Update 15

I wasn't sure how I fit into that equation but so far we were getting along very well. We had finished our dessert and were sitting with our drinks when he looked at me quite seriously.

"I guess it's now or never, Sam. You said we had to discuss something before we go too far. Time to spill the beans."

I took a deep breath and I felt the earth tilt uncomfortably. I could be throwing away my whole world on a whim here and it suddenly felt ridiculous. I was tempted to say it was nothing and just continue with the night but it felt wrong to be potentially starting a relationship with a lie that would surface sooner or later.

He sat there patiently while I gathered my nerves. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly and a touch shakily. I reached over the table and took his hand in mine. It felt so warm and strong and right in mine. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze and I began to speak.

"The first thing I want to say, Stefan, is that I want you."

He grinned and I could see the excited inner schoolboy behind his eyes.

"And I don't just mean physically, although I want you so bad right now it's like an ache. I mean I want you. All of you. I want to be with you. I know it's early days and I don't mean to scare you off, but I feel like there is something big between us just waiting to come to the surface. It scares me but I want it like I have never wanted anything."

He was smiling at me quite tenderly but then he noticed the uncertainty in my eyes.

"Why do I sense there's about to be a big but coming up."


"Ahh, there it is."

I could see he was trying to be upbeat and joking about it but I could see he was feeling a bit hurt too.

"But, I am scared."

He nodded and smiled again.

"Of course you are. Do you think I'm not?"

"I don't know, you come across as really confident but I don't know where this is going and there are things about me that you don't know. Things that could be a problem."

Stefan nodded again.

"Isn't that the point though?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why would anyone want to get into a relationship with someone that they know everything about? Where's the adventure in that?"

I shrugged although I understood his point.

"What if the things you learn about me are a deal breaker?"

He laughed this time.

"Let me ask you some questions then, Sam."


"Have you ever murdered anyone, or do you feel an unquenchable desire for blood?"

This time I laughed out loud.

"Not recently, no."

"I'm being serious, Sam. You have to answer me honestly here."

"Okay, sorry. No, I am not a killer or a psychopath."

"Hmm, exactly what a killer or a psychopath would say, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it. His face became serious again.

"Is your interest in me based on financial well being? Do you have designs on my money?"

I was initially appalled and a wave of anger blew over me for an instant but then I understood. It was unpleasant but a reality that he must face from time to time. I gained a new insight into why he was still single.

Knowing how important this was I looked him dead in the eye and held his gaze.

"I swear to you, Stefan. Money is not why I am interested in you. It is not, nor has it ever been a motivation for me. I will happily sign any agreement that separates me from your or your mother's wealth or income. I earn my wage and I plan on keeping it that way, no matter what."

I felt him relax through his grip on my hand and he smiled deeply again.

"I am truly sorry to have to ask you that, Sam, but unfortunately, I have had experiences that has made it something that I have to ask."

"I get that. I am sorry you have to think that way but that is not something you need to worry about from me. Financially, my biggest fear is that if this doesn't go well I'll be out of a job."

Stefan nodded as though understanding my position a little better.

"Well, let's put our cards on the table before we go any further so we can both avoid that kind of awkwardness. Do you mind if I go first?"

"No. Please, go ahead."

"I am nervous about telling my mother about us just yet. I need to know where we are going. Not because I am ashamed, far from it, but because I know her and she will be at your door the moment she knows and asking you when you are going to give me some babies."

I laughed because it was funny but I sensed the truth in it too.

"That's fair enough. My turn?"


"I have very recently made some discoveries about myself, which you now kind of know about, and I need to explore this side of my life. It's something that has been missing in my life for as long as I can remember and I simply can't just tuck it away neatly and pretend it never surfaced. I don't want that to be a bone of contention between us and I want. No, I need to be honest with you."

Stefan sat back and eyed me shrewdly for a moment and I could see he was giving it serious consideration.

"I'm guessing part of it is what we were discussing about our waitress?"

"Yes. I want to experience that."

"Considering we aren't actually in a relationship as such yet it is not my position to allow or not allow anything with you. Even if we decide that a relationship is something we want to pursue then I would never say what you can or can't do, that's just not who I am. I would ask, though, that if we do agree to a relationship anything like this be discussed between us. I don't want secrets but I do want you to live your life to the fullest. I can't promise that I won't get jealous from time to time especially if it becomes an ongoing thing but I think we can agree that we can work that out if necessary if and when things get more serious."

I couldn't ask for more than that and I was quite surprised that he felt the way he did about it. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders.

