Chapter 40
Disciple & Defiance {season 10.9, Time: Present}
Chai’s belief in Bhikari Baba had risen multifold after witnessing the still unbelievable event that just happened.
“If the richest of the rich of the city are coming to BB and behaving in such a fashion,
there is definitely something more about BB that I don’t understand”, he is thinking.
It was already getting late to get back home.
His hope was to get the Ayurvedic potion for Samantha’s permanent cure and leave.
Based on Sangi’s talk about how difficult it is to get the ingredients,
he began to get a feeling that it might not be a straight forward matter of getting the cure so immediately.
At BB’s summon, again Chai went back inside the Hut and sat near BB’s feet.
Bhikari Baba gazes at Chai for a while without speaking as if examining him and trying to judge him.
BB: What did you see, disciple?
Chai: Baba… I mean… Swamy… That was Mai…
BB interjects Chai without letting him complete the name of the lady who just visited him.
BB: Yes ( and smiles)
Chai: It is unbelievable that a person of such family… I mean… Too much to believe…
I have seen your capabilities, Swamy. I believe in you. Now, please give the permanent cure for my wife.
I will forever be your disciple throughout my life, Swamy. Please…
In his desperation, Chai fell at the feet of BB and continued pleading him.
BB: Shishya, gain control of yourself. Get up!
Chai gets up from BB’s feet.
BB: Shishya, you know me for 2 years. And I have directly seen you for 2 years.
And with my all-seeing eye I have seen your past life and your past births too. You are a nice person at heart.
And I am willing to Bless you with what you are asking. But… There is a problem…
Chai becomes alert hearing this unexpected snag.
BB: ( continues) Shishya, you are a nice person but as my Shishya you are not tested.
I am not sure if you are worthy of the powerful Ayurvedic Potion that I can give you.
I am not sure if you have reached the mental state to be receptive of this cure.
Chai: Swamy… What do you mean? Please… I am ready to be your Shishya, Swamy
BB: Not just that, you have to trust me completely and submit yourself to me fully.
Chai: Yes, Swamy. I will do it. I will do everything.
BB: Distrust is the definition of man. You are no exception. You are saying you will do anything, but, you wont.
It is but natural to distrust. But unless there is full trust and full submission,
there is no Guru-Shishya ( spiritual teacher – disciple) relationship
Chai: Please Swamy. Give me the ayurvedic remedy. I am willing to do anything.
Chai is getting desperate and becoming so submissive and meek in front of BB.
BB: No, you aren’t willing. You are just saying it for the sake of saying it.
The Ayurvedic Potion for making a bad character wife back to a chaste, obedient wife
is one of the most difficult potions to make in the world, Shishya.
To make it happen, the process and rituals are the most testing.
I do not believe you have the mental determination to undergo it and complete it to the end.
Chai: ( gets even more desperate) Swamy, I will do anything. I will do everything.
The heir of the Bahadur Khandan ( elite family) was begging a utterly poor Baba
and telling him he will do everything that the Baba wants him to do. BB smiles to himself internally.
BB: Are you ready to submit everything you have to me?
Chai hesitates thinking what sort of demand is this. But he felt the compulsion to do it.
Chai: Yes, Swamy.
BB: Lick my feet and tell me you will follow my every command and every order
Chai immediately crawls at the feet of Bhikari Baba and licks his feet.
Chai: ( in a pleading voice) Swamy, I will follow everything you say. Give me the cure. Please give me the cure.
BB: Say this along with me -
Vasthram Samarpayami
I surrender my clothes to my Guru
Chai says it.
Vahanam Samarpayami
I surrender my vehicles to my Guru
Chai says it.
Gho Samarpayami
I surrender my animals ( cows) to my Guru
Chai says it.
Bhoomi Samarpayami
I surrender my land to my Guru
Chai says it.
Kanakam Samarpayami
I surrender my Gold to my Guru
Chai says it.
Aham Samarpayami
I surrender myself to my Guru
Chai says it.
BB: Bhaaryam Samarpayami
I surrender my wife to my Guru
Until this point there is no hesitation from Chai.
But to say “I submit my wife to you”? How can I? No way I can say it.
No… Chai is thinking to himself…
I told you Shishya.
You do not have the mental stamina to go through the process of Treating your wife.
BB was goading him
No No No Swamy. I will do it. I will say it.
Its OK, this is just a ritual verse.
