Update 20
I nodded and he smiled at me. I know he was making out like it was a real chore but I could tell he was really happy that I wanted to meet her. He began to tell her that he was going to bring me to meet her after we had finished eating, but she was on a roll now and he was struggling to get a word in edge-ways. I was laughing as I packed up what was left of our delicious dinner and put everything back in the picnic basket. I made him stand up so I could fold up the blanket and he finally managed to get across to his mum that we were coming to visit. After some more frustration from Stefan, he managed to get her off the phone by telling her that the longer he was talking to her on the phone, the longer it would be before we got there. Apparently, this was a regular part of their phone conversations.
We picked everything up and made our way back to his car. The closer we got to the car, the more the reality sunk in of what was about to happen and I started to get nervous. It wasn't that I didn't want to meet her, it was more concern that I wouldn't be up to standard for her only son.
We put the picnic basket and blanket in the car and as we drove off I was contemplating whether I was dressed appropriately or if I would make a good impression. Stefan, sensing that I was nervous looked at me.
"Are you okay, Sam?"
"Yeah, just a bit nervous actually. What if she doesn't like me?"
Stefan smiled.
"You have got nothing to worry about. She'll love you."
"I hope so."
"I just hope she doesn't drive you crazy and scare you off."
I laughed.
"Not likely."
"She can be pretty full on, like most Italian women, especially when it comes to their sons. You are the right one for me though, Sam. I know it's early to say these things but I genuinely believe it."
I felt all warm and fuzzy again as his words melted me.
"I hope so, Stefan, I really do, because I feel like you are the right one for me too."
We spent the rest of the trip in silence with silly grins on our faces and holding hands like school kids.
My nerves reached fever pitch as we pulled into the driveway of their nineteen-seventies, red brick, three-bedroom home. It was as unassuming as Mario had been in life. It was immensely neat and tidy and I knew at a glance it was the home of Italian migrants. I would have bet there was a healthy-sized veggie garden in the backyard.
We stepped out of the car and Stefan led me to the front door. He entered without knocking but called out to his Mum as he did. Within seconds I was embraced in a hug by a surprisingly strong woman in an apron who barely came up to breast height on me. I am used to being the tallest woman in the room most of the time but she was positively tiny.
In the space of about ten minutes, I had been made to sit and then stared at as though I was livestock being evaluated, offered food at least three times and drinks twice. If I hadn't been so nervous it would have been hilarious and it was somewhat comforting to know that she approved of me pretty much immediately. I didn't for a second doubt that if she didn't approve of me, she would have made it abundantly clear.
She talked a mile a minute, constantly barraging me with questions. I barely had a chance to answer them before the next question was fired at me. They were coming at me thick and fast and I barely had a chance to draw breath. She asked about me, although admitted that both Stefan and Mario had told her a lot about me. She asked about my family, and then in what I am sure she thought was a stealthy way, asked about my desire to have children and a family of my own. Stefan rolled his eyes and told her she was far from subtle, but she clearly felt no shame because she shrugged but then looked at me for an answer anyway.
I couldn't help but like her and her wild enthusiasm, as well as her unapologetic ability to get straight to the point. I found myself deep in an easy conversation with her as we both reminisced about Mario and discussed Stefan. He became embarrassed and left to "do something" in the kitchen and I smiled as I watched him leave. I looked back and saw her smiling at me, smiling at Stefan. She leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, although with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"You love him, no? I can see it."
I blushed and wondered if I was truly that transparent. I nodded.
"Yes, I believe I do."
"Good. È pazzo di te."
I looked confused and she just smiled. Just then Stefan walked back into the room. He was trying to look like he was admonishing his mother but I could see the adoration in his eyes.
"English, Mama, not everyone speaks Italian."
She chuckled, clearly showing no concern whatsoever about his light-handed admonishment. I looked at Stefan with a questioning look and he sighed as he blushed.
"She said I'm crazy for you."
I looked at him questioningly with my eyebrow raised. I didn't ask the question but my face did. He shrugged as though it was no big deal but he blushed a little harder.
"Maybe a little."
His mother and I both had huge grins. He laughed and turned to his mother.
"You're a bad influence."
We ended up spending a couple of hours there just talking until she wanted to bring out the photo albums and Stefan pulled the pin.
"No, Mama, it's getting late and if you do that we will be here all night."
She only looked a little disappointed but soon brightened.
"I would love to see them next we are here."