I smiled and pointed to him.

"Your turn."

"Okay, well, seeing as we are discussing things that turn us on that might prove to be awkward. I have one of my own."

"Unless you're a necrophiliac or have a torture dungeon I think you're pretty safe."

He looked overly dramatic and shocked.

"Bloody hell, how did you know?"

We both laughed as he shook his head no.

"Nothing that kinky I'm afraid. The truth is, I'm a bit of a voyeur and it drives me wild when a woman is confident and an exhibitionist. You have been melting my brain this week."

I grinned wickedly.

"Mmm, I may have picked up on that. It's a handy thing too because it drives me nuts to tease people like that. It's something that I accidentally discovered just recently."

"Ooh, well that sounds like an interesting story. How does someone "accidentally" discover that?"

I smiled at his enthusiasm and excitement.

"Well, that is a fun little story and I promise to tell you all about it but not tonight."

He gave a large pout like a petulant child.

"Oh, why not?"

"Because right now, you need to take me home and fuck me until I can't take any more. I want you inside me Stefan, your fingers, your tongue and your nice hard cock. If I don't get that real soon I am going to get cranky because my pussy is so slippery and wet right now that something simply must be done about it."

I was leaning closer and closer to him as I spoke and I ended the sentence by giving him a deep kiss that left no one in the room in any doubt about what I wanted. I surfaced for air and he stood up immediately. I noticed his hard cock pushing against the front of his pants and smiled. He held out his hand and helped me to my feet. He walked hurriedly to the counter where the waitress tried her best not to stare at his hard cock but her eyes kept being drawn back to it. She ran his card through the machine and her eyes wandered back down to his cock again. I reached across and squeezed it gently, feeling the hardness through his pants. In the process making it stand out even more against the fabric. The waitress's eyes went wide then immediately she looked into mine. She had that perfect O-shaped mouth of surprise and I wondered if that was the same face she had when she came.

"Looks good doesn't it? That's why we're in a hurry to get out of here."

Stefan was glowing beetroot red and the waitress didn't know where to look. I smirked as I turned and walked towards the door. Stefan mumbled something behind me but I didn't catch it, he then trotted up and opened the door for me. We stepped out into the cool air of the evening and waited for the newly ordered Uber to arrive.

"Jesus, Sam."

I could see that he could see the humour in the situation but he was embarrassed too. I chuckled but I knew I might have pushed it too far.

"I'm sorry, I was just teasing but yeah, maybe that was a bit much."

"Just remember we still have to work in this town."

"I'm sorry."

There was a long pause then I looked up at him.

"What did you say to her after I walked away."

He chuckled to himself.

"I said, sorry about that. We've had a great night."

"Did she say anything?"


I looked at him expectantly but he was just grinning like a smart ass. I guess two can tease but I was not feeling patient now at all.

"What did she say smart ass?"

Stefan laughed out loud.

"She said that it was quite alright and that she too was having a great night. She then whispered that you are right it does look good. She blushed like crazy and walked off."

I laughed, partly in relief that I wasn't going to get arrested but also it was a sense of justification. I could tell that naughty minx was that way inclined and it felt good to share that.

The Uber pulled up and Stefan opened the door for me. I sat down and he walked around the car getting in on the opposite side. The car drove off and within seconds Stefan's hand was sliding up the inside of my thigh. His hand stopped about halfway, around where the freckle is. I was no longer in the mood for teasing though. I needed something right fucking now. I grabbed his hand and pushed it up tight against my sopping pussy. I felt his fingers moving around, seeking. My hand joined his until I found the snaps for the crotch of my teddy. I felt relief as the snaps gave way followed by the tension of the excitement building in me.

I moved my hand out of the way and let his fingers explore. I was so wet that he was slipping and sliding all over my lips and between them. He circled my clit a few times and shivers ran through me but before he could build up a rhythm I tilted my hips. My hand returned and guided his two middle fingers into me. I leaned into him and bit his shoulder gently and I tried not to moan out loud as he slowly filled my pussy. My hips began to buck with a mind of their own and when his fingers curled up inside me I lost the last vestige of control I had.

I wrapped my arm around him, buried my face in his neck and moaned deeply into him as my orgasm ran through me like some kind of unstoppable force. I could hear my pussy squelching as I humped his fingers and I was damn sure the driver would know exactly what was going on but I just didn't care. I could feel my cum practically pouring out of me and I knew the back of my dress would be wet, probably the seat of the car too, but none of that mattered. Wave after wave of tension and release washed over me.

