Chapter 08

Season 2.1 - FLAT TIRE - Coming today before midnight

So how come our lucky Chap Chai for whom life was "a streak of good lucks" come to be where he is at in Season 8???
Well, the transition begins in Season 2 … “a streak of bad lucks”

Broken frame… Flat tire… Drunken n Sobbin Hubby…

Metaphorical Flat Tire {Season 2.1, Time: Past}
[From last episode of Season 1:
My Goodness! How much blessed I am! The Gods must be blessing me! What a streak of good luck! My lucky life! My wife! My absolutely lovely wife! My job! My absolutely wonderful job! My company's growth! My promotion! This wonderful apartment! What can go wrong?

BUT Chai forgot some of the most essential basics from his engineering: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
And the reaction is going to come in wave after wave after wave of BAD OMEN! For him!
This is the beginning of a streak of bad lucks!!! ]

A new morning. Samantha wakes up in the arms of Chai. She fondly hugs him. She thinks of their more than 1 year of marriage and togetherness. “I am so happy for Chai. I am so happy for Chai’s professional success. The company has almost doubled in the past 1 year. Lot of people are saying its because of my good luck” And Samantha smiles to herself. Samantha goes to the kitchen and heats milk for coffee. Her mind was still on their relationship. “But no. The company grew not because of my good luck but because of his hard work. He is so committed. It is challenging and hard for me to see Chai work long hours at office and then come home and take calls. I feel bad to see him stress out. Also, he is not giving enough attention to me. I feel if he can show as much commitment to work on our relationship too. In fact, we are even having very less sex. Last time we had was more than a week ago. He is not able to perform as before, maybe its because of his stress. He is only on top of me for like 10 minutes. I am feeling so lonely at times. Apart from my home keeping and reading, there is not much to look forward on any day. I hope this phase will be over soon and we will be able to spend good time with each other.”

Oh my God! As Samantha was thinking, the milk she was boiling got spoilt. Sam is surprised since it didn’t happen before. She pours the spoilt milk into the drain and opens a new packet of milk and begins to heat it. But alas! This new packet of milk gets broken ( curdled) too. Sam is even more surprised. “What is this? How come a new packet of milk gets spoiled too?” Sam feels a little down: for one, she cannot give Chai his bed coffee, two, as well read as she is, she still comes from an orthodox family where they attribute bad omen / ill luck to thinks as mundane as broken milk and black cats. Samantha is worried a bit. "Sam! My coffee da!" Chai’s voice from bedroom. Samantha goes to her hubby. “Good morning! Chai!” she says with her usual smile missing from her lovely face. Chai could immediately sensed this. “Good morning da! Sam… what happened?” Sam says in a sad voice, “The milk is broken Chai. All of it. Sorry”. Chai says “no worries, Sam. How is it your fault? It happens.”

Sam is still a bit preoccupied. Giving bedtime coffee was an unbroken routine in her family life since their marriage… until now… She enters the bathroom to freshen up but since she is lost in her thoughts forgets to lock the door. Chai begins to read the newspaper and after sometime thinks of taking a bath. He opens the bathroom door and Sam is on the pot peeing. “Chaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I am insideeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeee… Closeeeeeeeeeee the doorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” Sam shrieked. In her sudden nervousness she almost fell off the commode. In this one year of marriage, they were still in their confines and Sam was still in her traditional mode. In the heat of their initial days, they had taken bath together once or twice but never comfortable seeing each other nude in bathroom, forget watching each other pee or any such spiced up fetish. After some time, Sam comes out. She is still embarrassed at her hubby seeing her taking a leak. “Sorry Sam, I didn’t know you were inside”, Chai says... Sam turns her head in shame and does not say anything.

