Chapter 37

Just One More Day {season 10.3, Time: Present}

Chai locked himself up in his executive room.
He tried wiping up his pants with some tissues.
He still felt gooey inside his loins due to his own cum, but he left it at that.

With a cocktail of emotions about what transpired today morning,
Chai tried to get some work done to take his mind away from all that.
David was away in Germany and for the past couple days he was not getting any work done
due to this “Assignment” of Sam in her MIMS program. Syed Ji briefs kept coming to his mind.
The thought of that dirty underwear sitting inside his very expensive Mercedes car made his so disgusted.

Chai even felt like burning down his car

Chai so badly wanted to get back to his workaholic routine, little realizing that he was choosing work
as an object of immersion to get away from the real world. This workaholism is what got his wife
alienated in the first place. Worse, this was the Original Sin of this that made Sam,
the wild creatures he is now becoming. Chutiya Chai is oblivious of all this.

After a couple of hours, a knock on the door. It was Nancy, one of the 2 HR woman.

Chai: Come in
Nancy: Sir, there are some resumes for you to review. This is for the senior IT manager role.
Chai: Ohhh!

Chai had totally forgotten about this.
Ever since Gautam left, they were hardly able to find a competent manager.
There were lots of candidates and lots of interviewing, but hardly a fit.
The current manager Gafur was OK but not on par with Gautam.
And Gabriel was a third year IT engineering student working here since the past 2 months
as an IT intern. They both were barely managing the IT aspects of the company.
In this whole assignments torment, Chai had fallen behind in this hiring.

Nancy: Sir, there are 5 resumes so far.

And she placed the resumes on his desk.
Chai took a cursory look at them but he was in no mood to scrutiny lengthy resumes.

Chai: Nancy, for Round 1 have them screened by Gafur.
Per his feedback, I will interview further in Round 2.

As he was giving the resumes back to Nancy,
the name on the first resume caught his attention a little bit – Gautam.
Nancy says OK, and leaves.

Gautam. Hmmm… same name… The best and brightest. And the closest to a friend, I had.
He reminisced about his departed Pal:
how Gautam was his senior in college,
how he hired Gautam for an IT manager role in Kekron Makron,
how he Gautam married Kajal, how Demanding David’s preyed upon Kajal,
how DD trapped Kajal and made her cheat on Gautam,
how Kajal became a slutty bitch and made Gautam a cuckold,
how Gautam became distraught almost to the point of self-destruction,
and, how Gautam abruptly left his job without even telling Chai.

Kaju, David & David wife Lima

Kaju getting ass fucked by David

What Chai didn’t see properly was that the resume he casually looked belonged to the exact same Gautam.
Gautam was re-applying for his old job. Once Chai realizes this, in a matter a time, he would get the biggest shock of his life.

Chai’s mind again began to dwell on Samantha and her new slutty nature.
Now her wildness had come to the doorstep of his office…
I have to pick someone from my office to FUCK SAM…
really, Venky Mama? Has your mind gone even crazy after going to Dehradun?

Just one more day… Yes… Bhikari Baba asked me to come tomorrow evening to his Hermit Hut.
I will plead with him for a permanent remedy. I will give how much ever money he wants.
I will give that the permanent Ayurvedic Treatment to Sam.
And Sam will become obedient Sam forever. My family Izzat ( respect) will be saved.

Just one more day…
Until then I just have to manage Sam by pretending to go along with her third Assignment.
I will give some name to her today evening so she will leave me alone.
Then tomorrow, I will get the Ayurvedic Potion from Bhikari Baba Swamy and give it to Sam.

Chai even felt the urge to run right away to Bhikari Baba and beg him for the ayurvedic remedy he had given.
Chai had fully fallen for BB because he had seen for himself, the miraculous way in which the potion worked
and how it worked like a magical charm on Samantha, turning her into an Obedient wife in just an hour or so.

And looks like there is no side effects too. As much as Chai is a modern person with modern outlook,
his situation combined with the hoodwinking of BB and seeing the effects of the ‘temporary’ love potion
made Chai fall for this "Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife".

