Chapter 05

Sex Landmine {Season 8.11, Time: Present}
[from Chapter 10: Chai came to an abrupt stop, conversation wise… And began to silently driver… That time… A bolt from the blue… Grandpa… Samantha… How it all began?]

Chai and Samantha reached their apartment. {readers: details of the apartment ( tenants n workers) will be in upcoming episode arranged apartment from Season 1} It was an exclusive gated apartment. Watchman Robert opened the gate and saluted. He was giving a big grin as their car passed by. Chai avoided eye contact. Samantha was exactly the opposite. She gave a wide naughty smile. Robert was ogling at her. As they passed by Robert, Samantha looks at Chai and taunted, “So Chai, who among our watchmen is the best? I have a feeling Robert can go all night long. I mean stay on guard without sleeping” And teased him with her tongue. Chai gave a subdued look. Chai parked his car and both got down.

Sam smiling at Robert

As they were getting down, another car came by from behind and was parking. It was Solomon Uncle’s car. Solomon & Sheila were a couple in their 60’s who lived in the 1st floor. Solomon had retired as a senior manager in a private company a couple of years ago and moved into this apartment. As Sheila & Solomon got down, Chai and Samantha greet them and were have a friendly chitchat.

Solomon & Shiela

Speaking with Sheila was easy. It was a one-way traffic. Always Sheila had 3 topics to discuss: complain about hubby, complain about daughter in law, complain about the world. Solomon never spoke much about it but he also had 3 topics of interest: young woman, young woman’s asses, fucking young woman. Unknown to Sheila, Solomon had seduced his daughter in law and was having a hell of a time behind her back.

While, Sheila was talking to Chai facing him while Solomon silently behind her. Chai was listening to Sheila, he noticed Samantha and Solomon were looking at each other and giggling. Samantha stepped toward Sheila and stood a little behind her, with her ass facing Solomon. Chai noticed that Solomon was not involving in the chat and solely focusing on Samantha’s ass. Chai was a little uncomfortable but still listening to Sheila. Suddenly, Samantha facial expressions changed and Chai looked. He couldn’t see properly but he thought he saw Solomon Uncle’s hand on Samantha’s ass.

Samantha thoughts: Oh! Did Solomon Uncle just pinch my ass? Right here in front of my hubby and behind his wife. The way he looks at my ass is like a hungry dog looking at a piece of meat. It is my mistake that I started teasing him recently. And when I noticed he has a thing for my ass, I started to wiggle it a lot. I should be a little careful with him – looks like he has a sleazy side and daring too. For a 62 year old man, he still is so fit and sturdy – wonder what his cock looks like.

Sleazy Solomon continued to grope her ass and honestly Samantha was enjoying it. In a couple minutes they were done with their chitchat. Sam and Chai were walking towards the elevator. Sam knew Solomon will still be looking at her ass. She felt her pussy drip a bit again. She turned back and naughtily smiles at him.

The elevator stopped and Aslam the plumber/maintenance guy stepped out. Samantha glanced at him deeply and showed lot of interest. Chai wondered why. Chai also wondered why he was called Anaconda Aslam. Sam had the same curiosity and had asked Robert the question. Robert said to Samantha “I think you know why” and gave a dirty look. Samantha gasped. “Oh my god! Is that why?” Since then Samantha had taken a keen interest in Aslam. He stepped out of the elevator and walked out without looking at Chai and Samantha. Aslam was a 65 years old guy who also lived in the settlement area near Lovers Lake where Bhikari Baba lived too. He kept to himself, focused on repair/maintenance tasks and pretty much did not pay attention to people. Chai was getting all uncomfortable looking at how Samantha looked his as if out of lust.

Samantha imagining Aslam's Anaconda

Chai thoughts: More and more this apartment looks like a SEX landmine to me. Every person seem to be ogling at my wife and even my wife is lustily behaving with some of them. How far has she gone with these guys? Who else with get their way with her? With a slightest of trigger, looks like this landmine of sex with explode and everyone will be on top of my wife. Just this imagination made Chai scared and hard – what a queer combo of emotions nature packages!

