Chapter 28

More F2 - More Flowers & Frustration {season 4.4, Time: Past}

The mental chaos continued for a couple days.
The routines continued too.

Same routine for Sam:
think and get frustrated, prep food for Chai,
think and get frustrated, doing chores,
think and get frustrated, make dinner,
think and get frustrated, eat and sleep.

Same routine for Chai:
get up ready, office work all day,
come to home, office work ( Conference calls) all evening into the night, sleep.

On the day after the flowers & card arrival, Chai had noticed the flowers in the dustbin
and came to the conclusion that the matter is over. Not really!

Samantha couldn’t understand why Chai is
not giving her the attention and care even after all that happened.
Samantha didn’t even feel like doing the house chores. She did them drudgingly.

Samantha is an avid book reader
She tried to get back into her relationship with Books.
Initially she picked some books from her rack and read a page here and read a page there.
But her mind got back to her situation.

Maybe I will read about relationships.
Maybe, I will read about how to work on my marriage relationship.

She tried searching google with keywords:
“marriage problems”, “relationship issues”,
“how to be better wife”, “husband is not giving attention”,
“husband is not loving me”.

As she was typing the last set of keywords, a couple tears trickled down her cheeks.
As she was googling she found articles on news site,
and opinions from “so-called-experts” and even ads on Viagra.
She was discouraged.

As she was thinking of giving up her google search, she clicked on last link,
which gave an age warning about adult content.
In the spur of the moment, she clicked it. Lo Behold!
It was an adult content site.
Bull for unsatisfied wives.
Wives of cuckold husbands deserve long cocks.
Wife satisfied with 3 cocks.
All livid images.
In a minute she came out realizing what it was.

But those images stuck.
She had a quick peep of couple porn flicks and clips when her classmate girls in college
forcefully showed them, but then never seriously watched or thought of any such stuff.
Now those images stayed in her cache memory.

Visions of Rana’s cock and even Venky Mama’s one-foot cock came in front of her.
Chee Chee Chee… Samantha scolded herself for clicking such nasty sites.
But then the words stayed in her mind: unsatisfied wives, cuckold, bull.

Then she was reminded of the lengthy marriage counselling session.

She thought of the words that Rana used: submissive, hybrid personality,
cuckold, extra marital affair, bull, role playing, hypersexual, cheating, multiple partners.

Rana had called Samantha a hypersexual and Chai a gay.
Chee Chee. I shouldn’t think of that rascal, Samantha thought.
But memories of the session kept playing in her mind.

Is that why I feel like Chai is not giving enough attention to me and my body?
Am I a pervert?
Am I wrong to desire for attention from the person I am married to?

The doorbell rings. She looked through the camera. It was the courier boy again.
In his hand was a very beautiful bouquet of violets

It was 3 days since the first bouquet came.
She opened the door and with a serious face asked the courier boy: what?

Courier boy: Good day, Mam! Hope I find you in good health!
And he gave a charming smile.

Samantha softened a bit looking at his innocent face and smile.

Courier boy: Mam, you got a wonderful bouquet, Mam. Aren't they lovely?

Truth be told, even Sam liked the bouquet. It was custom ordered.
But still, Sam made a face and said who sent those?

Mam, I don’t know but please take this card and open. Details are inside.

Sam is angry but did not want to take her anger of him.
Her mind is again half-expecting it would be Chai this time
She just took them and said OK, took those flowers and card and put them inside quickly.

Thank you, Mam. Mam, this person seems to like you a lot,
he is sending you flowers frequently. Is he your lover, Mam?

Shut up! I am a married woman!

Sorry, Mam. I am so sorry. You looked so young and I did not even guess you could be married. Mam, so sorry.
Now which woman would not be flattered by “you look so young” compliment.
She softened again.

Sam: OK, you go now. Hey, wait… I will be back…
( she came back with her purse and gave him a tip)
Courier boy: Thank you so much, Mam. It will be helpful for my college fees.
Sam: You are a college student?
Courier boy: Yes, Mam. I am 3rd year MBBS student in ***** college.
I do part time courier service in holidays to earn money for my college.

It was a reasonably good college. So he must be a merit student, she thought.)
All this, that made Samantha heart melted for him. She was emotionally hooked

Sam: What is your name?
Courier boy: Chanakya
Sam: Nice, my name is Samantha. Thanks for the courier. Would you like something to drink?
Courier boy: No Mam thank you. Mam, you are so beautiful and so kind too. Thanks Mam.

As Chankya proceeded to the elevator, again, he sent whatsapp msg to someone:
Mam was angry but she took the flowers and card, Sir

Now Sam proceeded to deal with the flower and card she had put on the living room table.
Inside it was a poem:

I sent you these haughty flowers,
Which thought they are the most beautiful.
Now that they have met you, these
Violet flowers would forever be jealous of you!
But now I am jealous of those Violet flowers,
Because they will be with Samantha!
Separated from you,
I feel like a flower with no color and no fragrance.
I only long for the time,
I will get a chance to make you the happiest girl in the world
( this poem is written by me)

Samantha was so impressed with the poem.
She didn’t even care it was not signed and there was no info on the sender.
She has been craving for attention and love.
This anonymous person was giving her just that.

Again she thought of calling Chai but she did not.
She didn’t want to hear the truth, if it is not from him.
She is desperately hoping it would be from Chai at least this time.
Although somehow deep down, she knew it was not from him.

She thought for a bit.
And put those flowers in a vase and put the vase
and card on display on the living room table.
And kept staring at it.

Evening came and so did Chai.
Samantha was really hoping and PRAYING that Chai would say “Did you like those flowers I sent you?”
Instead, as she feared, he said: Who sent those flowers?

And Samantha’s anger boiled and turned into RAGE
( where the rage takes her and Chai, we will see in next episode of Seaon 4 "Anger Vs Rage")
Next page: Chapter 29
Previous page: Chapter 27