Update 19

Saint to Slut in Just Seven Days Ch. 07

Day Seven, Sunday.

I was deep in a very pleasant and exciting dream. I had been the centre of attention on an enormous bed. I was tied down but not so tight that it was uncomfortable. There was a crowd of people all standing around the bed watching and they were dressed in work clothes, as though they had been on their lunch break and stopped in to watch me get pleasured. I was completely naked and open for the whole world to see. I was so wet, that cum was leaking from my pussy and down over my ass. On either side of me was Stefan and Bec. They were both completely naked too. They were touching me gently but in all the right ways and making me so hot. I wanted to reach out and take Stefan's cock in my hand but I couldn't reach.

I realised that it wasn't just my cum leaking out of my pussy and the dream subtly evolved, the way dreams often do, and showed me a view of myself from above. I was spread eagle and Stefan must have cum a gallon inside me. Not humanly possible I know but like I said, this was a dream and, well, my dreams, my rules.

Suddenly, Bec was between my outstretched thighs, kissing the sensitive, ticklish, skin on the inside of them. She was moving closer and closer to my sticky pussy and because I was tied down, I couldn't see her. I could, however, feel those feathery light kisses, I could feel her hot breath on my skin and I could feel her hair dragging sensually across my skin as the anticipation built. I wanted her to eat me, she's so good at it that it was like a drug to me. I wanted her to taste Stefan's cum and my cum combined, then I wanted to kiss her sticky lips.

The sensation was so real that I could feel the excitement building inside me. When she reached my pussy and parted my lips with her tongue, I let out a deep moan of pleasure that, ironically, woke me up. The dream did not go away though. I could still feel her lips, and her hot breath on my pussy, I could feel her tongue slithering away inside of my soaked pussy and the orgasm that was beginning to build in me was very real too.

The motion Bec was making changed and she began thrusting her tongue into me. I could feel her whole face pressing against me, her chin nudging me as well as her nose brushing against my clit. It was amazing the way her whole face was rhythmically thrusting against me. In my semi-dream state, I understood that Stefan was fucking her as she ate my pussy. It didn't make me jealous at all but it did turn me on like crazy. My eyes opened and I was looking at the ceiling and I became more aware of my own body rocking in time to Bec's motions. I could hear Bec moaning as well as feeling the vibration of those moans against me. In time with Bec's moans, there was also a quiet but deeper grunting.

I realised that I wasn't tied down at all and I raised my head to look down my body at Bec. What I saw though, was not Bec at first. Initially, I saw a man I had only ever seen from a distance when on the train and in the occasional photo on the walls of this apartment. It was Leon, Bec's husband, completely naked and with a look of intense pleasure on his face. I looked down the length of his naked body until I saw Bec's delicious-looking ass being held between his hands as he fucked her steadily from behind. I then looked further down and saw Bec's mischievous eyes smiling up at me as she sucked my clit into her mouth.

I moaned in delight and pleasure as I reached my arms down and placed a hand on each side of Bec's face, touching her gently and feeling connected. Bec smiled at me then her look changed to an intense pleasure as Leon picked up the pace and began fucking her harder. I looked up at him and his eyes were boring into mine as he fucked his wife with even more intensity. Knowing he was watching me, naked, having my pussy devoured by his wife while his eyes bored into me and his cock pounded into her sent me over the edge and I began to cum. I completely let go of myself and fell into the bliss of my orgasm, crying out with joy freely and with no sense of concern for the opinion of anyone watching. Total, joyous, freedom.

Bec had released me from her lips but her hands were still on my thighs and her breath was still panting on my pussy and thighs. I could hear her moans as they increased with pitch and fervour with every stroke Leon delivered to her. Her dam was close to overflowing and I sensed it as much as heard it when she tumbled over into her orgasm. Leon's voice joined hers as her convulsing pussy squeezed his cock, triggering his orgasm. I felt the energy pouring off them both as a rising excitement. Knowing I was watching two people fuck so intimately right in front of me was incredibly arousing. It's nothing like porn. Porn doesn't rock your body with its motion; you can't smell cum or taste the pheromones in the air with porn. This was so much more and so much better than porn.

Suddenly everything went still as Leon thrust himself as deep as he could inside Bec and held her tight against him. I knew he was cumming, could almost sense his cock throbbing inside her as they both grunted to the rhythm of his orgasm. I knew he was unleashing a torrent of cum in her and it excited me.