Just one more day… I will have to act like I am going with Sam’s third assignment.
I have to give her a name today. Which name should I give? And Chai thought of his colleagues.
Just the thought of picking one of his colleagues to fuck his wife,
made Chai's cock instantly hard. Chai realizes it but continues thinking…

Chai thinks whom from office should I pick for fucking Sam - Kekron Makron Org Chart

It cannot be Demanding David for sure… If he ever gets a hand on Sam, it will be the end of my life.
He is so so so much villainous without any second thought.
At least Venky Mama has some moral fiber. He will destroy me and make Sam his own.
And the very thought of DD with Sam made Chai remember the time he watched DD fuck his female colleagues…
And how DD routinely fucks Neha, Nancy and Noor in his room

If not for the fear of Grandpa, DD would have successfully seduced Sam for sure.
And her sluttiness would suit DD perfectly… These thoughts made his loins fully pumped. His nut sacks were rocked solid too.

Sam in office with DD – in Chai’s imagination

And certainly not the dirtiest person in this office, Lecherous Leo. He is DD’s dog.
He so shamelessly fucks Noor in the ladies restroom,
Chai thinks of the time both Noor and LL were coming out of the ladies restroom and LL was zipping his pants.
Noor looked like she just got torpedoed by a whirlwind.

Lecherous Leo fucking Noor in the ladies restroom

And none in the Finance department… Yash is the second closest to DD in the office.
In fact, he is the only other person DD let to fuck Noor.
And Yash, Yahya and Yates are all in their 50’s and I know them very less personally.

Sales department Amar Akbar and Anthony in their 40’s are the gossipy gang
and if at all any one as much as even kisses Sam,
they will exaggerate that Sam has become their bitch and the news flash will come in BBC

The engineering department is different… This is a department directly reporting to him…
Zaid, Zen and Zatin are all dusky, well built hunks in their 30’s…
"I have some level of confidence in Zaid and Zen, but…” Chai is thinking.
He is feeling so insecure to give a chance to any of these well-muscled men a chance with Sam.
He knew Sam would not stop after getting a taste.

Engineering department - 3 well muscled hunks in 30's

Chai’s cock was now leaking precum. Just the thought… Just the thought… was making him crazy…
Again, my shameless cock he wondered…
This cock of his that totally ditched him last night, when he was with “Obedient Sam”,
is dancing hard every since Slutty Sam was back.
It had come once in Syed Ji’s store and right now ready to burst without as much as a touch.

Chai is trying hard not to cum.

And the last department… IT… where the guys happen to be in their 20’s…
Gafur is kind of a playboy, which is surprising given his fat, flappy body, Chai thought.
He had heard office rumor about Gafur having an affair with his own wife’s sister
and that he was planning to marry her too.
Gafur would regularly flirt with Noor, with no luck yet. He seemed to be a risk too…

Which leaves the only other male in his office… Gabe ( Gabriel), the student intern.
A really naïve person at the age of 20. He was nerdy and not so good in socializing and other people’s skill.
Shy, modest and straightforward. Innocent by worldly standards. Too innocent. Too gullible.

Gabe was trying to woo Noor without any success. He is working since 2 months in this office,
but, still did not figure out that she was being humped like a rag doll by DD, LL and even Yash.

Gabe doesn't know his love interest Noor is fucked by 3 people in the office

Chai felt pity for Gabe that he hinted to Gabe that he should look for other girls.
No, Sir, I am sincere in my love for Noor, Gabe had said.

If push comes to shove and I am forced to pick someone from office, it will have to be gullible Gabe, Chai thinks.

Again, Chai’s imagination goes to gullible Gabe with slutty Sam.
He knew how Sam likes to get dominant and Vixen-ish with personalities like Gabe.
He thought of the time when Sam took the virginity of one of his watchmen, Ram.
He played with him like he was a toy.
And now, if I pick Gabe, Sam would make Gullible Gabe his Boy Toy.
Chai pressed hard on his cock, got up and tried to take his mind away from those thoughts..