Samantha shrieking when Chai accidentally opens unlocked bathroom door

[Readers, reflect on the transformation from this too shy traditional wife who jumped at the accidental exposure to her hubby to the the exhibitionist wife in Season 8 who keeps her bathroom door open whenever she is bathing or peeing in Season 8 - link to that episode - #### had trained Samantha]

Chai took his bath and comes out in a towel. He looked for his undies and took out one. As he is wearing his undies he removes his towel and flings it to the bed… But alas! It hit the photo frame on the side of the bed and it falls down and cracks. Crackkkk… Samantha comes from the kitchen saying “What Chai?” and looks at the broken marriage photo frame. Samantha’s mind is mumbled. She mutters in a shocking manner, “Chaiiii… Our marriage photo… What did you do?” Chai is a little sad as well but at the same time he is in the busy to go to office. “Sam, that was an accident” In his hurry and focus on professional life he overlooked the sentimental value Samantha associated with the frame. “Chai! You are so careless! Cant you be a little careful?” Sam says in a slightly raised voice more out of sadness than out of anger. But again, Chai is in the hurry to leave to office. “SAM! I didn’t do it deliberately! You stupid woman!” Now that was a serious mistake. Sam could tolerate many things and be patient. But being called stupid or dumb was not one. She is already feeling very sentimental and mawkish about the broken milk and broken frame. Now her dear hubby calling her “stupid woman” was a breaker. “Chai… This is the limit… Don’t you call me stupid woman… I am very intelligent and smart… Just because I am your housewife does not mean you can call me insulting words…” And she begins to cry uncontrollably.

It was totally unexpected for Chai. From his viewpoint, it was a small accident. Like most husbands, he didn’t notice her line of thought and how things added up – her sentiment on the broken milk and photo frame and now her hubby calling her by a word she hated most. “Sam come on. Don’t do this. I didn’t mean it. Please… I am sorry…” Sam is still crying and angry too. “Sam please… my breakfast… Its getting late…” Sam wipes her tears and goes into the kitchen to bring the breakfast. Chai silently gets ready and comes to the dining table. He notices Sam is still mum while serving breakfast. “Sam eat with me”, he says. “No I will eat later”, she said dryly. He didn’t have much time to spare. He finishes eating, gets his car keys and starts to leave. And on the way out he gives her a hug – AN AWKWARD HUG IT WAS … for the first time.

And so their bad luck begins...

Poem on bad luck ( by JOHN HAY)

Good luck is the gayest of all gay girls,
Long in one place she will not stay,
Back from your brow she strokes the curls,
Kisses you quick and flies away.
But Madame Bad Luck soberly comes
And stays,-no fancy has she for flitting,-
Snatches of true love-songs she hums,
And sits by your bed, and brings her knitting.

With such a crazy start, the day began for Chai... He had NO CLUE it was about to get WAY CRAZIER...

Real Flat Tire {Season 2.2, Time: Past}
The turmoil continued into the day and into the office. Demanding David called Chai into the office and broke the news that a competitor was trying to snatch one of their valuable customers. Chai’s day was gone in that. Usually when they had altercations, Chai would call her in the middle of the day and try to ease the tension. But not on this day. It was too busy for him. Again a big mistake.

Samantha was waiting for his call since he would usually call when they had a fight. But Alas! No call. “How can he call me a stupid woman?” Sam is still painfully ruing on that one phrase. “Am I really stupid? Many of my classmates have nice jobs in MNCs. Here I am being a useless housewife. I am doing all this for Chai and he has no regard for me. Doesn’t even bother to call. He makes me feel like a old woman. But I am a young woman who has emotional and body needs. Chai is not understanding this. And now, he is calling me a STUPID WOMAN. Is that what he thinks of me? Does he not respect me?” Samantha was on an emotional roller coaster of self-blame & hubby blame… [Readers can imagine the rest of what is going on in her fraught mind... let me refrain from being too wordy here]

Chai tried working with the customer over the phone and through the marketing folks but matters were not in control. He and David decided it is best if Chai personally visits the customer. The customer’s office was at a remote flung of the city. Chai sat through hours of traffic all the while imagining the day – possible customer loss & tiff with wife. He is stressed. So much stressed. Finally, at the customer’s office, he tried to negotiate with the customer. It was not fully a success, since, the customer openly said they have better offer from competitor of KekronMakron ( Chai company) and so they cannot assure anything. Dejectedly Chai comes out and begins driving home. It was already 9ish in the night and he had not informed Samantha that he will be late. And then… a FLAT TIRE...

