Chapter 11
Bahu Pathivratha or Pathivratha Bahu 1 {Season 9.1, Time: Present}
[From previous episode - last episode of Season 8
As she is sleeping, Samantha is reminiscing her life…
How her married life started so happy?
How many storms came into it?
How she cried with Chai so many times to work on their marriage?
How she started her master’s program in MIMS? And how much it changed her life?
In her perspective, it is a happy ending. She is having a happy life. A happy sex life. Life is beautiful… “Cant complain” She thinks…
Little does she know as her assignments progress, the extent to which Chai would go to “cure her sexual craze”
As Samantha is dozing she sweetly thinks of their beginning and how it all started… Their marriage…]
Samantha woke up with wonderful spirits. Her mind and body were satisfied and sizzling in good spirits. Sunday was going to be an easy day. She was looking forward to talking with #### later in the day! As she snuggled with her dear Chutiya Chai, she felt a little stiff. Ever since she began the Masters program in MIMS, she was becoming an expert in taking care of her body physically, keeping herself in excellent shape & tone, and off course, showing off her sexiest body in infinite ways to infinite people. I need to exercise she decides.
The lovers lake was a perfect place for her. Open place. Nature. Greenery. Lake. And equally importantly – all the kinds of high class & low class people she would come across in the running track who would openly stare with open mouth like hungry wolves. And occasionally, the vulgar and really nasty comments by the low class guys from the settlement area ( slum like place) by the lake who she would sometimes encounter on the track. She was in fact becoming very attracted to those lewd comments and enjoying them. She would even indirectly encourage them by exposing her boobs more and shaking her ass even more than usual in their presence. And once, when she was walking to the lake in the out of track pathway, she caught a lover couple sexing in the hidden area. Since then she would keep an eye in the hope of seeing such scenes again. {Readers, notice Sam enjoys being a voyeur as much as she enjoys being an exhibitionist – again a hybrid type}
Samantha readies for a run by Lovers Lake
She & Chai get ready to go for a run on the Lovers Lake track. Sam wears a sleeveless, top that was almost a sports bra and tight fitting track suit. She looked stunning in her exercise wear! So hot & sex oozing! Chai looked at her and felt a mix of conflicting emotions. But in the past 6 months since Samantha joined the masters program in MIMS, and she was transforming, he had grown accustomed to her wear sexy & a bit revealing clothes to outside, particularly when exercising in the Lovers Lake.
As they stepped down the elevator, they encountered Mr Solomon with a gorgeous young woman.
Nikita, Solomon's daughter-in-law
She was Nikita, Mr. Solomon’s daughter-in-law. Chai and Sam had seen her a couple of times. Sam noticed Solomon and Nikita was standing closer than what was usually appropriate for a FIL & DIL! Sam’s mind was speculating. {My readers don’t have to. They already know this FIL is right royally banging his DIL behind his wife & son’s back.}
Mr. Solomon already an ASS PERVERT was mad with lust seeing Samantha in her sexy exercise track. His cock soared in a jiffy.
He was openly staring at Sam as Sam & Chai were coming near to him & his DIL. Sam & Chai said hello to Solomon & Nikita.
Sam: When did you come, Nikita?
Nikita: ( in a little mood off tone) Just this morning
Solomon: Yes, Sam. And that old bat ( his wife Sheila) already picked up a fight with my sweet Bahu.
Nikita: That old bitch… ( and then she stopped herself)
Solomon: So I am taking Nikita was a walk by the lake. Are you guys coming to?
Chai: Yes, Mr. Solomon. We will see you there.
Solomon: OK, you 2 go. Me & Nikita are coming
Solomon was not moving. There was no way he would go before seeing Samantha’s Ass.
Even Samantha knows it. As she is walking she deliberately moves her hips sexily teasing Solomon.
Chai remembered the last time in parking lot when he was almost sure Solomon was squeezing his wife’s ass.
As Solomon saw Sam’s ass he couldn’t control. He started squeezing Nikita’s ass and then pressed it really hard.
Solomon squeezing DIL's ass
PAPPAAAAAA! Nikita shouted a bit loud.
And before he could take off his hand, Chai and Sam both turned and saw Solomon’s hand on his Daughter-in-laws’s ass!
Chai is shocked! Knowing Solomon’s sleaziness Sam is surprised but not shocked!
As Samantha & Chai move along and come to the gate, the watchman on duty,
Robin comes out of the security outpost and walks towards them. He is lustily looking at Sam.
Chai wants himself & Sam to get the hell out of there.
But, Robin comes to them and says “Samantha Madam, there is a parcel that is waiting for you”
And sneers vulgarly. “Can you please come into the office room and check it?”
I will take a look at it, Chai hastens.
“No Sir. It is for Samantha Madam. Madam, please come – it won’t take long”
Sam looks at him smilingly.
“Robin, I will come on the way back”
“Please madam, it will take just 2 minutes. I am begging you”
“OK, Robin. Don’t act smart.”
She turns to Chai.
“Chai you stay here. I wont be long. Robin wants me to take care of his parcel.” She teasingly says
And she starts to walk towards the office room, following Robin,
She knows Chai will follow her. She is gloating in excitement.
#MadDog Robin! She says to herself! She knows he has an ARMPIT FETISH!