"Oh, oh, oh, God, yes. Stefan, oh, I am coming on you. Oh, oh, oh, I want your cock inside me. I want to feel you cum inside me again. Fuck me Stefan, fuck meeeeeeee."

The last disappeared into a whispered moan as I was completely lost in the ecstasy of how he was making me feel. I seemed to lose track of time, as though there were several minutes, or perhaps just seconds missing. Next thing I knew I was still huddled up against him and his hand was still on my pussy but his fingers were no longer inside me.

"I want to taste you, Sam. I want your cum in my mouth."

"Oh, god yes."

He gently removed his hand from my crotch and raised his fingers to his mouth. He kept eye contact with me as he greedily pushed his fingers into his mouth. He moaned and his eyes fluttered as he delighted in my taste. I leaned in and kissed him around his fingers, and then I licked the places he had missed. I had developed a real passion for the taste of my cum and tasting it on his lips was an extra pleasure. A wicked smile crossed his lips as he stared deep into my eyes.

"I like that you like the taste of your cum. I will share some more with you soon but we are almost home now."

I looked out the windscreen and noticed that we were less than a block from Stefan's building. The car slowed to a stop and I tried my best to not be completely obvious about trying to straighten myself up but there was no way the driver didn't know what had just happened in the back of his car.

We got out of the car and I felt the breeze amble up my dress and across my naked, wet pussy and it caused goosebumps all over my body. I made it inside the elevator quite normally, despite how wobbly my legs were. Inside the elevator, Stefan held me from behind, his arms wrapped around my waist as I leaned back into him, feeling his cock press into my ass. He whispered into my ear, all the things he longed to do to me tonight, and I longed to have him do them to me, each and every one of them.

The elevator slowed to a stop and Stefan opened the door with his key. We stepped inside the door and our kissing commenced again. Without even realising I had done it, he was stripped to the waste before we had crossed the floor. By the time we reached the staircase, he was out of his shoes and his pants hit the floor about the same time as my dress did. I stood there for a moment in nothing but my Teddy as he feasted his eyes on me. He seemed almost incapable of speech as he stood there with his cock bulging inside his underwear. There was a small wet spot forming at the head of his cock and I licked my lips in response. He gestured up the stairs and said something about the bed. I did as I was told and began the ascent with him following along behind me. He moaned as I walked several steps ahead of him and my ass, which was pretty much level with his face, swayed temptingly for him. He reached out and ran his hands over my naked cheeks and moaned again.

"I am going to eat you up. I want to taste every square inch of you."

I almost came just from the lust pouring off this sexy man. The fact that it was so genuine and aimed at me just made it even hotter.

I reached the top of the stairs and looked around. It was mostly open plan like the floor below but divided into separate but open rooms by dividing walls that didn't go all the way to the loft-style ceiling. There was a passageway to the right that seemed to go only to the exit door he spoke of earlier but I noticed a doorway off to the left that was a darker section of the floor. Closer to the top of the stairs was a huge bathroom with a shower so big that it was almost bigger than my entire bathroom at home. There was also a spa bath and a room like a large closet, lined with timber and a door with a large glass panel in it. It looked like a sauna and to be honest it wouldn't surprise me if that was exactly what it was.

I turned left and headed towards the source of light which was the large window facing out onto the city. On my right was the biggest walk-in robe I had ever seen. It was bigger than my lounge room at home. Impressive for all its size and organisation it was still less than half full. I wondered if maybe Stefan had overindulged when designing this place and didn't consider that he wouldn't need half this space. I continued to the bedroom and was once again awestruck by the amazing view he had.

Nothing interrupted that view. Even the balcony that jutted out from it was all glass. There was a door built into the window at the extreme left side which allowed access to the balcony. It too was thick, solid glass and only the aluminium frame offered any sort of interruption to the amazing view.

I felt Stefan's hands glide around my waist and then his lips against my neck. I leaned my head over to allow him better access to the skin of my throat. I purred as his soft lips worked their magic up my neck to my ear. His hands were slowly exploring the front of my Teddy. They slowly moved over every ridge and bump in the material, meeting between my breasts then travelled up through my cleavage dancing lightly along the edge of the material along the tops of my breasts.

Meanwhile, his lips were exploring my throat and neck then down my spine from my hairline down to the top of the Teddy. His fingers disappeared from my breasts and I felt them begin their work of undoing the first of many clasps that held the Teddy together at my back. With a soft pop, the first one came undone. The moment this new piece of my flesh was exposed his lips began exploring it.