Chai's car's flat tire on the highway

“Oh god!” Chai brings the car to the side of the road. “Why is the day getting worse?” He thinks as he takes his spare tire from trunk and begins to unscrew the flat tire. He was half way into it before he remembered the spare tire was punctured earlier and he had not cared to replace it. DAMN IT! He tried calling helpline for his car, but in this desolate part of the city there was no signal for the call to go. And he was stuck. He looked around for some time. He realizes there is no use standing there and thinks of walking around to see if he can get help. As he walks for half a kilometer on the highway, there is a small lot with a Dhaba with a shady liquor serving sit-out and a couple of eatery stalls. He begins to moves towards it to enquire for help. And then…

A shady dhaba on the highway

And then he accidentally notices a car over there and his gaze rests there. Is this Gautam’s car? Yes, it is. He remembered the brand, the make, the color and number… Yes, it is Gautam’s car. What is he… No… He won’t be in such a low class place… maybe he sold his car… And as he scanned the sit-out area… To his utter dismay… There he was… Gautam… Seated in the shady bar area… with a bottle and glass… with an unrecognizable demeanor… in a fully inebriated state…

Gautam in inebriated state in the dhaba

Chai goes near him… For a moment, forgetting all about the flat tire and everything, in fact…
As he neared the man, he is now sure it is Gautam.
Chai stares for a full 5 minutes and stands near the table.
He sees Gautam doesn’t even realizes somebody is near him…

Gautam: ( in a slur voice) Waiter…
Waiter: ( comes near him) Sir
Gautam: Bring me something to eat man… something spicy...
Waiter: Sir… chicken tikka?
Gautam: heyyyyy… I am vegetarian man… vegetarian… get something vegetarian… anything…
Waiter says OK and leaves
Gautam: ( mumbling to himself a bit loudly) I am vegetarian… veggiittaarriaann… but my wife… my wife… she is Non Veg…
my wife is Non Veg... Khaana me bhi… Harkatho me bhi… ( My wife is non-veg in food and in action too)

For Chai this was a bigger shock… What is Gautam saying? He is too drunk… I better go talk to him…

Chai: Gautam!
( no response)
Chai: ( in louder voice) Gautam!
( again no response)
Chai: ( loudly): GAUTAM… Hey… GAUTAM
( Chai shakes Gautam’s shoulders)
Gautam: ( looks with heavy drowsy eyes) Who?
Chai: Its me Chaitanya
Gautam: ( still not recognizing) Who? Who?
Chai: Gautam. Why are you here? Its me Chaitanya. What is all this?
Gautam: ( finally recognizing Chai) Chaitanyaaa… Oh man… you… Chaitanya… what a surprise… Oh man… why are you here man? So good to see you man…

Gautam hugs Chai. Chai also feels warmth towards Gautam and genuinely concerned for him.

Gautam: ( continues in his slurred tone) Man… Chai… sit down… what the fuck? Why are you here? Is your wife also cheating on you? Did she also become a bitch?

( for Chai this was a thunder bolt from the sky… The second time he is hearing the words "your wife" and “bitch” in the same sentence. The first time was by his Chacha right before his first night. He got a sudden rage…)

Chai: ( catching Gautam by his shirt) GAUTAM... Mind your words, Gautam? Who are you talking about? How dare you?

Gautam is jolted into consciousness… Suddenly he partially comes back to senses…
He now recognizes Cahi fully and the state he is in and all…
And bursts into tears…
Gautam is crying like a sissy college girl…
Everybody was looking at him…
It was really concerning and at the same time too embarrassing for Chai…
Morning Samantha... And now Gautam...