It doesn’t mean anything he said to himself. Although he knew there is something more to it…
Chai managed says it.
Bharyaam Samarpayami
I surrender my wife to my Guru
BB has a triumphant feel.
He continues not showing of how he is feeling elated internally.
Sarvam Samparpayami
I surrender my everything to my Guru.
Chai says it.
BB: Worthy decision, Shishya!
Here on you are my Shishya ( disciple)
Here on you are my Ghulam ( slave)
BB continues…
Shishya, there is no cure that is impossible in Ayurveda.
You have to have complete belief and trust on it. Only then it will work
Chai nods.
Shishya, there are 2 aspects of Ayurvedic remedy…
The Aushadham… ( The medicine)
The Bhesajam… ( The ritual part)
Both go hand in hand to cure a disease…
Even the ayurvedic cure to treat Bitchiness and Slut behavior in women
But it is one of the most difficult potions to me.
The Aushadham part has to have 101 ingredients collected by me and some by you.
The ingredients are the most difficult to acquire.
The herbs part I will directly collect myself.
They need to be collected in specific manner in specific places.
Only I have to power to identify them and collect them
But, there are other ingredients that you have to collect.
Again, you have to trust that these ingredients work and should get them without questioning me.
Tell me one final time, are you ready to trust me and the Ayurvedic science?
And go ahead with getting a Ayurvedic Treatment for your Wife?
Chai’s lips where trembling when trying to say yes. But he went ahead and says YES!
Bhikari Baba continues to tell about the Ayurvedic Potion:
Listen! Listen! Listen!
For no one in the world
can cure Slutty behavior
other than Bhikari Baba,
The shishya of . anda Baba!
Aushadham ( the medicine/potion) - The ingredients Chai has to collect
Mathraadhi Svasuranaam Seemandharekhanam Gachyathi Paathivrathyaam
Bharya Sodarincha Yuvathimanim Dhaturojaka Devara Pratyaksha Sangrahitham
***********guru padodakam*********
Aushadhaam Bandhaki Bharyane Dusheela Vimkuthihi Tath Phalithanaam
english translation
The Sindhoor of the mother & mother-in-law taken in slumber shall induce Chastity
The cunt juice of the youngest female adult on the wife side shall satiate hunger of lust
Ayurvedic Potion thus prepared shall cure the Bitchiness of a Slutty Wife
Bhesajam ( the ritual)
{The full details of the ingredients Chai has to collect & the details of the ritual, will be revealed in later episodes}
As he was hearing the ingredients Bhikari Baba was telling him to collect,
As he was hearing the details of the ritual for the cure of slutty behavior,
Chai’s facing was becoming red, redder, and reddest…
He began to lose all hope…
He felt like crying with his eyes in sadness and screaming with his mouth in anger…
A drop of tear ran through his left cheek whereas his right cheek was twitching in anger…
All the bundle of emotions in a single instance…
For what seemed like eternity, he processed the full meaning of what Bhikari Baba said…
He stood up terribly shaking and stared at Bhikari Baba for a full minute.
And then… In that state of turmoil, Chai spits on Bhikari Baba's face!
Without saying a single word, he stormed to the backside of BB’s hut,
Changed to his clothes, took his belongings, and rushed out of the settlement area…
Bhikari Baba did not care to wipe Chai’s spit on his face.
Bhikari Baba’s smile did not go away.
Men greater than you have fallen, my Slave!
You will be back ever so soon…
And then, you will see what this Bhikari Baba will make you do!
Chai’s disappointment & desolation are inexplicable.
He had spent all of yesterday with a huge confidence that it was “just one more day” and all his problems would go away.
Now he is realizing that there are no free lunches.
The emotional pendulum swung to the other side from hope to dejection.
He is now coming to grips with the fact that Sam’s slutty nature is here to say.
There is no way I am going to collect the ingredients that Bhikari Baba wants me to collect.
My mother’s Sindhoor? My mother-in-law’s Sindhoor?
My wife’s cousin’s cunt juice?
My ******** cock ***** ?
And, worst of all, the ****** from ******* of ******?
How could even Bhikari Baba ask me to collect such ingredients?
Does he really think I am going to ******?
And worse is the Bhesajam or ritual that is part of the cure.
How does he even think I will allow such things to be done?
Now this door was also closed.
I am left with no options.
No options at all.
Except to go along with Sam & Venky Mama’s perverted assignments and the damned MIMS program?
