Chapter 26

Season 3 Happy Ending from VV point of view {Season 3.8, time: Past}

Previous episode from Season 3

Sam and Chai cried. Sam and Chai hugged.
Sam and Chai cried again all evening.

Chai terribly apologized.
For Chai it was half remorse and half helplessness.
For Sam it meant nothing.
For Sam her body and brain felt numb.

The ate a scrap and laid on the bed each turned to the opposite side.

Chai the Escapist

I thought I was the luckiest person on the earth and then all this happened.
How can we ever be normal again? Images were running in his mind.
Of Rana playing with the drugged Samantha. Samantha in bra and panties in front of Rana.
He is imagining all the things that Rana would have done to his wife.
He felt disgusted yet in a most depraved manner some flow of blood into his loins.

Then he thought of Samantha hugging Victory Venky ( VV).
He thought of how VV hugged her back and kissed her affectionately.
And how he looked like a fool throughout.

CHUTIYA CHAI! VV had called him.
A nickname that would eventually become his name and the way even his wife could address him.

For him, the solutions to family problems was escapism.
He buried in studies to escape the fear/domination of his Grandpa
and the really high expectations of his family on him.

He would immerse himself in work to shun thinking about
all the disaster that was unwinding in his marital life.

Like the proverbial Ostrich, he would bury his head deep into work

Samantha the Estranged

Her home, the place she had been living for more than a year, now felt an unfamiliar place.
All the things that had happened her.

The mind & body was bruised.
She felt defiled and somehow an unknown part of her
was taken away from her – her innocence, her purity, her chastity.
Call it by various names, but, it was gone. Forever!

A roller coaster of emotions running in her mind:
her husband, her dear Chai asking her if she would cheat on him
the entry of a man into her life who drugged her and bangd her
her Chai standing totally helpless

Chai would not have been able to do anything if Rana abused her for days together.
He would have just stood there.
Just this thought that her husband was helpless and unable to stand up for her
made her feel disgusted at her hubby. On one hand seeing him cry and break down
made a fell of pity yet on the other side, she wanted to slap and humiliate him.
Any husband would have killed Rana for the things he did. No my hubby.

Flashing images of what Rana did to her again hazily came back.
Her pussy was so bruised from the rough fucking of his long London Lavada.
Even with a pain killer, she felt so much pain in her vagina and in fact all over the body.
Even so, with the lingering effects of KOOL drug,
her pussy was still watering a bit and giving her a slight tension.

But off course, it was more than masked by the emotional turmoil she was having.
No way I am having sex ever in my life, Samantha thought.
Not even with Chai. She felt so miserable.

Then she thought of how VV saved her life.
She felt a rush of warmth for her Venky Mama.
What can I ever do to repay him?
How much angry he was at Rana for abusing her.

And interestingly how safe and strong she felt in his presence.
If he was my husband…… Cheeeeee Samantha.
What are you thinking? She told herself.
She thought of VV’s heroic actions.
She thought of how coolly he handled the entire situation – like a warrior.
She thought of how he comforted her.

Samantha takes her mobile and calls VV.

Sammmm. Everything all right? There was a slight tension in VV’s voice.
Yes Mama. I called you to thank you. If you were not there my life would have ruined.

Sam, my sweet girl. ( VV’s cool voice returned).
Never say thanks ever again.
I will protect you from anything in this world.

Have a break. Have a KitKat! ( VV was trying to lighten up the conversation)

Sam felt herself relaxing. They talked for a bit.
VV deliberately kept throwing a bit of a banter, to deviate his mind.
OK Sam. Sleep well.
Sam: Mama, I will never forget what you did. I love you Venky Mama! You mean the most for me in my life.

VV Sam's Secret Lover

VV had a crush and lust on the college going Samantha
since his return from Military to the neighborhood.
Off course he never made a move given a multitude of factors.
He wanted to move to a more lavish home but continued in the same home just saw he could see Sam.

Each day he secretly eyed the 18teenager Samantha in her final year of college in college dress
He was madly in lust seeing her in those catholic college attire.
Each chance, he would ogle at her but he enjoyed her presence every moment.

But never, never, ever, ever do anything inappropriate or misbehave.

But his crush ( call it love, call it lust, call it a heavy concoction of both)
for Samantha remained and deepened.

Yet, he never made a move.
And her marriage news gave him great pain.
He moved away from the neighborhood and bought a lavish home elsewhere.

With 40 full years in military! Imagine!
VV was like a sex starved camel! he was!

Now, VV was mad about woman!
But, VV never went after them!
They came to him!
And many of them!
But when they did!
He would make them his
He would make them his own
He would make them his own slaves

And do all his kinkiest, dirtiest, naughtiest things you can imagine!
He showed them HEAVEN! And they became fully his!

VV was clear!
His committed was to 3 things in post retirement life: Sex, Sex, Sex!

Hearing Samantha say those sweet words “I Love You” took VV to vera level.
Off course, she had said it in a totally different context. They both knew it. But still.

So far, he never had the intention to go for her.
Now, she had come to her!
As angry he was still at Rana, deep inside,
he was a bit happy, the situation allowed him to get back into Samantha’s life.

Now he knew he has a real chance to make her his!
And he would surely make Samantha his!
He would now begin TRYING!

He felt like the happiest person on the planet!

He imagined the young 18teen Samantha.
She hasn’t aged a bit VV thinks!

His monster cock was raging!
It needed attention and solace!

He thought of Priyanka!
His cock growled more!

It was 9 in the night but it did not matter!

He knew at a single command; his PRETTY PUPPY would come running to him!​
Next page: Chapter 27
Previous page: Chapter 25