They both seemed to sag slightly as it ended and they both relaxed. Bec pushed herself up onto her hands and knees and when he slid his cock out of her she hurriedly turned around so that she could suck his semi-hard cock into her mouth. She delighted in tasting their cum combined as she slurped greedily on him.

Now that she had turned around, I was presented with the most delicious view of her freshly fucked pussy. Her lips were red, swollen and glistening. I could see her pussy still pulsing as the aftershocks of her orgasm trembled through her. Then, ever so slowly, a trickle of creamy white cum began to leak out of her and I simply couldn't resist. I moved until I was on my hands and knees behind her and slowly ran my tongue the length of her pussy and dipped into her where I was rewarded with a fresh dollop of combined cream from them both. I took a moment to savour their combined taste then dove in fervently.

I selfishly paid little attention to the fact that Bec was probably still a bit sensitive and I lashed her pussy with my tongue and with such enthusiasm that my face from my nose to my chin was a sticky mess. I heard her moan around Leon's cock and it only made me go harder. Before long she was pushing back against me rhythmically as she alternated between pushing back and taking him deeper into her mouth and throat. Until she pushed back extra hard, releasing him and crying out loud as she came over my face.

Bec collapsed moments later, leaving her sprawled out on the bed before me as I tried to catch my breath. She looked glorious in her state of dishevelment. Naked, covered in sweat and cum, her hair spread out around her in a dark blonde halo. She was a panting; sticky mess and she looked all the more beautiful for it. I wondered briefly if that was how Stefan saw me and I hoped it was. I looked up at Leon who was standing in the same spot, looking lovingly down at his wife as his wet cock slowly shrank. He seemed to sense me looking at him and he returned my gaze. He smiled warmly then chuckled, holding out his hand in greeting.

"I'm Leon, by the way. Nice to meet you."

I laughed at the irony of the situation.

"I'm Sam. Lovely to meet you too."

I reached out with one hand and shook his. It was possibly the weirdest greeting of anyone in my entire life and I would be hard pressed to outdo it. The whole scenario began to sink in and it made me giggle. I then had to explain to them both what I was giggling about. Bec rolled over and looked up at me and began to laugh herself.

"You left out the part where your face was covered in cum too."

That just made us all laugh some more. It did, however, make me more conscious of it and the stickiness I was feeling from my cheeks down to my breasts.

"Do you mind if I go and have a shower?"

They both said no at the same time and I headed into the bathroom.

I stood under the hot water and let it soak in for a moment after washing myself and I got to thinking about what had happened. It was erotic and it was exciting but there was something else about it that took me a moment to recognise. It was a sense of completion. I had done the things that I had, albeit sub-consciously, set out to do this week. It had been one hell of a week in which I discovered I was, perhaps, a bit of a slut, definitely an exhibitionist and wanting to grab life by the horns after too many years of just being a passive passenger. I was over being a witness and wanted to be a participant.

Yes, there was a sense of completion, but there was also that sense of new beginnings and the excitement you feel before heading out on a new journey. I felt an excitement for life that I hadn't felt since I was a teenager, maybe not even then. That feeling seemed to amplify when I thought about Stefan.

I knew I was falling for him and it both scared and excited me. I stepped out of the shower and was drying myself with a towel when I felt a sudden need to be with him. It was quite urgent and I can't explain it any other way than just this overwhelming need to be with him, near him, to touch him.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where my clothes were. It felt weirdly strange to walk around naked in front of Bec and Leon despite everything we had done together. Bec was watching me and I could tell that she knew something was up. I began to get dressed while Leon went and hopped in the shower. After a while, Bec got out of bed and began getting her clothes ready for the day. She was watching me out of the corner of her eye until she couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Are you okay, Sam? I hope the way you were woken up this morning wasn't too confronting for you. I wasn't expecting Leon back until

later. He walked in and saw us naked and snuggled up together and couldn't help himself."

I chuckled as I thought about the sight of walking in and seeing that. I certainly couldn't lay claim to being upset at him for being turned on by that sight. I knew I would be if I were in his position. I shook my head.

"No, I'm not upset at all. I have had an amazing time with you."

Bec smiled and nodded.