His journey of exploration continued slowly. There would be a pop and more kissing, only when he had his fill of exploring each section would he begin undoing the next one. I had never had anyone ever be so thorough and it made me feel delicious, like some exquisite morsel that must be consumed slowly to properly appreciate.

At some point he ended up on his knees behind me, kissing my lower back while his hands reached around and explored my breasts and belly. When he could kiss no further down my back because all the clasps were undone, the elastic waist keeping it on from my hips down, he used his hands to turn me around. He kissed my lower belly as his hands reached around and massaged my naked ass.

He looked up at me from this prone position and there was such an intense smouldering in his eyes that I swear I could feel the heat radiating from them.

"I want you more than I have ever wanted anything, Sam. I need you. I have to taste you, fill you, be inside you."

"Oh, God, yes. I want that too."

He stood up, kissing my breasts and nipples on the way, then kissed me deeply. I felt his body pressed against mine and his cock slipped along the skin of my lower belly. I wondered when he had removed his underwear then realised I didn't care. I pushed the Teddy down over my hips and felt it slide to the floor. We were both now completely naked, skin on skin, and it felt amazing.

His hands were all over my back and my ass as his mouth devoured me. He kissed my mouth, my nose, my neck, my shoulders and down to my breasts. I gasped as he drew my nipple into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. I felt like every nerve in my body was standing to attention wanting their turn to receive his pleasure. I was practically vibrating with erotic energy. Stefan released my nipple and trailed kisses slowly down underneath my breast then continued down my torso. His hands were still trailing from my shoulder blades, down my back, squeezing my ass playfully then descending to the back of my thighs as he got down on his knees.

I giggled as his kisses tickled me when they trailed over my belly button and then down further still. The anticipation was building as his kisses reached the small strip of pubic hair that I had remaining. His hands slid around the front of my legs, between my knees and slowly pushed them apart. I placed my hands on his shoulders so I didn't lose my balance then moved my feet apart. I looked down and straight into his eyes as he was looking back up at me. My fingers trailed gently, lovingly, through his hair but then gripped involuntarily as his tongue entered me for the first time. I felt his tongue separate my lips and slide up into me for a moment then moved up to my clit. I quivered as the sensation shook me to the core. His lips circled and he sucked my clit into his mouth where his tongue began to massage it in ways that had never happened to me before.

My head went back and my jaw dropped open as a moan that I wouldn't have recognised as my own voice escaped me and the orgasm that had been so close for so long hit me like a runaway truck. I simply have no memory of what happened next and the gap in my memory could be a few seconds or hours. All I remember is coming back to earth, gasping, spread out on top of the bed, face down, spread like a starfish, gasping for breath. I had no idea how I had got there and the sensation I was experiencing right at this moment was like nothing that had ever occurred to me before.

It was the most intensely erotic yet nerve-wracking thing I had ever experienced. Had I been asked if I would agree to this I would most likely have said no but here I was, thoroughly enjoying every second with a seemingly endless orgasm bubbling away in me as Stefan had his face practically buried in my ass. His tongue would slip down and tease my pussy, suck my lips and cum into his mouth then come back up over my ass hole, tickling it gently as he went. Then he would return down to my pussy.

I knew some people enjoyed giving oral sex, I was one of them. My previous boyfriends had had varying degrees of enthusiasm for it, none, however, had gone at it with the vigour and obvious delight that Stefan was. Although it was unexpected and probably something I would have baulked at before there was no denying just how good it felt. Not just physically good, although it was fucking amazing, but to be practically worshipped like this was incredible. The way he took such delight in making me feel so good, was something beyond anything I was used to.

He began to kiss his way slowly up my back. He gently bit, nibbled, kissed and touched every part of me. His hands explored gently as much as his mouth did until he reached my neck. He trailed kisses along my spine right up to my hairline. The further he went the more I could feel his cock touching my thighs, getting closer and closer. I needed him inside me and my hips were already making involuntary humping motions trying to get him inside me. I felt the head of his cock just brushing my opening but maddeningly not going in. It was a cruel tease. I was moaning in desire and frustration.

"Fuck me, Stefan. I need you inside me."

I could hear the smirk in his husky voice as he deliberately rubbed his cock against me.

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Oh, God, don't tease me, just take meeeeee ooohhhh!"

I let out a deep and lustful moan as the entire length of his cock slid easily into me. He didn't stop until he physically couldn't go any further. He held there for a moment while we both adjusted to the feeling and I felt deliciously full. Then, slowly, he began to pull out until he was almost completely out of me then he thrust his cock back home. My ass was cushioning his hips as he thrust into me over and over again. It felt incredible but it was not what I needed. I loved the feeling of his cock pounding in and out of me but I wanted it deeper and my butt just wouldn't allow for that. I needed a change of position.