Assignment number 2 {Season 8.12, Time: Present}
Sam and Chai got into their apartment. Samantha was so heated from Syed Ji’s encounter. She was dying to be fucked or at least relieved but #### had forbidden it until the second assignment for this week. Sam went into the bathroom peed and went into the shower, all the while keeping the door open. #### had trained Samantha to keep bathroom door open whenever she was bathing or just peeing

Chai thoughts:

Chai thinks about the first time Samantha was pissing in the toilet keeping the door fully open. His mind was blocked. “Now I am used to it. I only hope she doesn’t do it when they have company. Oh, what has become of my wife? My fears on this whole sexual liberation think destroying our family is increasing day by day. I know we talked and I had helplessly agreed to lot of this… but… seeing all this in action is even more a shock… oh, my family! What will become of them? And Grandpa ____________”

“And these assignments! What degrading things she is doing. To suck off a totally old stranger and hug him and all. Is he really a stranger or… does she somehow know him? Doesn’t look like that from what I heard them talk after coming out of the store room. He was so surprised… Why wouldn’t he? My most beautiful wife giving him a blowjob. Thinking about it is giving me an erection again. From the beginning I was amazed at her beauty and liked her physique and enjoyed having sex with her. But, honestly, since the time I saw Demanding David fuck my colleagues right in front of me I always get hardon thinking and seeing other folks do it. And now my own wife!”

( Readers notice how Chai is slowly confronting his reality of being attracted to watch. That is the world of Voyeurism. He had always sub-consciously been there sexually. That combined with his hotwife is creating new feelings in him that he is simultaneous enjoying at one level and hating at another level)

Voyeurism + Exhibitionist Hotwife = magical world of Cuckoldry

Samantha came out of the bathroom and Chai went in to freshen up. They both ate and took a nap. In the evening, they both were watching TV when Samantha got a message. She couldn’t contain her excitement. It was a message from ####. She gave a big naughty smile and showed the message to Chai.

Chai is again speechless. “What sort of kinky stuff is this? I know Sam will go ahead and do this. She seems like having no stop button on this one”. He was right about this - there is no stop button.

Sam thoughts: “Oh, the things #### is making me do. I don’t mind doing this. But he is torturing me by restricting me from getting fucked by Chai or relieving myself. What should I wear? Will #### come tonight? Will he fuck me? Oh ####! Please come!”

Chai and Sam were lost in their thoughts for sometime.
Sam took a bath, picked her dress, wore it and came out giving Chai a big naughty smile.

Chai is mesmerized. Blood is running in his cock. It was one thing to see Samantha in such a bold dress but it was a VERA LEVEL experience to think someone or anyone who had the luck of visiting them would get to see this heavenly beauty in all her glory. Sam traced her fingers on the tent in his short and said: “So honey? Who do you think will visit us? Maybe your parents?” And giggled. The mention of his family brought his cock down.

After some time…
Sam is in kitchen preparing dinner and Kheer...
Chai’s best hope was there would be no visitors today... And that it will be a manageable night...

And as if on cue... The door bell rings… Samantha’s cunt drips down her thighs… Chai's heart skips a beat.

Kheer & Kinky wear I {Season 8.13, Time: Present}
[From Chapter 16: And as if on cue… The door bell rings… Samantha’s cunt drips down her thighs… Chai heart skips a beat…]

Samantha remained in the kitchen. She is thinking of what #### told her to do: “Wear a kinky night wear tonight. No bra. No panties. Don’t change no matter who comes. Entertain whichever guests come to you home” Samantha is half hoping it would be ####. Strangely she desired him. Strangely she desired his presence. Strangely she was dying to be fucked by him.

Chai opens the door. It is Manohar - ####’s driver. Manohar is in his 50s, a very nice person and working for MM for almost 20 years. He uses the word MAJA frequently and came to be called Maja Manohar ( MM). He is a low class, old, baldy guy.

"Sir, is Madam there?" Maja Manohar ( MM) asks.

Chai least wants MM to see Samantha in her current state. He partially closes the door and says “What do you want?”

“Sir, master sent me to meet Sam mam” MM says.