"It's definitely been a great weekend for me."

She paused for a moment then said.

"But you want to get going don't you."

I nodded.

"It's not that I don't want to be here, Bec. I'm not running away. I'm running toward, if that makes any sense. I just feel this overwhelming desire to be with Stefan. I want to have him hold me as I tell him about all the exciting things that have happened and I want to tell him to his face what you recorded last night. I don't want to wait anymore."

Bec smiled, then gave an excited little squeal as she rushed towards me and hugged me.

"I'm so excited for you."

Her excitement was infectious and only added to my desire to go. There was something I felt I wanted to say first though.

"Bec... I just want to say. Well, I want to say thank you for this weekend."

She looked at me like I had said something odd.

"You don't have to thank me for something that I enjoyed as much as you did. It was unbelievably good for me too you know."

I smiled and nodded.

"I'm not just talking about the amazing sex. I'm talking about the friendship. I haven't had a close friend in a lot of years and I want you to know that I appreciate it and cherish it too."

Bec hugged me tight and when she spoke her voice was muffled against my shoulder and I didn't quite hear what she said.

"What was that?"

She leaned back and looked up at me, emphasising the height difference between us.

"I haven't had a good friendship in years myself and this really does feel like a good one, doesn't it."

We both smiled at each other then she got a very stern look on her face.

"Now, go and tell that man of yours how you feel. Go on, shoo."

I giggled as she spanked me on the butt to get me moving, but did exactly as she said. I picked up my bag and headed out the door. The click of the lock on the door behind me felt strangely like a full stop. As though a big chapter of my life had just ended and an exciting new one was right in front of me waiting for me to step into it.

I had originally intended to go home first and even as I got in my car and drove off, that was my intention. However, I seemed to be on auto-pilot and without it entering into my conscious thoughts I found myself pulling into the driveway of the garage at Stefan's home. Bizarrely, as soon as I turned in the door began to roll open. I paused, expecting a car to come driving out but nothing happened, so I drove in. I found the same parking spot as yesterday and pulled in.

I got out of my car and only then had the realisation that I couldn't just walk into his apartment, I couldn't even get to his front door without a key. I walked into the small lobby and looked around. Next to the elevator control panel was an intercom with a small camera on it. I knew his place was the penthouse so I figured it would be the top button and when I looked closer it had his surname next to the button. I pressed the button and before I could say anything, Stefan's voice drifted through the speaker.

Just hop in the elevator, Sam, and it will bring you up. I heard the intercom click off and the elevator door pinged as it opened.

How the hell had he known? This was so weird. What was going on?

I stepped into the elevator and the door closed. There was that familiar woosh feeling and my knees buckled a little as the elevator accelerated me to his front door. I felt myself become almost weightless for a moment as it slowed down and then pinged again as the door opened. Standing there before me looking absolutely delicious in an opened shirt and a pair of shorts stood Stefan. There was a strange look on his face that seemed to show excitement, nervousness and perhaps a tinge of fear. I couldn't help myself as my face split into a huge smile as I saw him. I practically leapt through the door, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him with as much passion as I could put into it.

He gripped me tight and pulled me to him. When we finally separated, I could feel his heart pounding against my chest in time with the throbbing of his hard cock wedged between us and there was such an intensity in his eyes.

"I'm so glad you came home to me, Sam. I know I said I'm okay with you exploring this side of yourself, and I am, but I was so scared you would find something better."

I kissed him again as I felt the prickle of tears entering my eyes.

"Stefan, I'm not going anywhere. I couldn't wait to come back to you. I had a great time with Bec and it was an experience like nothing I have ever had before, but the whole time something was missing, Stefan, and that something was you. I was having so much fun but the whole time, I wanted you there with me, to experience it with me."

"Oh, I would have loved to have been there, even if all I got to do was watch you two."

"You would be doing so much more than just watching. I want you two to share my pussy and I want to share her pussy with you. I want you to fuck us both and I want to taste your cum inside her pussy the way I tasted her husband's cum in her pussy this morning."

Stefan literally shivered with excitement at my retelling of the morning's events.

"Oh my god. How can you be so sexy, Sam? How did I get so damn lucky?"