"Stop for a minute."

Stefan stopped immediately and pulled out of me. The sudden emptiness made me feel sad and somehow incomplete for a moment. He lifted his weight off me and rolled to the side. I looked across at him and saw the look of worry on his face. I smiled at him to let him know I was fine.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

I chuckled.

"God, no. Not at all, I just want to do something different now."

I pushed his shoulder and he rolled over onto his back. I got up on my knees and leaned over him. I kissed his lips, tasting myself on him and it sent a shiver through my body. I kissed my way down his chest, paying attention to his small hard nipples along the way, then down over his tight stomach until the tip of his cock, still wet with my cum bumped into my cheek. I took his cock gently in one hand and licked just the tip. I was rewarded with a mixture of fresh pre-cum as well as my own cum. I licked it all up then took him into my mouth. I gently sucked on him as my tongue went to work and as his hips began to thrust I bobbed my head in time, allowing him to gently fuck my mouth.

He got a bit carried away and began to hit the back of my throat. I gagged slightly and immediately changed my hand position around the base of his cock so he couldn't go too deep. After a few more minutes I could hear him moaning but I didn't want him to cum in my mouth this time. I released his cock and began to pay attention to his balls. Kissing all around them and gently sucking them.

I sat upright and smiled at him again. He smiled back and although neither of us said anything, a lot seemed to be said in that moment. I moved my leg over his and positioned his cock at my opening. I slowly began to sink down onto him and it felt wonderful to have him back inside me.

Because of the change of position, it felt like he was bigger than before. Both times previous that I had had his cock inside me it was from behind, this time with me on top there was nothing at all to hinder the depth and he filled me almost to the point of being uncomfortable. If he was any longer at all he would have been pushing too hard against my cervix. At this depth, the head of his cock would brush against it every time I bounced down onto him and it felt amazing. It was almost like he was tailor-made for me.

I bounced up and down on him until my thighs began to ache and then I sat there with him filling me for a moment while I caught my breath. I stared down at him, quietly amazed that he had lasted so long, but then he had already cum twice today. I wondered if he would perhaps not be able to a third time. He didn't seem keen to stop though. He was looking up at me with a smile and a slight look of awe on his face.

"Did you know, Sam, that this is the most beautiful vision I have ever seen?"

I felt myself blushing.

"Don't be silly."

His face turned serious.

"I am being deadly serious. Seeing you, in all your naked glory and wild beauty. Your face rosy, hair streaming around you like a dark halo, flushed with pleasure and it's me that you want. I almost can't believe my luck."

I was surprised, more than surprised. How could one man, that has so much, feel so unworthy? I don't mean the money, either, although I am sure that would only add to the list of women who wanted him. He was very attractive, fit, and healthy, and had a good sense of style and aesthetics, a good sense of humour and taste. He was well-educated, intelligent and very easy to talk to. How is it possible that someone who had all this saw so much in me?

"I think that you think far too little of yourself, Stefan. It's me that should feel honoured that you would even want to have dinner with me."

"I want so much more than dinner with you, Sam."

"Good, because I plan on being here for breakfast too."

We both chuckled but then I began to move and it was as much to take some of the intensity out of the conversation as it was because it felt great having him inside me. I slowly rocked my hips back and forth like I was riding one of those old electric rocking horses you used to see out the front of supermarkets. His eyes rolled back momentarily from the pleasure of it and I discovered that if I angled my hips just right then the head of his cock brushed back and forth over my cervix as his pubic hair ground against my clit. I could feel a mighty orgasm building and building and this time I wanted it to completely engulf me, both of us.

There was nothing quick about it, it rose slowly, each stroke building it a little higher. It was small increments but each one very noticeable and equally as pleasant as the one before. It reached a point where I didn't think it could possibly go any higher, but it did. Over and over it was pushed beyond what I thought was humanly possible until it burst over me, showering me in an electrical current of bliss. At the same time, or maybe because of it, Stefan's cock swelled inside of me and he threw his head back and moaned ecstatically. I fell forward onto him, embracing him, wanting to feel his body touching as much of mine as possible as I twitched and shuddered through a thunderous orgasm.

My last conscious memory of the day was breathing heavily, smelling the scent of Stefan's body and the smell of our love making and feeling his heart pounding in his chest against mine.​
Next page: Update 16
Previous page: Update 14