to them. Neither of us said anything but she continued to get dressed. She put on a flowing summer-style skirt and a simple t-shirt that she somehow managed to make look pretty and elegant with seemingly no effort at all.
She smiled at me and led the way to the back door. She set the alarm, closed the door and we headed to the train station. It was only a few blocks but in that short walk, we talked.
"So, Sam. What are your plans for the weekend?"
"Well, I actually have a date tonight for the first time in what feels like years and I'm pretty excited about it."
"Ooh, you go girl. So are you gonna get lucky?"
It was such a forthright question to ask but I kind of liked the fact that she was straight up like that. It made me chuckle and smile.
"I certainly hope so."
"Good for you. Guy or a girl?"
It's funny that that was a question that I never thought I would be asked because I always considered myself to be heterosexual, yet here stood the very reason that made me question that. Don't get me wrong, I could never be a full-time lesbian, I would just miss men too much but I was certainly curious to experiment now that my curiosity had been piqued.
"A guy, my boss actually."
"Ooh, now that's saucy. You're not scared that it will all go wrong and you will lose your job?"
"A little... More now that you have mentioned it."
We both laughed at that.
"Sorry. Just something I would worry about."
"I think it's going to be okay actually but there is one thing I am worrying about."
"What's that?"
"Well, this is a little awkward but..."
"Hey, there's no subject too awkward for me. Trust me, I look at and touch semi-naked people all day and my husband and I... Well, let's just say we are pretty open-minded."
She gave me a look full of meaning. I smiled and nodded, pretty sure I knew exactly why she emphasised the word "open".
"Well, see, I have just discovered a couple of things about myself lately and I am rather enjoying exploring those things. My biggest worry is that if we end up in a relationship he will perhaps expect me to not explore this side of myself."
She nodded and thought for a moment.
"Are any of the things you have discovered and want to explore things that have led you to the possibility of this relationship?"
"I guess so. Maybe it would have happened anyway but the fact that I have flashed him a couple of times this week has certainly expedited it."
Bec laughed.
"Yeah, in my experience that tends to get their attention."
"Something you have much experience with?"
Bec laughed again but this time there was a knowing edge to it.
"Oh, yeah. Quite a bit."
I felt a shiver run through me at the thought of her doing the same things I had been doing this week. I had so many questions.
"You simply must tell me all about it one day."
Bec stopped and eyed me critically.
"I'll tell you anything you want to know. It turns me on to talk about it, to be honest. To watch someone else get turned on by my escapades. Leon, that's my husband, loves to hear about the things I get up to."
She leaned in closer as a group of people went walking past us and she spoke quietly, almost intimately to me.
"He fucked me so hard the other night when I told him how you had made me cum on the train twice. It was like he had been saving an extra load for me. He had me bent over and ploughed me and when he came, the first squirt went deep into my pussy but then he pulled out and came all over my ass. He said to me that he wanted to see you clean my pussy and ass with your tongue. Just the thought and the feeling of his cum splashing on me as he said that sent another violent orgasm through me."
I couldn't believe she was standing here telling me this so matter of fact in the middle of the street. She was talking quieter but anyone walking by wouldn't have to try too hard to hear what was being said. I was soaked and wanted nothing more than to finger my pussy in front of her so she could see how turned on she had made me. My face was flushed but it wasn't due to embarrassment, it was an intense desire to be completely naked with this woman right now. In my mind, I could see her practically naked as she had been when she changed out of her scrubs and I wanted to do what she had just said. I wanted to taste her, I wanted to taste him on her but more than anything, I wanted to make her cum.
I practically growled with desire as I spoke through gritted teeth.
"God, I want that! I want you!"
"Good, because from the moment I saw you, I intended to have you no matter what."
We stared intensely into each other's eyes for a few moments before reality seemed to sink back in. There were a couple of people staring at us strangely but I didn't care, let them see me be aroused by this sexy woman. Hell, they could watch me fuck her if they wanted to.
She reached out and took my hand.
"Come on, we have to get going if we are going to catch this train."
We walked off at a brisk pace towards the train station. I could feel how wet I was as I walked and I wondered if Bec was too.