“No way”, Chai thinks. “I am not going to let this dirty man into my home and let him see Sam. What’s wrong with ####?”

Just then Sam comes out to living room and MM is shell shocked.

Samantha in night wear

Shell shocked MM

Sam sees who’s there realizes its MM. Her thrill level goes up. It is one think to be semi-nude in front of ####. But to be semi-nude in front of ####’s driver – Maja Manohar was vera level for Samantha. She is thinking on the kinkiness of ####. She see’s Chai’s face and feels very naughty. Seeing MM and his frozen face gave a different level of satisfaction to Samantha. She is getting some confidence. She asks MM to come into the living room.

Chai doesn’t know what to do. He couldn’t stand MM ogling at Samantha’s semi nudity. But it appears he is a plain observer without dialogues in this scene.

MM enters the home into the living room but mentally he is lost in wonderland. He knows Samantha very well since many years. He has seen the super beautiful, sexy Samantha at his Boss place multiple times now. He has even seen her wearing modern clothes and all. But to see her in a flimsy nighty was too much for him to tolerate. Too much for his cock to tolerate. He got an instant hardon.

MM with parcel & hardon

MM had a parcel and some flowers in his hand. "Mam sir asked me to give you this and call him"

He had parcel in his hand. Mam sir asked me to give you this and call him.

Samantha was standing 2 feet away from him. She went even closer and took the parcel and flowers. She didn’t wait for later and opened the parcel right away. It appeared to have some clothes and there was a note on top of it. The note said: "These are for your third assignment, Bitch" A slight buzz ran through Sam’s body. She decided to look at the clothes later. Sam really loved the flowers... "Isn't the flowers how this all started and things got this far?" she thought and couldn't help smiling.

Sam smiling imagining her first experience with flowers & how it all started

All the while MM is just watching Sam as she was handling the parcel. He could now even smell her perfume now that she was standing even closer.
Even with the AC fully on, MM was sweating. Sam was too hot to handle for MM.

“Put this cover in the bedroom, Chai” Sam said. Chai obliged and goes away to put the cover.

She is also feeling the heat of being semi naked in front of MM. He was crudely staring at her boobs and thighs and almost salivating. She is experiencing lot of excitement being stared by this low class man. She is aroused by MM’s presence.

MM looked at her for a good minute before he said, “Mam, master asked me to call after coming here”

Sam smiled and said OK.

Manohar calls ####. Sam’s excitement level rise, anticipating what #### is now going to do.

Chai is back from bedroom too and was awkwardly looking at their interaction.

“Master… Yes, I came Master… Yes, master, Sam mam took the parcel… Her husband? Yes, he is standing here master… he is also here…”

Both Sam and Chai couldn’t hear what #### was saying to MM.

MM was stammering with fervor…

Yes Master… madam is here… What??? What, master??? How can I?

( #### was asking MM to describe how Sam is looking)

Master… Master… ( MM is hesitating)… She is… She is good, Master… She is so beautiful… So much beauty… Like moon… Full of beauty…
Like cinema heroine Master… ( MM is not used to articulate beauty and now is just blurting out stuff in the moment) She is like goddess, Master…

Chai is feeling uncomfortable to hear MM give such a narration… Sam understood #### is making MM describe her… She is thinking of MM’s position...

Kheer & Kinky wear II {Season 8.14, Time: Present}
For MM it was a mix of emotions: erection, nervousness, excitement, pure lust

( Now #### tells MM to take a picture of Sam and send it to him)

"Master? Master? How can I? Please, I will come back… I can’t…"

( #### insists)

MM looks at Chai and is not talking and then turns to Sam

“Madam… Sorry…. Madam …. Master is asking me to take piccc of youuu and send to himmmm” MM stammered.

Chai shouts out “What?” And looks blankly at Sam.