In a fully resigned manner, Chai drives back home, feigns being sick and goes straight to bed.
Samantha sensed something was not right but assumed it was something at work that was troubling Chai and left it at that.
Dreams of Samantha with Bhikari Baba tormented him.
Images of himself picking the Sindhoor from the forehead of his mom Amala and MIL Priya also flashed in between.
Next day, Chai spent all morning in his room at office, brooding at the way, the hope of Ayurvedic cure has faded away.
Having had to catch up with piled up work over the past couple days, he got immersed into work all afternoon until evening.
In the evening, he went early to bed. At that time, he was feeling a little better than the day before,
because he had come to terms with the fact that there was probably no magic cure.
The day after, as Chai got ready to leave for office, there was no lunch box.
Chai looks at Sam and notices she is smiling.
'Chai, today I will bring your lunch to your office' says Sam with her splendid vixen smile!
OMG! Chai thinks! Sam is visiting the office.
He had a good guess why she wants to visit!
His cock that was utterly lifeless for the past 2 days got a trickle of blood flowing into it.
Samantha Visits Office 1 {season 10.10, Time: Present}
{from previous episode:
The day after, as Chai got ready to leave for office, there was no lunch box.
Chai looks at Sam and notices she is smiling.
Chai, today I will bring your lunch to your office.
OMG! Chai thinks! Sam is visiting the office. He had a good guess why she wants to visit!
His cock that was utterly lifeless for the past 2 days got a trickle of blood flowing into it.}
In office, at around 9, Chai gets a call whose caller identity makes Chai stand on his legs.
It was Rao Bahadur, Chai's Grandpa
Chai: Namaste, Grandpa!
Rao Bahadur: Chaitanya, Ji! How are you?
Chai: I am good, Grandpa! How is your health?
Rao Bahadur: Better! Best actually! After Samantha Ji came to our village and took care of my, all my illness is gone!
{The details of Rao Bahadur’s illness and what Sam does to treat it will be seen in detail in Season 6 “Samantha goes to Village”}
Rao Bahadur: Listen! I called to tell you an important thing!
From now on, Samantha Ji will be taking an active role in the Office.
Chai is flabbergasted.
Rao Bahadur: ( continues) Samantha Ji spoke to me today morning! I have made my decision!
Chai: Grandpa, please! She does not know anything about …
Rao Bahadur:
Chaitanya Ji, Samantha is the smartest in the family.
It is in the best interest of the family to let her get involved in the Office affairs.
Chai: But… But… Grandpa!
Rao Bahadur: Topic is over! Take care, Chaitanya Ji!
Oh God! Sam in this office? Why? This is the only place I am myself. Now, Sam is transgressing into this area too!
Already I am getting battered by David and now Sam too in office. Again, images of Sam in office, standing close to David,
David ogling at her, Sam in different places of the office, office employees salivating at her body came to his mind.
Even for a moment, he did not stop to think that Sam is an intelligent, educated, smart woman and may have something
positive to contribute to the company. The next 2 hours were spent in these circular thoughts and soon it is lunch time.
Sam enters the office at 12:30 in a ravishing cream color saree, a sleeveless blouse and a beaming smile.
Jewelry was sparse yet elegant. A thin embroidered gold chain. Apt for an Office setup.
Lecherous Leo was clean bowled seeing Sam this way.
He had seen her a couple times earlier but she was wearing not so matching conservative sarees all those time.
Now in this well-selected saree, the way she wore it, and her confident smile, she looked a zillion times more beautiful.
Leo: Madam. You… you… must be Chai’s Sir wife. Mam…
Sam: ( with a smile) Yes… and you?
Leo: Leo, Mam. I am the security guard of this office and factory premises. I have great experience in security related affairs.
The poor guy was blurting out unrelated stuff in the hopes of impressing Sam.
Sam: ( smiling to herself the way Leo is ogling at her while talking) Nice Leo. Keep it up.
Leo: Come in Mam. I will take you inside.
Sam: Thanks Leo but I can find my way. Talk to you later.
She looks into Leo’s eyes for a couple seconds because of which Leo felt a current and his dirty mind
wandered into imaginations with Sam. As she turned around and was entering the office,
she was damn pretty sure Leo was watching her rear. She ever so slightly swagged her ass deliberately.
A subtle tease that she was good at. Lecherous Leo’s mind went bonkers as he watched her heavenly buttocks
shaking and couldn’t help but lay hand over his genitals.