All conversation was forgotten then as we attacked each other. We were both naked in the space of a few moments and shortly after that, I was on my knees with his beautiful cock in my mouth and his hands wrapped in my hair. I did my best for a while but my knees were getting sore from the hardwood floor. I released his cock from my mouth but continued to stroke it and rub it across my face.

I looked up at him and stared into his adoring eyes.

"Do you want to hear all about my slutty adventure yesterday, Stefan?"

"Oh, yes. Yes, I do, very much."

"Well then. Take me to your bed and I will give you every gory detail."

He reached out to me and there was a fire in his eyes that attracted me to him like a moth to a flame. He took my hand and helped me to my feet then guided me to his room and his bed. I crawled onto the bed and he held my hips with his hands. At first, he just stood there looking at me, admiring my ass and pussy and then he knelt and buried his face right between my cheeks. Spreading me with his hands and devouring me with his mouth.

He brought me so close to orgasm that it was almost painful when he stopped. He then stood up and slowly plunged his cock as deep as he possibly could inside me. I moaned deep and loud as the orgasm that had begun to fade suddenly burst into being with an almost unbelievable force. My arms and legs were shaking with the strain of keeping me up in this position as my pussy clamped down on his cock. I could feel my cum running down my thighs as he began slowly grinding in and out of me.

"Oh, God, Stefan. Yes. This is what I needed. I need your cock. I need you; I want you; I love you."

There was the briefest pause as what I had just said penetrated the fog of lust for both of us, then he began fucking me even harder. I could feel his climax building and I fully expected him to keep going until he emptied inside me but he didn't. He stopped and pulled his cock out of me and immediately bent down and started eating me again. It felt amazing but I wanted something else. I wanted to taste my cum on his cock and I wanted to taste his cum again too.

I moved away from him and then turned around into a kneeling position.

"Stand up here and give me that cock and your cum, Stefan."

He climbed up onto the bed and presented his glistening cock to me and I immediately took as much of him into my mouth as I could. I took hold of his hand and placed it in my hair again letting him know what I wanted him to do. He gripped my hair and began to fuck my mouth, but he wanted more than that. Using my hair, he pulled me off his cock and I couldn't help but groan in disappointment.

"Tell me everything that happened."

I began with walking into the cafe wearing only the dress and no underwear and how people were staring at my bouncing tits and hard nipples. He put his cock back in my mouth and began to fuck it again then made me release it. I told him about driving with my tits out and touching each other on the way back to Bec's place and then I went back to sucking him again. This process went on and on until the story was almost over. Telling him about it was almost as exciting as having him there to experience it with me and he was getting into the rhythm of the storytelling and cock sucking.

When I finally got to the part about eating Leon's cum out of Bec's well fucked pussy and having their cum all over my face and tits, he couldn't hold on any longer. He took hold of my head and thrust hard over and over until he exploded into my mouth. He pulled his cock out and spent the rest of his cum on my face until it was dripping from my chin down to my tits. I used my hands to rub it into my nipples and then down to my pussy. He growled like an animal and kissed me deeply, tasting his cum in my mouth. He kissed his way down my throat and cleaned his cum off my nipples with his tongue. It was one of the most intensely erotic moments from a long weekend filled with erotic moments.

Amazingly, he didn't go soft at all. I think he had been so wound up that he simply had to fuck it out of his system and I was more than happy to help. He pushed me onto my back, moved my legs apart and entered me missionary style. He made love to me with a real intensity and his eyes remained fixed on mine the entire

time, staring deep into my soul until I had another shuddering orgasm and simply couldn't go on.

Stefan rolled off me and we both lay there staring up at the ceiling and panting to get our breath back. I don't know how much time went by but my breathing had returned to normal, my heart was no longer pounding like it was trying to escape my rib cage and my eyelids had slipped closed. I was on that floating cusp of awake and asleep when he whispered to me.

"I love you too, Sam."

I felt a warm glow spread through me and I smiled with every fibre of my being.

I felt the bed shift and thought that he must be getting up to go to the bathroom. The next thing I knew, he was gently shaking me awake and the smell of that amazing coffee wafted into my nose. Surely, I have died and gone to heaven.

I sat up bleary-eyed and smiled at Stefan who kissed me gently. I moved to a more comfortable sitting position and then took the coffee he was offering gratefully. I inhaled its delicious aroma then took a sip. It was hot and steamy and warmed me to the core as I felt that first tingle of caffeine entering my system. I let out a small, quiet moan of pleasure and Stefan chuckled. I looked at him, silently asking what was so humorous.