Stefan rolled his eyes again.
"You have no idea what you have started."
We said goodbye and I received another rib-crushing hug. On the drive back to Stefan's place I was thinking about how I missed my own family and how I need to be more involved in their lives.
We pulled up into Stefan's parking space but before he opened the door he turned to me.
"Are you okay, Sam? You've been very quiet."
"Just thinking about family and how I need to be more in touch with mine."
He nodded as though he understood, although I doubt any more than a week has ever gone by in his life where he hasn't heard from his mother.
"I know Mum can be a bit full-on sometimes. I hope she didn't freak you out."
"What? God, no. She's wonderful."
He slumped a little and I could sense the relief in him. I knew how important this was to him and getting the approval from both his mother and me took a huge burden off him.
I took my seat belt off and turned to face him properly. I put my hand on the side of his face, making sure we had good eye contact.
"Stefan, relax. Everything is good, okay. I promised you I wouldn't lie and I meant it. If your Mum and I didn't gel, I would tell you."
He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. It was a gentle kiss which I returned with interest. We then started to get heated and that kiss became so much more. Before long we were trying to kiss each other in places that couldn't be easily accessed sitting sideways in a car. I stopped him from nibbling on my neck and held his head between my hands.
"Stefan, take me home and make love to me. Right fucking now."
He got that wolfish grin that sent tingles through me and practically leapt out of the car.
We somehow managed to get all the way up to his apartment and through the door without tearing each other's clothes off but it was a close thing. Frankly, I wouldn't have cared if we didn't make it.
We left a trail of clothing from the front door, across the open lounge/dining room, past the vast bookshelves, and up the staircase. The last item of clothing was my bra left hanging over the balustrade at the top of the staircase. We made it to the large comfortable bed where we began to explore each other yet again.
As much as we were in a hurry to get here, the moment we hit the bed, everything slowed down. Time seemed to hold no relevance as we each took our time exploring the other. Stefan kissed me all over, and I do mean all over. He explored my body in such an intimate way that absolutely no part of me was left untouched, unseen, unkissed. Never has anyone been this thorough and this loving to me. I did my absolute best to explore his body in the same ways and found myself doing things that I had never considered doing before. It was intensely intimate and so much trust was shared between us.
Stefan was so gentle with me as I lay face down. His body pressed against my back and down between my spread thighs as he explored every inch of my back with his lips and his tongue. His fingers gently tickled my sides as they brushed down the sides of my ribs. His weight on his elbows, his hard little nipples pressed into the cheeks of my ass as his lips trailed down my spine until they settled in the hollow of my back, where he spent a lot of time gently kissing and licking me.
Sometimes it tickled and sometimes it was soft and warm but the entire time I felt thoroughly loved. I wanted to give my all to him and I already trusted him with my entire being. I trusted him with my body, my pride, my dignity but especially with my heart. I relaxed to the point where I was almost in a trance. My arms and legs spread and my muscles were like jelly as he kissed in slowly increasing circles, spiralling outward.
I felt a slightly cool breeze as he lifted himself and our skin separated. I felt his weight shift on the bed then resettle further down between my legs. His hands slowly slid up the backs of my thighs as though he was savouring the very touch of my skin. They then circled my hips and raised slowly to encompass my butt. I felt his breath on me and it sent a shiver of anticipation through me. His hands squeezed as I felt his lips gently land on my exposed flesh. First one side and then the other.
There was no one else that I had ever met that I felt so trusting towards. I was completely open to him now, both physically and emotionally. I trusted him completely. His thumbs circled down my butt towards my thighs and when they slipped into that crease he pushed up encouraging me to roll my hips, giving him greater access to me. I felt myself open even more to him and again I felt the warmth of his breath on my pussy moments before his tongue entered me. The contact made me jump a little and a shiver ran through me.
Stefan spent so much time pleasuring me that I became lost in the sensations. His lips and tongue were doing things to me that until this week I didn't even imagine were possible. I have no idea how much time passed or how many times he made me cum but by the time he was ready to fuck me he had two fingers in my pussy, a finger in my ass and his tongue had taken a tour of almost every exposed piece of skin I had.
I was begging him to fuck me, to fill me with his cock and his cum. I simply had to have him. There were no options, no thought of being too tired or too sensitive, he simply had to be inside me. Right. Fucking. Now!
