Update 14

There were two doors on the far side of the parking lot, one was to a stairwell and the other was an elevator. I began walking over towards them when I heard the elevator ping and the doors slid open. Stefan stood there dressed in smart casual clothes as opposed to his usual business suit. It seemed casual anyway but I could tell the shirt and pants were freshly pressed and his shoes had been recently polished. He looked good, I mean damn good.

He stepped out of the elevator and looked around the parking lot. When he saw me approaching his face changed drastically. He went from having a casual smile to a look of wonder which then became a huge grin. I could see the look of appreciation and attraction in his eyes that rapidly turned to a look of desperate hunger that sent a shiver through me from head to toe.

He looked so damn good and he certainly seemed to like the way I looked. The mutual attraction and desire seemed to ratchet up a notch and I wondered if we were even going to make it out to the restaurant at all. Then I decided that I didn't care if we didn't so long as I got to have him. I wanted him so bad that it was an ache that simply could not be ignored.

I approached him and smiled up at him. My voice came out as a throaty purr.

"Well, hello there, Stefan."

He responded with a wordless, low growl that caused another shiver to ripple through me. He slipped his hand around my waist and pulled me into him. I could feel his hard body move against me and it wasn't the only thing I felt that was hard. He responded with what was almost a whisper.

"Sam, you look incredibly beautiful."

He leaned in and kissed me slow and deep and I felt myself becoming quite moist as my body responded to his desire. I wrapped my arms around his neck and poured all my passion and desire into the kiss. I have no memory of the elevator doors closing or of it ascending. All I can remember is the feeling of his body pulled in tight against mine and his mouth pressed to my lips. Our tongues gently probed and tasted each other and made promises of what was to come from those tongues. I felt like my insides were melting and my pussy was wet and throbbing already.

A ringing sound seeped into my subconscious and I felt Stefan begin to pull back. I didn't want to let him go and only reluctantly did so. My mind was in a daze as he reached out and turned a key. I looked at the key and realised the elevator had a separate key-way next to each floor and that each floor was locked, unlike a normal elevator where you just pressed a button. The light next to the key-way indicated that they were on the top floor. There was a part of my sub-conscious memory that knew he lived on the top floor but seeing the word penthouse next to the the key kind of blew my mind. I had heard his place was nice, a bit over the top according to Mario who believed in simplicity and was anything but ostentatious.

The door slid open and I was awestruck. Instantly my eyes were drawn to the large window that looked out over the city and the river in the background. It truly was a million-dollar view, hell, probably a ten million-dollar view, and it was stunning. I stepped off the elevator and the door closed quietly behind me. I looked around the room, which was largely open-plan, and noticed a large screen on the wall in front of the most comfortable-looking couch I had ever seen. The whole place was almost minimalist in design and that included the furniture. Lots of blonde wood, polished concrete floor with beautiful rugs strategically placed and the only wall decorations were some artistic photographs that were quite beautiful. The photos and the rugs served as warm splashes of colour and warmth throughout the room.

Stefan walked over to an island counter in front of what was the kitchen. The large appliances were conspicuously absent but were soon revealed when he opened what looked like just one of the wooden wall panels to reveal a large fridge that would have fit in in any top-end bar.

"Would you like a drink before we head out?"

"Yes, please."
He didn't ask me what I would like but just began putting together ingredients like a professional bartender and not a corporate business owner. I was impressed but it just pointed out that there was so much about Stefan that I didn't know. It only made me want to know more and I loved the mystery. Speaking of mysteries, I realised there were no obvious doorways to any other rooms. Surely there was a bedroom and bathroom. I began to look around and the closest thing to a doorway I could see was an alcove off the end of the kitchen that had some comfortable-looking seating next to the last of the big glass panels on the wall of windows. I wandered over in that direction and noticed that the wall off the end of the kitchen didn't go all the way to the far wall. It was angled just enough to give the illusion that it went all the way to the wall but, in reality, it stopped about six feet short of it.