"I'm beginning to wonder if I should be jealous of that coffee. It makes you moan with more ease than I do."

I chuckled along but shook my head no.

"Stefan, you have nothing to worry about there. Nothing and nobody makes me feel the way you do."

He leaned over and kissed me, obviously touched by what I had said. He sat there in contemplative silence while I drank the coffee and I was almost halfway through it before he spoke.



"Did you mean what you said earlier, or was that just in the heat of the moment?"

He seemed almost embarrassed to be asking me, embarrassed to be displaying his vulnerability.

Sensing the importance to him, I turned and gave him my full attention. I reached out and took his hand.

"Stefan. I have no intention of ever lying to you. Everything I have said to you, I have meant. I know it's early in this thing and I don't want to scare you off or come across as super needy, but I absolutely meant it."

I knew exactly what he was talking about and it was true that I had fallen in love with him but I also wanted to tease him a little.

"I mean only a fool wouldn't think this is the greatest coffee. So, when I tell you this is the best coffee I have ever had, you better believe I mean it."

He was shaking his head in exasperation but he was smiling too. He took the empty cup off me, placed it on the bedside table then pounced on me. I squealed at the unexpected move then burst out laughing as he began to tickle me.

He was putting on a big gruff voice as he acted like he was punishing me.

"Absolute smart ass. That's what you are and you deserve to be punished."

He flipped me over with surprising ease and I squealed again as I felt the sting of his hand on my bare ass. There was an initial moment of shock followed by the sting then the most delightful tingling. I wasn't done being a smart-ass yet though.

"Oh, I've been so naughty. I think you are right; I need to be punished."

I wiggled my ass in emphasis and was delighted when I felt another stinging smack on my ass. He was holding me down with one hand and his other hand smacked me again. He kept alternating cheeks. He would spank me and then gently rub them with his palm, adding to the tingles he was making me feel.

"Mmm, yes, Stefan. Punish my ass."

He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on each of my ass cheeks. He then moved up and kissed my neck and my ear before whispering in it.

"I am going to punish your ass, Sam, but not until later. I find it almost impossible to resist you but I want today to be more than a fuck-fest. And for what it's worth... I love you too."

I couldn't contain the giggle that bubbled up from within and the sheer joy I felt. I flipped over and hugged him to me. I squeezed him tight and never wanted to let go but breathing being a prerequisite for an extended relationship forced the issue. I released him and just stared into those deep, brown eyes and it seemed like I could feel the depth of his emotion in them. After a few moments, he leaned in and kissed me quickly then began to get up off the bed. Once he was standing he held a hand out to me.

"Come on, Sam. Let's get you dressed and we can go out somewhere."

I took his offered hand and let him help me to my feet. I found my dress folded on the chair and slipped it on over my head. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself and when I looked at myself in the mirror I realised that this dress was in desperate need of a wash and to hang up so that all the creases could come out of it. It wasn't going to be suitable for anything more than staying at home. I walked back out where Stefan was waiting patiently for me.

"So, where did you plan on taking me?"

Stefan smiled.

"I thought we might go and have a look at some art at the gallery and then have a picnic down by the lake."

"Well, that sounds very romantic but I do have a stipulation."


"I need to get changed so wherever we go, I need to go past home first so I can get changed."

His eyes travelled from my eyes to my bare feet then back up my body with a look of real appreciation at every step of the way.

"I think you look perfect, but we can do that if you like."

I smiled at the flattery, let's face it, who doesn't like to be told they look good, even if they suspect that it's an exaggeration? I picked up my bag and my keys then turned to Stefan.

"Well, lead the way then."

We headed down to the garage where Stefan opened the door of his car for me like a true gentleman. After driving out onto the street I was admiring the inside of his car. It was a world apart from my own.

"Ah, Sam?"


"Umm, I'm kind of embarrassed to say this but I don't know where you live. I mean I know roughly but you'll need to direct me."

I blushed at my presumption. Of course, how could he know? I gave him directions and we took off.

