Chapter 12
First Marriage Counseling {Season 2.9, Time: Past}
[from previous episode of Season 2:
It was going to be a very long night for all of them...
More so for Samantha & Rana, than Chai...]
In office Chai is having a bad feeling about Rana. Somehow, he felt insecure. He wondered about what Rana would do to Sam being alone with her. He relived his nightmare scenes. Strangely his cock rose. This time he consciously noticed it. He thinks why the hell is my cock rising when I am thinking about somebody seeing Sam or imagining Sam with somebody. This is weird he thought. Images from his nightmares and other discussion with Gautam is running in his mind and his cock is coming to life. Weird behavior in myself, he thought. Maybe I should consult a psychiatrist. No, not Rana. {Unknown to Chai, Rana was going to discuss this very subject in today’s counselling}
Chai thinking why his cock rises imagining his wife with others
The evening came and Chai came home in the very nick of time.
Chai did not sit with Sam to have a meaningful conversation before the session.
They all had a tasty dinner prepped by Sam and all gathered in the living room seated on the sofa.
Sam and Chai together. Rana on the opposite sofa, close to Sam.
The marriage counseling begins #RanaExplains
The atmosphere was tense. Rana sensed it. As a psychiatrist who had clients from innumerous backgrounds, most of them highly educated and very smart, Rana was in full control. He started out with his professional foot forward. He reserved his perverted side for later part of the evening. He went on about the important aspects of relationship: trust, companionship, faith and allocating time for each other. And most important of all, a solid commitment for each other Chai and Sam were paying full attention. Rana asked them a few questions about how they spent their free time and how open they were with each other. This part went for 30 minutes.
Then abruptly, Rana turned on the sleaziness and vulgarity temperature up.
Rana: Off course, at this age and in the current world, the most underrated and under discussed aspect of relationship is SEX
Chai & Sam’s heart beat went up by a lot. Even Sam somehow knew this would be discussed
Rana: ( continues) I want you to pay full attention. I am going to give you guys my expert knowledge for which many people in London
are ready to give 1000s of pounds. I am discussing this for your own good. Do you understand?
He was looking directly into Sam’s eyes. Sam looked away. His gaze was intense. She silently nodded.
Rana: ( continues) Of all the issues we discussed, 90% of the real reasons for couple your age happens to be sex.
Because they are not aware of themselves. Because they are not aware of their own self.
They do not know how to satisfy each other in bed and how to satisfy themselves.
They are not aware of the options and multiple venues they have for sex.
Both Sam and Chai stirred in the sofa. This was all so suddenly being put in front of them
Chai: Ranaaa… pleaseee… Sam will not be comfortable.
Rana: ( in a raised voice) SHUT UP CHAI! I know what I am doing? We discussed this yesterday night, didn’t we?
Chai is silent
Rana: ( raises his voice) Answer me, Chai!
Chai: yessss
Sam looked at Chai. She is obviously not aware of what they discussed. She is surprised
Rana: And I had a discussion with Sam and took her consent. Didn’t I Sam?
Sam: ( slowly) yesss, Rana Pratap!
It was Chai’s turn to be surprised. Rana was cleverly sowing suspicion about each other.
And it was working. Because each of them was doubting what the other person might have spoken with Rana
Rana: Good! Now you both pay attention!
Rana was wearing a casual grey Tee shirt and white shorts.
He now rested his back and spread his legs. He was putting himself into a demeanor of dominance.
In fact, his cock outline was seen if closely observed.
Rana: Now, tell me how your sex life is?
Sam and Chai froze but they knew they had to answer
Chai: It is very good, Rana. It is very good.
Rana: ( immediately) that’s the most dumb answer anyone can give regarding sex. Good?
Do you even know what good means here? And he laughed aloud.
He was putting Chai down
Rana: ( to Sam) How about you Sam?
( Sam’s response surprised both Rana & Chai)
Sam: Rana Pratap, I am not comfortable discussing these things with strangers.
But since you asked me as a Doctor, let me tell you, I am satisfied with everything.
Chai does and that includes sex. I am happy with him.
Chai’s emotions rushed. He felt like hugging her
Even Rana was surprised to see her speak boldly. But he was smarter.
Rana: first of all, you are much smarter than Chai. Your combination of brain and beauty makes you a rare specimen. I am genuinely saying
Rana was throwing his charm web at her. He is used to apply multiple tactics on women.
Sam felt flattered a bit.