I peeked around the corner and saw that it was a corridor that ran the length of the kitchen behind the wall and led to a staircase that went up to another level. All along the wall behind the kitchen was a bookcase that went from the floor to the ceiling and ran the entire length of the wall. It was lined with books and I was deeply impressed but I had to wonder how many of them he had read. I think the thing that impressed me the most though was that it was not on display in the main room. This wasn't some kind of brag wall, it was hidden around a corner where they were easy enough to access but not on display as if to say "Look how cultured and well-read I am." I found myself wandering the length of this wall and trying to get a bearing on what he liked but it was impossible. The range of topics and styles was so wide and eclectic that it was almost schizophrenic.

"Find anything that interests you?"

I jumped, startled at the voice right behind me when I hadn't heard him walk around the corner. I turned and blushing slightly I looked at him. He had a smile on his face that said he knew he had surprised me. He was holding out a cocktail in a martini glass to me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been snooping, I was just curious about where the bathroom is then I got distracted by this."

I waved in the general direction of the wall of books. I reached out and took the proffered drink and raised it to my nose. There was a strong smell of alcohol but there was a citrus smell and some other fruit as well. I took a sip and was delighted by the flavour burst in my mouth. It was delicious but I knew I would have to be careful with these. Stefan was looking at me like an excited boy waiting for my opinion and his boyish charm made me smile. He may have been trying to be sophisticated and nonchalant but I could tell he was trying to impress me in his own way.

"This is absolutely delicious. What is it called?"

"Absolutely no idea, just made it up."

"Wow. Good job."

His smile broadened and I could see he was thrilled with my response. He motioned to the books.

"My mother instilled a love of books in me from an early age. Most of these have come from her. She has quite a collection herself but she has been passing them on to me over the past few years because she wants to downsize. Mum and Dad never had a big home but I think she decided quite some time ago that she wanted to move and Dad never wanted to leave the family home. I suspect that when things settle down a bit she will sell the place and move somewhere smaller. She wants to travel some while she still can and she wants to go back to Italy to see her family again. I offered to have her hear but she said she doesn't want to intrude on her son's life."

I nodded as though that sounded like a reasonable thing and he chuckled. I looked at him with a confused smile.


"Have you ever heard of an Italian Mumma that doesn't want to interfere with her son's life? No, she just doesn't like this place. Thinks it's too neat and sparse, too Scandinavian."

He laughed again and shook his head.

"I sometimes think she is worried that I will never find a wife and have a house full of bambinos."

Something inside me lurched. Babies weren't something I had given much serious thought to, despite being nearly thirty years old. I wanted kids one day but not yet. I didn't want to be thinking about kids and marriage on a first date, especially with the other things I have had on my mind lately. A wave of guilt washed over me as I thought about the situation we were currently in. If marriage and kids were what Stefan was looking for then I needed to be sure and let him know what was on my mind a.s.a.p.

It must have shown on my face because Stefan suddenly blushed and looked quite guilty himself.

"Oh, man. I'm sorry, Sam. Look at me talking about these things when we haven't even had dinner together yet. I hope you don't think that's what I am angling for."

I smiled at his awkwardness and had an overwhelming desire to kiss him and set his mind at ease. I stepped up to him, placed my arms around his shoulders, leaned in and kissed him deeply. Once again, I could feel his hardness pressed against me and his mouth responded feverishly to mine. Our kisses became deep and insistent, our hands were clumsily trying to touch each other but not spill our drinks. I knew that if I didn't stop now there would be no stopping at all and I was beginning to get quite hungry for more than just his flesh. I pulled back and took a deep shuddering breath.

"If we are going to make it to this booking we need to stop now or we won't make it out of this hallway."

Stefan laughed.

"Would that be such a bad thing?'

"No it wouldn't, but I want us to take our time and well, I'm getting bloody hungry."

"God, I am so rude. It seems I'm not well-practised in the art of seducing a woman. Finish your drink and we will get going."

I couldn't help but share his enthusiasm and thought he was doing a superb job of seducing me, perhaps a little too well. I finished my drink and handed him the glass, then followed him back out into the main living area. He called for an Uber and then put on his jacket. We headed for the door and waited for the elevator. It still amazed me that his front door was an elevator.