We arrived and he parked in front of my garage. I opened the front door to my home and the first thing I thought about was the amount of times in the past week I had masturbated right where we were standing. I wondered what he would think if he could see what I had done here. I smiled as I thought about him watching me lose control of myself and drive my fingers deep inside my pussy. Hearing those squelching noises and smelling the scent of my cum as it leaked out of me. Would he be able to leave me alone? Would he take me right here in the doorway? Perhaps get me on my knees and take me from behind, grabbing my hips and stuffing his cock deep into me as I coat his cock with my slippery cum.

I looked up at him and realised he had said something but I hadn't heard because I was so deep in my daydream. I know I blushed and I wondered what he was thinking as he smirked at me.

"I said, do you need a hand with anything?"

I laughed and shook my head.

"Sorry, Stefan, I was just daydreaming. It was so bloody nice and you were making me feel incredibly good. But now isn't the time for that."

Stefan laughed.

"I wondered where you went just now. Lead the way, sexy."

I felt a shiver run through me and I smiled at him then turned away and began to climb the steps. It was weirdly exciting to have a man following me back to my bedroom. It had been so long since that had happened that it had that sense of naughtiness and excitement. I know that Stefan isn't the type to judge someone by the clothes they wear, the car they drive or where they live but having been inside his magnificent home and luxury car, I did feel a bit self-conscious of what he might be thinking of my home. I always liked this place, it's cosy and homely but looking around me now with this new perspective it started to look a bit drab.

I walked into my room, immediately stripped out of my dress and tried to look as calm and relaxed as possible as I wandered around my room naked, taking my time to put together my outfit for the day. I had my back turned to him and when I heard a soft growl of appreciation I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"Jesus, Sam. You are making it very difficult for me to leave you alone."

I turned around and mustered the most innocent look I could.

"Who me? Whatever could you mean?"

Stefan shook his head and smiled. He walked over to me and put his arm around my waist from behind and held my naked body, pulling my ass against his hardened cock. He gently bit my neck then in a hoarse whisper he growled in my ear.

"You are so naughty but you can't have me just yet. Naughty girls don't get what they want, but they do get spanked though."

I felt a shiver of anticipation then his other hand stung the side of my ass. I never would have thought I would enjoy this but I'll be damned if it didn't send tingles throughout my body and drag a moan from my lips.

"Now get dressed, you naughty girl."

I smiled again and couldn't resist running my fingertips over my nipples, giving myself a little tease.

Stefan stepped away from me with what appeared to be a real reluctance but his eyes were soaking in the view as though it would be gone far too soon.

I stepped over to the wardrobe and began looking for another lightweight dress. I knew there was another one in here but it was quite long. It would be almost floor length on most women but it came almost halfway up my calf. I slipped it on over my head and let it fall into place. I felt a little sad to be covering myself up again and it would have been nice to wear something much shorter but I just didn't own any more dresses.

I looked thoughtfully at Stefan as though trying to decide something. He looked back with a questioning look.

"I don't want to be presumptuous, Stefan. Do I need to pack a bag?"

He grinned as though I had just told him Santa would be coming early.

"I would love you to pack a bag, Sam."

I began rummaging around for underwear, not that I had had much need for it lately, and a work outfit. I put together everything I needed and put it in my bag, then picked it up looking at him expectantly. Do I look good enough to go to these fancy galleries? Stefan smiled but pretended to give me a careful look over, just to be sure.

"Sam, you are beautiful and you look good enough to eat."

I grinned.

"Good answer, and feel free any time you want."

"Oh, I want to, but I really want to do a couple of other things first."

I relented and let him lead the way out.

We spent most of the afternoon wandering around the city looking at art and generally just enjoying each other's company. Stefan knew of a whole world in this city that I had never explored before. Tiny little shops and galleries are hidden down alleys and some of the back streets. It was so strange to walk around a city I thought I knew and discover there was a whole world that I knew nothing about.

He showed me hidden street art and he seemed to delight in showing me these hidden parts of his city. It was very odd to feel like a stranger in the city I spent most of my time in.

He took me to obscure bookshops and showed me the shop where he bought his coffee from. It was a tiny deli that was hidden down a path, in a shop behind an art supplies place. I have no idea who decided it was a good spot for a deli or how the hell Stefan found it in the first place, or for that matter, how on earth they made enough money to stay open being so hidden away.

When we were in the deli, an older Italian woman behind the counter said something to him in Italian and he responded with a smile. She bustled off and returned soon after with a wicker basket containing parcels wrapped in paper. He thanked her and turned to leave.

