Chapter 14
Bahu Pathivratha or Pathivratha Bahu 4 {Season 9.4, Time: Present}
Samantha began jogging. In the past 6 months, she had really had a turnaround in her fitness conscious.
She exercised with rigor, kept tracking of her diet, and even did a little muscle development,
which gave her ass a sexy, protruding, inviting look.
No wonder, Bhikari Baba, eyed them. Who wouldn’t?
Sam enjoying jogging
As she was running her mood improved and she forgot about Bhikari Baba and the mind penetrating experience she had.
She paced up and ran faster. She was in the mood to run a longer distance.
So, she decided to take a side path that was not used typically.
This path was not paved well and not used regularly.
A decision that would have interesting consequences!
As she run further into that side path, it started becoming narrow.
The area was thickly covered with trees and shrubs and climbers and heavy greenery on one side and the lake was on the other side.
When she went a little forward, she heard some water splashing and 2 male voices by the lake.
She turned her head towards the lake and let out a gasp.
There they were: Sangi & Mangi bathing in the lake
introducing Sangi & Mangi
Holy God! They were real dark in complexion. Really dark! As if they were african.
She saw happily bathing in lake without an inch of clothing as on the day of birth.
Crazy boys! She thought and her eyes rested on their large cocks.
OMG! Such lengthy cocks on such young boys! They wont be more than 18 or 19 she thought.
She had guessed exactly right! Spot on! Sangi was 18 & Mangi was 19.
They were enjoying their bath and hadn’t noticed Samantha yet. The water was shallow and so they were only thigh deep in water.
One of the guy was rubbing a small soap piece on his body and lathering all over.
Mangi rubbing soap on his body
The other guy moved to rocks and sat there and his cock for clearly jutting up to the sky for Samantha to see
The guy sitting on the rocks said something to the other guy in a language Samantha didn’t understand.
It was not the local language or any language Samantha had heard.
The other guy heard and threw the soap piece.
The guy sitting on the rock caught it and rubbed it and put the foam on his body.
Then he rubbed the soap on his cock and started stroking it. The cock started to grow even more.
Samantha was looking at both of them in a state of excitement and thrill
Sam imagines herself handling those cocks
She forgot that she was alone there and no back up. Sam’s focus was on the cock of the boy sitting on the rocks.
She was getting hot again. She could still smell the saliva of Robin on her body.
The hormonal flux due to exercise was also giving her the heats.
Sam was wondering how the cocks would feel in her mouth
Such lovely cocks, almost like Robin.
“Oh! I should have let Robin take me in the security room!” she thought.
Her body was already warm with running and now an extra heavy lust heat was building up.
What’s wrong with you Samantha? What if they see? She thought
And at that precise moment, one of the guys saw here.
He shouted something to the other guy.
They both turned to Samantha. Sam’s heart skipped a beat.
One of the guy, Sangi, was the one sitting on the rock, noticed she was not turning.
He got a little bolder, he stroked his cock more vigorously, looking at Samantha.
All this was enticing Samantha to stay. And she had gotten bolder since the past 6 months.
The Samantha from a year ago would have run away immediately.
As the guy stroked his cock, he was shouting something loud enough to Samantha.
Samantha didn’t understand most of it since it was a totally unfamiliar language except she caught 1 word: LUND!
She realized he was now becoming saying something sexual to her directly.
The other guy Mangi had also gotten up from the lake and standing by the lake.
Then Sangi also walked out of the Lake and they both were coming towards her.
Samantha realized she was not safe, she turned around and started running in the direction she came.
Samantha turned back and she saw Sangi and Mangi were running towards her
And those boys were full nude. One of the boys shouted something. She just caught one word: DIDI!
Sangi Mangi chasing Sam
Samantha was now getting afraid. She ran too quickly and the path not being one regularly used,
she missed the path and went a little inside the area with thick trees.
She waited there hoping they would not come.
She could hear her own heavy breathing.
She controlled her breathe so as not to make any noise.
She could still hear noise. Again she fully controlled her breathe.
Then she realized the noise was coming from inside the woody area.
It was a female voice breathing.
Sam listened carefully.
No it was a female voice panting.
Who could it be? Sam wondered.
She thought she will check out and moved in the direction of the female voice
She listened more carefully.
It was a female voice moaning.
Then Sam realized what it was.
She let out a heavy sigh!
Some illicit lovers or call girl / customer were doing it in the middle of the woods!
{Readers, as mentioned in 1st Chapter the nature of the lake and forest area allowed lot of cover for this kind of activity}
Sam’s heart was beating. She moved further into the woods.
And she saw there was a small clearing and she the outlines of a man and woman together on the ground with thick grass.
As she got further closer and hid behind a tree to take a clear look.
Nothing prepared Sam for the live scene happening live in front of her eyes.
It was Solomon & his DIL Nikita
Nikita was lying on the grass naked and Solomon’s head was buried deep into her ass
Solomon buried deep into his DIL Nikita's ass
"OH! PAPA! You Old pervert bastard" Nikita was moaning.
She was enjoying her ass being licked to the core!
The message & the messenger {Season 9.4, Time: Present}
On the other side, after Sam had left, Bhikari Baba coolly turned to Chai.
Chai asks:
Baba, why do you keep reciting these mysterious Sanskrit verses whenever we meet?
This is all very strange. And I am very uncomfortable
Stop sings all these songs. I’m having enough troubles already
BB smiles and says:
Beta, you are a nice guy. But also a naïve person.
You think your problems are unsolvable.
But, remember,
every problem has a BISHEK ( curer in Sanskrit)
every problem has a BHESAJAM ( cure in Sanskrit)
You know nothing about the existing
I know the existing and the non existing
Bhikari Baba recites another enigmatic poem:
What is existent on the East
Is non existent on the West
What is non existent on the North
Is existent on the South
Whatever is existent now
Is also non existent now
What you think as existing now
Had existed in the past too
In this Maya of existence & non existence
O Human! You suffer!
You know neither you nor your wife
You know neither your past or present or future
You know neither your wife’s past or present or future
I see thru the third eye
I see all
I see you
I see her
I see all
I see past
I see present
I see future
Bhikari Baba continued:
do you know your past?
do you know your wife’s past?
What you are experiencing now
You have experienced in your previous birth
When you have a Guru who can guide you
And when you surrender to the Guru
Your problems will all go away
But for that you have to fully surrender to the Guru
When you are ready, come to my Ashram
BB recites another mystic poem:
Ushnam Ushnane Varjathi
Vajram Vajrena Varjathi
Kaamam Kamanthu Varjathi
( translation)
Heat can be cured only by heat
Diamond can be cut only by another diamond
Sex can be cured only by Sex
Then Bhikari Baba leaves
Chai is dumbstruck and too shocked to say anything
And keeps staring as Bhikari Baba walks away