We were given a few odd glances as we entered the train station hand in hand but nothing particularly negative and there were no comments made, at least within our hearing. We went through the turnstiles and down to the platform. My heart was pounding in my chest but I couldn't tell you if that was because I was excited or just because of the brisk walking pace we had maintained all the way here. Bec laughed wheezily as she doubled over with her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath. I laughed as well.
"I'm glad it's not just me who is struggling."
I reached across and placed my hand on her back. I could feel her breathing deeply and I could also feel her heart hammering away. She looked up at me and smiled ruefully.
"That was a hell of a pace you set there with those gorgeous long legs."
As she said it the train rumbled around the bend and into the station. I smiled, relieved that we hadn't missed it.
"And it seems my timing was good too."
Bec nodded and straightened up.
"You okay, Bec?"
"I'll be fine once I can sit down for a minute."
I led her to the last carriage and we had no trouble finding a seat opposite each other, with me travelling forwards and Bec going backwards. A couple of people got on this carriage as well but sat a fair way away from us. As always, the front of the train would fill first and then filter to the back. Hopefully, it wasn't a busy day and we could have a little bit of privacy, but maybe not too much.
For the first leg of the trip, we both sat there fairly quietly as we caught our breath and relaxed into the ride. After the first stop, we began chatting again. Bec asked what I had in the shopping bag and I told her about the dress. I took the box out of the bag and showed her the material but I didn't want to get it dirty before I had even worn it so it stayed in the box. She oohed and ahhed over the colour and material though.
"Wow, that's gorgeous, I would love to see it on you."
I winked salaciously at her like a dirty old man.
"Play your cards right sweety and maybe you will."
We both giggled at my silly impersonation but there was a truth to what I was saying.
"If I play my cards right, I'll be seeing you out of it."
She said, returning my wink.
It was fun to have silly conversations with a girlfriend and I realised how much I had missed this type of thing.
"When I put it on after my shower tonight, I will send you a picture."
"Oh? You would do that?"
"Of course."
"Have you still got my card? It's got my mobile number on it."
"I do, but I am going to put it in my phone right now."
I pulled out my phone and began entering her details, reading them out loud as I typed them.
"Bec the sexy goddess."
She burst out laughing.
"You did not put that in your phone."
I turned it around and showed her the proof which only made her laugh even harder. She pulled her own phone out as well.
"Send me something so I can add you to my contacts."
I picked up my phone and holding it so that she couldn't easily see my face, I took a selfie, one of the very few I have ever taken, of me sexily licking my lips. I added it to a message and typed a message before sending it. Her phone pinged and buzzed and she opened it up. I could see the colour rising in her cheeks as she read it and looked at the picture.
"This tongue will one day soon be inside your body. You look so delicious I want to taste you."
"Wow! I hope you mean that because you can't make a promise like that and not deliver."
I just nodded and smiled as my pussy went into convulsions thinking about actually doing that.
"Just so you know though, Bec. I have never done that before, so I am very much an amateur."
"Really? Never? Not even experimenting with high school friends?"
"Well, no. My school friends were all very shy nerdy types and I never really knew I was interested until I met you. This week has been a big week for me."
"I feel so honoured, you sure you want me to be your first?"
"Wow. Thank you."
Bec leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially.
"This is turning me on so much."
"Me too, perhaps we could both use a foot rub."
I winked again. Bec's smile turned impish.
"I couldn't agree more."
We both kicked our shoes off and leaned back. I raised my right foot into her lap and she did the same, raising her foot onto my lap. We both began giving each other a genuine foot rub. Bec, for obvious reasons, is so much better at it than I am but I improvised and copied everything she did. By extension of that, I let her lead the way in what to do. My foot, slowly began to slip between her thighs, pushing the fabric of her long skirt down between her legs at the same time. I allowed Bec's foot to slip down between my thighs as well but I had on a much shorter skirt. My skin had become hyper-sensitive again as my arousal grew and the feeling of her bare skin sliding against my inner thighs felt so tantalisingly good.
Between the exquisite foot rub I was receiving and the rising tension of Bec's foot slipping further and further up my legs I was in a state of euphoria. I was so blissful that when her foot touched my pussy a small spasm occurred that shook my whole body. I let out a soft moan that seemed to be beyond my control. Remembering where I was I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Bec had a cheeky grin that suggested she knew exactly what had happened. She wriggled her toes against my pantie-clad pussy and made me squirm. I half laughed as I looked her dead in the eye. Two can play that game, I thought as I moved a little. Having longer legs meant I had more flexibility than she did with her legs stretched out. I lifted my knee slightly, angling my toes inward and found the heat of her pussy with my toes. She gasped as I hit the jackpot and then looked at me as though what I was doing was exactly what she wanted me to do.