She gives an impish laugh… She is now beginning to enjoy the situation… In such situations in front of her hubby and in front of low class people like MM, she realizes she has power over them and can control the situation. That was another level of thrill and excitement and kink compared to being the submissive slave to #### and following his orders and doing what not. Samantha feels even hotter. Its one thing to be exposed like this to the Manohar… its another thing to pose for him… Sam pussy is dripping… and worse… she doesn’t have permission to climax… Deep inside she is enjoying the kinkiness of the situation and thoroughly enjoying Chai putting on the spot…

Sam turned to Chai, “its OK, Chai - it not like I am naked”.

Chai is uncomfortable but not surprised. Imagining all the things that happened today morning right in front of audience with a stranger in an unfamiliar shop… Why is this surprising? He asks himself.

You can take a pic, Sam tells MM. And posed for him.

MM takes a pic

Take more Sam says and is encouraging him.

Now even MM is losing a little bit of inhibition. Sam is so nice, she is being kind and open with him, he is thinking.

MM takes more pics. Sam is giving couple sexy seductive poses. Now Sam is getting a bit more bold.

[Readers, Sam is actually wearing and posing in nightie I put in Chapter 17. Just giving some Sam posing pics for your cock's benefit Cool ]

Samantha posing with her breasts pushed forward

Sam bending forward and posing to MM. Imagine MM's position

Sam posing from behind. MM cock would surely burst right?

Now both the Manohar and Chai are having stiff erections. For MM it was an unbelievable evening. He was going to go home to his boring wife when his master asked him to go to Sam's home and give a parcel. It was as if he stepped into heaven. Even Chai is subconsciously enjoying. Sam even caught Chai enjoying the situation a bit and is smiling to herself.

Manohar sends pics to his master and calls him again.

What happens next is thoroughly shocking for all participants involved...

( #### is telling Manohar to do something now)

"Master..." Manohar is unprepared for this and is too shocked… "no way… Sir… please… She will slap me…"

Manohar is trembling

( #### says do it … She will not do anything)

"Master, please … Sam Mam husband is also standing here… He is … I cannot do this… I will start now… Master please…"

( #### do it - and then call me back - its an order)

MM ends the phone call with #### and is utterly silent. He just stares at the ground

Chai is dying in anticipation – what will MM do now? OMG! This is getting ridiculous and my cock is throbbing

Sam is also on the verge of climax – this anticipation was too hot to handle…

Her pussy was on fire… dripping wet and unrestrained by panties… her cunt juices freely flowing on her thighs trickling downward… with the AC cool air added to the flow and tickled her… making her mad with lust… ####... ####... fuck me… at least… please allow me to finger… she begged in her mind…

Manohar was helplessly staring at her…

Although Sam still had no fucking clue on what #### said on the other side, she knew what #### is capable of and what he put her through. #### is enjoying tormenting Maja Manohar too by putting in such situations. This is the TRUE TALENT of ####. He is a TRUE MASTER in creating such situations. In one shot he is putting Sam and Chai and MM to embarrassment and kink and in a tight spot… She knows #### is having his full sexual satisfaction enjoying the almost sadistic pleasure of putting these three people to such awkward situation… Sam even thinks if #### enjoyed real fucking or the kink derived out of putting me and my hubby in such situation… Is this why #### has still NOT FUCKED ME???

Sam came out of her thought world. She knows MM will probably not tell what #### in front of Chai

"Sam turned to Chai and said, Honey, get MM some KHEER I made...

Her throat was a little too croaky. Why wouldn't it? She was filled with lust and in a high.

Chai went a little far into the kitchen but stuck by the wall is seeing what is going on. Chai cock is in no mood to listen to him. It was poking to the wall.

Chai left but Manohar is still uncomfy…

Sam comes near the Manohar and says… tell me… and put her hand on his shoulder… Even as Sam came near him his cock throbbed… now her proximity… her smell… her touch… was driving Manohar to madness… he never felt this level of sexual heights even with his wife… ever…

MM: "Mam, master said to check and make sure you are not wearing bra and panties"

Sam almost slipped into climax just by hearing this and let out a soft moan…

Kheer & Kinky wear III {Season 8.15, Time: Present}
[From last episode:
MM: "Mam, master said to check and make sure you are not wearing bra and panties"
Sam almost slipped into climax just by hearing this and let out a soft moan…]

Sam’s pussy juice was all over her thighs. She could smell it. Even MM could smell it. It was in the air. For a moment, Sam didn’t speak and was quietly looking into MM’s face. MM is a bit nervous if she would slap him. She knows MM is a simpleton and pretty loyal to #### over the years. She knows he can be trusted. She is sweetly cursing #### for this kinky situation. She decides ‘what the heck, let me have some fun.’