His strength surprised me once again as he flipped me over onto my back again. He crawled between my legs and slowly moved up the length of my body. The entire time his eyes remained locked onto mine. The intensity in them was mesmerizing. I could feel his love and desire pouring from them and it almost took my breath away. I reached down for him to help guide him into me and I felt the slippery pre-cum that had been leaking from his cock. I used my hand to slowly stroke him and massage the pre-cum all over his cock, making it extremely slippery. I felt a shiver go through him and a deep rumble of desire that sounded more like a wild animal than Stefan.
His hips dipped lower and I felt the head of his cock come into contact with my pussy. The moment we touched, he stopped moving and a groan of frustration came from me. I was stroking his cock, trying to pull him into me.
"Please, Stefan. I need you. Please, don't make me beg."
With his smouldering eyes still set on mine he pushed forward. I tilted my hips and nudged his cock in the right direction with my hand, then suddenly he was inside me. Right where he belongs. Snug and deep inside me. Home.
A deep moan poured from me as I felt him filling me until he was as deep as he could possibly be inside me. I raised my tired legs and wrapped them around his waist, using them to lift myself off the bed and forcing him even deeper inside me. Our lips met and we kissed long and hard as I revelled in feeling so full.
Slowly Stefan slid in and out of me in a beautiful rhythm that made my heart swell as much as my orgasm. Our eyes remained locked together for as long as possible until the crescendo washed over both of us at the same time. My eyes rolled back and closed as I was overcome with joy, pleasure and love. I was deep inside my feelings but not so deep that I wasn't aware of Stefan's responses as well.
I felt his body stiffen as his cock swelled inside me, unloading his cum deep inside me. I felt each swell and blast as he moaned his release. I felt his body slowly sag against mine and I wrapped him in my arms as he tried to catch his breath. I tried to convey everything I was feeling to him through the touch of our bodies and I had never felt so connected to another human being. It was almost overwhelming but I wanted more.
We each eventually caught our breath and Stefan balanced himself on his elbows as he looked down into my eyes. He had a look of absolute adoration and it made me feel so beautiful and special. At no point did Stefan's cock go completely soft. He remained inside me but stayed still. I could feel his pulse beating against my breast but also inside me and it made me feel even more of that connection. I don't know how long we remained locked together like that. It could have been minutes or weeks. I was completely oblivious to the rest of the world at this point. A bomb could have gone off outside and the only thing I would have been aware of was Stefan's eyes, his skin against mine and our matching heart rates.
Stefan smiled a slow, lazy kind of smile then leaned forward. He kissed me on the forehead, between my eyebrows. The bridge of my nose, the tip of my nose and then gently against my lips. I savoured that kiss with a soft moan then lifted my head to his for another. This time the kiss deepened and we both felt that hunger begin to rise again. As his tongue slipped between my lips I could smell and taste my cum on his lips, which turned up my libido to eleven. I kissed him deeper and my tongue joined his in the exploration of our mouths.
Stefan leaned back and I moaned as his cock began to swell again inside me.
"It seems like I am always ready for you. I never want to stop loving you."
"Oh, God! Yes, I love those long, slow strokes, Stefan. I feel like I am always ready for you too."
Stefan was continuing to fuck me with a deliberately slow pace, pulling almost all the way out of me before pushing back into me, slowly, relentlessly, filling me as full of his cock as he could until his pubic bone was grinding against my distended clit. Each time he sank into me I could feel the mixture of our cum sloshing around inside of me and oozing out around his cock. I reached down between us and felt all that cum coating my pussy and dripping from his balls.
I pulled my hand back up and placed my two middle fingers in my mouth, tasting our combined cum. Stefan moaned in delight as I did then immediately leaned in to kiss me and share our juices. I swear his cock increased in girth as he moaned again, this time directly into my mouth.
I reached down again and this time I was smearing our cum around his balls as he continued to stroke in and out of me. Each time he pushed into me my fingers went a little further around his balls until he was pushing up even more with his arms; allowing me greater access. I smeared more of our cum between his cheeks until my fingertip began to stroke back and forth over his ass hole. I imagine that some men would be nervous or at least reluctant about this but Stefan just moaned a deep guttural moan and began to push back against my finger as he was on the out stroke.
