Chapter 23

Victory Venky the Terrorist Trouncer {Season 3.4, time: Past}

3 hours earlier...

After Chai told Samantha of Rana’s intentions. The couple cried relentlessly.

Samantha was hopeless.
She is even scared and a bit angry that her husband is not standing up to the situation.

Samantha thinks of suicide

Samantha thinks of telling their neighbors and watchmen.
Then she thinks of what will happen if her videos with Rana are leaked by him.

Samantha again thinks of suicide.
Samantha thinks of her Dad. But what can he do to Rana?

Samantha is again hopeless.

Then! Finally! She thinks of Victory Venky ( VV), her next door neighbor, since childhood.

YESSSSS! Eureka!

He can save her! Only her VENKY MAMA can save her!

Then she tells Chai to calm down and he goes to the bathroom to fresh up.

Samantha checks to make sure she did not hear Rana’s presence in living room and then dials up Victory Venky.

VV: Samantha, my dear girl! What a surprise?

Victory Venky on phone with Sam

Samantha breaks down like hell and cries miserably.

VV immediately senses something is wrong!
He is bred in the military by body and mind.
He becomes vigilant but does not panic.

VV: Samantha, calm down. Tell me what happened. Is it Chai? Did he do something to you?
Samantha: No Mama. It iss…. It is… It is Chai’s cousin…

And Samantha told him everything.

BANGGGG! Samantha heard a table break!
It was VV. His blood boiled beyond exclaim.
He had banged his fist on Oak table by his side so hard that it shattered to smithereens as if made of cards!

VV: Samantha calm down.

Samantha is still crying


Samantha got the fright of her life. She had never heard this modulation of rage from VV.
She immediately stopped.

VV: Where is this bastard? What is he doing?

Samantha told VV Rana is sleeping and repeated Rana’s order to be ready for him in 3 hours.

VV thinks for a couple minutes. Then…

VV: This is what we are going to do.

I will come there right away.
You and Chai behave as if you are playing along with this Bastard’s plan.
I will secretly slip into your bedroom.
Have Chai send this Bastard into the bedroom.
And then I will handle him.
Make sure you and Chai are careful not to spill anything.

Understood, Samantha?

Samantha: yes, Mama.

She is mesmerized with the plan and the immediacy with which VV is handling the issue.

VV: One last thing, Samantha. Never, never, ever, ever cry and sob and give up!
A person who does not stand up to oneself is not worth living!
I hate people who cry and give up!
Be strong & Be strong & Be strong!

Understood, my girl?

Samantha: yes, Mama. Thank you… Thank you, Venky Mama!

For Samantha this was like getting a second life.
Finally a man who has the balls to handle the deepest problems she is facing so easily
and giving her the highest boost of confidence and courage!

That was the kind of person VENKY was!

Samantha’s Venky Mama, her neighbor at her parents home!

A brief bio of our VV – Victory Venky

Coming from a very humble background; Venky’s father was a very poor, cobbler!

He joined the army as a soldier at the age of 18

Venky in youth when joining military

With his strong commitment, his strong physique and even stronger mind,
he quickly became LANCE NAIK VENKY and was posted in the country borders at Ladakh!
He slogged in the sun and in the freezing snow for the country!

Lance Naik military ranking

His parents forced him against his will to marry a relative’s daughter.
He bought a land and built a home right next to Samantha’s parental home.
His wife stayed there and he visited in his military vacations.
That’s how Samantha knew Venky.
Neighbors used to talk about his bravery and she used to call him Venky Mama when he visited.

Venky’s occasion of glory came during the Kargil War when he was at the forefront fighting
and massacring at the frontline. He was promoted multiple times for his valor.

His highest glory came in 2000 when a bunch of terrorists
attacked a small group of trekking tourists at Zoji La ( mountain pass of blizzards) mountain pass in Ladakh

Zoji La

A fellow soldier and dear friend of Venky was mortally wounded in the fire exchange

At that instant Venky became the God of death, Yama to the terrorists.

Nobody had seen Venky in such rage ever.

He rushed to the terrorists location not giving a fuck about his life,
taking a heavy dose of artillery exchange.
His courage gave a huge lift to his fellow soldiers.
They started firing heavily at the terrorists cover location.