He turned to me with a questioning look on his face.

"What do you do if there's a power outage or a fire or something?"

"There's a staircase around the back that we can take if need be but it's never been a problem yet. The building has its own power backup system if the grid goes down and I have never actually needed to use the stairs. I have used them of course but not because I had to."

"Oh, okay. It's a silly question I know but things like that get stuck in my head until I have an answer."

Stefan looked at me with a smile.

"It's not a silly question at all. It was one of the first things I checked when I bought this place."

I already knew he owned the apartment, obviously, because I did a lot of the paperwork for it when it was purchased and as he told me about the fire escape, I realised that I knew this as well. When it's just an abstract address on a piece of paper though, one of several that the company owned, it has a strange detachment from reality. It's not until you stop and consider it that it all comes together unless you are actively looking at it. I shook my head, feeling a little silly for not connecting the two but Stefan didn't seem to notice. In fact, he seemed delighted to be telling me the small details about his home that he was so clearly very proud of.

The elevator arrived and we took it down to the lobby. Instead of turning left and going out into the garage we went straight ahead and walked out the front door of the building. We stepped out of the building and the moment we stepped onto the footpath the Uber arrived. It was like some scene in a movie where everything happens in the most convenient way possible. Stefan smiled, noticing the convenience too.

"That was good timing."

I looked at him and shook my head.

"Anyone would think you have done this once or twice before."

He smiled.

"Called an Uber? Too many times to mention. Gone on a date? Far fewer than you might think."

"Oh? So you're not some international playboy that has a woman in every port and town?"

Stefan laughed.

"Sorry to ruin the illusion, but alas, no."

I gave a fake serious look.

"Hmm, I might have to rethink this whole thing then."

His face showed a brief but definite look of concern until he saw that I was just teasing him. He reached for the door handle of the car.

"You are such a naughty tease."

"You don't know the half of it."

The door closed behind me and he walked around to the other side of the car. He sat down and gave the driver instructions. The car moved off and he turned towards me, reaching out he took my hand in his.

"I want to though."

I was confused and shook my head.

"You want to what?"

"I want to know, not just half of it, I want to know all of it."


There was a long pause as I wondered if he truly knew what he was asking for.

"Careful what you wish for, you may not like the truth."

He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Maybe, maybe not, and maybe you wouldn't like my side of it, but isn't that the exciting part of a relationship? Getting to know each other."

I thought about it and knew he was right but I couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive. I had known all along that I was risking everything and yet, I had come this far anyway.

"It's definitely something we need to discuss before things go too far."

Stefan lowered his voice just a little and leaned towards me.

"Sam, I have seen you all but naked, I have had my cock deep inside your hot, wet, velvety pussy. I have cum inside you. All behaviours that could cost a business owner everything. I have fucked you against the window of our building where anyone could see. I have risked my family's business, my future, both mine and your reputation, and I would do it all again right now because I want you so badly. I want people to know you are mine and for them to see how sexy you are. How far is too far, Sam?"

I couldn't argue with that and besides, hearing him say those things had my pussy so wet that I was beginning to lose what remained of my self-control. There was only one response that I could honestly say though.

"Before we both fall stupidly in love and get hurt."

He nodded and seemed to be thinking about it for a second or two.

"I want the risk. I want to take the chance. I think you do too. But, yes, I agree that we are going to have to be honest with each other."

I leaned in closer to him and whispered.

"I want to take the chance. I want to risk it all. It's what is most exciting to me, the risk."

I reached into his lap and slowly slid his fly down. I reached into his pants and felt his hot, throbbing cock, just begging to be set free. Stefan wriggled his hips until the angle was better then I pulled his cock out into the open air. I began stroking his cock with my hand. I loved the feeling of his soft skin surrounding such hard flesh. While I began stroking him I leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"I want to feel this cock inside me again and again. I want to taste you. I want to taste your cum, I want to taste our cum mixed together. I want you to fuck me in every way possible, in every orifice possible and I want people to see your cock stuffed inside me and your cum dripping from me. I want them to know that you are mine and I am yours. I want that so badly but there is more that I want too and it's only fair that you know that too."