Taking the hint, I scooped up more of our cum and began to apply some pressure. After several more strokes, I felt him relax enough to allow the tip of my finger to enter him. He moaned but remained relentless in his pace, neither speeding up nor slowing down. My finger was sliding into him up to the first knuckle and after a few strokes, my hand maintained pressure, following him in as he pushed into me. The next time he pushed back I held the pressure and felt my finger slide deep into his ass as he pushed back. He moaned loudly and this time there was a noticeable increase in the speed of his thrusts. He seemed to be trying to push back harder against my hand but not so hard that he pulled out of me.
I applied a little more pressure and felt my finger bottom out against him as a shiver ran through his body. He moaned again and his eyes fluttered as I began to fuck him with my finger. It was such a turn-on to feel how tight his ass was around my finger and to know that it was lubricated with our cum. I curled my finger slightly as I fucked him and he began fucking me even harder. I could feel his orgasm building and the intensity of it caused my own to begin to fire off as well. We were both panting and sweating as he fucked me hard. The sounds of our now very sloppy sex seemed to echo off the walls and combine with our panting and moaning.
When his orgasm hit him I felt everything tighten unbelievably, almost painfully and I was given an insight into what it was like for him to cum. Everything about this whole experience was erotic to a completely different level for me and my own orgasm exploded within me.
Again, I had that sensation of missing some time. I seemed to come too, feeling as though something was missing. A heartbeat later I realised it was the fact that Stefan was no longer inside me, or for that matter, even in the bed with me. I looked around, momentarily afraid that I had been out of it for hours but realised pretty quickly that Stefan had just stepped from the bed to the floor. I could see his chest still heaving and I could even see the veins in his next pulsing with the pressure of his pounding heart. My eyes roamed down his body and I could see our cum had been dripping from his cock and balls. His pubic hair was matted with the mixture and it made me feel so incredibly satisfied.
"God damn, Stefan. You look so fucking sexy like that. If I wasn't completely exhausted right now, I would take that delicious-looking cock and lick you clean."
I watched his cock twitch once as he thought about what I had just said but it seems that even he was completely done for now. He chuckled as he shook his head.
"I would love that, Sam, but I just simply couldn't now. You have already brought more from me than I thought was possible."
It gave me a small thrill of pride and I smiled up at him.
"You are most welcome. The pleasure was all mine."
"I can guarantee you it wasn't all yours."
I chuckled, thinking that he was probably right.
"I don't know about you, Sam, but I am in desperate need of a shower."
It made me realise just how much of a sticky, sweaty, cum covered mess I was. I loved it but it was beginning to be a little bit uncomfortable.
"Yes, I guess we should clean up a bit shouldn't we."
With a huge amount of effort, I managed to get myself up and off the bed. I glanced back at the bed as I turned around and laughed as I saw what a mess we had left it in. Stefan looked questioningly at me.
"What's funny?"
"I guess we will be needing another set of sheets. These didn't last too long."
The thought of laundry quickly left my mind as a more urgent issue caught my attention. My change of position from lying to standing reminded me of the fact that Stefan had cum inside me several times and gravity was now doing its best to remove it all from me. I cupped my pussy with my hand as I waddled as quickly as I could to the bathroom, hoping I wasn't leaving a Hansel and Gretel-type trail behind me.
Normally I would have gone straight for the toilet but this time I just stepped into the shower, turned it on and relaxed. The amount of cum I felt released from me was ridiculous. It almost seemed to glug out of me and run down my thighs and puddle at my feet. I switched the giant shower head off and turned on the handheld one to try and wash it off me and the floor and down the drain. I looked up and saw Stefan watching me and for a moment I felt slightly embarrassed that he had witnessed the somewhat less glamorous side of our lovemaking. Something that I would normally keep to myself.
Somehow, instead of looking appalled at the mess I was, he had that look of star-struck adoration on his face.
"God, I love you, Sam. Everything about you is just so incredibly beautiful."
I almost laughed at his ridiculousness but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel beautiful, even in a moment where I knew without a doubt that I was not looking particularly beautiful.
The rest of the evening was spent in the most exquisitely dull way I could imagine. Curled up on the couch in each other's arms, watching a movie and just enjoying being with each other.
I tried to focus on the movie but I was tired and my mind kept wandering. After shaking myself back into the present for the umpteenth time, I just gave in to it and let my mind wander.
I thought about everything that had occurred this past week and with a strange sense of clarity, I was shocked when thought critically about it. Who would have believed that giving in to my latent slutty side would be such a positive thing and lead to the situation I found myself in now. Wrapped in the arms of a man who I loved and respected, and who loved and respected me in return.