As, Chai walked to the cafeteria to fill his water bottle, every colleague he looked at,
he was imagining each one of them them with Samantha.

Visions of Samantha in the different parts of the office, displaying her body, doing naughty things,
and showing off oomph were coming in front of his eyes.

Chai was trying to control his uncontrollable erection.

And as he passed by Demanding David’s office, the full imaginary but quite detailed scene
of DD fucking Sam on his desk came to Chai’s mind and it was the final nail in the coffin.

Chai imagines Sam getting fucked by David in his room

His cock gave away to a hard burst. Chai even let out a small grunt that would have been audible
if anyone would have been near him. His pant had become wet again.
If anyone in the hallway sees it, I will die of shame.

Chai walked fast to his office, shut the door, locked it, and crashed on his executive chair.
Fully embarrassed with his own thoughts and the blasting climax he just in the hallway.

JUST ONE MORE DAY, he consoled himself…

Gullible Gabe & Lecherous Leo {season 10.4, Time: Present}
After what felt like a long day, Chai waited for a little more time before starting home to delay facing Sam.
Then Chai sighed, got up from his desk and walked out to the elevator.

"Hello Chaitanya Sir", came a voice from behind.
Chai turned to see it was Gabe ( Gabriel, the IT student intern).

“Hey Hi, Gabe. How are you?”, said Chai as they both stepped out to the hallway

Gabe: Good, Sir.

Chai: What are you working on currently?

Gabe: I am analyzing the office security software, Sir. It is not very good.
I can add more code to make it stronger. I am looking at the office security cameras related setup
for all the camera views at the office factory and the gates that go to our security control room.
Our security guard Leo is reluctant to give me access to review the cameras setup in the office, Sir.

Chai: Maybe he is busy with something else, Gabe. I will tell him to give you access to review.

Gabe: Thank you, Sir. Also, I need some signatures for proof of completing summer internship. This is for my college, Sir.

They both started walking out to the front door.

Chai: Gabe, look you don’t have to be so formal with me. Anything you need, ask me freely.
I have been noticing your work for the past 2 months. You are a committed worker.
You are welcome to do your final year project at Kekron Makron.
If you keep up your good work, we may even hire you full time after you complete your engineering.

Gabe was shocked with this pleasant surprise.

Gabe: Chaitanya, Sir! Thank you so much.

In his excitement, he grabbed Chai’s hands and shook them vigorously.
For a moment, Chai even faintly smiled looking at Gabe’s innocence.
Now they were standing outside the office building.

Chai noticed Leo, the security guard standing there and he motioned Leo to come to him.
Leo came over to where Chai and Gabe were. Leo always had a smirk when talking to Chai
which made Chai uncomfortable. Leo’s confidence came from being the right-hand of David
and he was also part of the dark world of David’s sordid affairs.

Lecherous Leo

Chai: Leo, Gabe is reviewing the office security software. Show him all the security camera connections and setup.

Leo’s facial expression changed from smirk to concerned.

Leo: Chaitanya, Sir… Sir, I need to ask David Sir regarding this.

Chaitanya was surprised for 2 things: why Leo is making a big deal out of a small thing like
security camera and that Leo is disobeying him.

Chai: ( voice a little serious): Leo, I am telling you. You don’t have to ask David.
Give Gabe the access he needs for security cameras.

Leo was silent for a couple seconds and gave a serious look at Gabe. Then he turned back to Chai.

Leo: ( with a blank face) Sir… OK, Chaitanya Sir. I will see what I can do.

And he walked away. As he walked away, Leo again turned back and stared hard at Gabe.

Chai: Where do you stay, Gabe?

Gabe mentioned a place that was an hour commute from the office location.

Chai: That’s far. Do you come in a Bus?
Gabe: Yes, Sir. The stop is a 10-minute walk.
Chai: Come, I will drop you in the Bus Stop.
Gabe thanked and followed Chai.

As soon as Chai opened the car door, he froze realizing his terrible mistake.
He had completely forgotten Syed Ji’s cum-filled briefs were inside his car.
Ohhhhh! Chai let an exclaim. He couldn’t come up with a quick story to stop Gabe.