Venky pushed forward started directly aiming at the terrorists,
killing 4 of them within 5 minutes.

His fellow soldiers closed in.

Venky took a few bullets but then again he did not give a damn about his life that instant.
Her forged ahead.

Killing a few more.

Killing more.

Taking bullets.

Taking more bullets.

All said and done Victory Venky massacred 13 terrorists and took 7 bullets and SURVIVED.

His name made to the national headlines.

His name caught the attention of the highest military officers.

And thus got the name The Terrorist Trouncer.

He was promoted to Colonel, the highest rank a non-commissioned officer in military can be promoted to.

He loyally served in military for the rest of his career, retiring at the age of 58,
after 40 glorious, contentful years of service to his motherland

At his personal front however, he was childless,
and his wife had passed away a few years ago in a flight accident when she was visiting her cousin in Brazil.

After retirement, Venky moved into his home, right next to Samantha’s home.

He mostly kept to himself after retirement.

He however had a great liking for Samantha who was now in college by this time he returned from military.

Samantha too liked him as a neighbor Uncle. Her sweet Venky Mama.

Samantha knew Victory Venky ( VV) before marriage
only as a friendly neighbor Uncle - Venky Mama

After Sam’s marriage he had moved to a different neighborhood to a bigger home.

But he kept in touch with Sam’s parents and occasionally with Samantha.

And that’s the brief intro of Venky

He is our Victory Venky – henceforth shall be refered to as VV
He is Samantha's neigbor Venky Mama!
He is the Terrorist Trouncer!
He is the Lance Naik of Ladakh!

He is our ####

Virata Parvam 2 Bheema & Kheechaka {Season 3.5, time: Past}

A deadly blow landed on Rana's cheeks! So strong that one of his teeth instantly broke.

Rana’s head dizzied.

And as he recovered. He clearly saw the man standing in front of him full form!

Almost like THE MYTHOLOGICAL BHEEMA! Yes, Bheema he was!

He was Victory Venky – VV – The terrorist trouncer! The hero of Ladakh! The hidden Bheema!

He had come to slay this KEECHAKA RANA!

Another blow, on the side of Rana’s head and again he dizzied, blood starting to ooze from his head

Rana was not a meek person to give up without a fight.

He braced himself for a fight.

He tried to attack Venky, but he stood no chance.

One more facial blow. The foundations of his teeth fully shook. A more teeth broke

Rana was fighting back, managing to hit Venky with a blow on the chest.

They both were fighting in full fury.

Venky aimed for a frontal assault.

Rana was now prepared.

He successfully ducked and tried to run into the living room.

Venky caught his left foot and Rana tripped.

Rana got support with his hands and tried to donkey kick Venky but Venky twisted Rana’s legs.

Sheer pain was felt in Rana’s knee. AAAggggggggghhhhhh!

Venky dragged Rana into the living room!

Chai and Sam were watching with shock and awe.

Venky was screaming at the top of his voice.

YOU ARE DEAD TODAY! I will make you into a dough of flesh!

As Rana was trying to get up again VV threw Rana to the ground and sat on his chest.

He landed blow after blow after blow

Matharchod… Venky gives a blow!
Kutha Kamina Saala… one more blow!
Thai Voli* - blow and blows! – on Rana’s chest and tummy and face.

( * a Banglorean abuse word, also means mother fucker)

As much as angry he was, Venky was trained in physical fights and knew where to hit and where not to.

Venky was now pummeling Rana.

Rana couldn’t fight back and was losing he received blow after blow on this body.

Aaaghhhhahaaghhhh came Rana’s cries.

Rana was not able to get Venky off his body.

After a few more blows, Venky got off Rana and dragged Rana and took him near the wall.

And, Venky started bashing Rana against the wall unceasingly.

AGHHGGHHHHHHHHHH mmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaa





Venky was mindful of the neighbors and quickly stuffed a towel into Rana’s mouth.

Rana was now lying down unable to get up and Venky was kicking him hard.

Venky was kicking very hard on Rana’s body! On Rana’s groins!

Rana was in HELL, a much DESERVED HELL!

The kicks were too hard and painful to bear.

His cries were muffled in the towel and blood was oozing all over his body.