I was so happy and content that if I were a cat I would be purring. I just couldn't believe that an accidental exposing of my panties to a complete stranger would lead to everything I ever wanted.
It was nothing less than a miracle that took me from being a conservative, bored, and lonely girl to an incredibly happy, loved-up slut.
We picked everything up and made our way back to his car. The closer we got to the car, the more the reality sunk in of what was about to happen and I started to get nervous. It wasn't that I didn't want to meet her, it was more concern that I wouldn't be up to standard for her only son.
We put the picnic basket and blanket in the car and as we drove off I was contemplating whether I was dressed appropriately or if I would make a good impression. Stefan, sensing that I was nervous looked at me.
"Are you okay, Sam?"
"Yeah, just a bit nervous actually. What if she doesn't like me?"
Stefan smiled.
"You have got nothing to worry about. She'll love you."
"I hope so."
"I just hope she doesn't drive you crazy and scare you off."
I laughed.
"Not likely."
"She can be pretty full on, like most Italian women, especially when it comes to their sons. You are the right one for me though, Sam. I know it's early to say these things but I genuinely believe it."
I felt all warm and fuzzy again as his words melted me.
"I hope so, Stefan, I really do, because I feel like you are the right one for me too."
We spent the rest of the trip in silence with silly grins on our faces and holding hands like school kids.
My nerves reached fever pitch as we pulled into the driveway of their nineteen-seventies, red brick, three-bedroom home. It was as unassuming as Mario had been in life. It was immensely neat and tidy and I knew at a glance it was the home of Italian migrants. I would have bet there was a healthy-sized veggie garden in the backyard.
We stepped out of the car and Stefan led me to the front door. He entered without knocking but called out to his Mum as he did. Within seconds I was embraced in a hug by a surprisingly strong woman in an apron who barely came up to breast height on me. I am used to being the tallest woman in the room most of the time but she was positively tiny.
In the space of about ten minutes, I had been made to sit and then stared at as though I was livestock being evaluated, offered food at least three times and drinks twice. If I hadn't been so nervous it would have been hilarious and it was somewhat comforting to know that she approved of me pretty much immediately. I didn't for a second doubt that if she didn't approve of me, she would have made it abundantly clear.
She talked a mile a minute, constantly barraging me with questions. I barely had a chance to answer them before the next question was fired at me. They were coming at me thick and fast and I barely had a chance to draw breath. She asked about me, although admitted that both Stefan and Mario had told her a lot about me. She asked about my family, and then in what I am sure she thought was a stealthy way, asked about my desire to have children and a family of my own. Stefan rolled his eyes and told her she was far from subtle, but she clearly felt no shame because she shrugged but then looked at me for an answer anyway.
I couldn't help but like her and her wild enthusiasm, as well as her unapologetic ability to get straight to the point. I found myself deep in an easy conversation with her as we both reminisced about Mario and discussed Stefan. He became embarrassed and left to "do something" in the kitchen and I smiled as I watched him leave. I looked back and saw her smiling at me, smiling at Stefan. She leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, although with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"You love him, no? I can see it."
I blushed and wondered if I was truly that transparent. I nodded.
"Yes, I believe I do."
"Good. È pazzo di te."
I looked confused and she just smiled. Just then Stefan walked back into the room. He was trying to look like he was admonishing his mother but I could see the adoration in his eyes.
"English, Mama, not everyone speaks Italian."
She chuckled, clearly showing no concern whatsoever about his light-handed admonishment. I looked at Stefan with a questioning look and he sighed as he blushed.
"She said I'm crazy for you."
I looked at him questioningly with my eyebrow raised. I didn't ask the question but my face did. He shrugged as though it was no big deal but he blushed a little harder.
"Maybe a little."
His mother and I both had huge grins. He laughed and turned to his mother.
"You're a bad influence."
We ended up spending a couple of hours there just talking until she wanted to bring out the photo albums and Stefan pulled the pin.
"No, Mama, it's getting late and if you do that we will be here all night."
She only looked a little disappointed but soon brightened.
"I would love to see them next we are here."
Stefan rolled his eyes again.
"You have no idea what you have started."
We said goodbye and I received another rib-crushing hug. On the drive back to Stefan's place I was thinking about how I missed my own family and how I need to be more involved in their lives.
We pulled up into Stefan's parking space but before he opened the door he turned to me.