Sam says “So, you want to check if I’m wearing bra and panties?” and let out a naughty smile.

“Mam… Mam… sorry… Master told… so…” He is nervous.
“It’s OK, Manohar. So tell me, what do you want me to do?” Sam says
“Madam… Mam…”
Sam was standing very close to him already.
She moved even closer and stood opposite to him.

Manohar is not able to look at her with a straight face. Her pussy smell and perfume were making him mad

“Do you want me to show you or you want to touch and confirm?”
MM was blank… “Mam, what you are saying?”
Sam continued her wicked smile looking into his eyes.
She was giving him a choice - to either see her nude or grope her
“Tell me Manohar… Choice is yours… I can either show you or you can confirm yourself by touching”

So my ears are not deceiving me. She is really asking me … oh my god! Thank you god! MM is praying to his gods for this luckiest day. Sam’s behavior was giving MM some boldness. Truth be said, a good amount of Sam’s luscious boobs and her ass curves and her thigh area almost up to her genital area was already visible to MM. These I am already seeing. I will not get a chance to touch this kind of heavenly body again. He made his decision. A smart decision.

"Mam… I will confirm myselffff, mammmm…"
Chai was watching all this lurking by the kitchen wall, his raging cock hard against the wall.
Chai position was bad. His cock’s position even worse.

“OK … go on… see if I am wearing Bra…”

MM inched a bit closer to Sam. Sam could feel the heat of his breath and the stale smell from his body. MM nervously moved his hand and touched the top of her left breast. He rubbed on it a little to the inside of her night wear and jerkily removed it. Sam felt a wave in her body and cunt. The rough hand of this low class guy, touching her most beautiful, tender body. For MM, it was heaven. His cock was in full attention. Sam bit her lips. When he stopped she said “How about the other side?” Sam says. MM immediately grabbed put his hand on her right boob, lest she change her mind. This time his touch was a little rough as he grabbed her boob. He rubbed it a little more and went into the inside of her night wear, let his hand stay there for a while and then removed his hand. All the while not removing his looks from the beautiful face of Samantha. She is aroused and moaning a bit.

“I checked, Mam… Can I now…?" MM was so eager to proceed downwards but Sam stopped him.
“But wait. Are you sure I am not wearing a bra? I could wearing a very small bra only on my nipples”

MM eyes widened. “Yes Mam, he said with excitement. I have seen in movies… Disha Patani wearing those bras in beach that are so small Mam”

“Yes” Sam laughed out loud. “Yes, I could be wearing those small bras na... So you should check properly”
Sam was now so much into the game. She noticed Chai secretly watching. She knew he would.

MM is feeling little comfortable that Sam is OK with him touching her boobs. He is feeling encouraged. He puts both hands on her both boobs and is feeling them roughly. Sam cunt was tingling too much. He put his hands into the night wear and touched her nipples. He rubbed his hand on the nipples vigorously. The touch of her boobs, her smell and her beauty is too much for MM. He burst into an orgasm. He is lost in wonderland. As he orgasmed he groped her boobs a bit too hard and pinched her nipples.

The hard pinch of Manohar made Sam give a loud moan and made her angry a bit.

Her moan brought MM back into the world and removed his hands from Sam’s boobs.
He was ashamed of his climax and is seeing the ground instead of seeing Sam.

Sam says “OK now you are sure I am not wearing a Bra?”

“Yes mam”, he nodded, still not looking at her.

“OK now the panties”

MM did not budge… He just had a powerful climax. But the thought of touching Sam’s private parts almost immediately stirred his cock…

“Come on… Check…” Sam encouraged

On the other side, watching all this was making Chai horny as hell.
Next page: Chapter 06
Previous page: Chapter 04