"Oh, God, Sam. I know you like to play and to tease. I know that I won't be the only person you tease. I want you to tease others. It turns me on so much to think that you will do that. I want to watch. I want to see you make other cocks hard."

I was on the verge of coming in the back of this Uber and I could feel Stefan's pre-cum smearing all around his hard cock.

"What about pussy, Stefan? Do you want to see me make someone else's pussy wet? Want to watch me make a woman cum?"

I could feel his cock twitching hard as he imagined what I had just said.


That came out as a hiss and his breath was becoming shallow.

"Oh fuck, Sam, if you don't stop now I'm going to cum."

I dived down and took his cock straight into my mouth and began stroking him earnestly. His hand wrapped in my hair and his hips raised as he began to cum in my mouth. There was a large spurt as he unloaded into me, followed by several small squirts. I had to swallow hurriedly to try and get it all down and even then I wasn't entirely sure I was one hundred percent successful.

I did my best to clean him up and then helped him get tucked away. I sat up and smirked at him and his state of shock. We both giggled at the absurdity of the situation then I turned to look in the mirror to check the state of my hair. Surprisingly he hadn't messed it up too much. It was then that I locked eyes with the driver who had a look of bewildered surprise on his face. He knew exactly what had just happened and was shocked. I just smiled at him and he mouthed the word "wow".

Moments later we pulled up at the restaurant. Stefan hopped out quickly and came around to my side. I already had the door open because I wasn't used to people opening doors for me but he still held out his hand and helped me out of the car. As we stood there for a moment he leaned in and kissed me. He smiled sexily at me and whispered in my ear.

"I can taste my cum on your lips and I love it."

"Mmm, good. Maybe later you can taste it on my other lips."

I smiled back at him and I was excited to see that he was turned on by the idea of it too.

"By the way, Sam. You have a little bit of my cum on your cheek but I want you to leave it there. It looks fucking sexy on you."

Oh, God. This was the hottest thing ever. He had confessed that he wanted pretty much the same things that I wanted and here I was in public with his cum on my face after I publicly blew him in the back seat of an Uber. I was so fucking wet and I desperately wanted to fuck, but I knew it would have to wait. First of all, despite the small "meal" I had just had I was ravenously hungry, and secondly, I knew I would have to wait for Stefan to be ready again. I was already impressed at two in one day and he didn't seem nervous about going for a third.

We walked into the restaurant and a girl in an all-black uniform greeted us. She looked at Stefan first and he told her about our reservation. She smiled and nodded, looking down her list and finding his name there.

"Oh, yes, of course, we have you down for a window seat."

She smiled at Stefan and turned to me. She smiled momentarily and then I saw her eyes slide to my cheek. A moment of hesitation then the dawning look of comprehension as she realised what she was seeing. I continued to smile as her face began to get redder and redder. Stefan, seeing what was going on took a closer look as well. I knew he was aware of what it was but he did a great job of pretending he had no idea. He pointed to it and commented.

"Honey, it seems you have something on your face."

I pretended to have been completely unaware of it and raised my hand to my face. I scooped that dollop of cum onto my finger and looked at it.

"Hmm, so I have. It's from what I was eating before."

I popped my finger into my mouth and sucked Stefan's cum from my finger, my eyes never leaving the girls the whole time. Having cooled, it wasn't the best but that didn't stop me from putting on a bit of a show of enjoying it.

"Mmm, delicious."

The girl's face went, unbelievably, redder still. She knew exactly what it was that I had just sucked from my finger and couldn't hide her shock. The fact that she knew just turned me on even more.

Eventually, she regained her composure and showed us to our seats. She took our drink orders and hurried off. I looked at Stefan and I could see he was trying his hardest not to laugh out loud. I smiled sexily at him.

"So, do you think she's appalled or turned on that I just ate your cum right in front of her?"

Stefan finally let go of his control and laughed.

"Probably a bit of both. I know it turns me on."

"Mmm, good. I want you to be very turned on by the time we get out of here. I want you to fuck me long and slow tonight."