"Are you okay, Sam? You've been very quiet."
"Just thinking about family and how I need to be more in touch with mine."
He nodded as though he understood, although I doubt any more than a week has ever gone by in his life where he hasn't heard from his mother.
"I know Mum can be a bit full-on sometimes. I hope she didn't freak you out."
"What? God, no. She's wonderful."
He slumped a little and I could sense the relief in him. I knew how important this was to him and getting the approval from both his mother and me took a huge burden off him.
I took my seat belt off and turned to face him properly. I put my hand on the side of his face, making sure we had good eye contact.
"Stefan, relax. Everything is good, okay. I promised you I wouldn't lie and I meant it. If your Mum and I didn't gel, I would tell you."
He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. It was a gentle kiss which I returned with interest. We then started to get heated and that kiss became so much more. Before long we were trying to kiss each other in places that couldn't be easily accessed sitting sideways in a car. I stopped him from nibbling on my neck and held his head between my hands.
"Stefan, take me home and make love to me. Right fucking now."
He got that wolfish grin that sent tingles through me and practically leapt out of the car.
We somehow managed to get all the way up to his apartment and through the door without tearing each other's clothes off but it was a close thing. Frankly, I wouldn't have cared if we didn't make it.
We left a trail of clothing from the front door, across the open lounge/dining room, past the vast bookshelves, and up the staircase. The last item of clothing was my bra left hanging over the balustrade at the top of the staircase. We made it to the large comfortable bed where we began to explore each other yet again.
As much as we were in a hurry to get here, the moment we hit the bed, everything slowed down. Time seemed to hold no relevance as we each took our time exploring the other. Stefan kissed me all over, and I do mean all over. He explored my body in such an intimate way that absolutely no part of me was left untouched, unseen, unkissed. Never has anyone been this thorough and this loving to me. I did my absolute best to explore his body in the same ways and found myself doing things that I had never considered doing before. It was intensely intimate and so much trust was shared between us.
Stefan was so gentle with me as I lay face down. His body pressed against my back and down between my spread thighs as he explored every inch of my back with his lips and his tongue. His fingers gently tickled my sides as they brushed down the sides of my ribs. His weight on his elbows, his hard little nipples pressed into the cheeks of my ass as his lips trailed down my spine until they settled in the hollow of my back, where he spent a lot of time gently kissing and licking me.
Sometimes it tickled and sometimes it was soft and warm but the entire time I felt thoroughly loved. I wanted to give my all to him and I already trusted him with my entire being. I trusted him with my body, my pride, my dignity but especially with my heart. I relaxed to the point where I was almost in a trance. My arms and legs spread and my muscles were like jelly as he kissed in slowly increasing circles, spiralling outward.
I felt a slightly cool breeze as he lifted himself and our skin separated. I felt his weight shift on the bed then resettle further down between my legs. His hands slowly slid up the backs of my thighs as though he was savouring the very touch of my skin. They then circled my hips and raised slowly to encompass my butt. I felt his breath on me and it sent a shiver of anticipation through me. His hands squeezed as I felt his lips gently land on my exposed flesh. First one side and then the other.
There was no one else that I had ever met that I felt so trusting towards. I was completely open to him now, both physically and emotionally. I trusted him completely. His thumbs circled down my butt towards my thighs and when they slipped into that crease he pushed up encouraging me to roll my hips, giving him greater access to me. I felt myself open even more to him and again I felt the warmth of his breath on my pussy moments before his tongue entered me. The contact made me jump a little and a shiver ran through me.
Stefan spent so much time pleasuring me that I became lost in the sensations. His lips and tongue were doing things to me that until this week I didn't even imagine were possible. I have no idea how much time passed or how many times he made me cum but by the time he was ready to fuck me he had two fingers in my pussy, a finger in my ass and his tongue had taken a tour of almost every exposed piece of skin I had.
I was begging him to fuck me, to fill me with his cock and his cum. I simply had to have him. There were no options, no thought of being too tired or too sensitive, he simply had to be inside me. Right. Fucking. Now!
His strength surprised me once again as he flipped me over onto my back again. He crawled between my legs and slowly moved up the length of my body. The entire time his eyes remained locked onto mine. The intensity in them was mesmerizing. I could feel his love and desire pouring from them and it almost took my breath away. I reached down for him to help guide him into me and I felt the slippery pre-cum that had been leaking from his cock. I used my hand to slowly stroke him and massage the pre-cum all over his cock, making it extremely slippery. I felt a shiver go through him and a deep rumble of desire that sounded more like a wild animal than Stefan.