Leo stares at Samantha's juicy ass
Noor the receptionist who was totally not expecting Sam was taken aback – half by her visit half by her brilliant appearance.
Noor: Madam, Samantha Madam! I was not expecting you! Welcome to the office, Mam!
Sam smiles and shakes hand with Noor.
Sam: Hello, Noor! Thank you. I brought Lunch for Chaitanya Ji
Noor: Oh nice Mam! I will take you to Sir’s cabin. This way please!
As Noor leads Sam to Chai’s room, every single employee of the had their eyes on Samantha.
Sam was aware of the effect she was having on them. With the corner of her eyes, she was trying to scan the office,
to find Gabe, her to-be, future FUCKER! She thought she saw someone that fit the description
but she didn’t want to turn her eyes more, so she kept going.
Noor knocks on Chai’s door and announces Sam’s entry.
Chai had a whiff of disbelief seeing Sam in the sleeveless blouse & saree attire.
His eyes rested on the upper part of her luscious breasts that were revealed and tempting anyone who would see.
As Sam closed the door and was walking towards Chai, she says, “So Chaitanya Ji, are you hungry?”
Chai gave a muted look understanding her double entendre realizing she caught him staring at her breasts.
The couple sat down, chit chatted for sometime and Sam opened the boxes and served Chai his lunch.
It was one of Chai’s favorite: Rajma curry with Chapati, with fresh cut veggies on the side.
She served for herself too and started eating.
In the middle of their lunch…
Sam: So, Chaitanya Ji, did Grandpa call you?
Chai: ( after a pause) Yes, Sam. He did.
Sam: And?
Chai: He said you will begin to involve more in Office affairs.
Sam: ( smiling) And what did you say?
Chai exclaims to himself, “as if I have a choice!”
Chai: ( in frustration) Why Sam? I am taking care of the company affairs. Why do you want to come into all this?
Sam looks at her husband for a good while before speaking.
Sam: ( her tone changed) Do you think I am going to be meddlesome
or have you considered the possibility that I could be of some help?
Or, are you thinking I am some sort of a dumb bitch who has nothing to contribute?
She said the phrase ‘Dumb Bitch’ with emphasis and Chai immediately sensed Sam has seriously thought about this.
He is taken aback by the kind of question she had asked.
He immediately sensed the logic in it and had no proper comeback. But he tried anyway.
Chai: Sam, please understand. I don’t want you to work hard.
I can take care of office affairs. I want you to be happy and carefree.
Sam: ( in a sarcastic voice) Thank you, Chaitanya Ji. It is nice to know you want me to be happy.
And she looks into his eyes, Chai remembers the terrible conversation they had before
they made the decision to go ahead with the MIMS program. He instinctively sensed
she was referring to that when she said the above sarcastic words. Sam again changes tone.
Sam: ( in a thoughtful voice) Look, Chai. I know what you are capable of. I respect your capabilities and intelligence.
I know this company is your brain child and you are the one who took it to this level.
David Uncle helps with clients and suppliers and management but you are the person who has the technical,
sales and engineering genius to run this company.
Chai’s face changes completely hearing Sam say all these about him.
Sam: I think of KEKRON MAKRON as part of the family and Grandpa thinks so too.
We have to have more say in management. Now that the company is growing,
I can take care of some things here and there. I will very slowly but surely start taking care of
certain affairs of the company. And I will help you in areas where you think an additional help is needed.
I hope there will not be any resistance from you, Chai!
Grandpa will not be a happy person to hear you are not cooperating.
A low voltage current ran through Chai’s spine.
He knew the last 2 sentences were as much a FACT as it was a subtle threat.
Sam: So are you going to introduce me to the employees?
Chai: Yes, Sam. I will arrange for a quick Meet & Greet with them. One department at a time.
Sam: ( reducing her voice) And with Gabe too, won’t you? My dear Pellam-broker hubby!
And she burst into a smile…
After Lunch, Chai tells Noor to arrange for a Meet & Greet of each department with Sam in his room.
Many of the employees had seen Sam once or twice in Office parties and get together. It was a casual Hai and Bye.
And on those occasions Sam as dbangd in body covering sarees. Today is going to be different!
Sam had already laid out her plans and is now laying the trap.
Chai: I mean I can take him out for an official lunch.
Sam: That will not be enough, Chaitanya Ji. (turning to Gabe) Gabe, are you free Saturday night?