"God, it's so hot when you talk like that. I have every intention of being very thorough while making love to you."

"Good. So tell me, Stefan. What do you plan to do to me?"

"Well, I intend to return the favour you did for me in the car on the way here."

"Ooh, that might be a bit tricky to achieve in the back seat of an Uber, what with me in this dress and all? Besides, I want you to take it slow with unwrapping me from this dress and the special underwear I am wearing for you."

"I feel quite honoured that you chose special underwear as well as that beautiful dress for me."

"I have to admit, it felt very sexy not to wear any underwear at all for some of this week but it's nice to have something special for you to enjoy too."

"Oh I definitely enjoyed you not wearing any too, but I have to admit that I am curious about what you are wearing under that dress."

"I can show you some of it if you like."

Stefan didn't say anything but his raised eyebrow showed me he was interested. I glanced around the room and noticed a few people had been arriving but none were in clear view of me. If they saw anything at all it would only be a suggestion of what I might be doing and nothing more. I began to slide my dress up my legs, slowly, teasing him. I had his full attention with his eyes glued to my legs. Higher and higher went the hem of my dress until my pussy, covered only by the black lace crotch of the teddy, was on display. I looked down and I could see that the moisture

had leaked through and had made the tops of my thighs as well as the lace quite wet.

"You look so delicious."

"Feel free to have a taste whenever you want."

His hand reached out and connected with my thigh. Slowly his fingers traced their way up my thigh until they brushed against my pussy. I sucked in a breath as a jolt of electricity surged through me. I closed my eyes in pleasure but as quickly as it began it went away. I opened my eyes and saw Stefan sitting back, his eyes looking behind me. I felt a presence behind me just as I heard the voice of the woman who had seated us.

"Your drinks, oooh."

The moment she arrived at the table she could see up my dress and my exposed underwear. I made no move to cover myself and just looked at her as her face went through a series of emotions. She was blushing again but there was also a curiosity there and she was almost as fixated as Stefan had been. There was a long pause before she seemed to shake it off. She placed the drinks on the table and taking one last quick glance at my pussy she smiled and moved on. I smiled back at her and turned to Stefan. He was smiling too but in an impressed kind of way.

"I don't know whether I'm more impressed by your bravery or by your eroticism."

"I'm just glad you find me impressive at all."

"Oh, very. More so every minute."

"Does it bother you that she wants me?"

"Do you think she wants you?"

"She may not know it yet, but yes, she does."

"Confident. I like it. The question is, do you want her?"

"Well, she is very pretty and her body is kind of hot under that uniform. Under different circumstances I would be very curious to try it out but you might be surprised to know that I have never been with a woman."

"Not at all?"

"I've dabbled recently, but I haven't actually slept with a woman...yet."

Stefan gave a small chuckle.

"That does sound interesting. Something I would love to witness one day. I take it this is one of the things you wanted to discuss with me before things go too far."

He used his fingers to put quotations around "go too far". I nodded and suddenly didn't feel quite so confident. Despite the flirtations and allusions to my desires I still didn't know for sure if Stefan would be willing to accept me for who I am and I wanted him to; more than I had ever wanted anything.

The rest of the meal went fairly quietly. We talked a lot about our lives outside of work and as the night went on I felt justified in my feelings for Stefan. I came to realise that he was not so different in his private life to what he was like at work. It was nice to know that he wasn't hiding behind a façade and also that he didn't take the wealth his father had earned the whole family for granted. He expected nothing to be given to him, not even respect. He knew he had to earn everything and everything he had he valued. His beautiful apartment, even though within itself was an expensive piece of real estate, was stark because he didn't like ostentatious displays of wealth. Simple and comfortable was his way of life and the only real displays of wealth he showed was that he appreciated quality. He wore well-made suits because they were comfortable, made of quality materials and functional. It didn't hurt that they looked damn good on him. He drove a Mercedes Benz because it was a great quality car but it wasn't a model that drew your eye to it. No gaudy designs, colours, loud pipes or sports modelling. Comfortable and quality.​
Next page: Update 15
Previous page: Update 13