His hips dipped lower and I felt the head of his cock come into contact with my pussy. The moment we touched, he stopped moving and a groan of frustration came from me. I was stroking his cock, trying to pull him into me.
"Please, Stefan. I need you. Please, don't make me beg."
With his smouldering eyes still set on mine he pushed forward. I tilted my hips and nudged his cock in the right direction with my hand, then suddenly he was inside me. Right where he belongs. Snug and deep inside me. Home.
A deep moan poured from me as I felt him filling me until he was as deep as he could possibly be inside me. I raised my tired legs and wrapped them around his waist, using them to lift myself off the bed and forcing him even deeper inside me. Our lips met and we kissed long and hard as I revelled in feeling so full.
Slowly Stefan slid in and out of me in a beautiful rhythm that made my heart swell as much as my orgasm. Our eyes remained locked together for as long as possible until the crescendo washed over both of us at the same time. My eyes rolled back and closed as I was overcome with joy, pleasure and love. I was deep inside my feelings but not so deep that I wasn't aware of Stefan's responses as well.
I felt his body stiffen as his cock swelled inside me, unloading his cum deep inside me. I felt each swell and blast as he moaned his release. I felt his body slowly sag against mine and I wrapped him in my arms as he tried to catch his breath. I tried to convey everything I was feeling to him through the touch of our bodies and I had never felt so connected to another human being. It was almost overwhelming but I wanted more.
We each eventually caught our breath and Stefan balanced himself on his elbows as he looked down into my eyes. He had a look of absolute adoration and it made me feel so beautiful and special. At no point did Stefan's cock go completely soft. He remained inside me but stayed still. I could feel his pulse beating against my breast but also inside me and it made me feel even more of that connection. I don't know how long we remained locked together like that. It could have been minutes or weeks. I was completely oblivious to the rest of the world at this point. A bomb could have gone off outside and the only thing I would have been aware of was Stefan's eyes, his skin against mine and our matching heart rates.
Stefan smiled a slow, lazy kind of smile then leaned forward. He kissed me on the forehead, between my eyebrows. The bridge of my nose, the tip of my nose and then gently against my lips. I savoured that kiss with a soft moan then lifted my head to his for another. This time the kiss deepened and we both felt that hunger begin to rise again. As his tongue slipped between my lips I could smell and taste my cum on his lips, which turned up my libido to eleven. I kissed him deeper and my tongue joined his in the exploration of our mouths.
Stefan leaned back and I moaned as his cock began to swell again inside me.
"It seems like I am always ready for you. I never want to stop loving you."
"Oh, God! Yes, I love those long, slow strokes, Stefan. I feel like I am always ready for you too."
Stefan was continuing to fuck me with a deliberately slow pace, pulling almost all the way out of me before pushing back into me, slowly, relentlessly, filling me as full of his cock as he could until his pubic bone was grinding against my distended clit. Each time he sank into me I could feel the mixture of our cum sloshing around inside of me and oozing out around his cock. I reached down between us and felt all that cum coating my pussy and dripping from his balls.
I pulled my hand back up and placed my two middle fingers in my mouth, tasting our combined cum. Stefan moaned in delight as I did then immediately leaned in to kiss me and share our juices. I swear his cock increased in girth as he moaned again, this time directly into my mouth.
I reached down again and this time I was smearing our cum around his balls as he continued to stroke in and out of me. Each time he pushed into me my fingers went a little further around his balls until he was pushing up even more with his arms; allowing me greater access. I smeared more of our cum between his cheeks until my fingertip began to stroke back and forth over his ass hole. I imagine that some men would be nervous or at least reluctant about this but Stefan just moaned a deep guttural moan and began to push back against my finger as he was on the out stroke.
Taking the hint, I scooped up more of our cum and began to apply some pressure. After several more strokes, I felt him relax enough to allow the tip of my finger to enter him. He moaned but remained relentless in his pace, neither speeding up nor slowing down. My finger was sliding into him up to the first knuckle and after a few strokes, my hand maintained pressure, following him in as he pushed into me. The next time he pushed back I held the pressure and felt my finger slide deep into his ass as he pushed back. He moaned loudly and this time there was a noticeable increase in the speed of his thrusts. He seemed to be trying to push back harder against my hand but not so hard that he pulled out of me.