Rana: ( continues) How are you so sure that you are satisfied? Let me be honest with you.
I feel sexual tension is the reason you are fighting. You may not realize it. But it is true
Sam: Nooooo ( she immediately said)
Chai is happy
Rana: you still did not answer my question. How do you know you are satisfied? Did you have experience with boyfriend before marriage.
Don’t get me wrong. I am trying to understand how you are so sure.
Chai became nervous at the very mention of previous BFs. Even he didn’t ask his wife that question. He assumed she didn’t have any.
Sam: No ( she plainly said, looking the other way)
Rana smiles. He is sensing there is some story there. He didn’t press further
Rana: Then how do you know? Have you talked to your woman friends and discussed sex life?
Sam: No
Rana: Have you read on this topic? I know you are a great book reader
Sam: No
Rana: Then agree that you don’t know enough to benchmark your current sex life
No response from Sam. Rana smiles
Rana: Hence proved. You don’t know enough about the sex world.
Now, unless you know some of the things that are happening around, you cannot evaluate yourself and your spouse.
Let me educate you both, pay attention!
Both Sam and Chai were coming in control of Rana’s authority.
Sam & Chai listening to Rana's lecture on sex
And thus Rana’s LECTURE ON SEX begins!
modern relations have changed. So have sex lives...
Psychiatrist says Sam is hypersexual {Season 2.10, Time: Past}
Rana explains about sexual relationships
Modern relations have changed. So have sex lives.
These are some common categories there are of men & women:
Asexual: those absolutely not interested in sex. none of us are in this category.
You would be surprised how many in UK are asexual.
In fact, with rising screen times, many youth and even married people are becoming asexual.
There is even a study that claims in a few decades from now most people will be asexual
and governments will have to bribe citizens to have sex and bear children.
Chai and Sam are keenly listening
Hypersexual: These are the opposite to asexual. They develop interest in sex from a very young age.
And the interest and urge continues until it is satisfied well by a capable person.
And then Rana threw a bomb
"My professional observation is that you belong to this category, Samantha."
Chai immediately says “Rana what are you sayin….
But Rana shuts him up with an intense eye stare.
Rana: "Chai, if you interrupt me while I am speaking there will be consequences.
( He said that with a very serious tone)
I take my profession and field very seriously. I am not here to fool with you guys.
Does you stupid mind understand this?"
Chai nodded.
Sam is shocked at what Rana just said but at the same time is also in her deep mind Sam is fascinated at how Rana is controlling Chai so dominantly.
And she was deep inside happy that Rana called Chai stupid. It felt like a revenge for him calling her stupid a couple days back.
Rana: ( continues, looking at Sam): Sam, don’t judge anyone including yourself.
Just objectively evaluate yourself ( he was looking into deep into her eyes)
Sam: ( was sweating a bit) mildly nods.
Rana: ( continues) My assessment is that Sam, you are a natural hypersexual person unlike Chai.
Unless this part of you is properly and delicately handled and satisfied, issues between you will come up in some way
or the other and eventually become big and destroy your marriage life.
Rana was tactically resorting to emotional blackmail, hooking sexuality with their marriage. The sly devil he is.
Rana: ( continues) And then off course, there is the straight person, who is typically interested in the opposite sex.
The category most of us know and are familiar with.
Next there is the homosexual person. ( now another bomb)
Dont get me wrong, Chai - I always thought you were gay, Chai.
Sam and Chai were too shocked to say anything
Sam shocked hearing Rana tell her hubby could be gay
Rana ( chuckling) I remember how you looked at my cock when we went to swim in the village lake when we were young.
Sam felt like she was hit with a rod. You were seeing my lund for so much time as if it’s a juicy sugarcane.
( They did go to swim in village lake when young but Rana was making this all up)
Chai: ( in slightly raised voice) me nooo no way…. What are you blabbering, Rana?
Rana: ( laughing) Honestly, Chai. I do not believe you are 100% straight.
Maybe you are bisexual. ( he paused for effect).
I will let you judge if you are gay or straight instead of of leaving it an unresolved status.
It is not good for your marriage
Chai: ( sweating) no way I am gay. This is all nonsense ( he defensively said)
{Readers, notice how Chai chose to play defense rather than offense to Rana’s move...
Not a wise move.. By jumping into defense he played into Rana’s hands. It was all a mind game.}
Rana: well there is a simple test... close your eyes...
Chai: all this is not needed
Rana: ( seriously) Chai, don’t you want to prove to your wife that you are not gay?