Chai realizes his mistaking in inviting Gabe to sit in car

By then Gabe already opened the front passenger seat.
With the cum stained briefs inside the car, with all the doors closed,
the car smelled like a cheap whore house.

Gabe instantly smelled the stench and closed his nose

Then he realized Chai may get angry and tried to act normal.
For Chai, this was a fully self-inflicted humiliation, offering Gabe to give him a ride.
With all good intentions off course, but without being conscious of the underwear situation.

In the 2-minute ride to the bus stand, both these men,
Chai and Gabe imbibed the smell of another man’s cum. Off course,
Gabe didn’t know the source of it, nor did he realize it was the smell of cum,
although he felt like this is a strangely familiar smell.
Chai cock was throbbing in this state of embarrassment. He tried acting normal.

Finally, when Gabe got down at the bus stand and thanked Chai.
Chai gave him one of the many boxes of dates that Syed Ji had given to Samantha.

Then Chai began to drive home.

At the office, Lecherous Leo was thinking.

If Gabe reviews the security cameras setup,
he will come to know the mini spy cam I put inside the Ladies restroom.
Even David is out of country. What should I do?

Demanding David ( DD) knew about Leo installing a camera in ladies restroom but overlooked it.
It was one of the perks DD gave his dog. For hours together this pervert would watch those videos.
And… And… all those unspeakable aspects.

Leo has some of the darkest fetishes that are too dirty to narrate {and not to this writer’s liking}.

David however has water sports ( piss) fetish and so Leo would cut those “interesting parts” of the cam videos
where the office ladies are peeing and share them with DD.

Lecherous Leo is truly Demanding David’s dog, like Chai said.
He would cater to David’s sexual tasks and do the bidding of David whatever he says.
In turn, David would share a couple of his fuck girls with Leo. Just some of them.
In office, it was Noor he shared.

Lecherous Leo with Demanding David

Once David made Leo fuck Noor for his and his wife Lima’s entertainment in this guesthouse.
Leo roughly fucked her for a long time. And made Noor pee in his mouth and then pissed all over Noor.

Leo pissing on Noor

And in that heat, David’s wife Lima went over to Leo, sucked his cock.

Leo looked at David and realized David was cool with this and so he relaxed.
Lima made Leo’s cock very hard and rode on it passionately all the while looking at David.

Leo fucking David's wife Lima

Lima let David do whatever he wants to do in sex with whom ever he wanted.
In fact, Lima enjoyed watching her hubby take women after women. It gave her the heats.
And she even participated with David and his women, making for a raunchy threesome. She had a lesbian side in her.
In return, David would sometimes let Lima get liberal with a few guys once in a while.

Leo was angry on Gabe for taking this up with Chai.
And this Bastard Chaitanya Sir is forcing me to give Gabe the access.

That faggot Gabe is begging Noor like a pussyboy to date him.
He doesn’t even have a clue that David sir and me are fucking Noor like a Bitch.
I will teach him a lesson by fucking Noor right in front of him.

Leo totally owned Noor physically and mentally when he fucked her.

He liked her sexy young body, he fat ass, and her submissive cooperating nature.
He would even take Noor to his home once in a while and fuck her there.

Leo the security guard with Noor the receptionist

The restroom was Leo’s favorite fuck place to fuck Noor.
In the afterhours of office, for hours together Leo would fuck Noor inside both the ladies and men’s restroom.
Making her stand in front of the restroom mirror, on the floor of the restrooms,
sitting on the commode, making her stand in front near the urinals in men’s restroom.
Once Leo even roughly pushed her head inside the urinal.

Noor fucked by Leo

Noor had no option but take whatever was done to her by David and also Leo.
But over time, even she enjoyed this nasty sex a bit.

On the other side, she knew Gabe was into her but was repelling his advances since she is confused.
She liked his innocence, but he was a little plump on the physique, and she thought of him as not attractive.
But, deep inside, she had a liking for Gabe, which she does not realize but soon will.​
Next page: Chapter 38
Previous page: Chapter 36