I applied a little more pressure and felt my finger bottom out against him as a shiver ran through his body. He moaned again and his eyes fluttered as I began to fuck him with my finger. It was such a turn-on to feel how tight his ass was around my finger and to know that it was lubricated with our cum. I curled my finger slightly as I fucked him and he began fucking me even harder. I could feel his orgasm building and the intensity of it caused my own to begin to fire off as well. We were both panting and sweating as he fucked me hard. The sounds of our now very sloppy sex seemed to echo off the walls and combine with our panting and moaning.
When his orgasm hit him I felt everything tighten unbelievably, almost painfully and I was given an insight into what it was like for him to cum. Everything about this whole experience was erotic to a completely different level for me and my own orgasm exploded within me.
Again, I had that sensation of missing some time. I seemed to come too, feeling as though something was missing. A heartbeat later I realised it was the fact that Stefan was no longer inside me, or for that matter, even in the bed with me. I looked around, momentarily afraid that I had been out of it for hours but realised pretty quickly that Stefan had just stepped from the bed to the floor. I could see his chest still heaving and I could even see the veins in his next pulsing with the pressure of his pounding heart. My eyes roamed down his body and I could see our cum had been dripping from his cock and balls. His pubic hair was matted with the mixture and it made me feel so incredibly satisfied.
"God damn, Stefan. You look so fucking sexy like that. If I wasn't completely exhausted right now, I would take that delicious-looking cock and lick you clean."
I watched his cock twitch once as he thought about what I had just said but it seems that even he was completely done for now. He chuckled as he shook his head.
"I would love that, Sam, but I just simply couldn't now. You have already brought more from me than I thought was possible."
It gave me a small thrill of pride and I smiled up at him.
"You are most welcome. The pleasure was all mine."
"I can guarantee you it wasn't all yours."
I chuckled, thinking that he was probably right.
"I don't know about you, Sam, but I am in desperate need of a shower."
It made me realise just how much of a sticky, sweaty, cum covered mess I was. I loved it but it was beginning to be a little bit uncomfortable.
"Yes, I guess we should clean up a bit shouldn't we."
With a huge amount of effort, I managed to get myself up and off the bed. I glanced back at the bed as I turned around and laughed as I saw what a mess we had left it in. Stefan looked questioningly at me.
"What's funny?"
"I guess we will be needing another set of sheets. These didn't last too long."
The thought of laundry quickly left my mind as a more urgent issue caught my attention. My change of position from lying to standing reminded me of the fact that Stefan had cum inside me several times and gravity was now doing its best to remove it all from me. I cupped my pussy with my hand as I waddled as quickly as I could to the bathroom, hoping I wasn't leaving a Hansel and Gretel-type trail behind me.
Normally I would have gone straight for the toilet but this time I just stepped into the shower, turned it on and relaxed. The amount of cum I felt released from me was ridiculous. It almost seemed to glug out of me and run down my thighs and puddle at my feet. I switched the giant shower head off and turned on the handheld one to try and wash it off me and the floor and down the drain. I looked up and saw Stefan watching me and for a moment I felt slightly embarrassed that he had witnessed the somewhat less glamorous side of our lovemaking. Something that I would normally keep to myself.
Somehow, instead of looking appalled at the mess I was, he had that look of star-struck adoration on his face.
"God, I love you, Sam. Everything about you is just so incredibly beautiful."
I almost laughed at his ridiculousness but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel beautiful, even in a moment where I knew without a doubt that I was not looking particularly beautiful.
The rest of the evening was spent in the most exquisitely dull way I could imagine. Curled up on the couch in each other's arms, watching a movie and just enjoying being with each other.
I tried to focus on the movie but I was tired and my mind kept wandering. After shaking myself back into the present for the umpteenth time, I just gave in to it and let my mind wander.
I thought about everything that had occurred this past week and with a strange sense of clarity, I was shocked when thought critically about it. Who would have believed that giving in to my latent slutty side would be such a positive thing and lead to the situation I found myself in now. Wrapped in the arms of a man who I loved and respected, and who loved and respected me in return.
I was so happy and content that if I were a cat I would be purring. I just couldn't believe that an accidental exposing of my panties to a complete stranger would lead to everything I ever wanted.
It was nothing less than a miracle that took me from being a conservative, bored, and lonely girl to an incredibly happy, loved-up slut.