We walked back out into the sunshine and I must have had a confused look on my face because Stefan chuckled like I was falling prey to an inside joke.

"There's no need to look so confused, Sam. I have an account with them. Believe me, there are no freebies from there, family or not."

It was all starting to fall into place and I nodded my understanding. He went on to explain further as we walked.

"The lady I just spoke to is my mother's cousin, Stella. She immigrated at the same time as my parents and she and my mother are like sisters. Stella and her husband opened that little deli within the first month of arriving here and it hasn't changed much in the last fifty or so years. It's kind of like going back in time stepping in there."

I nodded and smiled, loving learning more about Stefan's history and understanding more about why he had such an intimate knowledge of this city. It was clear to me now that he had grown up on these very streets and alleys. A thought hit me then that made me wonder.

"If they are as close as sisters, aren't you concerned that she will say something to your Mum?"

Stefan threw back his head and laughed.

"She would have rang my mother the moment I got off the phone earlier and ordered my picnic. I can guarantee you that she is on the phone right now telling her every little detail about you like she has the inside scoop. It's one of the reasons I spoke to Mum about you last night. It's not like she hadn't figured something was going on by my mood yesterday anyway."

I was surprised because I thought he wanted to take things slowly. Mind you, I thought I was taking things slowly too and look where we were. I chuckled to myself as we continued walking.

We walked for a few blocks in comfortable silence as we each pondered our own thoughts. A thought came to me after a while and as soon as it came to mind I knew it was right.

"Stefan, I want to meet your Mum. I feel a bit bad that I haven't met her before."

He smiled and nodded, more to himself than to me.

"She and Dad were very old-fashioned about that. Work and home were separate and Mum never felt it was her place to come down to the office. Dad would speak about work for about ten minutes when he got home and she asked how his day was, but that was it. Work was work and home was home. I have been a bit the same, I like to have my life away from work."

"I hope I haven't complicated that."

Stefan smiled and shrugged.

"Well, of course, you have, but I wouldn't have it any other way."

We arrived at the park by the river and we started to pull the contents out of the basket. They had even put a folded picnic blanket in there for us. We laid out the contents and sat down and began to eat what promised to be an absolutely delicious meal. Stefan was looking very seriously at me.

"Sam, I don't want you to worry about how we are going to make this work. I want this more than I can recall wanting anything and I promise, we will find a way."

I nodded, unable to say much because I had a sudden lump in my throat.

"I know Mum is going to love you and the fact that you actually want to meet her, even after all my dire warnings, tells me so much."

I laughed at his little joke but I was feeling so overwhelmed with emotion.

"I would love to meet your parents too, Sam. I assume that you want me to meet them?"

It was something that struck me as odd. I did want him to meet them and the thing that was strange for me is that I had never really wanted any of my previous boyfriends to meet them. It was almost like I knew they weren't going to be a long-time thing. I think on some level I knew I wasn't being my true self around them. With Stefan, I felt like an entire world of possibility was open before me because I wanted him to know me in every way. I wanted him to see me for the person I truly was. I mean, he already knew some of my deepest, darkest secrets. He knew things about me that nobody else did and it felt so good and right to share those things with him.

"I would like that a lot, Stefan."

We kissed once, then again, then struggled to stop. I wanted him so bad I was tempted to take his cock out and ride him right here in broad daylight on the bank of the river. I didn't care that people were walking by, in fact, that just made it hotter. I was beginning to get quite worked up and I could tell that Stefan wanted me too but he was pulling back.

"Oh, Stefan, don't make me stop now. I want your cock inside me."

I could see him fighting his desire and I felt my excitement rising as I thought he was maybe going to give in to temptation, and that's when his damn phone rang.

I groaned and as Stefan chuckled. He looked at his phone and shook his head.



"It's my Mum. I bet she has just got off the phone from Stella."

"You better answer it or she will think you are up to no good."

"She'll be hoping I'm up to no good."

I laughed as he answered the phone. What followed can only be described as an interrogation. This was no casual conversation. I could see this was going to be a big deal so I said, loud enough for her to hear me.

"Just take me to meet her already."

He looked at me questioningly as if to say "Are you sure?"
Next page: Update 20
Previous page: Update 18