Bec looked around the train as I had before she released my foot. She used both hands to gather up her skirt then flipped it up and over my leg. Suddenly my leg was in contact with the bare skin of her thigh. She felt so smooth and soft and sexy and the heat coming from her pussy seemed to intensify. She slipped her hand down into the waistband of her skirt and was touching my foot. She moved her hand around and then pushed down on my foot. I realised she had pulled her panties aside and I could feel the juices from her pussy start to smear over the sole of my foot and my toes as she gently rocked back and forth. I applied a little more pressure with my foot and as I felt her soft wet lips part against the pressure a deep moan escaped her other lips.
I have never been into feet and this hasn't changed that but the fact that it was turning Bec on so much was turning me on. Her foot was pressed into my pussy and as she instinctively began to gyrate gently against my foot it caused her foot to do the same against me and it felt damn good. I could feel her orgasm building in the tension of her body and my own body was responding. It was responding to her pleasure as much as my pride in bringing that pleasure out in her as well as the situation in general. Making a woman cum in a public place like this is extraordinarily arousing to me and it was adding fuel to the fire that was my own body and mind.
Bec was taking these hiccoughing little breaths as her body began to spasm. She grabbed my calf with both hands and pulled my foot in harder against her pussy. I could feel her hot cum leaking out of her, making my toes and the sole of my foot even wetter. Then she let out a deep and long groan that told me she was no longer in control of the noises her body made and that she no longer cared whether there were people around who could hear or see either. She was just completely in the moment and the sheer eroticism of that abandonment, the sounds she was making, as well as the pressure being applied to my clit sent me over the edge as well. Like her, I held her foot in tight to my crotch as I humped against it and flooded my panties with cum yet again. Anyone walking past or sitting nearby would have been given a hell of a show as these two crazy-looking women came all over each other's feet.
We were both temporarily lost in our own worlds as we each tried to catch our breaths as our bodies began to relax between the occasional shudders of post orgasm tremors. It felt like so much blood had gone rushing to my pussy that my brain had ceased to function properly.
As the post orgasmic brain fog began to lift I started to become aware of the noises of the train again, people talking quietly, the bumping and squealing as the train went around a bend. I also noticed the light outside the train changing signalling we were about to arrive at a station. Just as I had that realisation the train lurched as it began to slow. I began to remove my foot from Bec's crotch and that seemed to startle her into a kind of awareness. She looked around and, blushing wildly, removed her foot as well. She looked directly at my crotch which was feeling particularly cool now and smiled. She pointed briefly.
"You might want to cover up a bit sweetie, You're looking very wet there."
I instinctively looked down and realised that my skirt was pushed up so far that I could see my panties without moving my skirt at all. I could also see that they were very wet indeed. I could smell my cum and mingled in with that was also the smell of Stefan's cum and also a bit of sweat. It was a heady smell that immediately made me think of a long session of sweaty sex. It was a delicious smell and I wondered if anyone else could smell it. I reluctantly pulled my very rumpled-looking skirt back down to a respectable length once again. It still wasn't going to pass the freckle test but it was at least not going to get me arrested for indecent exposure.
Bec was squirming a bit uncomfortably as she moved around, trying to get into a position that was a bit more comfortable. I looked at her inquisitively.
"Are you okay?"
Bec smiled ruefully but didn't say anything until the people getting on the train had walked past and sat down. The carriage had a lot more people on it now so she leaned forward and half whispered.
"You made me cum so hard that the seat is wet. I'm going to leave a huge wet spot on the seat and my skirt."
"Ooh, sorry about that."
Bec laughed.
"It might be a little awkward when I get off the train and momentarily uncomfortable but I wouldn't change a thing. I haven't cum that hard in public for ages, it was so good."