Sam was still watching with shock but was also beginning to get the satisfaction of revenge.

This was something her husband should have done, she thought for an instant.

Sam and Chai realized Venky is not going to relent and quickly went to him and tried pulling him away.

Venky Mama, please stop. He will die!


Chai was also begging Venky.
Sirrrr pleaseee leave himmmmmmmm. He will die


you should have done this to him. Not me.
You pussy girl! You are not able to protect your wife! Shame on you!
Venky was screaming at Chai.

After some struggle, Sam and Chai managed to pull Venky from Rana.

Venky stopped beating Rana but his temper remained.

They all watched Rana as he struggled to sit and fell down unable to.

Rana became unconscious.

Chai got some water and sprinkled on Rana.

Slowly Rana got back his consciousness and was beginning to process what happened.

For the second time in his life, Rana feared for his life.

The first time he was a teenager and Rao Bahadur said he will cut off Rana’s cock.

Now he was a full pledged man and this total stranger pummeled him into a wreckage.

I fucking don’t know what else this stranger will do, Rana is thinking.

Venky again walked over to Rana.

Venky looked into Rana’s eyes.

He removed the towel in Rana’s mouth. It was drenched in blood.

VV: I am going to ask you once. And remember you have one chance to escape out alive
Where is your phone and camera and all your gadgets?
Where are the videos you recorded?

Again Venky kicked in Rana’s balls.

I will tell everything.

Rana’s voice speech was almost incoherent coz his mouth was full of blood and some of this teeth being broken and he was in terrible pain.

Rana managed to tell through his bloodied mouth where all the gadgets were.

Venky asked Chai to bring everything. Chai goes to the guest room and retrieves them.
Venky bashed Rana’s cell phone and cam corder and all the other expensive gadgets to the floor and broke them.

Did you send these to anyone, Bastard?

Again, Venky hits him.

NOOO SIRRR. No I did not send to anyone. I swear.

Do you have any other copies of all photos and videos you took of Samantha?

Rana yelps in pain… No sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…. Are you sure? Are you sure? Yes sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…

Venky was giving a very serious look at Rana.

As if still deciding whether he wants to KILL Rana.

This is not over fucking Bastard

You are now going to get REAL JUSTICE for abusing Samantha.

If they had not stopped me, I would have killed you already.

Fall at the feet of Samantha and Chai and beg them to save your life.

Rana crawled over to Chai and Sam, fell on their feet
and managed to mumble something like “pleasssseeeeee IIIII ammsssammm ssssorrrryryryrryyyyy”

BEG THEM BASTARD! Beg Samantha to save your life!

Rana fell at her feet and literally begged her for his life.

Samantha is silent. For her this was a moment of Vengeance.
This bastard cousin who had drugged her and bangd her. And made her do unspeakable things and recorded her in compromised state.

Samantha did not utter a single word.

She was feeling the terrible anger any woman would feel when her dignity is violated.
It is a feeling that is totally inexplicable and something a man cannot understand or describe and put in words.

She was staring at Rana. In cold anger!

Her fear was gone. Rana was now at her mercy.

Such a role reversal from yesterday night! Such a flip of fate!

Samantha was like a TIGRESS prowling on her prey!
Rana was the one cowing and begging for life!

What a splendid role reversal!

Her Venky Mama was on her side!

She was unwilling to let go Rana even after the fucking thrashing he received from Venky.

Victory Venky understood her with her saying a word.

She is not ready to forgive you, Bastard Venky said.

You will get your punishment.

Then Victory Venky turns to Chai.
"This bastard drugged your wife and fucked her in drugged state.
I am fucking disappointed with you, Chutiya Chai.
You were not able to protect your wife.
Now is your chance to take your revenge. Do whatever you want to him"

Chai stared blankly for a minute.

He went to Rana and started slapping him and stopped after few slaps.

VV: Is that is all you are ready to do, Chutiya? After all he has done to your wife.

Chai: Sir, please leave him. I am afraid he will die. Then it will all become complicated.

VV: Chutiya Chai fucking shut your mouth.
Remove your pants!
Chai was utterly shocked. What is VV saying?

Next page: Chapter 24
Previous page: Chapter 22