Gautam sobbing like a sissy girl

On the other side, Samantha is trying to call her hubby…
10 calls… no response…
messages… no response…
10 more calls... no response...
She is beginning to be very concerned…
She recollects the bad omen from morning…
Broken Milk… Broken photo frame…
And her hubby calling her stupid woman… And she sobs into tears too...

Samantha sobbing n waiting for her hubby

How much a single day can change the fate of a nation!
How much a single day can change the fate of a person!
Well, regarding the latter, Chai is about to find out… There is more

Kajal Kanthal (Kajal Degraded) {Season 2.3, Time: Past}
Chai consoled Gautam. He ordered some food and made Gautam drink some water. As his full consciousness returned, Gautam is fully ashamed to be in front of Chai. He stood up said "Chai I need to leave now. This is all very embarrassing. Kajal will be waiting for me." But Chai stops him. "Wait Gautam. Look, I have very few friends. Actually none. But you are the one I regarded closest to a friend. As your junior in college, I valued your intelligence and high achievements. More importantly, I respect you as a person for your integrity. So I gave you the position in my company. But, you left without saying even a word. It pained me so much". Gautam was staring at him blankly. His face swollen with drinking. Chai continues. “Gautam, remember on my first night. I was comfortable enough to talk to you about my nervousness and personal stuff. If you consider me to be your friend too... then...”

Gautam did not let Chai finish. "That is the night it all started, Chai. That is the fucking night it all started…"
And again Gautam started crying. After 5 minutes, he gain control of himself…

“It’s OK, Gautam… You can trust me… Your secret will be my secret…”

And then Gautam opened up… about Kajal… his beautiful wife… his damn beautiful wife… his cheating damn beautiful wife...

Narrator ( my) viewpoint: Kajal Kanthal

Incident 1: Unknown to Gautam, Kaju’s affairs had started before Demanding David. She was a much more typical urban gal than Samantha. As Kajal was getting into the prime of her youth, her body was attracting to say the least. Her well protruding boobs were enticing to anyone who saw it. Her first encounter with S-E-X was when just entered 18 and a closely related Aunt of hers from USA squeezed her boob at a marriage function. At first, she felt pain. Then felt disgusting. Then as she thought about it felt weird. Finally thinking more about it gave her the heats. Her developing boobs were responding to human touch. Still, she never mentioned it to anyone and never let that Aunt come near her.

US aunt grabbing Kaju boobs at a family event

Incident 2: Her next encounter was at her freshmen college year when was dancing for an item song at a college function. Kaju was so hot and oozing oomph. The audience were enthralled with her body. After the performance, a lot of guys made a pass at her. A couple guys even proposed for dates. And yet another senior guy grabbed her boobs. suddenly from behind. {Interesting isn’t it readers, that both woman and man seemed to be after Kaju’s boobs? Why wouldn’t they? Such luscious boobs}

Kaju dancing to an item girl dance in college event

Kaju's senior grabber her boobs after the dance

Then what happened? Well, she started dating that exact senior guy…
He continued squeezing her boobs… He broke her seal…
He squeezed her boobs even more… All for 3 years… until they broke up…
By done, Kaju’s boobs were competing with lactating woman…
Interestingly, our dear Gautam was infatuated with her boobs, little knowing how they came to blossom…

Kaju's senior fucked her & MILKED her for 3 years

Incident 3: And once into her MNC job, her 50-ish old, obese, dark boss trapped her promising a US project. He took her to a luxury resort and banged her to no end. Kajal was reminded of her college days BF and his aggressive fucks. Just that the Boss was way older, way dirtier, way smaller, but way thicker. And the Boss took her rear virginity... oooooooooo… she shrieked… even the resort manager came to their room to make sure there was no criminal activity going on… Her boss continued to fuck her all throughout the weekend. It was not so much pleasurable for her. It was his age, his looks, and his exploitive behavior. But she was used to the roughness from her senior and so she could handle it. The worse part. The US project never happened. And the worst. The boss had recorded her sex and started blackmailing her. Their encounters continued. Gradually Kaju began to like their encounters and even craved for his aggressive assault on her… All until marriage…