I felt myself blush at the praise. I know the praise wasn't directed at me specifically but I was taking it anyway. It was one thing to make a guy cum. It was fun and I enjoyed it immensely but, to be honest, it's not particularly difficult to do. We women, however, tend to be a bit fickle and for some it's not so easy to get us there; for others, it's damn near impossible. So, when a woman tells me it was good then I am absolutely going to wear that badge of honour.
The train moved off again and we sat in companionable silence for a while, smiling as we mentally re-lived some of the particularly delicious moments. Another station came and went and I realised that we were getting close to the station where Bec would be getting off the train. I leaned forward and waited for Bec's eyes to meet mine. I spoke in the same hushed tones that she had used earlier.
"I want more of this, Bec. I want to make love to you one day. I want you to be the first woman I ever make love to."
Bec smiled a huge smile and nodded.
"I would love that. I would be honoured to be your first."
I couldn't hold back the smile that spread slowly across my face. It was going to happen; I knew that now. I had suspected and even been hopeful with our conversation earlier but now I knew and it excited me. We sat there smiling at each other and just as the train began to slow for the next station, Bec suddenly stood up and leaned forward over me. She bent down and kissed me rather passionately. Her lips were so soft and yet they were unrelenting, her mouth felt so good on mine. She separated from me but stayed leaning over me for a moment. She took a deep breath through her nose and smiled.
"You smell so god damn sexy right now."
I giggled like a schoolgirl then immediately felt silly for it. She smiled at my reaction.
"I will be seeing you soon, Sam, and with any luck we will be completely naked and in bed together."
"Mmm, God, yes please."
The train was pulling into the station now and had almost come to a complete stop. Bec straightened up and then pointed to my dress in the box.
"Send me a photo, I really want to see that."
"I will."
She turned and walked out the door as it slid open. I watched her walking away and noticed the wet spot she had mentioned and was surprised by just how large it was. I watched her until she disappeared into the crowd and then I turned back to look at the seat she had just vacated. There was an unmistakable wet patch that seemed to cover almost half the seat. Holy crap, she had cum a lot. My panties were a wet sticky mess as well, but this was something else, it was something quite exciting.
The train began to move again and although I was now alone the feeling of excitement hadn't left me. I was excited about what had just happened as well as for what lay ahead. Tonight was going to be very interesting. I hoped it would all go well and I hoped that Stefan would understand my desires and my need to explore this side of myself. I wanted this to work out with him, I know it's very early days but I had never felt this way going into a possible relationship before. I don't think I had ever wanted someone in quite the same way that I wanted him. There was something underlying that I felt I needed. Something more than just lust, something more than pure physical desire. Not that those things weren't important but I could sense something else there that was bigger than anything that I had experienced before. It was so difficult to not just throw myself all in and forget about my newfound desires but I felt this was something worth pursuing also. Even if these new things were just temporary, I still felt it was important that I explore them as deeply as I desired.
I was also excited about the possibility, more like probability, that something was going to happen between Bec and I. We each wanted to explore that too and that was incredibly thrilling. With Bec, though, it felt like a completely different situation. I wasn't falling in love with Bec. I wanted her physically and it seemed like a genuine friendship was going to come from this too, which I wanted far more than I realised. She was incredibly sexy and I wanted to explore the more feminine side of my sexuality as well. I never would have believed I could be so turned on by a woman, and yet, here I am sitting on a train with very wet panties because a beautiful woman had just made me cum.
The train moved on again and I gathered up my bag. I slipped my shoes back on and realised that my foot was still a bit wet. As much as it had been incredibly hot to do, the result was going to make it a bit uncomfortable to walk home. I slipped my foot out of the shoe and found some tissues in my bag. I used a couple to wipe the inside of the shoe and then my foot, making it at least a little more comfortable.
The train slowed to a stop and I stood up. I was surprised by how tired my legs felt as I walked off the train and onto the platform with my bag as well as the box with my new dress folded neatly inside it. I walked the couple of blocks home and when I walked through the front door the first thing I did was look up the stairs and wonder if my legs could haul my ass all the way up there. I sighed in resignation and began tromping up the stairs. I got to my room and dumped everything on the bed. I then did something I hadn't done in a very long time. I ran a bath.
I stripped off and eased into the hot steamy water and immediately felt the heat go to work on my tired muscles and bones. I was feeling a curious mixture of excitement about what the night held and a mild annoyance that I had to go out again. The annoyance was purely because I was so tired. Physically, I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for a week, but emotionally, I was so excited and nervous that I felt like a schoolgirl the night of prom. The heat did its work and I found myself dozing while feeling like I was floating.