Chai was caught. Now he had to. And Chai did close his eyes.
Rana: Imagine a sexy dude standing in front of you in just a towel. He removes his towel and now his huge cock dangling right in front of you
Sam gasped...
they never uttered the words cock or pussy or any other vulgar words - Not her - Not Chai.
Never was that word uttered in their home.
Sam and Chai shocked to hear the word COCK from Rana
Chai: Rana, don’t say that wor…
Rana: Chai, shut up… focus on the cock…
Rana so easily shut him up.
Rana: How do you feel about the large lengthy London lund right in front of you?
He was smartly using the narration to do an inception into Sams mind.
Chai:I feel disgusted
Rana: are you sure
Chai: yes I’m damn sure ( Chai was getting a lil angry)
Rana: don’t you feel like taking it in your mouth and suc….
Chai: Stop it, Rana…. Please… Chai was pleading now… I am not gay
Rana: if you say so, I am not 100% sure, but you are the best judge.
( Rana deliberately threw in the NOT SURE spin on it. He strategy was INCEPTION.
Putting ideas into Sam and Chai’s mind and making them believe at least some of those ideas)
Rana: ( continues) "Coming to personalities types in couples:
There are the conventional couples who just stick to each other and restrict themselves to each other.
They don’t dare to go beyond convention and live in the confines of a limited sex life
( he was framing it as if it was a dull and stupid thing)
Then there are those that fail to get the enjoyment in married life and have the guts to go out of their married life and enjoy themselves.
They either resort to Cheating or in some case Open Marriage if both of them are intelligent and smart.
They sometimes have sex will multiple other partners"
Sam was getting all uncomfortable.
Rana now knows he should be a little careful not to kill the golden goose.
His fruit needs to be ripened more before he can eat
Now again Rana changed his tone to a professional modulation.
He was clearly lecturing them with all his knowledge he had.
Now with less vulgarity and spoke almost like a professor.
A new world was opening to Chai and Sam…
All these words were NON EXISTENT to them until now …
1. Cheating
2. Multiple partners
3. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell ( Sam was intrigued by this category)
4. Dominant
5. Submissive
6. Sissy
When he was explaining about SISSY personality,
all the while he was looking at Chai and saying that anyone too pampered
and close to their mother would becoming Sissy and cannot be a REAL MAN.
Although he did not say it, he was clearly implying that Chai was sissy.
Both Sam and Chai understood that hint. Chai was getting confused.
Rana: "Don’t consider any of these as a negative personality type
Don’t judge anybody. Don’t judge yourself. Just evaluate yourself"
Then there is the STAG…
A powerful male who is dominant but let’s his wife mingle with guy of his choosing and situation of his choosing
( Sam and Chai were sweating and stirring too uncomfortably)
Then there is the CUCKOLD… 2nd time Chai hearing the word... 1st time Sam is hearing it...
And he explained in GREAT DETAIL to his own full delight what a cuckold means to the shock of Sam and Chai.
some keywords: good for nothing hubby, beautiful wife, BULL, sexually unsatisfied wife,
Rana: "In fact, I usually do a roleplay with my clients to make then understand which category they belong to"
This was it, for Samantha. She gets up to walk away
Chai: Enough Rana
( but this time, Rana was prepared)
Rana: Sit down Sam ( he said with an authoritative tone, like morning)
( Sam sits down)
Rana: There is nothing to be hesitant about… This is all professional...
Then he brought another BOMBSHELL
Rana: Look I know I can trust you guys..,
Let me tell you a secret, In fact it is such a big secret that if goes to the press it will rock the UK parliament
Now again Sam and Chai fell into the trap and since were curious...
Rana: Do you know Mr. &&&& the MP of UK parliament?
Chai was news savvy and immediately said yes
Even Sam knew the person... He was a VERY FAMOUS MP of UK
And Rana smiled...
He now had their attention...
He knew he had his prey in his clutches
Rana: Now you both promise me you won’t let this out under any circumstances
They both did. Swear on your marriage.
Sam: Is this necessary? Sam meekly asked.
Rana: Yes Sam ( again he was calling her Sam)
Both Sam and Chai swore
Rana: Well, that MP &&&&'s WIFE IS MY CLIENT!!!
And I am going to play you the video of my counseling session with them, where I played ROLE PLAYING with them
Sam is frozen to hear all this... Too much for her to take. The famous MP of UK? Really?