Kaju's Boss took her anal cherry

Kaju's Boss cam records her naked body & blackmails

After marriage, she was looking forward to hot sultry youngster sex… But Alas… Gautam was unripe… And unripe fruits are always sour… So she realized… And within a year of their marriage she resumed her affairs with her Boss… All this was going discreet and under the rug for quite a number of years… But then her Boss moved to a different company in a different city… Although he tried patching up by coming into Bangalore once in a while… Lust is only skin deep while Love last body deep… Thus it ended…

Incident 4: And it was around the time when her affairs with her Boss ended, when she & Gautam went for Chai/Sam’s marriage and there David laid his seducing traps on her…Now David was a different world and a different beast… Tall, muscular, and virile – but even more importantly – dirty – dirty to the core – and even more importantly – he was bold… unrepentant… and unscrupulous with ZERO moral values ( read 0 regard for society & emotions)… With him the journey was flaunt and opened an entire new world… he depraved her to the core… In a word… KAJAL was KANTHAL… First time David & his wife Lima seduce Kajal together at her own home on VALENTINES DAY. Cleverly, David sends on an office trip in Valentine week. David and his wife Lima visit Kaju on Valentine's day night . His wife Lima is AN ENABLER and plays along. They together seduce Kaju.

David: Lima, look what a beautiful wife Gautam has
Lima: Yes, darling. But that asshole left her on Valentines

Kaju is initially angry with Lima's words

Lima: ( continues) Kaju, you deserve a virile man like my hubby

And thus the Valentine day's Awesome Threesome began - Kaju, David & David wife Lima

Kaju, David & David wife Lima

Kaju, David & David wife Lima

{if readers are interested, I shall start a special season for Kajal describing her KANTHAL journey in great detail… removing her clothes layer by layer… removing her chastity layer by layer…}

Back to Gautam’s perspective:

Chai, it all started on your first night when I found David standing close to my wife and laying his sweet talks and charm on her…
From there on, unmentionable things happened…
Initially I doubted something fishy was happening…
Kajal was dressing more provocatively and was behaving boldly and rudely with me…
As you know, David would send me on frequent trips to Europe…
And when I came back, I found my wife in a state of bliss with full joy and satisfaction…
The first couple of times, I couldn’t even make it out…
Then I caught them red handed… Or so I thought… Worse, they planned it precisely so I would see them...
Then then the extent to which they went, Chai… I cannot even speak…

Gautam stopped… His breathing was heavy…
He poured himself a large peg and gulped it…
As he poured himself another large peg, emptying almost the entire bottle, Chai stopped him.

"Stop Gautam, you are destroying yourself…" Chai says

“What am I supposed to live for, Chai? For my cheating wife, who CUCKOLDS me?”

Cuckold! The first time Chai hears the word… And will not be the last…

Chai consoled Gautam…

"Chai, I am so broken… My marriage is broken… So is my heart…
The things she is doing is having a daily psychological BURN on me…
I am ready to do anything to say my marriage and bring Kajal back to me…

Chai continued to console Gautam… He tries to give his some boost...
But Chai knows nothing is going to solve Gautam's situation...
"Your life is precious, Gautam. Whatever happens stay strong" were Chai's parting words to Gautam.
Gautam thanks him a bit soberly...

Later, the Dhabawala calls a mechanic to fix his car…

Chai drives back…
All the while he is thinking of Gautam… and what Kajal did to him…
After some time … He gets a call… He was out of that area where there was no signal…
It was Samantha…. OH Damn!
It’s 12 in the night and I didn’t call Samantha so far…
Now that was an even more terrible mistake…
Next page: Chapter 09
Previous page: Chapter 07