After a while, the water began to cool and I realised that I needed to get moving. I plucked my razor off the sink and went over everything that had been shaved just the other day to make sure there was no stubble at all. I made sure I was completely clean and rinsed off under the shower as the bath drained. I then moisturised every square inch of my body until I felt absolutely luxurious. I went into the bedroom and laid out the clothes I was going to wear. My new teddy, the matching underwear, the stockings and the dress. Even just lying on the bed they looked fantastic together. I began by pulling on the underwear then I wriggled into the Teddy. It was no easy task to do up all the loops in the back but I managed to get there. I went and looked in the mirror and was impressed with just how sexy I looked.
"Good start, Sam."
I picked up my phone and took a photo in the mirror. I then returned to the bedroom and put on the stockings. I took another photo and returned once more to put on the dress. Once I was happy with how it looked, I went and put on makeup and a spritz of my favourite perfume. I brushed my hair until it was a long black shiny sheet flowing down my back instead of my usual ponytail. I then took one last photo. I was really happy with the total result. I looked good and I felt sexy. Who could ask for more?
I sent the photo of myself all done up to Bec.
"I'm pretty happy with how it looks on me. What do you think?"
"Oh, my god. You look amazing. If you don't get lucky tonight, I would question his sexuality."
"Thanks. Short of there being some kind of calamity, I am going to be getting some. Considering how much this dress cost, I bloody better. lol."
"I do hope you have got some sexy underwear on under that."
I chuckled to myself. Oh, yes I do. I attached the earlier photo and sent it with a short message.
"I guess it's kind of sexy. Do you think this will hold his attention?"
"Fuck! If he isn't all over you like a rash then there is something seriously wrong. Bloody hell, Sam. You look so amazingly sexy in that. I can assure you that I will be spending a LOT of time looking at that picture. I seriously hope you wear that for me one day."
I smiled to myself as I thought about what that would entail. My mind wandered into a small fantasy of Bec spending some quality time removing it from my body. A shiver ran through me as I thought about her lips on my naked flesh. I could easily have gotten caught up in the fantasy but I had to get moving.
"You know there won't need to be much convincing from you to get me to do that. For now, though you will have to wait until later because I have a date to get to. Wish me luck."
"Honey, you aren't going to need any luck at all. I hope he knows how lucky he is. Have a great time, Sweetie."
I packed a small overnight bag with some spare clothes that were more suited to a relaxing, comfortable day. I had no idea what tomorrow would bring but I was pretty sure I didn't want to spend the entire day in this dress. I also packed some basic toiletries and wandered back downstairs. I got my keys and headed out to the garage where I kept my little car. I hoped it would start first go. It had been a while since I had driven it and the battery could be dead or the fuel stale.
I had that moment of frustration as the starter motor turned the engine very slowly but then it caught and spat into life. I smiled and patted the steering wheel proudly.
"I knew you wouldn't let me down."
I reversed out of the garage and pressed the button on the remote to close the door. I was grinning like a loon as I drove off down the road.
I arrived at the apartment complex where Stefan lived and it wasn't until I got there that I realised that I had no idea how to get to him from the street. I found a parking spot out the front and called his mobile.
"Hello, Stefan?"
I could hear the smile in his voice and it helped calm the nerves I was feeling.
"Well, hello there, Sam. I hope you aren't calling to back out of tonight."
"Considering I'm calling from out the front of your apartment I think it's a safe bet to say that I'm not backing out."
I heard him stand up and move.
"Can you see the garage entrance from there? The door should be rolling up right now."
I looked across and saw a double-width, security mesh roller door slowly winding up.
"I can see it. Where do I park?"
"Go up to the second level and you can park anywhere, I'll meet you there."
I smiled as I hung up the phone and drove into the car park. I looked in the mirror and as soon as my car was inside the door began to roll back down. I drove slowly around the first level then onto the ramp that went up to the second level. There were quite a few empty spaces and none were marked as reserved so I picked one and parked my car. I made sure I had my phone, my handbag and my small overnight bag then got out of the car. I locked it behind me then looked around, unsure of where exactly Stefan would be meeting me.